Powerbook won't star

recently my powerbook, while awakening from sleep mode made these really odd beeping noises until i clodsed the laptop and then last night after i took it up to my room and plugged it back in before i went to sleep the computer started making this long whining noise until the computer itself shut off and now it will not restart. I have already tried resetting the PMU but it just won't turn on. Has anybody else experienced anything like this or does anyone know what the problem could possibly be and if I can do anything to fix it instead of taking it in? Thanks

Welcome to the Apple discussions.
Have you read this Apple note: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=300552

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    [warning: venting ahead]
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    Thanks in advance for any information you can give men.

    I had the same experience. I have 10.4.10 on the cloned drive but the battery is still not charging. I decided to take a closer look at the battery updater instructions and discovered that even though I am at 10.4.11 on my Powerbook the BatteryUpdater.bundle was at revision 1.1.3 and hadn't been updated since Jan 6, 2006. So I downloaded the BatteryUpdate that is posted at the top of this forum and installed it. It has made no difference in the operation of the computer. The AC adapter still isn't charging the battery although the green ring light is on which usually indicates the battery is charged. furthermore, when I go back and look at the date and version number on the BatteryUpdater.bundle they haven't changed. Who knows what the update actually changed! There is no mention of it running in the software update log. My system profiler says:
    The battery is installed
    Full charge Capacity 3890
    Remaining Capacity 0
    Cycle Count 173
    AC adapter cannot charge battery: YES
    By the way, my battery is a replacement battery.
    I have just about exhausted all my option other than taking it into an Apple repair store and I'm not sure at this point I want to give Apple any more of my money. I am going to live with it the way it is for a while in the hopes that someone will post a fix for the problem. Good luck with your investigation. If you find out anything else please post it here as I will check back on a regular basis. If I find out anything else I will do the same. Nice working with you.

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    can't map com.apple.driver.AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement in preparation for loading
    couldn't alloc class "AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement"
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    Thanks a lot.
    Message was edited by: MixtapeChick

    Welcome to Apple Discussions. Congratulations on your "new" PowerBook. I suggest that you begin with this combination procedure:
    • Shut down the computer.
    • Locate the following keys: Command, Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously later.
    • Turn on the computer.
    • Press and hold the Command + Option + P + R keys immediately after the startup chime.
    • Hold keys down until you hear the startup chime for the third time.
    • Release the keys and immediately hold down Shift key to start up in Safe Mode.
    • Log in and empty Trash.
    • Restart normally and log in.
    Let us know how it goes.

  • Powerbook won't start up past grey screen

    PB G4 17inch
    Did a software update and now powerbook won't restart.
    Stops at grey screen with Apple on it (no spinning icon underneath)
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    Started up holding down option
    Both DVD and Hard Drive show up - I selected DVD and finished starting up
    I ran Disk Utility / Repair Disk
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    It continued and fixed the problem
    I repaired permissions
    Tried restarting - stopped at same point
    I ran the installer and reinstalled the OS
    Still wouldn't start and stopped at same point
    I have repeated the Disk Utility process several times - it obviously sees the hard drive, but won't start up from it...
    Any ideas ?

    I would not trash anything. Instead I would backup everything you can see to another hard disk. Once you have done that, let us know, and we can proceed with better troubleshooting methods. Some methods may be risky with data, but if successful then you won't have to recover anything.
    It is important to always remember to backup your data:
    Disclaimer: Reference to links I make to my Macmaps.com website are a for your information only type reference. I do not get any profit from this page, and it is open to the public.

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    And your settings in:
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    does anyone have an answer to this disaster?
    powerbook g4 15'   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Welcome to the Apple discussions.
    Sorry to hear about your startup problems. 5 beeps is bad...per this Apple note, it says the processor is unavailable: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=58442

  • Powerbook won't boot from hard drive or restore disk

    I've looked through some of the older posts here and none of them exactly matches my problem, and I've tried just about any possible solution I can think of.
    I recently noticed that my PowerBook was acting a bit strange. It was making more fan noises than usual, and sometimes the computer would make the very last noise it makes as it shuts down (which is the hard drive coming to rest, I suppose?), though the computer would still be running. Then, yesterday the computer froze and I hit command-control-power, and when the computer restarted it gave me a folder icon blinking between a question mark and the Mac logo.
    I tried restarting again, but I had no luck. Now when I try to start up I get the start-up chime, then I get one of three things:
    1) If I restart it without a CD in the drive, I get the blinking folder.
    2) If I restart it with the Software Restore and Install DVD in (but without holding down the C key), it gets to the Apple logo and shows the spinning pinwheel or whatever you want to call it, then freezes and some nasty horizontal bars pop across the screen.
    3) If I restart it with the Restore & Install DVD in and I hold down the C key, it gives me the Apple logo, then the "Your computer has encountered a problem and needs to be restarted" box pops up.
    I tried zapping the PRAM--no luck. I tried Open Firmware; the screen pops up, then I type in "mac-boot" and I get the same thing as in #2 above.
    I used the Hardware Test CD; it told me that there was a Mass Storage error with the error code 2STF/1/4. That doesn't sound too pleasant.
    I'm not sure what caused it; perhaps it was a heat thing, but I moved it too a different surface. All the hardware is original except for the Airport card, which has worked fine since Christmas. The only recent software changes I've made were updating to the newest versions of iTunes and Firefox. It doesn't seem like a hard drive problem, since the boot CD won't work.
    Am I doomed to sending Apple a couple hundred bucks to fix this? The laptop is right at three years old, so even if I'd had AppleCare it would be expiring right about now. Or is it time to buy one of those MacBooks? Or just buy a couple PC's and use each one till it breaks, then throw it out?

    I finally got to another Mac. I installed Mac OS X onto my Firewire drive, then hooked up the drive to my Powerbook and used the Startup Manager. The drive showed up on Startup Manager and I chose to boot from it. When I did, the startup process continued briefly, then froze just like it does when I try to boot from the CD.
    I know my Powerbook's hard drive is shot, and to be honest, I'm fine with that--there isn't any critical, essential data on there. I tried starting the Powerbook up in Target Disk mode, but that doesn't work either--I hear the chime, press T, but the screen stays black.
    Now my question is: can I rip the hard drive out? Or do I have not only a bad hard drive, but also something else gone wrong? I'm not opposed to buying a new internal hard drive and installing it myself if that will fix the problem; what I don't want to do is spend a few hundred bucks to take it to someone who's only going to tell me that my omputer is now a paperweight.
    Also, my Powerbook isn't one of the ones with a recalled battery. The computer can get pretty hot, even when sitting on a desk, but I just figured that was normal.

  • Help! PowerBook Won't Power On and Start Up!!!

    Hi All,
    I’m hoping someone out there can help! My PowerBook G4 15 Inch (Original model) won’t start at all. When I push the power button, nothing happens. Nothing at all. No lights, no sounds, no fan, nothing. It was working fine when I put it away on a shelf in my closet about a year ago, but when I took it out to look up a document, I found that I couldn’t turn it on. It hasn’t been dropped, knocked, exposed to water, etc. It’s literally just been sitting on a shelf for about a year. Some information which may help:
    1. It appears that the battery does not hold a charge anymore, because I left the laptop plugged in overnight and the indicator lights on the battery still do not light at all when the power status button on the battery is pressed. However, I don’t think this should affect startup when the AC adapter is plugged in – the PowerBook should start up regardless of the power status of the battery. (By the way, I know that the AC adapter is good because I tried it on a friend’s PowerBook and it works fine.)
    2. I’ve already reset the PMU (several times) by pushing the little button on the rear of the PowerBook with the end of a paper clip. That doesn’t change anything either.
    3. I’ve removed the battery and left the laptop plugged in for approximately 15 hours just in case the internal PRAM battery needed a charge after having been stored for so long. No luck there, either.
    I can’t understand what could have happened to it just sitting on a shelf! I had another Mac laptop sitting right next to it for the same amount of time, and that one started up just fine. Does anyone have any ideas as to what the problem could be and a potential solution(s)?
    Many many thanks in advance to anyone who can help!

    Appler5 wrote:
    it seems fairly cheap and easy to fix
    Yes, which is why I'd tackle that first. My first suggestion would have been to try the power adapter with a meter or on another Mac or check, but you're a step ahead of me on that, so aside from a possible, but highly improbable death while resting on the shelf, the b.u./PRAM batt is the obvious issue.
    I do hope that's what this turns out to be
    Me too. It'd be worth it for your time and money, whereas other, major, components would likely not be cost effective, given the PB's age.
    I'll update with a post when I know more.
    Please do, and good luck!

  • Help! powerbook won't go to sleep...suffering from insomnia

    Hey all,
    recently i noticed my powerbook has not been going to sleep. i've reset pram,nvram,open firmware, repaired disk permissions, ran cron scripts the whole 9 yards. I checked system logs and i get this:
    Description: System events log
    Size: 86 bytes
    Last Modified: 12/8/05 9:37 AM
    Location: /var/log/system.log
    Recent Contents: Dec 8 09:37:20 P12 cp: error processing extended attributes: Operation not permitted
    it seems the powerbook does try to go to sleep but Tiger won't allow it, anyone know whats going on?. Any help is appreciated, thanx in advance

    Well, if you are sure its a warranty issue they will not charge you once the issue is resolved. But from what you have said it seems to be software related. I am at a loss what to suggest (sorry). The only last thing I'd say to check is the following:
    1) Make sure your folder actions are off in the Finder. Control click on desktop and the menu should read "Enable Folder Actions." If it says Disable I'd say try it.
    2) Try logging into a new "clean" new user account (after logging out of yours) and see if the machine will sleep then. If it does look at the StartUp items for your user.

  • Powerbook won't  sleep automatically

    im reposting because no one replied to my initial post, my powerbook recently stop going to sleep on its on unless i do it manually. Every other energy saving settings works normally the display sleeps after a while but not the computer itself. Does anyone know whats going on?
    Any help would be appreciated

    Hi El Pres. --
    I'm not sure here, but three things come to mind, but first two questions of my own:
    • First, when you say the PB won't go to sleep unless you put it to sleep manually, do you mean that it just won't go to sleep when you close the lid, or does it also fail to go to sleep with the lid open after a set amount of time as well?
    • Second, just so I'm clear, when you say you put the PB to sleep "manually," you mean you go to the Apple menu, select sleep and click, right?
    Now, here are the only things that come to mind, in no particular order:
    • First, you might try setting up a test account, separate from the one you normally use, and log in to that account and try putting the 'Book to sleep by means other than manually -- first by inactivity, using energy saver settings, and another time by closing the lid. See if either or both work when logged in to your test account.
    • Second, you might try resetting your Power Management Unit. Instructions on how to reset your PMU can be found here: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=14449
    • Third, and this is the one I'm least hoping is the case, but it unfortunately may be worth thinking about: if your PB does go to sleep after a set amount of inactivity via as per your Energy Saver settings, but does not go to sleep when closing the lid, you may have a hardware problem related to the lid's latching mechanism. WIth my 'Book, it's only when the lid has firmly latched, will the unit enter sleep mode.
    Oh, yes, I forgot to mention: throughout all your tests of the computer's sleep mode, keep an eye on the little "sleep light" on the latch button and make a note of when you see it pulsing as it properly should and when you do not. This information may help you, us, or, if need be, an AASP or Apple tech, better understand what's happening inside your machine.
    Post back if any of the above yields further useful info, or if you learn more otherwise.
    Good luck.
    -- JDee

  • Powerbook won't even start up after screen illumination probs

    Blah! I have a PowerBook that I bought June 05 and of course the warranty is out. It's recently started doing this weird thing where when it's asleep and I wake it up (by opening and closing the cover) it does not illuminate the screen. Before I would turn it off and on (sometimes a couple times) and it would work again. My friend, who is a Mac pro and who has since moved out of state, reverted it to an older version of the OS then manually updated it (so it's running the most recent version of OSX). Tonight, it wouldn't illuminate again so I tried the old trick. Now it won't come up at all. When I press the power button, I know it does power up and if I look hard, I can see the apple in the first start up screen. But the screen does not illuminate. However, now it shuts itself down and goes no further. So while at first I thought it might be a hardware issue, now I'm not sure.
    I have also tried to hook it up to an external monitor and all it does is show a light blue screen then shuts down. It also will not start is safe mode.

    Using the external monitor, try this...press the power button to start the PowerBook and then close its lid immediately. Be sure you have a USB mouse plugged into the PowerBook and also have the AC adapter attached. See if that doesn't make the external screen useable. Once the PB is fully booted, you can open the lid if you wish (to use the keyboard).
    If the above works and PB seems fine, then you likely have a failed inverter board. The inverter board makes high voltage AC from low voltage DC. The high AC voltage is required to drive the flourescent lamps (also called the backlight) that illuminate the PB's LCD display.

  • Powerbook won't sleep, just shuts down

    I asked about this some time ago and nobody ever had any ideas. I was just curious if someone new had ideas.
    My 12inch powerbook g4 won't sleep, if I tell it to sleep, or close the lid it just shuts down. I have changed the settings so that sleeping isn't an option and the screen saver comes on and then the screen goes to power save. The computer can stay like this for days/weeks but if the lid closes it shuts off. Any ideas? All the checks I have run haven't found any issues. I replaced the logic board about a year ago and the problem remained. So, it was either not associated with the logic board or both boards have the same issue. Not sure what else would cause this sort of issue.
    I am now running 10.5.4.

    sorry - should have added that I already reset PRAM, PMU, repaired permissions, ran cron scripts
    Powerbook G4 1.67GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

  • Powerbook won't boot

    I have a powerbook G4 that's about 18 months old. I installed Tiger on it about 3 months ago, and have been having misc. problems ever since. It "spins" regularly, and can take up to 15 minutes to come out of sleep mode to where it can boot Safari.
    Today it asked to do the Automatic Update, and began to spin again. I could operate other programs normally (Firefox, MSN Messenger, etc), so I just continued doing what I was doing. Auto Update hung, and I couldn't quit out of it, so I forced the computer to shut down (holding the power button for 10 seconds).
    Now it won't boot.
    I get the initial boot noise, and have tried to boot it normally, which brings me to the initial screen with the gray spinner, and safe mode (shift key), which does the same and then shuts off after about 45 seconds.
    Help, please! I LOVE my Mac and would like to be able to use it.

    Did you run the correct version of DiskWarroir on that drive?
    You would need version 3.0.3 for 10.4.5. Any other version will not work and could cause a kernel panic.
    If that is'nt it mI have kernel panic help for you if you need it. I really think you need to run the AHT disk though. Too bad you don't have it. Do you or your friend have Tech Tool Pro version 4.1.1? That utility will test all your hardware also.

Maybe you are looking for

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