Prgramatically set ParameterBindings for To DataFormWebparts on the Same Page.

I have an External List Called TTOrderbook. One of the Columns on the External List is called AmendedOrderID.  Its the Key of another TTOrderbook, to which this Order TTOrderbook.  (i'e a self referencing table)
So I need to create a SitePage that Shows a 2 TTOrderbook record The 'Main'' one and the  'Amended' One. When the Page is loaded it gets passed a parameter which is the BDCID of the 'Main Order.
I create  a site page in my Visuaal Studio Project and drop  in Two Webpartzones and add a DataformWebpart to each Zone. like this:(XSL left out for brevity)
<asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderId="PlaceHolderMain" runat="server">
<WebPartPages:WebPartZone runat="server" FrameType="None" ID="wpzMainOrder" Title="MainOrder">
<WebPartPages:DataFormWebPart runat="server" IsIncluded="True" NoDefaultStyle="TRUE" ViewFlag="8" Title="New Order/Amendment"
Default="FALSE" DisplayName="dfwpMainOrder"
partorder="1" id="dfwpMainOrder">
<SharePoint:SPDataSource runat="server" DataSourceMode="ListItem" UseInternalName="true" UseServerDataFormat="True"
selectcommand="&lt;View&gt;&lt;/View&gt;" id="SPDataSourceNainOrder">
<WebPartPages:DataFormParameter Name="ListItemId" ParameterKey="ListItemId" PropertyName="ParameterValues" DefaultValue="0"/>
<WebPartPages:DataFormParameter Name="ListID" ParameterKey="ListID" PropertyName="ParameterValues" />
<WebPartPages:DataFormParameter Name="MaximumRows" ParameterKey="MaximumRows" PropertyName="ParameterValues" DefaultValue="10"/>
<ParameterBinding Name="ListItemId" Location="QueryString(ID)" DefaultValue="{{orderID}}"/>
<ParameterBinding Name="ListID" Location="None" DefaultValue="{{listID}}"/>
<ParameterBinding Name="MaximumRows" Location="None" DefaultValue="10"/>
<ParameterBinding Name="dvt_apos" Location="Postback;Connection"/>
<ParameterBinding Name="ManualRefresh" Location="WPProperty[ManualRefresh]"/>
<ParameterBinding Name="UserID" Location="CAMLVariable" DefaultValue="CurrentUserName"/>
<ParameterBinding Name="Today" Location="CAMLVariable" DefaultValue="CurrentDate"/>
<datafields>@BdcIdentity,BDC Identity;@ID,Order ID;@Type,Type;@ArbitrageName,ArbitrageName;@HedgedTradeID,HedgedTradeID;@Customer,Customer;@Portfolio,Portfolio;@BS,BS;@Entity,Entity;@Entity2,Entity2;@Product,Product;@Contract,Contract;@Contract2,Contract2;@Commodity,Commodity;@Lots,Lots;@LotsFilled,Lots Filled;@LotsRemaining,Lots Remaining;@Price,Price;@GoodTillType,Good Til Type;@GoodTill,Good Until;@Broker,Broker;@Status,Status;@Notes,Notes;@NearDate,Near Date;@FarDate,Far Date;@Created,Created;@Updated,Updated;@CreatedBy,CreatedBy;@UpdatedBy,UpdatedBy;@Maturity,Maturity;@TakenBy,Taken By;@TakenTime,Taken Time;@Adjustment,Adjustment;@PricingBasis,Pricing Basis;@CustomPricingBasis,Custom Pricing Basis;@Requestor,Requestor;@PriceMultiplier,PriceMultiplier;@LotsMultiplier,LotsMultiplier;@AmendedOrderID,AmendedOrderID;</datafields>
<WebPartPages:WebPartZone runat="server" FrameType="None" ID="wpzAmendedOrder" Title="AmendedOrder">
<WebPartPages:DataFormWebPart runat="server" IsIncluded="True" NoDefaultStyle="TRUE" ViewFlag="8" Title="Amended Order"
Default="FALSE" DisplayName="dfwpAmendedOrder"
partorder="2" id="dfwpAmendedOrder">
<SharePoint:SPDataSource runat="server" DataSourceMode="ListItem" UseInternalName="true" UseServerDataFormat="True"
selectcommand="&lt;View&gt;&lt;/View&gt;" id="SPDataSourceAmendedOrder">
<WebPartPages:DataFormParameter Name="ListItemId" ParameterKey="ListItemId" PropertyName="ParameterValues" DefaultValue="0"/>
<WebPartPages:DataFormParameter Name="ListID" ParameterKey="ListID" PropertyName="ParameterValues" />
<WebPartPages:DataFormParameter Name="MaximumRows" ParameterKey="MaximumRows" PropertyName="ParameterValues" DefaultValue="10"/>
<ParameterBinding Name="ListItemId" Location="QueryString(ID)" DefaultValue="{{orderID}}"/>
<ParameterBinding Name="ListID" Location="None" DefaultValue="{{listID}}"/>
<ParameterBinding Name="MaximumRows" Location="None" DefaultValue="10"/>
<ParameterBinding Name="dvt_apos" Location="Postback;Connection"/>
<ParameterBinding Name="ManualRefresh" Location="WPProperty[ManualRefresh]"/>
<ParameterBinding Name="UserID" Location="CAMLVariable" DefaultValue="CurrentUserName"/>
<ParameterBinding Name="Today" Location="CAMLVariable" DefaultValue="CurrentDate"/>
<datafields>@BdcIdentity,BDC Identity;@ID,Order ID;@Type,Type;@ArbitrageName,ArbitrageName;@HedgedTradeID,HedgedTradeID;@Customer,Customer;@Portfolio,Portfolio;@BS,BS;@Entity,Entity;@Entity2,Entity2;@Product,Product;@Contract,Contract;@Contract2,Contract2;@Commodity,Commodity;@Lots,Lots;@LotsFilled,Lots Filled;@LotsRemaining,Lots Remaining;@Price,Price;@GoodTillType,Good Til Type;@GoodTill,Good Until;@Broker,Broker;@Status,Status;@Notes,Notes;@NearDate,Near Date;@FarDate,Far Date;@Created,Created;@Updated,Updated;@CreatedBy,CreatedBy;@UpdatedBy,UpdatedBy;@Maturity,Maturity;@TakenBy,Taken By;@TakenTime,Taken Time;@Adjustment,Adjustment;@PricingBasis,Pricing Basis;@CustomPricingBasis,Custom Pricing Basis;@Requestor,Requestor;@PriceMultiplier,PriceMultiplier;@LotsMultiplier,LotsMultiplier;@AmendedOrderID,AmendedOrderID;</datafields>
and then in the codeBehind for my page I set the ListID and OrderID for the two webparts programmatically like this
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
WebPartManager wpm = SPWebPartManager.GetCurrentWebPartManager(this.Page);
dfwpMainOrder = (DataFormWebPart)wpm.WebParts["dfwpMainOrder"];
dfwpAmendedOrder = (DataFormWebPart)wpm.WebParts["dfwpAmendedOrder"];
//dfwpMainOrder = (DataFormWebPart)Page.Master.FindControl("PlaceHolderMain").FindControl("wpzMainOrder").FindControl("dfwpMainOrder");
//dfwpAmendedOrder = (DataFormWebPart)Page.Master.FindControl("PlaceHolderMain").FindControl("wpzAmendedOrder").FindControl("dfwpAmendedOrder");
// Set up the Main Dataform
string bdcid = Page.Request.QueryString["id"];
mainOrderID = Convert.ToInt32((Microsoft.SharePoint.BusinessData.Infrastructure.EntityInstanceIdEncoder.DecodeEntityInstanceId(bdcid)[0]));
dfwpMainOrder.ListId = FixPortalLists.TTOrderBook.List.ID;
dfwpMainOrder.ParameterBindings = dfwpMainOrder.ParameterBindings.Replace("{{orderID}}", mainOrderID.ToString());
dfwpMainOrder.ParameterBindings = dfwpMainOrder.ParameterBindings.Replace("{{listID}}", FixPortalLists.TTOrderBook.List.ID.ToString("B"));
SPListItem mainOrder = FixPortalLists.TTOrderBook.GetItemByDBID(mainOrderID);
// Ifits an Amendment, set up the second Dataform
if (mainOrder["AmendedOrderID"] != null)
amendedOrderID = (int)mainOrder["AmendedOrderID"];
dfwpAmendedOrder.ListId = FixPortalLists.TTOrderBook.List.ID;
dfwpAmendedOrder.ParameterBindings = dfwpAmendedOrder.ParameterBindings.Replace("{{orderID}}", amendedOrderID.ToString());
dfwpAmendedOrder.ParameterBindings = dfwpAmendedOrder.ParameterBindings.Replace("{{listID}}", FixPortalLists.TTOrderBook.List.ID.ToString("B"));
// need to abourt loading of the secon dfwp
dfwpAmendedOrder.Enabled = false;
When I step thru debugging I can See that I am assigning a DIFFERENT OrderID to each of the webparts. But They Are both showing the  SAME record, 
I did a Database Trace and can see that the SAME record is getting requested from the database TWICE.
I'm on SP2010 SP1. Using VS2012.
How can I resolve this?

I Fugured it out.
I was passing in the order id using a parameter called ID. Both DFWPs were picking this up and using it to get the listitem. I changed the Parameter name To Order ID so that the DFWPS would not see it and changed  the Parameter bindings to pass in the
BDC id instead of the database id.
Its working now.

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    Hi Saurav ,
    You can achieve this through SCAT transaction.
    For running SCAT take the help of ABAP team.
    I hope u might be having the list in the form of text file.
    If not , download the same from NACH table.
    Ramesh Ch

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    Tutorials & Resources
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    You can set up different iCloud accounts on each device using different Apple IDs (to keep your mail, calendars, contacts, etc. separated), and still share the same iTunes account (in Settings>Store on your device).  There is no requirement that you use the same Apple ID for purchases and for iCloud.

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    You can sync multiple iPods and iOS devices with the same iTunes library on one computer. Each device has its own sync preferences with iTunes and iTunes creates and updates a separate backup for each device.
    Under the same computer login account, you can have separate iTunes libraries which will require manually having to log in and out of each one with iTunes which isn't necessary.
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    Interesting - I was sure I'd seen a note somewhere that it was only Mail, but this article:
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    Your secondary iCloud accounts can be set up and viewed in Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars on your iOS device, or Apple () menu > System Preferences > Mail, Contacts, Calendars on OS X Lion. You may choose to do this if you have a second iCloud account and need to access its Mail, Contacts, or Calendar data. 
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    After a comprehensive trial and error session, using a new Guest Account each time to be sure of no contamination from the previous trial, I have finally cracked it!
    The problem was logging on to the outgoing server.
    Setting up the first account was fairly straightforward but if I allow Mail to do it automatically I am unable to send because Mail has defaulted to 'Authentication Required' when my server does not require it. Setting the account manually without authentication enables send and receive to work OK.
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    If I set it up manually and choose 'Authentication Required' and enter the first part of the email address together with password, Mail crashes.
    However, if I set it up manually and choose 'Authentication Required' and enter the first part of the email address as User Name and no password, Mail accepts it and sets up the account.
    At this point the account receives mail but cannot send it.
    If I go into the Mail preferences and try to edit the outgoing server details, Mail will not accept no Authentication.
    I eventually found that if I uncheck the 'Always Use This Server' box, all account then use the server on the first account, which is correctly set up.
    Now I have my four email accounts all able send and receive.
    One little concern remains. In Outlook Express I could look at the properties of a received email and see what address it had come from, together with many other details. I haven't found out yet whether this can be done in Mail. I just wonder whether if I reply to some email, it will appear to have come from a different address from the one it was sent to.
    Thanks again for all the inputs.

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    You are most of the way there. Each user having access to hard drive is the key. If users are limited in file privileges this is harder.
    Any files you add to your library and any files she adds to her library are available to the other. Just not automatically. Each user must add the files to their own library using the add file or add folder option from menu bar.
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    Dear Friends,
    I set up currency translation on our BPC NW 7.0 system and it is working fine ONLY if I run it for any one year at a time. But if I select multiple years in the data package (FX Restatment) selection it only calculates for the first year in that selection.
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    Can I run the currency translation for multiple years at the same time ?
    Note: The year is determined from the YEAR property of the "Time" dimension
    appreciate any inputs,

    You can run currency translation for multiple years.
    I think the problem it is actually related to how you are sending the parameter to currency translation script.
    Just review the script logic log and you will see with what parameters was called currency translation FXTrans.
    My expectation is that actually the script is called just with first year and that's the problem.
    Log of script logic you can find it into:
    C:\BPC|DATA\Webfolder\YourAppset\YourApplication\Private Publications\Users used to run logic\Temp
    Sorin Radulescu

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