Problem attaching to email

When attaching any item to AT&T Yahoo E mail with Firefox, the box showing uploading progress is active, (rotating little circle is going round) but no progress. Using Internet Explorer I have no problem attaching files

The same way you attach a file of any other type.

Similar Messages

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    A message cannot be seen on my incoming emails.  I can only view the message if I click on reply.  Also any links attached to email will not open.  I have tried everything to solve the problem but not able to.

    Try closing the Mail app completely and see if it works properly when you re-open the app : from the home screen (i.e. not with the Mail app 'open' on-screen) double-click the home button to bring up the taskbar, then press and hold any of the apps on the taskbar for a couple of seconds or so until they start shaking, then press the '-' in the top left of the Mail app to close it, and touch any part of the screen above the taskbar so as to stop the shaking and close the taskbar.
    If that doesn't work also do a reset : press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds (ignore the red slider), after which the Apple logo should appear - you won't lose any content, it's the iPad equivalent of a reboot.

  • Adobe Attach to Email problem

    I have recently installed Windows 7 Home Premium and Adobe Reader 9.4.0. Whilst in Adobe Reader I attempt the attach to Email and receive this error message "Acrobat is unable to connect to your email program". Any Ideas how I overcome this problem. Sorry, I forgot to say that Windows 7 Live Mail is the only mail program that is running on this system.

    Answered in another thread.

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    Some recipients receive my images attached to emails, some find they are embedded and difficult to impossible to separate. Just found out that if I remove my attached signature, the problem goes away. How to send images plus signature reliably?

    When you attach things, make sure to check the box that says [√] Send Windows-Friendly attachments

  • Facing problem with the code for sending an .xls attachment via email, a field value contains leading zeros but excel automatically removes these from display i.e. (00444 with be displayed as 444).kindly guide .

    Facing problem with the code for sending an .xls attachment via email, a field value contains leading zeros but excel automatically removes these from display i.e. (00444 with be displayed as 444).kindly guide .

    Hi Chhayank,
    the problem is not the exported xls. If you have a look inside with Notepad or something like that, you will see that your leading zeros are exported correct.Excel-settings occurs this problem, it is all about how to open the document. If you use the import-assistant you will have no problems because there are options available how to handle the different columns.
    Another solution might be to get familiar with ABAP2XLS-Project. I got in my mind, that there is a method implemented, that will help you solving this problem. But that is not a five minute job

  • I am having problems attaching files to my email using the latest Firefox 13.0.1, Comcast is my internet provider, but I did not have problem with Safari.

    Why am I having problems attaching files to my email using Firefox 13.0.1.?
    I am using a MAC, OS 10.6.8, and have Comcast as my internet provider. I noticed after I upgraded to Firefox 13.0.1 that I am having problems attaching files to my email. I do not experience the same problem with Safari, but I prefer to use Firefox, as all of my bookmarks and passwords are saved there. I just like the way Firefox works better than Safari.
    I am a free-lance graphic designer and rely on my internet connection to my customers. I need this resolved ASAP!

    Could you start by resetting the zoom level on the page? To do that, you can either:
    * Press Ctrl+0 (that's a zero) on the keyboard
    * View menu > Zoom > Reset
    You also can use zoom to increase/decrease the size from there. This article describes the various mouse, keyboard, and menu methods: [[Font size and zoom - increase the size of web pages]].
    Any luck?



    Install free Adobe Reader.

  • Adobe Reader 'Attach to Email' is not working

    I have a client that is running Windows 7 and when opening a PDF with Adobe Reader is unable to use the "Attach to Email" function. We tried this with Adobe X, Adobe 9.3, Adobe 9.4.2. None of these will work. An error occurs: "Acrobat is unable to connect to your email program." We get the same error on any of these versions. For some reason Adobe 9.3.4 upgrade does not install with 9.3, where I read in a resource discussion that this version should work ion Windows 7.
    Adobe Reader X seems to be a known issue with Windows 7 for this problem. My client recently upgraded from Windows XP and did not have this problem on that OS. A current work-around is to save the PDF then attach it to an email, but she would greatly prefer to use the Attach to Email function within Adobe Reader without having to save the PDF and manually attach it.
    Thanks for any help!

    Apr 1, 2011
    I have the same issue using Acrobat X and Thunderbird 3.1.6 on Windows 7.  Attach to email function is NOT working.
    It worked when I had outlook 2007 installed, but I couldn't find where to change the setting to thunderbird.
    I uninstalled outlook.  Now the attach to email feature won't work at all.
    Thunderbird is set to the default email client in windows . . . this is extremely annoying!!
    File > Attach to email . . .  It appears this feature doesn't work with any emails client except outlook??????
    Attach to email worked on WinXP for Lotus Notes 8.5 email client (maybe an older Adobe Reader, version 9.4), but not after we upgraded to Win7. No Adobe Reader versions we have tried will work on Win7 for Lotus Notes.

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    Since upgrading to Mavericks, 10.9.1, pictures that come attached to emails no longer display.  There is only a blank space that after about 1 minute, has a small box with a question mark.  Double clicking on the box will open the image in a separate window.  It's very slow and tedious for multiple images.  How can I go back to attached and displayed  images?  If I click on "Forward", the images appear instantly in the email to be forwarded.

    My problem seemed to fix itself.  Or, by shutting down the computer one night, instead of putting it to sleep, may have reset something.  Since updating to Mavericks, I always (or usually) let the computer sleep overnight or anytime I'm walking away from it.  A few days ago, I was updating notes for my kids about how to find all my stuff and how to turn on my computer, so I wanted to rewrite the start-up procedures for the iMac, just in case they ever need to.  Well, I shut it down one night so the following morning, I could write down each step.  Lo and behold, the images, etc. are all there again!  Solved, but I'm not sure why.

  • Error opening PDF file when send as attachment via email

    I searched around the forum to resolve my issue and there's alot of post that is related but i can't find any answer to my issues.
    Here's the scenario :-
    I try to convert the smartform to PDF and then send the PDF as an attachment via email.
    After converting the smartform to PDF, i managed to download the file and view it without any problem but i can't view the PDF as an attachment. It has the following error :-
    Adobe Reader could not open '4500002325.PDF' because it is either not a supported fle type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as an email and wasn't correctly decoded
    The following is the snapshot of my code:-
    * Determine smartform function module for invoice
          formname           = lf_formname
          fm_name            = lf_fm_name
          no_form            = 1
          no_function_module = 2
          OTHERS             = 3.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *  error handling
        ent_retco = sy-subrc.
        PERFORM protocol_update_i.
      ls_control_param-getotf = 'X'.
      CALL FUNCTION lf_fm_name
          archive_index        = toa_dara
          archive_parameters   = arc_params
          control_parameters   = ls_control_param
          mail_recipient       = ls_recipient
          mail_sender          = ls_sender
          output_options       = ls_composer_param
          zxekko               = l_doc-xekko  " user_settings = ' '
          zxpekko              = l_doc-xpekko
          document_output_info = l_ssfcrespd
          job_output_info      = l_ssfcrescl
          job_output_options   = l_ssfcresop
          l_xekpo              = l_doc-xekpo[]
          l_xekpa              = l_doc-xekpa[]
          l_xpekpo             = l_doc-xpekpo[]
          l_xeket               = l_doc-xeket[]
          l_xtkomv             = l_doc-xtkomv[]
          l_xekkn              = l_doc-xekkn[]
          l_xekek              = l_doc-xekek[]
          l_xkomk              = l_xkomk
          formatting_error     = 1
          internal_error       = 2
          send_error           = 3
          user_canceled        = 4
          OTHERS               = 5.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
            FORMAT                = 'PDF'
            BIN_FILESIZE          = v_len_in
            BIN_FILE              = v_bin_file
            OTF                   = l_ssfcrescl-otfdata
            LINES                 = l_pdf
            ERR_MAX_LINEWIDTH     = 1
            ERR_FORMAT            = 2
            ERR_CONV_NOT_POSSIBLE = 3
            ERR_BAD_OTF           = 4
            OTHERS                = 5.
    * email subject
        CONCATENATE 'Purchase order' l_doc-xekko-ebeln INTO lw_subject
                    SEPARATED BY space.
        lwa_recipients-rec_type = 'U'.
        lwa_recipients-express = 'X'.
        SELECT adr6~smtp_addr
        INTO TABLE gv_smtp_addr
        FROM ekko AS ekko INNER JOIN
             lfa1 AS lfa1 ON ekko~lifnr      = lfa1~lifnr INNER JOIN
             adr6 AS adr6 ON adr6~addrnumber = lfa1~adrnr
        WHERE ekko~ebeln = l_doc-xekko-ebeln.
        IF NOT gv_smtp_addr[] IS INITIAL.
          LOOP AT gv_smtp_addr INTO gv_smtp_addr_line FROM 2.
            lwa_recipients-receiver = gv_smtp_addr_line.
            lwa_recipients-copy = ''.
            APPEND lwa_recipients TO ptb_recipients.
    * Text Data
                id                      = 'ST'
                language                = 'E'
                name                    = 'TEST'
                object                  = 'TEXT'
                lines                   = lv_lines
                id                      = 1
                language                = 2
                name                    = 3
                not_found               = 4
                object                  = 5
                reference_check         = 6
                wrong_access_to_archive = 7
                OTHERS                  = 8.
          LOOP AT lv_lines INTO lv_lines_line.
            ltb_objtxt = lv_lines_line-tdline.
            APPEND ltb_objtxt.
          DESCRIBE TABLE ltb_objtxt LINES lw_tab_lines.
          READ TABLE ltb_objtxt INDEX lw_tab_lines.
    * document data contains information for the whole message
          lwa_doc_chng-obj_descr = 'ABAPlist'.
    * Control Data
          lwa_doc_chng-obj_name   = 'TESTING'.
          lwa_doc_chng-sensitivty = 'F'.
          lwa_doc_chng-no_change  = 'X'.
          lwa_doc_chng-priority   = '1'.
          lwa_doc_chng-obj_prio   = '1'.
          lwa_doc_chng-obj_langu  = sy-langu.
          CLEAR ltb_objpack-transf_bin.
    *Move the binary attachment to other internal table.
          ltb_objpack-head_start = 1.
          ltb_objpack-head_num   = 0.
          ltb_objpack-body_start = 1.
          ltb_objpack-body_num   = lw_tab_lines.
          ltb_objpack-doc_type   = 'RAW'.
          APPEND ltb_objpack.
          clear : lw_tab_lines.
    *Get the number of lines in the Attachment (PDF FILE)
    *      DESCRIBE TABLE it_mess_att LINES lw_tab_lines.
          DESCRIBE TABLE l_objbin lines lw_tab_lines.
          ltb_objpack-transf_bin = 'X'.
          ltb_objpack-head_start = 1.
          ltb_objpack-head_num   = 1.
          ltb_objpack-body_start = 1.
          ltb_objpack-body_num = lw_tab_lines.
          ltb_objpack-doc_type = 'PDF'.
          ltb_objpack-obj_descr = l_doc-xekko-ebeln.
          ltb_objpack-doc_size = lw_tab_lines * 255.
          APPEND ltb_objpack.
    *Email Subject
          lwa_doc_chng-obj_descr = lw_subject.
            lwa_recipients-receiver = recipeint.
            lwa_recipients-rec_type = 'U'.
            lwa_recipients-copy     = 'X'.
            lwa_recipients-express  = 'X'.
            APPEND lwa_recipients TO ptb_recipients.
              document_data = lwa_doc_chng
              COMMIT_WORK   = 'X'
              packing_list  = ltb_objpack
              contents_bin  = l_objbin
              contents_txt  = ltb_objtxt
              receivers     = ptb_recipients.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    Edited by: ~loObie on Apr 23, 2010 12:01 PM
    Edited by: ~loObie on Apr 23, 2010 12:02 PM

    Did you send the pdf in the following format ...
    2. Sending PDF as mail.
    CLEAR t_receivers.
    REFRESH t_receivers.
    t_receivers-receiver = sy-uname.
    t_receivers-rec_type = 'B'.
    t_receivers-com_type = 'INT'.
    t_receivers-notif_del = 'X'.
    t_receivers-notif_ndel = 'X'.
    APPEND t_receivers.
    document_data = w_doc_data
    put_in_outbox = 'X'
    sender_address = ld_sender_address
    sender_address_type = ld_sender_address_type
    commit_work = 'X'
    sent_to_all = w_sent_all
    packing_list = t_packing_list
    contents_bin = t_attachment
    contents_txt = it_message
    receivers = t_receivers
    too_many_receivers = 1
    document_not_sent = 2
    document_type_not_exist = 3
    operation_no_authorization = 4
    parameter_error = 5
    x_error = 6
    enqueue_error = 7
    OTHERS = 8.
    Quote from the Following [LINK|]

  • Acrobat 9.4.2 update breaks 'attach to email' functionality

    Everyone - The recent 9.4.2 CPSID_83708 Acrobat update has caused the 'attach to email' function not to work.  This is happening for at least two of my users whose computers are running  Windows XP Professional. I just installed the update on my Windows Vista machine in an effort to recreate the issue, but the problem did not manifest itself in my Vista machine.
    I have read with interest the print problems that several users are reporting related to this patch. I have had no problems printing, but the 'attach to email' issue is extremely troubling to us.  I realize that the work-around is to send the attachments directly from our email program which we are doing.  However, this does not decrease the urgency to get this resolved.  Some of our users are extremely accustomed to accomplishing tasks in a certain manner, and much stress results when I try to change their habits.
    When they click 'attach to email', an error message comes up that says 'Adobe Acrobat 9.4.2 has encountered a problem and needs to close.'  I am attaching the detailed information that I could view from the error window below.  Please advise on how I can uninstall this 'uninstallable' patch.  I have currently advised users to opt out of any Adobe updates, but I am sure that people will continue to receive them.
    Thanks in advance for any help with this.
    Penny Downey

    Could someone from Adobe respond to this specific issue so that we know we are being heard?  Will the fix for the print issue also resolve the 'attach to email' problem?  Is there any work around other than telling users to attach directly from their email programs?
    Thanks in advance for your response to our concerns.

  • DEP crashes Adobe Reader 9.4.2 when using attach to email

    I face a problem on our two windows 2008 SP2 RDS servers. When viewing a .pdf file in Adobe Reader 9.4.2 and using the attach to email option the program gets shut down by Data Execution Prevention and crashes AR. Usually with one of these errors.
    Faulting application AcroRd32.exe, version,  time stamp 0x4d467676,  faulting module dhcpcsvc.DLL, version 6.0.6002.18005, time stamp 0x49e03708, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x00001895, process id 0x3e04, application start time 0x01cbe879dbad53f0.
    sometimes its dhcpcsvc6.dll too.
    We're running Outlook 2007.
    It is not possible to add AcroRD32.exe to the exceptionlist for DEP.
    Any word on how to fix this?

    Could someone from Adobe respond to this specific issue so that we know we are being heard?  Will the fix for the print issue also resolve the 'attach to email' problem?  Is there any work around other than telling users to attach directly from their email programs?
    Thanks in advance for your response to our concerns.

  • Acrobat 9.4 / Outlook 2011 – Attach to email not working

    Acrobat 9.4 / Outlook 2011 / OS 10.6.4
    I am having a very annoying issue with the "Attach to email" feature in Acrobat 9.4. I keep getting the error below every time I try using this feature. I don't have the same problem if use/switch the email client Mail from Apple. Just wondering if this is an Adobe issue or a Microsoft issue.
    Thank you,

    Yes at one time Acrobat only supported Entourage, a ver obscure program called Mailsmith, and Eudora, and Apple Mail. (Eudora was taken over by Mozilla Or rather the R&D for it was handed over to Mozilla.)
    Yet most everyone on apple side of equation use ThunderBird, SeaMonkey, Even Opera.  the message I receive is That Seamonkey or Thunderbird doesn't know how to talk to your email clent. Yet in their specifications Mozilla products show they are Mbox compliant.
    On PC side they will talk to just about any Email except Mozilla Products. Its as if they put in features yet don't support software that can handle the features so most people are stuck un able to use the fetaures. Why can't Adobe get along with other software vendors. Is there Software Devopment staff so out of touch or have such a low skill set That they don't know how to write code but those name applications?
    I put a Bug report for support of Mozilla Products for uears do it about once or twice a year for last 10 years or so. Goes in one ear and out the other.

  • There was an error opening document.  Access denied. Cant open pdf attached to emails

    I just upgraded to Acrobat Reader x and can't open files attached to emails in Outlook 2010.   If I save the file, I can open it.   I assume it has something to do with protected view or such but can't find where to change settings.   I can open .doc and .xlsx files attached to emails so it seems to be only an issue with .pdf files attached to emails in Outlook.   Suggestions?

    To make things simple for you, here are two ways for you fix the problem:
    A. Fix One PC
    Launch Adobe Acrobat Reader X
    Go to: Edit > Preferences...
    Click on "General" in the left pane.
    Uncheck "Enable Protected Mode at startup"
    You will prompted with a dialog box to remind you to close the application for the change to go into effect. Click Yes.
    Click OK to save your change.
    Exit Adobe Reader
    B. Fix Several PCs in Your Organization
    Following the above steps aren't practical if you have Adobe Acrobat installed on 1,000+ computers in 30 regional offices! Push this registry setting using your standard software deployment software.
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\Privileged]
    Microsoft Outlook and other email clients
    I hear this will also fix the "There was an error opening this document. Access denied." error that is occurring with any email client, including Microsoft Outlook Express; Microsoft Outlook 2010, 2007, 2003; Eudora; Mozilla Thunderbird.
    Credit for this answer must go to -access-denied

  • Sending a binary attachment via email, looking for a more clean way

    Hi experts.
    I finally managed to send a binary attachment via email. Why "finally"? Never done before!
    Also I got to manage the "not standard" .SAP file extension, because the attachment is a transaction link.
    So let me explain how i did it:
    take SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1, filling following input data:
          document_data              = st_docdata
          commit_work                = 'X'
          packing_list               = lt_packlist
          contents_hex               = lt_hex
          contents_txt               = lt_content
          receivers                  = lt_recv
          too_many_receivers         = 1
          document_not_sent          = 2
          document_type_not_exist    = 3
          operation_no_authorization = 4
          parameter_error            = 5
          x_error                    = 6
          enqueue_error              = 7
          OTHERS                     = 8.
    But how to fill lt_hex? Well I did not found a way to transfer text data into raw data structure (lt_hex is type SOLIX).
    So, here is the trick:
    fill another table, lt_bin type SOLISTI1, with attachment content (text data);
    dump lt_bin content to a file on application server, having care to specify TEXT MODE and UTF-8 encoding;
    now reopen the same file in BINARY MODE and transfer content to lt_hex.
    Why I did not use parameter
    ? Because SAP ECC 6 is unicode enabled (I think UTF-16) and file has got to be UTF-8 or ASCII. Also, packing_list for attachment must specify binary tranfer mode. And doing so each UTF-16 character (2 bytes) is split into 2 characters (1 char + 1 NUL byte). Attachment is now unusable.
    What is the question? Here it is: how to fill lt_hex data directly from text (UTF-16) data, avoiding conversion errors?
    Thank you in advance.

    Hi Chhayank,
    the problem is not the exported xls. If you have a look inside with Notepad or something like that, you will see that your leading zeros are exported correct.Excel-settings occurs this problem, it is all about how to open the document. If you use the import-assistant you will have no problems because there are options available how to handle the different columns.
    Another solution might be to get familiar with ABAP2XLS-Project. I got in my mind, that there is a method implemented, that will help you solving this problem. But that is not a five minute job

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