Problemas no recebimento de XML via E-mail caracteres especiais Valid ***.

Boa  tarde
Este problema descrito abaixo só acontece qnd recebo XML com caracteres especiais entre as tags  Enter, Tabs, Espaço....
que representam 30% dos XML recebidos via E-MAIL
Estou tendo problemas quando tenho a Assinatura Digital verificada pelo Serviço disponibilizado pelo Visual Administrador(Verify)
Hoje recebo um XML por e-mail...resgato a string do XML no Kpro (GRC) e envio para esse serviço de Validação de Assinatura o mesmo Invalida a Assinatura
Quando o mesmo é submetido ao validador do governo Programa Visualizado NF-e 3.5 e ao serviço SEFAZ RS  a assinatura é dada como Valida
Bom ...o senhores devem estar se perguntando será que esse arquivo não esta sendo corrompido na transferencia do mesmo para o Kpro  ou no envio da msg para o serviço de validação de assinatura..., por esse motivo executei alguns ciclos de teste..:
1 - Baixei o arquivo original para minha máquina e executei a validação usando o programa do governo
Visualizador NFe 3.5 / serviço SEFAZ RS  -  Assinatura Válida
2 - Executei a Interface  através do PI enviando uma MSG contendo a string do xml NFe resgatada no Kpro... para esse
Serviço disponibilizado pelo Visual Administrador(SAP) as java  - Assinatura Invalida
3 - Baixei o Payload da MSG da interface de Validação da ***. Digital pela transação SXI_MONITOR  Ajustei o xml editando em um bloco de notas (trocando os caracteres <> para maio e menor)
Visualizador NFe 3.5 / serviço SEFAZ RS  -  Assinatura Válida
4 - Criei um programa abap  ler a string do XML no Kpro (GRC)  e baixar ..local
Visualizador NFe 3.5 / serviço SEFAZ RS  -  Assinatura Válida
5 - Executei a Interface  através do PI enviando uma MSG contendo a string do xml ...local ..teste executado através da transação SPROXY
- Assinatura Invalida
em qual serviço estará o Problema?
Alguém já enfrentou esse problema ou esta enfrentando?...pois esse  tipo de problema parece ser muito comum pois nem toda empresa tem SAP ....e o problema é que o SEFAZ aceita e valida esses XMLs...!
pois estou pensando em seguir parte desta sugestão
agradeço desde já ....!
Edited by: Ronaldo de Moraes on Oct 21, 2009 3:05 AM

claramente há algum problema com a codificacao do arquivo.
Abra o xml no Notepad e verifique que na tag Signature, há varias quebras de linha, incluindo caracteres nao reconhecidos (representados como um retangulo).
Ainda, como vc está testando o servico verify?
Vc fez uma interface XI? Porque não há interface PI standard p/ o serviço verify.
Ainda, como vc chamou essa interface? Pela tela de teste do Runtime Workbench?
O próprio ctrl+c que vc dá no conteúdo pode estar corrompendo os dados.
O fato de vc estar utilizando um browser para o teste poderia corroborar isso.
Faça o seguinte teste:
1. Através do XMLSpy, criar uma SOAP Request p/ a interface verify (menu SOAP -> Create New SOAP Request)
2. a tag  Send SOAP Request). Aqui deu válida;
4.2. abra o .xml que vc quer testar no notepad, copie a tag  Send SOAP Request). Aqui deu inválida.
Ou seja, dependendo da maneira que vc trata o conteudo (aplicacao onde vc abre o .xml, ctrl+c etc) vai haver uma modificacao da codificacao.
Nao vejo muita maneira de garantir que funcione sempre a nao ser removendo esses caracteres, conforme definido pela propria SEFAZ.

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    Boa Tarde
    Não sei se você chegou a receber alguns casos  que lhe enviei ...! Quando ele chega ao e-mail ele já esta assim....!
    Esse é nosso grande problema as vezes o parceiro não se sente obrigado em ajustar o seu sistema,  uma vez que lhe é apresentado uma ferrameta do governo que valida esse mesmo arquivo rejeitado pelo serviço  de Validação de *** Digital(AS JAVA)SAP  ...,oque penso em  fazer  quanto a essa questão,.. desenvolver  uma  solução para tratar a excessão calculo  de Hash ...comparação Binária.. e outras mais...!
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    Ronaldo de Moraes
    Edited by: Ronaldo de Moraes on Oct 21, 2009 4:58 PM

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    Att. Celso Bruno

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    i have some problem sending xml via mail(mailto). When the amil program caming up il see the subjet but the xml tag there aren't???
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    thanks in advanced

    Go into settings - mail - account - and then look for the outgoing server - click in there and there should be a place for you to enter your password - just as you would when you first set up your email account.

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    How to use xml publisher API ?
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    // create delivery manager instance
    DeliveryManager dm = new DeliveryManager();
    // create a delivery request
    DeliveryRequest req =
    // set email subject
    req.addProperty(DeliveryPropertyDefinitions.SMTP_SUBJECT, "Invoice");
    // set SMTP server host
    DeliveryPropertyDefinitions.SMTP_HOST, "mysmtphost");
    // set the sender email address
    "[email protected]");
    // set the destination email address
    "[email protected], [email protected]" );
    // set the content type of the email body
    // set the document file name appeared in the email
    // set the document to deliver
    // submit the request
    // close the request
    req.close(); )
    Not say how to use this code to account effect !!
    Having anybody to use API before?
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    BY Emily_ye

    Hi Emily
    I had the same question. After much research and a lot of deduction I produced the following:
    import oracle.apps.fnd.cp.request.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.util.*;
    import oracle.apps.xdo.XDOException;
    import oracle.apps.xdo.common.pdf.util.PDFDocMerger;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement;
    public class RunTravProgram implements JavaConcurrentProgram {
    CpContext mCtx; // global reference to concurrent program context
    LogFile logFile; // global reference to context logfile
    OutFile outFile; // global reference to context outfile
    Connection mConn = null;
    ReqCompletion lRC;
    //File Separator
    private String mFileSeparator;
    // globals for template
    String XDOAppShortName = "";
    String XDOtemplateCode = "";
    // hard-wired constants for template addition
    final String XDOLanguage = "en";
    final String XDOTerritory = "US";
    final String XDOFinal_format = "PDF";
    final String XDOtemplateType = "TEMPLATE_SOURCE";
    String PDFFile = "";
    String outFilePath = "";
    String progShortName = "";
    String progDesc = "";
    Integer iRequestID = 0;
    String sWatermark = ""; // watermark text
    String emailAddress = ""; // Not Implemented
    String emailServer = "";
    public static final String M_SUCCESS = "SUCCESS";
    public static final String M_ERROR = "ERROR";
    public static final String M_WARNING = "WARNING";
    * Create a Java FND ConcurrentRequest objec to call fnd_request.submit_request
    * The first three parameters are:
    * Application Short Name -- Application Short name (ie. WAHC)
    * Current Program Short Name -- Concurrent Program being called
    * Current Program Description -- description for above
    * These should be the first three parameters passed by the concurrent
    * program in this order. The next two are constants set to null
    * These are followed by the parameters passed by the first concurrent
    * program that are being passed to the next concurrent program.
    * I am limiting the parameter list to ten for now.
    // Dynamic PLSQL statement used to get a concurrent request completion status
    // This is necessary because the java class does not provide this method :-(
    String mGetCompleteStatus =
    "DECLARE R_VAL BOOLEAN; " + "b_phase VARCHAR2 (80) := NULL; " +
    "b_status VARCHAR2 (80) := NULL; " +
    "b_dev_phase VARCHAR2 (80) := NULL; " +
    "b_dev_status VARCHAR2 (80) := NULL; " +
    "b_message VARCHAR2 (240) := NULL; " + "BEGIN " +
    "r_val := fnd_concurrent.wait_for_request (:1,5,1000," +
    "b_phase,b_status,b_dev_phase,b_dev_status,b_message); " +
    ":2 := b_phase; " + ":3 := b_status; " + ":4 := b_message; " + "end;";
    public RunTravProgram() {
    // no constructor necessary for now
    * Concurrent Processing provides an interface 'JavaConcurrentProgram' with abstract method
    * runProgram() which passes the concurrent processing context 'CpContext'. The concurrent
    * program developer will implement all of their business logic for a concurrent program in
    * runProgram(). The main() method, implemented by AOL, will call runProgram() after
    * performing all of the required initialization for the concurrent program, including
    * establishing a database connection, initializing the required contexts, and setting up
    * the log and output files. CpContext will have the request specific log and output
    * file input methods
    public void runProgram(CpContext pCpContext) {
    mCtx = pCpContext;
    OracleCallableStatement lStmt = null;
    boolean bCompletion = true;
    String sPhase = "";
    String sStatus = "";
    String sMessage = "";
    //get handle on request completion object for reporting status
    lRC = pCpContext.getReqCompletion();
    // assign logfile
    logFile = pCpContext.getLogFile();
    // assign outfile
    outFile = pCpContext.getOutFile();
    // assign fileseparator
    mFileSeparator = getFileSeparator();
    // get the JDBC connection object
    mConn = pCpContext.getJDBCConnection();
    outFilePath =
    ((new File(outFile.getFileName())).getParent() == null ? "" :
    (new File(outFile.getFileName())).getParent() +
    logFile.writeln("OutFile File Path: -> " + outFilePath, 0);
    // get parameter list object from CpContext
    // these come from the concurrent program
    ParameterList lPara = pCpContext.getParameterList();
    // create a temporary array and retrieve the parameters created by
    // the program. Currently limiting the number of parameters to 10 for now
    String pvals[] = new String[10];
    int pcount = 0;
    while (lPara.hasMoreElements()) {
    NameValueType aNVT = lPara.nextParameter();
    pvals[pcount] = aNVT.getValue();
    if (pcount > 9)
    // send parameter values to the log file
    logFile.writeln("Arg 1: APPL_SHORT_NAME -> " + pvals[0], 0);
    logFile.writeln("Arg 2: CURR_PROG_SHORT_NAME -> " + pvals[1], 0);
    logFile.writeln("Arg 3: CURR_PROG_DESCRIPTION -> " + pvals[2], 0);
    logFile.writeln("Arg 4: TEMPLATE_CODE -> " + pvals[3], 0);
    logFile.writeln("Arg 5: P_PLANT_CODE -> " + pvals[4], 0);
    logFile.writeln("Arg 6: P_BATCH_NO -> " + pvals[5], 0);
    logFile.writeln("Arg 7: P_SHOW_PROMISE -> " + pvals[6], 0);
    logFile.writeln("Arg 8: P_WATERMARK -> " + pvals[7], 0);
    XDOtemplateCode = pvals[3]; // store the template name globally
    progShortName = pvals[1]; // store the program short name globally
    XDOAppShortName = pvals[0]; // store the application short name
    sWatermark = pvals[7]; // store the watermark globally
    progDesc = pvals[2];
    try {
    // create a concurrent request object
    ConcurrentRequest cr = new ConcurrentRequest(mConn);
    // use the parameters to call fnd_request.submit_request
    cr.addLayout(XDOAppShortName, XDOtemplateCode, XDOLanguage,
    XDOTerritory, XDOFinal_format);
    Vector param = new Vector();
    param.add(pvals[4]); // plant code
    param.add(pvals[5]); // batch ID
    param.add(pvals[6]); // Show SO info flag
    iRequestID =
    cr.submitRequest(XDOAppShortName, progShortName, progDesc,
    null, false, param);
    // send the request ID to the log file
    logFile.writeln("-- Request ID: ->" + Integer.toString(iRequestID),
    // call fnd_concurrent.wait_for_request to wait until the request
    // has ended - use this to check the request status before proceeding
    lStmt =
    lStmt.setInt(1, iRequestID);
    lStmt.registerOutParameter(2, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR, 0, 255);
    lStmt.registerOutParameter(3, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR, 0, 255);
    lStmt.registerOutParameter(4, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR, 0, 255);
    // get the results of the completion
    sPhase = lStmt.getString(2);
    sStatus = lStmt.getString(3);
    sMessage = lStmt.getString(4);
    // send the results of the request processing to the log file
    logFile.writeln("-- Phase: -> " + sPhase, 0);
    logFile.writeln("-- Status: -> " + sStatus, 0);
    logFile.writeln("-- Message: -> " + sMessage, 0);
    // test here to make sure it completed correctly
    if (sPhase.equals("Completed") && sStatus.equals("Normal")) {
    // construct the PDF file name generated by the called request
    PDFFile = progShortName + "_" + iRequestID + "_1.pdf";
    // add a watermark to the generated PDF
    // create an output stream for the existing PDF
    // and set ouput to append
    OutputStream pdfout =
    new FileOutputStream(outFilePath + PDFFile, true);
    // create an inputstream array (required by calling method)
    InputStream pdfin[] = new InputStream[1];
    pdfin[0] = new FileInputStream(outFilePath + PDFFile);
    // add the watermark passed as a parameter
    bCompletion = addWatermark(pdfin, pdfout);
    // assign the modified file to the context out
    // this will print using this request
    if (bCompletion)
    outFile.setOutFile(outFilePath + PDFFile);
    // release the connection object
    // and set the completion status for the request
    if (bCompletion) {
    } else {
    lRC.setCompletion(ReqCompletion.WARNING, M_WARNING);
    } catch (SQLException s) {
    logFile.writeln("SQL Error: Exception thrown w/ error message: " +
    s.getMessage(), 0);
    lRC.setCompletion(ReqCompletion.WARNING, M_WARNING);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
    logFile.writeln("IO Error: Exception thrown w/ error message: " +
    ioe.getMessage(), 0);
    lRC.setCompletion(ReqCompletion.WARNING, M_WARNING);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    logFile.writeln("General Exception: " + e.getMessage(), 0);
    lRC.setCompletion(ReqCompletion.WARNING, M_WARNING);
    } finally {
    try {
    if (lStmt != null)
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    logFile.writeln(e.getMessage(), 0);
    lRC.setCompletion(ReqCompletion.WARNING, M_WARNING);
    * addWatermark()
    * @param pdfin
    * @param pdfout
    * @return boolean
    * This method will work for an existing document or a newly generated
    * one. Set the outputstream append flag to false for a new document
    * and true for an existing one.
    * NOTE: PDFDocMerger requires an inputstream array even if it only
    * contains one document.
    private boolean addWatermark(InputStream[] pdfin, OutputStream pdfout) {
    if (!sWatermark.equals("")) {
    try {
    PDFDocMerger docMerger = new PDFDocMerger(pdfin, pdfout);
    docMerger.setTextWatermark(sWatermark, 80f, 50f);
    docMerger.setTextWatermarkColor(1.0f, .50f, .50f);
    docMerger.setTextWatermarkFont("Garamond", 100);
    docMerger = null;
    return true;
    } catch (XDOException e) {
    logFile.writeln("Watermark process Failed: " + e.getMessage(),
    return false;
    return true;
    * Returns the file separator
    private String getFileSeparator() {
    return (System.getProperty("file.separator"));
    * EBSEmailDelivery
    * @return
    * Just for testing right now.
    private boolean EBSEmailDelivery() {
    if (!emailAddress.equals("")) {
    try {
    // create delivery manager instance
    DeliveryManager delMgr = new DeliveryManager();
    // create a delivery request
    DeliveryRequest delReq =
    // set email subject
    "EBS Report:" + progDesc +
    " for request: " + iRequestID);
    // set SMTP server host
    emailServer); // need to supply the email smtp server
    // set the sender email address
    // set the destination email address
    // set the content type of the email body
    // set the document file name appeared in the email
    // set the document to deliver
    delReq.setDocument(outFilePath + PDFFile);
    // submit the request
    // close the request
    return true;
    } catch (DeliveryException de) {
    logFile.writeln("email process Failed: " + de.getMessage(), 0);
    return false;
    return true;
    This is the class for a JCP I created to perform the following:
    1) Launch an existing Concurrent Program that produces PDF output
    2) Grab the PDF and apply a watermark based on user input or conditions
    3) associate the modified PDF to CP output for PASTA printing
    It isn't elegant but it is fairly simple. I added the email capability and tested it but am not implementing it at the present time.
    there is a fair amount of information out there that explains how to create a JCP councurrent program but very little that demonstrates the class needed.
    I hope this helps

  • Problems sending via the Mail app [Lion OS X]

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    The problem I've had is when trying to send an e-mail or reply to one via the Mail app. Even though I have 3 accounts and have got the 'Send messages from account of selected mailbox' selected in Preferences > Composing, it always used to send from only one of the 3. If I recall correctly it was the second account I had added that it always sent from.
    Recently I'd decided to try and sort this. I like to use one account for business e-mails and the other 2 for personal so when I recieve a business e-mail I really don't want it replied to from one of my personal e-mails. The simplest idea I had was to remove the 2 personal accounts (under Preferences > Accounts) and use the app purely for my business e-mails.
    However after removing them I now don't receive any e-mails for those accounts, but after testing a bit with a friend all e-mails are still being sent from an account no longer registered on the app.
    How can I sort this so I only have 1 account that I can send and recieve from??

    Seem to have sorted it now (I think).
    Made sure all trace of the accounts was removed from the Preferences of the Mail app, removed any trace of stored passwords it could be using in the Keychain Access, and finally unlinked my accounts from each other on the options page of Hotmail.
    Then tried resetting up just the one account and it seems to have done the trick.


    I need some help.
    I want to send a XLS attachment from a program via E-Mail.
    The problem is I have a lot of columns so I have over 255 chars , I think 500 Chars.
    When I send the email, I got it but it is truncate in the 255 position, all the rest doesn't appear
    Somebody knows about a solution for this problem?

    There was so many discussion about same topic.
    Check the below link for more information
    How to email an attachment with more than 255 characters?

  • Problem redeeming gifts sent via e-mail

    my sister sent me a gift via e-mail (a movie), and when I try to redeem it at the itunes store it says that it has allready been redeemed, but it is nowhere to be found in my library. Does any one have a solution?

    I'd call your sister and see if she downloaded the movie.
    Perhaps she did not quite unserdtand how gifting works.
    If she does not have it, go to ->
    and send an email at the bottom of the page.

  • Crm via e-mail toolset

    Currently we are implementing crm & adobe interactive form integration scenario. What we are expecting; when user presses submit via e-mail button on the form, the xml file which is attached to e-mail has to be processed by CRM.  We have read presentations and guides about crm via e-mail toolset and done all the customizing.
    What is missing for us when we send this xml file to crm inbound processing what should be triggered at CRM side? All the E2C configuration is done.
    We also configured inbound processing so50 and set as exit name CL_FP_INBOUND_HANDLER. But in this case system expects from us pdf file not xml as shown in presentations of SAP.

    Well, let me go into more detail. The twitter e-mail said "did you see this tweet about you?" and  provided a bitly. I copied and pasted the bitly addy in my browser and up popped a "twitter" log-in site, asking for mt twitter ID and password. I noticed two odd things about the site: the web addy had a "http" instead of a "https" and the twitter bird icon looked off. I never logged on and reported the phishing to Twitter.
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  • Pdf extension changes to .dat when send a file via e-mail from adobe acrobat 9

    to convert a file from microsoft word 2007 to PDF and send as an attachment via e-mail from adobe 9, the file is received with the extension changed to. dat, so recipients can not open it.
    Can anyone help me with this.

    What is the OS of the sending computer?
    What mail client?
    I receive plenty of files on my PC as .dat files, which come from Mac user(s), rename the extension to what I think they ought to be and have no further problem. (I cannot change the senders email settings where the problem originates)
    If the receiver knows it is a pdf file, they can drag it into Acrobat, but renaming the extension serves future use.

  • Problem in attaching a xml file in Email Notification

    I am new to BPEL. I am using Jdev. Facing a problem in attaching a xml file in Email Notification process. I do not get any email when ever the attachment is a xml. Whereas when the attachment is a pdf, i get the pdf in the mail. I have put the mime type as text/xml. Used ora:doc() to read the xml. Dont know what i am missing. Please help me out. Thanks.
    Edited by: friendsforever on Oct 6, 2010 1:05 AM

    actually i want that when a user open my website register form then he must attached their resume in it
    so i want to know how can i make a field of attaching.
    please reply
    I am waiting for your reply

  • ECC 6.0 with baseline - send PO via e-mail

    Hi forum experts,
    We are having some problems with configuring our system to send POs via e-mail. We are trying to use the following setting, but when the PO is saved (and triggers an output) an error appears without any items in processing log. No e-mail is queued in SOST.
    Medium: 5 - external send
    Program: YBAA_FM06P.
    FORM routine: ENTRY_NEU
    Form: <blank>
    PDF/Smartform form: YBAA_MMPO
    When performing a normal "Print output, medium 1", the PO is successfully printed.
    When changing the program to SAPFM06P, a sapscript form is successfully genereated and queued as an e-mail. We simply don't get it to work using program YBAA_MMPO.
    Are we using the correct program? I have read som discussion threads about it and some experts have suggested to use program /SMB40/FM06P instead. That does not work either.
    Best regards and thanks in advance for your help!

    You are using PDF/Smartform form: YBAA_MMPO for  your PO output and to send mail.
    Use t.code:NACE,select application EF.
    1.Now for your Output type, keep Replacement of text symbols give programm as SAPMM06E and Form Routine as TEXT_SYMBOL_REPLACE in General data  TAB.
    2. Keep Communication Method as CS01
    3. Keep entry of medium as 5 and function as VN
    4.For subject of the mail goto Mail Title and Texts give PO No. &EKKO-EBELN& .
    5.Keep condition record with your PO output type and have medium 5 with function VN
    6. For sending PO by e-mail- you should an e-mail ID in your vendor master
    Biju K

  • Is it normal that, when I try to share something on my iphone 5, be it via e-mail or textmessage, my keyboard is no longer touching the bottom of my screen, it 'floats' in the middle of my screen, making it impossible to choose the addressee?

    Dear fellow Apple owners,
    Is it normal that, when I try to share something on my iphone 5, be it via e-mail or textmessage, my keyboard is no longer touching the bottom of my screen, it 'floats' in the middle of my screen, making it impossible to choose the addressee?
    Has anybody seen this before?
    I had it in 6.1.2, 6.1.3 and 6.1.4
    All of them have the same problem...
    Does anybody have a solution?

    Hey StevenKusters,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities! First I would try backing up and erasing all content and settings, but if that doesn't resolve the issue you can use iTunes to restore your iOS device - part of standard isolation troubleshooting. Restoring your device will delete all data and content, including songs, videos, contacts, photos, and calendar information, and will restore all settings to their factory condition.
    iTunes: Restoring iOS software
    All the best,

  • XML encoding in mail adapter

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    Mail Adapter (XI) - how to implement dynamic mail address                              
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