Problem N8 prise jack

sorry I don't speak english.
If a french can help me??
J'ai un problème avec ma prise jack du N8.
Quand je branches les écouteurs d'origine Nokia (ou autre écouteurs avec une prise jack à 4 contact) le son est très bizarre/mauvais ! Dés que je retire la prise d'un seul cran le son est très bon (mais bon ... c'est pas une solution)
avec des écouteurs standard (prise jack à 3 contacts) je n'ai aucun problème audio...
quelqu'un à le même problème ?
que faire ?
sachant qu'à Grenoble en Isère il n'y a pas de Nokia Care
Merci !!
I have a problem with my jack of N8.
When I plug in the earphones Original Nokia (or other headphones with a jack to 4 contact) the sound is very weird / bad! As soon as I unplug the one notch sound is very good (but hey ... it's not a solution)
with standard headphones (jack to 3 contacts) I have no problem with audio ...
someone the same problem?
What to do?
Grenoble Isere knowing that there is no Nokia Care
Thank you!
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    I to had a problem with my headphone jack. Here is the problem with the iPod headphone jack (or with anyheadphone jack for that matter) Say you like to take your iPod out side, or you leave it in a humid area with the headphones out of it. Very very very small amounts of water will build up in the jack, and this slowly, after about a year coorodes the copper inside. This has happened to two iPods that I have had. Now the only real problem is that, if what i explained above is your problem, it is not covered under the apple warrenty or the apple care program. If you do have to get a new iPod, I would highly suggest getting an Otterbox Water Proof case. It is bulky, but it will save you a lot of money.

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    Headphones don't induce grounding problems like external speakers. I am guessing the external speakers were all amplified speakers, with built-in amps and some sort of mains power supply. Perhaps you also have some peripherals such as a display connected to the Macbook Pro.
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    Good luck,

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    If you're mixing in Logic, buy a FireWire audio interface. So many people make them, that it isn't funny. Personally, I'm a fan of M-Audio interfaces for a cheap, high quality device.
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    First, use a flashlight & make sure that nothing(like a piece of lint) is trapped in your headphone jack. Use a can of compressed air to insure your jack is clean. Then, reset your phone:
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    My 2G, passed along to my brother now, is just fine after nearly 3 years of daily use and it's share of hard knocks.
    I didn't just "get lucky" either .
    A search of this forum will show that what you've described does happen but it's not common.
    You need a 3rd party , like iPod Doctor, to tell you and your friends what happened and how to avoid it in the future.
    I doubt it will make sense to repair a 2G iPod since it can no longer be updated but ask anyway.

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    im afraid i will eventualy get a relpacement and the same thing will happen again. anyone got any advice on how to avoid the problem?Message Edited by alexkelly on 02-02-2005 09:0 PM

    This happened to me as well after about a week. Like most portable devices I think the headphone jack is one of the weak points and can be easily jarred from its solder joints. I am taking extra care with the replacement Creative sent and I expect that it will not happen again.
    As far as getting the replacement, I would recommend calling Customer Support directly and explain what the problem is and they should give you an RMA over the phone. Be sure to have the player in front of you as they will need the serial number that is on it. I was very impressed with the speed of service as well. I called them Monday morning, sent my Micro back after the phone call (I used Priority Insured Mail, be sure to insure it whatever you use) and they sent me a replacement that arri'ved the following Tuesday, just 8 days which I have only had one other company beat as far as service ever. Also be sure to backup everything on your Micro before sending it as you will probably not receive the same one back and I believe they format them on the way in the door for various reasons. Also they will tell you only send the the player back, keep all the accessories as you will only get a player sent back to you. Good luck!

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    - Have you troed another pair of earphones?
    - If earphones that work in other devices do not work in yours then your have a hardware problem with yur iPOd.  The headphne jacks do go bad sometimes..
    - Apple will exchange your iPod for a refurbished one for:
    Apple - Support - iPod - Repair pricing
    - A third-party place like this is probably less expensive.
    iPhone Repair, Service & Parts: iPod Touch, iPad, MacBook Pro Screens

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    I can't believe Lenovo hasn't fixed this!

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