PreparedStatement with BatchUpdate..

Hi to all,
Can anybody provide me as how to proceed for Batch updation with PreparedStatements.
Thanks in advance.

Hi Shreel,
Many thanx for kind response and solution...

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    masuda1967 is being too Japanese. The answer to your
    question is "No".Actually, I would take masuda-san's suggestion--sort of.
    You can do the incremental query construction he suggested, but with prepared statements. Something like this. (Note: Probably doesn't match your code exactly, but you should get the idea.)StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer("select ... whatever ...");
    for (int ix = 0; ix < numParams; ix++) {
        if (x > 0) {
            query.append(", ")
        query.append(" ? ");
    ps = con.prepareStatement(query.toString());
    for (int ix = 0; ix < numParams; ix++) {
        set the param
    } You won't get the performance benefit that can come from using PreparedStatement, but you still avoid the headache of escaping strings, formatting dates, etc.

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    Thanks for your active feedback, Slava. Joe explained everything in
    another email in this thread.
    And Joe, since you seem to read every post, a BIG THANKS to you too!
    Slava Imeshev wrote:
    First, you have to close result set explicitly.
    Second, you say you don't see performance gain.
    What did you use to compare performance of prepared
    Slava Imeshev
    "Christophe Warland" <> wrote in message
    We are using WLS 6.1 SP1.
    Our code is actually part of a huge piece of our architecture, so I can
    not easily give something to you that would compile on your machine. But
    it would look like the following excerpt. 'runTest' acquires a
    connection from a JNDI DataSource, creates a PreparedStatement and then
    loops on 'testItSingle'.
    public long runTest() throws Exception {
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // acquire connection from JNDI datasource
    // (not shown here)
    Connection con = getConnection();
    String sql = getSql();
    PreparedStatement st = con.prepareStatement(sql);
    for (int i = 0; i < TEST_LEN; ++i) {
    testItSingle(i, st);
    long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
    return end - start;
    protected void testItSingle(int i, PreparedStatement st)
    throws Exception {
    String[] elem = DATA;
    String p1 = elem[0]; // acct id
    String p3 = elem[1]; // prod code
    st.setString(1, p1);
    st.setLong(2, ISOCode);
    st.setString(3, p3);
    ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();
    protected String getSql() {
    return "SELECT A.versionStamp AS aLockValue, B.versionStamp AS
    bLockValue, A.VFMAcctKy, A.SECEntityKy, A.VFMProductKy, A.acctID,
    A.ISOCurrencyCdKy, A.isSrcXferEnabled, A.isDestXferEnabled,
    A.maxXferAmt, A.minXferAmt, A.maxPmtAmt, A.minPmtAmt, A.versionStamp,
    ledgerBal, ledgerBalDttm, availBal, availBalDttm, overdraftBal,
    overdraftBalDttm, ytdInt, ytdIntDttm, lstYrInt, lstYrIntDttm, sumField1,
    sumField2, sumField3, sumField4, sumField5, sumField6, sumField7,
    sumField8, sumField9, sumField10, sumField11, sumField12, sumField13,
    sumField14, sumField15, sumField16, sumField17, sumField18, sumField19,
    sumField20 , E.VFMProdSubTypeKy, null VFMCustomerKy FROM VFMAcct A,
    VBMDepositAcct B, VFMProduct E WHERE A.VFMAcctKy = B.VFMAcctKy AND
    E.VFMProductKy = A.VFMProductKy AND A.acctID = ? AND A.ISOCurrencyCdKy =
    ? AND E.productCode = ? ORDER BY E.VFMProdSubTypeKy";
    We also try to close statement and result set inside 'testItSingle' but
    it didn't imporve anything. The preparedstament was actually reopened
    silently and running just fine.
    Thanks for your help,
    Slava Imeshev wrote:
    Which version of weblogic and service pack do you use?
    Could you show us your questionable code?

  • BindVariables and PreparedStatement with sysdate

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    stringBuff = new StringBuffer("INSERT INTO so_cs.tc48_event_details ");
    stringBuff.append("(cc48_event_ref_no, ");
    stringBuff.append("cc48_call_cat_code, ");
    stringBuff.append("cc48_call_cat_item_code, ");
    stringBuff.append("cc48_action_number, ");
    stringBuff.append("cc48_user_id, ");
    stringBuff.append("cc48_date_modified, ");
    stringBuff.append("cc48_machine_name, ");
    stringBuff.append(" VALUES ");
    int startAct = 1;
    String eveStatus = "C";
    update = stringBuff.toString();
    pstmt4 = conn.prepareStatement(update);
    With the value of sysdate in the update string, it generates a new SQL statement in the sga causing a statement parsing for each statement.
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    Hi Andre,
    It's because of how java handles dates (and times). What we do at my place of work is set the default time zone for the JVM when we first start it up.
    Here is the code I use (with java versions 1.4.1 and 1.3.1):
    TimeZone l_defaultTimeZone = TimeZone.getDefault();
    int l_rawOffset = l_defaultTimeZone.getRawOffset();
    String l_id = l_defaultTimeZone.getID();
    SimpleTimeZone l_simpleTimeZone = new SimpleTimeZone(
    TimeZone.setDefault( l_simpleTimeZone );Hope this helps.
    Good Luck,

  • PreparedStatement with 56cols in batch giving ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException

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    PreparedStatement trying to do bath update/inserts in table with 56 columns is giving ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException sporadically with driver. Is it related to Bug 6396242,which was supposed fix in
    Here is the stackTrace:
    java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Array index out of range: 4
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.VarnumBinder.big5pow(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.VarnumBinder.constructPow52(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.VarnumBinder.dtoa(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.DoubleBinder.bind(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.setupBindBuffers(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.processCompletedBindRow(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeUpdate(

    Welcome to the forum!
    PreparedStatement trying to do bath update/inserts in table with 56 columns is giving ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException sporadically with driver. Is it related to Bug 6396242,which was supposed fix in
    How would anyone know? You haven't posted the 4 digit Oracle version, the JDK version, the platform or any code for anyone to look at.
    Post the code and other information people need to try to help you.

  • PreparedStatement with wildcard

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    for some reason I thought putting in "*" as the string to search for would work - don't ask why, upon encountering the error I realized how dumb that would be. I am trying to find out if there is a generic wildcard for this or is it something that varies from driver to driver ? Is what I want to do even possible ? I can do it by re-creating the statement with the new query that is one shorter but that would not be favorable at all as the above is the toy case in actuality to what is needed.
    as always thanks for any advice on the matter.

    I usually* approach this by doing an:
    WHERE ((x = ?) or (? is null)) ...Then I set both of those parameters to the check value, OR null if I don't care.
    The downside is that you have to set twice as many parameters.
    The up side is that you can use the same prepared statement regardless of whether you want to do the check.
    And of course an = check doesn't work if the parameter is null anyway, so that's not an issue.
    *Actually I'm using an HQL named query with named parameters which eliminates some of the work, but that's what it boils down to underneath the covers.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • PreparedStatements with parameters inside functions

    With PreparedStatements, can I use parameters inside of functions. For example, instead of doing:
    stmt = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO MyTable (EncData) VALUES (ENCRYPTBYKEY(KEY_GUID('MyKey'), 'ABCDEF''))");
    I want to do:
    stmt = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO MyTable (EncData) VALUES (ENCRYPTBYKEY(KEY_GUID('MyKey'), ?))");
    stmt.setString(1, "ABCDEF");
    I am getting a 'String or binary data would be truncated' exception when trying this.

    OK ... let me take you a couple steps back ...
    I can get PreparedStatements to work in Java (J2SE1.5):
    stmt = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO MyTable (Data) VALUES (?)");
    stmt.setString(1, "ABCDEF");
    However, the previous example does not work through SQL Server Management Studio ... it gives a syntax error:
    INSERT INTO MyTable (Data) VALUES (?)
    Moving onto my issue, how do I get PreparedStatement parameters to work within a function:
    stmt = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO MyTable (EncData) VALUES (ENCRYPTBYKEY(KEY_GUID('MyKey'), ?))");
    stmt.setString(1, "ABCDEF");
    And as mentioned earlier, the following works fine in Java J2SE 1.5
    stmt = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO MyTable (EncData) VALUES (ENCRYPTBYKEY(KEY_GUID('MyKey'), 'ABCDEF'))");
    So, in conclusion:
    I can successfully make PreparedStatements perform inserts using parameters in Java
    I can successfully make PreparedStatements perform inserts in Java using the encryption function
    However, I cannot make PreparedStatements perform inserts using parameters in the encryption function in Java
    I cannot get a simple example of PreparedStatements to work in SQL Server Management Studio ... and wouldn't expect to ...

  • Caching PreparedStatements with DB2

    I was using Statements, and my DB2 admin says that every call is invoking a prepared statement on the DB side. I learned that PreparedStatements can be cached, so I switched to using that method. However, I see ABSOLUTELY NO database performance increase. Does my DB admin need to turn caching on or do something to allow the code to use caching?

    The only place where extended dynamic was mentioned was in the Application Development Guide, and it says this:
    DB2 for VSE & VM extended dynamic SQL statements are rejected with -104
    and syntax error SQLCODEs.

  • PreparedStatement with IN clause

    I have a question regarding using a PreparedStatement and a query
    using an IN clause.
    I need to pass an array of values to using an IN clause. How does the
    binding work in this case since I am getting an SQLException - Invalid
    column type ?
    I need to pass an array of longs to this query.
    The java.sql.Array does not have an implementation. How does this do
    this ?

    Aswin Dinakar wrote:
    Thanks a lot ! You really understood my problem without me describing it
    I dont mind keeping it as a statement but that statement is being executed in
    a FOR loop thousands of times and its a very complex SQL with lots of joins
    and its taking up a lot of the CPU. Time constraint prevent me from changing
    the business logic.I also suggest making a stored procedure to do the complex stuff. At least the
    DBMS will only have to parse it once. The argument could even be a string
    like "1,2,3,4,5,6", and the procedure could handle separating the values.
    In a related issue do you know if the JMS database updates(deletes mostly) for
    WLS 5.1 are PreparedStatement(s) ? When I query the v$sqlarea table for the
    parse counts I see lots of JMS updates to the database.yes they are, but our MS SQLServer driver is inefficient about SQL with
    PreparedStatements, sending fresh SQL to be parsed each execution. I suggest
    your trying the MS driver from, which will do a better jod
    than ours in this area.
    Joseph Weinstein wrote:
    A PreparedStatement only allows settable parameters representing
    single values. You can't do:
    stmt = c.prepareStatement("select * from foo where key in ?");
    stmt.setString(1, "(1,2,3,4,5,6)");
    Therefore, you need to know how many values in your In clause,
    and generate a PreparedStatement like:
    stmt = c.prepareStatement("select * from foo where key in (?,?,?,?,?...");
    with a '?' for every value. Depending on whose driver your using, and
    whether you can keep and re-use PreparedStatments, it might be better
    to simply make the whole SQL query as a simple string and execute it:
    String query = "select * from foo where key in (1,2,3,4,5,6)";
    rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
    Aswin Dinakar wrote:
    I have a question regarding using a PreparedStatement and a query
    using an IN clause.
    I need to pass an array of values to using an IN clause. How does the
    binding work in this case since I am getting an SQLException - Invalid
    column type ?
    I need to pass an array of longs to this query.
    The java.sql.Array does not have an implementation. How does this do
    this ?

  • JDBC PreparedStatement with Oracle 8.0.5 on Linux

    As the subject stated, I am using Oracle 8.0.5 on a Linux machine.
    When I am using a PreparedStatement, somehow, the binded variables are reversed in order.
    String sql = "INSERT INTO TABLE1 (X, Y) VALUES (?, ?)";
    PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
    ps.setString(1, "1");
    ps.setString(2, "2");
    When I run the above, the insertion is successful. However, when I select the table, this is what I get.
    X Y
    2 1
    The values are reversed.
    This is the same for update statement too.
    If I do this,
    ps.setString (1, "3");
    ps.setString (2, "1");
    The above will not be successful.
    If I do this,
    ps.setString (2, "3");
    ps.setString (1, "1");
    The above is successful.
    Somehow the order of the binded variable get messed up.
    Does anyone has any idea why?

    The datatype of X and Y are both VARCHAR2(10) in this case.
    Even if they are numbers, they have the same problem. The order get reversed and the data inserted is incorrect.
    E.g. I have column M VARCHAR2(10) and column N NUMBER (2) in TABLE2.
    String sql = "INSERT INTO TABLE2 (M, N) VALUES (?, ?)";
    PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
    ps.setString(1, "one");
    ps.setInt(2, 1);
    The insert operation is still successful. But when you select it becomes,
    M N
    ? 0
    This is because the order of the variables get reversed again.
    Forgot to mention that if we have used Statement instead of PreparedStatement, we will not have such problem.
    E.g. Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
    String sql = "INSERT INTO TABLE2 (M, N) VALUES ('one', 1)";
    The above will insert fine and when we do a select, the result is correct.
    M N
    one 1
    Though the above works fine, I still prefer to use PreparedStatement because of performance issue. So anyone has any idea what exactly is happening?
    Hmmm, this ones a strange one.
    What type are X and Y in the database? If they are of
    type NUMBER why not try something like.
    ps.setInt(1, 1);
    ps.setLong(2, 2);
    and see if that makes any difference.

  • Problem with batchupdate

    Hi All,
    I am trying to to batch update with CallableStatement.
    First I set autocommit off.
    Then in the while loop and add the batch statement to my CallableStatement
    after the loop I call executeBatch on CallableStatement which returns an array of int.
    At the end I do a commit.
    Eventhough I am adding multiple records for batch update,the value of the array of int is only 1 which means only 1 record is updated. I verified in the database that,it is updating only one record no matter how many records I set for batch update.
    Did anyone run into same issue?

    First I get the data from another database through the resultset orderDetailsResultSet and then I do the following
    addOrderDetailStatement = conn.prepareCall("begin
    ORDER_PROCESS.add_order_detail( ?, ?, ?, ? ,? ,?); end;" );
    addOrderDetailStatement.setString(2,orderDetailsResultSet.getString("Detail_seq_num")); addOrderDetailStatement.setString(3,orderDetailsResultSet.getString("Item_num")); addOrderDetailStatement.setString(4,orderDetailsResultSet.getString("Tie_num")); addOrderDetailStatement.setInt(5,orderDetailsResultSet.getInt("Order_qty")); addOrderDetailStatement.setString(6,orderDetailsResultSet.getString("Item_class"));
    int[] noOfRowsAffected = addOrderDetailStatement.executeBatch();

  • PreparedStatement with IN sql clause

    Hi guyz,
    Need ur advice once again...
    I am using JDBC 2.0 thin sql driver.
    I want a number column in db called TICKET_NUMBER
    Here is my problem.
    String sql = "select * from TICKETS where TICKET_NUMBER in ?";
    ps = edbCon.prepareStatement(sql);
    Can I do this? Its not working. So does that mean PreparedStatements doesnot support IN clause of the sqls. Help me out.

    Hi guyz,
    Need ur advice once again...
    I am using JDBC 2.0 thin sql driver.
    I want a number column in db called TICKET_NUMBER
    Here is my problem.
    String sql = "select * from TICKETS where
    here TICKET_NUMBER in ?";
    ps = edbCon.prepareStatement(sql);
    Can I do this? Its not working. So does that mean
    PreparedStatements doesnot support IN clause of the
    sqls. Help me out.
    -RamIt will work, but you have to have: where TICKET_NUMBER IN (?,?,?). You'll have to build the last part dynamically based on the number of parameters that you have. Be carefull too, certain database implementations have a limit on the number items that you can include in the IN clause.
    You'll also have to loop through and do your parameter sets.

  • Preparedstatement with two tables

    I try to use "preparedstatement" to insert two tables. Is there any posibility to control the constraint of the two tables? Assume that the two tables are master detail. Commit them both or rollback them both... An example would be very helpful.

    Something like that: if the preparedstatement2 throws an exception then I should rollback the preparedstatement1.
    StringBuffer stringbuffer = new StringBuffer();
    stringbuffer.append("insert into T_ABC");
    stringbuffer.append(" VALUES(?, ?, ?);
    StringBuffer stringbuffer2 = new StringBuffer();
    stringbuffer2.append("insert into T_DEF");
    stringbuffer2.append(" VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?);
    preparedstatement1 = dc.prepareStatement(stringbuffer.toString());
    preparedstatement2 = dc.prepareStatement(stringbuffer2.toString());
    preparedstatement1.setLong(1, 0);
    preparedstatement1.setLong(2, 0);
    try {
    } catch {

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    I know there are alot of messages concerning java.sql.Date and that it doesn't
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    Can you give me an example of how to insert Date and Time into an Oracle
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    java.util.Date d = new java.util.Date();
    java.sql.Timestamp ts = new java.sql.Timestamp(d.getTime());
    prepStatement.setTimestamp(1, ts);

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