Privacy Enhancing Filtering Proxy Chain for OS X

A privacy enhanced web proxy is a nearly essential tool on the modern web: it blocks ads, malicious scripts, and conceals information used to track you around the web. I've provided a quick setup below in case it's useful to others. This will build a privatizing squid:privoxy proxy chain that works with any browser, and can be used by anyone on your LAN, including and especially secure VPN logins and ssh tunnels. In my experience, this setup is a lot more capable and effective than using a simple adblocking Firefox Add-On. There's a world of difference between reading ad-filled web pages with and without a filtering proxy server. I've also included information for a polipo proxy that can be used with Tor for full anonymity, as well as a script for ssh tunnelling
Install Xcode and Macports
Install squid, privoxy, and polipo:
$ sudo port selfupdate
$ sudo port install squid privoxy polipo
$ sudo port load squid privoxy polipo
Configure the squid/privoxy/polipo config files shown below, then relaunch the proxies and test to make sure they're up:
$ sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.Squid.plist
$ sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.Squid.plist
$ sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.Privoxy.plist
$ sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.Privoxy.plist
$ sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.Polipo.plist
$ sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.Polipo.plist
$ nmap -p 3128,8118,8123 localhost
Starting Nmap 5.51 ( ) at 2012-02-07 11:47 EST
Nmap scan report for localhost (
Host is up (0.00013s latency).
3128/tcp open  squid-http
8118/tcp open  privoxy
8123/tcp open  polipo
Now web applications can use your filtering web proxy chain. If you use the config files below, websites will not know where you came from (HTTP_REFERER header is forged), and will not know your User Agent (also forged), and read access is block to several HTTP header fields. Ads are filtered. Your connection looks like this:
Application  <--port 3128-->  Squid  <--port 8118--> Privoxy  <----> Internet
Configure your network to add an option to route your web traffic through this proxy. System Preferences>Network>Wi-Fi/Ethernet/...>Locations:>Edit Locations...> Gear icon, Duplicate Location, Advanced...>Proxies> Check boxes for HTTP and HTTPS web proxies with proxy server localhost:3128.
While you're at it, configure your OS and browsers to block Adobe flash cookies. Read this WSJ article series to understand how this impacts your privacy.
System Preferences>Flash Player>Block all sites from storing information, using your camera and microphone, and networking with peers. Also Delete all data and go to this Adobe Flash Player Settings web page and block all sites from storing information, using your camera and microphone, and networking with peers.
Firefox/Safari>DO NOT ALLOW third party cookies, request not to be tracked
Firefox Add-Ons: NoScript (blocks/manages JavaScript), Beef TACO (blocks/manages flash cookies), BetterPrivacy (blocks/manages flash cookies), and the EFFs HTTPS Everywhere.
You can also download the Tor anonymous proxy chain for both OS X and iOS devices. This will run a little polipo proxy natively on mobile devices.
Here are the config file settings. Search through the config file too see the appropriate location for these settings. Turn off http_access and icp_access (squid), permit-access (privoxy), and allowedClients (polipo) if you do not want everyone on your LAN to be able to use the proxy. Double check that you're not running an open web proxy on the internet.
$ sudo vi /opt/local/etc/squid/squid.conf
# See
# Define Privoxy as parent proxy (without ICP)
cache_peer parent 8118 7 no-query
http_access allow localnet
icp_access allow localnet
via off
# old 'http_anonymizer standard'
header_access From deny all
# forge Referer in Privoxy
# header_access Referer deny all
header_access Server deny all
# forge User-Agent in Privoxy
# header_access User-Agent deny all
header_access WWW-Authenticate deny all
header_access Link deny all
# more privacy
header_access Cache-Control deny all
header_access Proxy-Connection deny all
header_access X-Cache deny all
header_access X-Cache-Lookup deny all
header_access Via deny all
header_access Forwarded-For deny all
header_access X-Forwarded-For deny all
header_access Pragma deny all
header_access Keep-Alive deny all
shutdown_lifetime 10 seconds
# See
# Define ACL for protocol FTP
acl ftp proto FTP
# Do not forward FTP requests to Privoxy
always_direct allow ftp
# See
# Forward all the rest to Privoxy
never_direct allow all
forwarded_for off
$ sudo vi /opt/local/etc/privoxy/config
forward  /      .
$ sudo vi /opt/local/etc/privoxy/match-all.action
+change-x-forwarded-for{block} \
+deanimate-gifs{last} \
+filter{refresh-tags} \
+filter{img-reorder} \
+filter{banners-by-size} \
+filter{webbugs} \
+filter{jumping-windows} \
+filter{ie-exploits} \
+hide-from-header{block} \
+hide-referrer{conditional-block} \
+session-cookies-only \
+set-image-blocker{pattern} \
/ # Match all URLs
# See xy/
+hide-referrer{conditional-forge} \
+hide-user-agent{Mozilla/5.0} \
/ # Match all URLs
$ sudo vi /opt/local/etc/privoxy/user.action
# fix bing's travel site, others
{ -block }\.vjs\?
# sourceforge
{ -block -filter -deanimate-gifs}
# expedia
{ -hide-user-agent }
# don't filter downloads
{-filter -deanimate-gifs}
$ sudo vi /opt/local/etc/privoxy/config
proxyAddress = ""    # IPv4 only
allowedClients =,

This configuration looks great and I was try to apply for my laptop. Unfortunatly I'm not an expert, and I have problem with config file settings for squid.config.
I was installing squid (at first 2.7 version but later 3.1, because being able to use the GUI squidMan)), Privoxy and polipo with sucess with MacPorts. Using also MacPort to get nmap.and proxies look to be up :
Starting Nmap 6.01 ( ) at 2012-08-23 21:59 PHT
Nmap scan report for localhost (
Host is up (0.00046s latency).
3128/tcp open  squid-http
8118/tcp open  privoxy
8123/tcp open  polipo
Configure the network was not a problem (just an interrogation about FTP proxy ?)
To edit and add lines and save  match-all.action,user.action
was fine also. I don't know why the command sudo vi /opt/local/etc/privoxy/config is repeat twice one to add forward  / and later 
proxyAddress = ""    # IPv4 only
allowedClients =,
I was add these 3 lines anyway, the main problem being I guess to put properly configurations  for squid.conf
Here below the template gave by SquidMan,(easier for me getting the main lines!) I just have modified Privoxy as parent proxy but I was not able to manage properly where adding these settings.( getting error about localhost ie).
Could you kindly past them in this template ? I guess it will fix my configuration ! thank you in advance.
# WARNING - do not edit this template unless you know what you are doing
# the parent cache
cache_peer parent 8118 7 no-query no-digest no-netdb-exchange default
# disk and memory cache settings
cache_dir ufs %CACHEDIR% %CACHESIZE% 16 256
maximum_object_size %MAXOBJECTSIZE%
# store coredumps in the first cache dir
coredump_dir %CACHEDIR%
# the hostname squid displays in error messages
visible_hostname %VISIBLEHOSTNAME%
# log & process ID file details
cache_access_log %ACCESSLOG%
cache_log %CACHELOG%
cache_store_log %STORELOG%
pid_filename %PIDFILE%
# Squid listening port
http_port %PORT%
# Access Control lists
acl localhost src
acl to_localhost dst
acl manager proto cache_object
acl SSL_ports port 443
acl Safe_ports port 80                    # http
acl Safe_ports port 21                    # ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443                    # https
acl Safe_ports port 70                    # gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210                    # wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535          # unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280                    # http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488                    # gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591                    # filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777                    # multiling http
# Only allow cachemgr access from localhost
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager
# Deny requests to certain unsafe ports
http_access deny !Safe_ports
# Deny CONNECT to other than secure SSL ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
# protect web apps running on the proxy host from external users
http_access deny to_localhost
# rules for client access go here
http_access allow localhost
# after allowed hosts, deny all other access to this proxy
# don't list any other access settings below this point
http_access deny all
# specify which hosts have direct access (bypassing the parent proxy)
always_direct deny all
# hierarchy stop list (squid-recommended)
hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
# refresh patterns (squid-recommended)
refresh_pattern ^ftp:                    1440          20%          10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher:          1440          0%          1440
refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0          0%          0
refresh_pattern .                    0          20%          4320

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    Edited by: test012030123 on Jun 3, 2009 12:56 AM
    Edited by: test012030123 on Jun 3, 2009 1:03 AM

    You have to edit your obj.conf and add the following entry to the object section which has the chaining instructions to proxyA.
    ObjectType fn="forward-proxy-auth"

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    Best Regards

    Hi  mintssoul,
      As per this case, I have shared corresponding details below :
    1.As far as I know, WCF doesn’t support method overloading directly
    2.Because WSDL doesn’t support method overloading (not OOPs).
    3.WCF generates WSDL which specifies the location of the service and the operation or methods the service exposes.
    4.WCF use Document/Literal WSDL Style : Microsoft proposed this standard where the soap body element will contain the web method name.
    5.By default all the WCF services conform to the document literal standard where the soap body should include the method name.
    6.but you can differ the method in the same manually by using Name attribute like below 
    For example:
        int Display(int a,int b)
    double Display(double a,double b)
    7. Or I suggest you that can use svcutil to map multiple namespaces for generating wcf service proxies .
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    Hi Gaurav,
    Creating Process chain for OHD.
    1. Go to RSPC-> Create a astart variant.
    2. Click on process typesin the menu. Fourth from the left. Under this go to LOAD PROCESSES AND POST PROCESSING option.
    3. The fifth option is "DATA EXPORT INTO EXTERNAL SYSTEMS". Click on that.
    4. Click on F4 and choose your infospoke name.
    5. Press the RIGHT button.(if it asks for variant, create a new variant in the same small window besideswritting bar).
    6. Join the START process and the 2nd process via dragging.
    7. Now add your required other processes.
    The general process chain processes are :
    1. Start.
    2. Delete Indexes (if data loaded to cube).
    3. Load process.
    4. Delete duplicate request (if it is a full load in cube).
    5. Create Indexes.
    Hope it helps.

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    For Safari, I configured the "Web Proxy (HTTP)" and "Secure Web Proxy (HTTPS). Is there anything else I need to do? Is this a bug in Safari?
    Thanks in advance for all help.

    I'm seeing the same problem. I use privoxy, a local security/privacy/ad-blocking proxy that lives on my computer. Firefox always sends its requests through the proxy, but Safari sometimes ignores the proxy settings. Vienna, my RSS reader, stops going through the proxy when Safari stops doing it. A restart fixes the problem for a while, but eventually the ads start showing up in Safari and Vienna.
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    Has anyone encountered this, or a similar problem before? Does anyone have any ideas where I can look next to resolve this? I'd prefer not to have to roll out Firefox to the Macs, if it can be avoided...
    Thanks in advance,
    Andy B

    YES!!!i am having the same problem...same exact problem...i have had apple people out to my school and had them talk with our network people to no is makes teaching with a mac very hard, but double worse is the image that macs dont play well together...arrrggghhh...come on apple i have had this issue for over a year...please fix this
    Message was edited by: RASTA

  • Reverse Proxy Filter for EP7?

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    Did anyone use the method there to resolve their problems?
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  • Forward/reverse proxy chain losing headers

    I have the following setup:
    user(browser) -> proxy1 -> proxy2 -> webserver
    This has both forward and reverse mappings. In proxy 1, I have an NSAPI plugin that appends a name/value(uid:userid) pair into the HTTP headers, at the end of my current header string . I use
    const char *HEADERS = "full-headers"; //HEADER NAME
    pblock_findval((char *)HEADERS, request->reqpb))
    pblock_remove((char *)HEADERS, request->reqpb);
    pblock_nvinsert((char *)HEADERS, (char*)"current list of NV pairs, uid: user123", request->reqpb);
    In the previous proxy versions to 3.63, the second proxy and teh webserver receive my entire header string(full-headers) without any issue and just as I sent it.
    With version 3.63, my UID is missing from the "
    Protocol Request PB (rq->reqpb)" section along with some other info in my header string. I use sdump to view the headers, plus my backend app is not receiving the uid.
    Has anyone else had the issue of their headers getting mangled, and or missing in Proxy 3.63 ?Or does anyone have any ideas to the issue?

    Yep, good catch
    There is a bug in the proxy : Proxy 3.6 SP3 removes "Proxy-authenticate:" HTTP header when forwarding requests to other proxies.
    This is basically in adherence to RFC2616 clause
    13.5.1 End-to-end and Hop-by-hop Headers:
    For the purpose of defining the behavior of caches and non-caching
    proxies, we divide HTTP headers into two categories:
    - End-to-end headers, which are transmitted to the ultimate
    recipient of a request or response. End-to-end headers in
    responses MUST be stored as part of a cache entry and MUST be
    transmitted in any response formed from a cache entry.
    - Hop-by-hop headers, which are meaningful only for a single
    transport-level connection, and are not stored by caches or
    forwarded by proxies.
    The following HTTP/1.1 headers are hop-by-hop headers:
    - Connection
    - Keep-Alive
    - Proxy-Authenticate
    - Proxy-Authorization
    - TE
    - Trailers
    - Transfer-Encoding
    - Upgrade
    All other headers defined by HTTP/1.1 are end-to-end headers.
    This somehow messed up the proxy chain configurations
    This has been fixed in SP4 which will be released in a week or two

  • I am using a work laptop and have the same problem. When I try to change the "configure proxy", they only available option is "use this proxy server for all protocols". Could it be that my system administrator blocked me from changing it since they don'

    I am using a work laptop and have the same problem. When I try to change the "configure proxy", they only available option is "use this proxy server for all protocols". Could it be that my system administrator blocked me from changing it since they don't want us to use Firefox.
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; GTB6.4; FNGP_SYS)

    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of your add-ons is causing your problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes).
    See [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] and [[Troubleshooting plugins]]
    If it does work in Safe-mode then disable all your extensions and then try to find which is causing it by enabling one at a time until the problem reappears.
    You can use "Disable all add-ons" on the ''Safe mode'' start window.
    You have to close and restart Firefox after each change via "File > Exit" (on Mac: "Firefox > Quit")


    how can i create a process chain for dso which is getting data from xi push
    i created a deamon which is having both infopackage and reat time dtp
    now i want to close the request for 24 hours
    i have 10 dso's in this way
    how to create process chain for this?

    how can i create a process chain for dso which is getting data from xi push
    i created a deamon which is having both infopackage and reat time dtp
    now i want to close the request for 24 hours
    i have 10 dso's in this way
    how to create process chain for this?

  • Issue with creating a proxy assembly for WCF services

    I am in the process of creating a proxy assembly for WCF services (Project Server 2010) and followed instructions as per below URL
    Getting an error when i ran GenWCFProxyAssembly.cmd in Visual studio command prompt as well as DOS command prompt
    Please make a note, i have unzipped under Documentation\Intellisense\WCF (path )
    Did i missed out any thing
    Kindly help me with this, trying to do this for the past 5 days

    Issue has been resolved after adding environment variable for sn.exe

  • Adobe Air Apps for OS X: Unable to build a valid certificate chain for the signer. // Code Signing on OS X 10.10 Yosemite

    I created several OS X Apps using Adobe Air. That worked quite well before. Now I have do update my OS X Apps - therefore I also needed update my certificates. [ I'm using Flash CC 2014 on OS X Yosemite 10.10 ]. But whatever I do it doesn’t work anymore. I always get this Message saying:
    Unable to build a valid certificate chain for the signer.
    I googled a lot and the only "guide" I found is this post (from April 2013) about code singing -
    I’m not used to deal with this kind of stuff (CA etc.) - so it's quite confusing to me.
    Would anybody please be so kind and tell me what I have to do?
    Is there any instruction from Adobe? (I didn't find one yet) 
    A step by step instruction for absolute dummies would be great!
    Best regards and thank you in advance

    Hi Mukesh,
    I installed the Flash CC 2014 update and added some Certificates from Apple to my Keychain. Now EVERYTHING works fine again!! :-)
    Thank you very much for the Update! :-) Good job!
    Best regards

  • Error message generating Adobe Air output Unable to build a valid certificate chain for the signer

    error message generating Adobe Air Output: Unable to build a valid certificate chain for the signer.

    Are you talking about AIR Help produced by RoboHelp or an AIR application that you are creating?
    If the latter, please see the notice at
    If you are using RoboHelp, which version?
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • JRE proxy bypass for local addresses always bypasses proxy

    Hi all,
    I'm currently dealing with an issue with the proxy configuration in java.
    Situation: I need a proxy server to connect to the internet, and I have some addresses configured in Internet Explorer that bypass the proxy.
    example of the way I configured it : *;212.115.*;
    The address that I am trying to reach is not in the bypass list, or in any of the excluded ranges in the bypass list.
    Initially I had java configured using browser settings. I thought it did not pick up the browser settings at all.
    However after configuring the proxy manually in java it was still not working.
    During the research I came to the conclusion that as soon as I enable the "bypass proxy server for local addresses" in Internet Explorer, or manually in java.
    The JRE client automatically bypasses the proxy and is always using "proxy=direct" . As soon as I disable that feature it starts using the proxy server.
    I have no idea why this is happening ?

    Your message was an eye opener for me. Thanks!
    You were right, that option shouldn't be enabled. During testing I got confused and was told that option needed to be enabled to enable the exception list.
    But that was a stupid assumption.
    I disabled the option bypass proxy for local addresses and just filled in the exception list and now it works again.

Maybe you are looking for

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