Preloader ran by timer not loadProgress. ?

I would like to create a preloader type effect for when my Image gallery changes images.  I have a timer that runs my function "changeFrames" that just MovieClip(root).nextFrame(); . Could someone help me out or point me to a good source for creating this preloader type effect based on a timer.  I would like to show a progress bar that when it reaches the top will be when my timer is up and the changeFrame function starts.  I could make a movie clip of a load bar that lasts the same amount of time as my timer but I would have to create many different load bars this way because some of my frames pause longer than others.
thanks for the help

just create and display a preloader that uses time instead of bytesLoaded.

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    I have to quickly make a countdown timer for a website that counts down to a specific date & time (Not midnight). I need like May 4th, 2011 at 9:10 AM.
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    var today:Date = new Date();
    var currentYear = today.getFullYear();
    var currentTime = today.getTime();
    var targetDate:Date = new Date(currentYear,1,12);
    var targetTime = targetDate.getTime();
    if (targetTime <= 0) {
    var timeLeft = targetTime - currentTime;
    var sec = Math.floor(timeLeft/1000);
    var min = Math.floor(sec/60);
    var hrs = Math.floor(min/60);
    var days = Math.floor(hrs/24);
    sec = String(sec % 60);
    if (sec.length < 2) {
      sec = "0" + sec;
    min = String(min % 60);
    if (min.length < 2) {
      min = "0" + min;
    hrs = String(hrs % 24);
    if (hrs.length < 2) {
      hrs = "0" + hrs;
    days = String(days);
    var counter:String = days + ":" + hrs + ":" + min + ":" + sec;
    time_txt.text = counter;

    I haven't looked at the rest of the code, but if you say it works, then all you really need to do is adjust the targetDate arguments.
    The constructor for a Date object is...
    Date(year, month, date, hour, minute, second, millisecond)
    so just fill in the data you need instead of what you have....
    var targetDate:Date = new Date(year, month, date, hour, minute, second, millisecond);

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    Please let us explain, where u have carried out  scheduling  ie  during the MRP or in Production order.
    I hope ur asking about Production order scheduling , inthat case system will not consider the Inhouse production time. Because lead time scheduling is carried in production order.
    Scheduling will be done for routing times not for In-house  production time.

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        Thanks for checking the software on your phone Knine00. The hard reset should have resolved the issue. Do you have any apps downloaded that specifically work with the time on your device? If so, please uninstall it. If you still have issues with the time, you can also take your phone to a corporate store location or Apple store for a hands on evaluation. You may want to visit a store when you see the time is off. The last step would be replacement of the phone if its still under warranty and has no damage.
    Follow us on Twitter @vzwsupport

  • Timer not expired while running process

    Dear All
    I'm using timer to blink the text message in 6i forms.Its working fine.
    But the problem is while running process timer not expired.
    If there is any solution to expire timer while running process, please let me know
    Thanking you

    As I understood you want to expire the timer in a specific time.
    you can call SET-TIMER with NO_REPEAT Indicates that the timer should not repeat upon expiration, but is to be used once only, until explicitly called again.
    You can call it every time that you want

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