Problem in cell selection in JTable Java Swing

I am using JTable that shows data from database. I have developed one functionality. I change one cell value and then select multiple cell. If I press F12 function key then it copies first selected value and past it to another selected cells. it is working properly but when I press F12 it sets the last selected cell in editable mode. I want that all cell which has been pasted should be selected (with default blue colour not in editing mode). I am using ListSelectionListener for JTable Cell Selection and KeyListener for F12 functionality.
Please give some solution
I can not override editCellAt Method because i have already extended JFrame. and i tried to do this with Jtable.getSelectedColumn and getSelectedRow it is displaying the same value, by this how can I get the particular area of selection means Row nd Column Selected.
How would I know the current selection when user selects more than one cell???
Edited by: 850979 on 11-Apr-2011 02:13
Edited by: 850979 on 11-Apr-2011 03:59

camickr wrote:
Presumably, JTable installs an action for the F12 key that results in starting editing the last selected cell.
There are no bindings for F12. See the [url]Key Bindings listing. (...)
Of course it doesn't make sense that a F? key should invoke the editorI thought he meant F2 ("edit" on Windows), so that sounded natural.
All KeyEvents are passed to the editor for the cell and the editor is psuedo invoked. That is, the caret is not placed on the text field used as the editor, but the character typed is added to the editor. You can then either use tab/enter to save the text or use the escape key to cancel the editing.Thanks for the explanation. I had never noticed (I kept on double-clicking my JTable cells when I wanted to edit them! :o)
Of course it doesn't make sense that a F? key should invoke the editor, but this is a by product of all KeyEvents being forwarded so you don't have to have special Key Bindings for every character.You're right - as always.
They (Sun) could have filtered out some of the keys such as those, though, because as noted by the OP the current behavior is unintuitive.
To better control when the cell is editable based on the KeyEvent you can override the table with code like <snipped>
As you suggested using a Key Binding will prevent this behaviour as well (but only for that key).Right again, but in this specific case that is acceptable (the developer wants to attach a specific behavior to a specific key only).
OP here is an SSCCE of that second approach:
public class TestKeyBindingsOnJTable {
    public static void main(String... args) {
        final DefaultTableModel dtm = new DefaultTableModel(new String[] {"A", "B"}, 0);
        dtm.addRow(new String[]{"A1", "B1"});
        dtm.addRow(new String[]{"A2", "B2"});
        dtm.addRow(new String[]{"A3", "B3"});
        JTable table = new JTable(dtm);
        table.getInputMap().put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F12, 0), "clear");
        table.getActionMap().put("clear", new AbstractAction() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, table);
}Edited by: jduprez on Apr 8, 2011 9:36 PM

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    Try overriding the changeSelection(....) method of JTable.
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    Hi, use
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    Welcome to SDN...
    Try using NDIV0 , and see if the problem is due to divide by zero or Web report as such. Strange that it works in BeX but does'nt work in WAD...

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    I added what I knew about improving Sun java fonts to the wiki: … _-_Sun_JRE.  You may want to try other fonts than B&H's Lucida.  See the section in the wiki article about changing the default fonts by editing ''.

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    /** start button */
    public void gStart_ActionEvents() {
    try {
    getJTextPane1().setText("Program is running ...");
    Status = 1;
    } catch (Exception e) {}
    /** stop button */
    public void gStop_ActionEvents() {
    try {
    getJTextPane1().setText("Program is NOT running ...");
    Status = 0;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    /** procedure IzvajajNeprekinjeno() */
    public void IzvajajNeprekinjeno() {  //RunLoop
    try {
    int zamik = 2000; //delay
    do {
    PreberiDat(); //procedure
    } while (Status == 1);
    } catch (Exception e) {
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    Best regards,

    This is a multi thread problem. When you start the gui, it is running in one thread. Lets call that GUI_Thread so we know what we are talking about.
    Since java is task-based this will happen if you do like this:
    1. Button "Start" is pressed. Thread running: GUI_Thread
    2. Event gStart_ActionEvents() called. Thread running: GUI_Thread
    3. Method IzvajajNeprekinjeno() called. Thread running: GUI_Thread
    4. Sleep in method IzvajajNeprekinjeno() on thread GUI_Thread
    5. Call PreberiDat(). Thread running: GUI_Thread
    6. Check status. If == 1, go tho 4. Thread running: GUI_Thread.
    Since the method IzvajajNeprekinjeno() (what does that mean?) and the GUI is running in the same thread and the event that the Start button has thrown isn't done yet, the program will go on in the IzvajajNeprekinjeno() method forever and never let you press the Stop-button.
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    This tutorial explains how to build a multi threaded gui.

  • Selecting cells in a JTable

    Hi All,
    I'm looking for a way of selecting all cells from the original drag point to the current cell that the mouse is over.
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    Has anyone got any ideas?

    Hi Pchatwin,
    Any dukes available for bad news? :)
    Thanks Stas but wouldn't that select entire rows
    rather than cells?
    For example, if I have a grid:
    and drag from cell 3 to cell 9 I would need to see
    cells 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 highlightedUnfortunately this is impossible with JTable's default selection model. By default, JTable models selections simply as an intersection of selected rows and columns. It doesn't track individual cells.
    Turning to your example:
    If you select cells 2,3,4,5 JTable tracks the following.
    Note: The numbers I am using are row/col indexes, not your cell values.
    Selected rows = {0}
    Selected cols = {1,2,3,4}
    This means the following cells are selected:
    {{0,1},{0,2},{0,3},{0,4}} or {2,3,4,5}
    Now if you want to add cells 6, 7, 8, 9 it won't work. The selection model tracks whether a column is selected or not. It can't be selected for one row and not for another. So it's impossible to have cell 6 selected and not 1. It would mean that column 0 would need to be both selected (to include 6) and not (to include 1). Does this make sense?
    Sorry to have to tell you that. On the other hand it may save you some frustration.
    Oh, and whether or not one can provide a custom model that allows this, I don't know - I've not tried it myself. It could be, but might be very difficult. For example, what would you return from JTable.getSelectedRows()?
    Shannon Hickey (Swing Team)

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    can any one tell me why the discrepency taking place. that textfield is
    there in that cell .then how it does make any difference with a single and double click.

    i hav added a JTextField in a cell of a JTableYou don't add a text field to a cell in a table. You add a text String to the TableModel. When the user double clicks on the cell an 'editor' is invoked and the text is copied to the editor (which by default is a JTextField). So the KeyStrokes go to the editor text field.
    When you just single click on a cell the table still has focus, not the editor, to the KeyStroke character is passed directly to the text field without the text field actually getting focus.

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    Works fine for me.
    If you need further help then you will need to provide [url]Simple Demo Code that demonstrates the problem.

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    Printing is a bit of a nightmare, actually. Most of the trouble is layout. Basically a Printable is passed a page number and a graphics context and has to work out what components go on that page and where. It can't depend on the pages being requested in sequence.
    You can call getPrintable from a JTable, and you can call that through your own Printable in order to add extra pages. However you can't ask a Printable how many pages it's going to produce, you just have to invoke it and see if it returns a code to say that the page is out of range.
    And the Printable JTable generates is very limited, the table has to occupy full pages, you can't tell it to start in a different place on the first page, or find out how much space it's used on the last page. The headers and footers generate JTable's own idea of a page number, not yours.
    You can call print() on most Swing components, but you'll need to set their size and location first, and/or mess with the transformation in the graphics context.

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    Here i want to know how to store the data's of a .txt file
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    You can't just display data from a text file in a JTable. You have you understand the structure of the data so that you can parse the data and create a table model that can access the data in a row/column format. Here is an example of a simple program that does this:


    How to print the excel cell comment in java swing frame
    user can print the data of cell with comment in bracket in java swing frame.
    please make one java code to read an excel spreed sheet and print the output in Java swing frame as follows
    EMP NO - 1, 2, 3
    EMP NAME - aname (amitesh:very good), bname (amitesh: average), cname (amitesh: very bad)
    EMP AGE - 11, 22, 33
    EMP DESG - ad, bd, cd
    Note: the bracket portion is the excel comments put in that cell

    hello everyone i'm new to this are you all...
    Jack Brosnan
    [mobile phone|]

  • Jtable in cell how to single mouse click make the cell selected.

    it seems need double click make cell selected.

    these link will help you.
    It has code for both examples, with 1 click and with 2 clicks:

Maybe you are looking for