Problem inserting/extracting attachments

I have two LC sevices. One renders pdf forms using data, including attachments, from a DB. Once the user has updated such a form, it gets submitted to the other service. This one extracts the data, including attachments, and updates the DB. Basically the DB contains a bunch of identifiable objects which are accessible to the user through pdf forms.
When a user adds an attachment, or several, in Adobe Reader and submits the form to the second service, it works just fine. Rendering this particular object to pdf again also works fine.?? The attachments added in the previous "step" are included in the form and can be opened in Adobe Reader.
Problem:When a form contains attachments that have been added by our first service, some of them won't be extracted correctly and thus cannot be saved back into the DB. Mysteriously some attacments work just fine, even though all of them were added in the same way to the very same pdf form. In one case I have four jpg's attached to a form, 2 of which work and 2that don't.
Looking att the list var that contins tha extracted attachments I see that the ones that don't work look like this:...
and that's it. a single line. The ones that do work are much longer of course.
Even the ones that don't work can be opened just fine from Reader prior to being submitted to the service. In Reader, the only way to distinguish the attachments added by our first service is that they have timesamps in the description field.
Best Regards,

When i open the resulting pdf in Reader, all the attachments work just fine. I then add a fourth attachment, "Blue hills.jpg" in Reader and submit the form to our second service using a watched folder.<br /><br />This is what the attachments list var looks like after being extracted using the processFormSubmission service operation of the FormsService.<br /><br />Linebreaks and indentation added by me for clarity: <br /><br />[PID:-1] /process_data/attachmentsList - List: java.util.ArrayList:       Number of elements :4<br />{<br />1:<br /><document state="passive" senderVersion="0" persistent="false" <br /> senderPersistent="false" passivated="true" senderPassivated="false" <br /> deserialized="false" senderHostId="null" callbackId="0" <br /> senderCallbackId="0" callbackRef="null" isLocalizable="true" <br /> isTransactionBound="false" defaultDisposalTimeout="600" <br /> disposalTimeout="600" maxInlineSize="65536" <br /> defaultMaxInlineSize="65536" inlineSize="28521" <br /> contentType="null" length="-1"><br />     <cacheId/><br />     <localBackendId/><br />     <globalBackendId/><br />     <senderLocalBackendId/><br />     <senderGlobalBackendId/><br /><br />        "inline" element below has been edited due to <br />          unpostable characters.<br />     <inline>���ï¿...snip...FX Global Lightin...</inline><br />     <senderPullServantJndiName/><br />     <attributes <br />      modification-date="Wed Aug 04 13:00:00 CEST 2004"    <br />         creation-date="Wed Mar 18 21:42:57 CET 2009" <br />        description="" name="Blue hills.jpg"/><br /></document><br />2:<br /><document state="passive" senderVersion="0" persistent="false" <br /> senderPersistent="false" passivated="true" senderPassivated="false" <br /> deserialized="false" senderHostId="null" callbackId="0"  <br /> senderCallbackId="0" callbackRef="null" isLocalizable="true" <br /> isTransactionBound="false" defaultDisposalTimeout="600" <br /> disposalTimeout="600" maxInlineSize="65536" <br /> defaultMaxInlineSize="65536" inlineSize="0" <br /> contentType="null" length="-1"><br />     <cacheId/><br />     <localBackendId><br />          <DocumentFileID  <br />fileName="C:\TEMP\AdobeDocumentStorage\local\docm1237408627390\924c6476cba7c878e2c5d1ac 2ecf9b12"/><br />     <localBackendId/><br />     <globalBackendId/><br />     <senderLocalBackendId/><br />     <senderGlobalBackendId/><br />     <inline/><br />     <senderPullServantJndiName/><br />     <attributes <br />      modification-date="Wed Mar 18 21:37:27 CET 2009" <br />      creation-date="Wed Mar 18 21:37:27 CET 2009" <br />      description="" name="Winter.jpg"/><br /></document><br />3:<br /><document state="passive" senderVersion="0" persistent="false" <br /> senderPersistent="false" passivated="true" senderPassivated="false" <br /> deserialized="false" senderHostId="null" callbackId="0" <br /> senderCallbackId="0" callbackRef="null" isLocalizable="true" <br /> isTransactionBound="false" defaultDisposalTimeout="600"     <br /> disposalTimeout="600" maxInlineSize="65536" <br /> defaultMaxInlineSize="65536" inlineSize="0" <br /> contentType="null" length="-1"><br />     <cacheId/><br />     <localBackendId><br />          <DocumentFileID fileName="C:\TEMP\AdobeDocumentStorage\local\docm1237408627390\924c6476cba7c878e2c5d1ac2e cf9b12"/><br />     <localBackendId/><br />     <globalBackendId/><br />     <senderLocalBackendId/><br />        <senderGlobalBackendId/><br />        <inline/><br />        <senderPullServantJndiName/><br />     <attributes <br />      modification-date="Wed Mar 18 21:37:27 CET 2009" <br />      creation-date="Wed Mar 18 21:37:27 CET 2009" <br />      description="" name="Winter.jpg"/><br /></document><br />4:<br /><document state="passive" senderVersion="0" persistent="false" <br /> senderPersistent="false" passivated="true" senderPassivated="false" <br /> deserialized="false" senderHostId="null" callbackId="0" <br /> senderCallbackId="0" callbackRef="null" isLocalizable="true" <br /> isTransactionBound="false" defaultDisposalTimeout="600" <br /> disposalTimeout="600" maxInlineSize="65536" <br /> defaultMaxInlineSize="65536" inlineSize="0" <br /> contentType="null" length="-1"><br />     <cacheId/><br />     <localBackendId><br />          <DocumentFileID fileName="C:\TEMP\AdobeDocumentStorage\local\docm1237408627390\924c6476cba7c878e2c5d1ac2e cf9b12"/><br />     <localBackendId/><br />     <globalBackendId/><br />        <senderLocalBackendId/><br />        <senderGlobalBackendId/><br />        <inline/><br />        <senderPullServantJndiName/><br />     <attributes <br />      modification-date="Wed Mar 18 21:37:27 CET 2009" <br />      creation-date="Wed Mar 18 21:37:27 CET 2009" <br />      description="" name="Winter.jpg"/><br /></document><br />}<br /><br />Notice how "Water lilies.jpg" and "Sunset.jpg" have turned into copies of "Winter.jpg"!<br /><br />Note:<br />Although it probably has nothing to to with my problem, it seems to me that Reader, or is it LC, generates xml that isn't well formed. Looks like the <localBackendId> is incorrectly terminated with <localBackendId/>. Something for adobe to look into?

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    This is an known issue, you can refer to the article that our MVP Diane Poremsky wrote:
    Attachments are hidden in tasks and appointments
    My opinion is, since calendar doesn't support attachments, this may be expected when you are using an account.
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    Hi krishna,
                       yes we did enhancement to this data source. In PRDOCTION its taking 27 hours time  to load data.
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    08/05/2010 12:02:02 Result of customer enhancement: 10,849 records
    08/05/2010 12:02:03 PSA=0 USING & STARTING SAPI SCHEDULER
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    like this its taking 24 hours in extraction its self.
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    Edited by: kotha123 on Aug 10, 2010 12:09 PM

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    Tarrant County IT
    CCC - SAP Support

    Hi Surendhar,
        Did you try to check the connection b/w ypur source system and the target system?
    You can do it by executing T.Code RSA1-> Select Source Systems-> Right click your source system-> Check.
    Also, pls check ST22 for any short dumps and SM21 for system logs.
    Hope it helps!!!!
    Message was edited by: Amit

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    Without a way to reset the tool, the only possibility seems to be to reset your preferences as described in the FAQ.
    You either have to physically delete (or rename) the preference files or, if using the Alt, Ctrl, and Shift method, be sure that you get a confirmation dialog.
    This resets all settings in Photoshop to factory defaults.
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    It appears that in the past few days you have not received a response to your
    posting. That concerns us, and has triggered this automated reply.
    Has your problem been resolved? If not, you might try one of the following options:
    - Visit and search the knowledgebase and/or check all
    the other self support options and support programs available.
    - You could also try posting your message again. Make sure it is posted in the
    correct newsgroup. (
    Be sure to read the forum FAQ about what to expect in the way of responses:
    If this is a reply to a duplicate posting, please ignore and accept our apologies
    and rest assured we will issue a stern reprimand to our posting bot.
    Good luck!
    Your Novell Product Support Forums Team

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    I have noticed that. The true problem is that the child files name starts out as the parent layer name, but then somewhere down the line it turns wonkie, starting to be named things like 12.psd etc. Please see attached. Your can't re-save the name of the child file either because all that does is save out a named temp file that does not get linked back to the parent what is making the name change?

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    This could be a problem w/ the Screen Mimic file because I have no problem inserting other flv files supplied to me by others.
    That would my guess too. Here are few other things to consider:
    1)  Does your FLV filename contain any spaces or special characters?  If so, rename it without spaces as these can cause problems.
    2)  Output Screen Mimic project to a QuickTime MOV file.  Then use Adobe Flash Encoder to convert the MOV to FLV.
    3)  When you tested your page, was it a live page on remote server?  Did you upload the page and all supporting files to server (Scripts folder, SWF, FLV...)?
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics |  Print | Media Specialists

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    If anyone has any suggestions, I would be most appreciative.
    Stacey Stanley

    This could be a problem w/ the Screen Mimic file because I have no problem inserting other flv files supplied to me by others.
    That would my guess too. Here are few other things to consider:
    1)  Does your FLV filename contain any spaces or special characters?  If so, rename it without spaces as these can cause problems.
    2)  Output Screen Mimic project to a QuickTime MOV file.  Then use Adobe Flash Encoder to convert the MOV to FLV.
    3)  When you tested your page, was it a live page on remote server?  Did you upload the page and all supporting files to server (Scripts folder, SWF, FLV...)?
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics |  Print | Media Specialists

  • RegisterOutParameter - setBinaryStream - Problems inserting Blob - setRAW

    As posted in metalink (was: "Problems inserting BLOB/InputStream with ojdbc14.jar for 10g - Data size bigger than max size for this type"):
    Using setBinaryStream for large Blobs works as long as I don't register outParameters.
    Query that works: "INSERT INTO blobtest (attachment_id,name,data) VALUES(blobtest_SEQ.nextval,?,?)";
    Query that fails = "BEGIN INSERT INTO blobtest (attachment_id,name,data) VALUES( blobtest_SEQ.nextval,?,?) RETURN attachment_id INTO ? ; END;"
    The necessary tables were created by hand:
    CREATE TABLE blobtest ( NAME CHAR(255), data BLOB, attachment_id NUMBER(38))
    The output was: <<user: SEE
    pw: QD
    instantiating oracle driver
    query: INSERT INTO blobtest (attachment_id,name,data) VALUES(TBL_ATTACHMENT_SEQ.nextval,?,?)
    uploaded no Return Parameter blob of size: 256809
    query: BEGIN INSERT INTO blobtest (attachment_id,name,data) VALUES(TBL_ATTACHMENT_SEQ.nextval,?,?) RETURN attachment_id INTO ? ; END;
    java.sql.SQLException: Datengr÷&#9600;e gr÷&#9600;er als max. Gr÷&#9600;e f³r diesen Typ: 256809
    at BlobTest.writeBlob(
    at BlobTest.testBlob(
    at BlobTest.main(
    error: Datengr÷&#9600;e gr÷&#9600;er als max. Gr÷&#9600;e f³r diesen Typ:
    here the java test case:
    * Created on 25.08.2004 $Id:,v 1.4 2005/04/22 11:21:11 hauser Exp $
    * as posted in metalink jdbc forum 050405 and responses by
    * [email protected]
    import java.sql.CallableStatement;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.Driver;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
    import java.sql.Types;
    public class BlobTest {
    private static String FILE_NAME = "c:/temp/veryLargeFile.pdf";
    public BlobTest() {
    final static int ORACLE = 1;
    final static int MYSQL = 2;
    private String jdbcUrl = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/test?user=monty&password=greatsqldb";
    private int dbType = ORACLE;
    private Driver driver = null;
    private String user = "";
    private String pw = "";
    public static String SCHEME = "";
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    BlobTest bt = new BlobTest();
    if (args[0] != null) {
    System.out.println("dbType: " + args[0]);
    if (args[0].toLowerCase().indexOf("oracle") != -1) {
    bt.dbType = ORACLE;
    if (args[0].toLowerCase().indexOf("mysql") != -1) {
    bt.dbType = MYSQL;
    } else {
    System.out.println("not yet supported db type: " + args[0]);
    if (args[1] != null) {
    System.out.println("jdbcUrl: " + args[1]);
    if (args[1].trim().length() != 0) {
    bt.jdbcUrl = args[1].trim();
    } else {
    System.out.println("not yet supported jdbcUrl : " + args[1]);
    if (args.length > 2 && args[2] != null) {
    System.out.println("user: " + args[2]);
    if (args[2].trim().length() != 0) {
    bt.user = args[2].trim();
    } else {
    System.out.println("invalid user: " + args[2]);
    if (args.length > 3 && args[3] != null) {
    System.out.println("pw: " + args[3].substring(0, 2));
    if (args[3].trim().length() != 0) { = args[3].trim();
    } else {
    System.out.println("invalid filename: " + args[3]);
    if (args.length > 4 && args[4] != null) {
    System.out.println("filename: " + args[4]);
    if (args[4].trim().length() != 0) {
    FILE_NAME = args[4].trim();
    } else {
    System.out.println("invalid filename: " + args[4]);
    public void setUp() {
    try {
    if (this.dbType == ORACLE) {
    System.out.println("instantiating oracle driver ");
    this.driver = (Driver) Class.forName(
    } else {
    this.driver = (Driver) Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")
    if (this.driver == null) {
    System.out.println("oracle driver is null");
    } catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("error: " + e.getMessage());
    public void testBlob() {
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("error: " + e.getMessage());
    * testfunction
    private void writeBlob() throws Exception {
    Connection conn = null;
    PreparedStatement pStmt = null;
    CallableStatement cStmt, cStmt2 = null;
    InputStream in = null;
    try {
    File file = new File(BlobTest.FILE_NAME);
    in = new FileInputStream(file);
    conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:" + this.jdbcUrl,
    String queryWorks = "INSERT INTO " + SCHEME
    + "blobtest (attachment_id,name,data) VALUES(" + SCHEME
    + "TBL_ATTACHMENT_SEQ.nextval,?,?)";
    cStmt = conn.prepareCall(queryWorks);
    System.out.println("query: " + queryWorks);
    cStmt.setString(1, file.getAbsolutePath());
    in = new FileInputStream(file);
    cStmt.setBinaryStream(2, in, (int) file.length());
    System.out.println("uploaded no Return Parameter blob of size: "
    + file.length());
    String queryFails = "BEGIN INSERT INTO " + SCHEME
    + "blobtest (attachment_id,name,data) VALUES(" + SCHEME
    + "TBL_ATTACHMENT_SEQ.nextval,?,?)"
    + " RETURN attachment_id INTO ? ; END;";
    cStmt2 = conn.prepareCall(queryFails);
    System.out.println("query: " + queryFails);
    cStmt2.setString(1, file.getAbsolutePath());
    in = new FileInputStream(file);
    cStmt2.setBinaryStream(2, in, (int) file.length());
    cStmt2.registerOutParameter(3, Types.INTEGER);
    System.out.println("uploaded blob of size: " + file.length()
    + " - id: " + cStmt2.getInt(3));
    } catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("error: " + e.getMessage() + "\nname: "
    + BlobTest.FILE_NAME);
    if (conn != null) {
    try {
    } catch (Exception e1) {
    throw e;
    } finally {
    if (in != null) {
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    if (pStmt != null) {
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    if (conn != null) {
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    and the batch file I use to start:
    @echo off
    rem $Id: runBlobTest.bat,v 1.2 2005/04/21 15:06:22 hauser Exp $
    set classpath=../WEB-INF/classes;../WEB-INF/lib/ojdbc14.jar;
    set JAVA_HOME=C:\PROGRA~1\Java\j2re1.4.1_02\
    echo classpath: %classpath%
    set javaCmd=C:\PROGRA~1\Java\j2re1.4.1_02\bin\java
    %javaCmd% -version
    %javaCmd% BlobTest "oracle" "oracle:thin://@ORADB.yourdomain.COM:1521:t300" "username" "password" "C:\Temp\veryLargeFile.pdf"

    Apparently, this is partially known - with a different stacktrace though:
    <<From: Oracle, Anupama Srinivasan 25-Apr-05 07:15
    Can you please check on Bug:4083226?
    Using the RETURNING Clause is not supported with JDBC. You could embed the statement in PL/SQL Block as in Metalink Note 124268.1 - JDBC Support for DML Returning Clause.
    The Enhancement Request filed on this issue is being considered for Release 10.2
    And my answer to it.
    Using the RETURNING Clause is not supported with JDBC.This is strange, with just "emptyblob()", it DOES work.
    I guess, our work-around that hopefully is more portable than embedding a "PL/SQL Block" will be to
    1) create the record with an empty blob,
    2) update the blob in a second statement (now, a RETURNING statement is no longer needed)

  • Problem in extracting data

    Hi All
    i am getting problem while extracting data.
    XML is .
    <po:PurchaseOrder xmlns:po=""
    <Part>9i Doc Set</Part>
    <Part>8i Doc Set</Part>
    and i am writing SELECT query as
    select p.extract('/(PurchaseOrder/Company)').getStringVal() from po_tab2 p
    then i get blank rows.
    SQL> select p.extract('/PurchaseOrder/Company').getStringVal() from po_tab2 p;
    6 rows selected.
    but if i use only root element in xpath then it displays result with xml data.
    SQL> select p.extract('/PurchaseOrder').getStringVal() from po_tab2 p;
    <po:PurchaseOrder xmlns:po="" xmlns:xsi="
    a-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <Part>9i Doc Set</Part>
    <Part>8i Doc Set</Part>
    how can i extract data from child nodes.

    seems like problem with the namespace.
    pls add the third argument to the extract function i.e the namespace.
    select p.extract('/PurchaseOrder/Company', 'target namespace').getStringVal() from po_tab2 p;

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    The little grey camera icon ( IMovie) is not working or allowing me to open my photos. I have no problem inserting video. Just won't let me open my photos. Any ideas?

    It may help to rebuild your iPhoto Library's database, as detailed in the article linked below.
    iPhoto 6 and later: Rebuilding the iPhoto library

  • Problem inserting photos in Imovie project

    i have what seems an unusual problem inserting photos into one of my projects. some photos insert fine however others that are dragged into the project dont appear when the video is played. the bar does however appear above the video clip showing that the photo has been inserted and the duration can be toggled.
    i then tried inserting the same photo into another short project and it worked fine?!
    has anyone come across this? would really appreciate your help as trying to put together a video clip for a wedding which is taking place in a few days!!
    many thanks

    I have also tried deleting the ... I don't have one to delete ??  And, I tried repairing disk permissions with disk utility ... no change. I have also tried changing the title of the project.  These same pictures can be added into any other project ... I'm going CRAZY!

  • Having a Problem downloading Email Attachments

    In the last month or so (probably late July early August), I have started having problems with email attachments and I have changed no settings.  I have them set to save to my card and the size is set to Maximum in the email settings on both of my email accounts AND there is plenty of room on both the phone memory and my card.  Most of them will not DOWNLOAD to the phone.  I get a list of the attachments with the attachment name and the download arrow with an exclamation point and when I try to re-download they still won't download.  This is becoming a major hinderance for my work because I am expected to be able to read these.  Simple text documents, word doc's, excel spreadsheets, pdf's.  On the same email from 9/12 I have a .doc and a .pdf that did download and another .pdf that did NOT.  HAS THERE BEEN SOME DOCUMENT SIZE CHANGE or some other change that is causing this???  I rarely if ever had this happen before.  Please help me...very frustrated.

        dlcooper, that sounds frustrating!  I'd love to help.  What specific application are you using to download and view the email attachments?  Let me suggest resetting the application.  Retest and let me know how it works out for you.  Thanks!
    VZW Support
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