Problem with accessing Items through Form_Load event

i'm trying to do some change in some items of a form which i created (with UDO Form Generator). i'm catching it through Form_Load event:
oItem = oForm.Items.Item("4");
for some reason, i get this error msg: Item - Invalid item  [66000-3].
although the item name is currect (i tried all the items - non of them work).
when i'm catching it through diffrent event, it works fine. just not through Form_Load event (i tried both BeforeAction False and True).
I also checked that it works fine through the system forms. just not with my form.
what might be the problem?

Hi Robert,
I recommend you do your changes in your file/XML file before you load your form. It's much quicker and easier this way
//make your changes in your xml form
SBO_Application.LoadBatchActions(ref YourXMLFileString);
Cheers, Lita

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    Hi Mischael,
    From your description, my understanding is that there were no "invite people" or "Advanced" link when some users clicked "shared with" button in some lists.
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    TechNet Community Support
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    [email protected]

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          HTMLDB_CUSTOM_AUTH.define_user_session (app_user_in, session_id_in);
          HTMLDB_APPLICATION.g_flow_id := app_id_in;
          HTMLDB_CUSTOM_AUTH.post_login (app_user_in,
                                         app_id_in || ':' || page_id_in
                                        );Now, it seems this part doesn't work and it did in all previous versions. The collection
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    The (not working) demo can be found here:
    Denes Kubicek

    Thanks for responding. You confirmed what I previously stated. The following worked and
    works for all versions before 3.0:
       HTMLDB_CUSTOM_AUTH.define_user_session (:app_user_in, :session_id_in);
       HTMLDB_APPLICATION.g_flow_id := :app_id_in;
       HTMLDB_CUSTOM_AUTH.post_login (:app_user_in,
                                      :app_id_in || ':' || :page_id_in
       FOR c IN (SELECT c001, c002
                   FROM htmldb_collections
                  WHERE collection_name = :coll_name_in)
          htp.p(c.c001 || ', ' || c.c002);
       END LOOP;
    END;For 3.0 it doesn't return collection values. Selecting from collection will return
    ORA-01403: no data found. This means that something must have changed. Please
    correct me if I'm wrong.
    A question: is this the right way to access collections from a background process?
    If not (it obviously isn't the right way for 3.0), then what is the right way?
    I could create a package collection instead of using apex_collections. But I think it is not
    neccessary and we should find a way to avoid it if possible.
    Thanks again for your help.
    Denes Kubicek

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