Print of Delivery challen

After creating  delivery and while printing we need five copies of a same document but only one field will be change in all the documents.How can we choose the field  and print
how can we take a screen chart in SAP 2005B

Hi Sampath,
Have you resolved the problem?
If not, to get the wording "Original" for the 1st copy, "Duplicate" for the 2nd copy, and so on you may try this way:
1. Create new fields (Formula) in the PLD
    eg. Field_375, set the formula: CopyNumber() == 1
          Field_376, set the formula: CopyNumber() == 2
2. Create new fields (Text) in the PLD
    eg. Field_377, set Text = Original, link to Field_375
         Field_378, set Text = Duplicate, link to Field_376
When you print the Delivery Document, for the 1st page it will shows "Original", 2nd "Duplicate" etc.
Hope it helps.

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    Now I have to link the Material document line item to P.O line item. for this I was referring MSEG table where I have P.O No but not the line item no. Without which I am not able to link P.O with material document.
    I am taking this linking  to display the receiving material (Subcontracted material) on Delivery challen.
    Can anybody tell me how to link this.

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    My client want take printout of this material document which should have the material issued to vendor and the receiving material against this issued material (Which is subcontracting material / Converted material).
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    Is there any other way fetch the subcontracted material code based on MB1B material doc.
    Hope it is more clear.

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    DATA : w_matnr LIKE lips-MATNR.
    IF T683S-KSCHL = 'LD00'.
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          if W_matnr cs '*MASK'.
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    Edited by: tarakeswar  rao on Nov 5, 2008 3:39 PM

    end user wants output to be stopped right, that will be controlleed in Output requirement only.
    What does that has to do witj copy control. It will not do anything in your case

  • Print all delivery number on invoice print out

    Hi ,
    When we create a  invoice against two delivery only one first delivery number shown on invoice ?
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    Hi Adhithya,
    Ask your Developer to add all the Deliverys under the billing form need to print in the billing
    give him the logic VBRK-vblen go toVBFA pass the VBLEN pick all deliverys display in the billing form.
    which need to add in the out put type.

  • Stop re printing of delivery note

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    My requirement is to stop re printing of delivery note after it is processed once and printed.
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    I presume that you have configured output type to print, if so in the FORM ENTRY you will have to update the return code as 0 if print was successful.
    Now, NAST-VSTAT will be updated to three possible values.
    0     Not processed - The entry will remain in this state until the form is printed.
    1     Successfully processed - It will be updated to "1", once the form is printed successfully, it will not be set to "1" if you just do a print preview.
    2     Incorrectly processed

  • Pallet Label printing through delivery note

    Hi All!
    As a user of SAP,how will he print pallet labels.I know that when the user browses through VL02N and gives the delivery note and identifies the handling unit of the pallet he wants to print and from there to outout screen and print.
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    Please explain me the procedure to do that.

    Try transaction VL71.  You can print multiple delivery related output from this transaction.

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    Hi Rama,
    If you are saying that such issue happens only on some of the delivery notes while printing thro' VL71, then it is most likely that the delivery number which has this problem will be in the middle of the delivery documents that prints thro VL71. The only way you can recreate the scenario is to repeatedly print deliveries (may be having atleast 10 deliveries one time) thro' VL71 and check. And it should be the problem of flushing out the variable at some point in the ABAP program.
    Try and this might help....
    Hope this helps...
    Mukund S

  • Printer for delivery note

    Hi ,
    How to set default printer for delivery note...

    Hi There,
    Do this by  printer configuration in the spool.
    Go to T-Code SP01,
    Execute the spool request,
    Then  select the required spool and change the printer name in the option 'Print with changes parameters' from the menu option spool request.

  • How to print multiple Delivery document at one time?

    Hi experts,
    Could you tell me how to print / re-print mulitple Delivery documents at one time?
    VL02N could be only used to print 1 delivery documeny by document which is time consuming.
    I could only remember the Transaction starts with VL ...but do not know it exactly.

    If you have already taken the printout for the deliveries ,kindly use the below selection criteria to reprint the same
    t- code --VL71
    Output Type - ABC
    Transmission Medium - 1
    Sort order - 01
    Processing Mode - 02
                         1     First Processing
                         2     Repeat Processing
                         3     Error Processing (All)
                         4     Error Processing (Only New Messages)
    Shipping Point - 1000
    Delivery - Few Delivery docs
    Output Device - My printer number

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    Have anyone a good idea?

    Select <required fields> from VBEP
    into table <itab>
    where vbeln = <order number>.
    sort itab by posnr etenr descending.
    read table itab into wa index 1.
    contents of work area will have the last schedule line details of order.

  • Selective line item to be printed in Delivery Note

    Hi All!
    There is a specific requirement that the packing material used should not be printed but the number of packed units should get printed with the identification number.
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    Material XYZ     2reels     100kgs
    The packing material has no billing relevance in our scenario, hence it is not to be shown.
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    Please suggest how to solve this.
    Thanks & regards

    no replies.

  • Strange issue while printing invoice *** delivery challan

    Dear experts,
    I have a strange prob while taking out the printout of invoice ***/delivery challan.
    We have two different locations (plants) A and B.
    In sapscript layout we have defined GRN no and truckno in bottom windows and
    type of invoice on upper part windows.
    We are able to see complete output on preview in DEV,QAS,PRD
    but on PRD when we take printout , part of output gets skipped on printing
    though visible otherwise on preview.
    What could be reason ?

    Generally you face such problems in HP Printers.
    Are u using HP laser Jet Printer .
    Ok let me generalise the issue , you gotta ask ur basis guy to istall the latest driver for that printer
    this will most probably solve ur problem.
    Remember that once u get the print preview right , its either problem with the Basis or the printer.
    If its a Z layout then ask ur Basis guy to check the internal setting as to at what height he is giving the page skip.
    Ravi Kiran

  • Print planned delivery cost in PO

    How can i print the planned delivery cost in purchase order standar?  because in partner funtion works well in MIRO and the account determination, but when i try to print this item in a purchase order it doesn`t apper only shows the purchase order and item of the main vendor.
    Thanks for your help

    Planned delivery cost where you are adding in PO? In conditions tab right? In that case, Your Smart form/Jet form need to be modified to accomodate Planned delivery cost in PO print out.
    I can also suggest you that in some customer design the PO print form in a such a way that it will not be printed. In such cases they include the delivery cost along with material cost. So net price for a line item = Netprice + Delivery cost( While entering PO line item you have to calculate and add the costs.)
    In that case it will appear as a increased price for a line item in a PO print out.
    Hope this helps,

  • Mass Printing of Delivery Notes

    Hello SCN,
    Is there a way to reprint all delivery notes printed for a specific period? Transaction or Report? Let's say for example all DN printed last month by a specific user?
    Please help me solve this problem.
    Thank you in advance.

    First you can get the list of all deliveries which were printed for a given selection criteria. If you know the output type and the time during which the list of outputs to be reprinted, your job is half done. Just go to NAST table, give the output name and the created on date. The object key in the result represents the delivery document number.
    Now there is a catch there. If the despatch time is 1 (Send by periodical job), then you have to use the program RSNAST00 in the transaction code SE38 and give the delivery numbers(in object key field) with trailing zeros for 10digits and give the output type , click the "Send again" checkbox and execute the program. Now all the outputs for the object keys will be reprinted.
    If the despatch time is 3, then you have to use the tcode VL71 give the dleivery number, output type and processing mode as 2. Now the output will be reprinted.
    If the despatch time is 4, you can use RSNAST00 itself.
    Hope this helps

  • How can we take print out for challen no. create d by J1INCHLN

    actually i forgot to take print after running J1INCHLN  .
    how can we take printout or display without running J1INCHLN .
    one challen number is created , is there any tcode to view or print.
    hari priya

    We can use the T.code  J1INMIS. GOTO   Report selection option & select challan Update status.
    Excute the report. you will get a list of all bank challan made so far. Then select the required document & take print.
    The Process is :
    Invoice in FB60/MIRO
    Bank Remittance - J1INCHLN
    Bank Challn Update - J1INBANK
    TDS Print - J1INCERT.
    assign points if found useful

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