Premiere Crash

Premiere crashes all too often when I have a video file on a timeline, then I need to makwe a change in AE then jump back to Premiere and sometimes it updates the file, but most of the time it causes Premiere to crash.  This didn't happen in erlier versions.  It's not that big of a deal but why should I have to close Premiere down, render in AE, then open Premiere back up. You should just be able to jump back over to Premiere and the overwritten file will update automatically with out crashing.  Anyone else experiencing this?  It happens at home and at work.

No, the computers are fine.  At home I have an intel i7 920, 12gb ram, and I'm using two velociraptors set at raid 0 for my media.  The system is fine. If I have AE and PP open at the same time, and lets say I have a rendered avi in my PP timeline that I just rendered from AE and I think to myself, I don't like the way that animates or I don't like that color, I tab back to AE and render it out overwriting the original file and when it's done, tab back over to Premiere. this is where most of the time it will crash PP.  I just don't understand why this happens?

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  • Is Adobe Premiere Crashing on you??? - Solution to almost every cause...

    I've been trying to fix this problem of mine, and I've found that countless people have had the same problem with previous versions of premiere and still do with even the more recent versions. I'm going to be posting this on multiple forums to help out. Well, I might be being a little cocky saying that I have a solution to every case of Adobe Premiere not working, but I will give as many solutions as I know starting with my problem, which I've had happen multiple times, and then go through the possible solutions to other countless people's errors that I've seen while trying to fix my problem.
    It might almost seem like it's not worth it to go through all of my steps and instead just format your hard drive, but some people have too much stuff to have to copy off the drive to do that so that is why I'm posting this. For example, I myself have over a Terabyte of music on my computer =/.
    When I would click on Premiere, no matter what version ( I only tried Adobe Premiere 6.5, Pro 7, and CS3 but I'm sure it would've been the same for all ) it would pop up as it usually does and then it would crash ( for search provider purposes I'm going to put every word I can think of ) lock up, freeze, shut down, close out, not work, wouldn't start, doesn't open, won't run, can't load, etc. Premiere 6.5 for example would say "Initializing" and then give a send or don't send error message. Similar thing for CS3 except it didn't say "Initializing" it said something else, but it would only say the first thing it would try to do and then the same error messages every time. This seemed to be an unfixable problem I've had multiple times with adobe premiere and I've tried the following possible fixes but none worked: System restores, uninstall and reinstall, uninstall all audio and video codecs I can find, Delete every adobe premiere file that exists on my computer including documents and settings / my documents / windows / program files / temp files / prefrence files / application data / etc., also going into my regestry editor and going to HKCU... as well as HKLM / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / RUN and RUN Once and deleted any proccesses I knew I didn't need on startup, I've also tried unchecking Load Startup Items under the Selective Startup section using "msconfig" in the run command and then restarting without those background programs running and then tried Premiere, and I've even tried to do a repair install of Windows XP, but not a single one of those things in any combination would do the trick!!!
    The problem actually started after doing a system restore, maybe undoing something I wasn't aware of even though the system restore itself was only created a few days back so I'm not sure how that could be, none-the-less the problem started just after. It might have also had something to do with a new program I had installed to clean my registry. I don't believe that was the problem because after cleaning my registry and before the system restore the program worked just fine, but maybe the combination of the two things caused the problem this time. A few other problems I've heard of as possible causes / solutions are...
    · Conflicts with Audio Codecs such as - Lame Mp3 / Ra-Audio codec12 /  RC3 / etc.
    · Conflicts with Video Codecs such as - Ligos, ffdshow, Darim Vision, Moonlight WinDivX, WMP DVD Playback, Core Video, Matrox, Fraps, etc. etc.
    · Malware, Viruses, Spyware, bogus Registry Cleaners like RegCure, Pirated Software ( big no no), and other vulnerabilities.
    · Prefrence files that needed to be deleted like: Prem60.prf, Premiere 6.5 Prefs - in C:\Documents and Settings\YourUserNameHere\Application Data\Adobe\Premiere, and a few other pref files I can't really remember.
    · QUICK TIME, you should uninstall quicktime (which might have been my problem) and delete all files associated with it including Apple Software.
    · Start Up proccess conflicts. Use Msconfig in the run command line to bring up msconfig, then under General / Selective Startup, uncheck Load Startup Items and restart your computer. If after restart Premiere doesn't work read on...
    · Ace Mega Codecs Pack: This one can cause a lot of conflicts... Here's a screenshot of what your Ace MCP settings should be on through a Custom install, or you can use your control panel to modify an already existing install...
    MY SOLUTION ( to possilby every case of Premiere crashing )
    This is a very good solution to have so that you don't have to try all the other things first, I guarantee this is the best solution and it will take a little courage on your part but does the trick without having to format your Hard Drive. The first thing I did was uninstall all versions of Premiere, then Ace Mega Codecs pack v5.93.8971, I also uninstalled all extra audio codecs I could find, and uninstalled any extra software I didn't need on my computer while I was at it which might be causing the conflict such as Fraps, Growler Guncam, and any other little programs I didn't need and could reinstall. Even going as far as looking through the Program Files for things I didn't recognize, and if I were anyone else I would google it to make sure it is not a necessary file, and then delete all the folders to programs I had already uninstalled that were left over or other folders to things that I didn't need. If you're going to do this make sure you go into your My Computer folder, then at the top select the Tools tab and click on Folder Options, then on the view tab make sure that Show Hidden Files and Folders is selected and click apply. Then I went into C:\Documents and Settings\ (Every different account there was) and looked through the Application Data folders and the Local Settings folders for left over Adobe Premiere files and folders and deleted them all. I also cleaned out every temp folder I could find by selecting the files and pressing shift + delete to skip the recycling bin proccess. If you come across any files that say "cannot delete" due to file permissions just look on google for the program called Unlocker 1.8.7 and download it for free, here's the current link After installing it, should only take seconds, you can right click on any file or group of files and click unlocker, then select the delete option and press the Unlock All button. If the process winlogon.exe or svchost is in the list of processes you are going to unlock do not do it, this will freeze up your computer. After deleting all those left over files you should use your Search command in your start menu to look for anything with the name Premiere in it, make sure you select Advanced Options and then put checkmarks next to Search System Folders, Search Hidden Files and Folders, and Search Subfolders. Delete all those files, but make sure they are related to Adobe Premiere and not something else. Then, and this may not be a necessary step so don't panic, I ran Uniblue Registry Booster to clean out my registry files of all unecessary entries and also did a registry defrag. Uniblue is software you have to pay for though so you might want to fish around on the internet for a good free registry cleaner, do not use RegCure though that one's a scam.
    Then, and this is where you have to be kinda brave, I went into the registry editor by pressing the start button on my tastbar and opening the run command I then typed regedit.exe, or just regedit, to open the system registry editor. First you should make a backup of your registry before going any further by clicking the File / Export button, and saving the registry to your My Documents folder or somewhere else you will be able to find it. I would then use the Find command with all options checked to look for Adobe and then Premier seperately to make sure I found every place that had Premiere entries in it and then deleted those entries. Make sure you start from the top by having My Computer selected. Some would only say Prem~.exe and things similar to that, so that is why you have to look for Adobe as well to find all the entries. Once you click find, you can press F3 to do a find next and continue the seach after each value you delete. If a folder contained only a value with an Adobe Premiere property in it I deleted the whole folder. I then searched for the following words and began the same proccess with them: Ligos, Matrox, Fraps, Quicktime, and during the search if I saw any values I wasn't sure of because they didn't seem to be what I was referring to I left them alone. I also deleted any entries that I knew I nolonger needed in there such as Apple Software, and refrences to game demos or other programs I knew I had already uninstalled. Be carefull with that though, you should be absolutly sure before deleting anything from the registry. You have a back up so don't get too scared if you damage it, just double click your backup of the registry, then reboot and start over. Worst case is that you might have to do a windows repair install if you mess up.
    Anyway, after you're done in the registry create a system restore point and then restart your computer. Once it loads up again try reinstalling Adobe Premiere and make sure you cross those figers, that's the most important part. Viola, that's my solution. If it doesn't work for you, well, most likely you have some serious malware or a trojan that just doesn't like Premiere. I myself use Panda Titanium 2009 as well as Uniblue PowerSuite to keep my system clean. If you can't afford that try Lavasoft Adaware freeware + Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool and see if they don't catch anything. Good luck, and I really hope that I help at least one person with all of this lol.

    I have had both good and bad experiences with Acronis True Image. I got the recent copy of ATI via a bundle. I haven't tried it yet on any Windows 7 editing systems. ATI installs some services that I would rather not have running in the background.
    What made you change from ATI to ShadowProtect Desktop Edition?
    Are you running Windows 7?
    What do you see as advantages to running ShadowProtect Desktop Edition as opposed to Acronis True Image?

  • Premiere crashed, my project won't open because of an "unknown error," and my autosave apparently stopped working 6 hours ago... Any solution?

    I'm working in Premiere Pro CC 2014 on an early 2014 iMac.  I started to notice my session was getting kind of buggy - audio clips started missing from my timeline, effect controls on some of my video clips had set themselves to the defaults.   So I was trying to fix some of these things as I was editing.  I save compulsively (like after every couple of edits),  so I had not noticed that my session was no longer auto-saving. 
    Suddenly Premiere crashed. The recovery file will not open "due to an unknown error."  The original file that crashed will not open either (same message), and I notice the file size is about half of what it should be.  When I tried to open an auto-saved version, I discovered that the last auto-save was last night at about 10 p.m.  (I quit working last night at about 1 a.m., so it just spontaneously stopped autosaving midway through my edit session.) 
    I followed all the suggestions I could find in forums.  I trashed preferences, and I moved all my media into other folders.  But the session won't open even far enough that it starts asking for media.  When I create a new project and try to import my old edit sequence, dynamic link won't even get to the point where it asks me to select what sequences I want to import.  It just sits there forever trying to open the file and can't.
    Any  suggestions?

    Additional info - As I look further into the problem, it's even worse than I thought.  The autosave files that say they're from last night are actually referencing work from days ago.  So evidently, my auto-save is either putting incorrect time stamps on the files, or the project files are referencing old sequences.  Either way, I cannot seem to locate a project file that contains a reasonably recent version of my cut, even though the time/date stamps on the files indicate they shouldn't be that old. 

  • Premiere crashes every time I try to copy a Sequence that contains a nested sequence

    I'm working a project that has a lot of multicam sequences in it and I'm having a problem with Premiere crashing. I want to be able to iterate my sequences for versioning as I go through and make changes requested by my client for final approval but don't want to get rid of the old versions in case I need to go back for something later. I use the as a general practice because I've learned the hard way that it's much easier to save everything and need it rather than start making changes that I might want to get back later
    Most of the items don't have any issues; footage, gfx .movs, stills, etc. all copy and paste fine as do my 'source' sequences which have 3 video tracks (cam 1, cam 2, and a gfx track). I am then dragging those sequences into a new sequence and 'Enabling Multicam' on that clip so I can use the multicam function of the Program monitor (a great feature I might add). However, I am now going back and making changes and want to create new iterations of my 'Multicam Sequences' and when I go to Copy them Premiere crashes. I also tried right-clicking and selecting 'Duplicate' but this also causes a crash. Does anyone have any suggestions as to why this is happening? I think I'll need go ahead and submit a bug report because I really can't think of why this should be the case.
    The only workaround I have thought of is to create new sequences and drag the contents of each of my old timelines into new, revisable sequences while still retaining my old originals.
    I'm on a PC with Windows 7 Professional and have all the updates for the newest version of Premiere CC

    Sounds similar to what's happening to me. I'm on a Mac with Premiere CC.
    When I try and duplicate audio tracks, crashes almost every time.

  • Premiere crashes constantly after update to CUDA Driver Version: 7.0.35

    I have had troubles with the dreaded garbled screen bug, it occurs after working with premiere for more than an hour or working with 4K material or large graphic files.
    But since updating to CUDA Driver Version: 7.0.35 premiere crashes immediately after starting the same project that worked  the previous day. Only switching to open CL stops premiere from crashing.
    Please advise!
    yosemite 10.10.2 (14C1514)
    Identifier:            com.adobe.AdobePremierePro
    Version:               8.2.0 (8.2.0)
    Code Type:             X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:        ??? [1]
    Responsible:           Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014 [544]
    NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M, NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M, PCIe, 1024 MB
    MacBookPro9,1, BootROM MBP91.00D3.B08, 4 processors, Intel Core i7, 2.6 GHz, 8 GB, SMC 2.1f175

    I moved from Version 5.. to  7.0.36 and the crashes started.  Also strange pixelating on some screens.  Is there a way to go backwards on the drivers or do I use Open CL until CUDA or Adobe or Apple comes up with a fix?

  • Premiere crashing if using other applications

    I'm having problems with Adobe Premiere crashing on me.
    It seems to happen whenever I use another application (like Chrome or Windows Explorer) while Premiere is open, then go back to Premiere. It pretty much instantly crashes as soon as I click inside the Premiere window.
    This is the error message I get in Event Viewer:
    Faulting application name: Adobe Premiere Pro.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x52aed7f3
    Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 6.1.7601.18247, time stamp: 0x521eaf24
    Exception code: 0xc0000005
    Fault offset: 0x0000000000018e5d
    Faulting process id: 0x530
    Faulting application start time: 0x01cf3baa978a06e0
    Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CC\Adobe Premiere Pro.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    Report Id: e214e2e5-a79d-11e3-a90b-bc5ff4488183
    My system:
    Intel i7 3770 @ 3.5 GHz
    8GB RAM
    Nvidia Geforce GTX 670 (Driver: 334.89)
    Windows 7 Pro 64bit
    I've done a little more testing and found out that it doesn't have anything to do with using other applications. It happens if I minimize Premiere as well.
    Another thing which might help pinpoint the problem: if I open a new empty project, it's fine, but if I add a new sequence and minimize Premiere it crashes instantly.
    Message was edited by: machinemade
    *edit 2*
    I seem to have figured it out. I did a reset of the prefrences (by holding ALT while starting Premiere) and it hasn't crashed since.
    I also installed the newest Quicktime. Not sure which of these changes fixed my problem, but it seems to have done it.
    Message was edited by: machinemade

    hi rutra!
    hmmmmm. let's just check through the possibilities here:
    How to troubleshoot "Cannot lock iPod" error message
    let's try making sure that "terminate and stay resident" programs like antivirus packages are also shut down prior to trying the update. this InstallShield article might be of some help with that:
    Close Applications Running in the Background
    love, b

  • Premiere Crashes when sending Audio File to Audition

    On OSX Lion, 12-core Mac Pro...
    Premiere crashes whenever I attempt to EDIT a file to Audition from timeline.  Happenes everytime.  Fully updated on all programs...

    Best to post specific product questions in that product's forum

  • Adobe CS4 (64bit) Potoshop, InDesign, Premiere crashes on startup

    I am in need of some major help.  I have a user who only on his profile Adobe Potoshop, InDesign, and Premiere crash on startup.  I've tried most of the basic trouble shooting but still not working.  Any Ideas?
    Computer Specs:
    HP z400 Workstation
    Intel Xeon W3520 2.66 8MB/1066
    6GB of RAM
    ATI FirePro V5700 512MB Graphics

    I was going to suggest resetting application preferences, but with multiple applications crashing, perhaps the problem is with the system...
    First, I think I'd look to see if there are any updated display drivers available for the user's system, from the web site of the maker of the display adapter (video card).
    You can try to see if disabling OpenGL support in Photoshop restores operation:  Edit - Preferences - Performance, uncheck [ ] Use OpenGL Drawing.
    If you do want to try to reset Photoshop preferences back to defaults, which is known to correct a lot of problems, have the user do this:
    1.  Press and hold Control - Shift - Alt immediately after starting Photoshop from its shortcut or menu item.
    2.  When the prompt "Do you want to set preferences back to defaults" comes up, confirm.
    Best of luck.

  • Premiere Crashes Upon Opening Project

    Note: I'm using the newest version of Premiere Pro CC on a (maxed out) Retina Macbook Pro 2012.
    This just started happening. When I open a project, Premiere crashes and gives me the below pop up, blocking me from doing anything within the project. It just keeps happening every time I open the project file, even if I make a copy of the original.
    I uninstalled Premiere and installed it again - without the latest update - and it worked fine. But I want this to work with the latest update because I'm not paying a subscription to have the ability to update taken away.
    Note that I also experienced this pop up recently when playing back MTS files within Premiere in the same project file. I used the built-in Media Explorer and it worked. Dragging and dropping the files from Finder to Premiere was causing it to act up. Not sure why this happens b/c D&D worked in previous versions.
    Here's the error:

    Hi Emoral7,
    .mts files are avchd files having metadata which is required by premiere pro to read and interpret those files. When you browse the files through media browser, premiere pro reads the folder structure and the metadata of those files and imports them accordingly. If you drag and drop it directly in the project panel the folder structure of the files are damaged and premiere pro does not interprets them correctly because of missing metadata. CS6, was not so strict about the folder structure and sometime interprets the files correctly, but CC is little more strict aboit the folder structures and metadata files. For more information about folder structure of .mts files you can check help file of premiere pro.

  • Exporting hdv from Ae to Premiere crashes premiere

    I renderd an hdv1080i file from ae to import in premiere and edit it together with hdv captured from an fx1 into premiere.
    for some reason if I import it  and then play it from the top it works but if I start scrolling premiere crashes..
    I dont understand cause I'm using a standard hdv1080i50 preset to output from ae (cs4)
    please help, thanks!

    Thank you.
    I tried to render them earlier, and import from an AVI file, but the 2 sequences came back as different sizes.
    They looked the same, and correct when I played them in the source box, but when I brought them to the timeline they were different.  Essentially, one of the sequences I had to convert to "fit" instead of 100%....but I couldn't figure out how to do this to one without the changing the other.
    Thanks again.  I appreciate it. 

  • Premiere crashes on me whenever I try to import video! HELP!

    Okay, I've never had problems with Adobe Premiere Pro when using it at school, and decided to install the trial version for a summer project.
    After 4 hours of installation, I was ready to start editing, when I realized that there's a fatal flaw:
    Premiere crashes on me whenever I attempt to import a video!
    Basically, as soon as I click File>import, I get the import menu opened, then everything crashes.
    Please help me, this is for my required summer project for college.

    More information needed for someone to help
    Some is general about your computer and OS, some is specific to video editing
    Build a Configuration file
    Brand/Model Computer (or Brand/Model Motherboard if self-built)
    How much system memory you have installed, such as 2Gig or ???
    Operating System version, such as Win7 64bit Pro... or whatevevr
    -including your security settings, such as are YOU the Administrator
    -and have you tried to RIGHT click the program Icon and then select
    -the Run as Administrator option (for Windows, not sure about Mac)
    Your Firewall settings and brand of anti-virus are you running
    Brand/Model graphics card, sush as ATI "xxxx" or nVidia "xxxx"
    -or the brand/model graphics chip if on the motherboard
    -and the exact driver version for the above graphics card/chip
    -and how much video memory you have on your graphics card
    Brand/Model sound card, or sound "chip" name on Motherboard
    -and the exact driver version for the above sound card/chip
    Size(s) and configuration of your hard drive(s)... example below
    -and how much FREE space is available on each drive (in Windows
    -you RIGHT click the drive letter while using Windows Explorer
    -and then select the Properties option to see used/free space)
    Windows Indexing is BAD
    While in Properties, be sure you have drive indexing set OFF
    -for the drive, and for all directories, to improve performance
    Some/Much of the above are available by going to the Windows
    Control Panel and then the Hardware option (Win7 option name)
    OR Control Panel--System--Hardware Tab--Device Manager for WinXP
    And the EXACT type and size of file that is causing you problems
    -for pictures, that includes the camera used and the pixel dimensions
    Plus Video-Specific Information
    Read Bill Hunt on a file type as WRAPPER
    What is a CODEC... a Primer
    What CODEC is INSIDE that file?
    Report back with the codec details of your file, use the programs below
    For PC or
    For Mac
    Once you know exactly what it is you are editing, report back with that information...
    and your project setting, and if there is a red line above the video in the timeline,
    which indicates a mismatch between video and project
    Read Bill Hunt on editing a VOB/MPG file
    Edit Vob
    Read Hunt on Using MOD/TOD files
    Work through all of the steps (ideas) listed at
    If your problem isn't fixed after you follow all of the steps, report back with ALL OF
    THE DETAILS asked for in the FINALLY section at the troubleshooting link
    Also read file troubleshooting

  • Just installed Quadro 4000 Mac, now Premiere crashes when I try to open existing project

    Mac Pro 4,1
    Premiere Pro 5.5
    OS X 10.6.8
    I just replaced the stock ATI card with a PNY Quadro 4000 for Mac.
    Via CUDA Preferences, have updated CUDA driver to 4.0.50
    GPU driver is (256.02.25f01)
    When I try to open any existing Premiere project, Premiere crashes.
    This happens whether I'm running the OS X 32-bit kernel or the 64-bit kernel.
    If I launch Premiere and create a new project, Premiere seems to run OK. (I haven't yet tried adding any content or working with the content.)
    As you can imagine, the only reason I shelled out for the CUDA-capable card was to take advantage of the hardware acceleration in Mercury. So ... not a very satisfying "upgrade" so far.
    Any clues?

    There are four sequences in all. Two are super-simple, with only one clip in each. A third has only a single clip plus four titles. The main sequence has multiple clips, two stills and three titles plus one extra audio track.
    When the crash occurs, there's no error dialog box. What I see is this:
    After I double-click the project file -- or open Premiere and choose the project from the splash screen -- the "loading" progress bar appears and seems to complete loading.
    Premiere starts to draw the window for its workspace. It creates a solid white rectangle, the wristwatch "wait" icon appears briefly, then Premiere crashes.
    The log captured by the Apple and Adobe crash reporters shows (among much else):
    Exception Type:  EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
    Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue:
    The last few lines captured for Thread 0 are:
    77  com.adobe.premiere.frontend  
    0x000000010c7b4aa4 FE::MacApplication::RunSelf(std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> > const&) + 164
    78  com.adobe.premiere.frontend  
    0x000000010c7621a7 FE::Application::Run(std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> > const&) + 2503
    79  com.adobe.premiere.frontend  
    0x000000010c7b7c1d AppMain + 253
    80  com.adobe.premiere.startup
    0x000000010c9343e8 (anonymous namespace)::LaunchFrontendFramework(ASL::ObjectPtr<ASL::Module, ASL::AtomicValue> const&, std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> > const&, int, void*) + 232
    81  com.adobe.AdobePremierePro
    0x0000000100003540 (anonymous namespace)::CallStartupFramework(int, char const* const*) + 288
    82  com.adobe.AdobePremierePro
    0x0000000100003ac7 main + 167
    83  com.adobe.AdobePremierePro
    0x00000001000033a8 start + 52

  • Premiere crashes after nested than multi cam

    Premiere crashes after nested than multi cam

    I am getting the same error, I worked on an hour long Doc with Premiere CC 7.0 doing the same process without issue, now I continually get a "trackItem.ccp-156" serious error crashes.  Taking all the media offline in the project and creating a multicam clip from a nest on the timeline still occurs, so i'm guessing it's a project file corruption, and not a media corruption issue.  I've tried deleting preferences, deleting media cache and preview files, and the same crash keeps coming up.  Creating a new project and bringing in the old sequence still crashes on the same nested clip.

  • Premiere crashes when linking media

    Hi there,
    Premiere crashes almost every time I try to link media. The project file is on the computer's C drive, which has 1TB spare, the graphics card is using its latest driver and the machine is almost brand new. The media is 4K RED files on 2TB USB 3 drives. The project also has some old incarnations of the project subsumed in it via imports.
    Please find the PC specs here:
    Windows 7 Pro 64 bit
    16GB RAM
    i7 4790 processor
    NVIDIA GTX 760
    If I can provide any additional information please let me know.
    Any thoughts are hugely appreciated.

    The newest versions of PrPro come with some apparently major code changes, especially how they apply some of the effects. In other words, the "apparent" effect is just the same, but the code to create that (and what it's **** behind the curtain) is apparently different, some things like that (much surmise here). The result is not all steps of all previous projects come "forward" properly. The footage, yes; the project's settings and effects, maybe, maybe not so well.
    Kevin Monahan, staffer that frequents this forum and is EXCEPTIONALLY helpful here ... is a man of many years experience in pro video. He was a certified expert and trainer on FCP I believe years ago, actually on the design team for a version or so, and has done a lot of major editing work. He notes that no matter what anyone says about it, he ALWAYS taught the Bible of Pro Editing ... no project ever got updated software while in process. For the exceptions, a new project file would be created in the newer software version, then each asset or group of similar assets got brought "forward" individually and tested for proper operations. After everything was working, THEN the project could officially take off in new software versions.
    With so many continual projects these days, and with continual "upgrades" of software, this is a right b*tch to follow. But still wise. Especially as a project nears completion, it's wise to leave it in whatever version it's in. For someone like me who's got one machine for all editing purposes, going back and forth between software versions is a much bigger pain than say if I had a pair of editing machines, one running newest, one just back a bit, and then leap-frog them as things move forward. There's also cloning and swapping discs as a way to change software ... and of course CS6 and any one of the CC versions can co-exist on the same machine "live" at any time. Multiple CC versions ... no. Only one CC version at a time.
    USB3 may not be the reason for your crashes, but it could be part of the chain of events. The newest versions of PrPro as noted are heavier apps than before, demanding more resources ... and for that demand, capable of new tricks. Some of the Old Things they actually do differently, so what was once able to run the older versions has nothing to do with being able to run here & now. It's an unfortunate part of modern life with these blamed computer tools. One that someone like me operating on a rather smaller hardware budget than many of the folks who post here do finds ... difficult, rather challenging ... but there it is.
    One suggestion ... when migrating a project or it's assorted bits & pieces "forward" ... I do suggest copying any assets no matter what they are (sequences, stills/graphics, footage, sub-clips, anything) into new folders created for that new project, then importing  them into the project as you copy them forward. Check out say, the footage scrubbed in the source monitor or what not ... the sequences individually scrubbed on the timeline, that sort of thing. If you hit a glitch it's easy to know what that glitch is related to rather than hunting through gigs of project stuff to find one dang frame or subclip or effect that's killing the whole thing.

  • Analyze Content in batch send from Premiere Crashes

    When selecting all video files in bin and sending to AME for batch analyze content, AME partially completes the first file and crashes every time.  This leads to Premiere crashing as well.  Unable to process even 1 file through analyze content for speech recognition, adobe story script synchronization or face recognition.
    Files: Canon 5D Mark II H.264
    AME version (64-Bit)
    Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit
    i7 930
    24 GB Ram
    dual GTX 460 1GB GPU's

    I talked to Adobe Tech support earlier however and decided to uninstall then reinstall Premier Pro and not update it. It has worked perfectly since, so if anyone else id having this problem I'd suggest trying John/Bill's approach first and if that doesn't work, reinstall withough updates. (or at least not the update prior to today)
    Hmm... this makes me think that maybe you got bit by the "revert to trial when updating" bug that pops up every now and then, seemingly inexplicably. The problem is that when your installation reverts to trial mode, most MPEG-based assets become unusable. I can't recall if MP3s (which are MPEG-based) fall into the "unimportable" category or not. Had you updated to 5.0.3 just before this happened?
    You almost certainly want to update--simply because of the numerous bug fixes and stability improvements--so if it happens again, be sure to deactivate the software, uninstall, run the Adobe CS5 Clean Tool a couple of times (rebooting each time), and then reinstall and update. You should be in good shape then.

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