Problem while uploading-help me it's urgent

Hi all,
While trying Upload the template(.rtf) file from the xml publisher administrator. The Error message throws "You have encountered an unexpected error. Please contact the System Administrator for assistance". Pls help to resolve dis

May be you do not have pemission for upload call your DBA
also check that file ext is .rtf

Similar Messages

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    I am working in SAP release 4.7. I have checked with SAP notes: 97419, but it is also not satisfying.
    Waiting for quick solution.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi a®s,
    Thanks a lot for your kind reply.
    My requirement is I want to maintain long text for few MICs (which are not having long texts at MIC level) in inspection plan (QP01).
    When I am trying to manually assign the MIC's to inspection plan (QP01), long text is copied whereas I am not clicking the long text icon in (QP01). Long text is not maintained in MIC level, still some long text is copied to this MIC. This was also happening while uploading the inspection plan thro' BDC.
    I believe what you have mentioned about function module SAVE_TEXT cannot be used here since long text is already copied before we pass the long text. Also if we pass some long text, still apart from the long text what we have passed there is some other long text copied (extra long text).
    Waiting for quick solution.
    Thanks in advance.

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    Hello Experts,
    I am encountering a problem while uploading Vebndor Master Details in Quality server . The bank details for a given bank (Eg : BankABC and Bank Key IN) throws an error saying BANK IN BANKABC DOES NOT EXIST . But , with the same details i am able to upload in Sandbox and Development Servers. Pls suggest on the same.

    Hello again,
    Thank you for the inputs.
    All the required fields are active. Please give some more input.
    Bank is supposed to be created during the upload. The bank details which already exists in the sytem are not throwing the error. Please give suggestions for this scenario.

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    i had used call transaction for purchase order application?
    please give me reply  soon its urgent
    thanks & regards

    Hi Hari,
    you have to upload the remaining data.
    as u have used CT method, do 1 thing trap the error data in runtime & prepare another flat file. next time correct the data in new flat file. & run the DBC program again with this new flat file.
    Reward if useful

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    Hi everyone,
    I'm using oracle soa suite and I'm encountering time out problem while trying to upload a 5MB bpel process into my bpel process server located in the LAN network. The error is coming from apache common file upload.
    Is there a way to increate the connection time out for oc4j to avoid this problem?
    Thanks for any help.

    Hi Marc.
    Thanks for your reply. I increased the transaction manager time-out but still I have the same problem. I believe this is something related to oc4j settings and related to upload bpel process. here is my stack trace output:
    79: A problem occured while connecting to server "" using port "8888": bpel_JazbModaresJadidBPEL_1.0.jar failed to deploy. Exception message is: javax.transaction.RollbackException: Timed out
    at deployHttpClientProcess.jspService(
    at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(
    at Method)
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.serveOneRequest(
    at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    Caused by: oracle.oc4j.rmi.OracleRemoteException: An exception occurred during transaction completion: ; nested exception is:
    javax.transaction.RollbackException: Timed out
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.EJBTransactionManager.end(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.TxRequiredInterceptor.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.InvocationContextPool.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.StatelessSessionEJBObject.OC4J_invokeMethod(
    at DomainManagerBean_RemoteProxy_4bin6i8.deploySuitcase(Unknown Source)
    ... 25 more
    Caused by: javax.transaction.RollbackException: Timed out
    at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServerTransaction.checkForRollbackOnlyWhileInCommit(
    at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServerTransaction.doCommit(
    at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServerTransaction.commit(
    at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServerTransactionManager.commit(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.EJBTransactionManager.end(
    ... 33 more
    Total time: 4 minutes 30 seconds
    The bpel jar file is about 2MB and is uploaded from my machine located in the same LAN.
    Any hints?

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    Hello Experts ,
    I am facing a problem while data uploading through F-43.
    Suppose I have many vendors with having several debit and credit items for each.So in t code same screen will appear for same vendor several times where we have to enter debit / credit items.
    Please suggest how to solve this issue through LSMW/BDC program.
    Thanks in adv.
    A Miter.

    Use BDC Recording MEthod ...
    Develop BDC program, Before Recording the Transaction sit with Functional Consulatnt for REcord The f-43.
    After that  that  u can do ur coding  and built ur own logic.

  • Problems while uploading Task List - Service Pack with LSMW

    We are trying to upload General Maintenance Task List using LSMW. We are using Standard Batch/Direct Input method with Object 0490.
    We need to upload task list header, operations, maintenance pack, component and service pack for operations.
    We have created separate files containing data for different structures and they are linked using Group, group counter and operation number according below
    .......... |----Long Text
    ..........|----Maintenance Pack
    ..........|----Service Pack
    We have multiple operations per task list and multiple services per operation. The service pack is required only for a specific control key - PM03.  As per the configuration this screen (PROGRAM - SPLMLSP, Screen Number - 0200) is accessible only when the value PM03 is entered in the operation. We are able to upload all other details except service pack details. We have tried using structure IBIPBDCD for the same.
    While uploading the task list in foreground, when control key is entered as PM03 in an operation, service pack screen is displayed with error u201CNo batch input data for screen SAPLMLSP 0200u201D. The data provided in structure IBIPBDCD does not get processed at this time.
    On exiting the screen using back button, the data in IBIPBDCD structure is passed incorrectly to fields in screen 3400 (SAPLCPDI)
    Are we doing something incorrect? Is there a way to use this standard functionality to upload task lists with service packs?
    Edited by: jvalitp on Dec 15, 2011 12:46 PM

    When loading the tasklists you need to define a source structure as per the IBIP structure. You have different levels for example level 1 - header then below that level 2 - Operations, Header Long text then below that you have level 3 - Operation Long text, Operation Package assignments, operation component allocation.
    For each of these levels you need an identifier that links then together. In your source file specify identifier 1 for header, Identifier 1 and Identifier 2 for operations, identifier 1 identifier 2 and identifier 3 for packages. This way the system can create the correct structure when it reads the data from the text file.
    The identifiers are numeric and will dissapear once the files are loaded. specify then in the source structure as 2 characters and remember to set the xcel file up to have a 2 character field.
    For the header file each line will be a new identifier 1,2,3,etc.
    The operations are assigned to the header and have 2 identifiers. The first corresponds to the header identifier the next is a sequential number stating at 1 and incrementing for each line e.g Header 1 op 1, header 1 op 2, header 2 op 3, header 2 op 4, header 2 op 5 (this would be 2 header records. The first with 2 operations on it the second with 3 operations)
    The package is assigned to the operation and as such needs to have a third identifier. Header (identifier 1), Operation (identifier 2), Package (identifier 3) Example Header 1 op 1 pack 1, header 1 op 2 pack 2, header 2 op 3 pack 3, header 2 op 4 pack 4, header 2 op 5 pack 5
    I have a loading file for each of the items i.e. Header file, Operation file, maintenance package file. This is then assigned to the respective source structure.

  • Problem while uploading FF_5

    We are uploading the bank file using FF_5. when we upload the file the file is getting uploaded but showing error message difference is to large for clearing. When we check in FEBA the items in files are displayes as TO BE POSTED.
    Can any one let me know the reason of the error.

    Thanks for your response on this.
    In my text file korean language is there....but while uploading this text file containing korean language properly formatted in the tcode ff.5 then it is not recoginising that text and also the format of the data is changing...
    PLz suggest on that...

  • Problems while uploading text documents into Unicode Database

    I just upgraded our database from 9iR1 to 9iR2 ( The server
    character set is AL32UTF8. Now I'm facing a problem when
    uploading text documents into the database via a web frontend.
    I use the upload table defined for the PL/SQL Database Access Descriptor:
    create table TB_UPLOAD (
    NAME VARCHAR2(256) not null,
    After uploading a text document containing the two words "hallo welt",
    the following statement returns not "hallo welt", but "68616C6C6F2077656C74":
    b_loc blob;
    v_amount integer := 100;
    v_buffer varchar2(100);
    v_offset integer := 1;
    select blob_content into b_loc from tb_upload where name like 'mydoc.txt';, v_amount, v_offset, v_buffer);
    What is this? I studied the documentation, but didn't found a solution.
    When trying to use Oracle's built-in procedure wpg_docload.download_file,
    the content is shown the way it should be. Unfortunately, I can't use
    wpg_docload.download_file in order to copy the BLOB content to another table.
    Any hints would be appreciated!
    Thanks so much in advance!
    E-Mail: [email protected]

    Hi Roman,
    the upload uses a BLOB (Binary Lob). Your Document is
    stored as is in the binary representation. If you
    use on a blob and your buffer is a varchar2 the binary representation is not translated!!!
    use a raw for the buffer and utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2
    to do the conversion to varchar.
    try this
    Procedure SHOW_DOC(p_name
    v_len number;
    v_mime_type tb_upload.mime_type%TYPE;
    v_offset integer := 1;
    v_Buf_size integer := 32767;
    v_buf raw(32767);
    v_blob blob;
    v_Doc_name varchar2(1000);
    v_doc_name := url_Decode(p_name);
    select mime_type,doc_size,blob_content
    into v_mime_Type,v_len,v_blob
    from tb_upload
    where name = v_doc_name;
    v_offset := v_offset + v_buf_size;
    when no_data_found then

  • Problems while uploading text documents into Database

    I just upgraded our database from 9iR1 to 9iR2 ( The server
    character set is AL32UTF8. Now I'm facing a problem when
    uploading text documents into the database via a web frontend.
    I use the upload table defined for the PL/SQL Database Access Descriptor:
    create table TB_UPLOAD (
    NAME VARCHAR2(256) not null,
    After uploading a text document containing the two words "hallo welt",
    the following statement returns not "hallo welt", but "68616C6C6F2077656C74":
    b_loc blob;
    v_amount integer := 100;
    v_buffer varchar2(100);
    v_offset integer := 1;
    select blob_content into b_loc from tb_upload where name like 'mydoc.txt';, v_amount, v_offset, v_buffer);
    What is this? I studied the documentation, but didn't found a solution.
    When trying to use Oracle's built-in procedure wpg_docload.download_file,
    the content is shown the way it should be. Unfortunately, I can't use
    wpg_docload.download_file in order to copy the BLOB content to another table.
    Any hints would be appreciated!
    Thanks so much in advance!
    E-Mail: [email protected]

    Hi Roman,
    the upload uses a BLOB (Binary Lob). Your Document is
    stored as is in the binary representation. If you
    use on a blob and your buffer is a varchar2 the binary representation is not translated!!!
    use a raw for the buffer and utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2
    to do the conversion to varchar.
    try this
    Procedure SHOW_DOC(p_name
    v_len number;
    v_mime_type tb_upload.mime_type%TYPE;
    v_offset integer := 1;
    v_Buf_size integer := 32767;
    v_buf raw(32767);
    v_blob blob;
    v_Doc_name varchar2(1000);
    v_doc_name := url_Decode(p_name);
    select mime_type,doc_size,blob_content
    into v_mime_Type,v_len,v_blob
    from tb_upload
    where name = v_doc_name;
    v_offset := v_offset + v_buf_size;
    when no_data_found then

  • Problem while creating help view.

    hi experts,
    i'm creating a help view.
    my base table is mara.
    i've to link it up with mast table.
    while creating help view, when i see its relationship with mast table its under the section  ("Relationships with unsuitable cardinality").
    when i click on it and then click on copy.
    it doesnot get copied.
    what is the reason and how should i go about it.
    plz help.

    go through this link ,which ll give you detail idea about the help view

  • Help me to solve the problem while Uploading

    Hi Everyone,
    I am importing datas from spread sheet to database table by APEX upload.
    In my case the client made thier entries in Spread sheet,I have to upload their entries in to Database table.Our client does not know the value for primary column and also he need not know the primary id value.In such a instance how can I assign a sequence value to particular column(primary key column) apart from spread sheet.
    Thanks in advance

    I actually meant that you must create a new table from the spread sheet, not a new application.
    Do you want to load it from your application every time?
    If you do not need to load it from your application every time, do what I recommended. After you have created the new table, the sequence will be created and the trigger is automatically created. Then you can just load the spread sheet in every time (without the primary key) - it will be created from the sequence.
    You can even try it from the application after you have created it the first time.
    You can try this:
    1) Create a sequence that must start from the last value that you had (or you can use an existing sequence if you have one).
    2) Create a trigger on your table with the following:
    create or replace trigger "bi_ORGUNITS" -- bi_orgunits is the name of trigger
    before insert on "ORGUNITS" -- orgunits is the name of your table
    for each row
    if :new."ID" is null then
    select "ORGUNITS_SEQ".nextval into :new."ID" from dual;
    -- Orgunits_seq is name of your sequence and ID is name of your primary key
    end if;
    Please let me know if you got it right.

  • Problems while uploading company logo into sap script

    Hi Experts,
      When i am inserting company logo into sap scripts, i successfully uploaded, but the problem is i am getting black and white image instead of color,but in RSTXLDMC i am giving parameter as BCOL only, could anybody help to get my problem resolved. it is very urgent. The logo which i am inserting is colored.
    M.Rajendra Singh

    How to Upload graphics (IMAGE) to your Sapscript?
    Command in your Sapscript
    These are the steps to be followed for uploading graphics in R/3 system 
    1.   First save the file as BMP 
    2.   Open the BMP file in IMaging (Goto -> Programs -> Accessories -> Imaging) and 
          make it Zoom as 100% and save as *.TIFF 
    3.   Open SE38 and execute program RSTXLDMC
    4.   Give your TIFF file path name 
    5.   Select Bcol (for Color) 
    6.   TEXT ID will be ZHEX-MACRO-*. 
    7.   Inplace of * write your own logo name (ZCOMPANYLOGO) 
    8.   Execute the program 
    9.   Now Goto SE71 create your ZFORM 
    10. Create logo window 
    11. Goto text element of logo window 
    In 4.6x :-
    1.  Goto SE71 Change the mode to GRAPHICAL 
    2.  Choose the Graph Tabstrips
    3.  Now type in some name for the LOGO WINDOW 
    4.  Press the IMPORT BUTTON and then IMPORT the BMP file from your DESKTOP 
    5.  The code will be written automatically. You just need to drag and drop wherever you want
         the graphics to be. 
    Please note that in 4.6c onwards, you can also used Windows Bitmap file ( .BMP).

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