Printing a frame

Is it possible to print a frame from a video? Is the resolution too low? I have seen photos from video, but am not sure how it is done.

It is possible, but it is mostly used to share with other programs such as keynote or other application. or used as a still frame in the movie. The resolution isn't the same as taking a picture. Karsten or Appleman posted directions not long ago.

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    You can try to [ update Firefox] to check. You can also right-click on the page > '''This Frame''' > '''Print this frame'''.
    [ Printing problems]
    [ Problems printing web pages]
    If the problem persists, you can consider the [ Reset Firefox] feature via '''Help''' ('''Alt''' + '''H''') > '''Troubleshooting Information'''.
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    [ Profiles Howto]

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    function printTut(myevent:MouseEvent):void{
    var myPrintJob:PrintJob = new PrintJob();
    var mySprite:Sprite = new Sprite();
    var printArea:Rectangle = null;
    var options:PrintJobOptions = null;
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  • Print a frame

    does anyone has some sample code to be able to print a frame that is showing on the screen (i work with a windows system)

    first of all you would have to create an image of your frame.
    This can be done using the Robot-class like this:Dimension loc = getLocation();
    Dimension size = getSize();
    Rectangle rec = new Rectangle (loc.x, loc.y, size.width, size.height);
    BufferedImage im = new Robot().createScreenCapture (rec);Graphics g = im.getGraphics();
    The last line gives you the Graphics of the image of the frame.
    (If you want to save the image on disk check out this thread:
    Next you have to send the image to the printer. I, however, have no experience with this but find a forum-thread which should help you out:
    hope this helps,

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    You might like to take a look at the following threads:
    Last frame with last record of proceding repeating frame
    Re: How to capture a keystroke - including control chars?

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    Sophie Hubble which Adobe software or service is your inquiry in reference too?

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        var printJob:PrintJob = new PrintJob();
        var sprite:Sprite = new Sprite();
    btn_print.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, printScore);
    If I right-click and choose print while viewing the .swf file, it prints correctly.  What am I missing in order to make my last frame print through my print button?

    I just found my answer on this thread:

  • Printing in Frames

    I am not sure if i can post this question in this forum. I am a Java developer but this is issue is related to HTML Frames. I have three HTMLs as given below
    function myprint() {
    <font size=20 color="red">LEFT</font><br>
    <input type="button" value="My Print" onclick="myprint()"/>
    <font size=20 color="black">Right</font>
    <frameset border="0" frameborder="0" framespacing="0" cols="550,*">
    <frame src="frame-left.html" name="frame1">
    <frame src="frame-right.html" name="frame2">
    </frameset>In MainPage.html, I have frameset with frame-left.html in left and frame-right.html in right. I have a window.print() function in frame-left.html. When i click the "MY Print" button button. It just prints the contents in Left frame. But I need to print whole page (left and right). Please guide me to resolve this issue or if this is not the right forum, direct me to the right one. Thank you in advance
    Edited by: 990140 on Feb 25, 2013 4:33 AM

    Hi, I don't see how this is related to Java. Find a HTML/Javascript forum to post your question.
    I'm locking this thread.

  • While printing table frame in SF

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       plz guide me

    try deslecting da pattern, dat is select an unframed pattern first activate, and den select ur pattern again..
    if it doesnot help, u'll need to delete da template and draw it all over again coz dis sumtimes happens wid smartforms
    plz reward points if dis helps

  • Safari on Mac & PC crashing when trying to print a frame

    Help! I seem to be having a problem on my Mac & PC running Safari 3 on the PC and 2 on the mac. If I go to a web page using frames, right click and pick "print frame" safari crashes. Anyone have any suggestions?

    Hi jdebiso and welcome to the forums!
    I got this from Safari's Help menu:
    Safari only prints the visible portion of the page
    Safari may only print the visible portion of a webpage, cutting off the portion you must scroll to see.
    This occurs when the page uses frames.
    For best printing results, click on the block of text that you are trying to print immediately before printing. Many websites have these major elements, each of which could be a frame:
    A site identification area, or banner, across the top of the page.
    A table of contents, or navigation links, in a column on the right or left side.
    A central text window in the middle, which shows the main content.
    Update to Mac OS X 10.3.6 or later to resolve the issue.
    As an immediate workaround, prior to updating, you can click the text in the primary window immediately before printing. This tells Safari that you are focused on the main content frame.

  • Missing Adobe PDF printer instance--Frame 7.2

    I just installed Frame 7.2 and Acrobat 7 (I also have Acro 6 and Frame 7.1 on the machine), but in that install I did not end up with an adobe printer instance so I cannot save to PDF. I've been all over the forum and web but cannot figure out where I would get this (and why it wasn't within the install). Any suggestions? Thanks....jen

    I'm not sure about the compatibility of those earlier versions of
    FrameMaker and Acrobat with Windows 7 64-bit, but when you say you have
    the same problem, do you mean that you still got no "Adobe PDF" (or in
    older Acrobat versions, "Acrobat Distiller") printer instance when you
    reinstalled? Or just that you still cannot save as PDF? If you still get
    no printer instance, you probably do need to update to Acrobat 11.
    But if the virtual printer is there, but Save As in Framemaker is not
    working, try instead to print the file and choose the virtual printer,
    rather than using Save as PDF.  Save as PDF was highly unreliable in
    earlier versions of FrameMaker, and the cause of a large number of
    support issues on this forum. Plus, there were changes made in Acrobat's
    file locations around version 7 or 8? (the version, I think, that
    changed the printer name from Acrobat Distiller to Adobe PDF) that broke
    the Save As PDF ability completely in older FM versions, because they
    were still looking in the old locations for the support files.
    In general, any version of Acrobat should work with any version of
    FrameMaker, as long as you print to PDF, rather than Save as PDF.

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