PR no as Collective number for RFQ

       I would like to have the PR no as the collective no when the RFQ is created with respect to the PR no.Pl let me know whether it can be done in standard SAP. If not available, how this scenario can be mapped?Can this be done through user exit or any enhancement exists for this? Pl clarify...

Collective number is Number or code facilitating the collective management of a number of individual RFQs (or inquiries) or purchase orders.
If the RFQs or purchase orders of a particular procurement process have been assigned to a collective number, it is then possible to list and process all the individual RFQs/inquiries or POs that are grouped under this number.
ie..,Collective number is manually maintained entry only. As per your case, if you enter PR no as collective no., which PR no. you enter as a collective no., suppose if you r doing a single RFQ for combination of two or more PRs
Collective no. is very important to track the list of vendors, to whom the same RFQ is sent & at the time of comparative statement also
You have created 30 RFQs/inquiries for the procurement of a machine and have filed them under the collective number "MA-100". The deadline for submission of bids/quotations having passed, you want to establish the following:
In respect of which RFQs/inquiries have bids or quotations been received?
What is the net price of each quotation?
You can obtain this information by listing all individual RFQs/inquiries entered under the collective number "MA-100".
You can also use the collective number within the framework of load building (purchase order optimizing) to logically group together individual purchase orders.
POs bearing a collective number count as optimized.
The processes of seasonal procurement also use the collective number to bundle single-store vendor orders. In this case, the bundled purchase orders are not optimized.
thanks & regards

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    Use of The Collective number , If the RFQs or purchase orders of a particular procurement process have
    been assigned to a collective number, it is then possible to list andprocess all the individual RFQs/inquiries or POs that are grouped under this number.
    if youwant  PR number as RFQ 's collective number, then what is the use of Collective number , if supoose One PR and one REFQ , then what is the use of Collective number?
    But it is posible thorugh enahncement  check with this  User exit MM06E007.
    Mahesh Naik.

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    collective no is use as a common identification no for all the rfqs for a sing order
    like if i want to order material A 5 no
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    now if u dont use collective no then in me49 u can give vendor and material or quotation
    hope it clears

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    Best Regards,
    Icuk Hertanto

    Hi Icuk,
    Unfortunately, the user needs to change this value manually. If you want to prevent that the PR cannot be assigned to different collective number, then, you need to make some ABAP work.
    I hope this help.
    Kind regards,

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    While creating RFQ in ME41 in the screen you have to enter   the collective number which is 10 digt alphanumeric no. While comparison you can give this no and compare
    G.Ganesh Kumar

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    The basic funda behind the split of delivery in two Billing or two deliveries into two billing is the way date is storing in VBRK & VBRP Table.
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    So from this u can understand that the header data should be same then only one Billing document generate.

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    l_data ARRAY;
    CURSOR c IS SELECT * FROM all_objects;
    OPEN c;
    FETCH c BULK COLLECT INTO l_data LIMIT p_array_size;
    FORALL i IN 1..l_data.COUNT
    INSERT INTO t1 VALUES l_data(i);
    CLOSE c;
    END test_proc;
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    user7348303 wrote:
    checking if the value is valid and theres also some conditional processing rules ( such as if the value is a certain value no inserts are needed)
    which are a little more complex than I can put in a simpleWell, if the processing is too complex (and conditional) to be done in SQL, then doing that in PL/SQL is justified... but will be slower as you are now introducing an additional layer. Data now needs to travel between the SQL layer and PL/SQL layer. This is slower.
    PL/SQL is inherently serialised - and this also effects performance and scalability. PL/SQL cannot be parallelised by Oracle in an automated fashion. SQL processes can.
    To put in in simple terms. You create PL/SQL procedure Foo that processes SQL cursor and you execute that proc. Oracle cannot run multiple parallel copies of Foo. It perhaps can parallelise that SQL cursor that Foo uses - but not Foo itself.
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    KS1DSDB1:oraprd 2> brconnect -c -u system/system -f stats -t mseg u2013f collect -p 4
    BR0801I BRCONNECT 7.00 (46)
    BR0154E Unexpected option value 'u2013f' found at position 8
    BR0154E Unexpected option value 'collect' found at position 9
    BR0806I End of BRCONNECT processing: ceenwjre.log 2010-11-12 08.41.38
    BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2010-11-12 08.41.38
    BR0804I BRCONNECT terminated with errors
    KS1DSDB1:oraprd 3> brconnect -c -u system/system -f stats -t mseg -p 4
    BR0801I BRCONNECT 7.00 (46)
    BR0805I Start of BRCONNECT processing: ceenwjse.sta 2010-11-12 08.42.04
    BR0484I BRCONNECT log file: /oracle/PRD/sapcheck/ceenwjse.sta
    BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2010-11-12 08.42.11
    BR0813I Schema owners found in database PRD: SAPPRD*, SAPPRDSHD+
    BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2010-11-12 08.42.12
    BR0807I Name of database instance: PRD
    BR0808I BRCONNECT action ID: ceenwjse
    BR0809I BRCONNECT function ID: sta
    BR0810I BRCONNECT function: stats
    BR0812I Database objects for processing: MSEG
    BR0851I Number of tables with missing statistics: 0
    BR0852I Number of tables to delete statistics: 0
    BR0854I Number of tables to collect statistics without checking: 0
    BR0855I Number of indexes with missing statistics: 0
    BR0856I Number of indexes to delete statistics: 0
    BR0857I Number of indexes to collect statistics: 0
    BR0853I Number of tables to check (and collect if needed) statistics: 1
    Owner SAPPRD: 1
    BR0846I Number of threads that will be started in parallel to the main thread: 4
    BR0126I Unattended mode active - no operator confirmation required
    BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2010-11-12 08.42.16
    BR0817I Number of monitored/modified tables in schema of owner SAPPRD: 1/1
    BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2010-11-12 08.42.16
    BR0877I Checking and collecting table and index statistics...
    BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2010-11-12 08.42.16
    BR0879I Statistics checked for 1 table
    BR0878I Number of tables selected to collect statistics after check: 0
    BR0880I Statistics collected for 0/0 tables/indexes
    BR0806I End of BRCONNECT processing: ceenwjse.sta 2010-11-12 08.42.16
    BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2010-11-12 08.42.17
    BR0802I BRCONNECT completed successfully
    the log says:
    Number of tables selected to collect statistics after check: 0
    Could you give some advices?  thanks a lot.

    If you would like to force the creation of that stats for table MSEG you need to use the -f (force) switch.
    If you leave out the -f switch the parameter from stats_change_threshold is taken like you said correctly:
    You have tried to do this in your second example :
    ==> brconnect -c -u system/system -f stats -t mseg u2013f collect -p 4
    Therefore you received:
    BR0154E Unexpected option value 'u2013f' found at position 8
    BR0154E Unexpected option value 'collect' found at position 9
    This is the correct statement, however the hyphen in front of the f switch is not correct.
    Try again with the following statement (-f in stead of u2013f) you will see that it will work:
    ==> brconnect -c -u system/system -f stats -t mseg -f collect -p 4
    I hope this can help you.

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    the table EKKO (EKPO Items table) and you can find the Quote number in EBELN field. Don't go by the structure / field name on the screen
    Forgot to metnion that you need to use the right document category and the document type.
    Note : Please mark the helpful answers
    Message was edited by: Ravikumar Allampallam

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    Hi Friends
    I have created a new output condition type for RFQ print by copying the condition type NEU.
    I have also created the condition records for the required document types.
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    Can you please through a light on this?

    In nace t-code select ea application click on condition record select out type NEU select key combination purchase output determination:document type
    enter purchase doc type:AN and execute
    function :VN
    select line item click on communication output device:enter ur printer name(LP01) and save
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    When you want to create the collective invoice in VF04, there is also a field called "Sold to Party" where you can not only include the customers, you can also exclude the customers you want to exclude from collective billing. The exclusion is not visible when you just double click on the field. You click teh multiple entries button (which is at the right end of this field) and there double click on the column where teh values are given. Now a screen comes. Here you can select "Not equal to" indicator and then give the customer number for whom you dont want collective invoice.
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    public static void main(String[] args) {
    String text = "To be or not to be, that is the question.";
    String delimiters = "[, .]";
    int[] limits = {0, -1};
    for(int limit : limits) {
    System.out.println("\nAnalysis with limit = " + limit);
    String[] tokens = text.split(delimiters, limit);
    System.out.println("Number of tokens: " + tokens.length);
    for(String token : tokens) {
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    Kay, have you asked a written permission prior to posting that reply
    while I was posting my reply hm? I guess you didn't.
    kind regards,
    Jos (it's all anarchy and chaos overhere ;-)
    +----- slow old sod                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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    There is no backdoor number for Macy's Amex.  Have your family member call credit solutions directly and they will be able to help him/her.

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