Premiere Pro CS  4   Project Setting

Under  Project  Setting  and  under  Scratch  Disks,  Captured Video   switch   is frozen.  All  other switches work.  How can this be corrected?

It is very likely that the drivers installed are up to 6 mos. out of date.
For the video driver, you can go to Control Panel>System>Hardware>Device Manager, and go to the video adapter, where you can check the version and date of the driver under the Driver Tab. Go to the mfgr's. Web site, plug in your video card model, and your OS, and see which is the latest driver available. If newer, download it, read the instructions (they can change from version to version), then install.
Pretty much the same for the mouse/pointer.
Good luck,
[Edit] Hm-m, John T. had posted those same instructions, but his Reply did not show, until I posted - wonky forum!
Message was edited by: Bill Hunt - Added [Edit]

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    REALLY_ Mac has a history of being more stable than PC with Premier ...
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    In a message dated 6/2/2013 5:50:50 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
    [email protected] writes:
    Re:  Project Bloating and Repair in Premiere Pro CS6; Max Project File
    Size?  Adobe Coders Welcome...
    created  by joe bloe  premiere
    (  in Premiere Pro - View the full  discussion

  • Open Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014 project   in Adobe Premiere Pro CC

    Hi everyone,
    Did somebody knows how to open Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014 project   in Adobe Premiere Pro CC ?
    Best regards, Alex

    This method is not good for me, because I lost stuff  like titles with its settings of motions and effects (I try to open my templates for video clips ).
    Maybe there is another way to do it ?

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    please help!
    thank you

    REALLY_ Mac has a history of being more stable than PC with Premier ...
    Pastor Bernie
    International Evangelism Coordinator
    Global Teen Challenge
    visit us on  FACEBOOK (  or on 
    twitter-just tweet globalcry
    ~~~~Pray Big or Stay Home~~~ (
    426 Newport News Ave,  Hampton VA 23669
    Phone (757) 728-0347 cell (757) 218  8499
    In a message dated 6/2/2013 5:50:50 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
    [email protected] writes:
    Re:  Project Bloating and Repair in Premiere Pro CS6; Max Project File
    Size?  Adobe Coders Welcome...
    created  by joe bloe  premiere
    (  in Premiere Pro - View the full  discussion

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    16GB RAM
    NVidia Quadro 4000
    ATTO Fibrechannel card
    Blackmagic Design Decklink Extreme 2
    Thanks in advance for any thoughts. 

    Thank you for your response.
    -I tried exporting an AVI and the file exported succesfully but with a warning "Adobe Media Encoder Could not write XMP data in output file." The file plays fine though and is over 5.5GB. So that's odd that my h.264 which is under 1GB won't fully export.
    -Yes, the same thing happens when exporting directly from PrPro instead of using AME.
    -In this project I am using NO Dynamic Links.
    -I have not installed any codec libraries.
    -I do not use 3rd party plug-ins.
    -My destination drive has several terabytes.

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    There's plenty hard drive space available for export
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    I have the same problem with auto-save on and off
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    This is driving absolutely crazy. I'm affraid to use PP on deadline because I don't see any issues until it's time to export. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
    - McKenna

    Thanks Todd. Your questions were actually very helpful. I'm using a Macbook Pro with an Intel Core i7 processor and NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M graphics card. I'm running OS 10.6.8 and have the latest updates installed.
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    Looking forward to a resolution to this problem.
    Daniel Lichtenberg
    [ad/link removed by moderator]

    Guys I solved my own problem - thought I'd share with you how in case anyone else is having this problem -
    I came across this thread
    Premiere Pro CC error message and crash
    which had the suggestion -
    "Do tou have after effects installed? If yes, please try to import the main sequence into it and then export it as premier pro project from file/export ootion and then try to open that in premiere pro."
    This didn't work for me too but I did try and import my existing project into a new project and copy all the files over. Works fine now.
    I don't know if I will have the same issue again tomorrow so I'm going to render out a super high res video before I close premiere just in case

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    What Harm is saying is that you provide ZERO information for anyone to help
    So... some reading... and questions to answer
    A link with many ideas about computer setup
    And even more hardware discussion
    Work through all of the steps (ideas) listed at
    If your problem isn't fixed after you follow all of the steps, report back with the DETAILS asked for in the questions at the end of the troubleshooting link

  • Premiere pro CC 2014 - project contained a sequence cannot be opened

    I spent hours working on a project and its now telling me it cannot be opened because of a sequence.
    This error message is the second time its happened to a project.
    Anyone has any idea what's causing this and how to fix it?
    Sincere thanks!
    [Moved from the generic Cloud forum to the specific Program forum... Mod]

    Hi Mark,
    Sounds like an activation issue. Try this:
    Quit Premiere Pro
    Sign out of Creative Cloud
    Start Premiere Pro
    Sign in to Creative Cloud
    Details on how to do that: Sign in, Sign out | Creative Cloud desktop app

  • Premiere Pro CS4 Opening Project Issue

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to open a Premiere Pro project that I exported from an After Effects project.  Trouble is when I open it I get this long, what I'm assuming is an error, message:
    C:\Users\Name\Desktop\Filename (from AE).prproj
    Audio Filter missing:  Internal Volume Mono
    Video Filter missing:  AE.ADBE Aud Stereo Mixer
    Video Filter missing:  AE.ADBE Color Control
    Video Filter missing:  AE.ADBE Glo2
    Video Filter missing:  AE.ADBE HUE SATURATION
    Video Filter missing:  AE.ADBE Point Control
    Video Filter missing:  AE.ADBE Slider Control
    Video Filter missing:  AE.CC Radial Fast Blur
    After I get this and click "Ok", sometimes it won't open the project and other times all the video is white.  When I disabled some of the adjustment layers the video appeared, but it was then uncorrected.
    Any idea how to fix this?  Thanks so much.

    Building on the topic ...
    ... my project does not open, is because after several attempts it loads, it looks like? what do I solve this problem?
    look! project is in AVCHD, HD is in the name of E: (system Raid-0)
    Super Micro X8DA6
    2x Xeon X5550
    12gb DDR3 1600MHz
    EVGA GTX275 (nvidia 196.34)
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
    Premiere CS4 v4.2.1
    someone could help me

  • Import of Premiere Pro 2.0 projects into Premiere CS5.5 - poor results

    Hello Folks,
    I am planing  to upgrade my Premiere Pro 2.0 to CS5.5. I am trying the test version which I like very much.
    But I have problems when I try to work with my old projects.
    Indeed I can import them (copies of course) into the CS5.5 whithout any trouble. But any sequences which formerly consisted of many clips and titles are now only one monolytical stripe in the timeline. It is the whole film, but no clips or any other components can be seen any more.
    I need to see the whole thing as it was during development, not just something like the final version.
    I read several threads in this forum about open / inport problems. But they all sounded as they concerned about more basic steps.
    I can do imports, but the resulsts are poor.
    Does anyone know the trick I have to apply - or is this realy what Adobe calls "import" ?
    Best regards to all of you

    I must admit - this is just too crazy.
    I pulled it to the timeline instead.
    I pulled different sequences,  I believe I spent over an hour pulling .... !
    THANK YOU so much for enlighting me.
    From now on I will always double click before asking green horn questions in forums ..
    btw. this forum is faster than I ever expected :-)

  • Importing Premiere Pro 2.0 projects/files into FCP

    I am about to switch from Windows XP and Premiere Pro 2.0 to OSX and FCP 5.1. Is there a way can import my Premere Pro projects into FCP? I know that there is a way to convert the AVI DV clips into Quicktime, but what I am particularly interested in is importing the sequence.
    Has anyone done this before?

    There's always the EDL but they support much info. Can Premiere export an XML? That's a good route. Also try:

  • 'This project was saved in a newer version of Adobe Premiere Pro' but the project came from the exact same version??

    Hey there,
    I have two computers running the exact same version of Premiere (CC 2014) and both are currently updated.
    I saved the project onto the server using one computer, then when I try to open it on the other comp I get this message:
    'This project was saved in a newer version of Adobe Premiere Pro and cannot be opened in this version.'
    Both comps are logged into the same creative cloud account and both work fine individually...
    Does anyone out there have a fix for this??
    Help would be much appreciated!!

    Are you sure the updates are the exactly the same, look at the 'about' details under the help menu, are the build numbers the same:

  • Import Premiere Pro CS3 Windows projects into Premiere Pro CS5 Mac.

    Hi there people. I hope you can help me. I have had premiere pro CS3 on my windows system for some years but now run a Mac with Master Collection CS5, my problem is that my existing prproj files on windows format do not open in CS5 Premiere Pro for Mac, I get a message telling me that I need to see the user guide for importing options, I have tried to do so, but there is no information about how to do this.
    Can anyone here please tell me how to get around this, as I need to rework some of these old windows projects however my old windows system is totally dead now so I cannot open the files in the CS3 windows version either.
    Please help, oh and spare me the useless windows vs. mac arguments.
    I hope someone here can help

    Since you are trying to Open a CS3 PC Project, you should not have THAT many issues in CS5 Mac. Have you tried both the Open and Import - similar but different operations? Have both methods failed?
    One possible problem would be the Effects & Transitions used in the CS3 PC Project. Here is a LIST of the Transitions and Effects in CS4 for the PC, that are missing in the Mac version. I would assume that CS3 and CS5 would be similar. However, in similar cases, PrPro has thrown a more specific error message. I have only Opened Pr 6.5 Mac Projects into PrPro 2.0 PC, and these have been almost perfect. Where there were missing Transitions, I got a very explicit message, telling me what had been used that was missing from my program, and exactly where the problem existed (specific TimeCode). In my case, two Transitions just did not exist in my PrPro 2.0, and one was a 3rd party Transition, or Effect, and I did not have that. Still, the older Mac Projects Opened fine, and I just made note of where I would need to make changes. I would anticipate that similar would occur, if the Mac version did not have some Transition, or Effect, but do not know specifically. Still, based on the warning messages that I got, with such complete documentation, I'd expect similar.
    Now another consideration - Assets. If there are Assets that you cannot work with on your Mac, say DV-AVI, or WMV, those would likely throw an error. Again, I would expect that error message to elaborate a bit more.
    Do you know the details of your CS3 Projects and their Assets? Anything that you can think of there?
    Just thinking here, and unfortunately, I have never gone the direction that you are going, and with the versions that you are working with, so something simple and glaring (to others) might just be slipping past me.
    Good luck, and maybe others will have much better input on your issue. Also - welcome to the forum!

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