Prevent user from installing fonts

I work in a newspaper enviorment. Machines are set up with two users, Admin and Standard user. I'd like to keep the user fonts in their User>library>Font folders, but would like them to NOT be able to install fonts. We have specified purchased fonts, and do not want any questionable fonts installed.
Any way to accomplish this?

Maybe parental controls, but I don't know. Alternatively, set the corporate policy and severely reprimand/fire any violators. Treat them like kids and they'll act that way; treat them as adults and they should act accordingly.

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    "Parental Controls" works on a "white list" principle, so if an app isn't available in the "Accounts" pref pane, it shouldn't be accessible for the "managed" user because the default is to deny everything not on the list.
    But also be aware that the type of "Parental Controls" you have selected may affect the user's ability to use a given programme. For example, if the "Allow supporting programmes" checkbox is selected, it may be possible to launch indirectly a programme that hasn't been approved explicitly.
    Also, note that a "Simple Finder" account doesn't (and isn't intended to) restrict application access at all, whereas a "Some Limits" account does.
    And as "Keith Gaboury1" points out, if a given service allows access through a web interface, restriction of a programme on the local computer won't have any effect.
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    If you have 20 machines I assume you have a volume license, which does not require de/activation anyway.
    If you have 20 separate licences... well, the only thing I can think of is to block the Adobe Activation domains of through the firewall of your network. You should probably contact Adobe directly for more specific info.

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    Display Size:100
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    Hi ,
    Try removing the PRC: Transaction Import Program from the request group for the responsibility used by customers to submit the WebADI and then check if the program launches.

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    Thanks for your advise.
    However, I missed to mention that we have two set of users  One is for Finished Goods and another for Spares.
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    Validation Type
    Short Name
    Validation Semantics
    Created By
    Equal To
    Processing Cosntraint
    Order Header
    User Action
    Not Allowed
    Validation Entity
    Record Set
    Validation Template
    Order Header
    Above Created
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    Yes is Possible.
    You can add An Exception in Your Shipping Calender.
    So when Some one tries to ship an Order on that date Oracle will automatically select Next possible date.

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    You would need to look into a reverse proxy/firewall that had the ability to block access based on content. This isn't something you can accomplish out of the box with SharePoint (even with AD RMS).
    Trevor Seward
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

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    You cannot set a limit of locks per user. There are two ways to reduce/control the number of locks:
    - change fewer records within one transaction
    - cover more records with one lock using wildcards
    Basically it is an application / development issue.
    Best regards, Michael

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    Dear User
    I have a database user like "aaa" in oracle database.i do not want user "aaa" to drop his own schema objects like table and any other objects that he is owner.Do i have any system privilege to stop this user from doing so.User should be able to create objects and modify object but not to drop any object.For this purpose i have created a database trigger at database level to stop user "aaa" for doing above action.this trigger is giving me error on creation in oracle .But when i tried same trigger in oracle 8i and 9i it work well.In oracle 8i and 9i it is preventing user from droping his own objects but i get other errors also along with raised error in trigger which i want to stop .The error which i am raising in trigger is
    ORA-06512 AT LINE 8
    Thank u.

    Given that you have not posted your code it is very difficult to know why you are getting these errors.
    Howver, I can take a guess. If I were trying to implement this functionality I would build a database event trigger that fired whenever a DROP command was issued and cause that command to fail. If this is the approach you've taken I think you are out of luck, as I belive DDL triggers were introduced in Oracle 8.
    Mind you, it's been a long time since I worked on Oracle7, so I might be wrong. In which case post your code, don't make me guess again.
    Cheers, APC

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    Dear User
    I have a database user like "aaa" in oracle database.i do not want user "aaa" to drop his own schema objects like table and any other objects that he is owner.Do i have any system privilege to stop this user from doing so.User should be able to create objects and modify object but not to drop his own objects.For this purpose i have created a database trigger at database level to stop user "aaa" for doing above action.this trigger is giving me error on creation in oracle .But when i tried same trigger in oracle 8i and 9i it work well.In oracle 8i and 9i it is preventing user from droping his own objects but i get other errors also along with raised error in trigger which i want to stop .The error which i am raising in trigger is
    ORA-06512 AT LINE 8
    plz tell me is there any system privilege to stop user from droping his own object or any other way along with trigger at database level.
    Thank u.

    DBAs can use PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE (in system schema) to disable certain SQL and SQL*Plus commands in the SQL*Plus environment on a per-user basis. SQL*Plus, not Oracle, enforces this security. DBAs can even restrict access to the GRANT, REVOKE, and SET ROLE commands in order to control users' ability to change their database privileges.
    The PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE table enables you to list roles which you do not want users to activate with an application. You can also explicitly disable use of various commands, such as SET ROLE. For example, you could create an entry in the PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE table to:
    read more about this at

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    Thanks for your help!
    Susan Johnson

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    On 10g it's probably the CREATE JOB as well.
    Alternatively you could:
    alter system set job_queue_processes=0

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    Any thoughts on how to take away their ability to ONLY create new folders in share folder areas without affecting their other privileges?
    Please advise
    Thank you

    Easy, on the shared folders root folder only give them 'read' or 'traverse folder' but on the the folder inside the shared folders root folder give them 'change/delete'. That means they can change anything inside those folders but not create any folders at the shared folders root level.

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