Printing to file issue

I have an issue with Adobe Acrobat Pro 9. When a user opens up and email and prints that email to a pdf if prompts the users for a file name and location to save the item. The user can enter a file name and save the pdf file to her desktop successfully, but she cannot save the pdf to a network drive. She has the appropriate rights on the network and can save and delete files to and from the network drive so its not a rights issue. ADOBE will not save the file to the drive.

There are issues with some network setups that cause problems. You may be able to search the archives for more information. Unfortunately I do not know the solution other than printing locally and copying the file to the network.

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    I think, that your examples shows the same problem as my observations.
    It seems that your display has even smaller gamut than sRGB (on my notebook DELL D620 this is also the case) so after you calibrated it, both lightroom and color managed firefox shows more saturated colors than windows explorer showing exported image (as far as I know, export from library module works correctly, but win explorer is not doing conversion to your monitor profile, that's why image is undersaturated). This is correct. It is really hard to calibrate such a low quality display, which can often be found on cheap notebooks - I have my own experience with it. Blue shades are really weak so heavy corrections have to be done in the profile (generated with spyder in your case), which can result in purple skies (why? Read this:
    Problem is with image printed to file. This should look same as file exported from library module given that you use sRGB both as a destination space in export from library and as a printer profile while printing to file. In your case LR printed your image using values corresponding to your monitor profile (even if sRGB was selected) which resulted in oversaturated image (because your display has smaller gamut than sRGB). In my case images printed to file are undersaturated (because my monitor has gamut wider than sRGB). But I'm sure this is a bug! Your monitor profile should not affect printing to file in any case if sRGB is selected as printer profile!
    Summary: purle sky in LR and in color managed FF is ok, but purple sky in image printed to file is not ok. :-)
    And my hint: do not try to calibrate this display... :-)
    You can try to make some measurements of your UNCALIBRATED NB display using this freeware: You will probably see a very uneven color temperature across grayscale and much smaller gamut than sRGB.
    Let us know your findings.

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    Have you actually signed your applet? If the signers certificate is the trusted key store for Java it should treat your applet as trusted. You can use a self signed certificate for testing as long as the cert is in the trusted key store.
    Some links that might help:

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    Please don't post the same question multiple times!

  • Unable to print to file in adobe acrobat 9 pro, windows 7 OS

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    When you create a PostScript file, you must rely on system fonts and use document fonts.
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    Acrobat could not open [file name] because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded).
    To create an Adobe PDF document, go to the source application. Then print the document to Adobe PDF.
    I do not know why the file is supposedly corrupted because it works well on other computers and it can be printed as well. Does anyone know how I can solve this problem? It's really urgent and I desperately need to print my PDF files for my lessons and exams (I'm a student). It was uploaded on my school's website and PDF is the only available format. This is the first time it has happened and I am getting really frustrated. And it is not only for this 1 file. Since the 16th, EVERY pdf file i've opened has encountered this problem. Which is why I need to know how to solve this. Thank you in advance.
    Would appreciate it if someone can help answer this question. Admins or otherwise.
    Additional info: Laptop is Toshiba Portege m900. Windows 7 OS.32-bit operating system. Singapore-based.

    Dear user,
    You are getting such output because you have checked ON the setting 'Print to file' in one of your previous prints. For resolving this issue, kindly uncheck option 'Print to file' present in bottom left corner of print dialog and then click on 'Print' (See attached image for reference).
    Hope this will solve your problem.

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    The troubleshooting steps here may help resolve the issue.
    Bob Headrick,  HP Expert
    I am not an employee of HP, I am a volunteer posting here on my own time.
    If your problem is solved please click the "Accept as Solution" button ------------V
    If my answer was helpful please click the "Thumbs Up" to say "Thank You"--V

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    ANy help much appreciated.

    One method is calling Adobe Acrobat Reader exe from Execute Process Task within SSIS passing the document path as the argument
    The command and arguments will look like this
    Please Mark This As Answer if it solved your issue
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  • Adobe Acrobat Pro failed to print pdf file

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    I could open files through adobe acrobat and convert word files to pdf, but when i tried converting a publisher file it could not go through. An error popped up which read "Adobe PDF printer failed to print pdf file".
    The publisher file I am hoping to convert to pdf is a 21 page panorama article. It contains lots of images and a variety of font types.
    I do not know other alternatives for solving this issue.
    Your help will be very much appreciated.
    Thank you!

    It seems to be that Adobe Acrobat virtual printer is not properly installed on your PC or you are not selecting Adobe PDF printer to print PDF document. Checkout the below screen shot to see proper printer.
    After trying this if you have same problem you may trt some other virtual printer that easily convert or print any file as PDF, you may checkout here.

  • Orarrp can't print pdf file directly to printer

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    However we are disappointed as the acrobat reader startup and display the pdf file content but does not print and does not close.
    After testing the problem several times, there are some findings:-
    Finding (A):-
    (a) for the success of direct printing of pdf file, a physical path must be provided; we have tried 2 methods:
    1) using drag & drop to copy the pdf file directly to the browser
    2) open pdf file in the browser directly using browser menu-->File-->Open.
    (b) for the failure of direct printing, a virtual path is involved and we have also tried 2 methods:
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    2) enter the url to the URL bar of the browser,
    eg. (this is a virtual path/url)
    Finding (B):-
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    e.g. in application server: d:/printout/yyy.pdf is generated for d:/printout/xxx.rrpa when direct print occurs
    (b) however when the virtual path is used, there is no such temp "pdf" file generated and direct print failed.
    May be when virtual path is used, orarrp utility don't know where to generate the temp "pdf" so direct print doesn't occur.
    So, anyone has similar experience or further queries or has solutions, please join.
    Thanks for your attention.

    It is really late to give response this post. But still who ever refering to this post for the same issue this solution is useful for achieving same in background:
    Even same can be used in smartforms, for getting spool request in PDF format as well which will decrease the size of file when printing in SAP printer.
    ct_tline is PDF output:
    DATA: lv_pdfsource TYPE xstring.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS:<p> TYPE x. " <p> type any.
    LOOP AT ct_tline INTO cs_tline.
      ASSIGN cs_tline TO <p> CASTING TYPE x.
      CONCATENATE lv_pdfsource <p> INTO lv_pdfsource IN BYTE MODE.
    * ->Create spool request in PDF format
        printer  = 'LOCL'            "Printer name supporting PDF device type
    *   DEST     =
        pages    = 1
        pdf_data = lv_pdfsource        "XSTRING internal table
    *   NAME     =
    *   SUFFIX1  =
    *   SUFFIX2  =
    *   COPIES   =
    *   PRIO     =
        IMMEDIATE_PRINT         = 'X'
    *   AUTO_DELETE             =
    *   TITLELINE               =
    *   RECEIVER =
    *   DIVISION =
    *   AUTHORITY               =
    *   LIFETIME = '0'
    *   SPOOLID  =
    *   NO_DATA  = 1
    *   NOT_PDF  = 2
    *   WRONG_DEVTYPE           = 3
    *   OPERATION_FAILED        = 4
    *   CANNOT_WRITE_FILE       = 5
    *   DEVICE_MISSING          = 6
    *   NO_SUCH_DEVICE          = 7
    *   OTHERS   = 8
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    * Implement suitable error handling here

  • Printer not print pdf file

    I have HP deskjet 1510 all in one printer. I have complete all requried things for installation. and i can print word file in my printer. but when i am doing same for pdf file it's not working. i will explain brief.
    first i open pdf file.
    then i am click on print button
    in printer there is only show send to onenote 2010 and fax option.
    i am trying those both but i get nothing.
    pls help me.

    Hi @pl157 
    I understand you can print from Word, but when printing from your PDF program you do not see the printer.
    I suggest using the following steps to delete the printer from device and printers, and the driver from the server properties.
    1. In the ‘Devices and Printers’ folder
    2. Choose ‘Print server properties’.
    Win XP – With no printer selected, click ‘File’ then ‘Server Properties’.
    Windows Vista – With no printer selected, press ‘Alt’ then click ‘File’ then ‘Server Properties’.
    Windows 7/8 and 8.1 – Select any printer in the ‘Devices and Printers’ folder and click ‘Print Server properties’ above.
    3. Click on the ‘Drivers’ tab at the top of ‘Print server properties’ window
    4. Choose the printer you want to uninstall and click ‘Remove’
    5. Choose 'Remove driver only'
    6. The next screen will give a warning, letting you know that deleting the driver package will remove it from the system. Click ‘Yes’ to say that you are sure you want to do this.
    If documents are stuck in the print spooler, you may see an error, cancel any documents pending in the print queue, or try restarting the print spooler, then try to remove the driver from ‘Print server properties’ again. If it still won’t remove the package, restarting the computer and the printer should resolve this ‘in use’ error and allow the driver to be removed.
    After the driver is removed, open Start > All Programs > HP folder > Printer folder > HP Setup and Software (or the printer icon).
    The Setup and software screen will open and you can click on Connect a new printer.
    If the issue persists let me know and I will do what I can to help.
    Please click the Thumbs up icon below to thank me for responding.
    Please click “Accept as Solution” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Sunshyn2005 - I work on behalf of HP

  • Cannot Print PDF File from IE8 Beta 2

    I recently installed Adobe Reader 9 and Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 under Vista 32-bit. When a PDF file appears under IE8, I cannot print the file. The print command shows only a blank page. If I save the PDF file, open Adobe Reader 9 and open this PDF file, I can print the file correctly. Please advise if you have the same issue and possible fixes?
    Thank you...

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    Debugging java scripts is more than I want to get into. Any ideas?

  • Print to PDF Issue

    From Word 2010, when printing to the Adobe PDF printer (Acrobat 10.1.6), some users are experiencing an issue where the log file is created but the PDF document is not.  THe log file contains two lines:
    THe operation COmpleted successfully
    Pipe:\\.\pipe\PMtoDistiller_ID_165:Microsoft Word - Test
    I can print to file, create a PS file, and successfully create the PDF using Distiller.
    Acrotray.exe seems to be running on the machine.
    Has anyone seen this before? What would cause it?

    I appologize I wrote Adobe reader, but it's adobe standard 6.0.  And like a I
    said I can create PDF's normally in all other situations and programs except for this one

  • Print Booklet Bleed Issue in CS6

    When I try to print the file as a booklet, the left and right bleeding of some pages does not appear on themselves; however, they appear on the next spread.
    The spread goes like this, with some objects exceeding the pages for bleeding:
    When I print as a booklet, the preview goes like this:
    Front and Back Covers; their left and right bleed do not show...
    ...but instead, they reach the next spread. These blue stripes in the left and right are the continuation of the covers above.
    And it keeps happening with other pages that need bleeding. The top and bottom bleed are fine.
    I tried changing many options in the print booklet dialogue box, even in the printer setup itself.
    It may be that I have built the spreads wrong too I am still thinking if these 2 and 21 pages are necessary to exist in the file, since they are only blank. (though I had tried deleting them too, and the issue still exist)
    I looked everywhere for a solution, maybe I don't know the right terms to search for this problem...
    I also noticed that everything goes well while using the Export (to PDF) command.
    The reason I'm using the booklet option is to have a document with the pages in an order ready for print and staples,
    while maintaining the 1 to 22 sequence to use in the web.
    It would be terrible creating another document and change the page numbers manually.
    Hope somebody knows how to make it.

    Hi Mikey!
    My bad, sorry: actually there're 24 pages counting the covers and the 2 blank pages. (1-22 is the numbering for the inside content).
    Even changing the page numbers won't correct the bleed.
    Deciding to do something new, I isolated the pages, which first were Facing Pages.
    After making a end with the spreads, the Booklet option seemed to function normally with the document bleed.
    The problem is that I still would have to change the margins of the pages manually,
    since they are not spreads anymore and now there's no inside/outside margins, but left/right instead.
    If I could understand why I can't print the spreads as booklet would be so much better...

  • Print report file path in footer

    The VI in the picture worked fine when I selected standard report (except that I couldn't save to file).  I changed to HTML and it moved my footer page number to the top of the page and put the path to the printing temp file on the bottom of the page.  Why?  All I did was change to HTML and add the save at the end.
    LV 2013
    Noname.png ‏8 KB

    Hey Mike,
    It may not technically be a footer, but it appears at the bottom of the page, and the page number that should be the footer is at the top.  I originally used the exaprom pdf VIs to create the datasheet.  Late last year I had some problems that appeared to be related to those VIs (or the DLL).  I don't recall what the issue was, but I got it working.  Now the program is crashing on start up and I don't know why.  I am getting an access violation exception error.  I sent the dump files to NI, but in the mean time decided to try native NI VIs to accomplish the task.  Creating the report was working fine until I switched to HTML format so that I could save it.
    LV 2013
    Attachments: ‏37 KB

  • How to print pdf file to my Designjet 500+HPGL2 (C7769B)

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    I already check the possibility that I'm not connected to the printer but no because when I print test page, it is working. Please help. Thanks.

    Hello lean1025,
    Welcome to the HP Support Forums!
    To get your issue more exposure I would suggest posting it in the commercial forums since this is a commercial product. You can do this at Printers - Designjet & Large Format.
    The support page for your product may be helpful in the meantime: Product Support & Troubleshooting (Select your model)
    I hope this helps!
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" to the left of the reply button to say “Thanks” for helping!

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