Problem while sending/Receiving request using the HttpURLConnection obj

We are facing the problem while passing the request in Weblogic.
Looks like there is some problem with Weblogic while sending/Receiving the request using the HttpURLConnection object.
Currently we are migrating 2 applications to WebLogic. Application1 to application2 request should pass.
Below is some example we tried:
"When we send a request to our code using the SSOAdaptor code (which handles the request/session in our application) which is on the SunOne server the request parameters are received by our code successfully. And also in Create User Functionality of application1 we are sending a request to webpass(which is on Sunone Server) using the HttpURLConnection object and the SOAP request is received successfully by the Webpass."
Looks like when we send request (using HttpURLConnection) from a server other than Weblogic to a servlet in a Weblogic the request parameters are received with out issues.
Where as when the request is sent from WebLogic to WebLogic the request parameters are missing some how.
Is there any issue in Weblogic? Please helpus on this.
Edited by: user9307541 on Mar 15, 2010 5:08 AM

Please find below scenario for testing.
We have tested the SSOAdaptor code (it is the fucntion name which will send the data from source) locally by hittiing the WPS adaptor URL in a Java client program( and the request parameters were reaching the WPS Adapter successfully.
Then we have written two test servlets to test the communication between SSOAdaptor( and WPS adaptor(
Functionality of TestSevlet: It is sending a request to WPSServelt similar to the way we are doing it in SSOAdaptor.
Functionality of WPSServlet: It will receive the request parameters and write the parameter Map to console.
We have deployed and these two servlets(in a single webapplication) on Tomcat server and the request parameters are reaching the WPSServlet successfully.
Output on Tomcat server:
before sending request
**********************Inside WPS Servlet -- the request Map is:{TypeAcc=[Ljava.lang.String;@14e3f41, ServiceName=[Ljava.lang.String;@1acd47, GMEPortalUserID=[Ljava.lang.String;@19b04e2, UserID=[Ljava.lang.String;@5dcec6, Country=[Ljava.lang.String;@b25b9d}
after sending request
After this we have deployed these two servlets (with in a single webapplication) on the Weblogic server in Dev machine(path: /apps/usmport/domains/usmport/servers/usmport_admin/upload/ssoAdaptor/WEB-INF/classes/com/gm/gmeportal/security/adaptor) and
now the request parameters are not reaching the WPSServlet.
Output on Weblogic Server:
before sending request
**********************Inside WPS Servlet -- the request Map is:{}
after sending request
Looks like there is some problem with Weblogic while sending/Receiving the request using the HttpURLConnection object.
When we send a request to WPSAdaptor using the Old SSOAdaptor code which is on the SunOne server the request parameters are received by WPS successfully. And also in Create User Functionality of Portal we are sending a request to webpass(which is on Sunone Server) using the HttpURLConnection object and the SOAP request is received successfully by the Webpass.
Looks like when we send request (using HttpURLConnection) from a server other than Weblogic to a servlet in a Weblogic the request parameters are received with out issues. Where as when the request is sent from weblogic to weblogic the request parameters are missing some how.
Please find below javs source code used to test this:
public class TestRequest {
     * @param args
     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
          // TODO Auto-generated method stub
          excutePost("http://localhost:8080/Testing/TestServlet", "GMEPortalUserID=captest.wss@it0555&UserID=bl1133&Country=it&TypeAcc=256&ServiceName=Logon");
          //System.out.println("********** Now the request is from SSO *****************");
          //excuteGet("", "GMEPortalUserID=captest.wss@it0554&UserID=bl1133&Country=it&TypeAcc=256&ServiceName=Logon");
     public static String excutePost(String targetURL, String urlParameters)
     URL url;
     HttpURLConnection connection = null;
     try {
     //Create connection
     url = new URL(targetURL);
     connection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
     connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", "" +
     connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Language", "en-US");
     connection.setUseCaches (false);
     //Send request
     DataOutputStream wr = new DataOutputStream (
     connection.getOutputStream ());
     wr.writeBytes (urlParameters);
     wr.flush ();
     wr.close ();
     //Get Response     
     InputStream is = connection.getInputStream();
     BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
     String line;
     StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
     while((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
     System.out.println("Response is:" + response);
     return response.toString();
     } catch (Exception e) {
     return null;
     } finally {
     if(connection != null) {
     public static String excuteGet(String targetURL, String urlParameters) throws Exception
          URL url = new URL(targetURL);
          HttpURLConnection httpurlconnection =
               (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
          OutputStream outputstream = httpurlconnection.getOutputStream();
          //Get Response     
     InputStream is = httpurlconnection.getInputStream();
     BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
     String line;
     StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
     while((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
     System.out.println("Response from SSO is:" + response);
     return response.toString();
     } catch (Exception e) {
     return null;
     } finally {
     if(httpurlconnection != null) {
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
* Servlet implementation class TestServlet
public class TestServlet extends HttpServlet {
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* Default constructor.
public TestServlet() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
     * @see HttpServlet#doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
          // TODO Auto-generated method stub
     * @see HttpServlet#doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
          // TODO Auto-generated method stub
          //System.out.println("********************** the request Map is:" + request.getParameterMap());
          try {
               System.out.println("before sending request");
               excuteGet("http://localhost:7003/ssoAdaptor/WPSServlet", "GMEPortalUserID=captest.wss@it0554&UserID=bl1133&Country=it&TypeAcc=256&ServiceName=Logon");
               System.out.println("after sending request");
          } catch (Exception e) {
               // TODO Auto-generated catch block
     public String excuteGet(String targetURL, String urlParameters) throws Exception
          URL url = new URL(targetURL);
          HttpURLConnection httpurlconnection =
               (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
          OutputStream outputstream = httpurlconnection.getOutputStream();
          //Get Response     
     InputStream is = httpurlconnection.getInputStream();
     BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
     String line;
     StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
     while((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
     //System.out.println("Response from SSO is:" + response);
     return response.toString();
     } catch (Exception e) {
     return null;
     } finally {
     if(httpurlconnection != null) {
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
* Servlet implementation class WPSServlet
public class WPSServlet extends HttpServlet {
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* @see HttpServlet#HttpServlet()
public WPSServlet() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
     * @see HttpServlet#doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
          // TODO Auto-generated method stub
          System.out.println("**********************Inside WPS Servlet -- the request Map is:" + request.getParameterMap());
     * @see HttpServlet#doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
          // TODO Auto-generated method stub

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                             <property name="password" value="${password}"/>
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                             <property name="forceDefault" value="${forceDefault}"/>
                             <property name="sarLocation" value="${sarLocation}/${basename}"/>                         
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    Give the serverURL as http://<host>:<managed.server.port>/soa-infra/deployer and try.
    e.g .
    Neeraj Sehgal

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    there is very little information to help you here.
    Can you confirm if this is a SOAP sender scenario or SOAP receiver scenario?
    Also do go to thru these links to help you out;
    Troubleshooting - RFC and SOAP scenarios *** Updated on 20/04/2009 ***
    RFC -> SOAP
    RFC -> XI -> WebService - A Complete Walkthrough (Part 1)
    RFC -> XI -> WebService - A Complete Walkthrough (Part 2)
    SOAP <-> XI <-> RFC/BAPI
    Walkthrough - SOAP  XI  RFC/BAPI

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    i want to send SMS using j2me. im using netbeens IDE.
    if i put my sendSMS() method under startapp() it will work. but i want to send SMS using command button. ( when i press SEND command button i want to send my SMS)
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    String address = "sms://+5550001:1234";
    MessageConnection smsconn = null;
    smsconn = (MessageConnection);
    TextMessage txtMessage = (TextMessage)smsconn.newMessage(MessageConnection.TEXT_MESSAGE);
    } catch (Exception e){
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    if (command == send)
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    (Running in the identified_third_party security domain
    Warning: To avoid potential deadlock, operations that may block, such as
    networking, should be performed in a different thread than the
    commandAction() handler.)
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    [email protected]

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    Check what chris has said....Also in SXMB_MONI check the status of the message on the outbound side(by scrolling to the right)...This will say whether it has been transferred to the Adapter Engine....
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    Contact your internet service provider. They can run some tests to verify the cause of the problem. This sounds very much like an ISP issue.

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    i am trying to send data from input schudule using evsnd function.
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    First, I'd strongly encourage you to use EVDRE instead of EVSND, as it gives a lot better control over many aspects of the input schedule.
    As to your point, EVDRE definitely will only send back to the server the cells which have changed. It's been a few releases since I used EVSND (and its behavior may have changed some in the meantime), but if I recall correctly, it also does some of this same checking.
    Another option to consider is to make the input schedule smaller (fewer accounts or entities or products or whatever your dimensions), and split it into two pieces, one for each of the business processes that the 2 users are performing.
    If the 2 users are maintaining the same intersection of data, and performing the same business process (acting as a team, for example) then BPC has limited ability to support "checking out for edit" or locking the data for one user, in a way that prevents another user from changing it. The "park n go" feature does this in a way, but it's something that the user needs to do intentionally. That doesn't sound like your User 1 scenario of waiting for an hour before submitting -- probably when they opened it up, they thought it would only take 2 minutes, but then the phone rang, and then an email.... and then finally they finish it an hour or 8 later.

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    Dear All,
    I am facing a problem while sending a message from RWB. I sent the message using Test Message in component monitoring, it says message sent but I am not able to see any message in sxi_monitor.
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    Edited by: Alok Raoka on May 26, 2008 5:08 PM

    Dear All,
    I am facing a problem while sending a message from RWB. I sent the message using Test Message in component monitoring, it says message sent but I am not able to see any message in sxi_monitor.
    When I send the same message using the http client it successfully processed by XI and I can see the success message in sxi_monitor.
    Please let me know if anyone has face similar kind of issue.
    Edited by: Alok Raoka on May 26, 2008 5:08 PM

  • Problem  while sending the mail from sap

    Hi experts,
                     I am facing some problem while sending mail from sap to external mail.
    this is th code i am using but it is not working. plz check and tell me.
    data: maildata type sodocchgi1.
    data: mailtxt type table of solisti1 with header line.
    data: mailrec type table of somlrec90 with header line.
    clear: maildata, mailtxt, mailrec.
    refresh: mailtxt, mailrec.
    maildata-obj_name = 'TEST'.
    maildata-obj_descr = 'Test'.
    maildata-obj_langu = sy-langu.
    mailtxt-line = 'This is a test'.
    append mailtxt.
    mailrec-receiver = 'SOME MAIL ID'.
    mailrec-rec_type = 'U'.
    append mailrec.
    call function 'SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1'
    document_data = maildata
    document_type = 'RAW'
    put_in_outbox = 'X'
    object_header = mailtxt
    object_content = mailtxt
    receivers = mailrec
    too_many_receivers = 1
    document_not_sent = 2
    document_type_not_exist = 3
    operation_no_authorization = 4
    parameter_error = 5
    x_error = 6
    enqueue_error = 7
    others = 8.
    if sy-subrc = 0.   "( did not receive any mail) *
    write : 'mail sent'.

    Please check with the following code.
    data for send function
    send data internal table
                             INTO OBJCONT-LINE SEPARATED BY SPACE.
    insert receiver (sap name)
      MOVE: 'any_email'_ TO RECEIVER-RECEIVER,                " SY-UNAME
            'X'      TO RECEIVER-EXPRESS,
            'U'      TO RECEIVER-REC_TYPE.
    insert mail description
      WRITE 'Sending a mail through abap'
                     TO DOC_DATA-OBJ_DESCR.
              DOCUMENT_DATA              = DOC_DATA
              NEW_OBJECT_ID              = OBJECT_ID
              OBJECT_CONTENT             = OBJCONT
              RECEIVERS                  = RECEIVER
              TOO_MANY_RECEIVERS         = 1
              DOCUMENT_NOT_SENT          = 2
              DOCUMENT_TYPE_NOT_EXIST    = 3
              PARAMETER_ERROR            = 5
              X_ERROR                    = 6
              ENQUEUE_ERROR              = 7
              OTHERS                     = 8.

  • Problem while sending IDOC to File Senario

    Hi Experts
        I am having problem while sending the Idoc from SAP R/3 to File
       I have done all the setting in SAP as well in XI but while pushing IDOC
       I am getting error in the transaction sm58 in SAP R/3
      " <b>The service for the client 300(My SAP R/3 client) is not present in Integration
    I can any one explain me what to done on this....all the connections are fine
    Waiting for Response
    Adv points and thanx

    Reason and Prerequisites
    You send IDocs from system ABC to the exchange infrastructure (XI) of system XIZ, and error messages are issued in system ABC (Transaction SM58) for the IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS function module.
    This note proposes solutions for the following error messages:
    a) No service for system SAPABC client 123 in the integration directory
    b) Transaction IDX1: Port SAPABC, client 123, RFC destination
    c) ::000
    d) NO_EXEC_PERMISSION: "USER" "Business_System"
    e) IDoc adapter inbound: Error error ...
    a) Error message: No service for system SAPABC client 123 in the integration directory
    You send IDocs from system ABC to XI. In the control record of the IDoc, the SNDPOR field contains the value "SAPABC". The client of the sending system is determined by the MANDT field of the control record. The system ID and client are then used to determine a service without party of the type (business-system/business-service):
    Business system
    Activities in the System Landscape Directory (SLD)(Create technical system):
    Create a technical system for system ABC in the SLD, and create the client for this. Do not forget to assign an "ALE logical system" (for example, "ABCCLNT123") to this technical system.
    SLD (Business system):
    You can now explicitly assign a business system to this client.
    For more details, refer to the SLD documentation.
    Activities in system ABC (self-registration in the SLD):
    Alternatively, you can register the system in the SLD in system ABC with Transaction RZ70. You will find detailed information about the SLD registration of systems on the SAP Service Marketplace for the "Exchange Infrastructure" in the document "Exchange_Installation_Guide.pdf".
    In system ABC, you can check your configuration with TransactionSLDCHECK.
    Activities in Integration Directory (import business system from SLD):
    You will find the business systems under Services Without Party in the Integration Services. In the Service menu, you will find the system identifiers, the client, and the corresponding ALE logical system under "Objects"->"Adapter-specific identifiers".
    Use the Import/Update button to copy the data from the SLD, to create business systems, or to update their identifiers.
    Business service
    Activities in the Integration Builder directory:
    You want to create a service without party that is not part of your system infrastructure and is therefore not maintained in the SLD.
    In the Integration Builder directory, you will find the "Business-Services" under Services Without Party. In the Service menu, you will find the system identifiers, the client, and the corresponding ALE logical system under "Objects"->"Adapter-specific identifiers".
    Activate the change list in Integration Directory.
    In system ABC, you can restart the incorrect entry from Transaction SM58 .
    b) Error message: Transaction IDX1: Port SAPABC, client 123, RFC destination
    The Integration Server tries to load the IDoc metadata from the sending system. The IDoc schemas from the Integration Repository cannot be used because they are release-dependent.
    The sending system is determined by the value of the "SNDPOR" field from the IDoc control record (for example, "SAPABC").
    Activities in the central XI system:
    In Transaction IDX1, you can assign an RFC destination to the sending system (for example, "SAPABC"). This must be created beforehand in Transaction SM59.
    Note that the IDoc metadata is cross-client data. In Transaction IDX1, only one entry must be maintained for each system. Only the lowest client is used by the runtime for Idoc metadata retrieval with RFC.
    Ensure that only SAPABC and not "SAPABC_123" is entered in the port name.
    c) Error message: "::000"
    This error occurs if the central XI system tries to load the IDoc metadata from the sending system by RFC.
    There may be several different reasons for the failure of the metadata import, the error is not transferred in full by tRFC completely, and this results in the error message above.
    User cannot log onto sending system
    User/password/client is not correct or the user is logged due to too many failed logons.
    Activities in sender system ABC:
    Transaction SM21 contains entries for failed logons.
    Activities in the central XI system:
    Determine the sending port from the IDoc control record of the IDoc. If the ID of the sending system has the value "ABC", the value of the sending port is "SAPABC". You will find the RFC destination used for the "SAPABC" sending port with the lowest client in Transaction IDX1. In Transaction SM59, you will find the RFC destination containing the maintained logon data .
    User does not have the required authorizations
    Activities in the sender system ABC:
    In Transaction SM21, you will find entries relating to authorization problems and more exact details.
    Contact your system administrator and, if necessary, assign the user the required roles in user administration.
    IDoctyp/Cimtyp cannot be loaded
    Activities in sender system ABC:
    In the sender system, you can check your IDoc types in Transaction WE30 (IDoc type editor)  Take note not only of the errors, but also of the warnings.
    The most common errors are:
    - IDoc type or segments not released
    - Segments that no longer exist are listed in the IDoc type
    - Data elements that do not exist in the DDIC are assigned to fields
      in the segment.
    Contact your system administrator and correct these errors in the IDoc type.
    d) Error message: NO_EXEC_PERMISSION: "User" "Business_System"
    You created a list of users in the directory who are authorized to use the "Business_System". The user in the error message is not on the list.
    Alternatively, the same error is used if you have created a sender agreement with a channel of the IDoc type for the "Business_System" and the interface used. The user in the error message is not contained in the list of all authorized users defined there.
    e) Error message: IDoc adapter inbound: Error error
    You send IDocs to the central XI system, where they are received by the IDoc adapter. The IDocs are converted into IDoc XML, and a corresponding XI message is generated and transferred to the XI Runtime Engine. The Engine tries to read its own business system from the "Exchange Profile". If the Exchange Profile is currently unavailable, the message is not processed and it is returned to the sending system with an error message.

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    i have BB Curve 8520. My BIS was running smoothly (sending and receiving emails real time and surfing the net through BIS), until i noticed when i tried to reply to an email that came in, it won't send. i noticed that it's fluctuating. i was able to send the email after a few minutes... then a few minutes later, i received a replied email from my friend, and when i tried to send my reply, i wasn't able to. also, i can't surf using the browser with the "internet browser" as default. i tried using my wifi and then suddenly all my emails started coming in, all emails that were not able to go through hours ago. my big question was why do i need to turn on wifi just to receive emails. but since i had my BIS for 2 months now, i can send and receive emails and surf through BIS itself without turning on the wifi.  also, i can't use any of my apps like facebook, twitter, yahoo messenger, etc.  They used to work fine with BIS... but now, i have to turn on the wifi connection, so i could log in with them.  aren't these supposed to be running through BIS only?
    I have GPRS on top, not gprs. my carrier says i have active data plan/BIS. but under Services says Blackberry Internet Service:  Connection:  not connected...
    so, i wiped out my BB and deleted all third party apps. when this was done, i received emails telling me "Your handheld has been registered with the wireless network" and even got "Activation Server" emails telling me that the emails that i have previously set up are now up and running. so i thought my BB is now ok.. i tried surfing, it was okay. after like about 5 minutes, it was down again. tried sending email but can't... i turned on the wifi and boom! the emails started coming in again.i have the Host Routing Tables and my Service Books in my BB. I have GPRS (not gprs) on top which means i have active BIS.  i have registered my HRTs several times... and resending my service books... same thing...
    the big mystery is when i turn on the wifi, the emails suddenly go through and i can send emails. i can open apps that used to only run on BIS. this is ok i guess, but i could never do any of these if i'm not connected to wifi.
    my sister and i have the same BB... i removed my sim and inserted it to her BB and the BIS worked fine... i was able to surf and use apps.. but when i put my sim back on my phone, the problem still exists.  i even used a different sim card that is also subscribed to BIS/data plan, and it still has the same problem... my guess is my carrier is right that my data plan is working ok and that my handheld itself has the problem... 
    i updated my OS, same problem.. wiped it out... used BBSAK, reinstalled OS... numerous battery pulls... same thing... i can receive the HRTs and service books, but after that can't do anything else like i used to... (send/receive emails, use apps like facebook, twitter, ym, etc., can't surf with internet browser - except when wifi is on everything else work fine even emails and apps).. 
    i would really appreciate your help guys.. thanks!

    Hi tarifiq and welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums!
    Can you send me a private message with your PIN so I can check this out for you?
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • Transportation failed while sending a request from DEV - Quality

    Hi sdns,,,
                       I got an error while sending a request from DEV -> Quality...Am new to transportation.. mayi know.. wat was this error and wat kind of action i need to take over here...
    I got an error message like this,,
    Start of the after-import method for object type R3TR ELEM (Activation Mode)          
    Element 0QWSUMHUOOK19OOUIFCLB4T8C was copied from 'modified' to 'active'              
    Error when activating element 45HKXU7KAG6V1I0L1W3LWEDZC                               
    Element 3Z571P6G8RCDNR3NQAEI8S6YW is missing in version M                                                                               
    Start of the after-import method for object type R3TR ELEM (Delete Mode)              
    Errors occurred during post-handling RS_AFTER_IMPORT for ELEM L                       
    RS_AFTER_IMPORT belongs to package RS                                                 
    The errors affect the following components:                                           
       BW-WHM (Warehouse Management)                                                      
    Post-import method RS_AFTER_IMPORT completed for ELEM L, date and time: 20070417044624
    Post-import methods of change/transport request I11K903499 completed                  
         Start of subsequent processing ... 20070417044621                                
         End of subsequent processing... 20070417044624                                   
    Answering getz really appreciated,
    Thanks & Regards,

    This error will come when your are transporting any Query/ BW elements to Production system.
    when there is element in the deve. class $TEM in your collected objects this error may come, so identify this elements and change this Dev.class to other package used in transportaion.
    To change all the elements to common dev. class first collecting the elements using transport connection. secondly, using the Pencil button at the menu of trasnport change to required dev.class.
    you can change individaul elements also.

  • Problem while sending unicode (utf-8) xml to IE.

    I have encoding problem while sending utf-8 xml from servlet to IE (Client), where i am parsing the xml using Ajax.
    In the log I can see proper special characters that are being sent from the servlet. but when same is seen in the client end,, it is showing ? symbols instead of special charcters.
    This is the code that sends the xml from servlet.
    ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(2000);
    transformer.transform(new DOMSource(document), new StreamResult(new OutputStreamWriter(stream, "iso-8859-1")));
    _response.setContentType("text/xml; charset=UTF-8");
    _response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
    _response.getWriter().println(new String(stream.toByteArray(),  "UTF-8"));
    In the log i can see :
    <response status="success" value="1154081722531" hasNextPage="false" hasPreviousPage="false" ><row row_id="PARTY_test_asdasd" column_0="PARTY_test_asdasd" column_1="asdasd �" mode="edit" column_en_US="asdasd �" column_de_DE="? xyz" column_fr_FR="" ></row></response>
    But in the Client side I am able to see
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
    <response status="success" value="1154082795061" hasNextPage="false" hasPreviousPage="false"><row row_id="PARTY_test_asdasd" column_0="PARTY_test_asdasd" column_1="asdasd ?" mode="edit" column_en_US="asdasd ?" column_de_DE="? xyz" column_fr_FR=""/></response>
    I am getting ? instead of �.
    It will be greatful if somebody tell how to send utf xml from servlet, for ajax purpose.

    This is the code that sends the xml from servlet.
    ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new
    transformer.transform(new DOMSource(document), new
    StreamResult(new OutputStreamWriter(stream,
    "iso-8859-1")));Here you produce XML that's encoded in ISO-8859-1. (!!!)
    _response.setContentType("text/xml; charset=UTF-8");Here you tell the browser that it's encoded in UTF-8.
    _response.getWriter().println(new String(stream.toByteArray(), "UTF-8"));Here you convert the XML to a String, assuming that it was encoded in UTF-8, which it wasn't.
    Besides shooting yourself in the foot by choosing ISO-8859-1 for no good reason, you're also doing a lot of translating from bytes to chars and back again. Not only is that a waste of time, it introduces errors if you don't do it right. Try this instead:_response.setContentType("text/xml; charset=UTF-8");
    _response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
    _transformer.transform(new DOMSource(document_),
                    new StreamResult(_response.getOutputStream()));

  • Failed to send a request to the message server

    Please help me with the problem as below with Basis 6.5 / ECC5 , Windows Server 2003 / Oracle ( 9.2) environment
    With Sick it says
    Severe problems were detected during initial system check.                
    Please, do not use that system before fixing these problems.              
    when I run SM50
    error: Update is not active
    When I checked SAP MMC, i found   Msg_server stopped
    I am getting following error log with SM21
    04:44:28 DP                           Q0N Failed to send a request to the message server                  
    04:44:28 DP                           Q0N Failed to send a request to the message server                  
    04:44:33 DP                           Q0N Failed to send a request to the message server                  
    04:44:33 DIA 01 020 SAPRFCBWP         EK1 Error found in PBT environment, FM = SPBT_INITIALIZE            
    04:44:33 DIA 01 020 SAPRFCBWP         EK4 > Failed to determine server information                        
    04:44:53 DIA 01 020 SAPRFCBWP         AB0 Run-time error "MESSAGE_TYPE_X" occurred

    Seems to be a problem with your GUI as the dump MESSAGE_TYPE_X is generally related to GUI. Use some higher version of GUI than the existing one.
    Also Updates are not active in your system. Use transaction SM13 to check whether updates are active or not. If not then use transaction SM14 to turn on the updates.
    Sourabh Majumdar

  • While send/receive email, I have received an error message "Sending of password d"? However with same login details, I am able to login with other application.

    While send/receive email, I have received an error message "Sending of password d"?
    However with same login details, I am able to login with other application.
    I have changed password still the issue remains as it is.

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hi, Maybe you can help me. I am migration RWBS application based on WD for Java to NW7.11 and I am facing some copiling errors: For example: Code in NW7.0: import; import com.s