Problem with irq sharing

I am having lockup problems due to my sound in some games.  My NIC 4401 & AC97 sound are sharing IRQ 18 and seems to be the problem.  How can I change it.  It won't let me doit via control panel or in the BIOS?? Thanks!

Hi Alleydog,
Is your NIC a PCI card or on board NIC? If it is a PCI card, then try moving it around the PCI slots to get another IRQ. It is always time consuming to solve IRQs conflicts but juz have to bear with it.
All the Best... :D!!!

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    Hi Nigel,
    How is the impact, just one user or all users, Outlook or OWA?
    If just one user, it seems like an issue on the Outlook Client side.
    Please trying to re-create new profile to fresh the caches.
    Please runing Outlook under safe mode to avoid some AVs, add-ins and firewall.
    Found a similar thread for your reference:
    Calendar Sharing not available error message
    Hope it is helpful
    Mavis Huang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Problem with File Sharing-Permissions throughout Folders

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    1. I have turned logged into it from my MBP while at Home and if I'm logged in as Guest I only see the Server Drive which is good. My concern is that if I log in with my login I then sell all Folders including the Main 'Macintosh HD' At least as a guest I can only see the Server Drive but is it any way I can stop it from showing all the other folders on the computer since I have no reason to do that?
    When you login to a mac as an administrator it is normal to see all the contents of the volumes connected to that mac.
    2. Also, I would like to disable all access for Guest. Yet I have it list Everyone or Guest in the file sharing and I have no way of deleting this. I don't want a Guest to be able to connect to this computer or share any files at all on it. Is there any way to disable this?
    Goto system preferernces-->accounts
    click on the lock to and enter your password to unlock the preference pane.
    Then select the guest account. Then uncheck the 2 check boxes. The account should now have 'disabled' underneath it.
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    If you have your base station set to distribute ip addresses then it is acting as a NAT router and will firewall you.
    I have not setup back to my mac yet so can't comment on its security. Although I would suggest a strong password.
    have a read of Mac OS X 10.5: About Back to My Mac security
    My method of remote access is to use SSH and run screen sharing over an SSH tunnel.

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    TNS-01114: LSNRCTL could not perform local OS authentication with the listener
    TNS-01115: OS error 28 creating shared memory segment of 129 bytes with key 2969090421
    My system is a: SunOS db1-oracle 5.10 Generic_144489-06 i86pc i386 i86pc (Total 64GB RAM)
    Current SGA is set to:
    Total System Global Area 5344731136 bytes
    Fixed Size 2233536 bytes
    Variable Size 2919238464 bytes
    Database Buffers 2399141888 bytes
    Redo Buffers 24117248 bytes
    prctl -n project.max-shm-memory -i process $$
    process: 21735: -bash
    privileged 64.0GB - deny
    I've seen that a solution might be "Make sure that system resources like shared memory and heap memory are available for LSNRCTL tool to execute properly."
    I'm not exactly sure how to check that there is enough resources?
    I've also seen a solution stating:
    "Try adjusting the system-imposed limits such as the maximum number of allowed shared memory segments, or their maximum and minimum sizes. In other cases, resources need to be freed up first for the operation to succeed."
    I've tried to modify the "max-sem-ids" parameter and set it to recommended 256 without any success and i've kind of run out of options what the error can be?

    I see, I do have the max-shm-ids quite high already so it shouldn't be a problem?,4096,deny);

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    DESCRIPTION="A simple WEP encrypted wireless connection"
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    but it still  doesn't work. I have an intel  3945 wireless card.
    Any help is appreciated,

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  • Problems with File Sharing.... prev query unanswered

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    I posted this query last month and have yet to solve the problem. I was hoping for some fresh ideas.
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    The second lab has 3 computers running from the switch, and 3 Macs running from an additional airport baystation (located in that lab).
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    All permissions under "server preferences" seem to be defined appropriately.
    Eg) selected "only those registered users" with specified user access indicated.
    Initially after setup, all folder access within the two primary labs appears correct on all computers. However, within a few days, all Macs that run from the Baystation in the second lab no longer show correct folder access.
    No problems occur with the IMac in the first lab.
    Typically only one student folder will appear, and it will not be the correct one. No public folders show up (or rarely do). I had thought it may be a problem with users logging out, so I changed settings to induce an automatic logout after 30min of inactivity. This worked at first, but the problem again started after a few days.
    I have tried many things and this problem still seems to occur within a few days of having fixed it. I am wondering if it may be an issue with the Baystation, though I am not sure how to address this. Any ideas would be much appreciated!!

    Hi There,
    We have just upgraded all design computers to imac and  upgraded our software to CS5 and we are still having the same problem.
    I  called Adobe at the beginning of the week and they told me to speak to  our IT department as it could be an issue with the preferances on out  network.
    Last time I spoke with IT they told me it was an Adobe issue. I  am still very concerned about it but I have a tiny bit of relief that  someone else is having the same trouble (although very annoying).
    Any ideas on how to fix it? Are you running a windows server?
    Please let me know if you find out any relevant info on this and I will do the same.

  • Problems with Family Sharing

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    (2) She went to download a free app from the App Store.  It prompted her to "Ask to Buy" and she selected send.  I never received the notification to approve her "purchase"  The only way to get the app on her iPod was for me to "purchase" it on my iPhone; she could then download it from purchases on her iPod.
    From my searching the communities and other forums (1) seems to be a common problem, but I have not yet seen a global solution posted.  (2) also seems to be prevalent.
    Note that when my son went to purchase an App for the Macbook Air, I did received the notification.
    Any assistance would be great.

    Hey Charliebunny,
    Thanks for the question. The following resources may help you grasp a better understanding of Family Sharing:
    Family Sharing
    Sharing purchased content with Family Sharing
    Matt M.

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    iPad2 (iOS 8.0.2), compare iPad mini / iPhone 5c/5s (iOS 8.0.2)
    iTunes 11.4, Home Sharing activated and Apple ID authorized
    iTunes TV SD
    iPad2 ... OK
    iPad mini / iPhone 5c/5s ...OK
    Apple TV ... OK
    iTunues TV HD 1080p
    iPad2 ... cannot open, unauthorized
    iPad mini / iPhone 5c/5s ...OK
    Apple TV ... OK
    is that a buy of iOS 8???
    best regards

    IOS 8.03 no better. No probs with 8 8.01 and with 8.03 ipad not responding at all. White screen is all I have when "home button" used to start ipad. Unable to power down or soft reboot. Now have crashed ipad!

  • Problems with home sharing on my iPhone

    So my home sharing keeps crashing after it gets to 50% on my iPhone. I choose the computer I want and it just sits there and loads until it hits 50% then it stops and refuses to load anymore. I first thought it was the computer I was connected to. At the time it started I was connected to my dads iMac and thought it was something to do with the apple IDs we were using on that computer. He has a different apple ID then me and I thought it was something to do with the multiple IDs. So I logged out from His sharing and logged in onto mine using my computer. After changing the IDs and restarting both my iPhone and my computer I tried it again. Same exact thing. It loads 50% and stops no matter how long I leave it for. I tried turning off my firewall and logging out of home sharing and logging back in on my iPhone. No joy. So I'm stumped. I have no idea why my phone will not connect with home sharing. Also my dads phone will connect to home sharing. Its just my phone this happens with. And this started to happen about 1 month ago when the new iPhone 5 came out. I'm also sure that it started happening after I installed IOS 6 on my phone.

    Personally I think recognition of libraries has always been a bit flaky with both versions of AppleTV.
    Sometimes this is down to local network issues, but sometimes, for whatever reason I think communication to say iTunes is available or not between the 2 devices is not always robust, and a restart of itunes, AppleTV, router or all can be required to kick start things.
    Some people have lots of issues. I don't see that many but occasionally a library isn't available when I know itunes is running or seen and then can't be accessed.

  • Problems with iCloud shared photos

    Hi all
    Updated all ios devices to 7. All good it seemed - but tonight took some pics on my 4s and created a shared stream. The person I invited (also on iOS 7) has not had invite and it does not appear on my other devices.
    Anyone else had anything similar?

    Hi Ian,
    If you are having issues with a shared photostream, you may find the following articles helpful:
    iCloud: My Photo Stream troubleshooting
    iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Photo Sharing and Shared Photo Streams
    - Brenden

  • Print authentication problem with a shared USB printer

    I'm trying to assist my brother with the setup of his new iMac i3 (running 10.6.4).  He is converting from a G5 iMac (which was, I believe, on Tiger) to the i3 and has a Canon MP610 printer.  The Canon MP610 printer has been connected via USB to the G5 with printer sharing on, and his wife has been able to print to the printer over Bonjour from her MacBook Pro  (OS 10.5.8) when it was shared via the G5.
    As soon as we moved the printer to the i3, she became unable to print from the MacBook Pro, because it began putting documents on hold in the queue and requiring authentication to print.
    Nothing we've tried will ether allow us to get past the authentication or get rid of the prompt.  We've deleted and re-added the printer multiple times, assured that the new i3 is the only one set up for sharing its connected printer - tried different user passwords to authenticate - we're stuck.  My brother is the sole user/administrator account on the i3, his wife is the sole administrator/user on the MacBook Pro.  The MP610 has been totally deleted from the old G5 so we don't think it is interfering.
    They're in California, I'm doing remote support from Texas.  The computers and printer are all in the same room in their home.
    I've read posts this morning in the community about this issue but they all reference Windows networks.. there is no Windows or mixed Windows-Mac model in our scenario.
    Please help!  thanks in advance.

    The layout of the print window is not the same as OS 9.x and prior. There will not be a choice for double sided printing as there was pre OS X unless the printer comes with an automatic duplexer.
    You will have to figure out how to print odds and evens in separate jobs and do it manually.

  • K7T Turbo LE and problems with IRQ routing Win98SE

    When I boot my machine (AMD 1600+ on an MSI K7T Turbo Limited Edition), the BIOS reports me the following:
    SiS6326 AGP card: NA (no IRQ even if I enable "Assign IRQ to VGA" in BIOS, but that's not my problem)
    Startech NIC in slot 2: IRQ 11
    D-Link DFE-538 TX in slot 3: IRQ 10
    Echo Mia soundcard in slot 4: IRQ 5
    Onboard Promise ATA100 controller: IRQ 11
    2x USB controllers Via 3038: IRQ 3 for each one
    IDE controllers: IRQ 14 and 15
    In "Settings - Control Panel - System - Device Manager", there's one big difference:
    The two USB controllers (Via 3038 PCI to USB) are on IRQ 10!!! The only way for Via USB controllers to be on their real good one IRQ (3) is to completely disable "IRQ Steering" in "Settings - Control Panel - System - Device Manager - System Devices - PCI Bus".
    To resolve this, I tried:
    - different Via 4 in 1 (4.32, 4.35, 4.36): no changes
    - Via IRQ miniport uninstalled: no changes
    - Enable "PnP OS" and "ACPI" in the BIOS: no changes
    - Tried all the combinations in "Settings - Control Panel - System - Device Manager - System Devices - PCI Bus - IRQ Steering" (except disabling IRQ Steering because like I said, it resolves the bug. Though, I want IRQ Steering to be enabled AND the bug resolved).
    So, if anyone have a clue, it will be really appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.
    - MSI K7T Turbo Limited Edition
    - Athlon XP 1600+ (1.4ghz)
    - Win 98SE with all the patches
    - NIC Startech (Realtek 8139 chip) in PCI 2 (IRQ 11)
    - NIC D-Link DFE-538 Tx in PCI 3 (IRQ 10)
    - Echo Mia in PCI 4 (IRQ 5)
    - SiS 6326 AGP card (doesn't take an IRQ!)
    - HDD Quantum Fireball Lct-10 20 GB 5400 rpm on IDE 1
    - HDD Maxtor 6 L080J4 80 GB 7200 rpm on second IDE of the Promise controller (running in standard IDE mode, not RAID)
    - Plextor 8/4/32 (master) and CD-ROM 56x Affrey (slave) on IDE 2
    - 4 in 1 v.4.35

    SiS6326 AGP card: NA (no IRQ even if I enable "Assign IRQ to VGA" in BIOS, but that's not my problem)
    Just thought that I would let you know that I have the same troubles with no IRQ being assigned by the BIOS and due to this I am having troubles getting a DUAL monitor set up running!

  • Problem with Home Sharing.  Getting the error "The Requested URL was not Found on this Server"

    I recently purchased an iPhone 5.  As I do with all of my AppleTVs, iPads, iPods and an iPhone 4 in my home, I connected the 5 to my home network and accessed the shared video library using home sharing.  My iTunes library is roughly 85% iTunes purchases, a handful of videos taken with iOS devices, and some video ripped with Handbrake.  All of these videos work fine on all devices in my home except my new iPhone 5.  When I access the shared video library on my iPhone 5, all of the textual data for all of the videos appears, however, I can only get the iPhone to play 1 video of the dozens in my iTunes library. When I try to play any other, I get the error, "The Requested URL was not Found on this Server."
    Interestingly, only one video in my entire shared library displays the artwork associated with it in my iTunes library on my iPhone 5, and that's the one I can stream without a problem. Even more interestingly, that video I am able to stream was ripped using Handbrake (there are a number in my library ripped using Handbrake, but just this one will stream to my iPhone 5 for some reason).
    I'm using the latest version of iTunes (10.7) on my home (iMac) computer (running OSX 10.8.2- Mountain Lion)and of course iOS 6 on the iPhone 5. I've tried resetting my iPhone several times as well as restarting my iMac which holds my iTunes library.
    Does anyone have any ideas as to what's going on?

    Can you see if you can view index page from a browser on iPhone.
    Have you seen live streams working from a different computer...
    if not then check if a proper crossdomain.xml file in its place(webroot folder).

Maybe you are looking for

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