Problem in sending updates to GTC target

I have auto provisioning OIM users to SQL's MyUser table using GTC (DBAT 9103). The auto provision works fine for new users in OIM.
However, any further changes to already provisioned OIM-User's attribute NOT getting provisioned to SQL's table. I checked the Lookup.USR_PROCESS_TRIGGERS and added "Change First Name" and "First Name Updated" to task list of SQL_GTC procsess using adpSQL_GTC adapter. Note that SQL_GTC process and adpSQL_GTC adapter are created by default.
When I change First Name from OIM UI, I gets this error in weblogic console.
*DEBUG,[OIMCP.DATC],Class/Method: DBFacade/updateParentRecord - Data: SQL: - Value: update dbo.MyUser set MyUser_FirstName=? where MyUser_UserId='kabi.patt' .*
Looks like The above SQL statement is not getting the values during subsequent provisioning. What could be the mistake ?

You would normally cascade the changes to the USR form using the Change First Name task to copy from USR form to process form and the let First Name Updated copy the value from process form to the target system.
It doesn't sound like you have configured the cascading correctly.
Best regards

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    Did you already try to reset your network settings in Settings/General/Reset?

  • Multiple Samsung Stratosphere problems after FF1 update

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    For reference, a lot has been discuss here -->
    Summary:  Verizon and Samsung have finally updated the Stratosphere almost 1 year after release.  This updated the phone from Android 2.3.5 to Android 2.3.6.  Going by filename, this is known as the FF1 update.   This update went live at the end of August 2012, and most users were upgraded before mid September 2012.
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    -Lock screen has changed.  The puzzle piece and glass lock options have been removed.  New options have been added, such as facial recognition unlock.
    -Call answering screen has changed, introducing the option to ignore call with a message.
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    -Phone icon has changed ever so slightly
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    -(I am sure there are more.  please list any others you may have noticed)
    I have found some problems, and others have confirmed that this is (at least) somewhat widespread:
    -The biggest problem is with wifi connectivity.  Upon an initial connection to wifi, everything works great.  After somewhere between 15minutes and 2 hours, problems start happening.  Its as if the wifi keeps hanging or reconnecting.  Download speeds (tested with the app) slow to about one third of normal.  Apps like Facebook that require a constant connection will just time out.
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    At my house, I struggle to get a 3g or 4g signal.  I depend on wifi for my data connection.  So with the wifi connection problem introduced by teh FF1 update, my phone is somewhat useless to me now while at home.  Here are teh troubleshooting steps I have been through so far to attempt to fix the wifi problem:
    -Complete factory reset on my phone.  (did not help)
    -Pull battery and SIM card out of phone for 15 minutes.  (did not help)
    -Went to a Verizon store.  The guy at the store was helpful, and said he also had a Stratosphere and was getting the same wifi problems after the update.  He said all he could do was to send me out a replacement phone. I got the replacement phone, and it had the same problems.
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    The only thing that temporarily fixes the problem is a reboot of the phone.  This will again give you anywhere from 15min to 2 hours of good wifi use before problems start happening.
    I have now had this update for over a week, and on 2 phones.  I still can't maintain a wifi connection for much longer than 15 minutes without problems starting up.
    I am asking Verizon or Samsung to at least confirm this issue if possible.  Maybe there are newer revs of the Stratopshere hardware that don't have this problem.  Or there is something unique about my (and apparently others) situation.  But it seems like Verizon's current stance is to offer a repalcement phone (as currently all Stratospheres are within their 1 year manufacture warranty as the phone has not been ouy for quite 1 year yet).
    I am asking for a workaround for this problem, or a true fix adressed by a new software update, or at least allow us to roll back to the original Andorid 2.3.5 software.
    I have had my original Stratosphere for almost a year with no wifi problems - then get the FF1 update and have had nothing but problems on 2 different phones.
    Thank you for your time.

    Thanks for starting a comprehensive thread on problems with this update. I want to add one more.
    I have Bluetooth in my car (a 2004 model), and previously the phone has connected to it practically instantly when I start the car. Since the update, I have never been able to connect the phone to the car by Bluetooth. Several times the phone has made a standard notification sound at the moment it should be connecting to Bluetooth, though no notification appears. I have no idea what that could mean.The car's Bluetooth shows up as paired in the list of devices in Settings > Wireless & networks > Bluetooth settings. I haven't seen this widely reported as an update issue, but perhaps some others have experienced it too.
    UPDATE: I finally did some testing, and found that the notification was to signal the extremely brief appearance of a dialog indicating that the car's Bluetooth was requesting a connection. Accepting that request let the phone connect with the car, and calls went to the car's sound system as they should. When I turned the car off and back on (just the electrical system; not wasting any gas on this!), the connection was established immediately, so apparently the acceptance only had to be done once. Nevertheless, it did have to be done, and the dialog notification disappears within seconds. I believe it would have been possible to go into Bluetooth settings and accept the connection request there if I missed the notification; but not seeing the notification, I might not know to do this.
    One further observation: When I turned the phone's Bluetooth off and back on after a connection had been established, leaving the car on the whole time, the two did not reconnect. I believe that may be different from before the update, but I'm not really sure.
    Message was updated by David Rensberger

  • Problem with Send and Receive Emal In SAP System

    Hi gurus!
    I have a following quote:
    Dear !
    I have a problem with send and receive email in SAP system following :
    I want to test send and receive email in local network at my company. I
    had two server
    Server 1 : I setup Exchange Mail Server 2007 with domain controller is
    Server 2 : I setup SAP ERP ECC 6.0
    On Server 1 : I created 2 account ( and ) and then I tested send and receive email between u1 and u2 in local network through Microsoft Outlook 2007 -> OK
    and then
    On Server 2: I had configured send and receive email on SAP system
    through tcode SBWP, SCOT and SOST as Note 455140 - "Configuration of
    e-mail, fax, paging or SMS using SMTP"
    for example :
    I logged in SAP system with user Basis01 (with email ) -> then,using tcode SBWP -> new message -> send to with Internet Mail type and then status message with green light -> sending ok
    and then I have used Microsoft Outlook 2007, I logged with account u2 ->check email -> Ok. I saw message which send from u1
    Finally, My problem is how can receive mail in SAP system without using Microsoft Outlook
    For example:
    Login system SAP with Basis01 account (with ) -> tcode SBWP ->New Message -> send to
    and then
    Login system SAP with Basis02 account (with ) -> tcode ??? ->
    To receive email from Basis01 (with )
    Please help me now
    I replace "@" with "A" because of banning email of this forum.
    This quote is about sending email in local network. And we can't receive any email from the outside email address. Addition if I wanna send email to internal email in Internet (we've just tried with email address in local network) What should I config in SAP and Exchange ?
    By the way, Is SAP Server IP added to Relay Agent for sending or receiving mail ?
    An NLP
    Edited by: An NLP on Apr 6, 2010 7:03 PM

    This problem is a classic problem of mail routing via Exchange. Exchange like most mail servers use the domain part of the email address as a means to route mails. So I will make an assumption that your main company mail addrss is "User @".
    So when you send a mail to the "User @ mail" address the mail is delivered to your Outlook mail address as this is the default route for company.
    (Q) So how do you get your Exchange server to relay the mail into the sending SAP system?
    (A) The easiest way would be to setup and unique mail domain for your SAP system. I always recommend "user @" which in your case would be "u1 @". You can then instruct Exchange to send any emails addressed to domain to your SAP system. Also using this format of address you can configure multiple mail connections into multiple SAP systems.
    (A) Another answer would be to enter the "Full" email address (LOcal and Domain part of address) into the routing rule for Exchange e.g. "U1 @" so that all emails addressed to this user will be delivered into SAP. However this method requires a lot of Admin as you will have to update Exchange with ALL email address that need to receive emails. Also if your corporate mail address is "U1 @" then all mails will be forwarded to SAP.
    I would definitely NOT recommend this method but the decision is up to you.
    P.S. The IP address of the SAP system is entered into the mail header of the email. This is standard practice in SMTP relay. You can suppress this header in Exchange
    Hope this helps

  • Problem in sending HTTP request to the server.

    i dveloped an ant script for sar deployment.
    i deployed a sar to my local soa server with ant script. it got deployed succesfully..
    but when i try to deploy to a remote server, getting the below error..
    "Problem in sending HTTP request to the server. Please make sure the server is up and/or check standard HTTP response code for 404"
    but the server is up and runnig and i am able to ping it from my machine and also access the console...
    below is my script
    #Deployment environment
    #Deploy Action
    deployAction =redeploy
    #For Composite deployment
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <project name="soaDeployAll" default="deployAll">
         <echo>basedir ${basedir}</echo>
         <property environment="env"/>
    <echo>current folder ${basedir}</echo>
         <property file="${basedir}/"/>
         <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml">
              <pathelement location="${all.needed.jars.path}/ant-contrib.jar"/>           
         <target name="init">
                   <format property="timestamp" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss"/>
              <property name="build.log.dir" location="${basedir}/buildlogs"/>
              <mkdir dir="${build.log.dir}"/> <property name="build.log.filename" value="build_${timestamp}.log"/>
              <record name="${build.log.dir}/${build.log.filename}" loglevel="verbose" append="false"/>
              <echo message="Build logged to ${build.log.filename}"/>
         <target name="deployAll" depends="init">
         <echo>Deploy for environment ${deployment.plan.environment}</echo>
         <antcall target="deployAllComposites"/>
    <!-- Following Actions are performed for Composite files in Managed Server - Deploy,Redeploy -->
         <target name="deployAllComposites" depends="init">
         <foreach target="deployComposites" param="Files">
              <fileset dir="${sarLocation}" casesensitive="no" includes="*.jar"/>
         <target name="deployComposites" depends="init">
         <basename file="${Files}" property="basename"/>
    <echo>Deploy Project ${basename} for environment ${deployment.plan.environment}</echo>
                   <equals arg1="${deployAction}" arg2="deploy" />
                        <echo message="Deploying composites in Managed server........." />
                        <ant antfile="${oracle.soa.home}/bin/ant-sca-deploy.xml" inheritAll="true" target="deploy">
                             <property name="serverURL" value="${serverURL}"/>
                             <property name="user" value="${user}"/>
                             <property name="password" value="${password}"/>
                             <property name="overwrite" value="false"/>
                             <property name="forceDefault" value="${forceDefault}"/>
                             <property name="sarLocation" value="${sarLocation}/${basename}"/>
                        <echo message="ReDeploying composites in Managed server........." />
                        <ant antfile="${oracle.soa.home}/bin/ant-sca-deploy.xml" inheritAll="true" target="deploy">
                             <property name="serverURL" value="${serverURL}"/>
                             <property name="user" value="${user}"/>
                             <property name="password" value="${password}"/>
                             <property name="overwrite" value="true"/>
                             <property name="forceDefault" value="${forceDefault}"/>
                             <property name="sarLocation" value="${sarLocation}/${basename}"/>                         
    please help....

    Give the serverURL as http://<host>:<managed.server.port>/soa-infra/deployer and try.
    e.g .
    Neeraj Sehgal

  • I've upgraded to iOS 7.0.2. I'm having problems now sending thru iMessage although my account is verified, I've upgraded to iOS 7.0.2. I'm having problems now sending thru iMessage although my account is verified

    Hello everyone. My name is Jogi from the Philippines. I've encountered a problem with sending iMessages. I'm using iPhone 5 and I've upgraded it to iOS 7 then 7.0.2. After updating to iOS 7 I've already encountered the problem. However upon updating to 7.0.2 it got better for a while then the next day the problem with sending iMessage returned.
    My account is verified since I've been using iMessage for more than two years now and signal is great coz I have to make use of viber app to send messages online. I've already deactivated and activated iMessage service for a few times, account is verified. Still is hasn't improved for about a week now.
    Any ideas?

    There are iMessage problems. Some report that a reset has worked, others say to go to Settings>General>Reset>Reset All Settings or Reset network settings. Apple is aware of the problem and is working on an update. Should be released very soon.

  • Delta Update in data Target Must be Deactivated Before deleting the request

    Hi Experts,
    I got an error while deleting a request from an ODS target.  In breaf Let me explain..
    Today one data load got failed. The data source 0CRM_SALES_CONT_I ( CRM  Sales Contract : Item ) is updating data to 4 ( Four ) ODS targets.
    So I forcefully made the request red to delete the request from the targets. But  I unfortunately deleted another request without making it RED, I reconstructed it. Everything is looking fine.
       But the thing is , when I tried to  Delete the ERROR request from  the other two related Data Targets ( 0CRM_CN2P  and   0CRM_CNT1) , I fount these warnings..
                    --> Request 140522 already retrieved by Data Target BWPCLNT600
                    --> Delta update in Data Target BWPCLNT600 must be DEACT. before deleting the request.
                    --> Do you want to DEACTIVATE the Delta Update in the Data Target BWPCLNT600   ?
       I clicked on YES.
    I am having doubt, will it make any problem in future ? Or How Can I Resolve this problem   ?

    Hi shanthi bhaskar ,
    Thank you. But the client no which I have mentioned is not our. That is different, I have given for the example. Bur the DS and ODS name are as it is.
       and  Shanthi, Won't be any problem as  I got the warning as mentioned above.. ?

  • Problem in sender JDBC adapter

    I am facing one typical problem in sender JDBC adapter.
    Here is the issue,
    JDBC API method getString threw an exception: java.sql.SQLException: Cursor state not valid.
    Can anyone please help me out in solving this problem?
    Actually after a retry of 3 times the message has been successfully sent. Till then i am getting these error
    On 1st attempt ,
    Error during conversion of query result  to XML java.sql.SQLException: Cursor state not valid
    On 2nd attempt,
    Error during conversion of query result  to XML java.sql.SQLException: Internal driver error                                                                               
    On 3rd attempt,
    Processing finished successfully.
    This is the scenario that i can see in the audit log.
    Can you please help me out in solving this issue.

    Hi gaurav,
    It was a good response from your side.
    I have gone through the FAQ but could not able to find anything.
    Can you please help me out in this regard ?
    Also i am using select query of this kind,
    and update query of this kind,
    I am using prity big select query. is there any option to optimize it?
    Can you please help me out in solving this problem

  • Problem in sending images

    Hi All,
    I have a problem in sending HTML mail with images.I am able to get the image in my mail if i place the image part and the html part in two different tables I am able to get the image along with the html message but if i use the following code i.e using single table i am not able to get the image someone plase help me to get this done and tell me where am i going wrong?
    Properties props = System.getProperties();
                    props.put("", smtpServer);
                    Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
                     Message message = new MimeMessage(session);
                   message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
                    message.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO,InternetAddress.parse(to, false));
                   message.setSentDate(new Date());
                    MimeBodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
              MimeBodyPart messageBodyPart1 = new MimeBodyPart();
              MimeBodyPart messageBodyPart2 = new MimeBodyPart();
    StringBuffer msgStrBuf = new StringBuffer();
    msgStrBuf.append("<html><head></head> <body><table  width=\"640\" align=\"center\"  height=\"293\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" bgcolor=\"#D3D3D3\" ><tr><td><img src=\"cid1:image1\" width=\"640\" height=\"92\"></td></tr>");
    DataSource fds1 = new FileDataSource("webimages\\sampleimage.jpg");
    messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(fds1));
    String headerbody = "";
    msgStrBuf.append("<tr><td width=\"640\" align=\"center\"   bgcolor=\"#E6E6E6\" height=\"50\" valign=\"top\"><font size=\"2\" color=\"#4C4C4C\" face=\" Arial,Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">����Dear "+locUserName+","+"<br><br>����"+"Here is the updated status report on your project.</font></td></tr>"+"  <tr> <td bgcolor=\"#E6E6E6\" height=\"100\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\">  <table width=\"95%\" height=\"100\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" bgcolor=\"4C4C4C\" >" +"<tr> <td width=\"200\" align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\"><strong><font  size=\"2\" face=\" Arial,Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\" color=\"#FFFFFF\">��PROJECT:</font></strong></td><td><font  size=\"2\" face=\" Arial,Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><strong>"+getProjectName+"</strong></font></td></tr>"+"   <tr> <td  width=\"200\" align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\"><font  size=\"2\" face=\" Arial,Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><strong>��LAST UPDATE:</strong></font></td><td><font  size=\"2\" face=\" Arial,Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><strong>"+concatTime+"</strong></font></td></tr></tr></table></td></tr> "  );
    msgStrBuf.append("<tr> <td  bgcolor=\"#E6E6E6\" height=\"50\" valign=\"middle\"><font size=\"2\" color=\"#4C4C4C\" face=\" Arial,Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">����" +"In case you have any questions, please send an email to <a href=\"mailto: </a>. Our customer <br>����service representative will contact you to address any  concerns. ");
    msgStrBuf.append("<br><br>����Thank You,<br> ���.</font></td></tr>");
    msgStrBuf.append("<tr><td  bgcolor=\"#E6E6E6\" height=\"100\" valign=\"top\"> <br><hr><font color=\"#666666\" size=\"-6\" face=\" Arial,Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">����This is an automatically generated email. Please do not reply to this. If you need further information, contact the email address <br>����given above.<br>����If you wish to change your contact email address, please log in to follow the link and modify your<br>����preferences. You can also change the frequency of email updates in the project settings link.</font></td></tr>");
    headerbody = msgStrBuf.toString();
    // Part two is attachment
    String mailingFileId = "";
    mailingFileId = "XL Data/"+getProjectID+".xls";
    mailingFileId = "GPXL Data/"+getProjectName+".xls";
    System.out.println("mailingFileId :"+mailingFileId);
    System.out.println("locGroupClass :"+locGroupClass);
    String mailingFileNAme = getProjectName+".xls";
    DataSource source = new FileDataSource(mailingFileId);
    messageBodyPart2.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source));
    messageBodyPart2.setFileName( mailingFileNAme);
    // Put parts in message
                    System.out.println("Message sent OK.");
                  } catch (Exception ex)
                        }Message was edited by:

    messageBodyPart.setHeader("Content-ID1","<image1>");The name of the header is "Content-ID", not "Content-ID1".
    Of course, if you used the setContentID method on MimeBodyPart,
    the compiler would find this error for you.

  • Recurring meeting in Outlook sending updates automatically to all recipients

    We use Outlook 2007 with Exchange 2003 SP2 cached mode.  We have a project team that schedules meetings for working groups that include some people in our organization and several from other companies.  With only one user we have an odd recurring meeting problem.  When our employee creates a meeting, makes it recurring with an end date, adds recipients and sends the meeting out, the recipients receive it and reply.  All is well. 
    However, at random times, even when Outlook isnt connected to the system, Exchange sends a duplicate meeting invite to all recipients again, and they all reply again.  This time, their replies are different.  We receive a reply for each occurance in the series rather than just a single reply for the series.  Some recipients are saying that they received 6 invitations from us instead of one, and had to accept each one.  This happens about three times per meeting.  Another thing we noticed is that the End Date on the series is changing.  We wondered why updates were being sent out if nothing had changed and realized that the End Date for the series was incrementing by one day.  For example, the series was supposed to end on Nov. 21st when our employee sent out the message.  The End Date changed to Nov. 22nd and Exchange sent an update to all (This was on a Saturday that this happened.)  There were more updates sent by Exchange over the next few days and each update had added another day to the End Date.
    Any ideas why the system would send updates to meetings on its own and change the end date? James Nelson

    We are experiencing the same problem.  Four times in the last six months or so we've had iPhone users send out Calendar items that end up resending over and over and over.  This is on Exchange 2003.  The calendar items were each created in Outlook 2007 and involved multiple invitees.  Some of these items were reoccurring events, others were not. 
    What we have found is that when the owner/creator of the calendar item deletes the acceptance emails from the invitees, that is when another calendar item is sent out again.  This also happens if the acceptance email is moved to a subfolder.  In other words:
    Jane creates a calendar invite and includes Bill and Bob.
    Bill and Bob each accept the invite and an acceptance/confirmation email is sent to Jane.
    When Jane deletes Bill's acceptance email another calendar invite is sent to both Bill and Bob.
    When Jane moves Bob's acceptance email to a subfolder...another calendar invite is sent to both Bill and Bob.
    The only way I have found to stop the invite for re-sending is to delete the original invite and start over, or for the sender to not delete or move the acceptance emails.
    I have not figured out what causes this problem. 

  • Problem while sending IDOC to File Senario

    Hi Experts
        I am having problem while sending the Idoc from SAP R/3 to File
       I have done all the setting in SAP as well in XI but while pushing IDOC
       I am getting error in the transaction sm58 in SAP R/3
      " <b>The service for the client 300(My SAP R/3 client) is not present in Integration
    I can any one explain me what to done on this....all the connections are fine
    Waiting for Response
    Adv points and thanx

    Reason and Prerequisites
    You send IDocs from system ABC to the exchange infrastructure (XI) of system XIZ, and error messages are issued in system ABC (Transaction SM58) for the IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS function module.
    This note proposes solutions for the following error messages:
    a) No service for system SAPABC client 123 in the integration directory
    b) Transaction IDX1: Port SAPABC, client 123, RFC destination
    c) ::000
    d) NO_EXEC_PERMISSION: "USER" "Business_System"
    e) IDoc adapter inbound: Error error ...
    a) Error message: No service for system SAPABC client 123 in the integration directory
    You send IDocs from system ABC to XI. In the control record of the IDoc, the SNDPOR field contains the value "SAPABC". The client of the sending system is determined by the MANDT field of the control record. The system ID and client are then used to determine a service without party of the type (business-system/business-service):
    Business system
    Activities in the System Landscape Directory (SLD)(Create technical system):
    Create a technical system for system ABC in the SLD, and create the client for this. Do not forget to assign an "ALE logical system" (for example, "ABCCLNT123") to this technical system.
    SLD (Business system):
    You can now explicitly assign a business system to this client.
    For more details, refer to the SLD documentation.
    Activities in system ABC (self-registration in the SLD):
    Alternatively, you can register the system in the SLD in system ABC with Transaction RZ70. You will find detailed information about the SLD registration of systems on the SAP Service Marketplace for the "Exchange Infrastructure" in the document "Exchange_Installation_Guide.pdf".
    In system ABC, you can check your configuration with TransactionSLDCHECK.
    Activities in Integration Directory (import business system from SLD):
    You will find the business systems under Services Without Party in the Integration Services. In the Service menu, you will find the system identifiers, the client, and the corresponding ALE logical system under "Objects"->"Adapter-specific identifiers".
    Use the Import/Update button to copy the data from the SLD, to create business systems, or to update their identifiers.
    Business service
    Activities in the Integration Builder directory:
    You want to create a service without party that is not part of your system infrastructure and is therefore not maintained in the SLD.
    In the Integration Builder directory, you will find the "Business-Services" under Services Without Party. In the Service menu, you will find the system identifiers, the client, and the corresponding ALE logical system under "Objects"->"Adapter-specific identifiers".
    Activate the change list in Integration Directory.
    In system ABC, you can restart the incorrect entry from Transaction SM58 .
    b) Error message: Transaction IDX1: Port SAPABC, client 123, RFC destination
    The Integration Server tries to load the IDoc metadata from the sending system. The IDoc schemas from the Integration Repository cannot be used because they are release-dependent.
    The sending system is determined by the value of the "SNDPOR" field from the IDoc control record (for example, "SAPABC").
    Activities in the central XI system:
    In Transaction IDX1, you can assign an RFC destination to the sending system (for example, "SAPABC"). This must be created beforehand in Transaction SM59.
    Note that the IDoc metadata is cross-client data. In Transaction IDX1, only one entry must be maintained for each system. Only the lowest client is used by the runtime for Idoc metadata retrieval with RFC.
    Ensure that only SAPABC and not "SAPABC_123" is entered in the port name.
    c) Error message: "::000"
    This error occurs if the central XI system tries to load the IDoc metadata from the sending system by RFC.
    There may be several different reasons for the failure of the metadata import, the error is not transferred in full by tRFC completely, and this results in the error message above.
    User cannot log onto sending system
    User/password/client is not correct or the user is logged due to too many failed logons.
    Activities in sender system ABC:
    Transaction SM21 contains entries for failed logons.
    Activities in the central XI system:
    Determine the sending port from the IDoc control record of the IDoc. If the ID of the sending system has the value "ABC", the value of the sending port is "SAPABC". You will find the RFC destination used for the "SAPABC" sending port with the lowest client in Transaction IDX1. In Transaction SM59, you will find the RFC destination containing the maintained logon data .
    User does not have the required authorizations
    Activities in the sender system ABC:
    In Transaction SM21, you will find entries relating to authorization problems and more exact details.
    Contact your system administrator and, if necessary, assign the user the required roles in user administration.
    IDoctyp/Cimtyp cannot be loaded
    Activities in sender system ABC:
    In the sender system, you can check your IDoc types in Transaction WE30 (IDoc type editor)  Take note not only of the errors, but also of the warnings.
    The most common errors are:
    - IDoc type or segments not released
    - Segments that no longer exist are listed in the IDoc type
    - Data elements that do not exist in the DDIC are assigned to fields
      in the segment.
    Contact your system administrator and correct these errors in the IDoc type.
    d) Error message: NO_EXEC_PERMISSION: "User" "Business_System"
    You created a list of users in the directory who are authorized to use the "Business_System". The user in the error message is not on the list.
    Alternatively, the same error is used if you have created a sender agreement with a channel of the IDoc type for the "Business_System" and the interface used. The user in the error message is not contained in the list of all authorized users defined there.
    e) Error message: IDoc adapter inbound: Error error
    You send IDocs to the central XI system, where they are received by the IDoc adapter. The IDocs are converted into IDoc XML, and a corresponding XI message is generated and transferred to the XI Runtime Engine. The Engine tries to read its own business system from the "Exchange Profile". If the Exchange Profile is currently unavailable, the message is not processed and it is returned to the sending system with an error message.

  • Nano problems - unable to update/restore

    I saw a thread on a very similar topic, and I'm rather hoping someone bright like Casper could help me as well!
    For some reason my Nano was showing the sad iPod icon (I'm guessing this is related to using the Logic3 speakers, as I never had any problems before). I diligently followed the instructions in the ipod/support and made the download of 28.6.06 so that I could update and restore.
    Here's the problem! The updater cannot find my nano to restore - all I get is the 'unable to mount (??) ipod'.
    So what do I do? I've tried resetting, updating, re-booting, different usb etc etc and nothing works. I even tried uninstalling the latest update and using the one from January as suggested by Casper, but not being a whizz on computers I couldn't work out how to uninstall them.
    Help!! Like a previous subscriber I am also leaving for my holidays later this week.
    Any assistance would be massively appreciated!
    Dell   Windows XP  
    Dell   Windows XP  

    Thanks btbaz, I had been right through the various
    suggestions in the web to no avail.
    I tried re-formatting, but this did not work. I tried
    putting my nano in 'disk mode' but it didn't want to
    know. In fact I had given up on the whole thing!
    Then, some six hours later, I thought I'd give it
    another go, so I threw my daughter off the computer
    and tried once more. I saw a reply from Casper Gemini
    to another thread, and I tried once more, and yes, lo
    and behold, I achieved disc mode status, and yes, I
    could even format, and yes, I managed to restore, and
    yes, I've just this minute re-registered the nano and
    I'm in the process of copying the songs back across!
    I couldn't be happier, unless of course those
    professional mumpheads had actually managed to
    convert a spot kick from twelve yards with no
    defenders present . . . you know what I mean!
    So thanks for the suggestion, and thanks to Casper on
    the other thread. Fingers crossed that my Logic3
    speakers don't trip the ipod up when I'm on holiday.
    Perhaps I'll make some CD's, just in case.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening . . me, I'm going to
    indulge in a glass of wine, and maybe a small
    Dell   Windows XP
    You should have apple forum awards, first one should go to casper as his solution worked for me as well. Send him some free stuff he deserves it.

  • CS4 Problem with Template Updates

    There's another thread on this subject, but I couldn't see any final resolution.
    I'm having a problem with Template Update.
    I  have all pages in site linked to a single template.  I built the template 1st and  then created each page from the template using normal method.
    When  I now make a change to the template, I save the template and it  automatically saves and opens a box to select pages to update. I  do NOT have to use the Updates feature on the top menus, but I have done  that too just to try different things. When I select all the files,  it updates them all, most of them correctly. BUT, one or several of them  will have a NEW Main Content (and sometimes header) superimposed on top  of the existing Main Content (or header). It shifts the page downward and to the right.  By the way, down below the screwed section, the content is all still there and the original template is still intact under the screwed up area.
    To fix it, I create a new page from  the template and start over inserting the Main Content, which is nothing  special, just formatted text.  Next time I update, that same page will  always get screwed up again, but sometimes 1 or more different pages  will also get screwed up in the same way, always with a new nested Main  Content area (on top of the original or sometimes pushed down half a  page).
    I thought it might be because of a nested Main Content in that section of the template, but I see none, or any other abnormal html.  It does not do this to all 20-30 pages, just one every time and one or more random ones.  I see nothing in html different from one page to the next.
    Don't know how to attach documents to this, but I have the template and two of the screwed up pages to send.
    [email protected]

    The site is
    Public directory is /public_html, but that's the root, so the links below should work.
    These pages are out of their normal directory, so the supporting  links won't work, but you can see the code. Look at the home page and  you can see what all the pages are supposed to look like.
    The template which created the problem with the pages below is at /support/TEMPLATE index.dwt
    The page that consistently fails is called poatool.html - the bad one is at /support/BAD poatool.html
    A 2nd page that failed on that UPDATE is there also - /support/BAD bibliography.html
    The currently working copy of the page that fails everytime is /articles/poatool.html.

  • Problems in sending Scheduling Agreement Change using ORDCHG

    Hi All,
    I am having problem while sending Scheduling Agreement change from a source system to a target system using ORDCHG in ALE,
    Its going to ORDERS and creating a fresh new Sales Order instead of creating ORDCHG idoc's & creating a new order only for the chages.
    Please provide some inputs on what Messge Types can support Scheduling Agreement change to Sales Order change.

    Hi Pavan,
    Thanks for ur suggestion.
    I have tried with DELINS message type, the IDoc is getting created but in the receiver side the status always remains 51 with message Vendor XXXXX not saved for the customer YYYYY.

  • EFI Problems after last update anyway to downgrade ??

    EFI Problems after last update anyway to downgrade ??
    i have updated my MacBook 2010 EFI to MB71.0039.B0E which is 2.1 version
    after updating to this version the Boot time become much slower when i want to change boot partition
    and shutdown become very much slower and startup too
    i tried to install Mac OS X Lion again but it doesnt help
    can i downgrade to this version 2.0 ???
    or when Apple will release the new version ?
    or where can i send a feedback regarding this issues !!!!

    These are user to user forums. If anyone knows the answer, they will give it.
    You can always call Apple support which may charge a fee or you can patiently wait for an answer here, which is free.

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