Printing photo on HP 6510 with 564 inkjet

I'm very familiar with printing copies of photos and had success this morning, but when I ran low on yellow ink and changed the new yellow 564 cartridge, my photos have all printed out in the color of orange and white.  I have never experienced this before.  Please help . . . 

Hi @Fa79
I am sorry to hear that you are having troubles with your print quality, I'd like to help. Please use the following document to troubleshoot the issue; Fixing Print Quality Problems for the HP Photosmart 6510 e-All-in-One Printer Series.
I hope this helps.
Please click the Thumbs up icon below to thank me for responding.
Please click “Accept as Solution” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
Sunshyn2005 - I work on behalf of HP

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    Did you burn the CD by using the Share->Burn Disc menu option? If so then you burned an iPhoto formatted disk that included all of the thumbnails, original files of those you've edited and the edited files, all jpg files. The photofinisher's software look for jpgs and printed every thing it found.
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    Québec City

    Dear Bob,
    Many thanks for the reply !
    I have searched all over the Photoshop forums and never found anything about creating collage in CS4 !
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    With kind regards,

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    Do let me know if it works out for you.
    "Although I work for HP, I'm speaking for myself and not on behalf of HP"
    "Say "Thanks" by clicking the Kudos Star in the post that helped you.
    --Please mark the post that solves your problem as "Accepted Solution"

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    If you create slideshows of the photos in iDVD via the "+" button:
    and burn a video DVD disc the only possible copy anyone could get would be a screen shot of the DVD playing on a computer and that would be a small, low resolution (~72 dpi) image that would not be much good for printing anything other and a very small copy.
    Create slideshows of 95 slides or less by importing the photos into an iDVD slideshow.  Before importing crop the photos to the 4:3 size ratio that iDVD uses.  You can create multiple slideshows in one iDVD project:
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    If you create a movie of the photos and add that the only option is to fast forward or fast backward in the resulting movie. 
    In addition, follow the workflow below to help assure the best qualtiy product:
    Once you have the project as you want it save it as a disk image via the  File ➙ Save as Disk Image  menu option.  This will separate the encoding process from the burn process. 
    To check the encoding mount the disk image and launch DVD Player and play it.  If it plays OK with DVD Player the encoding was good.
    Then burn to disk with Disk Utility or Toast at the slowest speed available (2x-4x) to assure the best burn quality.  Always use top quality media:  Verbatim, Maxell or Taiyo Yuden DVD-R are the most recommended in these forums.

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    Hey nissan84pu,
    How do you have this printer connected?  If you have the printer set up for a Wireless or Ethernet connection, your router supports Bonjour and Multicasting, and the printer/iPad on are the same network, then you will have the ability to AirPrint these Photos to your printer.  For information on Apple's AirPrint service please click here.
    As well, this printer is capable of ePrint.  If you have the printer setup with a customized email through the HPConnected website, then you can email the photos to the printer from the iPad and they will print.
    Hope this helps,
    -------------How do I give Kudos? | How do I mark a post as Solved? --------------------------------------------------------
    I am not an HP employee.

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    Hi there, I am a HP employee and I might be able to help you with your query.   Like you, I have scanned some smaller photos, almost like passport size photos and have printed them afterwards a little larger than the original.
    From your PC, locate and select the photo that you want to print and go into your print options.  You can select the actual size of paper that you want to use which will possibly vary from 4x6/5x7/and so on.  Select the 4x6 and see how you get on.
    Thank you
    I work for HP.

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    OK here am I again.
    as mentioned before I created an bogus printer with:
    lpadmin -p test -v file:/dev/null
    verified the presence of the printer;
    lpstat -p
    $ lpstat -p
    printer Color_LaserJet_cp1515n disabled since Fri 01 Feb 2013 02:55:59 PM BRST -
            reason unknown
    printer hp930c is idle.  enabled since Thu 31 Jan 2013 11:30:21 PM BRST
    printer test is idle.  enabled since Fri 01 Feb 2013 02:54:57 PM BRST
    At first "test" printer was disabled for an uknown reason.
    tried to use lpadmin -p test to enable the printer as described on the previusly mentioned web site, but couldn't get to enable printer "test". After reading alittle more on the internet I found the command cupsenable <printer> and indeed it changed the printer status.
    tried to print;
    echo test | lp -d test
    $ echo test | lp -d test
    lp: Destination "test" is not accepting jobs.
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    No doubt I will have more questions, but I want to start simple for now. Thanks for helping me out - this is not my area of expertise.

    > profile them as RGB devices" (to quote the book). The printers that I've profiled in the past with i1 worked this way.
    As Peter points out in his post, it is most likely that your RIP is a CMYK RIP (most RIP's are.) If that is the case, you'll be profiling a CMYK device, not an RGB device (as you have in the past.) It is a totally different exercise to profile a CMYK device - ink limits and Kgen are variables that must be dealt with.
    > Yes, details would be very helpful. Thanks.
    Color management is all about moving from one device/color space to another device/color space while maintaining color appearance as closely as possible.
    1) Based on the description of your workflow, step one is to create your original art in a well-behaved RGB color space (like Adobe98) while viewing it on a well-calibrated monitor.
    2) If your final output is to be on the HP 800ps, step two would be to preview that art on your monitor as it would look on the HP. This is called soft-proofing - a process by which the art is viewed through the HP profile on-screeen so you can see what happens to all those beautiful, rich RGB colors when they're squeezed into the smaller gamut of the HP profile.
    To do this, you go to View > Proof Set-Up > Custom, and choose the HP 800ps profile from the pop-up of all the profiles on your system. You can also choose from among 4 rendering intents - Relative Colorimetric, Perceptual, Absolute Colorimetric, and Saturation. Choosing the correct rendering intent is key - this willl determine how Photoshop deals with the out-of-gamut colors. Without getting into an explanation of what each RI does, the important thing is to choose the one that LOOKS the best on screen. There's no magic to it. In general, for photographic images, you'll be choosing from Relative or Perceptual. For vector graphics (which it sounds like you're doing), throw Saturation into the mix as well. Just try them and see which looks best.
    Additionally, be sure to check "Black Point Compensation."
    This will give you a good idea of what the final printed version will look like. While you're in soft-proof mode, you can edit the RGB file to alter the way out-of-gamut colors appear. In fact, there's no reason why you couldn't create your art from the beginning while in soft-proof mode. Using a well-built profile and a good calibrated monitor, you should be able to get an extremely close match between monitor and print.
    3) When you print, be sure to choose the same profile/rendering intent that you used in Proof Setup.
    Again, it all starts with a good profile. Good luck.

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    And how do I export them to my MacBook Pro at 300 dpi to use as I want to print photos.
    I have been using the standard camera on the iPhone and require 300 dpi to create photo books as the photos are resized according the layout.
    Your time and assistance in appreciated.

    Thanks Tonefox!
    After looking at a few of the links I found a mathematical equation that assisted me.
    Inches = Pixels/DPI
    eg: 3 inches = 300 pixels/100 DPI
    Using this equation and the fact that iPhone 4s takes photos that are 3264 x 2448 I was able to work out the largest print I could make with 300 DPI.
    Width 3264 pix/ 300 DPI = 10.88 inches
    Height 2448 pix/ 300 DPI = 8.16 inches
    Therefore, the largest print (with 300DPI) I can make of these photos is 10.88 inches x 8.16 inches.
    Which is great!
    So is it critical for me to change the dpi in say photoshop or does it not matter as long as I don't go above the 10.88 inches x 8.16 inches?
    From what I can gather the smaller I resize the photo the higher the DPI and the bigger I stretch the photo the lower the DPI?
    Further clarification will be much appreciated. Thanks

  • Using eprint to print photos with email text on one page

    I have been using Presto eprint services for several years for my Dad, and I really like how it works and allows me to print the email (from, to, text in the body of the email), plus any attachments, all on one page using full letter size paper  However, my parents would like to get rid of their land-line phone, so I'm looking for options to replace the Presto printer.  I was thinking that HP eprint might be a good option, but based on some initial tests with a friends printer, it seems to just print photos as full page images, without the email content.  Is there anyway to confirgure the HP eprint function to print the email text and photos or PDF file attachment on one page?  Thanks.

    Hello @Joseph_TX ,
    Welcome to the HP forums.
    I understand that you want to know if a way to configure the HP ePrint.
    I would like to help.
    Unfortunately there is no way to reconfigure the ePrint.
    When you send an email to the printers ePrint address, it will print the body of the email and any attachments.
    It will not print the subject line or who the email is from.
    Also the ePrint feature will not resize pictures sent.
    What you send is what you get.
    You can get more control over ePrint with the ePrint app, but I don't believe that will suit your needs.
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    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • How do I print multiple (4) photos on one page with a border around each?

    How do I print multiple photos on one page with a border around each? I've gone the contact sheet route and adjusted the number of columns but there's only outer margins and very little white space between the photos down the middle of the page.

    Ok, now I feel stupid! I always thought I was printing 6 x 4 but now I realise I can't have done!!
    The photos that I used to print are approx. 5.2" x 4" (i.e. 4 fitted nicely on a page & I had to cut the boarder off).
    I guess I just need to play with different sizes under the 'custom' option in order to get the biggest possible picture!
    Thanks for the help

  • Can I use my MacBook Pro with 10.7.5 with Epson Stylus Printer photo R340

    MacBook Pro with 10.7.5 with Epson Stylus Printer photo R340 can I make them work togather?

    Try resetting the SMC. The phone connection is only supported for tethering. I know nothing about the other device.

  • How do I print photos with mats or borders in 9.5.1

    I have been printing photos in iPhoto for years. I have just downloaded 9.5.1 and I cannot find the option for printed mats or colored borders. Also I cannot see where you would print two photos on one page. Seems so simple. What have I missed?

    You'll need a 3rd party app  as that feature has been removed from iPhoto 9.5.
    If you have Pages 09 or earlier  the photo can be added to a Pages page, resized to the print size and a frame added. 
    The newer Pages version, 5.1, has a very limited frame selection but does have some borders. 
    Additional frames can be added to Pages 09 with this free add-on: Frames and strokes installer for : iWork ’08, iWork ’09, iWeb ’08 et iWeb ’09

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    Any ideas?

    I have contacted Epson Support and they told me to try the iPrint app which I did and it worked fine.  So the problem seems to lie somewhere between airprint and the printer recognising what is being sent via airprint.  I can't find an Epson forum where these type of issues are discussed.  I was hoping someone else may have an tried airprint with a PX730wd to see what results they get.

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