Problem: launch javaBean method in Javascript?

I want to launch a method of javaBean in javascript, but it always occur errors.
the main code is as following:
<jsp:useBean id="getPropertyBean" class="mmes.BeanSetExamProperty" scope="page"/>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
function check(){
var kp_name,kp_code;
for(var i=0; i<10; i++){
kp_name = form1.selectedknowledgepoint.options.text;
kp_code = getPropertyBean.getCode(kp_name); //getCode(String name) is a method
// Just here, error occurs.
} //end of check()
Because kp_name is varible in function check(), So, how can I launch getCode()?

JSP runs on the Server.
Javascript runs on the client.
JSP. Server
Javascript. Client
These things are not the same.
They can not communicate with eachother directly.
All of the JSP code runs when the the page is requested. It finishes, and sends the page back to the client.
THEN you can run javascript code at the client end.
The only way you have to invoke java/jsp code again is to send an http request by submitting a form/ clicking a hyperlink.
In short - you can't call Javabeans from javascript.

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    No. The Java and Javascript in a Faces application are really working in two different universes.
    Java is running on the server. It generates HTML (and sometimes even Javascript) and sends that to the client machine. That's where all your backing beans are.
    Javascript runs directly in the browser. There's no way anything on the server can have access to anything you define in Javascript, unless you explicitly send that information back to the server, either via standard form submission (which only works when someone presses a "Submit" button) or via an Ajax-type call. So otherwise, nothing you define in Javascript will ever be available to a backing bean.

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    Since, java bean code will be executed on the server side and java script executes on client side, by the time your javascript variable created, the bean code is already been executed.

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    public static int countChars(String s) {
    return s.length();
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    /*     i = document.forms.myForm.TestApplet.countChars();
         document.forms.myForm.output.value=i; */
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    <input type="text" name="output">
    Thanks in advance!
    Craig Drabik
    Sr. Programmer/Analyst
    University at Buffalo

    I have very similar problem, my applet works OK using Netscape (6.2 and 7.0), but with IE 6.0 It only works with windows XP;
    The reported error is "Object doesn't support this property or method"
    Can someone please help me to solve this problem.
    This is my code:
    - I call the applet using javaScript and input the method setData with two strings.
    function graphic()
         var dataZenith;
         var dataManual;
         dataZenith = graphicZENith(); //Call other Javascript functions
         dataManual = graphicManual(); //Call other Javascript functions
    I run the applet with this HTML code:
    <applet NAME="AppletOne" code="Appl.class" width="450" height="450"
    //Applet code/////////////
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Appl extends Applet {
         private int [] myArray1 = new int [156];     
         private int [] myArray2 = new int [156];
         private boolean flag = false;
         // maxDataYAxesNumber es usado para dividir el eje de las Y
    public void init()
              setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 12));
              setBackground (Color.white);
    // Get data and put in an array
    public void setData(String data1, String data2)
              final String DELIMITER = ",";
              final StringTokenizer theTokens1 =
                   new StringTokenizer(data1, DELIMITER);     
              final StringTokenizer theTokens2 =
                   new StringTokenizer(data2, DELIMITER);
                        String dataX = data1;
                        for (int i = 0; i < 156; i++)
                        myArray1[i] = Integer.parseInt(theTokens1.nextToken().trim());
                        myArray2[i] = Integer.parseInt(theTokens2.nextToken().trim());
              catch (NumberFormatException e) {};
              flag = true; //I get the data OK
    public void paint (Graphics g){
    Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
    setData(data1, data2) ;
    if (flag == true)
                   //Call other functions to process the graphic
    else g2d.drawString(" Sorry I can get Data", 100,80);          

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    It's your plugin - you can do whatever you want and expose them however you wish.

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    I am facing problem in date validation in javascript.The requirement is my PO delivery date should be greater than my Sysdate.For that I wrote Javascript programme as below-
    function sysValidate(item){
                        var itemValue=item;
    // alert(itemValue);
    /* if((itemValue == '')||(itemValue == null))
    return false;
                        var today = new Date();
                        var sysDay = today.getDate();
                        var sysMonth = today.getMonth()+1;
                        var sysYear = today.getFullYear();
                        var fieldArray = itemValue.split("/");
                        var itemDay = parseInt(fieldArray[0]);
                        var itemMonth = parseInt(fieldArray[1]);
                        var itemYear = parseInt(fieldArray[2]);
    if(itemYear > sysYear)
    return false;
                             if(itemYear < sysYear)
                                  return true;
                                  if(itemMonth > sysMonth)
                                       return false;
                                       if(itemMonth < sysMonth)
                                            return true;
    if(itemDay >=sysDay)
    return false;
    return true;
    Now inspit of my PO delivery date greater than sysdate ,while saving record I am getting Alert as Save denied as delivery date prior to sysdate
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    alert("Save denied as delivery date prior to sysdate");
    return bool;
    Plz,help.As this problem is occuring on Production Server due to this my suppliers can't save record.

    hi Vaish,
    here is the code i have modified
    function sysValidate(item){
    var itemValue=item;
    var fieldArray = itemValue.split("/");
    var today = new Date();
    var sysdate=new Date(today.getFullYear(),today.getMonth(),today.getDate(),0,0,0);
    var inputdate=new Date(parseInt(fieldArray[2]),parseInt(fieldArray[0])-1,parseInt(fieldArray[1]),0,0,0);
    alert("sysdate "+sysdate);
    alert("inputdate "+inputdate);
         return true;
         return false;
    call the validate method form here :
    alert("Save denied as delivery date prior to sysdate");
    alert("Saved successfully")

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    Hi Victor,
    well, onMouseUp("blablup");
    I do not finally get your problem - do you want to send an event? So just add it to the URL and send the URL  -or do you want to excut the form? Why then not add the "event" to a hiden field in the form and execut that form then?
    In the handler you can ask for the details of the hidden field.
    I think it is not exactly what you are fter - but it could be that this is anyay a solution.

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    Hi, i have problems with JavaBeans in JSP.
    In a jsp file( locating in ROOT directory of tomcat 4.0.6 :jakarta-tomcat-4.0.6\webapps\root ) i have this code:
    <jsp:useBean id="paramBean" class="licentza.ParamBean" />
    <jsp:setProperty name="paramBean"
              value='<%= request.getParameter("numeUser") %>' />
    where ParamBean it's a "bean" class locating in jakarta-tomcat-4.0.6\webapps\examples\web-inf\classes\licentza (licentza is the package i'm using).
    And i get this error:
    Generated servlet error:
    D:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0.6\work\Standalone\localhost\_\dora\intrare2$ Class licentza.ParamBean not found.
    ParamBean paramBean = null;
    What is the problem?Thank you.

    Put the class file or the package under :jakarta-tomcat-4.0.6\webapps\root\WEB-INF\classes.

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    Contact iTunes store support:

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    Someone clicks on a URL that contains parameters like: http://server/page.jsf?param=b
    How do I trigger a JavaBean method to run during page load? I see many JSF examples where JavaBean methods get called during form clicks and that works great but here I want to run code on page load.
    This must be really simple; sorry I'm new to this technology.
    Must I use <% ... %> syntax or can I use actual JSF tags or configuration to accomplish this?
    Thanks very much in advance!

    Putting a lot of logic in getter( ) function is not the best idea considering that getter( ) could be called all over the place. Using constructor for same purpose is also a bad idea especially with request scope beans. This could also happen many times at different stages. You are right, having a page load concept could be useful. Unfortunately JSF framework does not support. You could architect around it in case desperate. Or if using JSF implementation of certain vendors like IBM, you can take advantage of their implementation that was extended to support pageLoad and postBack events (similar to .NET).
    Many postings on this forum dealt with topic. Feel free to review like this one:

  • Problem accessing applet methods since 1.4.2_06

    I'm working with ie 6.0
    I'm accessing applet methods from javascript
    My applets were working fine until I installed the JRE 1.4.2_06 (I tested them with JRE 1.4.2_05 and it worked)
    Now, when I call an applet method from javascript, I have a javascript exception, as if the applet is not loaded, but I think it is : I can see it in the traces in the java console !
    I didn't modify the code, just the JRE.
    It doesn't work with jre 1.5 too
    Here a simple sample code that doesn't work with JRE 1.4.2_06 :
    APPLET :
    import java.applet.Applet;
    public class Test extends Applet
         public void test() {
    HTML :
    <script language="JavaScript">
         function myTest() {
    <form name="myform">
    <OBJECT NAME="test" WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=120 CLASSID="CLSID:8AD9C840-044E-11d1-B3E9-00805F499D93">
    <PARAM NAME="code" value="Test.class">
    <PARAM NAME="scripting" value="true">
         <input type="button" value="test !!" onclick="myTest()">
    If you have any suggestion ...

    It should work, what if you try the following:
    html file:
    <script language="JavaScript">
    function myTest() {
    function myTest1() {
    <form name="myform">
    <OBJECT NAME="test" id="test" WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=120 CLASSID="CLSID:8AD9C840-044E-11d1-B3E9-00805F499D93">
    <PARAM NAME="code" value="Test.class">
    <PARAM NAME="scripting" value="true">
    <input type="button" value="test !!" onclick="myTest()"><br>
    <input type="button" value="test with getelementbyID!!" onclick="myTest1()"><br>
    import java.applet.Applet;
    public class Test extends Applet{
    public void test() {
    public void init(){
         System.out.println("this is init");
    When you open the page it should say "this is init" in the java console
    if the test button doesn't work try the getElementById way.

  • Problem with traverse method

    Hi, I am having this problem:
    I made a CustomItem, a TextField, now I overloaded the traverse method, so if the keycode is Canvas.UP or Canvas.DOWN then return false else return true.
    The problem is that when I press the left or rigth button it also returns false and not true.
    and there is another problem with traverse, before returning false or true I set a boolean and call to repaint to draw it on some way if its selected or not, the paint method is being called but it just dont draw as desired.
    protected void paint(Graphics g, int ancho, int alto) {
              System.out.println ("Dentro del paint, seleccionado="+seleccionado);
              try {
                   g.drawString(label, 0, 0, Graphics.TOP|Graphics.LEFT);
                   if (!seleccionado) {
                        g.setColor(120, 120, 120);
                   g.drawRect(0, 4, tama�oTexto+8, 25);
                   if (seleccionado) {
                        g.setColor(255, 255, 255);
                        g.fillRect(1, 5, (tama�oTexto+8-1), 23);
                   g.setColor(0, 0, 0);
                   if (!seleccionado) {
                        g.setColor(80, 80, 80);
                   g.drawString(texto, 4, 7, Graphics.TOP|Graphics.LEFT);
                   if (seleccionado) {
                        int cursorX=Font.getDefaultFont().charsWidth((texto.substring(0, idLetraActual)).toCharArray(), 0, texto.substring(0, idLetraActual).length())+4;
                        g.drawChar('|', cursorX, 7, Graphics.TOP|Graphics.LEFT);
              } catch (Exception E){
         }the traverse method set the seleccionado variable and calls to repaint but instead of being false the paint method is drawing it as true (most of times).

    I have a problem with findByxxx() method.. in
    Container managed bean.
    i have
    Collection collection =
    specified in my Client Program, where ownerName is the
    cmp fieldname..
    public Collection findByOwnerName(String ownerName)
    throws RemoteException, FinderException
    defined in my home interface.
    i have not mentioned the findBy() method anywhere else
    (Bean class). You have to describe the query in the deployment descriptor.
    Even if i have a same "fieldValue" in the database
    (Oracle), which i specified in findBy() method, iam a
    result of owner Not found, which is not the case as i
    have that owner name.
    for the same application if i use findByPrimaryKey(),
    it is working..
    Can any one please post me the solution.

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