Problem in BPEL with payload xsd that include other payload xsd.

We have a payload xsd that includes other payload xsd. JDev does not complain when we validate or compile the BPEL project but when we try of create a variable of that type in JDev it fails. Any ideas?
<xs:include schemaLocation="RIBDate.xsd"/>
<xs:element name="XItemSupCtyDesc">
I imported both(XItemDesc.xsd + RIBDate.xsd) the xsd to JDev but it still fails.

There are known limitations to XSDs with imports and includes.
Look at metalink and log a SR.
Oracle support ignores this, but with every SR the pressure is increased...
(My SR (XSD importing XSD) was classified not as bug but as enhancement request for the next release)

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    I have 2 schemas, a simple and a complex schema. I am using oracle version
    Simple Schema
    begin dbms_xmlschema.registerSchema('type_StreetName.xsd',
    '<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
    <xsd:schema targetNamespace="" xmlns:tas=""
    xmlns:xsd="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
         <xsd:simpleType name = "type_StreetName">
              <xsd:restriction base = "xsd:string">
                   <xsd:maxLength value = "40"/>
    true, true, false, false); end;
    Complex Schema
    begin dbms_xmlschema.registerSchema('type_Locn.xsd',
    '<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
    <xsd:schema xmlns = ""
         targetNamespace = ""
         xmlns:tas = ""
         xmlns:xsd = ""
         version = "1.0"
         elementFormDefault = "qualified"
         attributeFormDefault = "unqualified">
         <xsd:include schemaLocation = "type_StreetName.xsd"/>
         <xsd:complexType name = "type_Locn">
                   <xsd:element name = "STREETNAME" type = "tas:type_StreetName"/>
    true, true, false, false); end;
    How I register them
    Simple Type
    ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS='31098 trace name context forever';
    No problems with registration of simpletype
    Complex type
    ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS='31098 trace name context forever';
    Error message with registering complex type
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-31000: Resource 'type_StreetName.xsd' is not an XDB schema docu
    ORA-06512: at "XDB.DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_INT", line 0
    ORA-06512: at "XDB.DBMS_XMLSCHEMA", line 185
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    Any help would be see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    Looks like unzipping the jar and making sure its in your classpath fixed the problem. not sure why explicitly having the xschema.jar in the classpath didn't work.

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    Many Thanks; I did finally manage to run into it on the website, but this is link is much better.
    Happy Thanksgiving.
    John Rupley

  • Problem with select query that includes a date

    I've been fighting with this for about 4 hours - yes, quite literally... I've never been good with date stuff. I have a brain block.
    Anyway, here's the situation:
    I have an Access database that has a time/date field. There are no times, just a date in mm/dd/yyyy format.
    That table is a list of classes held for the past three years. I want to make a query that only shows the classes that have ended after January 1 of this year. I don't want to put 01/01/2010 in the query itself because I want it to still work next year.
    This is the current query:
    <cfquery name="classes" datasource="#DSN#" dbtype="ODBC">
    SELECT classesTitles.ClassTitle, classesTitles.ClassDesc, classCatagories.catagoryName, classes.classStart, classes.classEnd, classes.classNotes, owners.fName, owners.lName, classTime.timeSlot, classes.classID, classes.classLimit
    FROM classCatagories INNER JOIN (((classes INNER JOIN classesTitles ON classes.classTitle = classesTitles.classTitleID) INNER JOIN classTime ON classes.classTime = classTime.timeID) INNER JOIN owners ON classes.classInstructor = owners.ownerID) ON classCatagories.catagoryID = classesTitles.ClassType
    WHERE  classes.classEnd <  01/01/#DatePart("yyyy", now())#
    ORDER BY classes.classStart, classCatagories.catagoryName, classTime.timeSlot, classesTitles.ClassTitle
    I don't get any results, but I should get a list of every class that has an end date before January 1 of this year - about 200 records.
    When I swap around the where clause to:
    <cfquery name="classes" datasource="#DSN#" dbtype="ODBC">
    SELECT classesTitles.ClassTitle, classesTitles.ClassDesc, classCatagories.catagoryName, classes.classStart, classes.classEnd, classes.classNotes, owners.fName, owners.lName, classTime.timeSlot, classes.classID, classes.classLimit
    FROM classCatagories INNER JOIN (((classes INNER JOIN classesTitles ON classes.classTitle = classesTitles.classTitleID) INNER JOIN classTime ON classes.classTime = classTime.timeID) INNER JOIN owners ON classes.classInstructor = owners.ownerID) ON classCatagories.catagoryID = classesTitles.ClassType
    WHERE  classes.classEnd > 01/01/#DatePart("yyyy", now())#
    ORDER BY classes.classStart, classCatagories.catagoryName, classTime.timeSlot, classesTitles.ClassTitle
    I get EVERY class in the database, and I should only be getting about 50
    The classes are about 8 weeks long, the begin date and end date are in the database as date/time fields, so I need to show everything that ended in 2010, regardless of when it started.
    I'm sure it's something glaringly obvious, but it's escaping me.

    The format of your date field in access is irrelevent to the situation at hand.  Use proper date objects instead of trying to build a suitable string.  For the first of January of the current year, the coldfusion functions createdate(), year(), and now() are your freinds.  Then, in case Adam's post was not clear, use cfqueryparam with the resulting variable.

  • URGENT!Problem running a Query with a Subquery that includes the same table

    Hello all,
    Currently we are working over Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( Patch Set1.
    We have registered a schema called ICRI and we have created two VIEW over this schema to work in some occasions.
    SELECT extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/ID/text()'),
           extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/NombreRecurso/text()'),
           extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/VersionRecurso/text()') || '.' || extractValue(value(m), '/Modificacion/Secuencia/text()'),
    FROM ICRI i, table(xmlsequence(extract(value(i), '/ICRI/Modificaciones/Modificacion'))) m
    WHERE extractValue(value(m), '/Modificacion/Secuencia/text()') =
          (SELECT max(extractValue(value(s), '/Secuencia/text()'))
           FROM table(xmlsequence(extract(value(i),'/ICRI/Modificaciones/Modificacion/Secuencia'))) s)
    SELECT extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/ID/text()'),
           extractValue(value(a), '/Dominio/text()', 'xmlns=""')
    FROM ICRI i, table(xmlsequence(extract(value(i), '/ICRI/Dominios/Dominio'))) a
    WITH READ ONLY;We have created 5000 XML documents based in this schema and stored in the database.
    Now we have executed different querys to obtain certain data.
    * QUERY 1
    WHERE V1.ID = V2.ID AND V1.DOMINIO = 'Mar' AND V2.DOMINIO = 'Tierra'Time: 38sg. 1 row, Value: 1097.
    * QUERY 2
    WHERE V1.DOMINIO = 'Mar'
                    WHERE V2.DOMINIO = 'Tierra')Time: 34sg. 1 row, Value: 1097.
    * QUERY 3 (XPath Version)
    WHERE existsNode(object_value, '/ICRI/Dominios[Dominio="Mar" and Dominio="Tierra"]')=1
    Time: 32msg. 1 row, Value: 1097.
    * QUERY 4 (Version XPath)
    SELECT extractValue(object_value, '/ICRI/ID/text()')
    WHERE existsNode(object_value, '/ICRI/Dominios[Dominio="Mar" and Dominio="Tierra"]')=1
    Time: 63mseg. 1097 rows.
    * QUERY 5
    WHERE V1.ID = V2.ID AND V1.DOMINIO = 'Mar' AND V2.DOMINIO = 'Tierra'
    Time: 15sg. 1097 rows.
    * QUERY 6
    WHERE V1.DOMINIO = 'Mar'
    WHERE V2.DOMINIO = 'Tierra')
    Time: 26sg. 1097 rows.
    Now, with the next query, we have found an important issue in Oracle, because this query doesn't return any row.
    * QUERY 7
    SELECT extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/ID/text()') ID,
           extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/NombreRecurso/text()') NOMBRE,
           extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/VersionRecurso/text()') || '.' || extractValue(value(m), '/Modificacion/Secuencia/text()') VERSION
    FROM ICRI i, table(xmlsequence(extract(value(i), '/ICRI/Modificaciones/Modificacion'))) m
       (extractValue(value(m), '/Modificacion/Secuencia/text()') =
        (SELECT max(extractValue(value(s), '/Secuencia/text()'))
         FROM table(xmlsequence(extract(value(i),'/ICRI/Modificaciones/Modificacion/Secuencia'))) s)
       (extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/ID/text()') IN
        (select extractValue(object_value, '/ICRI/ID/text()') ID
         FROM ICRI
         WHERE (existsNode(object_value, '/ICRI/Dominios[Dominio="Mar" and Dominio="Tierra"]')=1)
    )Time 607mseg. 0 rows.
    * QUERY 8
                                   WHERE V1.ID = V2.ID AND V1.DOMINIO = 'Mar' AND V2.DOMINIO = 'Tierra') V3
    WHERE VI.IDICRI = V3.ID Time: 16sg. 1097 rows.
    * QUERY 9
    WHERE V1.DOMINIO = 'Mar'
                    WHERE V2.DOMINIO = 'Tierra')Time: 34 sg. 1097 rows.
    * QUERY 10
    SELECT extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/ID/text()') ID,
    extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/NombreRecurso/text()') NOMBRE,
    extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/VersionRecurso/text()') || '.' || extractValue(value(m), '/Modificacion/Secuencia/text()') VERSION
    FROM ICRI i, table(xmlsequence(extract(value(i), '/ICRI/Modificaciones/Modificacion'))) m,
    WHERE V1.ID = V2.ID AND V1.DOMINIO = 'Mar' AND V2.DOMINIO = 'Tierra') V3
    (extractValue(value(m), '/Modificacion/Secuencia/text()') =
    (SELECT max(extractValue(value(s), '/Secuencia/text()'))
    FROM table(xmlsequence(extract(value(i),'/ICRI/Modificaciones/Modificacion/Secuencia'))) s)
    extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/ID/text()') = V3.ID
    Time: 15sg. 1097 rows.
    * QUERY 11
    SELECT extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/ID/text()') ID,
           extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/NombreRecurso/text()') NOMBRE,
           extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/VersionRecurso/text()') || '.' || extractValue(value(m), '/Modificacion/Secuencia/text()') VERSION
    FROM ICRI i, table(xmlsequence(extract(value(i), '/ICRI/Modificaciones/Modificacion'))) m
       (extractValue(value(m), '/Modificacion/Secuencia/text()') =
        (SELECT max(extractValue(value(s), '/Secuencia/text()'))
         FROM table(xmlsequence(extract(value(i),'/ICRI/Modificaciones/Modificacion/Secuencia'))) s)
       (extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/ID/text()') IN (SELECT V1.ID FROM ICRI_DOMINIOS_VIEW V1
                                                      WHERE V1.DOMINIO = 'Mar'
                                                      V1.ID IN (SELECT V2.ID FROM ICRI_DOMINIOS_VIEW V2
                                                                WHERE V2.DOMINIO = 'Tierra'))
    )Time: 30sg. 1097 rows.
    * QUERY 12
    SELECT extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/ID/text()') ID,
           extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/NombreRecurso/text()') NOMBRE,
           extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/VersionRecurso/text()') || '.' || extractValue(value(m), '/Modificacion/Secuencia/text()') VERSION
    FROM ICRI i, table(xmlsequence(extract(value(i), '/ICRI/Modificaciones/Modificacion'))) m
       (extractValue(value(m), '/Modificacion/Secuencia/text()') =
        (SELECT max(extractValue(value(s), '/Secuencia/text()'))
         FROM table(xmlsequence(extract(value(i),'/ICRI/Modificaciones/Modificacion/Secuencia'))) s)
       )Time: 187msg. 5000 rows.
    Well, if we execute the query based in a relational view all work fine but the performance of the query is hugely decreased. If we try to execute the query based in the XPath values, this options must be the correct, the query doesn't return any result.
    Any idea to solve this problem? For us it is very important to find a solution as soon as possible, because our development time is finishing.
    Our clients have installed Oracle Client & ODAC
    Thanks in advance for your help,

    SQL> alter session set optimizer_features_enable='10.1.0';
    Session altered.
    SQL> SELECT count(*)
    2 FROM ICRI i, table(xmlsequence(extract(value(i), '/ICRI/Modificaciones/Mo
    dificacion'))) m
    3 WHERE
    4 extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/ID/text()') IN
    5 (select extractValue(object_value, '/ICRI/ID/text()') ID
    7 WHERE (existsNode(object_value,
    8 '/ICRI/Dominios[Dominio="Mar" and Dominio="Tierra"]')=1))
    9 /
    Test this with a few of your queries and see if the results are expected.
    if so I am thinking it is close to bug 5585187
    Fixed in 11.
    I am going to see if I can get an env to see if your TC works with this fix before I confirm it 100 percent.
    Also note this was done with a very scaled down version of your testcase. Using only one XML doc
    Message was edited by: Coby

  • Problem integrating BPEL with OID

    We are setting BPEL up to work with collabsuite mid-tier. When applying the configuration steps in the ContentServices_CustomWorkflows.html provided in the devkit we run into the following problem:
    Change to perform:
    Create the Service-to-Service (S2S) Application Entity for BPEL, as follows:
    Set the CLASSPATH variable:
    Run the following command to create an application entity in Oracle Internet Directory:
    ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java AppEntity AppSubentity
    Results in the following error trying to run the command:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
    at (/usr/lib/
    at JvThreadRun(java.lang.Thread) (/usr/lib/
    at JvRunMain(java.lang.Class, byte const, int, byte const, boolean) (/usr/lib/
    at __gcj_personality_v0 (/home/oracle/product/J2EE_101200/jdk/bin/java.version=1.4.2)
    at __libc_start_main (/lib/tls/
    at JvRegisterClasses (/home/oracle/product/J2EE_101200/jdk/bin/java.version=1.4.2)
    Anybody any ideas on how to solve the problem?
    Kind regards and thanks in advance,

    The file WFLDAPB.pls should be used to recreate the package body for WF_LDAP (this file is in the wf/sql directory).

  • Problem in executing a JSP file that includes a Custm tag

    I am very new to JSP,especially custom tags. I tried to run my first custom tag program but i cud not succeed.
    I tried to run it using Tomcat as well J2ee1.3. But still cud not c the output.
    I have placed jsp file,TLD etc in Web inf of root dir and class file inside classes folder..but i got some error saying tag with prefix not found in the tag library...
    i tried in all the ways but all in vain... I will post my code and exact error i faced.. can anyone help me soon to see the output?
    import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
    public class WelcomeCtag extends TagSupport
         private String Name=null;
         public String getName()
              return Name;
         public int doStartTag()
                   JspWriter output=pageContext.getOut();
                   output.println("Welcome" + getName());
              }catch(Exception e)
                   throw new Error("Encountered an errer");
              return SKIP_BODY;
         public int doEndTag()
              catch(Exception e)
                   throw new Error("Encountered an errer");
                   return SKIP_PAGE;
         <info> A small example for usage of the tag library</info>
              <name> Welcome></name>
         <info>This tag is an example to display a welcome message</info>
    <%@ taglib prefix="example" uri="./example.tld" %>
    <title>Welcome Handler</title>
    <example: Welcome Name="Panduranga"/>
    and the error i get while executing is here..........
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /WelcomeCustomtag.jsp(6,0) No tag "" defined in tag library imported with prefix "example"
    when i referred some other tutorials some have stored the tld file inside a folder called tags inside web inf and they have used like this <tags:example> etc and it wrked but if i want to specify some attributes i dunno how to give using <tags> style....
    Can anyone help me n tell me the difference in using tag like this <eample> and <tags: example> like this.....

    Multiple tlds in web.xml
    Have multiple taglib elements in your web.xml - see below.
    </jsp-config>The jsp-config element should be just after the servlet-mapping element in servlet 2.3 spec.
    For 2.4 spec, you can put it anywhere.
    In your jsp, to use the tags from the two tag libraries, use 2 taglib directives
    <%@ taglib prefix="example" uri="http://example/taglib" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="anotherexample" uri="http://anotherexample/taglib" %>
    <anotherexample:tag2.................> etc2.
    Mutliple tags per tld
    Have multiple <tag> elements in your tld.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE taglib PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.2//EN" "">
    Interesting snippet
    If you are using a 3rd party tag library, then the tags would come packaged in a jar file. The MTEA-INF directory of the jar file would contain the tlds and the tld would have an uri element. You can use it directly in the jsp without declaring the tld file in web.xml provided the jar file is in your classpath.
    For example, take the struts tag libraries, say the logic tags.
    The struts.jar contains, among other things, the tag class files and the tld files (inside /META-INF/tlds)
    All you have to do is put Struts.jar in the classpath (easy way to do this is put it in the WEB-INF/lib directory of your web-application).
    The jar file has struts-logic-1.1.tld in the META-INF/tlds directory.
    This tld file looks like this
    ..................Now to use the tags in your jsp, you dont require the tld mappings in web.xml using the uri above in the taglib directive in your jsp
    <%@ taglib prefix="example" uri="" %> cool, right ? :)
    This is how you should pkg your own tags too. The tag classes have to be jarred and the tlds should go into the META-INF of the jar so that other users can simply add the jar to the cp and start using your tags.

  • Ipad calendar accepted event - how do I reply to all attendees with an email that includes event subject and content?

    Hi...  [No newbie flaming please]  On the iPad, I’m trying get an already accepted calendar event’s content into an email, so I can record/type/write minutes of the meeting and send it to all participants:  the same outcome as I can get from (say) outlook 2010 on a PC using the respond button, then reply or reply all.  When tapping the already accepted event in calendar, there seems only to be options for Done, Accept, Maybe, Decline... want reply and reply all buttons too...  Regards  Sam

    Very ODD this feature does not exist. Other sites claimed this was an "oversight" by Apple. I tell yah, Apple has the biggest group of wishy-washy users of all time. Cannot belive how many holes there are in in iOS compared to Android. Anyways, I found that I had to download a free app call Reply to All. It does not run native in your calendar and you have to launch it seperately to reply all to an existing calendar event. This has been a feature in Touchdown for Android for years. I'm just shocked that such a commonly used feature does not exist in iOS.

  • Creating GUI component that includes other components

    Hello, I need to create an UNIVERSAL FORM (panel) consisting of several textboxes and labels. These textboxes and labels will be defined in XML. I want it as a GUI JavaBean. It should be made from a panel with some layout and it should consist other components. Here are my questions:
    1) What class to derive from? JPanel?
    2) Well, when I override a GUI Swing component I must implement a paint method but this is a bit strange. I just want to set up the textboxes -- I do not need any special painting. A question appears -- is JavaBean technology good for this situation? Is there any better solution?

    I mean why this doesn`t work:
    public class Uniform extends JComponent implements
    Serializable {
         private String xmlContent;
         private int type;
         private JPanel panel;
         public Uniform() {
              panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1,2));
              panel.add(new JTextField("A"));
              panel.add(new JTextField("B"));
         public void paint(Graphics g) {
    }Is it a good solution? How would you solve the
    Thanks for your ideas.If you mean by 'dont' work' that your text boxes and panel doesn't appear, then it's because you're missing this line in your constructor:
    public Uniform() {
      this.add (panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);

  • Xmltype.transform() with stylesheet that includes another stylesheet

    I' trying to use xmltype.transform() with a stylesheet that includes/imports another stylesheet. But this results in a 'ORA-03113: End of communication channel'. Is xsl:include or xsl:import supported?
    This is the first stylesheet:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
         <xsl:import href="company2.xsl"/>
         <xsl:template match="/">
              <xsl:apply-templates select="company"/>
    And this the second stylesheet:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
         <xsl:template match="company">
              Company: <xsl:value-of select="."/>
    Both stylesheets are stored in the Oracle XDB Repository in folder '/public/test'.
    The following script results in an error:
    l_xsl xmltype;
    l_xml xmltype;
    l_xml2 xmltype;
    l_xsl := xdburitype('/public/test/company.xsl').getxml();
    l_xml := xmltype('<company>Oracle</company>');
    l_xml2 := l_xml.transform(l_xsl);
    I tried the following values for the href attribute of xsl:include:
    I also tried to use xsl:import instead of xsl:include with the above attribute values for href. In all cases I get the ORA-03113.
    Thanks for any help, hints or tips.
    Erwin Groenendal

    Did you look in the database alert log or in the database log area to see if any trace file was generated by your error? The listener.log may have more information too.
    Also, you can trace your session to see what is happening.
    alter session set sql_trace = true;
    run sql
    alter session set sql_trace = false;
    alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 12';
    or TURN on TRACING for any SESSION
    execute sys.dbms_system.set_sql_trace_in_session -
    (sid => &sid, serial# => &serial#, sql_trace => true);
    run sql
    execute sys.dbms_system.set_sql_trace_in_session -
    (sid => &sid, serial# => &serial#, sql_trace => false);

  • I am having some huge problems with my colorspace settings. Every time I upload my raw files from my Canon 5D mark II or 6D the pics are perfect in color. That includes the back of my camera, the pic viewer on my macbook pro, and previews. They even look

    I am having some huge problems with my colorspace settings. Every time I upload my raw files from my Canon 5D mark II or 6D the pics are perfect in color. That includes the back of my camera, the pic viewer on my macbook pro, and previews. They even look normal when I first open them in photoshop. I will edit, save, and then realize once i've sent it to myself to test the color is WAY off. This only happens in photoshop. I've read some forums and have tried different things, but it seems to be making it worse. PLEASE HELP! Even viewing the saved image on the mac's pic viewer is way off once i've edited in photoshop. I am having to adjust all my colors by emailing myself to test. Its just getting ridiculous.

    Check the color space in camera raw, the options are in the link at the bottom of the dialog box. Then when saving make sure you save it to the srgb color space when sending to others. Not all programs understand color space and or will default to srgb. That won't necessarily mean it will be accurate, but it will put it in the ballpark. Using save for web will use the srgb color space.

  • Invoking BPEL with large request payload from stored procedure

    Hi all,
    I have a stored procedure which invoke BPEL process. It is working fine with small payload (around 3000 characters). But some of the payload are as large as 75 to 100 thousand characters. I used the clob datatype for my soap envelop variable so that it can take more characters. But I am getting error if the payload size is large. Can someone help me figure how I am able to do this. Thanks.

    Hi James,
    Thanks for your response. What I need to do is, if any of the instance is failed in the first invokation, user can manual re-invoke the same process from the dashboard. I tried invoking bpel from ADF 11g and finally found out that it is not supported with SOA (I can't use Data control as the payload is already in the database).
    I am invoking an Asynchronous process. So, it is not the timeout error. The same procedure went fine with the same process if the payload is small. I include one output parameter to send the message from the procedure back to ADF, and what Ifound out was if the payload is big, I got the exception right after "utl_http.write_text(l_http_request, l_soap_envelope);". Any hope that I can still use this without going to ODI?

  • Error -43  when try playback on win7 64bits over the network QT that recide MacPro  osx 10.5 however i can play with VLC player, This happend when the QT is inside a Folder with name longer 8 chars other files has no problem with long names just the QT

    error -43  when try playback on win7 64bits over the network QT that recide MacPro  osx 10.5 however i can play with VLC player, This happend when the QT is inside a Folder with name longer 8 chars other files has no problem with long names just the QT  nfs sharing

    Never mind, I already found the solution myself.
    What I did wrong was:
    - not copying the master image to the nbi folder
    - selecting the netinstall-restore.dmg image as source to copy to my HD.
    The thing is, when you create a netinstall image for 10.5, the image itself is already included in the netinstall image so you don't have to do anything else.
    With the 10.4 image however, you also have to copy the master image to the NetBootSP0 directory.
    In the *.nbi folder contains an netinstall-restore.dmg file. But that is only to boot you to netrestore, it's not the image itself.
    Other alternative is to copy the images to another folder that you share with AFP and adjust the configuration of netrestore like described in this manual:
    This manual was also how I figured out that I forgot to copy the image to the NetBootSP0 folder.

  • Upgrade to Final Cut 10.0.7 destroyed my generators created in Motion that include drop zones. Anyone experienced the same problem ?

    In Motion 5 I created generators that included a drop zone. The objective it to bring them into Final Cut and insert into the drop zone a clip of the same duration.
    In FCX 10.0.6 I used to bring a clip to the time line and re size it to the exact duration of my generator. Then I bring the generator to the time line and selected the generator, click in the drop zone of the published parameters menu and select this clip I wanted to insert. The result was the generator using my clip and the clip playing during all the duration of the generator with the generator effect.
    Now, with 10.0.7 I can’t make that work. When I click in the clip I would like to import into the drop zone, the result is that there’s just a frozen image of the clip (in the same place I clicked with the mouse)
    Is this a known problem of 10.0.7. It used to work well in 10.0.6
    Thanks for your help !

    I can't see that the update would have any effect on custom generators as they are housed separately from FCP X.
    Many weird things happen as a result of corrupt preferences which can create a vast range of different symptoms, so whenever FCP X stops working properly in any way, trashing the preferences should be the first thing you do using this free app.
    Shut down FCP X, open PreferenceManager and in the window that appears:-
    1. Ensure that only  FCP X  is selected.
    2. Click Trash
    The job is done instantly and you can re-open FCP X.
    There is absolutely no danger in trashing preferences and you can do it as often as you like.
    The preferences are kept separately from FCP X and if there aren't any when FCP X opens it automatically creates new ones  .  .  .  instantly.

  • BPEL with SAP integration problem.

    I have a serious problem to integrate with SAP and BPEL.
    I have to create a IDOC document in BPEL process.
    Can I create IDOC in BPEL process through SAP Adapter?
    Does anybody know about this?
    Thanks in advance.

    Looks like Process B is being called successfully, if it wasn't it wouldn't be in the BPEL Console.
    I suggest that you look at the Process B the in the flow in the BPEL Console. It looks like you may be assigning a variable that has not been populated.
    The reason why you cann't see a instance for Process A is because Process B has not returned a value, sucess or failure. Therefore Process A is still stitting there waiting. To confirm this go to your BPEL Console select the BPEL processes tab then the manual recovery. You should see a row for your Process A.

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