Powershell Filter Help

Hi, i have an log file and i try to filter the results but the filter i use doesn't seem to work and i don't know why.. :(
The log has 2 properties, failures and date-time
I want to get all the logs which failure names are like '*denied*' -or  '*error*' and also which date-time is within the last 80 minutes.
So i try with:
$timeframe = (get-date).AddMinutes(-80)
$log | ? { $_.failures -like '*Denied*' -or $_.failures -like '*error*' -and $_.'date-time' -ge $timeframe }
 It shows correctly the errors which name are like above, but the times of those errors are wrong..
If my current $timeframe is : Friday, January 16, 2015 9:18:11 AM
The script displays failures with time like:
But it should display the errros which time are over 9:18..
What is wrong with my Filter?
I also tried with:
$log | ? { (($_.failures -like '*denied*' -or $_.failures -like '*error*' ) -and ($_.'date-time' -ge $timeframe)) }
But i got the same result..
Can anyone help?

Not enough information in the question to know for sure, but I suspect you're doing a string comparison.  Try casting your log timestamp to [datatime]:
$timeframe = (get-date).AddMinutes(-80)
$log | ? { $_.failures -like '*Denied*' -or $_.failures -like '*error*' -and [datetime]$_.'date-time' -ge $timeframe }
[string](0..33|%{[char][int](46+("686552495351636652556262185355647068516270555358646562655775 0645570").substring(($_*2),2))})-replace " "

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    Here are the instructions on how to use PowerShell:
    Your question is vague and is asking for someone to do this for you.  It is better if you do it yourself and post back with specific questions.
    In the end you have to write and debug the scripts. We will not do this for you but we will answer questions.

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    Rob's idea is probably what you should try first.  It is in effect a low pass filter with about a 10 Hz corner frequency.
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    How to run PowerShell scripts from C#
    Hope this helps.
    Yan Li
    Cataleya Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    ***xml data
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <P_PERSON_ID />
    <FULL_NAME>susy q</FULL_NAME>
    <EMAIL_ADDRESS>[email protected]</EMAIL_ADDRESS>
    <FULL_NAME>speedy heedy</FULL_NAME>
    <EMAIL_ADDRESS>[email protected]</EMAIL_ADDRESS>
    <FULL_NAME>dolorous ed</FULL_NAME>
    <EMAIL_ADDRESS>[email protected]</EMAIL_ADDRESS>
    Edited by: vykingzOR on Aug 8, 2011 5:44 PM

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    expressfilterAIM2.vi ‏103 KB
    nonexpressfilterAIM2.vi ‏55 KB

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    AIM2Hop2014_filt_test.vi ‏53 KB
    AIM2Hop2014_v4run.vi ‏46 KB

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                        return true;
                    else {
                        return false;
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    java.io.FilenameFilter accept method takes two parameters a File object and a String. Use it with a java.awt.FileDialog. A javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter's accept method takes a single String parameter and is used with a javax.swing.JFileChooser.
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    Using OBIEE
    I have a column formula in an OBIEE Analysis that queries data based on a specific File Date:  31-Oct-2013.   the formula looks like this: SUM(CASE WHEN "CLOV - File Date"."File Date" = '31-OCT-2013' AND "Pending Claim - Process Time"."Claim Date" <= TIMESTAMP '2013-01-31 00:00:00' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
    The issue is I have other columns that need to query data as of the most recent File Date available.  For that, I usually use this in the report filter section:  SELECT MAX("CLOV - File Date"."File Date") FROM "VETSNET OPERATIONS REPORTS".   this will pull the most recent date available.
    What formula(s) do I need to use so I can have other columns pull the most recent data while the other column always uses the 31-Oct-2013 date?

    If you like to port the same logic in Analysis then that might be easy to do.
    Not sure how to handle other column ie Claim without looking data, but try with a new metric max(File Date) and set the content level may be Year or as per requirement and use that column in the same expression
    let us know updates

  • Powershell - Need help combining multiple commands (?) into one script

    When a user is terminated from our company, I run these scripts separately:
    1. I use the script below in Windows Powershell ISE to launch an entry box so I can enter in the username@domain and get a list of distribution groups the termed employee currently manage export to a CSV file on my desktop:
    Add-PSSnapin quest.activeroles.admanagement
    $USerID = Read-host "Enter in Username@domain. Example: [email protected]"
    connect-QADService -service blah.dc1.cba.corp -UseGlobalCatalog
    get-qadgroup -ManagedBy $UserID -Verbose | select Name,Type,DN | export-csv -
    NoTypeInformation "$home\desktop\$UserID.csv" -Verbose -Force
    2. I launch Powershell as an Administrator and run the following to activate Exchange Management in Powershell and to give me access to the entire forest of accounts:
    Add-PSSnapin -name "Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010"
    Set-AdServerSettings -ViewEntireForest $true
    3. Next, I run this script to remove the former owner's write permissions from the list of distribution lists they managed in the above CSV file:
    import-csv -Path "<PATH>" | Foreach-Object {Remove-ADPermission -Identity $_.Name -
    User '<domain\username>' -AccessRights WriteProperty -Properties “Member” -
    4. I run this script to show the new owner of the DLs, allow DL management via Webmail and add info in the Notes section on the DLs:
    import-csv -Path "<PATH>" | Foreach-Object {set-Group -Identity $_.Name -ManagedBy
    "<domain\username>" –Notes “<Enter Here>”}
    5. I run this script to allow management via Outlook and to automatically check the box in Active Directory "Manager can update membership list" under the Managed By tab within the Group's Properties:
    import-csv -Path "<PATH>" | Foreach-Object {Add-ADPermission -Identity $_.Name -User
    ‘<domain\username’ -AccessRights WriteProperty -Properties “Member”}
    Is there a way I can combine this into one Powershell script or two, at the most instead of having to copy and paste 6 different times and use two programs (Powershell and Powershell ISE)? 

    Rhys, again, thanks to your script, I was able to add even more to it to run nicely in PowerShell ISE (running as an Administrator):
    The following happens in the script below in this order:
    1. The script allows searching across multiple e-mail domains that we manage in Exchange
    2. It prompts for entry of the old owner's ID, the new owner's ID and notes that I want to add to the DLs.
    3. It exports a copy of lists owned by the old owner to a CSV file on my desktop.
    4. Powershell pauses and allows me to modify the old owner's.CSV file so I can remove any lists that should not be transferred, save the changes to the CSV file and click continue in Powershell ISE. If all lists should be transferred to the new owner, I
    would simply not edit the CSV export and click OK in Powershell ISE.
    5. Powershell ISE updates the DLs from the CSV export using the information I entered in the entry boxes.
    6. Powershell sleeps for about 1 minute after updating the DLs to allow Active Directory to register the changes. Then, Powershell ISE exports a copy of the lists transferred to the new owner to a <newownerID>.csv file on my desktop. This allows me
    to compare the CSV files (which should have the same exact lists on them) and make sure all of the lists were successfully transferred.
    7. If the lists are not the same because Active Directory didn't update in time while the file csv export was running for the new owner, I can run the script again with the exception of using the newownerID for the entry boxes in Step 2 (Notes don't matter
    as we won't execute any additional steps after capturing the updated export). You would simply select Cancel during the pause window that comes after the export completes to prevent the script from continuing a second time and overwriting your previous entries.
    8. You can now compare the updated newowner.csv to the oldowner.csv file on your desktop. 
    Add-PSSnapin -name "Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010"
    Add-PSSnapin quest.activeroles.admanagement
    Set-AdServerSettings -ViewEntireForest $true
    connect-QADService -service xyz-fakeserver.corp -UseGlobalCatalog
    Do {
       $FormerOwner = Read-host "Enter in former DL owner as Username@domain."
       $UserID = Read-host "Enter in new DL owner as Username@domain."
       $Notes = Read-host "Enter in Notes for DL"
       Try {
          get-qadgroup -ManagedBy $FormerOwner -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop | select Name | export-csv -NoTypeInformation "$home\desktop\$FormerOwner.csv" -Verbose -Force
    Read-Host 'Edit <FormerOwner>.CSV file on desktop to remove groups that should stay with current owner, save changes and press Enter or click OK to continue script. If all groups need to be transferred to new owner, do not modify CSV file and press Enter
    or click OK to continue.' 
    import-csv -Path "$home\desktop\$FormerOwner.csv"
    $UserList = import-csv "$home\desktop\$FormerOwner.csv"
    $Userlist | Foreach-Object {
             Remove-ADPermission -Identity $_.Name -User $FormerOwner -AccessRights WriteProperty -Properties “Member” -Confirm:$false
             set-Group -Identity $_.Name -ManagedBy $UserID –Notes $Notes
             Add-ADPermission -Identity $_.Name -User $UserID -AccessRights WriteProperty -Properties “Member”
    Start-Sleep -s 60
    get-qadgroup -ManagedBy $UserID -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop | select Name | export-csv -NoTypeInformation "$home\desktop\$UserID.csv" -Verbose -Force
          $Flag = $True
       } Catch {
          Write-Host "Invalid username or user not found, please try again"
    } While (!$Flag)

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