Problem activating FaceTime on iPad2.

I am trying to activate FaceTime on iPad2, but after entering Apple I and password, I get error message "Could not sign in. Pleasecheck your network connection and try again." My wifi works for Mail and Safari and everything else. Does FT work in Canada? If so, any suggestions?

My friend had this same issue and asked for my help since none of the other suggestions helped. I found that if go to safe mode and connect to wifi then try to activate FaceTime that might let you activate it. If that works you might have 3rd party software such as Sprigtomize (which I found was his issue) or other Mobile Substrate Addons so disable them through their options or using SBSettings to turn them off, then reboot, and try activation.

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    My friend had this same issue and asked for my help since none of the other suggestions helped. I found that if go to safe mode and connect to wifi then try to activate FaceTime that might let you activate it. If that works you might have 3rd party software such as Sprigtomize (which I found was his issue) or other Mobile Substrate Addons so disable them through their options or using SBSettings to turn them off, then reboot, and try activation.

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    No one should have to reset network settings, I have the same issue and I have a celluar package, it's slow using either one--but my IMac is running just fine so don't blame the network--blame the testers and my Internet speed is grease lightning so that's not it either--too many issues, like Facebook randomly disappearing while open, choppy animation, slow to load programs.
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    Some folks have discovered that changing their DNS service fixes FaceTime connection issues.
    The ideal way is to configure your modem/router with DNS service, but often settings in System Preferences/Network on your Mac if you share the connection with your iPad or Settings/Wi-Fi on your iPad will override the router settings. Try either of these;
    Google Public DNS

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    Restore as new... if the problem still continues then there is a hardware issue.
    If it stops after a restore as new, then the issue is with the backup the device is currently setup with.

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    Hi Dave,
    Edit: Well, I guess I was lost when I posted this. My answer was regarding a problem with OS X, not iOS. I'm going to leave the answer here in case someone else with a Facetime for Mac issue can benefit, because when you're searching for "Facetime AND Login", you could land in any discussion area. -Jerry
    Keychain is in your Utilities folder in your Applications folder.
    The path will be: Macintosh HD > Applications > Utilities > Keychain
    Keychain is where all your passwords are stored for those applications that you don't want to have to manually log into all the time.
    It's a handy app to become familiar with, for instance if you want to look up a password or user name from the past.
    Hope this helps you.

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