Problement with Display object

With this code i can't show two times same display object
Can you help me ?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" creationComplete="init();">
private var a:Array = new Array();
private var b:Array = new Array();
private var counter:int = 0;
private function init ():void
private function loadSlide():void
var imgLoader:Loader = new Loader()  ;
imgLoader.load (new URLRequest(a[counter]));
imgLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE,imageLoaded);
private function imageLoaded (e:Event):void
if (counter == (a.length - 1))
- trace("all slides images");
loadSlide ();
public function showSlide(e:Event):void
var cLoader:DisplayObject = b[e.currentTarget.selectedIndex];
contentImage.source = cLoader ;
<mx:ComboBox change="showSlide(event)" >
         <mx:Object label="AL" data="1"/>
         <mx:Object label="AK" data="2"/>
         <mx:Object label="AR" data="3 Rock"/>
<mx:Image  id="contentImage" />

I've changed your showSlide function into one line of code:
public function showSlide(e:Event):void
contentImage.source = a[e.currentTarget.selectedIndex];
...and now it's working. I must say I was a little lazy and didn't examine the rest of your code as much as I should . But it seems that you've written to much of it and you've complicated it a little. I don't get it, why are you creating the second array (b:Array)? I'm assuming, that you wanted to keep every picture in the memory to shorten the time of they load, am I right? But from what I know it's not important, cause every modern web browser will do it for you, and will keep them in it's cache after the first load.

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    Hello Friends,
    I have another issue.
    When the user presses push button in my application, I am displaying excel file with data. It is working fine. But... a dummy file is creating always in my desktop with DAT extension. Is there any possiblity not to store on the PC.
    code I used for calling excel file.
            FILENAME = ' '
            SYNCHRON = ' '
                DATA     = ITAB
                OTHERS   = 1.
    Could you pls help me not to store the excel file on the desktop/ PC.
    only temporary excel file should display.
    Thanks in advance

    WS_excel is obsolette now.
    Parameters: P_file like RLGRAP-FILENAME.
    data : begin of int_head occurs 0,
    Filed1(20) type c,                     " Header Data
    end of int_head.
    data : begin of int_data occurs 0,
    Field1(20) type c,                     " Data
    Field2(20) type c,
    Field3(20) type c,
    Field4(20) type c,
    end of int_data.
    int_head-Filed1 = 'Sales Ord'.
    APPEND int_head.
    CLEAR  int_head.
    int_head-Filed1 = 'Sold-to-Party'.
    APPEND int_head.
    CLEAR  int_head.
    int_head-Filed1 = 'Purchase Ord'.
    APPEND int_head.
    CLEAR  int_head.
    int_head-Filed1 = 'Ship-to-Party'.
    APPEND int_head.
    CLEAR  int_head.
    int_data-field1 = '1JOHN'.
    int_data-field2 = '2TOM'.
    int_data-field3 = '3BRAD'.
    int_data-field4 = '4PETER'.
    Append int_data.
    Clear int_data.
    file_name = p_file " path offile where u need to download
    * CREATE_PIVOT = 0
    * DATA_SHEET_NAME = ' '
    * PIVOT_SHEET_NAME = ' '
    * PASSWORD = ' '
    data_tab = int_data "internal table with data
    fieldnames = int_head "internal table with header
    file_not_exist = 1
    filename_expected = 2
    communication_error = 3
    ole_object_method_error = 4
    ole_object_property_error = 5
    invalid_filename = 6
    invalid_pivot_fields = 7
    download_problem = 8
    OTHERS = 9
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.

  • Problem with displaying objects in GUI

    I'm just going through a small book on Java programming and the goal is to press a button to show a shape (ie: circle) and then to press a button to hide that same shape.
    My idea was to simply add it in but change the visibility to true and false. Now, I get it to show perfectly but I can't get it to hide (ie: setVisiblity to false) for some reason. The problem lies in the actionPerformed method of the CommandMain class. I'm at a loss as to why I can't simply change the visibility of the object to true and false.
    I've include the relevant code below
    Thanks for all your help in advance.
    ================= COMMANDMAIN.JAVA =================
    public class CommandMain extends JFrame implements ActionListener
    {     JButton circleButton = new JButton("Make Circle");
         JButton squareButton = new JButton("Make Square");
         JButton undoButton = new JButton("Undo Last");
         JButton exitButton = new JButton("Exit");
         private static Vector objectList = new Vector(); // Stores objects in order
    JPanel container = new JPanel();
         Button newCircle;     // Used to add a Circle object to the vector     
         Button newSquare;
         Button newShape;
    Button objectToHide;
    // PURPOSE: Used to set up all the buttons on our Panel
         public CommandMain()
         {     setSize(400,400);
              // Add interactive ability to buttons
              // Add them so we can see them on the panel
         // PURPOSE: Used to create an instance of itself so we can see the frame
    public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
    {    CommandMain window = new CommandMain();     }
         // PURPOSE: Used to perform actions based on the button picked by the user
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent picked)
    {     Object choice = picked.getSource();
    if(choice == circleButton)     // CIRCLE WAS SELECTED
    {     newShape = new Button("Circle");          
                   Button newCircle = newShape.getShape();
                   this.container.add(newCircle);     // Add it to my container
    objectList.add(newShape);     // Add the object to my Vector
    repaint();     // Redraw the GUI because it changed
    else if(choice == undoButton) // UNDO WAS SELECTED
    {     if(objectList.size() > 0)     // Check to ensure we don't overstep the boundaries
    {     System.out.println("UNDO Pressed");
                        objectToHide = (Button)objectList.elementAt(objectList.size()-1);
                        objectToHide.hideShape(); // <-- NOT WORKING
    } // End if(objectList.size() > 0)
    } // End undoButton
              else if(choice == exitButton) // EXIT WAS SELECTED
              {     System.out.println("Goodbye: Application exiting");
              else // No idea what button was selected
    {         System.out.println("ERROR: Invalid option");     }
    ========================== BUTTON.JAVA ==================
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Button extends JPanel
    {     String objectShape;
         Button(String shape)
         {     this.objectShape = shape; }
         public void execute()
         {     setVisible(true);     }
         public void hideShape()
         {     System.out.println("hideShape called");
         public Button getShape()
         {     if(this.objectShape.equals("Circle"))
              {     System.out.println("Making a circle");     
                   Circle newCircle = new Circle();
                   return newCircle;
              else if(this.objectShape.equals("Square"))
              {     System.out.println("Making a square");     
                   Square newSquare = new Square();
                   return newSquare;
              return null;

    This will do the job, read and learn
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class CommandMain extends JFrame implements ActionListener
         Shape    shape;
         JPanel   pan          = new JPanel();
         JPanel   but          = new JPanel();
         JButton  circleButton = new JButton("Make Circle");
         JButton  squareButton = new JButton("Make Square");
         JButton  undoButton   = new JButton("Undo Last");
         JButton  exitButton   = new JButton("Exit");
    public CommandMain()
         addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
        {     public void windowClosing(WindowEvent ev)
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent a)
         if (a.getSource() == circleButton)
              pan.add(new Shape("Circle"));
         if (a.getSource() == squareButton)
              pan.add(new Shape("Square"));
         if (a.getSource() == undoButton && pan.getComponentCount() > 0)
         if (a.getSource() == exitButton)
    public class Shape extends JComponent
         String shape;
    public Shape(String shape)
         this.shape = shape;
         setPreferredSize(new Dimension(20,20));
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
         if (shape.equals("Circle"))
         if (shape.equals("Square"))
    public static void main (String[] args)
         new CommandMain();  
    }       Noah

  • Problem with displaying sdo_geometry objects

    Hi all,
    formerly in sql developer at my query result tab, the sdo_geometry objects used to look like this: mdsys.sdo_geometry(2001, 8307, sdo_point_type(12, 8, null), null, null)
    now for all the columns with sdo_geometry objects I'm getting [mdsys.sdo_geometry].
    I'm using sql developer 3.1.07 with oracle 10g express edition.
    Does anybody know how I can switch to the previous view?

    Welcome to the forum.
    Thanks for reposting here. The people that read this forum use and know sql developer so you should be able to get help.
    I'm not familiar with SDO_GEOMETRY but I did find this other recent thread in this forum.
    You might want to look at it to see if it has any info you can use.
    Re: SQL Developer 3.0.04 - SDO_GEOM Issues
    That thread has this reply at the bottom
    To add to Gary, the SDO_GEOMETRY cell will now show "SDO_GEOMETRY" & you can see it's value in the popup cell viewer/editor (double clicking inside the cell & then clicking the "..." button).
    Is that what you needed?
    That thread also mentions this thread
    Re: SQLD 3.1EA -  Fails to render resultset output containing SDO_GEOMETRY
    Where one of the developers appears to say that made is not show the content automatically to address a performance issue. So maybe the double-click will work to display it when you want it or maybe there is a tools-preference setting.

  • Working with Portal Display Objects Slowsdown Portal

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    But as soon as I start working with Theme Editor,
    the Portal slows down and almost stops responding after
    some time. I had to restart the J2EE services every time
    I used theme editor. Did anyone encountered this problem and got around with it ?

    Hi Sudheer,
    Which version of portal you are working?
    did check the cpu usage? is it runnning on 100%?
    did u set Recomended JAVA VM Settings after Installation?
    If not refer Sap Notes - 743207, 799803, 723909, 709140, 742395,
    Hope this helps,
    PS.Dont forget to reward points for solved/useful answers

  • Problem with displaying BLOB images on JSP page using a servlet

    hi. I have a big problem with displaying BLOB images using JSP. I have a servlet that connects to the oracle database, gets a BLOB image , reads it, and then displays it using a BinaryStream. The problem is , this works only when i directly call that servlet, that is http://localhost:8080/ImageServlet. It doesn't work when i try to use that servlet to display my image on my JSP page (my JSP page displays only a broken-image icon ) I tried several coding approaches with my servlet (used both Blob and BLOB objects), and they work just fine as long as i display images explicitly using only the servlet.
    Here's what i use : ORACLE 10g XE , Eclipse 3.1.2, Tomcat 5.5.16 , JDK 1.5
    here is one of my image servlet's working versions (the essential part of it) :
                   BLOB blob=null;
              rset=st.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM IMAGES WHERE ID=1");
              while (
                    ServletOutputStream ostr=response.getOutputStream();
                   InputStream istr=blob.getBinaryStream(1L);
                    int size=blob.getBufferSize();
              int len=-1;
                    byte[] buff = new byte[size];
                         while (( buff ))!=-1 ) {
             ostr.close(); and my JSP page code :
    <img src="/ImageServlet" border="0"  > If you could just tell me what i'm doing wrong here , or if you could show me your own solutions to that problem , i would be very greatful ,cos i'm realy stuck here , and i'm rather pressed for time too. Hope someone can help.

    I turns out that it wasn't that big of a problem after all. All i had to do was to take the above code and place it into another JSP page instead of into a servlet like i did before. Then i just used that page as a source for my IMG tag in my first JSP. It works perfectly well. Why this doesn't work for servlets i still don't know, but it's not a problem form me anymore . Ofcourse if someone knows the answer , go ahead and write. I would still appriceatte it.
    here's the magic tag : <img src="ImageJSP.jsp" border="0"  > enjoy : )

  • Performance issue with Business Objects Java JRC API in CRXI R2 version

    A report is developed using java JRC API in CR XI release 2. When I generate the report in the designer, it took less than 5 seconds to display the results in crystal report viewer inside the designer. But in the QA environment, when I generate the same report from the application, it takes almost 1 to 1.5 minutes to display the same results in PDF. I also noticed that if the dataset contains bigger volume of data, then the reports are taking even longer almost 15 to 20 minutes.
    While generating the report from the application, I noticed that most of time is taken during the execution of the Object method as shown in following line of code
    exportControl.processHttpRequest(request, response, context, null)
    We thought the delay in exporting the report to PDF might be the layout of the report and data conversion to PDF for such a bigger volume of data.
    Then we investigated the issue and experimented quickly to generate the same report with same result set data from the application using XML, XSL and converted the output XSL-FO to PDF using Apache FOP (Formatting Objects Processor) implementation. The time taken to export the report to PDF is less than 6 seconds. By doing this experiment, it is proved that the issue is not with conversion of data to PDF but it is the performance problem with Business Objects Java JRC API in CR XI R2.
    In this regard, I searched for the above issue in the SAP community Network Forums -> Crystal Reports and Xcelsius -> Java Development -> Crystal Reports. But I did not find any answers or solutions for this kind of issue in the forums.
    Any suggestion, hint in this matter is very much appreciated.

    Ted, The setReportAppServer problem is resolved. Now I could able to generate the report with hardcoded values in the SQLs in just 6 seconds where as the same report was generated in CRXI R2 in 1 minute 15 seconds as mentioned in the earlier message.
    But, our exisiting application passes the parameter values to the SQLs embedded in the report. For some reason the parameters are not being passed to the report and the report displays only the labels without data.
    As per the crj 12 samples codes, the code is written as shown below.
    1. Created ReportClient Document
    2. SetReportAppServer
    3. Open the report
    4. Getting DatabaseController and switching the database connection at runtime
    5. Then setting the parameters as detailed below
    ParameteFields parameterFieldController = reportClientDoc.getDataDefController().getParameterFieldController();
    parameterFieldController.setCurrentValue("", "paramname",paramvalue);
    parameterFieldController.setCurrentValue("", "paramname",paramavalue);
    byteArrayInputStream = (ByteArrayInputStream)reportClientDoc.getPrintOutputController().export(ReportExportFormat.PDF); 
    6. Streaming the report to the browser
    Why the parematers are not being passed to the report?  Do I need to follow the order of setting these parameters?  Did I miss any line of code for setting Params using  crj 12?
    Any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated.

  • How do I compensate for display objects jumping when screen scaling

    I am building an application that is to run at 2 difference stage sizes. 960x640 and 1024x768 (for those paying attention, you may note that those are the high res settings for the iPhone and iPad2)
    The app was designed and build to run on a stage of 960x640 and when running at this size, there are no problems.
    When the app loads in the 1024x768 window, it "strechs" the stage to fill the window, but keeps the aspect ratio. Everything looks good and the application runs without any problems expect for one thing.
    Sometimes, display objects on the stage "jitter" when moving or animating. I have discovered that this is because the stage is "scaling" the x and y values, and is not pixel snapping the objects on the screen, even though the x and y values of the display object are indeed whole numbers.
    A prime example of this is I have 2 bitmapData images. bmData_s and bmData_h.
    bmData_s is 192x388 in size.
    bmData_h is created from a copy of bmData_s with a glow filter stroke on it, resulting in a image that is 198x394 (6 pixels bigger due to a 3 pixel stroke)
    I place it on the screen using the following code:
    (Background is a bitmap object that is 960x480 and places at 0,0)
    (ObjOffset is a point in my app data to position the object, it's a point set to 53,195)
    MyObj.x = Background.x + ObjOffset.x + (bmData_s.width/2);
    MyObj.y = Background.y + ObjOffset.y + (bmData_s.height/2);
    now, when the mouse rolls over the object, I have an event listener to change MyObj.bitmapData to bmData_h
    MyObj.bitmapData = bmData_h;
    MyObj.x = Background.x + ObjOffset.x + Math.floor(bmData_h.width/2);
    MyObj.y = Background.y + ObjOffset.y + Math.floor(bmData_h.height/2);
    and back to the _s image on mouse out.
    Now, when the app runs on the iPhone which is a 960x640 screen size, or on the PC which is using a window of similiar size, the image doesn't appear to move at all... the "stroke" appears and disappears exactly as it is suppose to
    However, when I run it in a window that is 1024x768, the _h image appears to "jump" one pixel up.
    I have encountered many other similiar things that only occure when the stage is scaled. There is a spot in the app where I am animating a bitmap by manipulating it's scrollrect x and width (have it's do a wipe in from right to left like a peice of paper unrolling on a table) and due to the scaling, the right edge of the image jumps left and right 1 pixel... but on 960x640 screens, it looks perfect.
    Does anyone know how I can compensate for this effect so that this jumping doesn't occur when the stage is stretched to fit the window it's running in?

    Sounds like a x-browser rendering problem
    my guess would be to scale down the inner div's so they add up to less than 100%.
    If you floated div's and gave them a %, give one of the div's a smaller.
    ie: 2 divs floated in a Header, give one 50% and the other 49.5%

  • Is there a way to detect redraw regions or at the very least when a display object is redrawn?

    I have a layered window system that produces Windows 7 Aero Glass effect in Flash.
    It consists of nested display objects, with overlays as so.
    Root [
        GlassWindowTop [
         BackgroundForGlassWindowTop [
             GlassWindowMiddle [
            BackgroundForGlassWindowMiddle [
                 GlassWindowBottom [
                 BackgroundForGlassWindowBottom (e.g. the DesktopBackground)
    Windows can be raised and lowered by changing their order in the hierarchy and adding new levels.
    Each glass window has a designated background (containing all lower windows) .  It draws to an off-screen Bitmap the region of the background that is under the window, and applies a blur filter, tint, and parallax effects to it, and then displays that as it's own background as RenderedEffectBackground.
    The problem is that "RenderedEffectBackground" is a static rendering of the window background, so in order to update it in real time, I need to detect when it's background display object (e.g. BackgroudnForGlassWindowTop) or any nested display objects are rendered.
    I could simply update all RenderedEffectBackgrounds from the bottom up each frame, but that would be inefficient.   Ideally, I could detect when a particular background changes (e.g. when a textfield cursor is flashing, or a MovieClip changes frames), and then only render from that object up.  The rendering of course always has to take place from back to front, starting with the lowest window that has changed.  If I could detect the redraw regions of the Flash Player (e.g. when a textfield cursor is flashing, or a MovieClip is playing), I could optimize this system even further by checking for layer overlaps and only rendering layers whose windows intersect the redraw regions, but obtaining that level of information would probably not be possible or logical since this this essentially needs to happen during some kind of pre render phase, which Flash may not support.  Such a pre-render phase would itself be causing new redraw regions, but as long as it is processed from the bottom up, it could work.
    Is there any AS3 function of the flash player that allows my code to obtain information about the display list as far as which display objects are due to be rendered, and then intercept some kind of "onRenderComplete" event for them right before rendering takes place so that I can render the higher display objects.
    I originally tried to implement this as a filter, but pixel bender shaders in AS3 don't seem to allow sampling of an underlying object that would allow for blurring (i.e. the shader can access only the current point being rendered, coordinates passed to the sampling methods are ignored (this is documented behavior).
    Any ideas?

    The feature that shows the link you are mousing over hasn't been removed in 29. Maybe the add-on you are using to restore the add-on bar is covering it. I've tested the Classic Theme Restorer and it seems to work correctly in this situation -

  • I'm trying to make an android game and I want that when a collision with another object change of sc

    I'm trying to make an android game and I want that when a collision with another object change of scene
    how i can do this

    here is the doc on htiTestObject for detecting collisions. ject.html#hitTestObject()
    for scene change use the second parameter in gotoandplay() to define scene name doc below .html#gotoAndPlay()

  • Photoshop problems with displaying white text (and glitching in general)

    Hi there,
    My Photoshop seems to be having some serious issues with displaying certain things, namely white text (which shows up as black), and a mix of other random elements. I've tried searching for symptoms that I've been having, but I can't seem to find anything relevant. Here is what is going on:
    White text shows up as black. However, sometimes if I use blending options to give it a white Color Overlay, it will become white. Sometimes it doesn't matter, it will show up as black regardless. Other colors are not affected. I have tried changing colors back and forth. the moment I switch the color back to white, it shows up as black.
    Smart objects are broken. I can still find a smart object in the Layers window, but it will just display as one of two things: nothing/transparent (but the layer inside still contains everything it used to), or the way it is supposed to look but with a huge black bar over it (or a glitch tv-error fuzz bar). I've tried taking all of the elements in the Smart Object and bringing it into the original file, but then the image looks super fuzzy-glitchy.
    I've attached a screenshot of what I mean by this fuzz-glitch thing below. This example is black and white, but it can be literally any color and/or any rainbow of colors. This is what happened when I created a new 1000px x 1000px document with a white background. Notice how it isn't ENTIRELY glitchy fuzz. Only certain parts of it are covered.
    Please help! Does anyone know how to solve this? I've tried restarting Photoshop, restarting my computer, changing the Advanced Graphics Processor Settings Drawing Mode from Normal to Basic, changing the amount of memory usage that I let Photoshop use (down AND up), and nothing gets fixed. The problem occurs in the middle of working on Photoshop
    My computer information is as follows:
    MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2013) running OSX Yosemite
    3 GHz Intel Core i7
    8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    Intel HD Graphics 4000 1024 MB

    Have you tried resetting the Type tool by right clicking here:
    Have you tried resetting Preferences?
    A logical next step would be to reset your Preferences.
    To reset Preferences:
    If Photoshop is already open on your screen, close it (Quit). Then hold down Shift+Ctrl+Alt (Win) / Shift+Command+Option (Mac) on your keyboard and start Photoshop.
    A dialog box will pop up asking if you want to delete the existing Preferences file (the "Settings"). Click Yes in the dialog box. The existing Preferences file will be scrapped and a new one will be created.

  • Accessing display object on the stage from another class

    I've googled this to no avail, I've only found how to manipulate the stage itself and not a display object on it, and I'm noob enough to not be able to figure it out from there. :/
    I have a movie clip on the main timeline with instance name displayName. I created a button that should change what frame displayName goes to (in order to...did you guess it?! diplay the Name of the button. Awesome. )
    So I am trying to write the code in a reusable fashion and have the buttons all linked to a class called GeoPuzzle. Inside GeoPuzzle I instantiate a touch event and run the code. However, the function has to be able to change displayName in the main part of the timeline and, of course, the compiler says displayName doesn't exist because I'm in a class and I'm talking about the stage.
    Here is the simplified code in the class:
    package  com.freerangeeggheads.puzzleography {
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        public class GeoPuzzle extends MovieClip {
            //declare variables
            public function setInitial (abbrev:String, fullName:String, isLocked:Boolean):void {
                //set parameters
                this.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, geoTouchBeginHandler);
            public function GeoPuzzle (): void {
            public function geoTouchBeginHandler (e:TouchEvent): void {
         , geoTouchEndHandler);
                   //some other methods
            public function geoTouchEndHandler (e:TouchEvent): void {
                //some other methods
    The lines in bold are my problem. Now this code doesn't actually execute as is so if you see an error in it, yeah, I have no idea what the problem is, but it DID execute before and these lines still gave me trouble so I'm trying to troubleshoot on multiple fronts.
    How can I tell displayName to change it's current frame from within display object class?

    if displayName is a GeoPuzzle instance, use:
    package  com.freerangeeggheads.puzzleography {
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        public class GeoPuzzle extends MovieClip {
            //declare variables
            public function setInitial (abbrev:String, fullName:String, isLocked:Boolean):void {
                //set parameters
                this.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, geoTouchBeginHandler);
            public function GeoPuzzle (): void {
            public function geoTouchBeginHandler (e:TouchEvent): void {
         , geoTouchEndHandler);
                   //some other methods
            public function geoTouchEndHandler (e:TouchEvent): void {
                //some other methods

  • Issue with displaying Unicode Characters returned by a webservice

    Hi, We are developing a mobile application which provides multi language selection (Arabic & English). but we are having an issue with displaying returned JSON which has Arabic text. The output we get is as below. Our .net client throws the following
    exception. Appreciate your kind help and thank you in advance.
    Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and arguments provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem. See
    Parameter name: name”
    Returned JSON:
    Connection ? Keep-Alive
    Content-Type ? application/json; charset=UTF-8
    Date ? Fri, 27 Feb 2015 03:35:43 GMT
    Keep-Alive ? timeout=1, max=100
    Last-Modified ? Thu, 26 Feb 2015 14:43:55 GMT
    Link ? <>; rel="item"; title="387 Ù?اعب Ù?Ù?اعبة ضÙ?Ù? فعاÙ?Ù?ات اÙ?تدرÙ?ب اÙ?Ù?ستÙ?ر Ù?اÙ?تشاف اÙ?Ù?Ù?اÙ?ب اÙ?رÙ?اضÙ?Ø©", <>;
    rel="item"; title="387 Ù?اعب Ù?Ù?اعبة ضÙ?Ù? فعاÙ?Ù?ات اÙ?تدرÙ?ب اÙ?Ù?ستÙ?ر Ù?اÙ?تشاف اÙ?Ù?Ù?اÙ?ب اÙ?رÙ?اضÙ?Ø©", <>; rel="item";
    title="اÙ?جÙ?در Ù?ؤÙ?د استÙ?رار "اÙ?شباب Ù?اÙ?رÙ?اضة" فÙ? دعÙ? Ù?سÙ?رة اÙ?Ù?راÙ?ز اÙ?شبابÙ?Ø©", <>; rel="item"; title="اÙ?جÙ?در
    Ù?Ø´Ù?د بدÙ?ر اÙ?Ù?راÙ?ز اÙ?شبابÙ?Ø© فÙ? تطبÙ?Ù? رؤÙ?Ø© Ù?اصر بÙ? Ø­Ù?د فÙ? احتضاÙ? اÙ?شباب", <>; rel="item"; title="اÙ?جÙ?در: Ù?دفÙ?ا
    تحÙ?Ù?Ù? أفضÙ? فرص استثÙ?ارÙ?Ø© Ù?Ù?Ø£Ù?دÙ?Ø© اÙ?Ù?Ø·Ù?Ù?Ø© Ù?Ù?بارÙ? اÙ?Ù?شرÙ?ع اÙ?جدÙ?د", <>; rel="item"; title="اÙ?جÙ?در Ù?Ø´Ù?د بدÙ?ر
    اÙ?Ù?راÙ?ز اÙ?شبابÙ?Ø© فÙ? تطبÙ?Ù? رؤÙ?Ø© Ù?اصر بÙ? Ø­Ù?د فÙ? احتضاÙ? اÙ?شباب"
    Server ? Apache
    Transfer-Encoding ? chunked
    X-Content-Type-Options ? nosniff
    X-Pingback ?
    X-Powered-By ? PHP/5.4.24
    X-WP-Total ? 6
    X-WP-TotalPages ? 1

    I originally downloaded it using IE and viewed the content in Fiddler.  Use this code to get the content:
    string url = "";
    HttpBaseProtocolFilter MyFilter = new HttpBaseProtocolFilter();
    HttpClient request = new HttpClient(MyFilter);
    string response = await request.GetStringAsync(new Uri(url));
    MyContent.Text = response;
    Matt Small - Microsoft Escalation Engineer - Forum Moderator
    If my reply answers your question, please mark this post as answered.
    NOTE: If I ask for code, please provide something that I can drop directly into a project and run (including XAML), or an actual application project. I'm trying to help a lot of people, so I don't have time to figure out weird snippets with undefined
    objects and unknown namespaces.

  • Sql Devloper - problems with displaying user data types

    I have installed new version of sqldeveloper and have discovered some problems with displaying user data types. The data that is described as VARCHAR2 are displayed with ‘???’.
    The problem persist in table view, script output and exported files.
    My type is described as follows:
    create or replace TYPE "DPTY_ADRESA" AS OBJECT
      ID_DPSF_OPCINE                                         NUMBER,
      ID_DPSF_MJESTA                                        NUMBER,
      OPCINA                                            VARCHAR2(100),
      MJESTO                                            VARCHAR2(100),
      ULICA                                 VARCHAR2(200),
      BROJ                                   VARCHAR2(20),
      SPRAT                VARCHAR2(20),
      OSTALO                             VARCHAR2(100),
    add MEMBER FUNCTION dajAdresu RETURN VARCHAR2 cascade;
    when make select column from table that contains this type I get next results:
    CASE 1:
    SQLDeveloper Version; Build MAIN-09.87; JDK 1.6.0_43; Windows 7 64 bit
    select id, adresalokacija
    from dptr_saglasnosti
    where id = 1;
             1 COMP.DPTY_ADRESA(124,4913,'TRAIK','TURBE','BABANA','3452','0',NULL)
    END CASE 1;
    CASE 2:
    SQLDeveloper Version; Build MAIN-13.80; JDK 1.7.0_40; Windows 7 64 bit
    select id, adresalokacija
    from dptr_saglasnosti
    where id = 1;
             1 COMP.DPTY_ADRESA(124,4913,'???','???','???','???','???',NULL)    
    But if I select one element it is displayed normal.
    select id, a.adresalokacija.opcina
    from dptr_saglasnosti a
    where id = 1;
             1 TRAVNIK                  
    END CASE 2;
    I have tried this scenario on three different pc with same output.
    Pleas help me to get rid of the '???' in result.
    Best Regards,

      I tried on SQLDeveloper Version; Build MAIN-13.80; JDK 1.7.0_45; Windows 7 64 bit; NLS setting is default
    all data can show,No ??? in result
    Test step as following:
    create or replace TYPE "DPTY_ADRESA" AS OBJECT
      ID_DPSF_OPCINE                                         NUMBER,
      ID_DPSF_MJESTA                                        NUMBER,
      OPCINA                                            VARCHAR2(100),
      MJESTO                                            VARCHAR2(100),
      ULICA                                 VARCHAR2(200),
      BROJ                                   VARCHAR2(20),
      SPRAT                VARCHAR2(20),
      OSTALO                             VARCHAR2(100),
    CREATE TABLE dptr_saglasnosti (
    adresalokacija        DPTY_ADRESA,
      id    number);
      INSERT INTO dptr_saglasnosti VALUES (
      DPTY_ADRESA (65,225,'Vrinda Mills', '1-800-555-4412','sss','aaaa','eeeee','attta'),1 );
    select id, adresalokacija from dptr_saglasnosti where id = 1;
    1    HRCP.DPTY_ADRESA(65,225,'Vrinda Mills','1-800-555-4412','sss','aaaa','eeeee','attta')

  • Flex2 CompilerException: Encountered invalid display object Window :

    I'm using VC 7.0 with SPS 14 and the new Flex 2 runtime. When I deploy an existing Flex VC 7.0 model with the new runtime I get the following Flex Compiler exception:
    Flex2Compiler.Compile: FlexCompilerException: Encountered invalid display object Window : null: null
    Does anyone know what I need to do to fix it?
    Kind regards

    Hi Govindu,
    I runs perfectly with Flex.
    Thanks very much for your support.
    Here's the GML:
    <AEA8W0 name="Input" parent="ADA8VZ" role="INPUT" appName="INPUT" spec="DT_OBJ_IN" anchor="L15" pos="0 15" orig_guid="GMfe4e66c2e4a511dc9286000255334790" fields="}"/><AEA8W1 name="I T Immanfnr Imp" parent="ADA8VZ" role="I_T_IMMANFNR_IMP" appName="OUTPUT I_T_IMMANFNR_IMP" spec="DT_SET_OUT" anchor="R15" pos="100 15" capacity="0" orig_guid="GMfe4e66c3e4a511dc853c000255334790" fields=",F_BIC_IM_WIEDMA:,F_BIC_IMANSPRPA:,F_BIC_IMPLNJAHR:,TXTLG:,PROG_POS:,PROG_DEF_S:,F_BIC_PC_DIV:,F_BIC_IMMANFSTA:,APPR_YEAR:,F_BIC_IMANTEXT1:,F_BIC_IMANTEXT2:,F_BIC_IMANTEXT3:,F_BIC_IMANTEXT4:,F_BIC_IMPLANGES:,CURRENCY:,F_BIC_IMKZAR:,F_BIC_IMGESELLS:,F_BIC_IMWEITVER:,F_BIC_IMUSERID:,F_BIC_ERNAM:,F_BIC_IMERFDAT:,F_BIC_AENAM:,AEDAT:,F_BIC_STA_TXTLG:,F_BIC_PROG_POS:,F_BIC_PPOS_TXTLG:}"/></ADA8VZ><AHC8W2 name="start" parent="AAD8VY" pos="70 130" infoshape="#ID[AXB8W4]" orig_guid="GMfe4e66c4e4a511dc9fb8000255334790"><AEA8W3 parent="AHC8W2" role="DATA" spec="PN_START" anchor="R^" pos="40 10" 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fields=",F_BIC_IM_WIEDMA:,F_BIC_IMANSPRPA:,F_BIC_IMPLNJAHR:,TXTLG:,PROG_POS:,PROG_DEF_S:,F_BIC_PC_DIV:,F_BIC_IMMANFSTA:,APPR_YEAR:,F_BIC_IMANTEXT1:,F_BIC_IMANTEXT2:,F_BIC_IMANTEXT3:,F_BIC_IMANTEXT4:,F_BIC_IMPLANGES:,CURRENCY:,F_BIC_IMKZAR:,F_BIC_IMGESELLS:,F_BIC_IMWEITVER:,F_BIC_IMUSERID:,F_BIC_ERNAM:,F_BIC_IMERFDAT:,F_BIC_AENAM:,AEDAT:,F_BIC_PROG_POS:}"/><AGB8WY name="Sort1" parent="AAD8VY" pos="245 210" orig_guid="GMc2ff5550e4b111dcb9fe000255334790" fields="}"><AEA8WZ parent="AGB8WY" role="IN" spec="TR_SET_IN" anchor="L" pos="0 15" orig_guid="GMc2ff5551e4b111dc98de000255334790"/><AEA8X0 parent="AGB8WY" role="OUT" spec="TR_SET_OUT" anchor="R" pos="40 15" orig_guid="GMc2ff5552e4b111dcbe1c000255334790"/></AGB8WY><AFB8X1 parent="AAD8VY" src="#ID[AEA8W1]" trg="#ID[AEA8WZ]" contour="14" orig_guid="GMc2ff5553e4b111dccce6000255334790"/><AFB8X2 parent="AAD8VY" src="#ID[AEA8X0]" trg="#ID[AEA8W7]" contour="12" orig_guid="GMc2ff5554e4b111dca801000255334790"/><AHL8X3 name="store" parent="AAD8VY" pos="575 150" infoshape="#ID[AXB8W9]" orig_guid="GMadc85740e52911dcbfb0000255334790"><AEA8X4 parent="AHL8X3" role="DATA" spec="PN_STORE" anchor="L" pos="0 10" orig_guid="GMadc85741e52911dc963b000255334790"/></AHL8X3><AHL8X5 name="store" parent="AAD8VY" pos="595 515" infoshape="#ID[AXB8W9]" orig_guid="GMf1daf230e52911dca80d000255334790"><AEA8X6 parent="AHL8X5" role="DATA" spec="PN_STORE" anchor="L" pos="0 10" orig_guid="GMf1daf231e52911dcaae5000255334790"/></AHL8X5><AFA8X7 parent="AAD8VY" src="#ID[AEA8WB]" trg="#ID[AEA8X6]" nobc="true" contour="22" orig_guid="GMf1daf232e52911dcb92f000255334790" fields=",sichtbar:,Fehlermeldung:,UpdKennzeichen:}"/><AHK8X8 name="timer1" parent="AAD8VY" guard="true" interval="1" pos="440 125" size="40 30" orig_guid="GM506764e0e52b11dc82a2000255334790" fields=",ELAPSED:}"><AEA8X9 parent="AHK8X8" role="DATA" spec="PN_START" anchor="T^" pos="20 0" orig_guid="GM50678bf0e52b11dcacb8000255334790"/></AHK8X8><AFA8XA parent="AAD8VY" src="#ID[AEA8X9]" 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