PP : Batch archieveal validation

Hi Gurus,
Can any one suggest me a way to place a check before batch archieval?
we are using COWBHUWA for issuing components and once all components are issued we need to return remaining stock in the Handling Units. So we use COPAWA transaction to unassign the HU from the process order. But in some cases operator forgets to unassign Handling Unit and performs archieval of Bach Record. After Batch Record archive we can't unassign HU.
I don't want system to allow user to do batch archival when all components are not unassigned from process order.
Thanks in anticipation.
Edited by: Raja Ram on Aug 26, 2008 5:12 AM

Can any one give the solution how to restrict the future dates posting at COWBHUWA t Code

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    I hope you have done a COMMIT work after using the BAPI. if not then you will not see the batch information in SAP.
    After the BAPI is called you must call BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT to write the changes to the database.
    If you are doing testing and not using a COMMIT then the system will only simulate the creation of the business object.
    Hope this helps
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    Try to use EXIT_SAPLCLFM_002.
    Best Regards, Dirk

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    Batch      Manufacturing date          SLED
    B0001     27.04.2015                         27.04.2015
    B0002     28.04.2015                         30.04.2014
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    How to achieve this. Please suggest.
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    The sorting itself cannot solve this, you have to define in the system properly your condition.
    With the help of the remaining shelf life charatcerisitc (LOBM_RLZ) you can define e.g., that only the batches with >0 remaining shelf life should be selected. Please read OSS note 33396 or e.g. this link:

  • Page Exporter Utility (PEU) 5 Script

    I love this script, It really has potential to shave valuable time off of our production (exporting Hundreds of pages manually to single files is tedious and time consuming). The problem I'm having is I'm hesitant to us it because it dosn't show warnings when there is a missing link or font. There's also no warning when it overwrites a file. My question is dose anyone know how to unsuppress the warnings? I've looked over the script and don't see anything that is actively suppressing them.
    // PageExporterUtility5.0.js
    // An InDesign CS JavaScript
    // 08 NOV 2007
    // Copyright (C) 2007  Scott Zanelli. Lonelytree Software. (www.lonelytreesw.com)
    // Coming to you from Quincy, MA, USA
    // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
    // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    // GNU General Public License for more details.
    // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
    var peuINFO = new Array();
    peuINFO["csVersion"] = parseInt(app.version);
    // Save the old interaction level
    if(peuINFO.csVersion == 3) { //CS1
        peuINFO["oldInteractionPref"] = app.userInteractionLevel;
        app.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;
    else { //CS2+
        peuINFO["oldInteractionPref"] = app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel;
        app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;
    // See if a document is open. If not, exit
    if((peuINFO["numDocsToExport"] = app.documents.length) == 0){
        byeBye("Please open a document and try again.",true);
    // Global Variable Initializations
    var VERSION_NAME = "Page Exporter Utility 5.0"
    var pseudoSingleton = 0;
    var progCurrentPage = 0;// Used for progress bar
    var progTotalPages = 0; // Used for progress bar
    var commonBatchINFO = getNewTempENTRY(); // Used if "Set For All Batch Jobs" is selected
    commonBatchINFO["infoLoaded"] = false;
    peuInit(); // Initialize commonly needed info
    // Store information needed for batch processing (valid for single also)
    var printINFO = new Array();
    // Get all needed info by looping for each document being exported
    for(currentDoc = 0; currentDoc < peuINFO.numDocsToExport; currentDoc++) {
        // Get name of document and set it as the base name
        // minus the extention if it exists
        var tempENTRY = getNewTempENTRY(); // "Struct" for current document info
        tempENTRY.theDoc = app.documents[currentDoc]
        tempENTRY.singlePage = (tempENTRY.theDoc.documentPreferences.pagesPerDocument==1)?true:false;
        tempENTRY.getOut = true;
        var baseName = (tempENTRY.theDoc.name.split(".ind"))[0];
        // Display the dialog box and loop for correct info
        if((!commonBatchINFO.infoLoaded && peuINFO.batchSameForAll) || (!peuINFO.batchSameForAll) ){// get all info
                tempENTRY.getOut = true; // For handling input errors
                var mainDialog = createMainDialog(tempENTRY.theDoc.name, currentDoc+1, peuINFO.numDocsToExport);
                // Exit if cancel button chosen
                if(!mainDialog.show() ){
                    byeBye("Exporting has canceled by user.",peuINFO.sayCancel);
                if(formatTypeRB.selectedButton == 4 - peuINFO.adjustForNoPS){
                    tempENTRY.getOut = false;
                // Read info from dialog items and keep as defaults and place in tempENTRY
                peuINFO.defaultDir = outputDirs.selectedIndex;
                // The index of the selected directory is the same as the
                // index in the array of directories.
                tempENTRY.outDir = peuINFO.dirListArray[peuINFO.defaultDir];
                // Type of renaming to do
                tempENTRY.nameConvType = namingConvention.selectedButton
                // The base name to add page info to
                tempENTRY.baseName = removeColons(removeSpaces(newBaseName.editContents) );
                // The start [and end] page numbers
                var startEndPgs = startEndPgs.editContents;
                // Wether to do spreads or not
                peuINFO.doSpreadsON = (doSpreads.checkedState)?1:0;
                tempENTRY.doSpreadsON = peuINFO.doSpreadsON;
                // Wether to send entire file as one document
                peuINFO.doOneFile = (oneFile.checkedState)?1:0;
                tempENTRY.doOneFile = peuINFO.doOneFile;
                // Export format type
                tempENTRY.formatType = formatTypeRB.selectedButton + peuINFO.adjustForNoPS;
                // Set persistence during warnings
                peuINFO.editStartEndPgs = startEndPgs;
                baseName = tempENTRY.baseName;
                peuINFO.exportDefaultType = tempENTRY.formatType;
                // Determine if page replacement token exists when the page token option is used
                if(peuINFO.pageNamePlacement == 2){
                    var temp = tempENTRY.baseName.indexOf("<#>");
                    if(temp == -1){//Token isn't there
                        alert("There is no page item token (<#>) in the base name. Please add one or change the page naming placement preference.");
                        tempENlert.getOut = false;
                        pseudoSingleton--; // Allow prefs to be accessed again, but just once
                else // Try to remove any <#>s as a precaution
                    tempENTRY.baseName = tempENTRY.baseName.replace(/<#>/g,"");   
                // Layer Versioning & Batch options
                if(currentDoc < 1){
                    peuINFO.layersON = (doLayers.checkedState)?1:0;
                    if(peuINFO.numDocsToExport > 1){
                        peuINFO.batchSameForAll = (commonBatch.checkedState)?1:0;
                        peuINFO.batchON = (doBatch.checkedState)?1:0;
                            peuINFO.numDocsToExport = 1;
                //Check if spreads chosen with 'Add ".L"' option as this isn't supported.
                if(peuINFO.doSpreadsON && tempENTRY.nameConvType == 1){
                    alert ("Spreads cannot be used with the 'Add \".L\"' option.\nThis combination is not supported. (1.1)");
                    tempENTRY.nameConvType = 0;
                    tempENTRY.getOut = false;
                else if(peuINFO.doSpreadsON && tempENTRY.nameConvType == 4){
                    alert ("Spreads cannot be used with the 'Numeric Override' option.\nThis combination is not supported. (1.2)");
                    tempENTRY.nameConvType = 0;
                    tempENTRY.getOut = false;
                // Check if "Send Entire File At Once" is selected with JPG or EPS
                if(peuINFO.doOneFile && tempENTRY.formatType > 1 ){
                    alert ("The 'Send Entire File At Once' option can only be used with PostScript or PDF formats. (1.3)");
                    tempENTRY.getOut = false;
                // Check if: batch printing and using the "Same for all jobs options" and a page range other than "All" was used
                if(peuINFO.doBatch && peuINFO.batchSameForAll && startEndPgs != "All"){
                    alert ("The 'Set For All Batch Jobs' option can only be used with a Page Range of 'All'. Page Range has been reset to 'All'. (1.4)");
                    startEndPgs = "All";
                // Create page info, skip if doing entire file as one
                var tempPageCount = 0;
                    tempPageCount = 1;
                    // Get names of all the pages. Needed when pages are named using sectioning
                    tempENTRY = recordPgNames(tempENTRY);
                    // Check Page Validity and get Page counts of entered section(s)
                    var temp = checkPages(tempENTRY, startEndPgs);
                    tempENTRY = temp[0];
                    tempPageCount = temp[1];
                    temp = null; // Free it up
            } while(!tempENTRY.getOut);
            // Remove dialog from memory
            // Determine if tag will fit correctly
            tempENTRY.useTag = usePgInfoTag(tempENTRY.theDoc.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits,tempENTRY.theDoc.documentPreferences.pageWidth);
                // Get the format info for this document
                case 0://PS
                tempENTRY.psINFO = getPSoptions(tempENTRY.theDoc.name.split(".ind")[0]);
                case 1://PDF
                tempENTRY.pdfPRESET = getPDFoptions(tempENTRY);
                case 2: // EPS Formatting
                tempENTRY.epsINFO = getEPSoptions(tempENTRY.theDoc.name.split(".ind")[0]);
                peuINFO.origSpread = app.epsExportPreferences.epsSpreads;// Used to reset to original state when done
                app.epsExportPreferences.epsSpreads = peuINFO.doSpreadsON;
                case 3: // JPEG Formatting
                tempENTRY.jpegINFO = getJPEGoptions(tempENTRY.theDoc.name.split(".ind")[0]);
            // If Specific Directory was chosen for the output directory, get it now
            if(peuINFO.defaultDir == 0){
                tempENTRY.outDir = getDirectory("Please select the output directory:",peuINFO.startingDirectory);
                if(tempENTRY.outDir != null)
                    tempENTRY.outDir += "/";
                    byeBye("Exporting has been canceled by user.", peuINFO.sayCancel);
            // Set the common elements for all batch jobs if it was selected
            if(!commonBatchINFO.infoLoaded && peuINFO.batchSameForAll){
                commonBatchINFO.infoLoaded = true;
                commonBatchINFO.pageNamePlacement = tempENTRY.pageNamePlacement;
                commonBatchINFO.outDir = tempENTRY.outDir;
                commonBatchINFO.nameConvType = tempENTRY.nameConvType
                commonBatchINFO.doSpreadsON = tempENTRY.doSpreadsON;
                commonBatchINFO.doOneFile = tempENTRY.doOneFile;
                commonBatchINFO.formatType = tempENTRY.formatType;
                commonBatchINFO.psINFO = tempENTRY.psINFO;
                commonBatchINFO.pdfPRESET = tempENTRY.pdfPRESET
                commonBatchINFO.epsINFO = tempENTRY.epsINFO
                commonBatchINFO.jpegINFO = tempENTRY.jpegINFO;
        } // End each/first of batch
        else{ // Get the base name for other batch jobs
                tempENTRY.getOut = true;
                var nameDialog = app.dialogs.add({name:(VERSION_NAME + ": Base Name for \"" + tempENTRY.theDoc.name + "\"" + ((peuINFO.numDocsToExport==1)?"":" (" + (currentDoc+1) + " of " + peuINFO.numDocsToExport + " documents)") ), canCancel:true} );
                with (nameDialog){
                    with (dialogColumns.add() ){
                        with(dialogRows.add() ){
                        staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Enter the Base Name for \"" + tempENTRY.theDoc.name + "\""} );
                        var newBaseName = textEditboxes.add({editContents:baseName, minWidth:135} );
                        with(dialogRows.add() )
                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"", minWidth:400} );
                if(!nameDialog.show() ){
                    byeBye("User canceled export.",peuINFO.sayCancel);
                    tempENTRY.baseName = removeColons(removeSpaces(newBaseName.editContents) );
                    // Determine if page replacement token exists when the page token option is used
                    if(peuINFO.pageNamePlacement == 2){
                        var temp = tempENTRY.baseName.indexOf("<#>");
                        if(temp == -1){//Token isn't there
                            alert("There is no page item token (<#>) in the base name. Please add one or click cancel in the next dialog box.");
                            tempENTRY.getOut = false;
                    else // Try to remove any <#>s as a precaution
                        tempENTRY.baseName = tempENTRY.baseName.replace(/<#>/g,"");   
            // Get names of all the pages. Needed when pages are named using sectioning
            tempENTRY = recordPgNames(tempENTRY);
            // Set pgStart and pgEnd, forcing "All" pages to output
            tempENTRY = (checkPages(tempENTRY, "All"))[0];
            // The page count is all pages due to common batching
            tempPageCount = tempENTRY.theDoc.pages.length;
            // This info is common, get it from commonBatchINFO:
            tempENTRY.pageNamePlacement = commonBatchINFO.pageNamePlacement;
            tempENTRY.outDir = commonBatchINFO.outDir;
            tempENTRY.nameConvType = commonBatchINFO.nameConvType
            tempENTRY.doSpreadsON = commonBatchINFO.doSpreadsON;
            tempENTRY.doOneFile = commonBatchINFO.doOneFile;
            tempENTRY.formatType = commonBatchINFO.formatType;
            tempENTRY.psINFO = commonBatchINFO.psINFO;
            tempENTRY.pdfPRESET = commonBatchINFO.pdfPRESET
            tempENTRY.epsINFO = commonBatchINFO.epsINFO
            tempENTRY.jpegINFO = commonBatchINFO.jpegINFO;
        // Get any layering info
            tempENTRY.layerINFO = layerManager(tempENTRY.theDoc);
            if (tempENTRY.layerINFO == null) // Only one layer, turn it off for this doc
                tempENTRY.layersON = false;
                tempENTRY.layersON = true;
        // Sum up pages for the grand total for use in progress bar
        var temp = 1;
        if(peuINFO.doProgressBar && tempENTRY.layersON){
            // Figure tally for progress bar to include versions
            for(i=0;i < tempENTRY.layerINFO.verControls.length; i++)
                if (tempENTRY.layerINFO.verControls[i] == 1)
        progTotalPages += (tempPageCount*temp);
        // All info for this doc is finally gathered, add it to the main printINFO array
        // Only one chance to change prefs: trigger singleton
    }// end of main for loop
    savePrefs(); // Record any changes
    // Initiallize progress bar if available
        app.createProgressBar("Exporting Pages...", 0, progTotalPages, true);
    // Export by looping through all open documents if using batch option, otherwise just the front document is exported
    for(currentDoc = 0; currentDoc < printINFO.length; currentDoc++){
        var currentINFO = printINFO[currentDoc];
        // Set message in progress bar if available
                var progCancel = app.setProgress(currentINFO.theDoc.name);
                    byeBye("User canceled export.",peuINFO.sayCancel);
        // Set format options here so it's done just once per document
        // "Do one file" or PS/PDF with one page:
        if (currentINFO.doOneFile || currentINFO.singlePage){
            // Remove page token if it was entered and this name positioning option is set
            currentINFO.baseName = currentINFO.baseName.replace(/<#>/g,"");
                var theLayers = currentINFO.theDoc.layers;
                var baseControls = currentINFO.layerINFO.baseControls;
                var versionControls = currentINFO.layerINFO.verControls;
                var lastVersion = -1;
                // Loop for versioning
                 for(v = 0; v < versionControls.length; v++){
                    if(lastVersion != -1)// Turn the last layer back off
                        theLayers[lastVersion].visible = false;
                    lastVersion = v;
                    theLayers[v].visible = true;
                    currentINFO.outfileName = addPartToName(currentINFO.baseName, theLayers[v].name, peuINFO.layerBeforeON)
                    // Export this version
                    exportPage(currentINFO, PageRange.allPages);
                    // Advance progress bar if available
                // If Base layer/s is/are to be output as a version, do it now
                    lastVersion = -1;
                    // Turn off all versioning layers
                    for(v = 0; v < currentINFO.layerINFO.baseControls.length; v++){
                        if(currentINFO.layerINFO.baseControls[v])// its a base layer, keep track of last base version layer number
                            lastVersion = v;
                            theLayers[v].visible = false;
                    if (!lastVersion == -1){// Only export if there was a base version
                        currentINFO.outfileName = addPartToName(currentINFO.baseName, theLayers[lastVersion].name, peuINFO.layerBeforeON);
                        // Export the base layer(s)
                        exportPage(currentINFO, PageRange.allPages);
                        // Advance progress bar if available
            else{ // No layer versioning, just export
                currentINFO.outfileName = currentINFO.baseName;
                // Export the base layer(s)
                exportPage(currentINFO, PageRange.allPages);
                // Advance progress bar if available
                byeBye("Done exporting as a single file.",true);
        else{ // Do single pages/spreads
            if (!currentINFO.hasNonContig)
                // Pages are contiguous, can just export
                outputPages(currentINFO.pgStart, currentINFO.pgEnd, currentINFO);
            else{ // Export non-contiguous
                // Loop through array of page sections
                for (ii = 0; ii < currentINFO.nonContigPgs.length; ii++){
                    temp = currentINFO.nonContigPgs[ii];
                    // Here we handle the start/end pages for any non-contig that has "-"
                    if (temp.indexOf("-") != -1){
                        temp2 = temp.split("-");
                        outputPages(temp2[0],temp2[1], currentINFO);
                    else // The non-contiguous page is a single page
                        outputPages(temp, temp, currentINFO);
        // Set the spread settings back to what it was originally
            switch (currentINFO.formatType){
                case 0: // PostScript Formatting
                    theDoc.printPreferences.printSpreads = peuINFO.origSpread;
                case 1: // PDF Formatting
                    currentINFO.pdfPRESET.exportReaderSpreads = peuINFO.origSpread;
                case 2: // EPS Formatting
                    app.epsExportPreferences.epsSpreads = peuINFO.origSpread;
                case 3: // JPEG Formatting
                    app.jpegExportPreferences.exportingSpread = peuINFO.origSpread;
        catch(e){/*Just ignore it*/}
    byeBye("The requested pages are done being exported.",true); // Last line of script execution
    /*         Operational Functions           */
    * Handle exporting
    function outputPages(pgStart, pgEnd, currentINFO){
        var pgRange;
        var layerName = "";
        var numVersions;
        var currentPage;
        var lastVersion = -1;
        var numericallyLastPage;
        if (currentINFO.layersON){
            var theLayers = currentINFO.theDoc.layers;
            var baseControls = currentINFO.layerINFO.baseControls;
            var versionControls = currentINFO.layerINFO.verControls;
            numVersions = versionControls.length;
            // Compensate for base layers as a version
            numVersions = 1;
        for (v = 0; v < numVersions; v++){
                if(v == (numVersions - 1) && peuINFO.baseLaersAsVersion){
                    var currentLayer = -1;
                    // Base layer(s) are to be output as a version
                    // Turn off all versioning layers
                    for(slbm = 0; slbm < baseControls.length; slbm++){
                        if(baseControls[slbm])// its a base layer, use its name for page name
                            currentLayer = slbm;
                            theLayers[slbm].visible = false;
                    // Check if there was no base layer at all
                    if (currentLayer == -1)
                        layerName = "**NO_BASE**"
                        layerName = theLayers[currentLayer].name;
                    if(lastVersion != -1)// Turn the last layer back off
                        theLayers[lastVersion].visible = false;
                    lastVersion = v;
                    theLayers[v].visible = true;
                    layerName = theLayers[v].name;
            if (currentINFO.nameConvType == 4){
                currentPage = pgStart;
                numericallyLastPage = pgEnd;
            else if (currentINFO.doSpreadsON){
                currentPage = pgStart - 1;
                numericallyLastPage = pgEnd;
            else {
                currentPage = getPageOffset(pgStart, currentINFO.pageNameArray , currentINFO.pageRangeArray);
                numericallyLastPage = getPageOffset(pgEnd, currentINFO.pageNameArray, currentINFO.pageRangeArray);
            if(layerName != "**NO_BASE**"){
                    currentINFO.outfileName = getPageName(currentPage, layerName, currentINFO);
                    if (currentINFO.doSpreadsON){
                        pgRange = currentINFO.pageRangeArray[getPageOffset(currentINFO.theDoc.spreads[currentPage].pages[0].name, currentINFO.pageNameArray, currentINFO.pageRangeArray)];
                    else if (currentINFO.nameConvType == 4)
                        pgRange = currentINFO.pageRangeArray[currentPage-1];
                        pgRange = currentINFO.pageRangeArray[currentPage];
                    // Do the actual export:
                    exportPage(currentINFO, pgRange);
                    // Update progress bar if available
                } while(currentPage <= numericallyLastPage);
    * Export the page
    function exportPage(currentINFO, pgRange){
        var outFile = currentINFO.outDir + currentINFO.outfileName;
        switch (currentINFO.formatType){
            case 0: // PostScript Formatting
                    printFile = new File(outFile + ((currentINFO.psINFO.ext)?".ps":""));
                    pageRange = pgRange;
                // Needed to get around blank pages using separations
                catch(e){/*Just skip it*/}
            case 1: // PDF Formatting
                app.pdfExportPreferences.pageRange = pgRange;
                currentINFO.theDoc.exportFile(ExportFormat.pdfType, (new File(outFile + ".pdf")), false, currentINFO.pdfPRESET);
            case 2: // EPS Formatting
                app.epsExportPreferences.pageRange = pgRange;
                currentINFO.theDoc.exportFile(ExportFormat.epsType, (new File(outFile + ".eps")), false);
            case 3: // JPEG Formatting
                if(pgRange == PageRange.allPages){
                    app.jpegExportPreferences.jpegExportRange = ExportRangeOrAllPages.exportAll;
                    app.jpegExportPreferences.jpegExportRange = ExportRangeOrAllPages.exportRange;
                    app.jpegExportPreferences.pageString = pgRange;
                currentINFO.theDoc.exportFile(ExportFormat.jpg, (new File(outFile + ".jpg")), false);
    * Create a name for the page being exported
    function getPageName(currentPage, layerName, currentINFO){
        var pgRename = "";
        if (currentINFO.doSpreadsON)
            currentINFO["currentSpread"] = currentINFO.theDoc.spreads[currentPage].pages;
        switch (currentINFO.nameConvType){
            case 3: // Odd/Even pages/spreads = .LA.F/LA.B, LB.F/LB.B ...
                pgRename = makeLotName(currentPage+1, peuINFO.subType);
            case 2: // Odd/Even pages/spreads = .F/.B
                pgRename = ((currentPage+1)%2 == 0) ? "B" : "F";
            case 1: // Add ".L" to the page name
                pgRename = "L" + currentINFO.pageNameArray[currentPage];
            case 0: case 4:// As is or Numeric Override
                            // Optionally add "P" and any zeros if options chosen and is numerically named
                            // otherwise, just the "seperatorChar" is added to page name
                if (currentINFO.doSpreadsON){
                    // Loops through number of pages per spread
                    // and adds each page name to the final name (P08.P01)
                    for (j = 0; j < currentINFO.currentSpread.length; j++){
                            var tempPage = currentINFO.pageRangeArray[getPageOffset(currentINFO.currentSpread[j].name, currentINFO.pageNameArray, currentINFO.pageRangeArray)];
                            var tempPage = currentINFO.pageNameArray[getPageOffset(currentINFO.currentSpread[j].name, currentINFO.pageNameArray, currentINFO.pageRangeArray)];
                        var tempPageNum = parseInt(tempPage,10);
                        /* If section name starts with a number, need to compare length of orig vs parsed
                         * to see if the page name is solely a number or a combo num + letter, etc.
                        if (! isNaN(tempPageNum) && ((""+tempPage).length == (""+tempPageNum).length )){
                            if (peuINFO.addZeroON)
                                tempPage = addLeadingZero(tempPageNum, currentINFO.theDoc.pages.length);
                            if (peuINFO.addPon)
                                tempPage = "P" + tempPage;
                        pgRename = (j==0) ? tempPage : pgRename + peuINFO.charList[peuINFO.seperatorChar] + tempPage;
                else {
                    // Create a new name for an individual page
                    if (currentINFO.nameConvType == 4)
                        pgRename = currentPage;
                        pgRename = currentINFO.pageNameArray[currentPage];
                    if (! isNaN(parseInt(pgRename,10)) && (""+pgRename).length == (""+parseInt(pgRename,10)).length) {
                        if (peuINFO.addZeroON)
                            pgRename = addLeadingZero(pgRename, currentINFO.theDoc.pages.length);
                        if (peuINFO.addPon)
                            pgRename = "P" + pgRename;
            pgRename = addPartToName(pgRename, layerName, peuINFO.layerBeforeON);
        // Add page name to base name based on option selected
        if(peuINFO.pageNamePlacement == 2)
            pgRename = removeColons(currentINFO.baseName.replace(/<#>/g,pgRename) );
            pgRename = addPartToName(currentINFO.baseName, pgRename,peuINFO.pageNamePlacement);
        return pgRename;
    * Add a name part before or after a given base string
    function addPartToName(theBase, addThis, addBefore){
        //Remove any colons
        theBase = removeColons(theBase);
        addThis = removeColons(addThis);
        return (addBefore) ? (addThis + peuINFO.charList[peuINFO.seperatorChar] + theBase ):(theBase + peuINFO.charList[peuINFO.seperatorChar] + addThis);
    * Find the offset page number for a page by its name
    function getPageOffset(pgToFind, pageNameArray, pageRangeArray){
        var offset;
        for(offset = 0; offset<pageRangeArray.length;offset++){
            if((""+ pgToFind).toLowerCase() == (("" + pageNameArray[offset]).toLowerCase() ) || (""+ pgToFind).toLowerCase() == (("" + pageRangeArray[offset]).toLowerCase() ) )
                return offset;
        return -1;
    * Replace any colons with specialReplaceChar
    function removeColons(tempName){
        return tempName.replace(/:/g,peuINFO.charList[peuINFO.specialReplaceChar]);
    * Remove spaces from front and end of name
    function removeSpaces(theName){
        // Trim any leading or trailing spaces in base name
        var i,j;
        for(i = theName.length-1;i>0 && theName.charAt(i) == " ";i--);// Ignore any spaces on end of name
        for(j = 0; j<theName.length && theName.charAt(j) == " ";j++);// Ignore any spaces at front of name
        theName = theName.substring(j,i+1);
        return theName
    * Add leading zero(s)
    function addLeadingZero(tempPageNum, pageCount){
        if(peuINFO.zeroPadding == 0){
            // Normal padding
            if((tempPageNum < 10 && pageCount < 100) || (tempPageNum > 9 && pageCount > 99 && tempPageNum < 100))
                return addSingleZero(tempPageNum);
            else if(tempPageNum < 10 && pageCount > 99)
                return addDoubleZero(tempPageNum);
                return ("" + tempPageNum);
        }else if(peuINFO.zeroPadding == 1){
            // Pad to 2 digits
            if(tempPageNum < 10)
                return addSingleZero(tempPageNum);
                return ("" + tempPageNum);
            // Pad to 3 digits
            if(tempPageNum < 10)
                return addDoubleZero(tempPageNum);
            else if(tempPageNum < 100)
                return addSingleZero(tempPageNum);
                return ("" + tempPageNum);
    * Add leading zero helper for single
    function addSingleZero(pgNum){
        return ("0" + pgNum);
    * Add leading zero helper for double
    function addDoubleZero(pgNum){
        return ("00" + pgNum);
    * Create lot name from page number
    function makeLotName(thePage, subType){
        var iii = thePage;
        var curr = 0;
        var lotName = "L";
        if(subType == 0){
                curr = Math.floor((iii-1)/52)-1;
                lotName += alphaBet[curr];
                if(curr >= 0)
                    iii -= 52*(1+curr);
                    iii -= 52;
            lotName += alphaBet[Math.floor((iii-1)/2)%26];
            for(iii=thePage; iii>0; iii-=52)
                lotName += alphaBet[Math.floor((iii-1)/2)%26];
        return lotName += (thePage & 0x1)?".F":".B";
    * Advance progress bar one unit
    function advanceBar(){
        var progCancel = app.setProgress(++progCurrentPage);
            byeBye("User canceled export.",peuINFO.sayCancel);
    * Create an Empty tempENTRY "struct"
    function getNewTempENTRY(){
        var newTempENTRY = new Array();
        newTempENTRY["theDoc"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["singlePage"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["getOut"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["outDir"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["outfileName"] = "";
        newTempENTRY["nameConvType"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["baseName"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["doSpreadsON"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["doOneFile"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["formatType"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["layersON"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["hasNonContig"] = false;
        newTempENTRY["nonContigPgs"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["pageNameArray"] = new Array();
        newTempENTRY["pageRangeArray"] = new Array();
        newTempENTRY["psINFO"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["pdfPRESET"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["epsINFO"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["jpegINFO"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["layerINFO"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["useTag"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["pgStart"] = null;
        newTempENTRY["pgEnd"] = null;
        return newTempENTRY;
    * Record all the page/spread names
    function recordPgNames(tempENTRY){
            // Get names of all the pages. Needed when pages are named using sectioning
        for (i = 0; i < tempENTRY.theDoc.documentPreferences.pagesPerDocument; i++){
            var aPage = tempENTRY.theDoc.pages.item(i);
            tempENTRY.pageNameArray[i] = aPage.name;
            tempENTRY.pageRangeArray[i] = (aPage.appliedSection.includeSectionPrefix)? aPage.name : (aPage.appliedSection.name + aPage.name);
        return tempENTRY;
    * Set the export options
    function setExportOption(currentINFO){
            // Set any options here instead of with each page
        switch (currentINFO.formatType){
            case 0: // PostScript Formatting
            case 1: // PDF Formatting
                // Nothing to do
            case 2: // EPS Formatting
            case 3: // JPEG Formatting
    * Get PostScript format options
    function getPSoptions(docName){
        var psOptions = new Array();
        psOptions["ignore"] = true;
        var tempGetOut, PSdlog, pgHeight, pgWidth;
        var changeAddPSextention, tempBaseName;
        var printPreset;
            tempGetOut = true;
            PSdlog = app.dialogs.add({name:"PostScript Options for \"" + docName + "\"", canCancel:true} );
            with (PSdlog)
                with (dialogColumns.add() ){
                    with (dialogRows.add() )
                        staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Print Presets:"} );
                    printPreset = dropdowns.add({stringList:peuINFO.psPrinterNames , minWidth:236, selectedIndex:peuINFO.defaultPrintPreset} );
                    with (dialogRows.add() )
                        staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Override PS Page Size (" + peuINFO.measureLableArray[peuINFO.measurementUnits] + ")"} );
                    with (borderPanels.add() )
                        with (dialogColumns.add() )
                            with (dialogRows.add() ){
                                staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Width:", minWidth:45} );
                                pgWidth = textEditboxes.add({editContents:"0", minWidth:53} );
                                staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Height:", minWidth:45} );
                                pgHeight = textEditboxes.add({editContents:"0", minWidth:54} );
                    with (dialogRows.add() ){
                        staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Add \".ps\" to end of file name"} );
                        changeAddPSextention = dropdowns.add({stringList:["No","Yes"], selectedIndex:peuINFO.addPSextention} )
            if((PSdlog.show()) ){
                // Get the page height + width
                pgHeight = parseFloat(pgHeight.editContents);
                pgWidth = parseFloat(pgWidth.editContents);
                // Check entered H & W for error
                if(isNaN(pgHeight) || isNaN(pgWidth) || pgHeight < 0 || pgWidth < 0 ){
                    alert ("Both page height and width must be numeric and greater than zero (3.1).");
                    pgHeight = "0";
                    pgWidth  = "0";
                    tempGetOut = false;
                if(pgHeight > 0 && pgWidth > 0) // User changed size, use the new size
                    psOptions.ignore = false;
                psOptions["height"] = pgHeight + peuINFO.measureUnitArray[peuINFO.measurementUnits];
                psOptions["width"] = pgWidth + peuINFO.measureUnitArray[peuINFO.measurementUnits];
                psOptions["ext"] = changeAddPSextention.selectedIndex;
                peuINFO.addPSextention = psOptions["ext"];
                psOptions["preset"] = printPreset.selectedIndex
                peuINFO.defaultPrintPreset = psOptions.preset;
                byeBye("Exporting has been canceled by user.",peuINFO.sayCancel);
        } while(!tempGetOut);
        return psOptions;
    * Set Postscript options
    function setPSoptions(theINFO){
            activePrinterPreset = peuINFO.csPSprinters[theINFO.psINFO.preset];
            peuINFO.origSpread = printSpreads; // Used to reset to original state when done
            printSpreads = theINFO.doSpreadsON;
            if(colorOutput != ColorOutputModes.separations && colorOutput != ColorOutputModes.inripSeparations)
                printBlankPages = true;
            if (theINFO.useTag)
                pageInformationMarks = true;
                pageInformationMarks = false;
                    paperSize = PaperSizes.custom;
                    paperHeight = theINFO.psINFO.height;
                    paperWidth = theINFO.psINFO.width;
                    alert ("The current PPD doesn't support custom page sizes. The page size from the Print Preset will be used (3.2).");
    * Get PDF options
    function getPDFoptions(theINFO){
        var PDFdlog = app.dialogs.add({name:"PDF Options for \"" + theINFO.theDoc.name.split(".ind")[0] + "\"", canCancel:true} );
        var temp = new Array();
        // Test if default PDFpreset is greater # than actual list.
        // This occurs if one was deleted and the last preset in the list was the default
        if(peuINFO.defaultPDFpreset > temp.length-1)
            peuINFO.defaultPDFpreset = 0;
        with (PDFdlog)
            with (dialogColumns.add() ){
                with (dialogRows.add() )
                    staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"PDF Export Preset:"} );
                pdfPresets = dropdowns.add({stringList: temp, minWidth:50, selectedIndex:peuINFO.defaultPDFpreset} );
        if(PDFdlog.show() ){
            temp = app.pdfExportPresets[pdfPresets.selectedIndex];
            peuINFO.defaultPDFpreset = pdfPresets.selectedIndex;
            peuINFO.origSpread = temp.exportReaderSpreads;
                temp.exportReaderSpreads = theINFO.doSpreadsON;
                temp.pageInformationMarks = (theINFO.useTag && temp.cropMarks)?true:false;
            }catch(e){/*ignore it*/}
            return temp;
            byeBye("PDF exporting has been canceled by user.", peuINFO.sayCancel);
    * Get JPEG options
    function getJPEGoptions(docName){
        var temp = new Array();
        var JPEGdlog = app.dialogs.add({name:"JPEG Options for \"" + docName + "\"", canCancel:true} );
        with (JPEGdlog)
            with (dialogColumns.add() ){
                with (dialogRows.add() )
                    staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Quality:"} );
                JPEGquality = dropdowns.add({stringList:(new Array("Low","Medium","High","Maximum")) , minWidth:50, selectedIndex:peuINFO.defaultJPEGquality} );
                with (dialogRows.add() )
                    staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Encoding Type:"} );
                    JPEGrender = dropdowns.add({stringList:["Baseline","Progressive"] , minWidth:50, selectedIndex:peuINFO.defaultJPEGrender } );
        if(JPEGdlog.show() ){
            peuINFO.defaultJPEGquality = JPEGquality.selectedIndex;
            temp["qualityType"] = peuINFO.defaultJPEGquality;
            peuINFO.defaultJPEGrender = JPEGrender.selectedIndex;
            temp["renderType"] = peuINFO.defaultJPEGrender;
            byeBye("JPEG exporting has been canceled by user.",peuINFO.sayCancel);
        return temp;
    * Set JPEG options
    function setJPEGoptions(theINFO){
            peuINFO.origSpread = exportingSpread; // Used to reset to original state when done
            exportingSpread = currentINFO.doSpreadsON;
            exportingSelection = false; // Export the entire page
            if(peuINFO.csVersion > 3)
                jpegExportRange = ExportRangeOrAllPages.exportRange;
            switch (theINFO.qualityType){
                case 0:
                    jpegQuality = JPEGOptionsQuality.low;
                case 1:
                    jpegQuality = JPEGOptionsQuality.medium;
                case 2:
                    jpegQuality = JPEGOptionsQuality.high;
                case 3:
                    jpegQuality = JPEGOptionsQuality.maximum;
            jpegRenderingStyle = (theINFO.renderType)? JPEGOptionsFormat.baselineEncoding : JPEGOptionsFormat.progressiveEncoding;
    * Get EPS options
    function getEPSoptions(docName){
        var epsOptions = new Array();
        var epsDialog = app.dialogs.add({name:"EPS Options for \"" + docName + "\"", canCancel:true} );
        var oldBleed = peuINFO.bleed;
        with (epsDialog){
            // Left Column
            with (dialogColumns.add() ){
                with (dialogRows.add() )
                with (borderPanels.add() )
                    with (dialogColumns.add() ){
                        with (dialogRows.add() )
                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Flattener Presets:"} );
                        changeFlattenerPreset = dropdowns.add({stringList:peuINFO.flattenerNames , minWidth:180, selectedIndex:peuINFO.defaultFlattenerPreset} );
                        with (dialogRows.add() )
                            changeIgnoreOverride = checkboxControls.add({staticLabel:"Ignore Overrides", checkedState:peuINFO.ignoreON} );
                        with (dialogRows.add() )
                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Preview Type:"} );
                        changePreviewPreset = dropdowns.add({stringList:peuINFO.previewTypes , minWidth:180, selectedIndex:peuINFO.defaultPreview} );
                        with (dialogRows.add() ){
                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Bleed:"} );
                            changeBleedVal = realEditboxes.add({editValue:peuINFO.bleed, minWidth:60} );
                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:peuINFO.measureLableArray[peuINFO.measurementUnits]} );
                        with (dialogRows.add() )
                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"OPI Options:"} );
                        with (dialogRows.add() ){
                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Omit:"} );
                            changeOpiEPS = checkboxControls.add({staticLabel:"EPS", checkedState:peuINFO.epsON} );
                            changeOpiPDF = checkboxControls.add({staticLabel:"PDF", checkedState:peuINFO.pdfON} );
                            changeOpiBitmap = checkboxControls.add({staticLabel:"Bitmapped", checkedState:peuINFO.bitmapON} );
            // Right column
            with (dialogColumns.add() ){
                with(borderPanels.add() ){
                    with(dialogColumns.add() ){
                        with (dialogRows.add() ){
                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"PostScript level:"} );
                            var changePSlevel = dropdowns.add({stringList:["2","3"] , minWidth:75, selectedIndex:peuINFO.psLevel} );
                        with (dialogRows.add() ){
                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Color mode:"} );
                            if(peuINFO.csVersion == 3)
                                var changeColorMode = dropdowns.add({stringList:["Unchanged","Grayscale", "RGB", "CMYK"] , minWidth:100, selectedIndex:peuINFO.colorType } );
                                var changeColorMode = dropdowns.add({stringList:["Unchanged","Grayscale", "RGB", "CMYK","PostScript Color Management"] , minWidth:100, selectedIndex:peuINFO.colorType } );
                        with (dialogRows.add() ){
                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Font embedding:"} );
                            var changeFontEmbedding = dropdowns.add({stringList:["None","Complete", "Subset"] , minWidth:100, selectedIndex:peuINFO.fontEmbed } );
                        with (dialogRows.add() ){
                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Type of data to send:"} );
                            var changeDataToSend = dropdowns.add({stringList:["All","Proxy"] , minWidth:50, selectedIndex:peuINFO.dataSent } );
                        with (dialogRows.add() ){
                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Data type:"} );
                            var changeDataType = dropdowns.add({stringList:["Binary","ASCII"] , minWidth:50, selectedIndex:peuINFO.dataType } );
                        with (dialogRows.add() ){
                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Perform OPI replacement:"} );
                            var changeOPIreplace = dropdowns.add({stringList:["No","Yes"] , minWidth:50, selectedIndex:peuINFO.opiReplacement} );
            var getOut = true;
            if((epsDialog.show()) ){
                // Use these to update the prefs file
                peuINFO.defaultFlattenerPreset = changeFlattenerPreset.selectedIndex;
                peuINFO.ignoreON = (changeIgnoreOverride.checkedState)?1:0;
                peuINFO.defaultPreview = changePreviewPreset.selectedIndex;
                peuINFO.bleed = changeBleedVal.editContents;
                peuINFO.epsON = (changeOpiEPS.checkedState)?1:0;
                peuINFO.pdfON = (changeOpiPDF.checkedState)?1:0;
                peuINFO.bitmapON = (changeOpiBitmap.checkedState)?1:0;
                peuINFO.psLevel = changePSlevel.selectedIndex;
                peuINFO.colorType = changeColorMode.selectedIndex;
                peuINFO.fontEmbed = changeFontEmbedding.selectedIndex;
                peuINFO.dataSent = changeDataToSend.selectedIndex;
                peuINFO.dataType = changeDataType.selectedIndex;
                peuINFO.opiReplacement = changeOPIreplace.selectedIndex;
                // Check if bleed value is OK
                peuINFO.bleed = parseFloat(peuINFO.bleed)
                if (isNaN(peuINFO.bleed)){
                    alert("Bleed value must be a number (1.1).");
                    getOut = false;
                    peuINFO.bleed = oldBleed;
                else if (peuINFO.bleed < 0){
                    alert("Bleed value must be greater or equal to zero (1.2).");
                    getOut = false;
                    peuINFO.bleed = oldBleed;
                else {
                    // Check if bleed is too big
                    try {
                        app.epsExportPreferences.bleedBottom = "" + peuINFO.bleed + peuINFO.measureUnitArray[peuINFO.measurementUnits];
                    catch (Exception){
                        alert("The bleed value must be less than one of the following: 6 in | 152.4 mm | 432 pt | 33c9.384");
                        getOut = false;
                        peuINFO.bleed = oldBleed;
                byeBye("EPS Export canceled by user.", peuINFO.sayCancel);
            // These are used for exporting
            epsOptions["defaultFlattenerPreset"] = changeFlattenerPreset.selectedIndex;
            epsOptions["ignoreON"] = peuINFO.ignoreON;
            epsOptions["defaultPreview"] = changePreviewPreset.selectedIndex;
            epsOptions["bleed"] = peuINFO.bleed;
            epsOptions["epsON"] = peuINFO.epsON;
            epsOptions["pdfON"] = peuINFO.pdfON;
            epsOptions["bitmapON"] = peuINFO.bitmapON;
            epsOptions["psLevel"] = changePSlevel.selectedIndex;
            epsOptions["colorType"] = changeColorMode.selectedIndex;
            epsOptions["fontEmbed"] = changeFontEmbedding.selectedIndex;
            epsOptions["dataSent"] = changeDataToSend.selectedIndex;
            epsOptions["dataType"] = changeDataType.selectedIndex;
            epsOptions["opiReplacement"] = changeOPIreplace.selectedIndex;
            return epsOptions;
    *     Apply chosen settings to the EPS export prefs
    function setEPSoptions(theINFO){
            appliedFlattererPreset = peuINFO.flattenerNames[theINFO.defaultFlattenerPreset];
            bleedBottom = "" + theINFO.bleed + peuINFO.measureUnitArray[peuINFO.measurementUnits];
            bleedInside = bleedBottom;
            bleedOutside = bleedBottom;
            bleedTop = bleedBottom;
            epsSpreads = currentINFO.doSpreadsON;
            ignoreSpreadOverrides = theINFO.ignoreON;
            switch (theINFO.dataType){
                case 0:
                    dataFormat = DataFormat.binary;
                case 1:
                    dataFormat = DataFormat.ascii;
            switch (theINFO.colorType){
                case 0:
                    epsColor = EPSColorSpace.unchangedColorSpace;
                case 1:
                    epsColor = EPSColorSpace.gray;
                case 2:
                    epsColor = EPSColorSpace.rgb;
                case 3:
                    epsColor = EPSColorSpace.cmyk;
                case 4:
                    epsColor = EPSColorSpace.postscriptColorManagement;
            switch (theINFO.fontEmbed){
                case 0:
                    fontEmbedding = FontEmbedding.none;
                case 1:
                    fontEmbedding = FontEmbedding.complete;
                case 2:
                    fontEmbedding = FontEmbedding.subset;
            switch (theINFO.dataSent){
                case 0:
                    imageData = EPSImageData.allImageData;
                case 1:
                    imageData = EPSImageData.proxyImageData;
            switch (theINFO.defaultPreview){
                case 0:
                    preview = PreviewTypes.none;
                case 1:
                    preview = PreviewTypes.tiffPreview;
                case 2:
                    preview = PreviewTypes.pictPreview;
            switch (theINFO.psLevel){
                case 0:
                    postScriptLevel = PostScriptLevels.level2;
                case 1:
                    postScriptLevel = PostScriptLevels.level3;
            // Setting these three to false prevents a conflict error when trying to set the opiImageReplacement value
            omitBitmaps = false;
            omitEPS = false;
            omitPDF = false;
            if (theINFO.opiReplacement){
                opiImageReplacement = true;
            else {
                opiImageReplacement = false;
                omitBitmaps = theINFO.bitmapON;
                omitEPS = theINFO.epsON;
                omitPDF = theINFO.pdfON;
    * Build the main dialog box
    function createMainDialog (docName, thisNum, endNum){
        var theDialog = app.dialogs.add({name:(VERSION_NAME + ": Enter the options for \"" + docName + "\"" + ((endNum==1)?"":" (" + thisNum + " of " + endNum + " documents)") )
    , canCancel:true} );
        with (theDialog){
            // Left Column
            with (dialogColumns.add() ){
                with (dialogRows.add() )
                    staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Page Naming Options"} );
                with(borderPanels.add() ){
                    with(dialogColumns.add() ){
                        // Radio butons for renaming convention
                        namingConvention = radiobuttonGroups.add();
                            radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"As Is", checkedState:(peuINFO.nameConvType == 0)} );
                            radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"Add \".L\"", checkedState:(peuINFO.nameConvType == 1)} );
                            radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"Odd/Even = \".F/.B\"", checkedState:(peuINFO.nameConvType == 2)} );
                            radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"Odd/Even = \"LA.F/LA.B\"" , checkedState:(peuINFO.nameConvType == 3)});
                            radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"Numeric Override" , checkedState:(peuINFO.nameConvType == 4)});
                    with (dialogRows.add() )
                        staticTexts.add({staticLabel:""} );
                        with(dialogRows.add() ){
                        staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Base Name"} );
                        newBaseName = textEditboxes.add({editContents:baseName, minWidth:100} );
            // Middle Column
            with (dialogColumns.add() ){
                with (dialogRows.add() )

    RichardM0701, are you the same person as scottbentley?
    I fear your response doesn't make a lot of sense. The easiest way is to put your files into a book, which will not harm them. The easiest script is often no script at all.
    I don't understand your comment about separate text boxes, files contain text boxes and definitionally multiple files means multiple separate text boxes.
    I do not know what you are referring to with respect to the toc update, perhaps you could reference a particular command or script, or provide a screenshot.
    It sounds like now you are interested in updating multiple tables of contents in a single fell swoop -- this would appear to have nothing to do with the original question. If that's the case, please start a new thread.

  • RFC issue in Triggering workflow

    I am trying to trigger a custom workflow from EP in Newly set up ECC 6.0 system.
    Problem here is, Business object Event is getting triggered in R/3 with custom workflow as reciever, but the workflow is not going to the first stepThe event trace (SWEL) gives following information,
    Action                   Receiver started correctly
    RFC Status           Logon not possible (error in license check)
    I have checked the configuration in SWU3, all where fine, also the RFC WORKFLOW_LOCAL_100 tested successfully. The ECC6.0 has the full license.
    Please let me know why this has happened? How can it be solved? Please reply ASAP.

    WF-BATCH has validity till 12/31/9999 and also the workflow initiator has SAP_ALL authorization,
    Still the issue has not been solved. New thing i noticed this this problem happens intermittently !
    For some time it is working fine, some other time its giving the same RFC error.

  • XPontus XML Editor is out

    Hi everybody,
    The version of XPontus XML Editor(http://xpontus.sf.net) is out. XPontus XML Editor is a simple XML Editor oriented towards text editing. It aims to become the free alternative to commercial XML IDEs such as XML SPy or Oxygen XML Editor. The software has been entirely rewritten to support plugins, so most of XPontus features are provided as plugins which can be extended.
    Here is the complete list of the major features :
    * Modularity : XPontus is now built on top of a plugin framework to allow a modular development. Most of XPontus features are provided as plugins.
    * Code completion : For general XML files code completion is built on the fly when a DTD or schema is associated to the document. XSL completion is provided using a DTD embedded in the XML code completion plugin. For HTML files, an embedded DTD is used to create the code completion database.
    * XPath 1.0 support
    * Syntax coloring is enabled for XML and HTML related files.
    * XSL transformations (PDF, HTML, XML, SVG, TEXT).
    * Check if XML is well formed
    * Validation : Simple XML validation, Batch XML validation, External schema validation
    * Code structure browser to display the hierarchic structure of XML and HTML files
    * Code indentation is available for XML and HTML related files.
    * File system abstractions : XPontus will be able to use file system abstraction which means that a FTP file and a local file will be look all the same to the application.
    * Schema generation/conversion(Generation of DTDS, XML schemas, Relax NG grammars from XML files).
    * HTML Documentation generation from XML schemas or DTD
    * Installers are available for Windows, Mac and Linux/Unix(FreeBSD, Solaris)
    * Platform independence : As XPontus is written Java, it runs on most platforms such as Windows, Mac OS, Linux/Unix, FreeBSD, MacOS, Solaris.
    * Drag and drop support, common editing features(print, etc.), control+pageup and control+pagedown to switch between windows.
    Homepage : http://xpontus.sf.net
    Screenshots : http://xpontus.sourceforge.net/screenshots.html
    Downloads : http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=118253
    Features : http://xpontus.sourceforge.net/features.html
    License : GPL
    Author : Yves Zoundi

    No, it is not built on top of Netbeans. The plugin framework is JPF(http://jpf.sourceforge.net) and the docking framework is vldocking(http://www.vlsolutions.com/en/products/docking/).
    XPontus XML Editor is a standalone Java Swing application for now. The integration with Netbeans and Eclipse is planned for future releases. That will depends on the team's knowledge of Netbeans Platform and SWT.
    Thank you for your interest in XPontus XML Editor
    Yves Zoundi

  • Payables Transfer to General Ledger does not kick off Journal Import

    This is on
    We have some invoice batches that are not posted in GL. This problem is sporadic and only happens for some batches and not all. It is unclear to why some batches are posted fine and others are not.
    The problem is at payable trasnfer to General Ledger program. After these batches are validated and create accounting has been executed successfully, we submit Payables Trsnfer to General Ledger program.
    This program does not kick of Journal Import child process for these batches. It just completes normally without showing any error detail on log/output.
    What could be the reason? Why Payables Transfer to General Ledger is not kicking off Journal Import for these batches?
    I have even verified GL_INTERFACE and there is nothing there.
    Please advise.

    Are these invoices accounted, and was create accounting done for these Invoices?
    If so these should be available for the import.

  • Upcoming SAP Best Practices Data Migration Training - Chicago

    SAP America, Downers Grove in Chicago, IL:
    November 3 u2013 5, 2010     `
    Installation and Deployment of SAP Best Practices for Data Migration & SAP BusinessObjects Data Services
    Install and learn how to use the latest SAP Best Practices for Data Migration package. This new package combines the familiar IDoc technology together with the SAP BusinessObjects (SBOP) Data Services to load your customeru2019s legacy data to SAP ERP and SAP CRM (New!).
    At the end of this unique hands-on session, participants will depart with the SBOP Data Services and SAP Best Practices for Data Migration installed on their own laptops. The three-day training course will cover all aspects of the data migration package including:
    1.     Offering Overview  u2013 Introduction to the new SAP Best Practices for Data Migration package and data migration content designed for SAP BAiO / SAP ERP and SAP CRM
    2.     Data Services fundamentals u2013 Architecture, source and target metadata definition. Process of creating batch Jobs, validating, tracing, debugging, and data assessment.
    3.     Installation and configuration of the SBOP Data Servicesu2013 Installation and deployment of the Data Services and content from SAP Best Practices. Configuration of your target SAP environment and deploying the Migration Services application.
    4.     Customer Master example u2013 Demonstrations and hands-on exercises on migrating an object from a legacy source application through to the target SAP application.
    5.     Overview of Data Quality within the Data Migration process A demonstration of the Data Quality functionality available to partners using the full Data Services toolset as an extension to the Data Services license.
    Logistics & How to Register
    Nov. 3 u2013 5: SAP America, Downers Grove,  IL
                     Wednesday 10AM u2013 5PM
                     Thursday 9AM u2013 5PM
                     Friday 8AM u2013 3PM
                     SAP America u2013Buckingham Room
                     3010 Highland Parkway
                     Downers Grove, IL USA 60515
    Partner Requirements:  All participants must bring their own laptop to install SAP Business Objects Data Services on it. Please see attached laptop specifications and ensure your laptop meets these requirements.
    Cost: Partner registration is free of charge
    Who should attend: Partner team members responsible for customer data migration activities, or for delivery of implementation tools for SAP Business All-in-One solutions. Ideal candidates are:
    u2022         Data Migration consultant and IDoc experts involved in data migration and integration projects
    u2022         Functional experts that perform mapping activities for data migration
    u2022         ABAP developers who write load programs for data migration
    Oren Shatil u2013 SAP Business All-in-One Development
    Frank Densborn u2013 SAP Business All-in-One Development
    To register please use the hyperlink below.

    The link does not work. This training is still available ?

  • Upcoming SAP Best Practices Data Migration Training - Berlin

    Berlin, Germany: October 06 u2013 08, 2010     `
    Installation and Deployment of SAP Best Practices for Data Migration & SAP BusinessObjects Data Integrator
    Install and learn how to use the latest SAP Best Practices for Data Migration package. This new package combines the familiar IDoc technology together with the SAP BusinessObjects (SBOP) Data Integrator to load your customeru2019s legacy data to SAP ERP and SAP CRM (New!).
    At the end of this unique hands-on session, participants will depart with the SBOP Data Integrator and SAP Best Practices for Data Migration installed on their own laptops. The three-day training course will cover all aspects of the data migration package including:
    1.     Offering Overview  u2013 Introduction to the new SAP Best Practices for Data Migration package and data migration content designed for SAP BAiO / SAP ERP and SAP CRM
    2.     Data Integrator fundamentals u2013 Architecture, source and target metadata definition. Process of creating batch Jobs, validating, tracing, debugging, and data assessment.
    3.     Installation and configuration of the SBOP Data Integratoru2013 Installation and deployment of the Data Integrator and content from SAP Best Practices. Configuration of your target SAP environment and deploying the Migration Services application.
    4.     Customer Master example u2013 Demonstrations and hands-on exercises on migrating an object from a legacy source application through to the target SAP application.
    Logistics & How to Register
    October 06 u2013 08: Berlin, Germany
                     Wednesday 10AM u2013 5PM
                     Thursday 9AM u2013 5PM
                     Friday 9AM u2013 4PM
                     SAP Deutschland AG & Co. KG
                     Rosenthaler Strasse 30
                     D-10178 Berlin, Germany
                     Training room S5 (1st floor)
    Partner Requirements:  All participants must bring their own laptop to install SAP Business Objects Data Integrator on it. Please see attached laptop specifications and ensure your laptop meets these requirements.
    Cost: Partner registration is free of charge
    Who should attend: Partner team members responsible for customer data migration activities, or for delivery of implementation tools for SAP Business All-in-One solutions. Ideal candidates are:
    u2022         Data Migration consultant and IDoc experts involved in data migration and integration projects
    u2022         Functional experts that perform mapping activities for data migration
    u2022         ABAP developers who write load programs for data migration
    Oren Shatil u2013 SAP Business All-in-One Development
    Frank Densborn u2013 SAP Business All-in-One Development
    To register please follow the hyperlink below

    The link does not work. This training is still available ?

  • Creating a custom ZTABLE

    Hi Gurus please suugest me to create this table :
    Changeid (Text 20 characters)
    Materila (with validation against MARA)
    Batch(with validation againest MCHA)
    SAP ENtry date(MKPF-CPUDT)
    Old status(codes to be defined)

    Go to transaction SE11, give the table name to create and click on Create button(F5).
    Define the fields on Fields tab(Make sure that first field is MANDT(Client)) and at leat one field as key field. Fields can be defined with direct types, but suggested with reference to data element.
    Define the technical settings -> save -> Check(F6) -> Activate (Ctrl + F3).
    Now custom table is ready to use.

  • The parameters supplied for the batch are not valid.

    Error:The parameters supplied for the batch are not valid
    Stored Procedure is as follows
    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Usp_TrackVehicleDetails] 
    @reg_Number     NVARCHAR(25)
        DECLARE @Imei_Number    NVARCHAR(25),
    @Longitude_Val  NVARCHAR(MAX),
    @result         INT
    -- Tracking Device by means of Latitude and Longitude
    SELECT @Imei_Number=Imei_No FROM MapDevice_Vehicle WHERE Vehicle_No=@reg_Number;
    SELECT @Imei_Table='Imei_'+@Imei_Number
    SET @Imei_PK='SELECT(MAX(CAST(Imei_Id AS NVARCHAR(MAX)))) FROM dbo.'+@Imei_Table;
    SET @Latitude_Val='SELECT Latitude FROM dbo.' +@Imei_Table+' WHERE CAST(Imei_Id AS NVARCHAR(MAX))='+'('+@Imei_PK+')';
                SET @Longitude_Val='SELECT Longitude FROM dbo.' +@Imei_Table+' WHERE CAST(Imei_Id AS NVARCHAR(MAX))='+'('+@Imei_PK+')';
                EXEC @result= sp_executesql @Imei_PK,@Latitude_Val,@Longitude_Val
                SELECT @result
    --RETURN @result
       BEGIN TRY
    -- Returning Values based on Vehicle_Number
    SELECT ISNULL(@Latitude_Val,'')[latitude],
    IF @@ERROR!=0

    Your construct is not correct....
     EXEC @result= sp_executesql @Imei_PK,@Latitude_Val,@Longitude_Val --These
    should be  parameters/....
    Please try the below(The longitude and latitude to be included...)
    /*Test script*/create table MapDevice_Vehicle(vehicle_no nvarchar(25),imei_no nvarchar(25))
    Insert into MapDevice_Vehicle Select 'KL8P8234','KL'
    create table Imei_KL(Imei_Id nvarchar(25))
    Insert into Imei_KL Select 'KL8P8234'
    exec [Usp_TrackVehicleDetails] 'KL8P8234'/*Test script*/
    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Usp_TrackVehicleDetails]
    @reg_Number NVARCHAR(25)
    DECLARE @Imei_Number NVARCHAR(25),
    @Imei_Table NVARCHAR(MAX),
    @Latitude_Val NVARCHAR(MAX),
    @Longitude_Val NVARCHAR(MAX),
    @Imei_PK NVARCHAR(MAX),@paramdefs nvarchar(MAX),@result INT
    -- Tracking Device by means of Latitude and Longitude
    SELECT @Imei_Number=Imei_No FROM MapDevice_Vehicle WHERE Vehicle_No=@reg_Number;
    SELECT @Imei_Table='Imei_'+@Imei_Number
    SET @Imei_PK='SELECT(MAX(CAST(Imei_Id AS NVARCHAR(MAX)))) FROM dbo.+@Imei_Table';
    SET @paramdefs = N'@Imei_Table nvarchar(255)';
    --SET @Latitude_Val='SELECT Latitude FROM dbo.' +@Imei_Table+' WHERE CAST(Imei_Id AS NVARCHAR(MAX))='+'('+@Imei_PK+')';
    --SET @Longitude_Val='SELECT Longitude FROM dbo.' +@Imei_Table+' WHERE CAST(Imei_Id AS NVARCHAR(MAX))='+'('+@Imei_PK+')';
    EXEC @result= sp_executesql @Imei_PK,@paramdefs,@Imei_Table = @Imei_Table
    SELECT @result
    --RETURN @result
    -- Returning Values based on Vehicle_Number
    SELECT ISNULL(@Latitude_Val,'')[latitude],
    IF @@ERROR!=0

  • Selection screen validation for batch

    This is my scenario:
    If program is executed in background, plant (in selection screen) is not mandatory.
    If program is executed directly, plant (in selection screen) needs to be filled (mandatory).
    I tried using sy-batch and coding at the AT SELECTION-SCREEN portion for validation but it seems that sy-batch is only populated after START-OF-SELECTION.
    How do i code it so that if user does not execute program in background, it will prompt an error message and prompt user to fill the plant field in the selection screen?

    use sy-batch in start-of-selection. not in at selection-screen.
    if sy-batch = ' X' . (If it runs in background)
    Then raise message.
    This will work.
    Reward If helpful.

  • BOM validity by order batch (pharmacy)

    Dear PP Gurus,
    Currently we are implementing PP-PI in pharmacy.
    There is one requirement that i think it is impossible in PP-PI
    but maybe you can give me some idea about this.
    My client want the BOM validity is by batch.
    The change active is not by date but by batch
    for example
    this change of BOM is valid start from batch D000600
    prior to D000600 still used old BOM
    is it possible??
    best regards,
    Freddy Ha

    Hi Katti and Adler,
    As we use strategy 40 we will user planned independent requirement.
    in some point you are right Mr Katti (fo your command : it doesn't make any sense),
    when we create planning we do not state the batch.
    So MRP will run without clue which batch is it....
    After production order created then batch is created.
    I will look into parameter effective for BOM as Mr.Adler stated.
    Parameter activity will only works with MTO strategy or Production by Lot only.
    When we create SO for MTO / create lot for production then system will ask the batch.
    So MRP will run according parameter activity from SO / from Lot.
    Thanx once again for help.
    Good day.
    Best regards,
    Freddy Ha

  • SSIS Package stuck at validation phase in active batch and running forever.

    Hello Team -
    There is a peculiar situation where an SSIS package has been running forever in active batch (cmd). It is stuck at validation phase . However upon restart it executes normally . The scenario occurs intermittently like once in a week or two. There is also
    no blocking or locks on the server.
    Please give your inputs. Have a nice day.
    Happy to help! Thanks. Regards and good Wishes, Deepak. http://deepaksqlmsbusinessintelligence.blogspot.com/

    But it does execute on a manual run from the job. I saw several other threads in a similar fashion , and there are solutions but those look inappropriate and temporary and do not deal with active batch ( dtexec) , looking for a standard and a permanant
    solution and whether there are any service packs or patches? Its SSIS 2008 and AB8.
    Happy to help! Thanks. Regards and good Wishes, Deepak. http://deepaksqlmsbusinessintelligence.blogspot.com/

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