Practice exercises

I just finished my way through the "Java, a Beginner's Guide" book. Now I'd like to get some practice, but I don't know where to start.
Could anyone provide some advice on practice exercises for Java?
Thanks a lot.

Jack_ wrote:
Thank you both for the links. I just began with Euler problems :).You're welcome. When you get around to it, feel free to give me a hint when you've solved problem 152: I've been at it for quite some time now!
; )

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    Hi Venkata,
    Getting Started with ABAP Application Development as mentioned above is a good place to begin the ABAP.
    You can visit my web-site for some basic help on step by step tutorials with screenshots on specific ABAP topics. It also have separate Question and Answers and Downloads section as you wanted.

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    If you know any Certified Partner that is willing to buy training materials for you, then you can purchase the manual for course 20483. This contains a Lab for every one of the course modules (which are designed to match the exam content). The lab instructions
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    i'm doing the same thing, teaching my self java. i just make up my own exercises. first, i made a little applet calculator. and now, i'm writing a paint program. figuring out what to program is the hardest part. after that, it's just a matter of dedication, and time. next, i want to make an environment into which "webanimals" are introduced to survive, breed, or be eaten by other "webanimals." just a model of some elemntary ecological theory, really. reading some of the forums here may help give you some ideas.
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    best luck

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    Valerie Debonair wrote:
    I’m new in database world and want to practice SQL language. I’ve been playing around with Oracle XE, but I realized it’s not very practical to play around with SQL using XE since its sql editor is not user friendly to debug the script. I do not think that is a valid criticism at all. The basic tools needed to learn SQL is SQL*Plus and a willingness to learn.
    There is no "+debugging+" for SQL either... except to break it into simpler steps, testing that... and perhaps using "+explain plan+" to get the execution plan.
    Granted that SQL*Plus is not the best tool for displaying data... but then learning SQL should be done using small data sets (not too many columns and few rows) - as even a small data set can represent all the data model complexities needed for learning SQL.
    The examples you use, the test tables and the practical exercises used in the learning process are by far more important how "pretty" the tool being used is.
    FWIW, I do 99% of all my SQL work and PL/SQL development using SQL*Plus - it is a very capable tool.

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    I use the book "Java in a Nutshell" and I also bought the "Examples" Book.
    You can also try out the online sun tutorials, they are good.

  • ObjectInputStream() returning null and EOFException - need help

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    Here is the PhoneList class:
    public class PhoneList implements Serializable
        private String name;
        private String num;
        private String phName;
        private String phNum;
        PhoneList(String phNum, String phName)
        public String getName()
            return phName;
        public String getNum()
            return phNum;
        public void setName(String phName)
            name = phName;
        public void setNum(String phNum)
            num = phNum;
    }Here is the CreatePhoneList class
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    public class CreatePhoneList
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
            ObjectOutputStream output = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("PhoneList.txt"));
            PhoneList list;
            String phName;
            String phNum;
            final String QUIT = "QUIT";
            Scanner in = new Scanner(;
            System.out.println("Enter a phone number or " + QUIT + " to quit.");
            phNum =;
                System.out.println("Enter the contact name.");
                phName =;
                list = new PhoneList(phNum, phName);
                System.out.println("Enter a phone number or " + QUIT + " to quit.");
                phNum =;
    }and this is the DisplaySavedPhoneList class:
    import java.util.*;
    public class DisplaySavedPhoneList
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
            ObjectInputStream input = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream("PhoneList.txt"));
            PhoneList list;
            final int SHOW = 1;
            int showList;
            int count = 0;
            Scanner in = new Scanner(;
                System.out.print("To display Phone List enter " + SHOW);
                showList = in.nextInt();
                while(showList == SHOW)
                    list = (PhoneList)input.readObject();
                    System.out.println("Name: " + list.getName() + " Phone Number: " + list.getNum());
            catch(EOFException e)
                System.out.println("Oops, something broke!");
    }This is the result from running the DisplaySavedPhoneList application:
    To display Phone List enter 1
    Name: null Phone Number: null
    Name: null Phone Number: null
    Oops, something broke!

    ok, I did that, and its pointing me to the line commented below. I did a practical exercise where the code was almost identical and it worked fine. The only difference are the variables.
                System.out.print("To display Phone List enter " + SHOW);
                showList = in.nextInt();
                while(showList == SHOW)
                    list = (PhoneList)input.readObject(); //this is the line that was identified in the stacktrace
                    System.out.println("Name: " + list.getName() + " Phone Number: " + list.getNum());
            catch(EOFException e)
                System.out.println("Stack Trace");
            }here is the total stack trace, in case you were wondering...
    To display Phone List enter 1
    Name: null Phone Number: null
    Name: null Phone Number: null
    Stack Trace
            at DisplaySavedPhoneList.main('m still not quite sure what this is telling me though.

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    First off my apologies. I wasn't sure which forum to place my question under,
    Retired Motherboards or Video Cards.
    Quick summary I'm looking to upgrade my video card on an older mother board and have run into problems with a new board working. I think the problem is a backwards compatibility issue.  I need help  with a list of what video cards I can buy that are available new preferably if not a list of where to go and what to watch for. I would like to increase the speed/ram. My skill level is around, open the case swap out the item and insert the disk. With a search forums and try to find the answer/follow directions or suggestions.
    In more detail,
    I'm looking to upgrade my video card from NVIDIA GeForce 6 Series  NX-6600  256mb card on a an MSI 915P/G combo. The install/instruction manual lists under the above combo name MS-7058 (v1.X) ATX Motherboard and  below the image of the board there is also the text of G52-M7058x1. 
    The video card option for placement is in the sole PCI Express X16 slot (no on motherboard graphics and/or connection options I know of)   and I assuming from what I've tried researching that the PCI Express x1(mentioned elsewhere but all suggestions were cards no longer for sale) is some sort of standard of limit and my motherboard is too old despite newer cards fitting into the slot and claiming backwards compatibility to the "PCI Express or Pci Express 2.0". 
    Part of that possible assumption of my issue comes from the fact the mother board can have ether DDR1 or DDR2 ram for memory  but a video card with DDR3 ram would not work. Also the software from the included disk and from the from the website install correctly for the card to function other than the basic windows drivers leaving the card unable to run any games.   For reference the video card purchased and tried was a  EVGA Geforce GT 610 SC9super clocked) with 2 GB of DDR3 Memory. Which i hopefully will have returned for a refund soon.  I spent most of the day trying to install the software by their program , by launching from disk directly, from downloading the most current version from the manufacturer's website and checking with Microsoft for possible system change updates.
    My original invoice August 2005 lists the  pre order lists the Item VGMS-NX6600/256E   then under description MSI NX6600-TD256E/PCIEX/256MB for the grand price of $169.00  deleviery receipt lists the card as item VGXM-X66DHEJTZ1   Description XMEDIA 6600 256MB PCIE DVI/TV
    Power Supply 630 watts installed July 2008 I can not get the full listings of voltage and amps per connectors without taking the powers supply loose from the case(which requires shutting the system off, so I hoping I won't need to but will if the information will help). I do not feel power is an issue due to the size and the power supply was unneeded upgrade,  that I just wanted to replace when swapping out a motherboards damaged from a lighting hit or power surge. System was running fine for years.
    General system information
    Windows XP professional SP3 All updates current.
    Intel Pentium 4 3.2 GHz
    2.00 GB of Ram DDR 1
    Videocard  NVIDA 6600   Driver
    3 hard drives of varying sizes 500GB,1TB and 2TB  Plus one external  with external power supply 1.5TB drive
    If more information is needed please let me know.
    The best advice and help would be a list of currently for sale video cards that will work with links to places (and the actual model even better) like New Egg,  or if there is such a card at the local Best Buy(outstanding advice on this non compatible/working card....I won't digress into my own mistake of buying there). I'm way out of date on information and standards about computers and hardware and need help  figuring out what Video Cards to look at for purchasing.   Preferably new, then re manufactured with warranty then used...  The main game I play that strains my system but is playable is call of duty modern warfare 2 and would like to run 3 if possible. Although better rates with COD MW2 and COD 4 MW.

    100% correct on the mother board
    The card I had tried was EVGA---GeForce-GT-610 2GB DDR3 I can't post external links but it was from Best Buy. The  box claimed requirements are that it needs PCI Express or PCI Express 2.0 compliant motherboards with one open graphic slot.  The best I could get out of it was slightly working with Windows XP basic driver which no games would run. No selecting drivers helped from the Add Hardware program.
    So I should make sure it lists "PCI Express X16" and  " version 1 " "1MB(in reference to what part?)" or words to that effect?  I was mislead by the box above for capability and "NVIDIA" on it, am I correct in assuming it was a generic whore knock off which bought the rights to stick NVIDIA name on the outside for a standard or software?  Especially since the actual video card says EVGA and not NVIDIA on it....  I won't make that mistake hopefully again.
    Due to age I was buying a cheap fill in card,(old one was working fine but I figured a good training/practice exercise and to see how much better the games looked  to encourage me going forward on my first build) until I can start ordering and building to  the current upgradeable standards.   I'm trying to catch up on standards and not  have a firewire or zipdrive experience. Although I might put a 5 1/4 disk drive in unused bay for show    I would prefer not to buy another per-assembled option and decent computer part stores near me are lacking. Or I lack knowledge of their locations. If it matters I'm in Charlotte, NC USA
    My budget is up to about $200 although I would like to stay around $100.00 (usa dollars) if possible. I think that gives me realistic options even with places like Best Buy. If I'm not, please correct me. I'm aware best Buy will give me a special 30-50% price increase  but my local options for shops are hurting, the "best place for reputation" is a story of shame.

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    now i use next() to check whether the next record is available or not?

    shashi_rajak wrote:
    under Practice Exercise #1 heading :
    there is a statement.
    "Now, the COUNT function does not need to retrieve all of the fields from the table (ie: employee_number, employee_name, and salary), but rather whenever the condition is met, it will retrieve the numeric value of 1. Thus, increasing the performance of the SQL statement."And have you ever tried it? Or do you simply blindly believe everything you read? And what sort of "authority" is "tech on the net"?
    P.S. A quick test on Oracle (and you must do each query at least twice throwing away the first result, as Oracle always caches things which will have an effect, and averaging the remaining attempts).
    count(*) -- 1 min 17 secs for 35,311,978 rows
    count(1) -- 1 min 19 secs for 35,311,978 rows
    Edit: And the table has 46 columns.

  • Fade to black at the end

    Hi all
        I've started to use Motion 5 for a few weeks now but I'm kinda stuck on how to fade to black on a project. Ok it's a
    Motion 5 project (built in the program) called "Atmospheric - lower third" in the "Composition" section and I want to do a
    5 sec fade to black. I added about 5 sec to the 20 sec project making it 25 sec and I don't find a fading FX in the program.
    There IS a fade in and fade out together but I just want a fad out and how can I make it work?? I know I still need allot of
    practice with this program and I intend to get Lynda video tutorials soon but I need to to this now for next week and I have
    no idea what to do to make a good fade out. If it can't be done with this program can I export it to final cut X and do a fade
    there? Any help would be very welcomed!!!!

    The easiest thing to do is add a Color Solid:
    Press the Generators button at the bottom right of the canvas and select Generators > Color Solid. This gives you a specialized shape that automatically fills the canvas with color. Set the Color (in the inspector) to Black.
    Select the Properties tab and in the Blending section, set the Opacity to 0%
    Right click on the word "Opacity" and from the popup menu, select Parameter Behaviors > Ramp
    In the Behaviors inspector > Ramp, set the Start Value to 0% and the End Value to 100%
    Move the playhead in the mini Timeline to the place where you want the "fade out" to start.
    The Motion 5 Help window tends to be a little slow - and too in the way for me, so I have an online copy bookmarked for viewing in my browser here:
    unfortunately, this version is not searchable, so I also keep the Motion 4 user manual bookmarked here:
    This version IS searchable. Keep in mind that Motion 4 and Motion 5 do not "look" the same. However, everything in the Motion 4 documentation (other than placement of icons, etc.) is concurrent with how Motion 5 works (Motion 5 has some new concepts that won't exist in the M4 documentation like Rigs and specialized drop zones that represent media content *in* FCPX.)
    If you're okay with dealing with the appearance differences between Motion 5 and earlier versions, here is a good source for basic "practice" exercises (skip the ones on "Round-Tripping" -- that no longer applies to M5/FCPX):
    More here:
    And some pretty advanced tutorials here:
    All together, probably a better education than you'd get from and they're all free.

  • WEBI Report Use of Variable in Drill Down

    i am new to BI Webi report just doing some practice exercise from E fashion Universe. Need your help in creating a WEBI report which should show Sales Revenue broken down to half-year level.
    For example:
    We have Year, when we drill Year 2004, it should not show Quarter infect i want to see 1st Half Year as Q1;Q2 and 2nd Half year as Q3;Q4 for that year.
    For this i have created a Variable "Half Year"
    =If([Quarter]InList("Q1";"Q2");"1st Half Year"; "2nd Half Year")
    Is there anyway i can use this variable so when i drill Year it should Sales Revenue Broken as Half Year

    Hi Kamal,
    1) Create Half Year object in Universe.
    2) You can create custom Hierarchy in Universe like-
    Half Year
    Then you can drill down to Year>>Half Year>>Quarter

  • Show link/button after all pages have been visited

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    What I want is to have a link/button on the "main screen" that allows you to go to the closing slide (just a plain thank you for your time etc), but I only want it to be visible after you've visited all the learning pages (4+(4*6)=28).
    I looked at advanced actions and conditional actions, but I didn't really find anything. Anyone have any ideas or work around? Thanks!

    This kind of thing has been explained many times on this forum.  In fact it's come up so many times over the past few years I'm quite surprised your searches didn't find anything about similar interactions.
    If your continued searches yield nothing, and you want a very detailed step by step tutorial on how to achieve such an interaction, I would suggest this e-book:
    It has a number of practice exercises with example CPTX files showing how this is achieved.

  • Change A String Sentence -- Brand new to Java!

    Hello --
    I am brand new to Java, so please excuse my ignorance ...
    i'm working on a very simple project at school, so i dont need any high tech ways of doing this.. lol ... the program prompts the user to enter a sentence .... the program takes this sentence and outputs the first word of the sentence and moves it to the last word of the sentence .... for example:
    user enters: hello how are you today
    the program outputs it: how are you today hello
    this is a practice exercise, but im having trouble .... new student here!! help! lol
    cindy :)

    assuming you have the reading the input part and stuff. the most straight forward and explainative way is :
    1. break the sentence into an array of words
    2. print the last word
    3. etc.
    use the java.util.StringTokenizer class. A sentence is a series of words delimited by <space>. String Tokenizer is used like java.util.Enumeration.
    In this case we are going to read the tokens/words in to an array, then you can print them in what ever order.
    like this
    import java.util.*;
    public class wordswitch {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    String sentence = new String();
    // get the sentence
    System.out.println("enter a sentence : ");
    try {
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
    sentence = reader.readLine();
    } catch( Exception e ) {
    System.out.println("Exception : "+e.getMessage());
    // convert the Sentence in to an array of words
    StringTokenizer strTok = new StringTokenizer(sentence, " ");
    int numWords = strTok.countTokens();
    String [] words = new String[numWords];
    int i=0;
    while( strTok.hasMoreTokens() )
    words[i++] = new String(strTok.nextToken());
    // display the new sentence
    if( numWords < 2 ) // if there is 1 or 0 words just echo back the original sentence
    else {
    // print the words in the new order
    System.out.print( words[numWords-1]+" " ); // last word first
    for( i=1; i<numWords-1; i++ ) // the second word the the second from last word
    System.out.print( words[i]+" " );
    System.out.println(words[0]); // the first word last

  • Can't build tutorial 42

    is there anybody who tried to open tutorial 42 (Web Dynpro Component Interface Definitions in Practice)? I downloaded the zip file containing the ready-to-use WD development components and followed the instructions in the readme documentation. I could open it, but building in step 2g was not possible because all the links between the DCs showed were erroneous.
    I tried to do the exercise described in the pdf file "Web Dynpro Java for Experts: Web Dynpro Component Interface Definitions In Practice - Exercises and Solutions". At page 6, step 5 I get either an empty or a greyed context on the left side so I can't map them. Does anybody know what could be missing here?
    Here is the link to the sample applications and tutorial page:
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Hello Bertram,
    thank you for your answer. I had NW 2004s SP 9 installed when it failed. Now I'm running on SP 12. This morning I tried again to open the zip file to show you screenshots and tell you the exact error messages. It works now, I can build and execute exercise 1. I didn't try exercise 2. So the problem is solved.
    Sorry but I can't test it on SP 9 again.

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