Precise Biometrics and JCOP20

I would like to implement Match o card tachnology on Java card. Cards I am using are JCOP 20.
I red on Precise Biometrics web site that they offer tools to integrate MOC in all Java Card.
Is that really possible with JCOP 20? Could anyone tell me something about that?

As i know, Precise Biometrics have developed MOC algorithm, that can be integrated in the JCOP card by manufacturer (i.e. in pres-issuance state) in case you make such custom order.
I don't think, that they sale MOC applets. They algorithm might work faster, probably, in the reason of native code used (which is allowed to be masked only in pre-issuance state). Post-issuace applets cannot use native methods.
We have already discussed that question. Look through the older posts in the forum.
Best regards,

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    Can someone say when i can download this drivers?
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    Recently formated my notebook. I don't have CD with drivers.
    Raul Yahtnel

    Do you need drivers for Windows XP???
    If yes then maybe this little info could be helpful for you.
    After installing Windows XP there could be a yellow exclamation mark by a "PCI Memory Controller" or "Mass Storage Controller" in the device manager. This hardware will only supported by Windows Vista.
    Therefore there is no Windows XP driver.
    I agree about biometrics driver this could be a fingerprint reader.

  • Precise movement and drawing of objects in CS6

    having used CS3 before, I've recently bought the CS6 package. I set all Preference settings they way they were in CS3 but I'm having difficulties moving a selected object in precise orthogonal (or diagonal) orientation. I'm used to seeing an "origin" alignment aid when I drag the object, usually at 0, 45, 90 or 180 degrees to its original position. This doesn't happen anymore in CS6, instead I get a myrad of alignment options to any other objects of anchors in sight, but not the important "origin" one. The same problem exists with the rotation tool - when I want to rotate an object quickly by 90 or 180 degrees, in CS3 I could just use the rotation tool and it would "click" into origin positions at 90 or 180 degrees. In CS6 I get an small window showing me the exact rotation degree, but to me it's pretty useless to know that I've just rotated the object by 179.6 degrees, but I can't get to the exact 180.
    I am aware that I couold always use the Transformation option and enter a precise value of either moveemnt or rotation, but for simple actions it was much quicker to use a select and drag or select and rotate tool.
    The pen tool is slightly better with the "origin" alignment aid, but still I get a lot more unwanted alignment options than before in CS3, distracting from quick and precise positioning of anchor points.
    I do a lot of quite technical drawing, more akin to CAD than "free" illustration, but never had such a problem with Illustrator in CS3.
    Is there a way to set up CS6 so it behaves the way I'm used to?
    Best regards
    Jeffrey Kubiak

    Thanks, and bugger! I had no idea Smart Guides were changed that much - if it ain't broke, why fix it?
    I've now read somthing about pressing teh shift key will bring up movement alignment in 45 degree increments. Pretty clumsy, as I often have the Alt key pressed as well when copying objects accross severy layers. I have Shift and Alt as the two buttons on the pen of my Intuos pad - I don't think I can press both at the same time (and even if I could it just makes things really awkward)...
    Oh and btw. when I asked the question I wasn't aware that I was on a user forum - I thought I was writing to Adobe's customer service team! They did really well at disguising the path of getting in touch with them and thus making you guys do the work for them!
    So sorry for not having much of a forum ettiquette in my very first posting.

  • 18 fps breaks transition previewing, precision editor, and keywords

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    Keywords: Easy to add, difficult to remove. Never get the checkmarks. Sometimes have to use Cmd-Z to remove they keywords. But it all works fine as long as I have a project whose frame rate is the same as the raw footage, which I can't do with Super 8 transfers. OK, I can live without keywords.
    Transition previews: Again, this is only a problem when there is a frame mismatch between the project footage and the raw footage. But with my Super 8 transfers I have no choice: The raw footage is at 18fps while iMovie does only 24 or 30 fps. I chose 24 fps.
    One problem is using the transition preview function in the transition Inspector. (Just to be clear, I hover over the little transition thingie in the Project Browser to select it, click the gear, then click Transition Adjustments on the drop-down menu. Then I click the Transitions thing and that opens a palette of transitions. I skim over the various transitions to preview them.) Depending on the transition (assume were doing clip A to clip B), clip A shows up fine but, depending on which transition you choose, part or all of clip B is the wrong footage from somewhere else in the project. (WT...?)
    Precision editor: Skimming the bottom row shows a completely different part of the footage than it should! Playback on the middle line works fine, though. Footage on the top strip is the same as on the middle strip when the playhead is to the left of the transition. This should also be the case with the bottom strip and the middle strip when the playhead is to the right of the transition, but the bottom strip shows a completely different footage instead.
    Also, the transition playback is a little jerky. Fortunately, all is well with normal playback and exported footage.
    OK. I'm on iMovie 9.0.4. I think this is the latest version I can use with OS X version 10.6.8. I saw a post with iMovie 9.0.7 mentioned, but that only works for Lion. OK, so my question is, will these bugs be fixed if I upgrade to Lion and the most current version of iMovie? Or, am I doing something wrong?

    CORRECTION: Sorry, the mismatch of frame rates is not responsible for the bottom strip of the Precision Editor (PE) from showing the wrong footage. I did a test where some Super 8 18-fps footage placed into iMovie 24 fps  worked fine. But most cases still exhibit the problem. So I don't know what's causing it.
    I'm reasonably sure that frame-rate mismatching is the cause of the keywords problem. I took some test footage with the Mac's camera and that's at 15 fps. If I work with that footage in a 30 fps project, all works well. If I work in a 24 fps project, I never get the checkmarks when marking footage, but I am able to use Remove All to remove all the keyword marking strips. But when I work with my Super 8 footage, 18 fps original in 24 fps projects, it's even worse. I can't remove the keywords except via Cmd-Z. Acutally, many moons ago I think I did find a way, but it was difficult and took much experimentation, and thus much time. Come to think of it, the "many moons ago" was almost certainly a time when I had an eariler verion of iMovie. Other than this, my tests yield consistent results -- so far ((!))
    Great program, except for the annoying bugs. I like the design. I really like the "extendo buttons", as David Pogue and Aaron MIller's book iMovie '09 calls them (Apple term: Fine Tuning buttons). And now that I'm adding a few transitions to my VFT movie, I'd really like the PE to work. Bummer.
    As for stuttering transitions, I have more experimentation to do.
    Sorry for the goof about the PE.

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    and stills.

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    I am on Vista Ultimate 32 bit and labview 9.0
    This is a possible bug that is easily circumvented by converting to one type before combining arrar to a spreadsheet. Nonetheless, it is a bug and it cost me some time.
    Go to Solution.
    Spreadsheet save ‏9 KB

    Hi JL,
    no, it's not a bug - it's a feature
    Well, if you would look more closely you would recognize the "Save to Spreadsheet" as polymorphic VI. As this polymorphic VI doesn't support EXT numbers internally (it only supports DBL, I64 and String) LabVIEW chooses the instance with most accuracy: I64 (I64 has 64 bits precision, DBL only 53...). So your options are:
    - set the instance to use as DBL (by right-click and "Select type...")
    - make a copy of this VI, save it with a different name and make it support EXT numbers (don't rework the polymorphic VI as you would break compatibility with other LV installations or future revisions)
    And yes, those coercion dots always signal some conversions - you should atleast check what's going on there...
    Message Edited by GerdW on 05-21-2010 10:01 PM
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

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    Did you get any joy with answering this?
    My first thought was that maybe when you imported you chose to leave the files  in place rather than copy then to the iMovie library..but I can't see where that option is now.
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    Computer is a Dell Precision 7600 and I assume there should be no issues with RAM or the PC being slow. The error does not go away when reducing the data size (i.e. reducing the ROI to one single point that is readout).
    Do you have any pointers why this error message appears and what can be done about it?
    Thank you!

    I encountered the same problem and I think it is because the allowcation of storage in matlab cannot catch up with that of the camera so that it will drop frames when the buffer is full.
    I also want to know how to solve that.

  • New Features and Improvements for CS6

    By default, Photoshop comes with the Proofing Colors (Cmd/Ctrl+Y) activated and set to CMYK. Adobe must warn about that, because I was editing a large amount of pictures for work and I was doing it under that color profile/work space.
    Layer Adjustments:
    Solid Color: visual feedback in real time.
    Gradient: IDEM as above.
    Pattern: IDEM as above.
    Gradient Map: IDEM as above.
    Gradient Editor: IDEM as above.
    Opacity and Fill: IDEM as above.
    Curves and Levels: Ability to load alfa channels. This way, the adjustments made on the alfa channel won't be destructive.
    Channel Luminosity Selection:
    Ability to add and subtract from the selection.
    Ability to designate an area to be selected.
    For point 1, by using the shortcut Cmd+Alt+[number] the luminosity of a channel is loaded as selection. With Cmd+Alt+Shift+[number], the selection grows. But there is no way to subtract from selection (unless by clicking with the mouse on the channel's thumbnail). I think that can be solved by using Cmd+Alt+Shift+[- or +] in order to subtract or add from selection.
    Point 2 maybe even more important than point 1, because it allows selecting a designated area by the user, instead of the default luminosity selection, which ranges from 50% of the mid tones to the highlights (or shadows, if the selection is inverted). The user should be allowed to select the starting and finishing points of the luminosity selection.
    I thought 2 ways for solving these issues (and making it more intuitive and faster):
    A) By using the Histogram Panel, by dragging and highlighting an area on it, that it should load the selected luminosity pixels as a selection, as shown in figure 1:
      figure 1
    So the result of doing that will be a selection based on the area of the histogram that have been highlighted.
    B) By creating a new Adjustment Layer:
    It can be based in the same structure of the HUE Adjustment Layer, like figure 2 shows:
    Figure 2
    Or it can be this way (much better). Figure 3:
    Figure 3
    The selection can also be controlled by using the Click and Drag as suggested in the figure 1, as shown in the figure 4:
    Figure 4
    The overlaid highlighting over the histogram can be functional or just a mere graphic representation of the Range and Fade Selector. The "Fading" areas should be also be draggable in order to increase smooth the selection. However, the smoothing can be much better done with the Refining Selection tool and it can be ignored from this new tool.
    In any of these cases, the adjustments should give real time feedback when growing or shrinking selection; we must see the selection going bigger or smaller and also, the highlighted area should be draggable as well.
    Brush: detect edges while painting on masks (for manual mask refining. It would work similar to the Replace Color Brush, but only for masks and alfa channels). It also needs a shortcut to set the opacity.
    Dodge & Burn: Protect Tones should be allowed when painting on masks or alfa channels (for manual mask refining). D&B can also use edge detection as well.
    Some of them, like the ones involving Blur or the High-Pass and the Unsharp Mask filter, should work in real time (these ones, at the least).
    It can also added a Particle Generator Filter.
    It would be really nice having the ability to create particles such as dust, fog, rain, snow, etc in a more realistic manner than just the scattering function from the Brush Palette, or by mixing different filters with different blends. The Particle Generator should have an slider to control the depth of field, so it will give a feeling of depth and also, a way to load masks, so that way, the particles can exists before the image and also, behind. It would be great for creating a nice feeling of depth (kind of a bokeh effect).
    I've been playing with After Effect few times, and the way to create shapes and forms from nothing is the way of easier than in Photoshop.
    I think it's time give dynamism the filters applied to a movie clip, and also, dynamics to the fade effects, like it happens in After Effects by adding Bezier Curves.
    It should be possible to zoom in into the histogram, for a more precise feedback and analysis of the image tonal values.
    The fade tool should work in real time.
    Loupe/Magnificator View:
    This is very useful when it comes to edit and image in detail, with a lot of zoom, like 3200%. Unfortunately, Photoshop doesn't provide a real time feedback in an additional window, such as the Window/Arrange/New Window For […].
    It would be really useful having a window showing the image at fit on the screen while working on the other window at 100% or 3200% of zoom, but in real time. This way, you can see if you're doing a good job on the pixels or, if you're overdoing it.
    It happens that, when working with big images at 100% of the image size (or more), the brain cannot figure out how is looking the whole image, so having a realtime feedback in the other window would help a lot for detailled work.
    And why not, ading the same real time structure descrived above but to the Navigator, for faster and lighter use of the hardware capabilities. Probably, adding a check box to the navigator that blocks it to a given zoom, so when zooming into the image in the navigator, the image shown in the window isn't magnified too.
    Give me a chance to show you some examples of what I have done by improvising particles and fog about 5 years ago:
    And what I did 7 years ago by manually, selecting different shades of gray and using just Levels for 8 hours (which coule be done faster and easier with another tool I thought, which I will post later):
    I cannot post examples of the other features I'm suggesting because there are not such new features yet (I would have to create an hipothetical enviroment, but I think, you can fiure it out in your mind).
    Unfortunately, I don't know programing, even though, I tried something with Filter Factory, achieving good results, but that pluging consumes too much resources and/or is bad designed/have not the right tools for certain things.
    Hope this post is enough worthy of the Adobe's attention.

    This is a poorly explained reason about why is so important having a loupe in Photoshop. I've not also, used the best example, but I will. This belongs to the ADDITIONAL FEATURES: Loupe/Magnificator View:. Also, I will try to make my english clrearer, but here it goes:

  • HELP. ............Hi folks hope some one can help me please.Having a problem in Bridge I open my images in ACR,  as I open files in a folder and lets say they are labeled in yellow  they are all going back to  the camera raw default , in other words no ma

    HELP. ............Hi folks hope some one can help me please.Having a problem in Bridge I open my images in ACR,  as I open files in a folder and lets say they are labeled in yellow  they are all going back to  the camera raw default , in other words no matter what work I have done, inc cropping they  all go back to ,as they came out of camera. What on earth is happening? I am on PS CS6. I might point out everything was working normally up to  yesterday, when this first started.
    I recently changed computer to 64bit from 32bit, not sure if this causing  the problem or not. Any help would be appreciated.

    Would you be so kind to rephrase your question with concise, precise information and without any "let's say that" hypotheticals?  Sorry, I can't quite follow you.
    Also please give exact versions of Photoshop CS6 (13.what.what), of Bridge and of your OS.
    If you give complete and detailed information about your setup and the issue at hand, such as your platform (Mac or Win), exact versions of your OS, of Photoshop and of Bridge, machine specs, what troubleshooting steps you have taken so far, what error message(s) you receive, if having issues opening raw files also the exact camera make and model that generated them, etc., someone may be able to help you.
    Please read this FAQ for advice on how to ask your questions correctly for quicker and better answers:

  • Work Paths, selections, and general doing my job better question...

    I currently work for a company that prints "Fathead" like wall graphics, i set the images up to print for them, but im looking for a better way to do what i do. Specifically my working with illustrator and Photoshop to setup the cut line for each image. Here is my current step by step procedure:
    1) Open image (usually a JPG) in Photoshop CS4
    2) Using mainly the Lasso tool's i select the subject to be printed. I'm very fast doing this.
    3) Copy/Paste the selection i just made into a new and save it as a TIF file.
    4) Back to the original selection i Smooth and Contract the line a few pixels and hit "Make Work Path"
    5) Export that path to illustrator (which leaves me with an .AI file)
    6) From here im done with Photoshop and i open both the .AI and TIF files into Adobe illustrator CS4
    7) The .AI file i give a stroke and then on the Swatches tab i hit New Swatch, name it "CutContour", and select Spot Color & RBG
    8) I then copy the CutContour line, paste it onto the TIF image, and line it up over the subject
    9) From here all that's left to do is make it the right size it's to be printed at and save it as an EPS file and im done.
    The main reason im asking for help here is because I'm not happy with the quality of the cutline Photoshop exports to illustrator (the ai file) after i make it a work path. The anchor points and handle's are often in need of a lot of adjustment despite the fact that my selection in Photoshop was right on the money.
    One side note that might be a direction for me to head in,...
    I recently was given a jpg file from a guy who said he had already made the selection for me. I wasn't quite sure what he meant but when i saved the image as a tif, opened it in illustrator, and hit CTRL-A to select everything i noticed a cutline was already present. After further examination of the jpg in Photoshop i noticed a "Path 1" on the paths tab, and more importantly that cutline when opened in illustrator was nuts on! Meaning none of the anchor points and handle's needed to be adjusted at all.
    Now the person who sent me this file was a customer so i can't rightly ask them how to better do my job :-) lol ...but maybe someone here can tell me how they (for lack of a better word) embedded a cutline or path i guess it's called into a jpg file like that? This would at least save me the step of exporting my selection to illustrator as an AI file and im wondering if however they did it is more accurate then the "Make Work Path" option i currently use.

    ...useing File | Export | Paths to Illustrator is what i outlined above that i currently do...
    My apologies for not catching that. Honestly, my eyes glazed over at about step 2 of your procedure.
    I'm not happy with the quality of the cutline Photoshop exports to illustrator (the ai file) after i make it a work path.
    A couple of possibilities come to mind. What Tolerance value are you using when you first make a work path out of your selection in Photoshop? 0.5 pixel is the highest precision available, and that's what you should use if you want your path to accurately reflect your selection. Be warned, however, that your path will likely end up with a lot of points, making for an unnecessarily complex path. (Try it with a simple circle.)
    Another possibility is that you're working with a low-quality, low-resolution JPEG as your source image. JPEG compression artifacts can affect selection accuracy (with automated tools, like the magic wand or eraser), and overall resolution, of course, will limit path precision. Not much you can do about that other than to start with better-quality images.
    After further examination of the jpg in Photoshop i noticed a "Path 1" on the paths tab, and more importantly that cutline when opened in illustrator was nuts on!... maybe someone here can tell me how they (for lack of a better word) embedded a cutline or path i guess it's called into a jpg file like that?
    Using a low tolerance (high precision) value make a path from your selection in Photoshop and save the path. Save As a JPG, and the path will be saved along with the image. Do not use Save for Web to create your JPG file.
    As others have pointed out in earlier posts, learning to use the pen tool is your best bet... and an absolute necessity if you're going to be doing a lot of this stuff.
    Regarding the creation of clipping paths in Photoshop, slap me silly, but I'm going to refer you to the manual (online Help) for that. And if you think that unkind, try posting the question over at the Photoshop forum. Wear a helmet.

  • Satellite A660: Remark and a question about illumination/mute button

    Hi, I am a proud owner of a satellite A660-166 (3 days old) and I installed everything from scratch on the win 7 pro since I received my laptop with a home version (need pro for work)...I encountered some problems but this forum really answered all my questions :) Never found such a helpful forum for technical support. So I wanted to express my gratitude and my support for everything you do for the users :)
    Problem: Well, it's not really a problem, more of a curiosity... I had some problems with the eco button at that point illumination/mute button was for mute....Thanks to you guys I found out what needed to be done, I reinstalled Flash card software and everything was working properly plus the illumination/mute button was for illumination now. I don't have anything against that, I prefer it that way, but I'm wondering how do I change that...I found some unanswered thread about using toshiba assistant and the illumination tab...Since my laptop is pretty new, I don't have an illumination tab, I was wondering how do I change the button to mute if I want to?
    Thanks, keep up the good work!

    It is nice to hear you found answers to your questions here. Many people here try to help.
    Back to your issue: It is not easy to offer precise answer and I really dont know if you can change settings for one single button. I think it has something to do with registry entries but how to change it is another question.
    If you use this button for illumination ON/OFF you can use FN+ESC for MUTE option so you will have both options that can be used using one single button or quick key combination.
    Can you please test it and confirm it works properly?

  • Fake Flash Drives Threaten PCs and Networks Alike! Did You Test Yours?

    Hello Brothers;
    I wanted to post this in the more mainstream Mac forums because it really does affect everyone who purchases flash drives or ANY memory product online.
    In the past year, eBay and Amazon have been flooded with counterfeit flash drives that look identical to name brands. They look JUST LIKE the real deal. I know. Last month I unwarily bought a "Kingston" flash drive on eBay. Though PayPal grudgingly reimbursed me, this goes FAR beyond my being swindled.
    Thousands of these fake drives have been purchased on eBay and Amazon as graduation and birthday gifts and party flavors and are landing in the unwary hands of those who jobs cannot tolerate data corrupted by one missing digit. When you walk past a hospital or construction site or industrial plant, someone there is plugging a flash drive into computers for precise medical and drug formula info or to feed instructions to heavy machinery or control a chemical plant or an aspect of our communications infrastructure. Maybe even computers aboard military aircraft and ships. This is an insidious and malignant issue that deserves FAR more attention by media and government than it has.
    You can heads-up on this issue, find victim redemption assistance and test your flash drive at:
    Please write to your local TV station and political representative about this pernicious blight! The person you eventually help might be you! Would you want the doctor or med tech managing your mother in a hospital to be carrying a fake flash?
    James Greenidge
    Queens, NY

    Sounds like all of the troubleshooting regarding your home's wiring has been done. The noise on the phone line says what the problem is, and we should address the issues with voice FIRST before we start dealing with the DSL. Generally, once the phone is solved, the DSL will follow along.
    Since you're receiving noise on the line, especially when the DSL is online you need to give Verizon a call during the time of the static from another line. Use a cell phone or a neighbor's line. When prompted, enter in your phone number and then navigate to Technical Support to the Telephone Repair section. When the agent comes on, tell them you are receiving Intermittent Static. They should proceed to perform a test called the MLT test, which will check your copper loop for any problems that may be developing such as shorts or unusual resistency (which can cause issues with DSL and phone). If the test picks up a problem, the agent should immediately be able to write up a trouble ticket with the details of the test for a technician to repair it. Just be aware, do NOT answer the phone or use your phone line while the test is ran. Stick to the alternate phone you are dialing support from. It requires the copper loop to be idle. DSL can be kept on with no problems. While in the call and when the tech visits (if they need to stop down), do NOT mention the DSL. Let them do the task of repairing the phone line. Once the problem is solved, you should see the DSL line stabalize, and if the statistics improve enough, the speed return and increase past the highest levels you've seen in a few days.
    Your line should be short enough to have 3Mbps running on it. Just need to get the loop repaired
    The first to bring me 1Gbps Fiber for $30/m wins!

  • Help getting worse and worse

    When CS5 went out, i spend a lot of time here trying to undertand what happened to the online help.
    I even stopped adding comment and being part of the community help because metric driven design is,
    as far as the help layout is concerned, a very very bad idea.
    My hopes were limited for CS5.5 and I really wanted Adobe to correct this in CS6...
    I wonder what happened with the online help part of Adobe apps in general, and AE specifically.
    I wanted to check some stuff on it, and it’s a complete disaster (at least in french).
    All the links in the "what’s new in cs6" are pointing to Todd’s blog home page, not even to the related post, and it even links to it when the topic is not disscussed at all on the blog. Hopefully, they all comes with another link to the home page of video brain, not even to the correct course or anything.
    I’ll be more specific; For a tutorial I’m recording, I wanted to check some info on the new material properties, because I’m not a 3D guy and wanted to use the correct french words and be sure not to mess-up.
    So I went to the online help home page, got in the what’s new in cs6 page, then scrolled down to new material option where it linked me to Todd’s blog and video brain. Both on the home page. Because I didn’t care about watching a video, and needed to read some stuff in french to get the correct words, I went to the Layer & properties part of the help.
    What a joy, 6 of the 7 topics wheren’t updated since january 1st (meaning no info about new stuff in CS6) and the only part updated is about 3D layers, yay ! So let’s open that page.
    I got 8 topics, none with info about the materials, old or new, only basics info about rotating,moving, 2d/3d layers, intersecting... and, on this "Product affected: Adobe After Effects CS6" page, info about Photoshop 3D layers, a feature removed from the product.
    That’s when I used that handy "search box", because that’s what I was told when I complained about how lame was the CS5 docs navigation compared to the CS4 one: the paradigm shifted from topic related discovery to keyword search related discovery.
    Let’s try to find out some info for the "Options Surface" category.
    it takes me to the community help results:
    The first AE related link is 7th on the list despite a search in AE related docs... And on the 4 AE related links, nothing to do with what I need. Yes, I know, I searched the french name, but shouldn’t I get community results in french , or at least, official documention results in french ?
    If I select the "only adobe content" radio button, it’s worse. Less AE links, less relevant.
    If I click "support" instead of Community help, it’s not better, still more links pointing to Illustrator or Photoshop than After Effects. At least, 1 link is related to 3D layers in raytraced environment, but not what I’m looking for.
    Oh yes, now there's a topic browsing page. Let's have a try with that. Guess what ? Couldn’t find the info I was looking for.
    Removing the breadcrumb navigation in CS5 help was an ugly move, but this new help system is just... I don’t know how to say it politely. I haven’t been satisfied with the help system since CS5, when you removed the very usefull, always on context and organised bredcrumb navigation on the left hand side of the screen. I wished you stoped the "search" paradigm and went back to the "organised" one. I know your metrics shows people love searching. But how many search does they have to go through before getting the correct result ? How many unsuccessfull search before they don't bother anymore ? Honestly I’ve never seen such a messy help, and it really is confusing. It even feels like Adobe doesn’t bother about it anymore, and that it’s now relying only on external content, giving the feeling that the only thing up-to-date are the links to videobrain/creativecow/whatever rather than the official content itself. Hopefully, the curators for these links only points to very good tutorials.
    The other thing that is bothering me, is that we get more and more video content instead of text content. Don’t get me wrong, I love watching videos. But I also love to read the docs. It’s much more effective that trying to seek in the video for that special piece of info you are looking for (and there no way to know if the info you’re looking for is indeed in the video or not, or to "search" it's content).
    And don't get me started on the Help App, I never understood why you did it in the first place. Not as inconvenient as the website, but nearly.
    Not having an efficiant documentation is bad. I’ve been asking for an help redesign since CS5, complained in a blog post and on the community help forums. With this new non-sensical online help, where nothing is to be found easily, this will soon become mendatory. If Adobe doesn’t care for help anymore, they should remove it completly instead of making it less and less relevant, and more and more messy. If you have an email address where I can send this rant I’d be glad to let the right people know.

    Thx for the reply Terri,
    i'll probably send you a mail with more thoughts, but what I feel from your answer is that you didn't get the major issue I have with the online doc since CS5.
    Sure it's nice to know that you'll fix your broken search engine and that you'll add some filters back (reference only). But the major issue here is your paradigm shift from indexed content to searched only content. Nothing can be found easily. Absolutely nothing. Either in localised versions or in the english version. The layout is nerve breaking, and the search results are really bad (but this is what you are going to fix someday soon).
    For an online help to be efficient we need properly organised and Indexed content first, and then a powerfull search engine to find it if we don't know where to look. Right now, you've wipped out the index & organisation and just piled stuff here and there leaving us the only way you think we want to browse the help: search. And that's the problem. We are not able to browse the help anymore; We can only search it, and we even cannot rely on that.
    Sincerly, go browse the CS4 online help. it was clear, and working like a breath with the always handy, and always displayed breadcrumb navigation. It also featured search. Now, go back to CS6, and tell me where is the improvment. No way to properly separate official docs, from adobe official blog posts, from 3rd party sites/blogs. Everything is mixed-up and unbrowsable. Even some of the "topic pages" makes no sens, as I demoed in my previous post. No way to keep on context. No way to explore more without returning back to the search results. Having more great content from 3rd party is really interesting, but it's poor integration with the official docs makes it an experience breaker.
    When I'm in my app and need help, I need to first and foremost go to the official help, I need it clearly organised and with an understandable and clean layout. And when I'm on my topic and feel I need more info/ in depth knowledge, a link to 3rd party tutorials, free or paying. And it's not the experience I'm getting. And it's the experience I need. I don't understand how it became so messy, but honestly, I've never seen something like that.
    Also, you've increased focus on video content. Yeah watching tutorial is cool. But video is not searchable. Video is not immediate. When I need help, I need to read the answer first to fix my issue, and then, if I feel I need to learn more, go to AdobeTV, Videocopilot, Videobrain & such to learn more stuff. Your enphasis on 3rd party and video content have shrank the volume of quickly available info. We need more text content, and more text content from within the official documentation, not from partners. Because once again, each time i'm redirected to a partner site, I loose context...
    So please, stop focusing on search only, and bring back the much stronger breadcrumb navigation, bring back in front the official documentation, so the info precise, findable, and not dilluted.

  • I have cs3 want to upgrade to cs4 and buy new computer that will be good for while, what should i get

    This is what i bought but i am wondering if i should of gotten 64bit xp and note 32 bit because my computer is only registering 2g ram this is my setup:  (i have 2 hard drives 160 each RAID 0 and i have two 512 graphics cards capable of 4 monitors but i was told the graphics cards are taking the ram away.  whats better more ram in graphics cards or more free ram in the system?  i was told with xp a 32 bit system will limit ram to 4g  min only shows 2 see here:
    Item Number
    Dell Precision T3500,CMT, Standard Power Supply
    Dual Core Processor W3503 2.40GHz,4M,L2, 4.8GT/s,Dell Precision T3500
    4GB, DDR3 non-ECC SDRAM Memory1066MHz, 2X2GB Dell Precision T3500
    Dell, USB, Quiet KYBD, No Hot Keys, PWS, Black
    Monitor Option-None
    Dual 512MB PCIe x16 NVIDIA Quadro FX 580 Quad Monitor DVI+ 2DP Dell Precision TX500
    160GB SATA 3.0Gb/s with NCQ and 8MB DataBurst Cache, Dell Precision T3500
    C4 All SATA Hard Drives, RAID 0 for 2 Hard Drives, Dell Precision T3500
    No Floppy Drive, Dell Precision
    Vista Premium Downgrade Relationship Desktop
    Windows XP PRO SP3 with Windows Vista Business LicenseEnglish,Dell Precision
    Dell Data Back-up and RecoveryManager for WinXP, English Latitude, Precision, OptiPlex,Vostro
    Dell USB 2 Button Optical Mouse,Precision T3500
    Mini-Tower Chassis Configuration, Dell Precision T3400
    16X DVD+/-RW Data Only Dell Precision TX500
    Roxio Creator Dell Edition,9.0Dell Precision
    Cyberlink Power DVD 8.2,with Media, Dell Relationship LOB
    No Speaker option
    Documentation,English,Dell Precision
    Power Cord,125V,2M,C13,Dell Precision
    160GB SATA 3.0Gb/s with NCQ and 8MB DataBurst Cache, Dell Precision T3500
    Integrated Intel chipset SATA 3.0Gb/s controller,Dell Precision T3500 and T5500
    Energy Smart Not Selected Precision T3500
    Resource DVD contains Diagnostics and Drivers,Dell Precision T3500
    Quick Reference Guide,English Dell Precision T3500
    Shipping Material for System Dell Precision T3500
    Adobe Acrobat 9.0 English and French,BND,Dell OptiPlex Precision,and Latitude
    Microsoft Office Professional for Latitude, OptiPlex, Precision
    Dell Hardware Limited Warranty Plus Onsite Service Extended Year(s)
    Dell Hardware Limited Warranty Plus Onsite Service Initial Year
    ProSupport for End Users: Next Business Day Parts and Labor Onsite Response 2 Year Extended
    ProSupport for End Users: Next Business Day Parts and Labor Onsite Response Initial Year
    Thank you choosing Dell ProSupport. For tech support, visit or call 1-866-516-3115
    ProSupport for End Users: 7x24 Technical Support and assistance for end-users, 2 Year Extended
    ProSupport for End Users: 7x24 Technical Support and assistance for end-users, Initial
    Visit /windows7upgrade for Windows 7upgrade eligibility, RLOB
    Info SKU-Software and Peripherals products and solutions catalog included in system boxes
    1) Right Click on My Computer, then properties:
       - 2gb ram
    2)  Start, accessories, system tools, system information:
         Total Physical:  4096.00 mb
            Available Physical:  1.49gb
            Total Virtual Memory:  2.00 gb
            Available Memory:  1.96 gb 
    1) Right Click on My Computer, then properties:
        -  now its 2.5 GB of RAM 
    2)  Start, accessories, system tools, system information:
            Total Physical:  4096.00 mb
            Available Physical:  1.97gb
            Total Virtual Memory:  2.00 gb
            Available Memory:  1.96 gb 
    SHOULD I KEEP THIS OR BUY ANOTHER ONE WITH 64 bit  I WANT TO USE ADOBE cs3, and will upgrade to CS4  soon.  i use primarily dreawweaver and i want to learn graphics and want to do tons of multitasking

    Seems like you have very much overkill in certain areas and not enough in others. If you will be running Dreamweaver, you don't need a lot of RAM! If, on the other hand you will be using Photoshop, you need a lot of RAM. I've been using Photoshop since 1992 and the more RAM the better, up to about 6 GIGs, then it really doesn' make much of a difference. As for the Graphics cards, not sure why you need 2?? I use Photoshop professionally and have never needed 2. As for the RAM, the graphics cards have their own RAM built in and it should not rob from you system. I use a Quad processor HP running Vista 64 bit. Photoshop flys, as do my other programs. However, I will tell you, if you change to 64 bit, be prepared to upgrade most all of your software, and on top of that, a lot of software is not capitable with 64 bit at this time. I played Hell getting my system set up running 64 bit. If you are not going to be using Photoshop, which is RAM hungry, you do not need more that 4 gigs of RAM.

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