Powermac g5 (single 1.6Ghz) won't boot

Hi there, I have a mid-2003 powermac g5 that is refusing to boot. When I power it on, the fans spin, but the LED flashes continuously. I've tried the hairdryer thingy and that hasn't worked. I suspect the RAM is the problem, but I took one card out and tried to boot it, changing cards each time. This hasn't worked either. Also, when I power on the computer the display doesn't recognise it...
Please help, as I need to get this computer working soon!

Hello, the RAM needs to be in opposing Pairs, one stick will not work.
The fans speeding up is normal safety feature when no OS is running.
Can you count the beeps or flashes?
1 beep = no RAM installed
2 beeps = incompatible RAM types
3 beeps = no good banks
4 beeps = no good boot images in the boot ROM (and/or bad sys config block)
5 beeps = processor is not usable
In addition to the beeps, on some computers the power LED will flash a corresponding number of times plus one. The LED will repeat the sequence after approximately a 5-second pause. The tones are only played once.
Note: In this case, a flash is considered to be 1/4 second or 250 ms or greater in length.

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    I've recently started having issues with my dual 2.5GHz G5 Powermac. When I switch it on I can hear the drives start up and data being read from them. But there's never any chime and the screen stays black. The drives stay quiet (spinning but no data being read). After a minute or two the fans ramp up to full speed.
    If I leave it off for a while (eg. overnight) it resolves itself somehow and boots up without any issues. Once it's booted up there are no issues at all and it will run fine for weeks and days, until it needs to be rebooted again. I just put it to sleep when I'm not using it and it wakes up fine.
    I've tried the following without any success:
    - unplugging all peripherals (usb + firewire etc)
    - reseating the ram
    - swapping out the ram
    - trying to boot into open firmware (it won't get that far)
    - resetting the pmu with the button on the motherboard
    - installed the latest updates to os x
    - reseated the graphics card
    - replaced the battery on the motherboard with a brand new one
    This started roundabout the time I upgraded to 10.5.5 though that could be a coincidence. I also cleaned dust from the inside of the machine at that time as well (including off the graphics card fan and heatsink which was getting clogged up). So, that may have caused it. But again it could just be a coincidence.
    Does anyone have any suggestions? All fans and both fans spin up, so I don't think it's the PSU, but I could be wrong. My only thought at the moment is a possible problem with one of the drives. So, I could try installing to a firewire drive and booting from that, but given that I can't even get into openfirmare, I'm not confident in that working. Similarly I don't have much hope of it booting from CD.
    Any suggestions or help would be very much appreciated

    Hi Phil Brayshaw-
    What does the little white power light do? This should be helpful: About the Power Mac G5 (Late 2005) diagnostic LEDs
    Although it sounds to me like you have tried most of the troubleshooting steps, this document is a good overall reference to address this particular problem: Power Mac G5: What to do if you see black, white, or no video at start up
    Have you tried another monitor and/or double-checked your cable and its connections? If everything else is working as expected that would certainly be a major suspect.

  • Powermac g5 2.5 dual won't boot with video card

    Hi all,
    So the other day I came home to find my powermac g5 frozen with the fans going crazy. After a hard reset the machine would no longer boot any further than the grey apple (kernel) stage. After pulling the video card the machine would boot up and I could log in using remote desktop from my laptop.
    The machine ran that way for a couple of days until I got a new video card. When I put the new video card in the machine would not boot again.(The new card is exactly the same one as the old one)(ATI Radeon X800 XT mac edition).
    After pulling the card the machine still wouldn't boot (exact same behavior as with the card) until I let it sit unplugged for 20 minutes or so. Also when it's not booting I can see that a little red light comes on on the logic board behind the cpu's.
    Anyways I'm thinking it may be a power supply issue but if any experts wanna help me out with some advice I'd be very grateful.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Cory,
    See if it will Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permission.

  • PowerMac G4 1.25GHz DP Won't boot

    Have been suggested I start a new thread for this as it seems my problem is a little differerent than others on here.
    I have just been given a 1.25GHz DP G4 PM that has been sitting in storage for near on 18 months.
    When I press the power button it appears to power up, with 1 fan on the logic board starting up, then about 10-15secs later the main heatsink fans start up at full revs and this is all that happens.
    The red light beside the RAM slots comes on and stays on.
    Have tried resetting PMU, removing the PRAM battery (can't replace as I don't have a substitute), resetting the RAM (it only has 1 stick of 512MB) and checked the HD cable connections.
    I am also unable to open the optical drive bay by using keyboard key or by holding down the mouse button on booting.
    Any suggestions to make some progress with this machine would be appreciated, I would like to be able at least load a clean OS onto it.

    Check this site for battery part numbers and sources. Mac PRAM, NVRAM, CUDA/PMU & Battery Tutorial
    Resetting the Logic Board
    Resetting the logic board can resolve many system problems. Whenever you have a
    unit that fails to power up, you should follow this procedure
    before replacing any modules.
    1 Unplug the computer.
    2 Press the Power On button on the front of the unit.
    3 Open the side access panel.
    4 Remove the battery from the logic board.
    5 Wait at least 10 minutes before replacing the battery.
    6 Make sure the battery is installed in the correct +/-
    7 Reassemble the computer and test the unit.
    This procedure resets the computer’s PRAM. Be sure to
    check the computer’s time/date and other system parameter settings
     Cheers, Tom

  • Powermac G5 won't boot - but safe mode works fine!!!

    [The computer described below is a Powermac G5 dual core 2.7gHz, purchased in late 2005, running OS X 10.4.11]
    Here's an odd thing... a few months back, my powermac stopped booting. It wasn't a power supply issue. I would get the white screen with the apple to come up, but when it was time for the blue screen with the user logins, the screen would go black.
    I tried swapping out all the RAM, and nothing worked. Was able to get safe mode to work, once, and then never again. Finally I broke down and took my baby to Tekserve.
    Tekserve took a MONTH to get it back to me, and they claimed it was a bad RAM set. This sounded really odd to me, since I thought I had correctly tested several sticks of RAM, and even no RAM, without any success. But I'm not one of the experts, so, hey. My computer was running again and that's all I cared about.
    Well, now, about 3 weeks later, my computer will not boot. It started with the loud fans. Now I'm not having any fan noise, but it still won't boot. Here's how I've troubleshot it so far:
    - The computer boots FINE in safe mode. I verified the disc in safe mode, and everything checks out. Everything also checks out using fsdk -fy in single user mode. So no disc problem, apparently.
    - When I reset the PRAM using crtlopt+pr after the chime, the screen resolution changes from 1200x1024 to 800x600. After the white screen, I do get the blue screen, but WITHOUT any user login, and the mouse cursor does not show up.
    - When I reset the NVRAM using open firmware (reset-nvram, set-defaults, reset-all), I'm back to my normal problem of white screen followed by black nothingness (and emotional despair).
    Tonight I'm going to try swapping out the RAM again, but if that doesn't work, what's next? I don't know where I put the original Hardware Test DVD that came with the powermac... is there a program I can buy to see if this is my logic board, without bringing the powermac back into tekserve? I live in NYC and have no car; bringing this heavy item into Manhattan is a real issue for me!!!
    Anyways, any and all info is greatly appreciated. I really hope I'm overlooking something obvious. Natch, neither Apple nor Tekserve want to give me any advice without me shelling over more of my hard-earned cash. And this all went down 3 months after applecare expired... sigh...

    Very interesting... they're telling me (at Tekserve) that this problem is caused by bad sectors in my SECONDARY drive. Doesn't make any sense to me at all, but that's what they're saying... pretty sure the RAM and video card are fine. I tried resetting NVRAM and PRAM, and that did nothing... safe mode works fine, as I mentioned... even got it running in normal mode for about 30 seconds one time.
    It's the shop now, so we'll see, when I get the computer back, what the real problem was. It makes me flabbergasted that bad sectors in my secondary drive could have any effect whatsoever on boot!

  • Won't boot normally or in recovery and single user mode, safe mode hangs up halfway

    iMac locked up with visual glitches while playing the Mac beta client of League of Legends. Had to force a shutdown by holding the power button. Now it won't boot; after the Apple logo and spinning wheel I just get a white screen. I tried launching in recovery mode, that didn't work. Then I tried safe mode; the bar filled a little over half and then nothing but white screen. I was able to boot single user mode once; ran fsck -fy and rebooted, still white screen. Now I can't get back to single user mode. I booted with command option P R to reset the NVRAM and got the second chime, but still nothing.
    Luckily all my important files are in the cloud, but I'm really hoping my computer isn't completely dead. I haven't had any issues in the past. I've even been playing LoL for over a month with no issues, until now when I tried to play the newer game types, Dominion and ARAM; both caused visual glitches forcing shutdowns. I was able to restart my computer with no problem after the first two visual glitches, but after the last one I am stuck at the white screen as I described above.
    Thanks in advance for your help!

    I'd bet the drive is damaged. You could try reformatting if possible. Again, you are booting from the Recovery-10.8.2 disk if you can. If you can't, then you will need to use the installer disc that came with the computer.
    Install or Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion from Scratch
    Be sure you backup your files to an external drive or second internal drive because the following procedure will remove everything from the hard drive.
    Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    Erase the hard drive:
      1. Select Disk Utility from the main menu and click on the Continue button.
      2. After DU loads select your startup volume (usually Macintosh HD) from the
          left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
      3. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Optionally, click on
            the Security button and set the Zero Data option to one-pass. Click on
          the Erase button and wait until the process has completed.
      4. Quit DU and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion: Select Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion and click on the Install button.
    Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet if possible
                because it is three times faster than wireless.

  • Powermac G4 (OS 10.4.11) won't boot past grey apple

    1- My PowerMac G4 (running OS 10.4.11) won't boot past the grey screen with the apple.  Any suggestions?

    I found somewhere else how to hold down the mouse on starting, which opened the tray.  I was able to startup with the disk, holding down the C and get to the Disk Utility window.  Tried repairing the disk, but got this message:
    Fist Aid failed:
    Disk Utility stopped verifying "Macintosh HD" because the following error was encountered:
    The underlying task reported failure on exit. <OK>
    and in the info window it says,
    "Verifying volume "Macintosh HD"
    Checking HFS Plus volume.
    Catalog file entry not found for extent
    The volume needs to be repaired.
    Volume check failed.
    Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit (-9972)
    1 volume checked
    0 HFS volumes verified
    1 volume failed verification
    Sounds pretty ominous!  Of course, the recommendation is that I backup everything , but how can I if I can't get to the desktop to back it up?  (It hasn't had a lot of use for sometime, but is available as a film scanning station, and so that I can access scanned images on my iMac.  I doubt that there is a whole lot on the drive that isn't backed up, but I would prefer to back it up for sure!)
    Thank you again.

  • IMac G4 won't boot, go into target mode, or verbose, or single-user.

    Hi, I am completely flummoxed.
    Yesterday I had my iMac G4 networked (via FireWire cable) to my MacBook Pro. I was copying about 14 GB of data from the MBP to the G4. The MBP indicated the copy operation was finished, but the G4 went into a spinning beachball, from which I could not escape -- couldn't force-quit, change applications, open terminal, or anything. So I (reluctantly) did a hard power-down.
    When I went to restart the G4, I got a grey screen of death -- for about 2 minutes. Then the screen goes black for a second, then goes grey again, this time with the alternating folder-and-question-mark icon. Bad news.
    Here is what I have tried so far:
    * Won't boot into target mode -- if I hold down T at startup, the screen stays black (never gets to the grey screen, or to the FireWire icon).
    * Won't boot into single-user or verbose mode -- if I hold down cmd-S or cmd-V, computer stays grey.
    * Won't boot in safe mode -- ditto.
    So my next idea was to try booting from a startup disk. But how to open the optical drive tray? (This is a tray-loader, not a slot-loader.) I pulled down the white external door manually, but do not see an emergency open pinhole inside. But there must be one, right?
    Does anybody have any other ideas on how I can break into this thing, or what might have gone wrong with it?

    So my next idea was to try booting from a startup disk. But how to open the optical drive tray? (This is a tray-loader, not a slot-loader.) I pulled down the white external door manually, but do not see an emergency open pinhole inside. But there must be one, right?
    I'm not at a G4 iMac right now, but other tray-load drives of that generation had a hole but ti's very low in the opening. Probably need a good light to see it.
    Try starting the computer and holding the mouse button down while it's trying to boot. This is a startup shortcut to open the drive but may require that the system start to load, something with which yours is obviously struggling.
    Does the iMac have the original Apple keyboard? Some third-party keyboards may not support the startup combos for safe mode, single-user, etc.

  • Powermac G5 won't boot past apple logo screen

    I'm trying to repair a Powermac G5 (dual 2.0, the first model I believe, with a new Radeon 9800 graphics card) that won't boot and I'm having some problems that I can't seem to diagnose.
    The machine will boot to the openfirmware prompt or target disc mode and will show the 'OS not found' icon if left to boot from the HD (which has been wiped). If I try to boot from either the included restore disc or a retail 10.4 DVD I've tried it will show the boot screen with the Apple logo on it but no spinning status indicator underneath. It just freezes on that screen. Once it showed the status indicator but it just continued to spin for about 30 mins, at which point I gave up. Same issue if I try to boot the hardware test (except it freezes on the hardware test loading icon rather than the Apple icon). The superdrive appears to work as it is accessible in target disc mode.
    I've reset the SMU and reset the PRAM via the keyboard shortcut. The one thing that leads me to think it's a firmware fault is that when I run the 'reset-nvram' command it gives an OK, but when I then run 'reset-all' it freezes rather than rebooting. Any ideas anyone?

    I am having the same problem with my Power Mac G5. I have had a problem with the machine for the last few months, I just turned it off waiting for Leopard (started using a laptop for projects).
    I got Leopard, tried to boot off the DVD, I only get to the grey Apple logo and then after a few minutes the fans kick on high and I just have to shut the machine down.
    I didn't want to lose any thing off my hard drive so I went and bought a new one and installed it, when that failed to install to, I bought a new optical drive. It still won't boot off the optical drive. I can go into the firmware and choose which drive to boot from (I choose the optical).
    My configuration at this point is a new DVD drive, new unformatted hard drive, I have used a laptop to try to install from using the G5 in target mode, using the laptop in target mode to use as an optical drive. All of these steps have failed.
    I have 4 gig of RAM, Pioneer 112D DVD, Maxtor 250 Gig HD, I have reset the SMU, I have the NVidia card (can't remember which model).
    Any ideas where else to look for a solution?

  • G4 800 iMac won't boot, safe boot, or single boot

    I'm sure this is not a software issue. As a startup holding the Apple + s should lead to a prompt, this iMac displays half of what it should on that page (only 19 lines) and never allows for even a reboot command.
    When I start it up I just get the white screen with grey apple logo and a never ending twirling gear. I did reset the PRAM and the PMU just to try it, but I'm thinking logic board issue maybe. Probably cost me more than it's worth. I'd replace the boards or parts myself if I knew what was wrong.
    Only cables in the Mac are power and the USB for keyboard and mouse. HD is still good, I verified that.
    Any tips people?

    Thanks for the reply. I'd already been to that page and nothing works. I can't get to the point where I'd be able to run Disk Utility. It says to Single-User Boot. It locks. I cannot even Safe Boot. It won't boot off anything, and I've triec CDs and multiple HDs.
    I've even reseated both stick of RAM. I've also taken the RAM out to try and isolate potentially bad RAM. I dusted it out very well in hopes of some issues being resolved. Nada, Nothing. I even shined up both Apple Logos to perhaps please the startup gods.
    I'm going to haul it to the Genius Bar so they can tell me I need to replace some logic mother daughter diode bearing.

  • G4 PowerMac mirrored drives won't boot after software update

    This IS NOT about my PB but a PowerMac tower, G4, mirrored drive....running 10.5 (I think).
    After some month of neglect, did software update yesterday.... 7 programs including a security update, iTurnes, QT, and I'm not sure what else.
    Now it won't boot.
    I have a Disk Warrior CD, but I can't get the SuperDrive door open to try to boot from it.
    Help GREATLY appreciated.

    After some month of neglect, did software update yesterday.... 7 programs including a security update, iTurnes, QT, and I'm not sure what else.
    Now it won't boot.
    What I like to call a case of computer indigestion. Too many updates at once. See recommendations below.
    I have a Disk Warrior CD, but I can't get the SuperDrive door open to try to boot from it.
    See if any of these help:
    [Topic : Can't open drive door |http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=1279497]
    A dozen ways to eject or unmount a recalcitrant CD or DVD
    Ejecting media in Mac OS X: Removing 'stuck' CDs/DVDs
    Power Macintosh G3 and G4: About the DVD-RAM Drive
    PowerPC-based Macintosh: How to eject a disc when other options don't work
    Force Eject (10.3 or later) - Can be used to eject any removable disk that the system will not eject. http://mac.softpedia.com/progDownload/Force-Eject-Download-34780.html
    [Article #HT1310 - Startup Manager: How to Select a Startup Volume|http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1310]
    In worst case scenario I wonder if sticking some tape to the door to get access to the drive itself, then using a straightened paperclip in the eject hole (do they still have those?) would work.
    Certain steps appear to minimize the risk of an update producing problems.
    Number one is to make sure you have a bootable clone backup of your computer in case you do need to back out of it again. This is the only guaranteed way of not having to worry about the results of an update.
    Some like to boot from their installer discs or an external backup and verify (and if necessary repair) their internal drives as well as drive permissions. This is done with Disk Utility. You can verify a drive while booted from the same drive but sometimes this produces spurious errors. Repairing a drive (if necessary) has to be done while booted from another disk. Permissions repair can, and is probably best, done when booted from your internal drive.
    [Resolve startup issues and perform disk maintenance with Disk Utility and fsck|http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=106214]
    [Using Disk Utility in Mac OS X 10.4.3 or later|http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=302672]
    [Disk Utility's Repair Disk Permissions|http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=25751]
    You can also go to the step of booting into safe mode to do the install.
    [Mac OS X: Starting up in Safe Mode|http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=107393]
    [What is Safe Boot, Safe Mode? (Mac OS X)|http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=107392]
    [Safe Boot takes longer than normal startup|http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=107394]
    I like to download the update onto my computer and install it from there rather than let Software Update do it. I know a few people who had problems with doing the update via software updater found a manual install to work.
    Repair permissions again afterward.
    It helps to only install one update at a time and to run the computer for a while to make sure it is behaving well.
    The more cautious even like to unplug third party peripherals (see [comment by BDaqua|http://discussions.apple.com/message.jspa?messageID=9040746#9040746]).
    Almost all of the above steps (except backup) have been questioned as to necessity because probably many people have done successful updates without doing them. I say they can't hurt, they can very likely do good (especially if your computer isn't regularly maintained), so why not do them to be safe.
    [BDaqua's comments on updating problems|http://discussions.apple.com/message.jspa?messageID=8948595#8948595]
    [Baby Boomer's comments on updating problems|http://discussions.apple.com/message.jspa?messageID=9025760#9025760]
    [Klaus1's post on updating and removing updates|http://discussions.apple.com/message.jspa?messageID=10257902#10257902]

  • MACBOOK won't boot - bin/sh for single user message

    Powered up my 3 year old Macbook tonight and it won't boot.
    After some while it displayed a message saying I had to restart the Macbook which I did.
    Now (agian after a long while) it gets to a black screen then displays (twice) Diskos2: OX2103005 (Undefined) or somethimg like that as it's too small to read then
    Launched : Can't exec bim/sh for single user : input output error
    Any ideas?

    Say, that does sound messed up! But so far sounds like a Hard Drive/Software problem.
    Boot from the Install CD/DVD, but do not install. Answer ONLY the "What Language" question and wait for the MenuBar to be drawn. Then Choose Disk Utility from the Utilities Menu.
    Select your Hard drive and click ( Repair ) Run it again until it comes clean or gets stuck. If stuck, write down the messages and post them here.
    It is also a good idea while you are up to do a ( Repair Permissions ). This only checks the things the Installer installed originally, but that is a lot of stuff. \[Once your Mac is up and running off the Hard Drive, you should Repair Permissions again.]
    A Mac that cannot boot from an appropriate Installer Disc has a Hardware problem.

  • PowerMac G4 Won't Boot

    I recently got a PowerMac G4, and have had the thing for a month or so. For the entire month, everything seemed to be working fine. A few ownership changes here and there to allow for reading/writing, but nothing major. After shutting down the Mac (something I regularly do) and restarting it, the machine turned itself off. Restarting, I pushed Command+V to show output.
    I get the normal boot messages, but then the machine pauses at this:
    jnl: unknown-dev: journal start/end pointers reset!
    After that, it continues loading for several minutes, then repeats this line approximately 20-30 times within a 1-2 second period before turning off:
    USBF OHCI Driver: OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying
    I removed my third party USB PCI card, to no avail. The only thing I currently have plugged into the logic board USB port is the Apple keyboard and mouse.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    For the record:
    2GB RAM - Reseated and tested
    PMU has been reset.
    All PCI and video cards have been removed to ensure they aren't the culprit.
    Red LED light on motherboard above memory is illuminated.
    Machine won't boot off CD.
    When the machine is turned on, I do get the Apple boot screen, but when it should switch to the login prompt, the machine powers off.

    Here is the complete output of the boot:
    Darwin Kernel Version 9.2.2 Tue Mar 4 21:23:43 PST 2008; root:xnu-1228.4.31~1/RELEASE_PPC
    standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
    vmpagebootstrap: 511099 free pages and 13189 wired pages
    migtable_maxdispl = 79
    Extension "com.apple.drivier.AppleMacRISC2PE" has immediate dependencies on both com.apple.kernel and com.apple.kpi components; use only one style.
    Loading security extension com.apple.security.TMSafetyNet
    calling mpopoliciyinit for TMSafetyNet
    Security policy loaded: Safety net for Time Machine (TMSafetyNet)
    Loading security extension com.apple.nke.applicationfirewall
    Loading security extension com.apple.security.seatbelt
    calling mpopolicyinit for mb
    Seatbelt MACF policy initialized
    Security policy loaded: Seatbelt Policy (mb)
    Copyright (c) 1982,1986,1989,1991,1993
    The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
    Mac Framework successfully initialized
    using 10485 biffer headers and 4096 cluster IO buffer headers
    Extension "com.apple.driver.ApplePMU has immediate dependencies on both com.apple.kernel and com.apple.kpi components; use only one style.
    FireWire (OHCI Apple ID 31 built-in now active, GUID 00a95fffe6a1270; max speed s800
    mbinit: done
    Security auditing service present
    BSM auditing present
    rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen:39818732-A5D6-33D1-B8CE-701FF43A41F
    Wating in <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuod-media</string></dict>
    Got boot device = IOService:/MacRISC2PE/pci@4000000/AppleMacRiscPCI/ata-6@D/AppleKauaiATA/ATADevi ceNub@0/Apple ATADiskDriver/IOATABlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/ST380024A ST380024A/IOApplePartitionScheme/Untitled@9
    BSD root: disk0s9, major 14, minor 7
    jnl: unknown-dev: journal start/end pointers reset!(jnl 0x3119f00; s 0x29d000 e 0x29d000)
    syncing disks... Killing all processes
    CPU halted
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    USBF: OHCI driver:OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (0), Retrying,
    *Computer powers off at this point.

  • PowerMac G5 won't boot, but loads OS X/Linux install CD. Help?

    I have a PowerMac G5 with a problem: It won't boot. I tried resetting most things and then finally tried formatting and installing linux (Ubuntu 12.04 PPC). The install appeared to work but on reboot I got a white screen and from there the fans slowly went to full blast.
    (The white screen and fans happened before linux, too) The drives work perfectly. The hardware must not be completely dead because it can boot from a cd.  Can someone help?
    Specs: G5 1.8 ghz(DP), 8GB RAM.

    I've not convinced it could not be a harddrive problem.
    I'd get an external hd & try installing to the external hd or get another internal hd & try installing to that. You need an external bootable firewire drive.
    You need an external Firewire drive to boot a PowerPC Mac computer [ a few G5's will boot from USB ]. 
    I recommend you do a google search on any external harddrive you are looking at.
    I bought a low cost external drive enclosure. When I started having trouble with it, I did a google search and found a lot of complaints about the drive enclosure. I ended up buying a new drive enclosure. On my second go around, I decided to buy a drive enclosure with a good history of working with Macs. The chip set seems to be the key ingredient. The Oxford line of chips seems to be good. I got the Oxford 911.
    I'd give OWC a call. 1-815-338-8685.
    FireWire 800 + USB 3, + eSATA
    save a little money interface:
    FireWire 400 + USB 2.0
    This web page lists both external harddrive types. You may need to scroll to the right to see both.
         (2) FireWire 800/400 Ports (Up to 100MB/s / 50MB/s)
         (1) USB 3.0 Port (Up to 500MB/s / 60MB/s)
         (1) eSATA Port (Up to 300MB/s)
    Has a combo firewire 800/400 port.  Not sure what this is.  Looks like you will  need 400 cable.
    You could run hd diagnostics.
    We will be better diagnosing X than Linux.
    Does it work from a linux live hd?  Ubuntu 6.06 LTS
    I recall Ubuntu stopped supporting the PPC in '96 / '97.  Anything later is community supported which for my iMac g3 was unreliable. I had to mess around with the x11 configuration to get the display working.  Can you get into command line? 
    Ubuntu 6.06 LTS with x11 configuration changes worked for me.
    The Ubuntu folks stopped supporting the power PC a while back.  You will have to install an older version of Ubuntu.
    You need to modify xorg.conf. See:
    Mac G3 modem install Howto
    You will have adjust adjust xorg.conf. See these instructions:
    I was able to get the last official versions of Ubuntu working on my G3 600.
    6.10 Edgy Eft,
    6.06 Dapper Drake
    I used the alternate install and did the alterations noted above.
    These versions are listed at the very bottom of the page.
    I'd try Debian etc.

  • HT1752 Liquid On Top of PowerMac G4 Tower, Won't Boot

    Liquid got onto the top of my PowerMac G4 tower. Now it powers up but won't boot. Has only the logic board been fried, or could there be even more damage? Any chance of recovering files from the hard-drive?

    Impossible to tell what is damaged, but pull the Hard Drive & try something like this...

Maybe you are looking for

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