PR Release Stgy Clarification

I hv a PR Release Stgy for a Matl. Hv configured SPRO.
I hv created a PR the i released the same.
Now i want to change to qty (After PR Release). But the qty field is blocked for edit.
How to do this?

The issue may be because of any one of the followings
1 )The release indicator has  changeability *2- cannot be changed*
2) The *Field selection key*(ZF2) assigned to the release indicator has been configured such a way that some of the fields are made display only.
SPRO -- > Material Management --> Purchasing --> Purchase requisition --> Release procedure --> Set up release with classification --> Release indicator
Gobinathan G

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    Here it is Over All Release Procedure tick mark for PR release stgy.
    The filed name maintained in the chracteristics is Table name - CEBAN  and Field name - GFWRT
    So if the PR hv 3 lines and each line item has qty 1 and values as Rs.100 and the total value for 3 item is Rs.300
    As per the over all release procedure the stgy has to determine for the value Rs. 300 and not for Rs.100 if am right.
    Whr can we see the over all value for the PR Rs. 300 in PR screen
    Whr is the filed GFWRT available
    How the stgy get triggered??

    - If you use overall release you have to use the characteristic     
    CEBAN-GFWRT, for the individual release CEBAN-GSWRT.              
    - You can see only the item value in the purchase requisition on the tab valuation: Total Value of Item (EBAN-GSWRT).
    - You can check CEBAN-GFWRT in:
    Program: LEBNDU06                                                           
    Form:  CEBAN_AUFBAUEN_GESAMTFRG                                                                               
    This is where the ceban table gets filled. 

  • PO Release Stgy

    Is it possible to print before release of po?

    You cannot print from ME9F transaction, But you can print from print preview option in ME22N or ME23N.

  • Sales Order Picking - Pick Release BackOrder Clarification

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    A Small Clarificaiton required in Pick Release process.
    Assume the folllowing scenario
    Item_A - Primary UOM is Each
    Item_A - Stock avl in Subinventory_A - 10 Each
    Item is packed 6 Each into a Packet and sold to Customer
    Now a Sales Order is avl for Item_A (Sales Order Quantity = 2 Packets (Packet is a another UOM under the same UOM class))
    Picking happens is Base UOM, so system picks Item_A in Each,when I run Pick Release.
    So, now 10 Nos are picked confirmed and 2 Nos are backordered now.
    But ,since I am selling it in packets, I want 6 Nos to be Pick Confirmed and remaining 4 Nos to be backordered
    How to do this ?
    I have tried with AutoPacking & Container fill percentages, but unable to achieve the same.
    Any help is highly appreciated.
    Karthi Sankar!

    1) To cancel a sales order after it is pick released, you will have to backorder the lines first. Then you can cancel them
    2) No. That is the reason why in most real world scenarios, the order is closed after a gap of some days(say 30 days) after all the lines are closed.

  • PR Release Stgy - With Classification & Without Classification -Difference?

    Pls tell me the concept behind this and the difference

    Hi ,
    In without classification only four characterstics are allowed and they are
    account assignment category
    material group
    purchase requisition value
    Where as without classification you have more flexibilty and almost all the fields in table EBAN can be used for setting up Release strategy ( Also we can have release strategy at item as well as  at header level in with classification  )

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    Hello Veroku_Chan,
    I'm happy to hear that Best Buy is your first choice in pre-ordering Story of Seasons for 3DS.
    We'll be happy to reach out and determine if this is Best Buy's release date or if a revision is in the works.  Thank you for your patience in the meantime.  As always, you can watch for updates directly at by following the link here.
    Thanks for being a My Best Buy member,
    Mike|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • IdMgr 7.1 - 8.1 Upgrade; Release Note Clarification

    re: Upgrade path table on page 24
    Identity Manager 6.0 reflects 7.0 | 7.1 | 7.1>7.1 Update 1 | 7.1>8.0 | 7.1>8.1
    Identity Manager 7.1 reflects 7.1 Update 1 | 8.0 | 8.1
    I am interpreting this to read that an upgrade from 7.1 > 8.1 is supported.
    My questions:
    Is an upgrade from 7.1 to 8.1 supported?
    What is the purpose of the ">" sign for the lines relating to 6.0 and 7.0 upgrade paths?
    Thank you,

    Hi Brian,
    While 7.1 to 8.1 is supported, you will want to look out for items like database update scripts for example in 8.1, be sure to look for the ones that state
    from (i.e. to 8.1 from). The > indicates too. Run one finger from your left hand on the Current Identity Manager Version, then one finger from the right on the Target Identity Manager Version
    So if one was going from IDM 6 to 8.1, the would got to 7.1 >(then) 8.1
    So if one is going from IDM 7.1 to 8.1 the may proceed to 8.1 directly
    Please excuse as the formatting may not make it out to the page, like the document.
    Target Identity Manager Version
    Current Identity Manager Version 7.0 7.1 7.1 Update 1 8.0 8.1
    2005Q4M3 (6.0) 7.0 7.1 7.1 > 7.1 Update 1 7.1 > 8.0 7.1 > 8.1
    IdentityManager 7.0 7.1 7.1 > 7.1 Update 1 8.0 8.1
    IdentityManager 7.1 7.1 Update 1 8.0 8.1
    IdentityManager 7.1.1 8.0 8.1
    IdentityManager 8.0 8.1
    Edited by: DiakunAtSun on Apr 7, 2009 2:34 PM
    Edited by: DiakunAtSun on Apr 7, 2009 3:07 PM

  • PO Release by Mail / Work Flow

    Here the req is PO release intimation want to go by mail to respective project heads. Release intimation means on day today basis the project heads will see in their inbox that wat are all the PO's are pending for release from their side then they will release accordingly.
    PO release stgy we hv config fully and its working. They can able to the same manually by me29n.
    How this can be acheived?
    Wats the config to be made and by whom?
    Form MM side wat we need to be done?
    How long will it take to do?
    Wats the technical guy or abap involvement in this? or whom?
    Edited by: Vijay on Jan 21, 2009 4:17 PM

    Dear vijay,
    Let me tell what I have understood from ur question.
    Release procedure is set for  Purchase order and users - SCM heads /project heads are willing to see a list of pending PRs at their end in the form of a mail every day so that they can go and release them in SAP R3 without actually looking for which PO is pending at their end.
    If yes then you need to take the help of Abaper and need to write a small program to incorporate this requirement.
    Logic for the program :  Mail alerts for POs pending for approval
    Ask the Abaper to capture all the changes happening in the tables CDHDR and CDPOS.
    Field,status and release by a person.Give him all the inputs you need like
    PO number  -  Pending at User --  Date of approval or release -
    Put subject line  of the mail as " List of POs pending at user"
    After capturing all the fields required from these tables Abaper may use the Unix command or SAP function module to connect to mail server either Outlook or lotus notes to trigger mail laerts for the users.
    Hope its clear to you.
    2. U dont hav to do any config for this except giving the proper inputs to Abaper
    3. This not a big development and can be done easily with the help of Abaper.
    Mohammed Uzair Hussain
    Edited by: Mohd Uzair Hussain on Jan 21, 2009 12:14 PM

  • Release Management Server/Client clarification

    Hi there,
    I am using TFS 2010 and i would like some assistance in regards to what i would like to do please.
    At my place of work we have a Build server, call it Server A which has a controller and 2 build agents. It builds my projects and outputs them in a drop folder on that server.
    Firstly, can i use my existing custom build template to allow others to trigger a build via the Release Management Client tool?
    The existing custom template i am using builds all the projects in the solution and then generates several *.MSI files at the end. I use this template in all of my Build Definitions.
    Secondly, Do i have to install the Release Management Client tool and Deployment Agent on the Build server as well?Correct me if i am wrong because i read that if you want to do automated deployment i have to do this.
    Thirdly, am i allowed to use custom scripts, executable side by side with the Deployment Agent. The reason i ask that is at some point i would like to extend the process so that once the build has finished, i can install it on Server B. Is this possible?
    Lastly, do i have to install Visual Studio 2013 on the build server for Release Management Server to work correctly?
    If you have any questions on the above please let me know.

    Hi IndusKing,  
    Thanks for your reply.
    If your build definition using the ReleaseDefaultTemplate.xaml template, and you want only to build the solution(needn’t to trigger release template), you can set the
    Release Build = False in build definition>>Process>>Release.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.
    So if i understand correctly i can either use the ReleaseDefaultTemplate.xaml in all my build definitions or i can modify my existing template to use the Release Template functionality e.g Release Build = False.
    As far as I know RM Client not support trigger TFS build definition. You can install the VS on your RM Client machine, then trigger build definition in Team Explorer, or trigger the build definition by execute TfsBuild
    Start command line.
    Are you saying that RM client can only deploy finished finished builds?

  • Need clarification on application of OSS Release Note:391846 in SAP ERP 6.0

    Hi Experts,
    We are upgrading the SAP R/3 4.7 to SAP ERP 6.0 in one of our client. In SAP R/3 4.7, OSS Note:391846 has been applied for Automatic Explosion of BOM while converting the planned order. I would like to know whether this functionality is covered in SAP ERP 6.0 or is it required to apply the same OSS note in SAP ERP 6.0?
    Thanks in advance.
    Venkat Bandaru

    Dear Venkat,
    note 391846 is also valid for ERP600.
    This modification is not part of the SAP Standard Release 600. It's also in 600 a modification.
    If you want this function you have to implement the note again in your actual release.

  • Regarding  PO/PR release/clarification workflow

    Hi Experts,
    Is there any standard workflow for PO/PR rejection,When the manager rejects the PO after release.Its very urgent.

    Hi Martin,
    What do you mean i didn't understand!  they want like that. Please help this!!
    The table EREV which contains Release date and Release time. Based on this, we can do this requirement with respect to BSTYP - Purchasing document category. Please help me any one!!!!!
    Edited by: Sai Babu on Aug 26, 2008 11:59 AM

  • When do WL streams release byte[]. Smaller footprint under JBOSS.

    We have a customer that started having memory issues. When we jprobed, we saw that half the memory usage they were seeing on the client was occupied by the byte[] corresponding to the objects streamed back from the ssb running on the application server. In fact, several calls to different ssbs that return very large amounts of data were responsible for large amounts of data hanging around on the client. I understand that weblogic has to hold onto these data structures to resolve multiple streams of the same object on the server side to the same object on the client. My question is, what controls garbage collection of this data? Under what circumstances will it be released?
    When we ran the same tests under JBOSS the memory footprint was much smaller. If we could understand the BEA mechanism and force the stream to be reset (or do something that indirectly forces the stream to be reset) we would be happy.
    Thanks in advance.

    Excellent Blog. Thank You
    Small clarification on Step **6) Oracle Home Directory, ...a) Resize the Root Partition**
    Ubuntu 11.10 has Gparted available as a Ubuntu software download, DONT use that while trying the above step, instead download the ISO file from gparted-live-0.12.0-5.iso (124.6 MB)
    Burn that ISO file on a Blank DVD, reboot the Ubuntu , during startup select Boot from DVD Option if not already selected. this will take to Boot Menu Options of Gparted Live then select the first menu option, and this allows to do further action such as Re-sizing .
    and once you have chosen and executed step a) . do NOT run step b) also that is "Setup External Storage"
    I hope this minor clarification can avoid some confusion
    Madhusudhan Rao
    Edited by: MadhusudhanRao on Mar 24, 2012 11:30 PM

  • Release date for windows phone 8.1

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    Just for clarification 8.1.1 + Denim was released for the 928.  The Icon is 929 and it's scheduled for early "2015".  Blog post talking about the release for the Icon, Lumia Icon Denim update scheduled for early 2015 | Windows Central

  • What's the difference between AIA 3.0 and AIA FP 11g Release 1 (

    Hi, experts,
    Have a question need your great help and clarification, you know we have Oracle AIA Foundation Pack 2.5 based on SOA installation, the new release for SOA has been released on this version Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g R1 ( Released the other day, within this version, we have a Foundation Pack 11g Release 1 ( based on SOA11g.
    My questions are as below
    1) What's difference between AIA 3.0 and Foundation Pack 11g Release 1 (
    2) We know, on the top of AIA 2.5, we have Foundation Pack 11g Release 1 ( and Foundation Pack 11g Release 1 (, doesn't mean that the Foundation Pack 11g Release 1 ( has another nickname that is AIA3.0?
    3) Does anyone provide AIA 3.0 installation and implementation guide?
    Appreciated if you could provide some suggestions or comments based on above question, thanks in advance!

    Please see the answers below...
    #1 . AIA 3.0 is internal project name, AIA 11g R1 is an official release which is, then after two patch sets released they are and
    #2 hope the above answered your question.
    #3 AIA 11g R1 x install and developer guides available on OTN.

  • Error while releasing to accounting

    while i am releasing a billing document to accounting folllowing error is occuring
    Incorrect 6000002. Select document number between 0090000000 and 0099999999
    Message no. F5151
    The document number you specified, "&v1", is not in the appropriate number range. The number range is dependent on the document type.
    The exception to this rule is formed by recurring entry documents, which must use number range 'X1' and sample documents, which must use number range 'X2'.
    Possible reasons for this error message are:
    You have entered an incorrect document number.
    An incorrect document number was transferred to this application during an update from another application (e.g. CO).
    System Response
    The document cannot be processed any further.
    Enter a document number that is within the specified number interval.
    If this error was caused by an update from another application, check the type of number assignment in that application (external or internal?) as well as the document number transferred.
    In the CO settlement profile, a document type with external number assignment was entered, whereas an internal document number was transferred.

    KIndly check in the OBA7 T -code for the fi dcument type what is the number  range  assigned.
    As per the error you have assigned the number range  9000000 too 9999999 in FI Doc type with External
    when ever u save the Billing documnet the system will take the billing document number as as the external number for  the Accounting document.
    Billing document number range should be same as the  Accounting document no range.
    If you have any further clarifications let me know

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