Preview scroll effect

Each time I apply scroll effects to an uploaded PNG image or other element (such as a text box or rectangle), it shows as the effect being applied in design mode, but neither the image nor the scroll effect appear in Preview Mode - even when I preview in browser. Same thing when I upload a file from Adobe Edge Animate - it shows in Design mode - but when I preview the website, the animation is not visible. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Are you applying scroll to fill of object or the on the object itself ?
Please check the key position in relative to page length.

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  • Scroll Effects to OAM file

    Hello everyone!
    I am trying to add Scroll Effects to OAM file (in Muse project).
    I did this:
    Export the OAM file from Adobe Animate.
    Launch Muse and double-click a page to open it in Design view. Ensure that the page is long enough to scroll by updating the minimum height settings in the Page Properties dialog box.
    Choose File > Place and browse to select the OAM file from the site folder.
    Open the Scroll Effects panel. Click the Adobe Edge Animate tab (fourth tab from the left) to review the settings for this section.
    While the OAM file is selected, enable the Edge Animate checkbox.
    Choose Autoplay 700px
    Preview page in browser and my OAM animation starts playing immediately. What is wrong? I want animation to star playing after user scroll down (700px for example), but now as soon as I load the page my animation starts playing!
    My Adobe Animate file has simple structure. Autoplay set to "yes". I have a stage and one element with animation (movement from one point to another in 2 seconds).

    I just updated to the latest version of Muse, Edge Animate, and everything else from Creative Cloud, on my alternate computer. I re-published the animations from Edge Animate and the site from Muse and it still doesn't work.
    I made a test page and animation like what I am trying to do. You can view it here:
    It's the same animation in both grey rectangles. The one on the left is published from Edge Animate with autoplay not checked, and the one on the right is with autoplay checked. They are then placed into Muse, with a scroll effect (edge animate tab) to start playing the animation at 430px. The blue bar is there to show 430px and when the animation should start playing. (I tried the 'advance 1 frame every x pixels' setting as well but it had the same results.)
    Yet, the result is that the left one does not play at all and the right one plays even before the browser scrolls to the blue bar. Thus, edge animate scroll effects in Muse appear to no longer be working.
    I have placed this test file and both oam files on my dropbox at:

  • Hi, i am having an issue with a basic motion scroll effect.  I already watched and read every tutorial out there regarding this topic and even tried the adobe chat support, but the guy on the other end of the line disconnected me-, probably he didn't unde

    Hi, i am having an issue with a basic motion scroll effect.
    I already watched and read every tutorial out there regarding this topic and even tried the adobe chat support, but the guy on the other end of the line disconnected me…, probably he didn't understand what i wanted from him because english is not my native language, so a will try to be very, very clear about this one..
    please note, that i am new to muse, this is my first project ever.
    my idea is as following:
    when the customer comes to our companies site, he just sees our logo on a white Background. the logo consists of, say, four elements. when the customer scrolls down, the logo starts to disassamble: first the first part of the logo flies out the left side of the site, then the second part of the logo vanishes down, then the third part of the logo flies to the right, then the fourth part of the logo flies to the top and out of the customers view. given what i have seen, it is possible to do that….
    now i have the four parts of my logo imported as png files into muse and assembled them in design view to build our companies logo. I select every one of the four parts and go into the scroll effects tab left beside the layers tab. first i enter the same values for every one of the four parts: initial motion: 0x and 0x again for the left and right motion; key position ( t-handle) : 0px; final motion: 0x and 0x again for the left and right value.
    now i hit "preview".: the logo is "pinned" at the correct position, i can scroll but the logo stays where it is. so far so good….
    now i select all the four elements again and go to the scroll effecs tab. at "final motion", i click the down arrows and enter 1x. I hit Preview…
    when i am scrolling down the WHOLE logo goes down…. so far so good.
    NOW i want the first part of the logo to go down, THEN the second part to go left, THEN the third part to go up, THEN the fourth part to go right.
    so i select ONLY the first part, go to the scroll motion tab, at "final motion" i click the left arrows, then i enter 1x.( the up-down value, i set to 0 again).. i hit Preview…
    the first part of the logo goes left as soon as i start scrolling, the other three parts still go down at the same time…
    NOW i want the second part of the logo to start moving, when the first part has left the scene, not at the same time as the first part.
    short: when i move the t handle, the initial position of the object changes. thats what i said to the adobe employee, but he said, that thats the expected behavior….
    but if thats so, how can i have my four parts correctly together, so they form my logo, but with different t handles, so that they all start to move at different times??
    Pleeease help me, i am dying of frustration here…..:( that behavior cant be right, right?
    Thanks so much to everyone who actually reads this post and tries to help…….
    All the best,
    Niki Lapan

    Thank you so much for helping,
    But i really wonder how you did that. did you always switch between design view and preview view, then change the key position for 2px then switch back, to align the four letters? because i imagine that can get really frustrating, if you have a logo consisting of 58 parts instead of 4!:)
    Anyway thank you very much for your time and effort!!!!

  • Scrolling Effects in Adobe Muse

    Hey everyone,
    I am experimenting with the scrolling effects in Muse and I am using a pattern that tiles horizontally
    across the site. My pattern scrolls up and off the screen. My key position is 143. If I change this, it
    changes my original postion on the page. I like the scrolling up motion but want it to stop at a certain
    spot and remain fixed there while the rest of the animation goes through its motions.
    Any ideas?

    I think we are on to something here. I went back to changing the final motion to 0. Then, I changed the T-Bar ( the blue line that designates the starting from point)
    to extend into the graphic, instead of above it. In previous attempts I tried to extend the T-Bar below the graphic without success. Now, the graphic moves to the correct
    position but does not start in my desired position. In "design" mode the graphic appears to be in position but in "preview" mode it has shifted from my intended placement.
    What do you think?

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    This article is for startup but it might help.

  • OAM File and Scroll effects Not AutoPlaying in Muse

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    Hi David,
    I see the issue you're having on your website. I'm having trouble reproducing it myself. Can you please send your file so I can take a closer look at what is happening? You can send it to [email protected] with the subject attn:Dana and include a link to this thread.

  • Text and some images together in a scrolling effect

    All the tutorials I find about scrolling effects are just with simple text. And all the tutorials about images don't say anything about applying it together with text.
    I have a rather simple scrolling credits at the end of my video and wanted to have three or four logos at the end. (I'd do anything for the sponsors hehe).
    The only way I could find to do this is to have two different scrolling effects to each individual image and another one for the text and move them back and forth until they fit. Even harder is to make them scroll at the same speed. Right now I've got one logo at the right speed, making them all do that will take hours.
    Does anyone know an easier way? How can I add the images into the text?

    Do you have Photoshop?
    Start with one of the video presets in PS that has the same pixel dimesions as your video footage.
    Make sure it is transparent.
    Add a New Layer and color it black with Shift F5 - this is only temporary to help you see the text while you compose it.
    Add a new text layer. Type your titles. When you need more space extend the lower part of the PS canvas: Image > Canvas Size. Repeat this as often as you need.
    Paste your logos.
    When you are done, go to the black layer and delete it.
    Go to Layers > Merge Visible.
    Save as a TIFF with the Preserve Transparency option checked on.
    Import into FCP (or FCE), make it as long as you need and superimpose on your background.
    Double click to place in the Viewer and set the scale to 100%.
    Use the position contols to move your titles up the screen. Render.

  • Parallax scrolling effect

    Does anybody know how I can achieve the effect below with parallax scrolling in Adobe Muse? In the example below there is one illustrated image and another photograph, and when scrolling it looks like the illustration is being colored.

    Please check out the Browser Fill section of the Scroll Effects article from below link.
    Scroll Effects using Browser Fill
    Here is what I managed in Muse playing around with the same:
    You can download the source file for the same from:
    Hope that helps.

  • How to slow Motion Scroll Effects and anchors?

    I am using a down pointing arrow to cue the user to scroll down to the next section. I thought I could automate by linking the arrow to an anchor that is positioned down the page. Cool, it works. However, the jump is so fast that all the fancy Motion Scroll Effects I'm using on the next section are nearly invisible. I see that this site does what I want when you press the "Scroll Down" graphic: Digital Marketing Agency in Johannesburg, South Africa
    Is it possible to slow down the browser scroll when jumping to an anchor, using only Muse?

    There's no way of controlling the speed of the scroll, other than the distance between your trigger and the anchor points. Since it uses an ease in control, the closer the anchor is to the trigger, the slower the scroll will be and likewise, the further away the anchor, the quicker it scrolls.

  • How do I create a mobile version of a site that is based on scroll effects and a slideshow background?

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    Is it possible to copy the format from the desktop version without re-designing all the elements?

    Different renditions will use require the page elements to be optimized accordingly.
    So you can surely copy the page elements and paste in phone or tablet layout , but you would need  to modify them.

  • LiveType Crashes Previewing Certain Effect  - lib3ivxEnc.dylib

    I've used LiveType before (with FCE) and have now installed FCS2 (with FCP 6, LT 2.1.3 etc.). However, poking around the LiveType text effects - the application always crashes on me when previewing certain effects. For example if I launch the application, go immediately to the "Effects" tab of the Media Browser, then click on "Barrel Jump" the beach ball appears and I crash with an error saying the problem appears to be with the lib3ivxEnc.dylib plug in.
    I've updated the SW with all the updates - still crashes. I followed the FCEHD removal instructions (improvising on the way for other FCP pieces), reinstalled the suite again last night, left it unpatched and still no joy. Though I have noticed that without the patches applied the app will sometimes show me lines in the preview and remain up. I've even once used the effect in some sample text but then it crashed again later when I started to go through the Media Browser again a few minutes later.
    I've tried different accounts on my machine - but LiveType still crashes, so it's not a user setting/config thing (or doesn't seem like it).
    I've done a number of searches in this forum and Google in general and have not seen this reported before - so I'm assuming something in my setup is messed up and causing this.
    I'd love to know if:
    a) anyone has an idea of what might be wrong or what I can do to correct
    b) has full FCP removal instructions in case there is some piece still hanging around that I haven't found and is not being overwritten during the install
    c) has advice to reinstall just LiveType and it's components instead of the entire suite
    The only thing exciting in my setup is that the LiveType support files are all on an external FW800 drive since my startup drive is around 30GB and won't hold it all without busting open.
    I've considered a fresh install of Leopard and then FCP to see if that works - but I'd love a less timely solution if possible.
    I've not installed this on my Laptop (not sure it meets the specs) to see if it's reproducible there but might to see. Right now this is all happening on my PowerMac G5 (Leopard 10.5.1).
    Let me know if I've left out any details to help you understand the issue better and if you have any suggestions.

    I think I'm making progress.
    I again tolled the system for FCP components using the FCEHD article. I think I ended up removing a bit more than last time. I also tried the 3ivx uninataller and it failed So I simply trashed the 3ivx folder in apps and again the 3ivx software in the folders referenced by the Apple article.
    This time when I started the FCPS2 install, all components listed themselves as "Install" instead of a few showing "Upgrade" before. I installed only LT this time and after the installation I ran LT and the effects worked fine! Whew!
    I've now restarted the install for the rest of the FCPS2 apps and we'll see if everything works OK afterwards. If not - then other part of the suite is causing the issues.
    Good point about permissions - I've not done that in a while since I've been deleting and installing so I'll be sure to do that after the install completes.
    I'll post again once the install works (or doesn't).

  • My webpage with parallax scroll effects flickers in internet explorer 11. How can I fix this?

    My webpage with parallax scroll effects flickers in internet explorer 11, when using the mouse wheel or the arrows in the scroll bar - Parcerias | Agrupamentos de Escolas | EEA | DGE
    It works fine in firefox, chrome and safari.
    How can I fix this?
    Thank you

    Hi FilipaG,
    Unfortunately there isn't much you can do. This is a performance issue with IE 11, so the only current way to make the site less jittery is to have fewer effects or group objects with the same effect then apply the motion to the group. Sorry for the inconvenience. You can also post in our feature requests section how you'd like to see easing added to Muse, because that would move all of the objects together much more smoothly than they do currently. Chrome and Firefox in particular have great built in easing so these sites usually look better on them.

  • Is there a fix for scroll effects on mobile devices?

    Is there a fix for scroll effects disabling pinch & zoom on mobile devices?

    I am afraid there is no workaround available for this as of now.
    However, I would welcome any comments from other community members if they have used some workaround or have any suggestions.

  • Can muse add a multiple scroll effect option?

    For example, if I want to make an object to move twice, I have to copy it and make two scroll effect on them, which is very frustrating.
    How about adding multiple key positions on one scroll effect?

    ATalkingFish wrote:
    Can you elaborate on how to use copy/paste attributes with effects?
    the Manual says :

  • What screen size for revealing scroll effects?

    I'm currently designing a website in Muse for a motion graphics company which has quite a few scroll effects.  As the user scrolls down (it's a one page site), elements either fade or animate (edge animate files) onto the page.
    I'm designing it on a 27" screen but of course a lot people will be using smaller screens and laptops so I was wondering what everyone uses as a standard active screen area?
    If I keep all the animations happening in the top 700px, I'm left with a big empty space below when using a larger screen.  Does anyone have any suggestions?
    (I will be doing a tablet and phone version once I've nailed this).
    Thank you

    I would suggest you to go with browser width animation so that it should render same with all screen sizes.

Maybe you are looking for

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