Premier Pro CS6, Items not indexing

I am going through a tutorial and have opened a lesson. In this lesson there is a media folder with many different types of assets. In the project window, it says "Items to index 93". I've had the program open since last night, hoping that it would index all of them but it has not done anything.
Why isn't it indexing? And how important is it to have the files indexed? I cannot use the search bar (it is grayed out); is this the only reason to have indexed files? I'm at a loss here and cannot find any information about this on the Internet.
I'm on a 2GHz Intel Core i7 MacBook Pro with Mavericks and 16GB of RAM.
Please help. Thank you.

I'm having the same issue on Windows version. CC2014 v8.0.1
I'm also finding no answers or help on this.

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    Unfortunately not.
    Premiere Pro CS6 and Encore CS6 are 64 bit only. They will not run on your machine.
    You could have a look at Premiere Elements which runs on 32 bit and 64 bit.

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    Is your computer 64 bit?
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    Be sure the sesx file type is associated with Audition in the File Associations.

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    You scared me a bit. I upgraded from Premiere Pro CS3 to Premiere Pro CS6 and I haven't had a need to capture anything yet. So, while I do like using HDVSplit, I thought I would try capturing from my Sony HDR-FX1 just to see what happens.
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                  F: USB 3 connected 2 TB Seagate GoFlex External HD
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    JEShort01 wrote:
    That's not a bad setup at all to get started with small projects.
    We all have different budgets and patience. You may be OK with what you have. And if it seems too sluggish - your rig would be for me , the following would help Premiere Pro performance:
    - increase RAM to 16GB (about $140 per eBay pricing from a seller with high ratings a few minutes ago)
    - add another drive; my favorite choice with your laptop would be a Seagate Momentus 750gb drive installed in a optical bay caddy (slips into your laptop)
    Exactly what I have done, and it is great.
    You can get the caddy here: -G73Jw-G73Sw-/320881591179
    I had this setup for my old HP and have a caddy ready to install for my new Dell Precision as well. You can either get an external house for your DVD drive, or get an external one - they are quite cheap.

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    hi todd,
    cart in front of the horse syndrome - wrote BEFORE reading the article. sorry ;-)
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    Hi Jeff, the actual media content is not available in the Project panel although the wrappers of the files are showing with a question mark in the thumbnail.
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    I get a windows explorer box come up and then go to my Adobe files in my documents (where the DVD contents are) and go to Lessons, Assets, Double Identity, P2 Media, Contents....I then have 6 folders to choose from, I have looked in the Clip file and it is blank until I change the file type selection that is near the bottom right in the explorer window from P2 Movie (mxf) to all files and then there are files available but the files are ending XML and XMP.
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    I hope you were able to follow what I have been trying to explain above, I'm sure it's fairly evident that I am not a computer whizz kid so if you require me to take screenshots etc to clarify what I'm doing I can manage

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    Thanks in advance for any help offered.

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    Sequence Settings -
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