Problème autonomie

Bonsoir :)
J'ai un iphone 4s depuis plusieurs mois
Jusqu'ici tout allait bien niveau autonomie de ma batterie jusqu'à la mise à jour ios 6.1
Je suis pourtant très attentive à son autonomie (désactive donnée cellulaire, publicité, passbook, geolocalisation, je ferme une app de suite après son utilisation , règle souvent la luminosité , le recharge au moins 1 fois par mois 'complètement' = recharge a 2% et le recharge jusqu'à100% et débranche de suite pour la batterie)
Malgré ça , depuis la mise a jour en désactivant tout ce que je peux ma batterie diminue plutôt fortement !!
Je voulais savoir d'où venait ce problème étant donné qu'Apple a dit que l'autonomie de la batterie serait amélioré ce qui n'est pas mon cas et peut être celui d'autre possesseur d'iphone ?
Merci de répondre dès que possible ! :)
Encore merci pour vos beau progrès sur l'iphone malgré l'autonomie ! :)

Ce site est plutôt en anglais ... (pour avoir des réponses).
Moi j'ai acheté le mien fin juillet à FNAC Cannes. Lion était installé et j'ai fait l'update ML quand il est sorti. J'aurais mieux fait de m'abstenir. Sous Lion je n'avais même pas vérifié si j'avais bien les 7 h annoncés...
Si vraiment le votre vous a été livré avec ML installé usine, c'est que le problème vient des versions successives, 10.8.1 et 10.8.2.
Il faut donc patienter jusqu'à la prochaine livraison ML (10.8.3 ?) et espérer que l'autonomie de départ soit restaurée !

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    Auriez-vous une idée de comment revenir à mon autonomie d'antan ?..
    Je vous remercie d'avance pour vos réponses,

    Ce site est plutôt en anglais ... (pour avoir des réponses).
    Moi j'ai acheté le mien fin juillet à FNAC Cannes. Lion était installé et j'ai fait l'update ML quand il est sorti. J'aurais mieux fait de m'abstenir. Sous Lion je n'avais même pas vérifié si j'avais bien les 7 h annoncés...
    Si vraiment le votre vous a été livré avec ML installé usine, c'est que le problème vient des versions successives, 10.8.1 et 10.8.2.
    Il faut donc patienter jusqu'à la prochaine livraison ML (10.8.3 ?) et espérer que l'autonomie de départ soit restaurée !

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    Ce site est plutôt en anglais ... (pour avoir des réponses).
    Moi j'ai acheté le mien fin juillet à FNAC Cannes. Lion était installé et j'ai fait l'update ML quand il est sorti. J'aurais mieux fait de m'abstenir. Sous Lion je n'avais même pas vérifié si j'avais bien les 7 h annoncés...
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    Merci d'avance pour votre aide

    J'ai le même probleme que vous et n'ai toujours pas trouvé de solution ! Mon iphone est NEUF (moins d'un mois), et il ne tient pas la journée, je dois le recharger 2 fois par jours sans l'utiliser plus que ca, je trouve ca aberant ! (je perds environ entre 5% et 10% par heure)
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    Merci d'avance.

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    Merci pour ta réponse.
    Je viens de m'apercevoir qu'en fait, cela ne me faisait ca que pour les impression écran, donc ca reste limité cava.
    Cependant ca signifie que quand tu appuies a la fois sur l ebouton homle et sur le bouton de verrouillage, pour faire impression écran, et bien lorsque tu essaye de la recadrer ou quoi ca ne marche pas et ca éteint presque le téléphone.
    Voila tout.
    Avez vous par ailleurs constaté un gros gain d'autonomie en terme de batterie ou pas? j'aimerais avoir des retours.
    Merci d'avance.

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    Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

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    Ce site est plutôt en anglais ... (pour avoir des réponses).
    Moi j'ai acheté le mien fin juillet à FNAC Cannes. Lion était installé et j'ai fait l'update ML quand il est sorti. J'aurais mieux fait de m'abstenir. Sous Lion je n'avais même pas vérifié si j'avais bien les 7 h annoncés...
    Si vraiment le votre vous a été livré avec ML installé usine, c'est que le problème vient des versions successives, 10.8.1 et 10.8.2.
    Il faut donc patienter jusqu'à la prochaine livraison ML (10.8.3 ?) et espérer que l'autonomie de départ soit restaurée !

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    Ce site est plutôt en anglais ... (pour avoir des réponses).
    Moi j'ai acheté le mien fin juillet à FNAC Cannes. Lion était installé et j'ai fait l'update ML quand il est sorti. J'aurais mieux fait de m'abstenir. Sous Lion je n'avais même pas vérifié si j'avais bien les 7 h annoncés...
    Si vraiment le votre vous a été livré avec ML installé usine, c'est que le problème vient des versions successives, 10.8.1 et 10.8.2.
    Il faut donc patienter jusqu'à la prochaine livraison ML (10.8.3 ?) et espérer que l'autonomie de départ soit restaurée !

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    Ce site est plutôt en anglais ... (pour avoir des réponses).
    Moi j'ai acheté le mien fin juillet à FNAC Cannes. Lion était installé et j'ai fait l'update ML quand il est sorti. J'aurais mieux fait de m'abstenir. Sous Lion je n'avais même pas vérifié si j'avais bien les 7 h annoncés...
    Si vraiment le votre vous a été livré avec ML installé usine, c'est que le problème vient des versions successives, 10.8.1 et 10.8.2.
    Il faut donc patienter jusqu'à la prochaine livraison ML (10.8.3 ?) et espérer que l'autonomie de départ soit restaurée !

  • [Solved] Error : The file or folder path /Probl?me 1 does not exist

    I encountered this error
    The file or folder <path>/Probl?me 2 does not exist
    while I was trying to open a directory already extracted from a zip file containing directories with special characters. In this case, it is a "è" that was misinterpreted as a "?".
    I searched the forums and on google, the solutions proposed do not work for me. Although, I have to deal with these files written in french, I would like to have my locale in english (US), with a system wide support for special characters.
    Attempt 1: Adding the option : iocharset=utf8 into the fstab, like this :
    fstab :
    # /etc/fstab: static file system information
    # <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
    none /dev/pts devpts defaults 0 0
    none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
    /dev/cdrom /media/cd auto ro,user,noauto,unhide 0 0
    /dev/dvd /media/dvd auto ro,user,noauto,unhide 0 0
    /dev/fd0 /media/fl auto user,noauto 0 0
    /dev/disk/by-uuid/24ba75ac-e52d-40eb-a599-83b394b500b2 /boot ext2 defaults 0 2
    /dev/disk/by-uuid/c797f409-00bc-479a-b4d6-ab49943f644b / ext4 defaults 0 1
    /dev/disk/by-uuid/668427a8-5f51-42bd-a316-fc7984bf5f4f /var ext4 defaults 0 2
    /dev/sda7 swap swap defaults 0 0
    /dev/disk/by-uuid/417cd1b7-8f06-414b-84d5-e8714d9646ab /home ext4 defaults 0 2
    /dev/disk/by-uuid/ef9aa00e-0515-4d7b-aa23-8096e787250d /usr ext4 defaults 0 2
    /dev/disk/by-uuid/17d401b7-2fc7-4d9f-8e17-657d86926d2e /tmp ext4 defaults,iocharset=utf8 0 0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    /dev/disk/by-uuid/71e543b6-e06c-4b0e-b1e3-3b491ff1fefe /var/cache/pacman/repos ext4 defaults 0 2
    #/dev/sda12 /mnt/archive ext4 defaults 0 2 /mnt/hgfs vmhgfs defaults 0 0
    This solution does not work, because after adding iocharset=utf8, in front or after a "defaults", after a reboot, while mounting the filesystem, there is the following error message:
    Mounting Locale Filesystem :
    mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,
    missing codepage or helper program, or other error
    In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
    dmesg | tail or so
    $ dmesg | tail
    phy0: Selected rate control algorithm 'iwl-agn-rs'
    EXT4-fs (sda5): re-mounted. Opts: (null)
    EXT4-fs (sda5): re-mounted. Opts: (null)
    EXT4-fs (sda6): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
    EXT4-fs (sda8): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
    EXT4-fs (sda9): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
    EXT4-fs (sda10): Unrecognized mount option "iocharset=utf8" or missing value <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    EXT4-fs (sda11): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
    Adding 2104476k swap on /dev/sda7. Priority:-1 extents:1 across:2104476k
    tg3 0000:07:00.0: irq 44 for MSI/MSI-X
    Attempt 2: Changing all the locale features in KDE and in /etc/rc.conf as well.
    $ vim /etc/rc.conf
    It is complicated to remove these directories. I had to use the inum to get precisely these directories before removing them.
    $ ls -il
    total 8
    1577566 drwxr-xr-x 2 [username] [username] 4096 28 jan 07:09 Probl?me 1
    1577573 drwxr-xr-x 2 [username] [username] 4096 28 jan 07:09 Probl?me 2
    $ find . -inum 1577566 -exec rm -i {} \;
    rm: impossible de supprimer « ./Probl\212me 1 »: est un dossier
    Note that the hypothetical character 'è' is represented has a '\212', a 'È' if seen as a extended ASCII character.
    These directories cannot be deleted this way :
    $ rm -r Problème\ 1
    rm: cannot remove `Problème 1': No such file or directory
    $ rm -r ProblÈme\ 1
    rm: cannot remove `ProblÈme 1': No such file or directory
    What should I do to be make the operating system recognize those special character, and interpret them correctly ?
    Last edited by ramboman (2011-01-29 21:45:50)

    I found a working solution, but better solution are also welcome
    I had to have fr_CA not only in utf8 but also in iso88591. I had to modify the /etc/rc.conf this way :
    LOCALE="fr_CA" <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    To preserve the english US language system wide, I had to add the following line in the /etc/profile :
    # Allow french special character while in en_US
    export LANG=en_US
    The character misinterpreted by a "?" is now seen :
    as a "è" in dolphin
    as a "?" in the console
    It is now possible to access the folders.

  • Lan connectivity Issue on autonomous AP with throttles

      I encounter a strange problem on several AP 1242 in version 12.4(25d)JA1 of a customer :
      He has 10 autonomous AP covering a factory and is using them for laptop connectivity and TOIP with mainly 7921 Cisco Wifi Phones.
      The phones are configured to use only 802.11a.
      The APs loose LAN connectivity randomly and therefore the clients don't work anymore.
      The AP are connected on a 2960 and a 3560 wich are in turn connected on a 3750 wich route the trafic.
      After checking spanning-tree no loops are present.
      When I check the counters on the AP involved I see the "trhottles" and "ignored" counters incrementing on the fa0 link of the AP impacted wich mean I think it can't handle the incoming traffic. This incoming traffic seems not to be too big however. I can see drops on the switch interface connecting the AP.
    There is a lot of roaming on the AP due to people walking in the factory with their wifi phones.
    Here is a view of the fa0 counters :
    AP1242-LOGIST#sh int fa0
    FastEthernet0 is up, line protocol is up
      Hardware is PowerPCElvis Ethernet, address is 001d.a1ce.26e2 (bia 001d.a1ce.26e2)
      MTU 1500 bytes, BW 100000 Kbit/sec, DLY 100 usec,
         reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
      Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set
      Full-duplex, 100Mb/s, MII
      ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00
      Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:00, output hang never
      Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
      Input queue: 0/160/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0
      Queueing strategy: fifo
      Output queue: 0/40 (size/max)
      5 minute input rate 81000 bits/sec, 53 packets/sec
      5 minute output rate 29000 bits/sec, 26 packets/sec
         7447113 packets input, 674891974 bytes
         Received 286839 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 549631 throttles
         0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 549631 ignored
         0 watchdog
         0 input packets with dribble condition detected
         4422100 packets output, 609868806 bytes, 0 underruns
         0 output errors, 0 collisions, 4 interface resets
         1 unknown protocol drops
         0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred
         0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier
         0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out
      Here is a small part of logs concerning roaming, i don't see errors or log indicating that something is wrong nor in the switches log :
    Jun  6 12:57:27.007: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio1, Station SEP001E4A3EE15D 001e.4a3e.e15d Associated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2 PSK]
    Jun  6 12:57:42.499: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio1, Station SEP588D09D3A92B 588d.09d3.a92b Reassociated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2 PSK]
    Jun  6 12:58:02.620: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio1, Deauthenticating Station 588d.09d3.a92b Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
    Jun  6 12:58:03.653: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio1, Station SEP588D09D3A92B 588d.09d3.a92b Reassociated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2 PSK]
    Jun  6 12:59:15.564: %DOT11-6-ROAMED: Station 588d.09d3.a92b Roamed to 001e.134c.5a50
    Jun  6 12:59:15.564: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio1, Deauthenticating Station 588d.09d3.a92b Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
    Jun  6 12:59:41.905: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio1, Deauthenticating Station 442b.0355.ab28 Reason: Previous authentication no longer valid
    Jun  6 12:59:54.728: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio1, Station SEP442B0355AB28 442b.0355.ab28 Associated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2 PSK]
    Jun  6 13:01:12.541: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio1, Station SEP588D09D3A92B 588d.09d3.a92b Reassociated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2 PSK]
    Jun  6 13:02:35.841: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio1, Deauthenticating Station 001e.4a3e.d875 Reason: Previous authentication no longer valid
    Jun  6 13:02:36.489: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   ec85.2f7c.c837 Associated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2 PSK]
    Jun  6 13:03:29.256: %DOT11-6-ROAMED: Station 588d.09d3.a92b Roamed to 001e.134c.5a50
    Jun  6 13:03:29.256: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio1, Deauthenticating Station 588d.09d3.a92b Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
    Jun  6 13:04:32.754: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio1, Station SEP001E4A3ED875 001e.4a3e.d875 Associated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2 PSK]
    Jun  6 13:06:47.858: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio1, Deauthenticating Station 001e.4a3e.e15d Reason: Previous authentication no longer valid
    Jun  6 13:07:18.107: %DOT11-6-ROAMED: Station 001f.6c7a.5101 Roamed to 001d.a2bb.15b0
    Jun  6 13:07:18.107: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio1, Deauthenticating Station 001f.6c7a.5101 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
    Jun  6 13:07:38.109: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio1, Station SEP588D09D3A92B 588d.09d3.a92b Reassociated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2 PSK]
    Jun  6 13:07:42.031: %DOT11-6-ROAMED: Station 588d.09d3.a92b Roamed to 001e.134c.5a50
    Jun  6 13:07:42.031: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio1, Deauthenticating Station 588d.09d3.a92b Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
    Jun  6 13:07:46.489: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio1, Station SEP001F6C7A5101 001f.6c7a.5101 Reassociated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2 PSK]
    Jun  6 13:08:27.712: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio1, Station SEP588D09D3A92B 588d.09d3.a92b Reassociated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2 PSK]
    Jun  6 13:08:44.502: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio1, Deauthenticating Station 588d.09d3.a92b Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
    Jun  6 13:08:44.572: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio1, Station SEP588D09D3A92B 588d.09d3.a92b Associated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2 PSK]
    Jun  6 13:08:56.778: %DOT11-6-ROAMED: Station 588d.09d3.a92b Roamed to 001e.134c.5a50
    Jun  6 13:08:56.779: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio1, Deauthenticating Station 588d.09d3.a92b Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
    Jun  6 13:09:17.874: %DOT11-6-ROAMED: Station 001f.6c7a.5101 Roamed to 003a.9a92.8d70
    Jun  6 13:09:17.874: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio1, Deauthenticating Station 001f.6c7a.5101 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS
    The AP are configured as follow :
    Current configuration : 5184 bytes
    ! No configuration change since last restart
    version 12.4
    no service pad
    service timestamps debug datetime msec
    service timestamps log datetime msec
    service password-encryption
    hostname AP1242-LOGIST
    logging rate-limit console 9
    aaa new-model
    aaa authentication login default local
    aaa authorization exec default local
    aaa session-id common
    clock timezone gmt+1 1
    clock summer-time gmt recurring last Sun Mar 2:00 last Sun Oct 3:00
    dot11 syslog
    dot11 vlan-name Data vlan 11
    dot11 vlan-name Voix vlan 14
    dot11 vlan-name Webguest vlan 5
    dot11 ssid WLAN_data
       vlan 11
       authentication open
       authentication key-management wpa
       mbssid guest-mode
       wpa-psk ascii 7 10600C0E261B173C252203797479633F371A29
    dot11 ssid WLAN_voice
       vlan 14
       authentication open
       authentication key-management wpa
       mbssid guest-mode
       wpa-psk ascii 7 080F49592A1500203B2D25567A7A7622263C0C
    dot11 ssid Webguest
       vlan 5
       authentication open
       mbssid guest-mode
    dot11 wpa handshake timeout 1000
    dot11 arp-cache
    dot11 priority-map avvid
    dot11 phone
    power inline negotiation prestandard source
    class-map match-all _class_voice0
    match ip dscp ef
    class-map match-all _class_voice1
    match ip dscp cs3
    policy-map voice
    class _class_voice0
      set cos 6
    class _class_voice1
      set cos 3
    bridge irb
    interface Dot11Radio0
    no ip address
    no ip route-cache
    encryption vlan 11 mode ciphers aes-ccm
    encryption vlan 14 mode ciphers aes-ccm
    ssid WLAN_data
    ssid WLAN_voice
    ssid Webguest
    power client 17
    channel 2472
    station-role root
    dot11 qos class voice local
        admit-traffic narrowband max-channel 75 roam-channel 6
    dot11 qos class voice cell
    no cdp enable
    interface Dot11Radio0.5
    encapsulation dot1Q 5
    no ip route-cache
    no cdp enable
    bridge-group 5
    bridge-group 5 subscriber-loop-control
    bridge-group 5 block-unknown-source
    no bridge-group 5 source-learning
    no bridge-group 5 unicast-flooding
    bridge-group 5 spanning-disabled
    interface Dot11Radio0.11
    encapsulation dot1Q 11
    no ip route-cache
    no cdp enable
    bridge-group 11
    bridge-group 11 subscriber-loop-control
    bridge-group 11 block-unknown-source
    no bridge-group 11 source-learning
    no bridge-group 11 unicast-flooding
    bridge-group 11 spanning-disabled
    interface Dot11Radio0.14
    encapsulation dot1Q 14
    no ip route-cache
    no cdp enable
    bridge-group 14
    bridge-group 14 subscriber-loop-control
    bridge-group 14 block-unknown-source
    no bridge-group 14 source-learning
    no bridge-group 14 unicast-flooding
    bridge-group 14 spanning-disabled
    interface Dot11Radio1
    no ip address
    no ip route-cache
    encryption vlan 11 mode ciphers aes-ccm
    encryption vlan 14 mode ciphers aes-ccm
    ssid WLAN_data
    ssid WLAN_voice
    ssid Webguest
    no dfs band block
    channel dfs
    station-role root
    interface Dot11Radio1.5
    encapsulation dot1Q 5
    no ip route-cache
    no cdp enable
    bridge-group 5
    bridge-group 5 subscriber-loop-control
    bridge-group 5 block-unknown-source
    no bridge-group 5 source-learning
    no bridge-group 5 unicast-flooding
    bridge-group 5 spanning-disabled
    interface Dot11Radio1.11
    encapsulation dot1Q 11
    no ip route-cache
    no cdp enable
    bridge-group 11
    bridge-group 11 subscriber-loop-control
    bridge-group 11 block-unknown-source
    no bridge-group 11 source-learning
    no bridge-group 11 unicast-flooding
    bridge-group 11 spanning-disabled
    interface Dot11Radio1.14
    encapsulation dot1Q 14
    no ip route-cache
    no cdp enable
    bridge-group 14
    bridge-group 14 subscriber-loop-control
    bridge-group 14 block-unknown-source
    no bridge-group 14 source-learning
    no bridge-group 14 unicast-flooding
    bridge-group 14 spanning-disabled
    interface FastEthernet0
    no ip address
    no ip route-cache
    speed 100
    no cdp enable
    hold-queue 160 in
    interface FastEthernet0.1
    encapsulation dot1Q 1 native
    no ip route-cache
    no cdp enable
    bridge-group 1
    no bridge-group 1 source-learning
    bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
    interface FastEthernet0.5
    encapsulation dot1Q 5
    no ip route-cache
    no cdp enable
    bridge-group 5
    no bridge-group 5 source-learning
    bridge-group 5 spanning-disabled
    interface FastEthernet0.11
    encapsulation dot1Q 11
    no ip route-cache
    no cdp enable
    bridge-group 11
    no bridge-group 11 source-learning
    bridge-group 11 spanning-disabled
    interface FastEthernet0.14
    encapsulation dot1Q 14
    no ip route-cache
    no cdp enable
    bridge-group 14
    no bridge-group 14 source-learning
    bridge-group 14 spanning-disabled
    service-policy input voice
    service-policy output voice
    interface BVI1
    ip address
    no ip route-cache
    ip default-gateway
    ip http server
    ip http authentication aaa
    no ip http secure-server
    ip http help-path
    logging trap warnings
    no cdp run
    bridge 1 route ip
    line con 0
    line vty 0 4
    sntp server
    sntp broadcast client
    Does someone ever experienced a similar problem ?
    When I shut radio interfaces they're is no more problems on the LAN. Can this be an overlapping coverage issue ?
    Can someone please give me advices on how to troubleshoot this issue ?
    Thank you in advance as I'm a bit stuck.
    Best Regards,

         Hi Scott,
    Thanks for your reply.
    Do you think this can be the origin of the issue my customer encounters or is it only to be standard ? As this change will have to be made on all clients, if there is a chance it solves the problem I will do it ASAP, if not I will delay it in a less busy period :-)
    Can the constant roaming associations and dissasociations overload the AP and make it stop responding on the LAN or is it only a throuhput problem ?
    Thanks in advance for your answer.
    Best Regards,

  • Trunking issue with autonomous AP

    I was at a customers that wanted a new ssid configured on his 20 1252 AP's and to stand up a new one with the olds and new SSID on it. Added the vlans, trunked them down and configured the interfaces and SSID's on the existing AP's no biggie. The new AP(not really new been kicking around in a lab) is giving me some weird issues. I deleted the exisiting config from it and took one of the running configs fromm the others that are working, modified the name and ip and pasted it in. This should have worked just fine. However the trunk port on the 4507 will not come up. The radio's are up and so is the BVI, however I cannot ping to it since the trunk is down. I started looking at the config and the thing I notice is that the AP's are in vlan 2, and the native vlan is set for vlan 2 on all the working trunk ports on the switch. However the AP's do not have vlan 2 on them, and their native vlan is 1. This should not work! I always thought the native had to match on both sides?? In any case I am probably missing something stupid, I have been up since 4am it was a 4 hour drive to get here. Oh and I have to go back and make firewall changes at midnight. Here is the relavent configs please let me know if its something stupid I usually do a lot of controller based installs havnet done a autonomous one in years. Thanks!
    Here is a port on the switch
    interface GigabitEthernet3/9
    description AP 1 - SMT
    switchport access vlan 2
    switchport trunk native vlan 2
    switchport trunk allowed vlan 2,9,15
    switchport mode trunk
    Here is the AP hanging off that works fine
    cstwap01#sh vlans
    Virtual LAN ID: 1 (IEEE 802.1Q Encapsulation)
    vLAN Trunk Interfaces: Dot11Radio0
    This is configured as native Vlan for the following interface(s) :
    show run on the AP
    dot11 mbssid
    dot11 vlan-name VoIPVLan vlan 9
    dot11 vlan-name Wireless-101-Legacy vlan 15
    dot11 ssid 101
    vlan 15
    authentication open
    mbssid guest-mode
    dot11 ssid VoIPVLan
    vlan 9
    authentication open
    mbssid guest-mod
    bridge irb
    interface Dot11Radio0
    no ip address
    no ip route-cache
    ssid 101
    ssid VoIPVLan
    interface Dot11Radio0.9
    encapsulation dot1Q 9
    no ip route-cache
    bridge-group 9
    bridge-group 9 subscriber-loop-control
    bridge-group 9 block-unknown-source
    no bridge-group 9 source-learning
    no bridge-group 9 unicast-flooding
    bridge-group 9 spanning-disabled
    interface Dot11Radio0.15
    encapsulation dot1Q 15
    no ip route-cache
    bridge-group 15
    bridge-group 15 subscriber-loop-control
    bridge-group 15 block-unknown-source
    no bridge-group 15 source-learning
    no bridge-group 15 unicast-flooding
    bridge-group 15 spanning-disabled
    interface GigabitEthernet0
    no ip address
    no ip route-cache
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    bridge-group 1
    no bridge-group 1 source-learning
    bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
    interface GigabitEthernet0.9
    encapsulation dot1Q 9
    no ip route-cache
    bridge-group 9
    no bridge-group 9 source-learning
    bridge-group 9 spanning-disabled
    interface GigabitEthernet0.15
    encapsulation dot1Q 15
    no ip route-cache
    bridge-group 15
    no bridge-group 15 source-learning
    bridge-group 15 spanning-disabled
    interface BVI1
    ip address
    no ip route-cache
    ip default-gateway

    Hello Mike,
    actually, native VLAN doesn't have to match on two sides of a trunk, in fact it's quite common with autonomous APs. Your BVI1 is usually tied to a native VLAN 1, but switch port native VLAN is usually configured for whatever VLAN you want AP's management IP to belong to, in your case VLAN 2.
    When you connect two catalyst switches together with a trunk that has different native VLAN configured on two sides, you will keep getting logging messages warning you about it. It's not recommended, but some scenarios require such setup.
    Something else is wrong, maybe a physical issue. When you say the trunk is down, do you mean the interface is down ? Can you paste config of bad switch port and bad AP?

  • Autonomous Transactions and table locks

    Does a commit statement in an Autonomous Transaction block in PL/SQL release locks aquired in the master transaction block?
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE test_auto_trans AS
    PROCEDURE mainproc;
    PROCEDURE testproc;
    END test_auto_trans;
    /*****************Main Procedure*********************/
    PROCEDURE mainproc AS
    /*some processing involving tables a,b,c here. no commit done yet*/
    /* will the locks on a,b,c still be available here? */
    WHEN others THEN
    END mainproc;
    /*****************test Procedure*********************/
    PROCEDURE testproc AS
    /*some processing using tables a,b,c here*/
    WHEN others THEN
    END testproc;
    END test_auto_trans;

    No transaction will release the locks held by another transaction. When you declare a stored proc to be PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION, it is essentially the same as if you logged in as the same user but in a different session.
    For example, if I have two sqlplus sessions running as user a, if I do an update in session1 and a delete and commit in session 2 I can still rollback in session 1.
    However, your psuedo code as posted will not work at all since the call to test_proc will block until you commit in the main proc, and since test_proc will never return, the main proc will never get to commit. It is exactly analogous to the following:
    session1> SELECT * FROM t;
            ID DESCR
             1 One
             2 Two
    session1> LOCK TABLE t IN EXCLUSIVE MODE nowait;
    Table(s) Locked.
    session1> UPDATE t SET descr = 'Un'
      2  WHERE id = 1;
    1 row far, this is your main proc. Now, in another session (which is equivalent to your autonomous transaction procedure), I do:
    session2> UPDATE t SET descr = 'Deux'
      2  WHERE id = 2;which as I type is still waiting on the commit from session 1. Therefore, I cannot get to commit the autonomous transaction which would return control to session1
    Message was edited by:
    John Spencer
    Sorry, I initially forgot to answer your actual question "what about DML statements like truncate". Since TRUNCATE is actually a DDL statement I will assume that is what you meant. My initial answer covers DML statements (except SELECT which will work).
    All DDL statements in Oracle go
    DDL statement
    since the initial commit requires a very brief exclusive lock, you will get an error like:
    ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified
    Exactly as if you did:
    session1> LOCK TABLE t IN EXCLUSIVE MODE nowait;
    Table(s) Locked.then tried to do it again the another session
    session2> LOCK TABLE t IN EXCLUSIVE MODE nowait;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified

  • Problème driver NI-DAQmx 8.0.2

    Je vous expose mon problème : j'essaye actuellement d'installer une carte d'acquisition NI PCI-6034E sur mon PC.
    Je tourne sous Linux, distribution Debian, la 6.0, avec un noyau 2.6.32.
    J'ai lancé le script d'installation du driver NI-DAQmx 8.0.2 trouvé sur le site.
    J'ai, comme précisé sur ce post installé nikali, la version 2.1 par contre, avant, puis après le script, avec bien entendu un updateNIDrivers.
    L'installation ce passe nickel, pas d'erreur, je reboot(une troisième fois, après le dernier updateNIDrivers), et en faisant la commande lsmod |grep ni, j'obtiens :
    nixsrk 1408154 0
    nisdigk 341776 1 nixsrk
    nitiork 902470 1 nixsrk
    nimru2k 406070 4 nixsrk,nisdigk,nitiork
    nicdrk 227255 3 nixsrk,nisdigk,nitiork
    nimxpk 23120 4 nixsrk,nisdigk,nitiork,nicdrk
    nipxirmk 108824 1
    nidimk 273310 6 nitiork,nimru2k,nipxirmk
    nimsdrk 183892 2 nixsrk,nitiork
    nidmxfk 249806 5 nixsrk,nisdigk,nitiork,nicdrk,nimsdrk
    nimxdfk 367347 9 nixsrk,nisdigk,nitiork,nimru2k,nicdrk,nimsdrk,nidm​xfk
    nimstsk 59074 6 nixsrk,nisdigk,nitiork,nicdrk,nimsdrk,nidmxfk
    nimdbgk 249917 11 nixsrk,nisdigk,nitiork,nimru2k,nicdrk,nimsdrk,nidm​xfk,nimxdfk,nimstsk
    niorbk 55695 12 nixsrk,nisdigk,nitiork,nimru2k,nicdrk,nipxirmk,nid​imk,nimsdrk,nidmxfk,nimxdfk,nimstsk,nimdbgk
    nipalk 947149 18 nixsrk,nisdigk,nitiork,nimru2k,nicdrk,nimxpk,nipxi​rmk,nidimk,nimsdrk,nidmxfk,nimxdfk,nimstsk,nimdbgk​,niorbk
    nikal 27044 1 nipalk
    ni_pcimio 42680 0
    ni_tiocmd 4116 1 ni_pcimio
    comedi_fc 1096 1 ni_pcimio
    mite 5906 2 ni_pcimio,ni_tiocmd
    8255 2580 1 ni_pcimio
    comedi 21296 5 ni_pcimio,ni_tiocmd,comedi_fc,mite,8255
    ni_tio 10333 2 ni_pcimio,ni_tiocmd
    Avec la commande nilsdev, j'obtiens ... un espace blanc ...
    Et enfin, la commande lspci me donne(pour la ligne utile, je donne pas le tout):
    03:02.0 Unassigned class [ff00]: National Instruments PCI-6034E
    Je viens donc vous demander votre aide, parce que je ne comprend pas là! J'ai installé le tout, installation réussi, tout les modules sont chargés, mais la carte n'est toujours pas reconnu correctement donc inutilisable par mon ordinateur ... help!
    Merci d'avance pour vos réponses,
    Résolu !
    Accéder à la solution.

    Vous risquez de ne pas obtenir beaucoup d'aide ici...L'utilisation de Linux est rare. Les versions étant tellement nombreuses, National Instruments supporte officiellement qu'un nombre limité de distributions :
    Aussi, si j'étais vous je me tournerai vers les solutions à base de driver COMEDI .
    Ce projet open source supporte votre carte et cela ne devrait pas poser de problème pour utiliser votre carte sous LabVIEW, ou un autre environnement de développement grace aux librairies que ce projet fourni.
    Si vous souhaitez vraiment utiliser DAQmx Base sous Linux il va falloir vous retrousser les manches...Je ne peux que vous conseiller de poster sur la partie anglaise des périphériques de mesures. Vous aurez plus de réponses qu'ici.
    Da Helmut

  • AIR-CAP3602E-E-K9 can not download autonomous IOS image ?!

    Hi all.
    AIR-CAP3602E can not connect to tftp after format flash. Flash has been erased to free space for autonomous IOS.
    When I reset it using mode button , I've got this on the console screen :
    IOS Bootloader - Starting system.
    flash is writable
    FLASH CHIP: Macronix Mirrorbit (00C2)
    Xmodem file system is available.
    flashfs[0]: 1 files, 1 directories
    flashfs[0]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directories
    flashfs[0]: Total bytes: 31997952
    flashfs[0]: Bytes used: 1536
    flashfs[0]: Bytes available: 31996416
    flashfs[0]: flashfs fsck took 11 seconds.
    Reading cookie from SEEPROM
    Base Ethernet MAC address: 7c:ad:74:xx:xx:xx
    Ethernet speed is 100 Mb - FULL Duplex
    Mode button pressed.
    Mode button held for at least 20 seconds.
    process_config_recovery: set IP address and config to default
    process_config_recovery: image recovery
    image_recovery: Download default IOS tar image tftp://
    examining image...
    DPAA Set for Independent Mode
    DPAA_INIT = 0x0
    %Error opening tftp:// (connection timed out)
    issuing command arp I see only this
    ap: arp ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 0 25
    configuring it manually :
    ap: set
    ap: ether_init
        Initializing ethernet port 0...
        Ethernet speed is 100 Mb - FULL Duplex
    ap: tftp_init
    ap: flash_init
         Initializing Flash...
         ...The flash is already initialized.
    ap: tar -xtract tftp:// Flash:
    and I've got this:
    extracting info (285 bytes)Flash:/info: permission denied
    Then I tried arp again
    ap: arp ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 0 299
      00:1f:c6:xx:xx:xx 0 299
    This is the TFTP log:
    TFTP log
    Connection received from on port 1025 [01/02 19:18:03.631]
    Read request for file <ap3g2-k9w7-tar.default>. Mode octet [01/02 19:18:03.631]
    Using local port 52999 [01/02 19:18:03.633]
    TIMEOUT waiting for Ack block #1 [01/02 19:18:18.647]
    Tftp timeout  is set to 30 s
    Thanks in advance for any help

    What TFTP server are you using? Try either 3CDeamon or TFTPd32. Also make sure the MD5 has matches for the image you download. This will verify the image is indeed good.
    Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

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