Problem during loading, could anyone help !!!

I am trying to Load a Masterdata(flatfile) in a infoobject.
This is what i did:
I created a infoobject name 'EMPNAM' with some   attributes, like [soc_sec, 0city,0country].
I created and activated communication struct , and Transfer struct.
Created my own flatfile(.csv) with some fake datas.
created infopackage and loaded the flatfile, system generated as loading successful. I checked the datas in PSA and i was able to see all the fields ['EMPNAM, soc_sec, 0city,0country] been loaded.
When i try to see the loaded data in the datatarget i.e the infoobject, i could only see the 'EMPNAM' been loaded, not the attributes[soc_sec,0city,0country].
Why is that, could anyone help me with this please.

I have read your question and all the responses. If the Infoobject is not listed in the Attribute Change Run, the only other reason could be that data is not loaded into the object itself. I read that you have loaded into PSA. Did you process the data manually into the Infoobject.. or did you just do a simulation. Simulation would not load the data. For making sure, please run Infopackage once again using Option No. 1 on the Processing tab of the Infopackage. That way you would be sure the data is processed till the data target.

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    hi... i am doing a music Cd list program. there are two operation i need to do 1) insertion and 2) deletion. i have implemented my own sortList to do it... i work fine when i do the insertion to the list but it can`t perform well on deletion.. However, i am sure that my list deletion algoritm is totally correct... i perform two test as following to ensure my deletion is correct..but i think the problem is on my readString fucntoon ...could anyone help me take a look!!
    public class SortedListTesting
         SortedList musicCdList = new SortedList();
         ReadOperation theRo = new ReadOperation();
         //ErrorCheckingOperation theEco = new ErrorCheckingOperation();
         MusicCd temp;
         public void insertCdWithReadStringFunction()
              String musicCdsTitle;
              //try to prompt the user `s cd `s title for insertion to our List
              musicCdsTitle = theRo.readString("Please enter your CD`s title : ");
              musicCdList.insert(new MusicCd(musicCdsTitle));
              System.out.println("Number of items in the list: "
                                         + musicCdList.getNumberOfItems() + "\n" + musicCdList.toString() );
         public void deleteCdWithReadStringFunction()
                   //try to prompt the user `s delected cd `s title
                   String keyword = theRo.readString("Please enter CD `s title to be delected from SMOA : ") ;
                   // System.out.println("The CD that you just deleted is " + keyword);
                   temp = musicCdList.delete(keyword);
                   System.out.println("Number of items in the list: "
                                  + musicCdList.getNumberOfItems() + "\n" + temp );
              catch ( InvalidDataException errorMsg )
                   System.out.println( errorMsg.getMessage() + "\n" );
                   System.out.println("Now, We have " + musicCdList.getNumberOfItems() + " items in the list, and the items as following  :\n" + musicCdList.toString() );
         public void insertCd()
              String musicCdsTitle;
              //try to input the string directly to our list
              musicCdsTitle = "ann";//theRo.readString("Please enter your CD`s title : ");
              musicCdList.insert(new MusicCd(musicCdsTitle));
              System.out.println("Now, the number of items in the list: "
                               + musicCdList.getNumberOfItems() + "\n" + musicCdList.toString() );
         public void deleteCd()
                              //try to input the String directly
                              String keyword = "ann"; //theRo.readString("Please enter CD `s title to be delected from SMOA : ") ;
                              System.out.println("The CD that you just deleted is " + keyword);
                              temp = musicCdList.delete(keyword);
                                 //System.out.println("Number of items in the list: "
                                 //                     + musicCdList.getNumberOfItems() + "\n" + temp );
                         catch ( InvalidDataException errorMsg )
                              System.out.println( errorMsg.getMessage() + "\n" );
                        System.out.println("Now, We have " + musicCdList.getNumberOfItems() + " items in the list, and the items as following  :\n" + musicCdList.toString() );
         public static void main(String[] args)
              SortedListTesting st = new SortedListTesting();
              //These two testing i am trying to show that my list is working fine for inseting and deleting
              //i try to input the cd `s title name " ivan " by my readString function, it work fine for insertion
              //but it is fail in delete shows that "ivan not found: cannot be deleted" ...At first,
              //i think it is my delete function problem..but it is not my delete function problem...cos it work fine if
              //input the string directly from the function...i think the issues works on my readString fucntion
              //i try a milllion of time but i still got the same problem ...pls help....
              System.out.println("\t...Testing for input from readString fuction...\t");
              //it work fine for input the string directly in the function, it show as following...
              System.out.println("\t...Testing for input the string directly ...\t");
    Exit code: 0
    java SortedListTesting     ...Testing for input from readString fuction...     
    Please enter your CD`s title : ivan   <<-inserting the cd`s title to our list
    Number of items in the list: 1     <<- sucessfully insert to our list
    Title: ivan 
    Please enter CD `s title to be delected from SMOA : ivan  <<- try to delete from our list, i type "ivan" here
    ivan not found: cannot be deleted    <<- problem occur , it should be fine in there
    Now, We have 1 items in the list, and the items as following  :
    Title: ivan         <<- it should not be shown
         ...Testing for input the string directly ...     
    Now, the number of items in the list: 2
    Title: ann   <<- i pass "ann" String directly to insertion function
    Title: ivan   <<- it is the left over from the preivous process
    The CD that you just deleted is ann   <<- i pass " ann" String directly to my deletion
    Now, We have 1 items in the list, and the items as following  : <<- it successfully delete .... it prove that my deletion function is working properly....i think it is on readString problem..
    Title: ivan
    Exit code: 0*/
    //it seems that the readString function read the string
    //at the first time does not match the second time
    //reading, it makes it can`t find the stuff from the list ..
    import java.util.*;
    public class ReadOperation{
         //pls help check here....thx
         public String readString(String userInstruction)
              String aString = null;
                         Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
                   aString = scan.nextLine();
              catch (NoSuchElementException e)
                   //if no line was found
                   System.out.println("\nNoSuchElementException error occurred (no line was found) " + e);
              catch (IllegalStateException e)
                   // if this scanner is closed
                   System.out.println("\nIllegalStateException error occurred (scanner is closed)" + e);
              return aString;
         public char readTheFirstChar(String userInstruction)
              char aChar = ' ';
              String strSelection = null;
                   //char charSelection;
                         Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
                   strSelection =;
                   aChar =  strSelection.charAt(0);
              catch (NoSuchElementException e)
                   //if no line was found
                   System.out.println("\nNoSuchElementException error occurred (no line was found) " + e);
              catch (IllegalStateException e)
                   // if this scanner is closed
                   System.out.println("\nIllegalStateException error occurred (scanner is closed)" + e);
              return aChar;
         public int readInt(String userInstruction) {
              int aInt = 0;
              try {
                   Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
                   aInt = scan.nextInt();
              } catch (InputMismatchException e) {
                   System.out.println("\nInputMismatchException error occurred (the next token does not match the Integer regular expression, or is out of range) " + e);
              } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
                   System.out.println("\nNoSuchElementException error occurred (input is exhausted)" + e);
              } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
                   System.out.println("\nIllegalStateException error occurred (scanner is closed)" + e);
              return aInt;
    public class SortedList extends ShellSortedList implements SortedListInterface<MusicCd>
         public SortedList()
         public void insert( MusicCd aCd )
              MusicCdNode cdNode = new MusicCdNode( aCd );
              cdNode.setNext( head );
              head = cdNode;
         public MusicCd delete(String aCdsTitle)
                                                throws InvalidDataException
              MusicCdNode current = head;
              MusicCdNode previous = null;
              while( current != null
                    && current.getMusicCd().getCdTitle() != aCdsTitle)
                   previous = current;
                   current = current.getNext();
              if (current == null ) //not found
                   throw new InvalidDataException(aCdsTitle
                                 + " not found: cannot be deleted" );
                   if( current == head )
                        head = head.getNext(); //delete head
                        previous.setNext( current.getNext() );
                   return current.getMusicCd();
         public MusicCd modify(String anExistedCdsTitle, String aModifyCdsTitle)
                                   throws InvalidDataException
              MusicCdNode current = head;
              while( current != null
                    && current.getMusicCd().getCdTitle() !=  anExistedCdsTitle)
                   current = current.getNext();
              if ( current == null )
                   throw new InvalidDataException( anExistedCdsTitle
                                 + " not found: cannot be deleted" );
                   MusicCd tempCd = new MusicCd();
                   return current.getMusicCd();
    }//for better understand of my program
    public interface SortedListInterface<T>
         //public SortedList();
         public void insert( T anElement );
         public T delete(String searchKey)
                                         throws InvalidDataException;
         public T modify(String searchKey, String aModifyTitle)
                             throws InvalidDataException;
    public abstract class ShellSortedList
         protected MusicCdNode head;
         protected int numberOfItems;
         public ShellSortedList()
              head = null;
              numberOfItems = 0;
         public int getNumberOfItems()
              return numberOfItems;
         public boolean isEmpty()
              return( numberOfItems == 0 );
         public boolean isDuplicate(String newCD)
                boolean found = false;
                MusicCdNode current = head;
                for( int i=0; i < numberOfItems; i++)
                   System.out.println("Duplicate Cd is found !!");
                            found = true;
                   current = current.getNext();
                    return found;
         public String toString()
              String listString = " ";
              MusicCdNode current = head;
              for( int i=0; i < numberOfItems; i++)
                   listString += current.getMusicCd().toString() + "\n";
                   current = current.getNext();
              return listString;
    public class MusicCdNode
         private MusicCd cd;
         private MusicCdNode next;
         // Default constructor
         public MusicCdNode()
         // Description: Initialize the reference for the cd object and the value of next to null.
         // Postcondition: cd = null; next = null;
              cd = null;
              next = null;
         // Parameterized constructor
         public MusicCdNode(MusicCd aCd)
         // Description: Set the reference for the cd object according to the parameters and value of next to null.
         // Postcondition: cd = aCd; next = null;
              cd = aCd;
              next = null;
           public MusicCd getMusicCd()
              return new MusicCd(cd.getCdTitle());
         public MusicCdNode getNext()
              return next;
         public void setMusicCd(MusicCd aCd)
              cd = new MusicCd(aCd.getCdTitle());
         public void setNext(MusicCdNode aCd)
              next = aCd;
    // File:
    // Author: Chi Lun To (Ivan To)
    // Created on: June 5, 2007
    // Class Description
    // The MusicCd class defines a music cd object that contain the CD`s title, CD`s artist/GroupName,
    //  CD`s yearOfRelease , Cd`s music genre, and any comment of the Cd`s. This class provides functions
    //  to access the musicCdsTitle, artistOrGroupName, yearOfRelease, musicGenre, and aComment variable.
    //  Class Invariant: All MusicCd objects have a  string musicCdsTitle, string artistOrGroupName, integer yearOfRelease
    //  String musicGenre, and String aComment. A string type musicCdsTitle,artistOrGroupName, musicGenre,or aComment of "None"
    //  indicates no real name specified yet. A integer yearOfRelease of 1000 indicates no real years specific yet.
    public class MusicCd
         String theCdTitle;// the CD`s Title
         // Default constructor
         public MusicCd()
         // Description: Initialize theCdTitle to empty string
         // Postcondition: theCdTitle = " ";
              theCdTitle = " ";
         }//end constructor
         // Parameterized constructor
         public MusicCd(String aCdTitle)
         // Description: Set theCdTitle according to the parameters
         // Postcondition: theCdTitle = aCdTitle;
              theCdTitle = aCdTitle;
         } // end constructor
         // Accessor function : getCdTitle( ) function
         public String getCdTitle()
         // Description: Method to return the theCdTitle
         // Postcondition: the value of theCdTitle is returned
              return theCdTitle;
         }// end  getCdTitle( ) function
         // Mutator function: setCdTitle( ) function
         public void setCdTitle(String aCdTitle)
         // Description: Method to set theCdTitle according to the parameter
         // Postcondition: theCdTitle = aCdTitle;
              theCdTitle = aCdTitle;
         }// end setCdTitle( ) function
         // toString( ) function
         public String toString()
         // Description: Method to return the theCdTitle
         // Postcondition: the value of theCdTitle is returned as String
                   return("Title: " + theCdTitle );
         }// end  toString( ) function
    // File:
    // Author: Chi Lun To (Ivan To)
    // Created on: June 5, 2007
    // Class Description
    // The InvalidDataException class is a self- defined exception class which handles
    // the issues that may arise with return value of the deleted and modify function.
    // For example,  the issue will occurs if the user try to delete the music cd from a empty list
    // or deleting a music cd that does not exist on the list. it would return null to the user. But, the user
    // expected to return an obeject reference of the music cd.Therefore, we instantiate InvalidDataException
    // class to handle this issue.
    //  Class Invariant:
    //  InvalidDataException class is a self-defining exceptional class which
    //  inherits the existing functionality of the Exception class.
    public class InvalidDataException extends Exception
         //Parameterized constructor
         public InvalidDataException( String s )
              super( s ); //inherits the existing functionality of the Exception class.
    }Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

    thx for your suggestion ..but i did try to skip my code..but i am sure if u guy understand what i am trying to ask i try to show my all program for u guy better undrstand my problem ...the first three paragraph of code i hope u guy could focus on it ....i try ask the user to input the cd`s title to our insert list by using a function call readString( ) and i use this method to ask the user what cd they want to be delete from the list ...but it doesn`t work when i try to perform the delete cd funtion. At first, i think it should be my deleteCd( ) problem ..but i do some testing on works fine if i pass a String directly to my function instead of using readString() function to perform ...therefore, i am sure my delete function working fine....i am thinking if it is my readString() problem make my deletion does not perform well...thx for u guy help

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    AOL (like other Mail providers) occasionally has server problems (I use AOL mail and it happens to me once in  awhile).
    However, if it does not clear up after a bit, open Mail.  Click on Window>connection doctor.  There should be indications of what is wrong. 

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    Good morning to all of you
    I have A mac and I did the mistake of upgrading my Lightroom 5.4 to 5.6 Now I can't import anything it says "Could not find namespace: AgCreativeCloudUtils"
    Could anyone help me resolve this problem?
    Should I uninstall the program and reinstall it
    Thank you so much

    I asked because an awful lot of people have recently been confused between downloading the Cloud and the perpetual versions of Lr - although I'm not automatically assuming your'e guilty of this - and can't understand why their serial no won't unlock their new software.
    If the wrong version has been installed, then it must be uninstalled and the right one downloaded.

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    The issue is simple. Your Mac computer has failed because of a faulty Logic, Mother, board. Happens all the time with many make and model notebooks
    Yes Apple Mac computers, even though more expensive than most any other brand, have these problems just like all the rest.
    Only thing you can do is either pay to have the logic board changed or buy a new computer.

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    "java\config\ SimpleQueueSender MyQueue 3"
    The console shows me the following error:
    "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Files\s1studio\ee\j2s
    I don�t know hot to fix this error. The classpath, and all the variables are correctily defined. I use XP o.s., jdkse 1.4 and j2see 1.3.1, and i repeat, i follow the steps of the tutorial. Could anyone help me?
    Many Thanks.
    Note: Sorry for my poor English.

    Well, it looks as if somehow your command window is converting periods into forward slashes, since "1.3.1" appears in the output as "1/3/1" and "" appears as "jms_client/properties". That is why the file is not found. If you can figure out how to stop it from doing this, the java command should be able to find the file. I'm afraid I know nothing about Windows XP command windows, however.
    I'm sorry not to be more helpful.
    Kim Haase
    Technical Writer
    Sun Microsystems, Inc.

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    thx for your suggestion ..but i did try to skip my code..but i am sure if u guy understand what i am trying to ask i try to show my all program for u guy better undrstand my problem ...the first three paragraph of code i hope u guy could focus on it ....i try ask the user to input the cd`s title to our insert list by using a function call readString( ) and i use this method to ask the user what cd they want to be delete from the list ...but it doesn`t work when i try to perform the delete cd funtion. At first, i think it should be my deleteCd( ) problem ..but i do some testing on works fine if i pass a String directly to my function instead of using readString() function to perform ...therefore, i am sure my delete function working fine....i am thinking if it is my readString() problem make my deletion does not perform well...thx for u guy help

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    I have always had a little problem messing with gradients, when creating images using them I tend to try and make things to perfect and then get very frustrated. This is the case again today
    I have attached two images, one light and one darker. Could anyone help me out recreating these using FW please?
    I am not after the letters in the center, I am just trying to create the background and the floor of the image with all its gradients and shadows.
    Any help greatly appreciated

    No I don't, never heard of that

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    all my pictures in iPhoto got deleted and i don't know how to get them back so could anyone help me with that ??

    We do need more information to help. Are the images gone from your iPhoto library, or is the iPhoto Library missing? How and when did this happen?
    If images are missing from the library: Did you check for hidden photos? Did you check the iPhoto Trash?
    If the pictures are still in the iPhoto Trash, open the Trash, select the images and and press the liitle arrow in the lower right corner - select "Put back".
    If the pictures are still in an "iPhoto" folder in the system Trash (with sub folders named by date), import these folders to your iPhoto library.
    Have you checked, if you have opened the correct iPhoto Library? Launch iPhoto with the options key held down, to select another Library.
    If the entire Library is missing, have you searched for ".photolibrary" with spotlight?
    Do have a backup?
    If none of these easy measures helps, report back with more details - your iPhoto version, and anything else that might be helpful to find out, what the problem is. Don't do anything that changes the contents of your hard drive for now.

  • Apple Mobile Device USB Driver is listed in device manager, but has a yellow  "!".  I try reinstall,disable,enable the drivers but the problem persist. Could you help me ?

    I connect my ipad to my pc (Windows xp SP3) and I can see my ipad and photos in my computer. When I install the itunes 11 , after installation , I can't connect the ipad again or any other apple device. The Apple Mobile Device USB Driver is listed in device manager, but has a yellow  "!".
    I have try to reinstall the drivers from c:\progamfiles\common files\apple\... but the problem persist. Could you help anyone about this ?

    You need to completely uninstall iTunes from your computer and then download and install it again.
    You do know that Microsoft has a web site, right?

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    If you can access the device: Tap Settings -> General -> Reset -> Erase All Content and Settings.
    If you can't do that then you need to Restore it as New:
    Locked Out, Forgot Lock or Restrictions Passcode, or Need to Restore Your Device: Several Alternative Solutions
    1. iOS- Forgotten passcode or device disabled after entering wrong passcode
    2. iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Wrong passcode results in red disabled screen
    3. Restoring iPod touch after forgotten passcode
    4. What to Do If You've Forgotten Your iPhone's Passcode
    5. iOS- Understanding passcodes
    6. iTunes 10 for Mac- Update and restore software on iPod, iPhone, or iPad
    Forgotten Restrictions Passcode Help
    You will need to restore your device as New to remove a Restrictions passcode. Go through the normal process to restore your device, but when you see the options to restore as New or from a backup, be sure to choose New.
    Also, see iTunes- Restoring iOS software.
    You can also try using DFU mode:
    Placing your device into recovery (DFU) mode:
    Follow these steps to place your iOS device into recovery mode. If your iOS device is already in recovery mode, you can proceed immediately to step 6.
       1. Disconnect the USB cable from the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, but leave the
           other end of the cable connected to your computer's USB port.
       2. Turn off the device: Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button for a few seconds
           until the red slider appears, then slide the slider. Wait for the device to turn off.
                  * If you cannot turn off the device using the slider, press and hold the
                    Sleep/Wake and Home buttons at the same time. When the device turns off,
                    release the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons.
      3. While pressing and holding the Home button, reconnect the USB cable to the
           device. The device should turn on. Note: If you see the battery charge warning,
           let the device charge for at least ten minutes to ensure that the battery has some
           charge, and then start with step 2 again.
      4. Continue holding the Home button until you see the "Connect to iTunes" screen.
           When this screen appears you can release the Home button:
      5. If necessary, open iTunes. You should see the following "recovery mode" alert:
      6. Use iTunes to restore the device.
    If you don't see the "Connect to iTunes" screen, try these steps again. If you see the "Connect to iTunes" screen but the device does not appear in iTunes, see this article and its related links.
    Additional Information:
    If you have a problem getting into recovery mode then try: RecBoot: Easy Way to Put iPhone into Recovery Mode.
    Note: When using recovery mode, you can only restore the device. All user content on the device will be erased, but if you had previously synced with iTunes on this computer, you can restore from a previous backup. See this article for more information.

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    Hi there. I also bought an iWires mini Display port to HDMI cable and have an LG LED/LCD TV. I plugged it in to my MB Pro and followed the very small writing that came in the package and got both audio and video going. You need to change the audio settings from within System Preferences on your Mac to select your TV as the audio output.
    My concern is the data latency - do you experience a delay between moving your mouse on the MBPro and the TV displaying the movement? It is only a fraction of a second, but certainly enough to be annoying, especially in a cable as expensive as the iWire.

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    How can I connect my Mac Book Pro (year 2008) to the TV set through  HDMI? I've seen a DVI to HDMI iwire but I'm no sure that it is correct. Could anyone help me? Thank you very much.

    I do not know the iWire adapter, but I use an inexpensive ($3) DVI to HDMI adapter from Monoprice, along with a regular HDMI cable: &p_id=2029&seq=1&format=2
    Be aware that this will only transfer video. You Macbook Pro cannot combine audio through DVI to HDMI. You will need to listen to the audio through the Mac speakers, or attach speakers or a sound system to the Mac earphone jack, or determine if your TV has the ability to accept external sound from the Mac while showing video through HDMI (few can).

  • Hi, Could anyone help me with variables in BEx

      I want to know what a Variable is,when and how it is used in BEx Reporting. I am aware that Variables are very important in BEx, but i don't know where to use it. I know how to create a query report,but where will i use this variables and how,while creating one.
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    With Thanks,

    Hi Siva,
    Please go through the info here. It is very helpful:

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