Powerbook G4 rebuild mousepad issue

I have just stripped down and replaced a HDD in a PBook G4. I work on PCs, (notebooks especially) all the time. I have previously replaced the LCD in this machine for the same client. This time I have come up with some fascinating problems.
The mousepad works at a CD-Boot level, but once the OSX (10.2) is installed - it doesn't work. Any USB mouse works fast and fine. No mousepad! So, when installing OSX from the DVD-ROM it is fine. Anyone know how to get the driver on this to make it work?
I have an upgrade disk set for OS-X 10.3 for this machine. It get to the white screen with the Apple in the center and then the apple splits in two and it hangs! No kidding!
Often it will boot up, but just as often and just as frustrating, it will halt at the "Starting Directory Services" point. I have reinstalled OSX 3 times, so I know I qualify for Extreme Patience and Persistence Award.
Any help on these three little issues would be appreciated.

Did you try resetting the PMU?

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    (Browse down for findings and questions).
    The notorious lower-memory-slot-bug has hit my finally too... I never believed it until now (and I've immediately signed the petition).
    I am outside warranty and I never bought Applecare either.
    Also my powerbook, a very dear machine to me, is a less common type to have this problem: a 1 GHz G4 15" FireWire 800 OS 10.3.9 type. Funny enough my older powerbook ( a G3 Bronze) is still running strong with no problems whatsoever.
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    Alright, I'll stop complaining for now.
    I've been able to browse the internet on this and found the following statements:
    The lower memory slot gets "fried" because of a OS 10.3.9 upgrade,
    or possibly due to overheating when the powerbook is put on the users' lap,
    or possibly due to picking the powerbook up by the corners so the metal gets bent.
    + I have only seen one case where someone's UPPER memory slot was defective.
    The solution to this problem (replacing the logic board) didn't seem to be definate in many cases so I'm reluctant to try this myself (and I have very little money). The alternative (replacing the upper slot memory with a bigger type of RAM) seems a bit scary to me,
    because I wonder:
    -will the upper memory slot RAM get "fried" eventually as well after a while?
    -do you need to have something installed in the lower slot or is it possible to just install one RAM card only?
    -are there more people with a 1 GHz PB that have this problem? It seems it's mostly people with a 1,67 GHz that have been bitten by this bug and maybe that's why Apple decided to give the majority a free repair. I am not sure whether that is a common policy, I am part of the minority it seems.
    As a solutions someone posted on a board that we should all buy KTA-PBG4333/1G RAM, but here in Dutch stores it is said this memory is only compatible with 17" powerbooks....
    Does anyone know if it is suitable for 15" as well??
    G4 Powerbook   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   1 GHz G4 Powerbook FW800

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    OK, found some kind of solution:
    in battery & power saving settings there is setting for CPU maximum state. If set on 70%, then I got desirable frequencies.

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    JUNK: Store Junk messages on server - box not checked
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    The Message could not be removed to the mailbox (null)
    The destination mailbox "(null)" does not allow messages to be moved to it.
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    Thank you

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    The short answer is No. Macs - including the PBs - have a reputation for being reliable and trouble-free.
    BUT (and it is a big but) that's no consolation if your unit is one of the relatively (relatively!) rare ones that does give trouble. I haven't been on this board long, but it seems from the pattern of posts that some units are problem-prone and tend to have multiple failures.
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    I hope you have the AppleCare extended warranty.
    Best of luck

  • Mousepad issues.

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    Welcome to the HP Community Forum.
    The issue may -- or may not -- be the mousepad settings.
    Depending on your particular MousePad setup, the following may be more or less useful -- not all MousePads have the same setups or the same level of flexibility when it comes to what they can do. 
    For example, on a high-performance system, MousePad might be a Super-Mouse and do all sorts of cool stuff.  On a Normal Notebook, Mouse might be more of an Accountant-Mouse:  good Mouse but not Super-Mouse with a Cape.
    So, take a look and see if there is something you can do with the settings on your MousePad:
    Using and Configuring the ClickPad
    Using and Troubleshooting the TouchPad (Windows 8)
    According to the standard Specification Sheet for this notebook,  the system is only carrying 4GB memory.  That is "enough", but not an abundance of RAM.   The wireless, network, disk, and the processor are adequate.  If you put any strain on the system, it is going to respond to that stress and slow down.
    This means you might want to conserve your resources when you use the computer to get the most from it.
    There are some things you can do to help your computer perform better for you.
    Windows 8.1 -- really starting with Windows 8 -- has this wonderful new Start Screen environment where everything you ever wanted at your fingertips is "right there" in bright, shiny, blinking Tiles.  The trouble with bright, shiny, blinking Tiles is that they use memory to keep them "active".  Active Tiles drain your computer of resources that you could be hoarding for other purposes.
    Take a look at your Start Screen:
    If you have "active" Tiles on the Screen that you can live without:  Right-Click >  Turn Live Tile Off 
    You can save resources on your Desktop by using a Plain background instead of a fancy backdrop.  That means if you are using your favorite photographs as a background, you might reconsider and save your photo gazing for your iPad.  Change the background to plain, boring, yukky, gray.
    You can also try this or perhaps a "custom" setting where you select "some of the settings"
    Windows key + y (Opens the System) >
    Advanced System Settings > Tab Advanced >
    Under Performance > Settings
    CHECK "Adjust for best performance"> OK
    If the system slows down at odd times, it may be slowing down because there is a program running that is dragging on the system.  You can take a look at the system and see what it is doing and which programs are running.
    Sometime perfectly innocent programs can "run amuck" and hang up -- Internet Explorer might be hung up on a Web Page, your email might get stuck,  Word  might take a nose dive.  The Task Manager and the Resource Monitor can track what is actually happening and how much memory and resource is being used.
    How to Use the New Task Manager in Windows 8
    Task Manager > Tab Performance > scroll to bottom of screen > Click to Open Resource Monitor
    General Maintenance Tips for the long haul:
    Improving System Performance without Adding Memory (Windows 8)
    Click the Kudos Thumbs-Up to say Thank You!
    And...Click Accept as Solution when my Answer provides a Fix or Workaround!
    I am pleased to provide assistance on behalf of HP. I do not work for HP. 
    Kind Regards,

  • Collection rebuild cycle issue

    I have run the indexer from 2-days.. its still running..
    But jsu below the Collection rebuild cycle, there is message "Waiting for update cycle to finish(Try #1)..
    What does it mean?
    Is the Indexer Running?

    Some possible debugging ideas. (in no particular order)
    1. Run IdcAnalyze (see the Trouble shooting guide in the documentation for details on how to run it). It is used to look at the existing file system, DB, and index. It can offer options (in the form of a batch file you can choose to execute) to fix issues.
    2. Examine the files and CS settings to see what it is doing. In specific since this example is purely JPG files (non text non full text indexed) does this CS involve an IBR? The inbound Refinery settings may be off and keeping things from progressing to indexing. Conversion happens before indexing.
    While debugging do set Verbose logging on sections (at least these sections but you can do more if you like) system,index* (the * is a wild card to allow for all index tracing sections)

  • New PowerBook AirPort and RAM issue

    Sorry to re-post but thought others could benefit from this being up top here ...
    I have a new 17", but have a big red flag for people.
    I couldn't get the extra RAM (over 512MB) from the Apple Store where I bought it Saturday, so I ordered it online from Apple and installed it last night. Easy! Then, PROBLEMS!
    After about 20 minutes online, suddenly the cursor's skittering around, CPU spikes to 100% and stays there (kernel_task, owned by root, takes over), and AirPort drops. Can't find any networks, and stays offline. Only known fix is a reboot.
    I checked MacFaxIt and see these exact symptoms are an issue, supposedly acknowledged as a bug by Apple, with mid-2005 iBooks. I guess you can add late-2005 PowerBooks to that list.
    Looks like the key is to keep RAM usage under 1GB, which is not necessarily easy to do (and goes without saying, should not be something you need to manage). For example, loading a lot of tabs automatically in Safari kills AirPort pretty consistently. Loading a lot of widgets does the same.
    I'm walking on eggshells with this PowerBook, constantly checking CPU usage and AirPort connectivity, NOT something I want to have to be thinking of.
    So be careful adding RAM. My last PowerBook (very last gen) had 1.5 GB and NO PROBLEM.
    I don't know of any timeline for a fix, and am more than a little upset that (1) the problem exists on a $3,000 machine, (2) Apple has known about it since late summer, and gladly sells you the RAM (caveat emptor), and (3) the in-your-face that the PB and iBook are probbbbbably kinda sorta the same, under the hood! So I'm telling myself that yes, it's a SOFTWARE problem with OS X, the extra RAM, and AirPort. Works for me ...

    I MAY have a potential solution.
    I had the same problem as others, bought the Powerbook with 1 GB Apple memory and then I added another 1 Gig of Kingston brand memory. Almost immediate problems and after a reboot, the problems would come back in 5 minutes or less.
    I called Apple and they refused to even acknowledge that it was a known issue.
    OTOH, the tech had me remove the new 1 GB memory stick and of course the Airport card worked perfectly after that.
    Anyway, when I put the memory card back in, I seated it quite firmly before I "folded" it down into the latches.
    Bottom line is that Airport has now been working for over 4 hours with no problems.
    Can anyone else who is having the problem please try this & post the results. If the solution is this simple, it would be a wonderful thing.
    The System Profiler showed that the memory was there before I reseated it, so if it is just a bad card install, System Profiler does not pick it up.

  • Powerbook G3 Battery Charging Issues

    Hi All,
    My Powerbook G3 (with a new Newer Technologies battery) is not charging correctly. It charged at 100 percent for the first 2-3 cycles and has been falling steadily since. Now it won't charge past 28 percent. Thinking it was a battery issue, Newer has replaced it three times since January. What could be wrong?

    Possibly a few of these comments and suggestions will help...
    - You have the Powerbook G3 Series M4753 a.k.a. "Wallstreet".
    - If the lithium ion battery is several years old or even the original, it may be shot. Normal life span of these batteries is approximately 3 years.
    - When you press the little button on the battery, do any of the LEDs light up?
    - Since the Wallstreet is apparently running off the power adapter, do you see a lightning bolt in the menu bar or one in the Control Strip at the bottom of the screen? This would at least indicate the charging system is functioning.
    - If you see no lightning bolt, shut down the computer, then reset the power manager:
    1. If the computer is on, turn it off.
    2. Simultaneously press Shift-Fn (function)-Ctrl (control)-Power.
    3. Wait 5 seconds.
    4. Press the Power button to restart the PowerBook computer.
    If the power manager was properly reset, you will see a brief flash of the sleep light and hear a brief runup of the fan.

  • Powerbook Aluminum Start up issue

    I have a Powerbook G4 1 ghz, 1046, that has been laying around for a year or two, it had what I was guessing was a bad DC board, (I bought a macbook.) Now that the price of DC boards has come way down, I was thinking about fixing the powerbook and giving it to the squids...
    It would be nice to separate them from the same desktop.
    I took the old drive out of the mac and made it into an external USB drive and migrated my stuff to the new Laptop.
    I have the new DC board in, put the old drive back in also, hit the power button, and the PB chimes, but nothing on the screen. I have one stick of ram and have tried using it in either slot. It is aftermaket ram, I think I sold the old ram on craigs. I had one stick left over, not sure how old it is and if an update had rendered it useless.
    I am old and my memory fades. Also are there any pins on the drive that need to be inserted like slave or master?
    I can hear the drive spin, but no blinking light or anything else. Should I try fresh new ram? I also have no battery, but don't see where that would matter.

    yaqui: If you didn't change any jumpers on the Powerbook's drive when you took it out and mounted it in an external enclosure, then you certainly don't need to change any to put it back into the Powerbook and use it internally again. It's possible that you jerked the hard drive cable when you were disconnecting it, and caused it some damage. In that case you'll need to replace the cable (probably about $20).
    But first, in case the cable is OK, try resetting the PMU:
    If that doesn't enable the machine to start, you may need to disconnect the PRAM battery. Presumably you've had the machine plugged into AC power for at least six hours since you began trying to revive it, and if the PRAM battery were able to take a charge, it would have taken one by now. If it can't, it may be preventing the machine from starting up, and disconnecting it should get it out of your way. You would then need to find a replacement PRAM battery if you want the computer to keep track of time and other parameters, and finding a good one might be difficult.

  • Powerbook 12" with PMU issues

    Hey all,
    So I want to buy a laptop that supposedly has some pmu issues. He says that he has done the [shift-control-option+power] reset but it only resolves the problem for about a week (5-7 days, he says).
    Anyone seen anything like this? Anyone know how involved a full repair might be?
    Thanks so much,
    -Drome McKauliff

    Could be serious. Check system logs for phrase "ApplePMU::PMU forced shutdown". I had problems like that on my mini and had to take it to Apple - they replaced the logic board for me. Cost? $150 for AppleCare. If the machine is less than a year old, get AppleCare, otherwise get quote for new logic board and/or power supply.

  • Aluminium PowerBook G4 15" Booting issues - Doesn't start without AC power

    Hi all,
    This is my first post. I have recently had the laptop having start-up issues.It is running Leopard 10.5.something and whenever I try to boot it up it starts brefily, very breifly, making half of the startup chime, and the disk begins to spin, then it stops, and will not be booted up unless plugged into the wall. It is disastrous!
    It only starts when plugged into the wall, and shuts off completely (until I shut down from the wall) and then it wont work. I attempted resetting the PRAM and it made a heap of noise for a couple of minutes, then I decided it was taking too long and pulled it out!
    Any Help is great,

    Hi, Sorry for TMI...No, I am not saying the best thing to do would to send it out for repair. That would be expensive.
    The first thing is to find out if you have a good battery. Easiest thing would be find someone/someplace with a battery you can try. If it works with a known good battery, then you know you just have a dead battery. Try an Apple store in Melbourne. They can check it for you free.
    So the stuff about checking your system profiler for battery info is a way to check the status of the battery. In addition, you can download free an application called coconut battery (freeware) that will tell you ALOT of info about the state of your battery and whether it's charging. http://www.coconut-flavour.com/coconutbattery/
    If a GOOD battery works with your computer, then the problem is you have a dead battery. If a good battery STILL doesn't work to boot your system, then odds are an item called the DC In & Sound card is bad. You can get the part for about $50 USand can install it yourself if you're handy. Try this site: http://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Browse/Mac They will sell you the tools. If you have someone else repair it, you're probably looking at about $150 to $200 US.
    The noise issue on your hard drive. Sounds like a hard drive issue. First thing, back up all the data before it dies. The try to boot up with a MAC OS X system disk. If you can do that and no noise, then:
    1) Your hardware ( Ie the drive may be failing)
    2) The startup system might be bad and require repair with the programs I mentioned or a NEW system install with your MAC OS X System disk ( You could do a clean install, ie erase everything, or an "archive install" which you can read about if you like.
    3) Disk Warrior is very good at repairing the startup systems if there is a software problem, ie a system issue.
    4) If there is a hardware problem (bad drive) you MIGHT and I say MIGHT be able to repair it with the other program I mentioned. That program could write out bad sectors, but I'd be careful about relyingtoo much on the drive since "NOISE" coming from a drive is never a good thing. The good thing is that they are NOT that hard to replace on your own.
    To summarize, first address the battery issue. Then figure out if the noise stops when you boot from a CD/DVD. Then try a disk repair utility program and/or a new system install to see if it is just a system software problem. If it persists after these efforts, you could try mapping out sectors to see if that helps, but may end up needing a new hard drive.
    Hope this helps.

  • PowerBook G4 Boot Disk Issue

    I have a PowerBook G4 and I am trying to re-install the O/S. I have the original DVD's but it will not boot from it. I start the G4 with the DVD in it and press and hold the C key. It just boots to the login screen. If I hold down the C key to long, I get a dump screen.
    I have done this before on the same G4 but with a non G4 OS disk. I was able to boot from the disk but it would not allow me to re-install the O/S because it was the wrong disk.
    I have verified the disks I am using are the correct ones for this unit.
    Thanks for any advice.

    I would try a PMU Reset, but if that doesn't allow you to boot from an install disc (assuming the disc and the optical drive are functional), then there's a hardware problem.

  • PowerBook 5.2 power issues

    My PowerBook is having problems keeping a charge. I have tried both batteries that I have and neither seem to hold a charge. Also, the charger no longer lights up when I have it plugged in. Any advice or ideas to try would be appreciated.

    Try the [Powerbook forums|http://discussions.apple.com/category.jspa?categoryID=120]. This forum predominantly deals with G3 and earlier so your post won't get the attention it would on the PB forum.

Maybe you are looking for

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