Preformatted Dropdowns and Input Masks?

I would like to know if there is an EASY way to create a "Country" dropdown field?
I would also like to know when formcentral will support more input masks? I am not talking anything real elaborate here; just basic form 101 things like: phone number input, character limits in numeric fields, disallowing numbers for text fields (alpha characters only).
I am extremely unhappy with having to upgrade from the trial to actually fully test drive the product, only to discover that these real basic features are not here.

There is not an easy way to create a dropdown field of Countries without inputting them one at a time (or copying from another form).
I'm sorry you felt you needed to upgrade, you did not need to "upgrade" to discover the features are not there.  This chart shows the features in the "Free" version and what the two paid levels include:  In order to try a "Basic" plan we offer 99 cents for the 1st month of the subscription for you to give it a more in depth trial and test the paid features, but again the features you are asking about are not included in that list of paid features.
I can't speak to whether or when those features might be added to FormsCentral.

Similar Messages

  • Input Masks and Single Choice Fields (drop down menu) Suggestions

    Here's a few suggestions - I hope this is the right place to post these...
    1. I would like to suggest a pre-filled state single choice field (drop down menu) to be used to get address information.  Or better yet a way to import a csv file to fill the preset fields for an option box.
    2. Input masks that force users to enter the data in the format you prefer.  (000) 000-0000
    3. Ability to enable or disable options depending on other choices.
    4. Option for a list of numbers say 1 thru 100 and as people pick a registration (car number in my case) that choice cannot be picked again by another user for that form.  Load values from a table that can be picked several times or only once could work in both my suggestions.
    Thank You.

    Hello there,
    Thanks for these thoughts! They're all really good (and welcome) suggestions for additions to the FormsCentral service. As you might imagine, we're busily working back here to implement new features; we have big plans for FormsCentral. For these suggestions in particular, I'll do two things:
    1. Send these suggestions to the product team and get them added to the to-do list!
    2. Move the whole thread here into the FormsCentral Ideas sub-forum. That way, your suggestions will be noted as such and well-documented on our end.
    Thanks for the great ideas; let us know if you have any more feedback for us!
    Best regards,
    Acrobat Services Community Manager

  • Text input mask

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    I want to add a mask to a text input field, so the user can only type numbers on it (integers, more specifically), I think that this is done by a Converter but it doesn't add the apropriate javascript.
    How Can I do this? And if I want to mask to only floats?

    are you talking about immediate input masking? as user types a phone number say xxx xxx xxxx, it'll automatically adds "-" in between? that, you would have to use javascript.
    otherwise, create a custom converter and attach to your input box
    <f:converter id="yourcompany.path.PhoneConverter"/>
    convert user's phone number to yoru format.. othewise, generate a conversion error message

  • How do I create a save button to hide a dropdown and pass on the dropdown data to a label?

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    I'm desparetly looking for some help to get this issue resolved.
    Essentially I've a lot of PDF forms that've been designed by using InDesign CS4 and then converted to an interactive PDF via Adobe Lifecycle. The final 2 page PDF form has multiple textfields, a drop down and a save button. The users partially fill-in the form, select their name from the dropdown and then hit the save button prior to sending the PDF form to the client.
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    - Hides the drop down and
    - finally, hides itself ('Save' button)
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    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Presuming that editing the exisiting BOSTON is not an option, you may:
    1) Create a nostroke/nofill rectangle that covers all all word, then give it a white fill;
    2) In the Transparency palette flyout tick Make Opacity Mask with Clip unticked and Invert Mask ticked.
    That should remove the BOSTON from sight so you can retype it.
    You could use a black fill and leave Invert Mask unticked (if the black is black enough).

  • Save a phone number without the input mask

    I actually have 2 related issues that I hope you might be able to help me with.
    I have a form linked to an interactive report, so when I click a record, the form is populated with the record's data. I just started using the new text field masked input plugin to handle phone number formatting, etc., which Patrick recommended.
    The plugin works nicely when a phone number being displayed from the source is 10 characters. The input mask I'm using is (999) 999-9999. However, I also have phone numbers in records that don't include the area code. When I select one of those records, the phone number field is blank. I would like it to display 999-9999, and be right justified. Is there an easy fix for that?
    My next problem occurs when I try to save the record. The process tries to save the phone number, including the mask, (14 characters), to the table. I only want to save the number to the table, excluding the mask. I'm sure there is a way to do this but I haven't found it yet.
    Thanks in advance for any help,

    This is my solution to parsing the number only from the masked phone number:
    1) Create a field, 'P1_PHONE_MASKED', with a phone number mask: (?***) 999-9999
    2) Create a hidden Database Column like: 'P1_PHONE' It will initially hold the value of the record's phone column.
    3) create a javascript function in the page's before header section, between the space tags, to strip out all non-numeric values and update the hidden field:
    function remmask(src,tar){
    var mystring = $x(src).value;
    mystring = mystring.replace(/\D/g,'');
    $x(tar).value = mystring;
    4) Place the function call in the from in the HTML Form Elements Attributes of P1_PHONE_MASKED: onBlur="javascript:remmask('P1_PHONE_MASKED','P1_PHONE');"
    Now, anytime you change the value in P1_PHONE_MASKED, P1_PHONE gets updated with just the number values from P1_PHONE_MASKED.
    You can also add validation to the function to ensure that the length of the phone number is either 7, no area code, or 10, including area code. Normally, the mask should handle validation, but as you can see, to make this work, I had to make the mask more flexible, to allow for alpha numeric values in the first 3 positions and to allow for either 7 or 10 characters. Unfortunately, that means a user could enter something like XXX12 and the mask won't reject it.
    Partial solution to displaying ( ) 999-9999 in the masked input field P1_PHONE_MASKED when initially selecting a record for display.
    1) Make the Source Type for P1_PHONE_MASKED "SQL Query"
    2) Insert a query similar to the one below into "Source Value or Expression"
    This will display 7 digit phone nubers as follows: (___) 999-9999 in the masked field: P1_PHONE_MASKED.
    I wanted to use spaces between the () to make it perfect, but I'm unable to get this to work. I've tried things like:
    Both of which work in PL/SQL Developer, but not in Apex. I believe this is because HTML collapses spaces by default.
    I would like very much to resolve this last issue. Any suggestions?

  • How to decrease the gap between label and input field.. pls respnd

    hi friends,
    I am facing this problem since long time and couldnt get any solution...
    pls respnd,
    i need to decrease the gap between my input field and label.. its very much gap there..
    thanks in very advacne,

    Hi WD ABAP,
    i am doing the same, created tcontainer, and just binded my node. i given matrix layout. But i dont know why it is coming like that.
    Also WDABAP, could you pls reply me to the other thread,
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    supplyfunction - my code is to fill the dropdown. and due to this supply function triggering,
    my get_static_att or create_element is not reruting currenct row dropdown value.
    what am i doing wrong.. can u pls pls.. its kicking me. i have spent my whole weekend on this, but couldnt solve this.
    plsfnds :(((((

  • Save an input mask as variant for a method of a Z class

    Hi all,
    quite a dumb question, but I switched to OO abap recently and can't find this feature...
    When I'm creating a custom function module, I can test in debug simply lauching it and saving parameters of the input mask iin a Variant, so that I can try the run with these params whenever I want simply loading the variant I saved.
    Now... I'm working on a method in a custom class; I'd like to test but everytime I have to populate the parameter mask since I can't find a "save variant" option. Is there any way to accomplish this? Thanks in advance.

    Could write an ABAP UNIT class and definition and perform ABAP UNIT test on the object...ABAP Unit is regression testing for programmers but I do development testing with the tool.

  • Toggle composite and grayscale mask in Quick Mask mode : Problem

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    I know i have to press the tidle key " ~ " to activate it but i'm using an Azerty keyboard (belgium) and i have trouble with it.
    The only way i can use the tidle key on my keyboard is to press "Option + n" keys.
    So in Photoshop,  i load a channel  selection, turn into "quick mask mode" and then press "Option + n", but nothing happens.
    If i try with "Command+Option+n", i open the window for a new document.
    I have tried ALL combination of keys but nothing worked.
    I have also tried to change the keyboard input to Britain, Usa, etc but it still doesn't work.
    I'm using the english version of Photoshop CS6 (Subscription), and an Azerty Keyboard (Belgium) on a Mac Osx Snow leopard.
    How can i solve this problem ?

    Do you have an AltGr key on the right side of the keyboard?
    Anyway on a windows system set to your language/keyboard layout i can hold down the AltGr key while pressing the tilde key (on the right side of the keyboard up and to the right of the AltGr key)
    and that seems to work in photoshop in place of tilde key on an us english keyboard.
    Not sure what the AltGr key would be on a mac system, maybe the option key on the right side of the keyboard?
    I don't think it will work on an english version of cs6, you probably need a localized version of cs6.
    If your on the subscrition plan you can change the language version of photoshop cs6. uages-of-a-desktop-application/

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    1) using an adjustament layer , selective color
    2) using the photoshop plugin
    but i have never achieved good results
    now reading and browsing the net i found the vibrance mask ->
    now is there a difference between vibrance mask and saturation mask?
    and may i know how do you create a saturation mask or vibrance mask?
    happy new year

    i tried to reproduce your skill
    1) duplicate my image and coverted in lab
    2) back to my original image in RGB
    3) i create 4 layer 18% gray , blend mode normal
    now on layer 1 apply
    second layer
    3 layer
    4 layer
    now my laywer are so...->
    4) add a curve clippet on each layer ,input set 127
    and set all the 4 to screen
    5) a level adjusament set to auto
    but my image is in color not like yours
    what wrong?
    whad do i miss?
    thanks a lot

  • ADF Table filter issue with OR or AND input value

    Hi all,
    adf:table filterable fields for OR or AND input value not works. Actually One of column is for State and it has "OR" value for -> OREGON State.
    and I tried using filterModel and queryListener for table attribute. But I am not getting exact clue where I need to fix for this issue. Any suggestion and help is appreciated greatly.
    jdev version
    Thank you.
    - Robin

    Something like this might work for the one case:
    public void handleQuery(QueryEvent queryEvent){
        // Replace the OR with an equivalent condition
        Map m =
          ((FilterableQueryDescriptor) (queryEvent.getDescriptor())).getFilterCriteria();
        for (Map.Entry entry: (Collection<Map.Entry>) m.entrySet())
          if (entry.getValue() != null &&
              StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(entry.getValue().toString(), "OR"))
            entry.setValue("O AND _R");
        // Process The Query
                             QueryEvent.class, queryEvent);
        // Put the OR back
        for (Map.Entry entry: (Collection<Map.Entry>) m.entrySet())
          if (entry.getValue() != null &&
                                           "O AND _R"))

  • Thunderbolt, LCD TV, and Input / Display lag

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    I recently got the new Macbook Pro 13" since the Thunderbolt port boasts phenomenal output and input speed. Seems to have eliminated the problem. I don't sense the slightest amount of input lag while using my TV. Just in case anyone had any worries, in my case the Macbook Pro connects very effortlessly and input lag is not an issue.
    Just thought I'd throw this out as everyone seems to want the new Macbook Pro to have a 3840 pixel resolution and a built in massage chair or something.

    Thanks for posting your positive feedback on Thunderbolt. Some people have been concerned on connection issues. It helps to hear the success stories too.

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    At first, I create a BDC program using T-code VL32N, it does work for a few HUs in one Order, but when there are more than 5 HUs in one order, the later can't be input by this program, because the table control of HUs only display 5 records in my screen, so it need page down during BDC process, while in Ttl content, there 16 rows displayed, it need page down after 8 records. But different user have different screen size, so my program doesn't work for all user.
    What should we do for turn page in BDC program?
    Is there any function can be used for creating HUs and input SNs for Inbound Delivery?

    How did you solve this issue, Can you give me some clue?

  • Calender and input help Icons is not visible in portal

    Dear Experts,
    There is a webdynpro application in CRM back end system. When the application is launched in CRM UI, It display the screen elements clearly. But when the application is called from portal environment, the calender icon and input help icon (icon in the ui element) is not visible.but it is working properly if clicked on the correct place.
    In Development and Quality environment its working properly.I have searched OSS notes, but found none.
    Your help is highly appreciated. Awaiting for the replies

    hi Raman,
    Even i m having the same problem. Its working in dev and Quality environment but not in production.
    Can u please share thhe OSS notes found.

  • How to display time duration (NOT dates) with an input mask in a JTable?

    Background: I am trying to display in a JTable, in two columns, the start position and time duration of an audio clip.
    They are stored as type float internally eg. startPosition = 72.7 seconds.
    However I wish to display on screen in the table in HH:mm:ss:S format. eg. 00:01:12:7. The user can edit the cell and input values to update the internal member fields.
    Problem: I am finding it very difficult to implement this - what with the interactions of MaskFormatter, DefaultCellEditor etc.
    Also using SimpleDateFormat and DateFormatter does not work as they insist on displaying the day, month, year also in the table cell.
    Taking the Swing Tutorial TableFTFEditDemo example as a template,
    does anyone know how to do this?
    I can post my (buggy) modifications to the example code - if it would help.
    Appreciate any help.

    Here are my modifications to the TableFTFEditDemo example. If you run it, you get an exception
    like java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "18:00:03.500"
    The two modified classes are taken from the Tutorial and are listed below:
    * IntegerEditor is a 1.4 class used by
    import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
    import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
    import javax.swing.DefaultCellEditor;
    import javax.swing.JFormattedTextField;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
    import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Component;
    import java.awt.Toolkit;
    import java.text.DateFormat;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import java.text.ParseException;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.Calendar;
    import java.util.Date;
    import javax.swing.text.DateFormatter;
    import javax.swing.text.DefaultFormatterFactory;
    import javax.swing.text.MaskFormatter;
    import javax.swing.text.NumberFormatter;
    class TimeRenderer {
         float seconds;
         TimeRenderer(String str) {
              int hSec = Integer.parseInt(str.substring(0,2)) * 60 * 60;
              int mSec = Integer.parseInt(str.substring(2,4)) * 60;
              int sSec = Integer.parseInt(str.substring(4,6));
              float tSec = Integer.parseInt(str.substring(6,7))/10.0F;
              seconds = hSec + mSec + sSec + tSec;
    * Implements a cell editor that uses a formatted text field to edit Integer
    * values.
    public class IntegerEditor extends DefaultCellEditor {
         JFormattedTextField ftf;
         static Date zeroTime = new Date(0L);
         private boolean DEBUG = true;
         SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.S");
         MaskFormatter maskFo = new MaskFormatter("##:##:##.#");
         protected MaskFormatter createFormatter(String s) {
              MaskFormatter formatter = null;
              try {
                   formatter = new MaskFormatter(s);
              } catch (java.text.ParseException exc) {
                   System.err.println("formatter is bad: " + exc.getMessage());
              return formatter;
         public IntegerEditor(int min, int max) throws ParseException {
              super(new JFormattedTextField(new MaskFormatter("##:##:##.#")));
              ftf = (JFormattedTextField) getComponent();
              // Set up the editor for the cells.
              ftf.setFormatterFactory(new DefaultFormatterFactory(new DateFormatter(sdf)));
              // React when the user presses Enter while the editor is
              // active. (Tab is handled as specified by
              // JFormattedTextField's focusLostBehavior property.)
              ftf.getInputMap().put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, 0), "check");
              ftf.getActionMap().put("check", new AbstractAction() {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                        if (!ftf.isEditValid()) { // The text is invalid.
                             ftf.postActionEvent(); // inform the editor
                        } else
                             try { // The text is valid,
                                  ftf.commitEdit(); // so use it.
                                  ftf.postActionEvent(); // stop editing
                             } catch (java.text.ParseException exc) {
         // Override to invoke setValue on the formatted text field.
         public Component getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable table, Object value,
                   boolean isSelected, int row, int column) {
              JFormattedTextField ftf = (JFormattedTextField) super
                        .getTableCellEditorComponent(table, value, isSelected, row, column);
              System.out.println("value:" + value);
    //          long milliseconds =(long) (Float.parseFloat(value.toString()) * 1000);
              long milliseconds =(long) (((Float) value).floatValue() * 1000);
              Date dt = new Date(milliseconds);
              return ftf;
         // Override to ensure that the value remains an Integer.
         public Object getCellEditorValue() {
              JFormattedTextField ftf = (JFormattedTextField) getComponent();
              Object o = ftf.getValue();
              try {               
                   Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
                   float seconds = cal.getTimeInMillis()/1000.0F;
                   return sdf.format(o);
                   //return new Float(seconds);
              } catch (Exception exc) {
                   System.err.println("getCellEditorValue: can't parse o: " + o);
                   return null;
         // Override to check whether the edit is valid,
         // setting the value if it is and complaining if
         // it isn't. If it's OK for the editor to go
         // away, we need to invoke the superclass's version
         // of this method so that everything gets cleaned up.
         public boolean stopCellEditing() {
              JFormattedTextField ftf = (JFormattedTextField) getComponent();
              if (ftf.isEditValid()) {
                   try {
                   } catch (java.text.ParseException exc) {
              } else { // text is invalid
                   return false; // don't let the editor go away
              return super.stopCellEditing();
    * is a 1.4 application that requires one other file:
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JDialog;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.GridLayout;
    import java.text.ParseException;
    * This is exactly like TableDemo, except that it uses a
    * custom cell editor to validate integer input.
    public class TableFTFEditDemo extends JPanel {
        private boolean DEBUG = false;
        public TableFTFEditDemo() throws ParseException {
            super(new GridLayout(1,0));
            JTable table = new JTable(new MyTableModel());
            table.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(500, 70));
            //Create the scroll pane and add the table to it.
            JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);
            //Set up stricter input validation for the integer column.
         //   table.setDefaultEditor(Float.class,
           //                        new IntegerEditor(0, 100));
         //If we didn't want this editor to be used for other
         //Integer columns, we'd do this:
              new IntegerEditor(0, 100));
            //Add the scroll pane to this panel.
        class MyTableModel extends AbstractTableModel {
            private String[] columnNames = {"First Name",
                                            "Last Name",
                                            "# of Years",
            private Object[][] data = {
                {"Mary", "Campione",
                 "Snowboarding", new Float(5.7), new Boolean(false)},
                {"Alison", "Huml",
                 "Rowing", new Float(3.5), new Boolean(true)},
                {"Kathy", "Walrath",
                 "Knitting", new Float(2.9), new Boolean(false)},
                {"Sharon", "Zakhour",
                 "Speed reading", new Float(20.8), new Boolean(true)},
                {"Philip", "Milne",
                 "Pool", new Float(10.5), new Boolean(false)}
            public int getColumnCount() {
                return columnNames.length;
            public int getRowCount() {
                return data.length;
            public String getColumnName(int col) {
                return columnNames[col];
            public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) {
                return data[row][col];
             * JTable uses this method to determine the default renderer/
             * editor for each cell.  If we didn't implement this method,
             * then the last column would contain text ("true"/"false"),
             * rather than a check box.
            public Class getColumnClass(int c) {
                 Object obj = getValueAt(0, c);
                 System.out.println("getColumnClass.obj:" + obj);
                return obj.getClass();
            public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) {
                //Note that the data/cell address is constant,
                //no matter where the cell appears onscreen.
                if (col < 2) {
                    return false;
                } else {
                    return true;
            public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col) {
                if (DEBUG) {
                    System.out.println("Setting value at " + row + "," + col
                                       + " to " + value
                                       + " (an instance of "
                                       + value.getClass() + ")");
                data[row][col] = value;
                fireTableCellUpdated(row, col);
                if (DEBUG) {
                    System.out.println("New value of data:");
            private void printDebugData() {
                int numRows = getRowCount();
                int numCols = getColumnCount();
                for (int i=0; i < numRows; i++) {
                    System.out.print("    row " + i + ":");
                    for (int j=0; j < numCols; j++) {
                        System.out.print("  " + data[i][j]);
         * Create the GUI and show it.  For thread safety,
         * this method should be invoked from the
         * event-dispatching thread.
         * @throws ParseException
        private static void createAndShowGUI() throws ParseException {
            //Make sure we have nice window decorations.
            //Create and set up the window.
            JFrame frame = new JFrame("TableFTFEditDemo");
            //Create and set up the content pane.
            TableFTFEditDemo newContentPane = new TableFTFEditDemo();
            newContentPane.setOpaque(true); //content panes must be opaque
            //Display the window.
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            //Schedule a job for the event-dispatching thread:
            //creating and showing this application's GUI.
            javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                        } catch (ParseException e) {
                             // TODO Auto-generated catch block

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    Hi Tolmivooz,
    So the lines didn't appear until you were into the setup?
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    Get help with the screen on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support
    If you see lines, missing sections, discoloration, or poor image quality
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    If you still see the issue after you restore, contact Apple Support.

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    Hello, I just bought the new version of Macbook Air. At the store they said that transferring programs such as Office for Mac was as easy as just opening the sharing folderin preferences on my Imac and new Air and it would be a breeze. Do I have to i

  • Verify my Apple ID

    I was trying to download an app the other day and it said that I needed to verify my apple ID. So i press OK but then it sends me a verification email to my email which I don't have the password for...and I can't recover. What do I do. I can'