Problem update IOS 7.1.2

Hello evrybody
I try to install the update IOS 7.1.2 on my device Iphone 4S it is impossible when i try my device is locked to install and is not possible to make hard rebbot because my button on/Off is brocken !!!!!!!!! please help if you have solution !!

So your home button doesn't work so that's a no on the hard reboot. I had that same problem and what i did is hold the lock button until it shut off then turned it back on. You could do that until it works, which is what i used to do.
Also, you can reset your phone through find my iPhone.

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    iTunes: Specific update-and-restore error messages and advanced troubleshooting
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    Message was edited by: and23w

    There is a support article about error code 3259.
    Either of these articles should help.
    Also antivirus software enabled can cause problems with the downloads in iTunes.

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    Download the file separately from here (it's the Apple download site):,14.3.1_8G4Restore.ipsw
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    Other people have found that temporarily disabling their antivirus and firewall has worked.

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    2 -rwx 269 Jan 01 1970 00:01:27 env_vars
    3 -rwx 1247 Mar 09 1993 06:09:06 config.text
    4 -rwx 5 Mar 09 1993 06:09:06 private-config.text
    7 -rwx 110 Mar 01 1993 00:01:39 info
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    84 -rwx 110 Mar 01 1993 00:04:41 info.ver
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    Are you able to dlete any other file except this from the flash. This could be a problem in accessing the flash properly. I would suggest try formatting the flash:, this will make the flash sectors empty and will be as a new scratched one. This should help in uploading the new IOS.
    ***** Please make sure that the switch doesnot reboot at while while you format the switch and upgrade the IOS as the switch will fall in rommon with any image.
    -amit singh

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    This text is in Russian.Translate it first and then read:У меня тоже самое,после загрузки программного обеспечения ios 4.3,выдает ошибку при загрузке!Если найдешь ответ на этот вопрос,пожалуйста скинь мне тоже ответ на мою почту,очень прошу тебя!Вот моя почта:[email protected]

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    Restart or reboot your iPad and then see if you can update.
    Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.
    Reboot the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider if it appears on the screen - let go of the buttons. Let the iPad start up.

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    Error 2, 4 (or -4), 6, 1000, 9006
    Follow Troubleshooting security software. Often, uninstalling third-party security software will resolve these errors.
    There may be third-party software that modifies your default packet size in Windows by inserting a TcpWindowSize entry into your registry. Your default packet size being set incorrectly can cause these errors. Contact the manufacturer of the software that installed the packet size modification for assistance or follow this article by Microsoft: How to reset Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
    Verify that access to ports 80 and 443 are allowed on your network.
    Verify that communication to or is not blocked by a firewall, or other Internet security setting.
    Discard the .ipsw file, open iTunes and attempt to download the update again. See the steps underAdvanced Steps > Rename, move, or delete the iOS software file (.ipsw) below for file locations.
    Restore your device while connected to a different network.
    Restore using a different computer.

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    [email protected]nt.plist
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    Not very helpful but I have the same issue. Plugging in and doing the update via. iTunes will probably work but I find that whole experience annoying (downloading apps not on the Mac, etc..)

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    It’s now over 6 weeks since I made the mistake of updating my iPad and I am furious and frustrated at the lack of a solution to the problem with ios 5.
    I recently updated to ios 5.1 but nothing has been done to rectify the audio app problems ie lyrics no longer shown,
    I am extremely disappointed and angrywith those responsible for the iOS 5 update, in regard to the way it hasaffected the music app in my iPad.
    I also own an iPhone 4, am an avid Apple fan, and up until now have beenextremely pleased with the devices, and have sung their praises to friends andassociates.
    I am a professional musician, and purchased an iPad primarily to use with theperformance of my music.
    The changes made to the music app affected my performances over the weekendextremely adversely – limiting my repertoire and causing confusion and delays.
    I have spent many hours talking withApple helpline assistants (who, incidentally have been very good and have triedto help), and I have also spent a lot of time on this letter.
    I greatly regret updating to iOS 5.
    There are two major problems with the music app.
    1. Lyrics no longer displayed
    2. Layout, and appearance and consequently performance have seriouslyregressed.
    I have a repertoire of around 500 song backing tracks, organised into about 20playlists, half of which featured lyrics / chords that I have spent monthsrecently entering into iTunes so that they could be used on my iPad.
    These were working fine up until the update - now they are gone.
    Previously, the app featured large icons for playlist, artists, songs etc. atbottom of page: Now there are small, grey, indistinct barely legible buttons.
    Previously, when playlist icon was selected - all the playlists were listedclearly in order on the left hand side in black on white (as in iTunes).
    Now they are scattered across the whole page in large squares (displayingnothing if there is no album art).
    The identifying wording below eachsquare is now small, grey, indistinct & barely legible.
    Previously, when a playlist was selected - the songs were displayed in adescending list in black & white: now they appear as small, grey indistinct & barely legible.
    Previously, when a song was selected - it appeared filling the page, and withaudio controls clearly positioned at top of screen. One tap would bring uplyrics.
    Now audio controls appear at top once again small, grey, indistinct &barely legible.
    A small square representsalbum art which if tapped fills page. A further tap fails to bring up lyrics.
    Don Wilson

    Lyrics aren't supported in the Music app on iOS 5 on the iPad. These are user-to-user forums, they are not monitored by Apple (there are too many forums/threads/messages for that to happen). If you want to leave feedback for Apple then you can do so here :

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    Hi the_mad_movies,
    It seems like this article will be the best option for addressing this issue:
    Error 3194, Error 17, or "This device isn't eligible for the requested build"
    Thanks for coming to the Apple Support Communities!

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