Problems displaying foreign text

I have a swing application implementing a virtual keyboard with foreign text. However, when i try to display the foreign text(with keyboard clicks)onto a JTextArea, there are only ??? printing instead. I don't have an input method yet. Is having an input method the only solution. Is that the only way you can map your keyboard to all the foreign keys????
Help me out...please!!!

Thanks for responding. By keyboard clicks, i mean the virtual keyboard i've set up. The virtual keyboard has foreign characters i it. So, if the user wants to type some information using his/her native language, he can click on any of the foreign keys in the virtual keyboard and the text would be entered on the textarea he would be wanting to type into. I have an english keyboard(also virtual)which works just fine but when i use the virtual keyboard with the foreign keys, i just have ? printing instead of the foreign text. Do you still think it is because of the the canDisplay(char) method of Font.
Awaiting your reply....
Bye and thanks again.

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    How do i solve this problem.? wud b great if u support ur answer with examples .

    You have to do it yourself -  I don't have a ready solution. Just look into documentation how StyleSheets are used and see what properties work best for you:
    Also, with embedded fonts you need to play with TextFormat settings and AntiAliasType
    In addition, on my machine even if I don't emebed fonts - Arabic works in Arial, TImes and others.

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    Anyone encountered any problems with "foreign" PDFs in PDF+?

    I did not come across this problem cos.. I cant open a PDF file on my E51. Just now opened a new thread for help.

  • Problem displaying 'Total' text in ALV grid

    My ALV works and displays correct output. However, I am struggling to display the text 'Total' on position in the last row of the grid. The total is for the salary. My code is below..
    I have looked on numerous sites and forums for assistance.
    *& Report  ZALV
    TYPE-POOLS: slis. "slis contains all of the ALV data types.
    DATA: "fieldcatALOG TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv WITH HEADER LINE,
           it_zcontact TYPE TABLE OF zcontact,"declares an internal table of type ZCONTACT
           alv_prog_name LIKE sy-repid,
           g_variant TYPE disvariant,
           gx_variant TYPE disvariant,
           g_save TYPE c VALUE 'X',
           it_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,"declares field catalog table of line type alv
           wa_fieldcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv, "declares the work area of the field catalog
           it_list_top_of_page TYPE slis_t_listheader,
           izontact TYPE TABLE OF zcontact,
           h1(10) TYPE c VALUE 'Toatall',
            "i_logo TYPE OT.
           gt_events     TYPE slis_t_event,
           gd_prntparams TYPE slis_print_alv,
           text(40) type c,
           wa_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv.
    **Selection Screen details
    PARAMETERS: variant like disvariant-variant.
    **Getting default variant
    gx_variant-report = sy-repid.
       I_SAVE = G_SAVE
         NOT_FOUND = 2.
    IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
      "PERFORM build_alv_header
    *Build field catalog
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'ID'.
    wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'ID'.
    wa_fieldcat-col_pos   = 0.
    wa_fieldcat-outputlen = 10.
    wa_fieldcat-emphasize  = 'X'.
    wa_fieldcat-key       = 'X'.
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'LASTNAME'.
    wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'LASTNAME'.
    wa_fieldcat-col_pos   = 1.
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'FIRSTNAME'.
    wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'FIRSTNAME'.
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'DOB'.
    wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'DOB'.
    wa_fieldcat-col_pos = 3.
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'TEL'.
    wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'Tel'.
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'ADDRESS'.
    wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'ADDRESS'.
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'OCCUPATION'.
    wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'OCCUPATION'.
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'WEIGHT'.
    wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'WEIGHT'.
    wa_fieldcat-do_sum    = 'X'.
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'AGE'.
    wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'AGE'.
    wa_fieldcat-do_sum   = 'X'.        "Display column total
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    "CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'SALARY'.
    wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'SALARY'.
    wa_fieldcat-do_sum    = 'X'.
    wa_fieldcat-cfieldname = 'CURRENCYKEY'.
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'CURRENCY'.
    wa_fieldcat-seltext_s = 'CURRENCY'.
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    "CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    **FORM layout.
    *wa_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
    *wa_layout-totals_text ='TOTAL'.
    *wa_layout-zebra = 'X'.
    "ls_layout-cell_merge = 'X'.
    alv_prog_name = sy-repid.
    *Pass data and field catalog to ALV function module to display ALV list
           it_fieldcat            = it_fieldcat[]
           i_callback_program     = alv_prog_name
           is_layout              = wa_layout
           i_callback_top_of_page =  'TOP_OF_PAGE'
           i_callback_user_command =  'USER_COMMAND'
           i_structure_name       =  'ZCONTACT'
           i_save                 = 'X'
           it_events               = gt_events
           is_print                = gd_prntparams
           is_variant             = g_variant
           "is_layout     = ls_layout
           t_outtab      = it_zcontact
           program_error = 1
           OTHERS        = 2.
    **Fetch data from the database
    SELECT * FROM zcontact INTO TABLE it_zcontact.
    FORM top_of_page.
    *ALV Header declarations
       DATA: it_listheader TYPE slis_t_listheader,
             wa_listheader TYPE slis_listheader,
             t_line like wa_listheader-info,
             ld_lines TYPE I,
             ld_linesc(10) TYPE C.
    wa_listheader-typ = 'H'.
    wa_listheader-info = 'Contact Details'.
    APPEND wa_listheader TO it_listheader.
    CLEAR wa_listheader.
    wa_listheader-typ = 'S'.
    wa_listheader-info = sy-repid.
    wa_listheader-key = 'Program Name:'.
    APPEND wa_listheader TO it_listheader.
    CLEAR wa_listheader.
    wa_listheader-typ = 'S'.
    wa_listheader-info = sy-uname.
    wa_listheader-key = 'User Name:'.
    APPEND wa_listheader TO it_listheader.
    CLEAR wa_listheader.
    wa_listheader-typ = 'S'.
    wa_listheader-key = 'Run Date :'.
    CONCATENATE sy-datum+6(2)
                 INTO wa_listheader-info
                 SEPARATED BY '/'.
    APPEND wa_listheader TO it_listheader.
    CLEAR wa_listheader.
    wa_listheader-typ = 'S'.
    wa_listheader-key = 'Time :'.
    CONCATENATE sy-uzeit(2)
                 INTO wa_listheader-info
                 SEPARATED BY ':'.
    APPEND wa_listheader TO it_listheader.
    CLEAR wa_listheader.
           it_list_commentary = it_listheader[]
           i_logo = 'KLOGO'.
    ENDFORM.                    "top_of_page

    I did this but still i cant display the total text..I have reposted my code. please assist. Im only missing that total label
    *& Report  ZALV
    TYPE-POOLS: slis. "slis contains all of the ALV data types.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_zcontact,
         text(40) TYPE c, "storing the total text
       mandt TYPE mandt,
       id TYPE zcontactid,
       lastname type zcontactlname,
       firstname TYPE zcontactfname,
       dob TYPE zdateofbirth,
       tel TYPE ztel,
       address TYPE zaddress,
       occupation TYPE zoccup,
       weight type zweight,
       age TYPE zage,
       salary TYPE zsalary,
       ecurrency TYPE curcy,
       END OF t_zcontact.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF wa_zcontact,
       mandt TYPE mandt,
       id TYPE zcontactid,
       lastname type zcontactlname,
       firstname TYPE zcontactfname,
       dob TYPE zdateofbirth,
       tel TYPE ztel,
       address TYPE zaddress,
       occupation TYPE zoccup,
       weight type zweight,
       age TYPE zage,
       salary TYPE zsalary,
       ecurrency TYPE curcy,
       END OF wa_zcontact.
    i_zcontact TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_zcontact." INITIAL SIZE 0.
       DATA: itt_zcontact TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF wa_zcontact INITIAL SIZE 0,
             wat_zcontact TYPE wa_zcontact.
    DATA: "it_zcontact TYPE TABLE OF zcontact,"declares an internal table of type ZCONTACT
           gd_repid LIKE sy-repid,
           g_variant TYPE disvariant,
           gx_variant TYPE disvariant,
           g_save TYPE c VALUE 'X',
           fieldcatalog TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv WITH HEADER LINE,"declares field catalog table of line type alv
            gd_tab_group type slis_t_sp_group_alv,
            gd_prntparams TYPE slis_print_alv,
           fieldcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv, "declares the work area of the field catalog
           it_list_top_of_page TYPE slis_t_listheader,
           i_zcontact TYPE TABLE OF zcontact,
           "h1(10) TYPE c VALUE 'Toatall',
            "i_logo TYPE OT.
           gt_events TYPE slis_t_event,
           gd_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv."work area for the alv layout
    data: it_sortcat type slis_sortinfo_alv occurs 1,
             wa_sort LIKE LINE OF it_sortcat.
      perform build_sortcat.
      PERFORM sub_add_text.
      "PERFORM build_events.
      PERFORM top-of-page.
      "PERFORM build_alv_header.
    *DATA: gd_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv.
    *      gd_layout-totals_text = 'TOTAL'.
    **Selection Screen details
    *PARAMETERS: variant like disvariant-variant.
    ***Getting default variant
    *gx_variant-report = sy-repid.
    *  I_SAVE = G_SAVE
    *    NOT_FOUND = 2.
    *IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
    *  ENDIF.
    *Build field catalog
    fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'ID'.
    fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'ID'.
    fieldcatalog-col_pos   = 2.
    fieldcatalog-outputlen = 10.
    fieldcatalog-datatype = 'CHAR'.
      "fieldcatalog-do_sum      = 'X'.
    fieldcatalog-no_zero     = 'X'.
    fieldcatalog-emphasize  = 'X'.
    fieldcatalog-key       = 'X'.
    APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
    CLEAR fieldcatalog.
    fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'LASTNAME'.
    fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'LASTNAME'.
    fieldcatalog-col_pos   = 3.
    APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
    CLEAR fieldcatalog.
    fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'FIRSTNAME'.
    fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'FIRSTNAME'.
      fieldcatalog-col_pos = 4.
    APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
    CLEAR fieldcatalog.
    fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'DOB'.
    fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'DOB'.
    fieldcatalog-col_pos = 5.
    APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
    CLEAR fieldcatalog.
    fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'TEL'.
    fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'Tel'.
      fieldcatalog-col_pos = 6.
    APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
    CLEAR fieldcatalog.
    fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'ADDRESS'.
    fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'ADDRESS'.
      fieldcatalog-col_pos = 7.
    APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
    CLEAR fieldcatalog.
    fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'OCCUPATION'.
    fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'OCCUPATION'.
      fieldcatalog-col_pos = 8.
    APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
    CLEAR fieldcatalog.
    fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'WEIGHT'.
    fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'WEIGHT'.
    "fieldcatalog-do_sum    = 'X'.
      fieldcatalog-col_pos = 9.
    APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
    CLEAR fieldcatalog.
    fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'AGE'.
    fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'AGE'.
    "fieldcatalog-do_sum   = 'X'.        "Display column total
      fieldcatalog-col_pos = 10.
    APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
    CLEAR fieldcatalog.
    fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'SALARY'.
    fieldcatalog-seltext_m = 'SALARY'.
    fieldcatalog-do_sum    = 'X'.
    fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15.
    fieldcatalog-datatype ='CURR'.
      fieldcatalog-col_pos = 11.
    APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
    CLEAR fieldcatalog.
    "fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'ECURRENCY'.
    "fieldcatalog-seltext_s = 'ECURRENCY'.
    "APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
    "CLEAR fieldcatalog.
       fieldcatalog-fieldname   = 'TEXT'.
       fieldcatalog-col_pos = 0.
       "fieldcatalog-seltext_m   = 'TEXT'.
       fieldcatalog-tech        = 'X'.
       fieldcatalog-no_out      = 'X'.
       append fieldcatalog to fieldcatalog.
       clear  fieldcatalog.
    *&      Form  build_sortcat
    *       Build Sort catalog
    FORM build_sortcat .
       "wa_sort-spos      = 1.
       wa_sort-fieldname = 'TEXT'.
       "wa_sort-SUBTOT    = 'X'. "subtotals any totals column by this field
       wa_sort-up        = 'X'.
       APPEND wa_sort TO it_sortcat.
       CLEAR wa_sort.
    ENDFORM.                    " build_sortcat
    *gd_layout-no_input = 'X'.
    *gd_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
    *gd_layout-totals_text  =  'Totals'(201).
    *"gd_LAYOUT-coltab_fieldname = 'SALARY'.
    gd_layout-no_totalline = 'X'.
    *IF sy-subrc = 0.
    *      LOOP AT fieldcatalog INTO fieldcat.
    *        IF fieldcat-fieldname = 'WEIGHT' OR
    *          fieldcat-fieldname = 'AGE'.
    **         Summation for WEIGHT & AGE
    *          fieldcat-do_sum = 'X'.
    *          MODIFY fieldcatalog FROM fieldcat TRANSPORTING do_sum.
    *        ENDIF.
    *        IF fieldcat-fieldname = 'TEXT'.
    **         Hide this field so that it can display it's content i.e.
    **         Total text in Subtotal level
    *          fieldcat-tech = 'X'.
    *          fieldcat-no_out = 'X'.
    *          MODIFY fieldcatalog FROM fieldcat TRANSPORTING tech no_out.
    *        ENDIF.
    *        CLEAR fieldcat.
    *      ENDLOOP.
    *    ENDIF.
    *form build_events.
    *  data: ls_event type slis_alv_event.
    *  call function 'REUSE_ALV_EVENTS_GET'
    *       exporting
    *            i_list_type = 0
    *       importing
    *            et_events   = gt_events[].
    *  read table gt_events with key name =  slis_ev_top_of_page
    *                           into ls_event.
    *  if sy-subrc = 0.
    *    move 'TOP-OF-PAGE' to ls_event-form.
    *    append ls_event to gt_events.
    *  endif.
    *    read table gt_events with key name =  slis_ev_end_of_list
    *                           into ls_event.
    *  if sy-subrc = 0.
    *    move 'END_OF_LIST' to ls_event-form.
    *    append ls_event to gt_events.
    *  endif.
    *endform.                    " BUILD_EVENTS
    "ls_layout-cell_merge = 'X'.
    gd_repid = sy-repid.
    *Pass data and field catalog to ALV function module to display ALV list
           it_fieldcat         = fieldcatalog[]
           it_sort  =  it_sortcat
           i_callback_program     = gd_repid
           is_layout              = gd_layout
           i_callback_top_of_page =  'TOP-OF-PAGE'
           i_callback_user_command =  'USER_COMMAND'
           i_structure_name       =  'ZCONTACT'
           i_save                 = 'X'
           it_events               = gt_events
           is_print                = gd_prntparams
           is_variant             = g_variant
           "is_layout     = ls_layout
           t_outtab      = itt_zcontact
           program_error = 1
           OTHERS        = 2.
    **Fetch data from the database
    "DATA: ld_subtot(1) type c.
    SELECT * FROM zcontact INTO TABLE itt_zcontact UP TO 10 ROWS.
    FORM sub_add_text.
    *Populate field with text value
       wt_zcontact TYPE t_zcontact,
       last TYPE zcontact-ID,
       l_text(40) type c,
       num type n.
    loop at itt_zcontact into wat_zcontact.
    * Populate final table
       wt_zcontact-TEXT = 'Total salary:  '.
       "ld_subtot = ld_subtot + 1.
       "wat_zcontact-text = ld_subtot.
         modify itt_zcontact FROM wat_zcontact.
         clear wat_zcontact.
       "APPEND wat_zcontact TO itt_zcontact.
    FORM top-of-page.
    *ALV Header declarations
       DATA: it_listheader TYPE slis_t_listheader,
             wa_listheader TYPE slis_listheader,
             t_line like wa_listheader-info,
             ld_lines TYPE I,
             ld_linesc(10) TYPE C.
    wa_listheader-typ = 'H'.
    wa_listheader-info = 'Contact Details'.
    APPEND wa_listheader TO it_listheader.
    CLEAR wa_listheader.
    wa_listheader-typ = 'S'.
    wa_listheader-info = sy-repid.
    wa_listheader-key = 'Program Name:'.
    APPEND wa_listheader TO it_listheader.
    CLEAR wa_listheader.
    wa_listheader-typ = 'S'.
    wa_listheader-info = sy-uname.
    wa_listheader-key = 'User Name:'.
    APPEND wa_listheader TO it_listheader.
    CLEAR wa_listheader.
    wa_listheader-typ = 'S'.
    wa_listheader-key = 'Run Date :'.
    CONCATENATE sy-datum+6(2)
                 INTO wa_listheader-info
                 SEPARATED BY '/'.
    APPEND wa_listheader TO it_listheader.
    CLEAR wa_listheader.
    wa_listheader-typ = 'S'.
    wa_listheader-key = 'Time :'.
    CONCATENATE sy-uzeit(2)
                 INTO wa_listheader-info
                 SEPARATED BY ':'.
    APPEND wa_listheader TO it_listheader.
    CLEAR wa_listheader.
           it_list_commentary = it_listheader[]
           i_logo = 'KLOGO'.
    ENDFORM.                    "top_of_page

  • Problem displaying foreign characters in application

    Apologies in advance if this is the wrong forum for this question.
    In my java application I have to allow the user to enter text which can contain "foreign" characters e.g. ø and è. I based the following code on a snippet I found on the web:
    String nameContainingStrangeCharacters= new String(inputObject.getFullName().getBytes(), "UTF-8");
    If I simply set this String back onto an object and display it on the front-end via JSP, then everything works fine on my local (Windows) build. I should add that I have the following line in my "output" JSP:
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    The problem is when I deploy my app to a Unix server. If if I input the same string and try to redisplay it, the "foreign" characters are now replaced by question marks.
    So if In type in the name Stig Inge Bjørnebyè, this appears as
    Stig Inge Bjørnebyè
    on my "output" screen in Windows, but as
    Stig Inge Bj?rneby?
    in Unix.
    I have absolutely no idea why this is happening? Can anyone help?

    Did you read [url]String.getBytes() ?
    Use String.getBytes(String charsetName) or getBytes(Charset charset)
    or CharsetEncoder.
    It works on your Windows box because of what the platform's default charset happens to be.
    But you should not getBytes() using some arbitrary (non-UTF-8) encoding and then make a String pretending your bytes contain UTF-8.
    Unless the String returned by inputObject.getFullName() is the munged result of using the wrong encoding and you are trying to un-mung it.

  • Problem displaying Unicode text.

    Hi guys,
    I am new to I18N. i want to display some unicode text using java program. But i always get "???"..any idea??
    public class I18N {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    String street = "\u65E5\u672C\u8A9E";
    if i use unicode value equivalent to english chars, it works fine..i know there is some problem in loading the corresponding fonts..but not able to nail the problem.psl help..examples appreciated.

    For example if you have a MS-OS check this site
    or you could simple try every font you can find on your system.

  • Update not displaying foreign language characters

    I just upgraded to iTunes 9.1 for Windows 7, and now when I open it, the library no longer displays foreign characters (most specifically Japanese and Korean) anymore. It just shows boxes where the text should be. I'm worried that if I re-sync my iPod, it will only display boxes on that, too. Before I updated, everything was working fine and the library had no problem displaying foreign characters. Is there a way to fix this problem?

    Post Author: amr_foci
    CA Forum: WebIntelligence Reporting
    i've the same problem,, but i heared that they added more languages and character sets in the service pack 3
    try to find about SP3,, and if you found that your languages supported then upgrade to it

  • Dynamic Text Field is not displaying foreign characters... HELP!

    I have a dynamic text field that is not displaying foreign characters properly. They appear as boxes.
    Here's what I've tried.
    Under properties for the text field, I clicked on the embed characters button. In there, I pasted all the special characters I would need and clicked okay. Shouldn't this be enough for the text to display properly? What am I missing? Please help...

    More info: I'm noticing that in the actual dynamic text field in my .FLA file, if I type a foreign character like é, it pops up as a block. My family font is set to New Caledonia... is it possible that New Caledonia doesn't have those particular glyphs? The thing that doesn't make sense to me though is, last year when I made this card, it worked fine with New Caledonia... Any help is greatly appreciated!!

  • Problem displaying CLOB in text file

    Hello All,
    I have a problem displaying the content from the database in notepad. When I click on a link on my jsf screen, I retrieve the data and display it in notepad.
    I have my text content stored in the database with CLOB datatype. When I look in the database the data looks in the following format:
    ---------STARTS FROM NEXT LINE-------------
    The firm, known for its keen oversight of products, has been the subject of complaints from firms who have had apps blocked from the store. Some developers have complained that the company's rules seem inconsistent.
    Some have found apps blocked after seemingly minor updates, or for having content deemed inappropriate by them. In light of this, and after careful consideration, I believe it is unnecessary to sign this measure at this time.
    ----------ENDS IN THE PREVIOUS LINE------------
    Now when I display this content onto the notepad, all the spaces and new line characters are lost, and the entire display looks awkward. This is how it looks:
    The firm, known for its keen oversight of products, has been the subject of complaints from firms who have had apps blocked from the store. Some developers have complained that the company's rules seem inconsistent.[]Some have found apps blocked after seemingly minor updates, or for having content deemed inappropriate by them. In light of this, and after careful consideration, I believe it is unnecessary to sign this measure at this time.[]Sincerely,[]ABC
    All the new line characters are lost and it just puts some junk character in place of a new line.
    When I copy the same text onto textpad, everything is alright and it displays exactly the way it is present in the database. I am also open to display the content in html, but in HTML it doesn't even display me the junk character in place of new line. It is just one single string without any line separators.
    I am using the following code to put the content into the text.
    public String writeMessage(){
       OutputStream outStream = null;
       HttpServletResponse response = getServletResponseFromFacesContext();
       Reader data = null;
       Writer writer = null;
          response.setContentType("text/plain; charset=UTF-8");
          response.setHeader("Content-Disposition","attachment; filename="+id+"_Message.txt");
          outStream = response.getOutputStream();
          QueryRemote remote = serviceLocator.getQueriessEJB();
          data = remote.retrieveGovernorsVetoMessage(billId);
          writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter( outStream, "UTF-8" ) );
          int charsRead;
          char[] cbuf = new char[1024];
          while ((charsRead = != -1) {
          writer.write(cbuf, 0, charsRead);
       }catch(Exception ex){
          //Close outStream, data, writer
       return null;
    }Any help or hints on resolving this issue would be highly appreciated.

    The data is imported from a third party application to my database. It doesn't display any newline characters when I view the data.
    But when I do a regular expression search on text pad, I could see that my clob contains \n as the new line character. Is there a way to replace \n with \n\r while writing the data.

  • Problem in Displaying Subtotal text in Grid Display

    Hi Experts,
                 I got a problem in passing the Subtotal text and Total Text in Grid Display.In my Case we are calculating Interest Rate for Document Number for Each Assignment Number. If any discount is maintain for document, calculate the interest rate as per the given formula.
               So, in this case, Instead of Subtotal text, we can view the 2 dots in Grid display. But in the place of that or else, i want to display the Subtotal. But this not happen in case of Grid Display, I tried in List Display, i can able to display the text.
    Here is the Code what i maintain.
      wa_sortcat-fieldname = 'ZUONR'.
      wa_sortcat-tabname   = 'IT_FINAL'.
      wa_sortcat-subtot    = c_x.
      APPEND wa_sortcat TO sortcat.
      wa_sortcat-fieldname = 'BUDAT'.
      wa_sortcat-tabname   = 'IT_FINAL'.
      APPEND wa_sortcat TO sortcat.
      wa_sortcat-fieldname = 'INTER'.         "Interest Rate
      wa_sortcat-subtot    = c_x.
      wa_sortcat-tabname   = 'IT_FINAL'.
      APPEND wa_sortcat TO sortcat.
        wa_fieldcat-outputlen    = c_15.   " Interest Rate
        wa_fieldcat-do_sum       = c_x.
      alv_layout-colwidth_optimize = c_x.
      alv_layout-zebra                    = c_x.
      alv_layout-subtotals_text       = 'Subtotal'.
      alv_layout-totals_text              = 'Total'.
    I check in the SDN, But in some Threads, They explain as, We cant display the Subtotal text in Grid display.
    Please help me to sort this issue. And clarify this whether this is possible or not.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi Naresh,
        Thanks for your reply, I added the given code by you to fieldcatalog for Interest rate field. i.e.
        wa_fieldcat-outputlen    = c_15.
        wa_fieldcat-do_sum       = c_x.
        wa_fieldcat-inttype      = 'I'.
    Is this is a correct process what you are thinking, or i had to declare for every field what i declare under fieldcatalog.

  • Problem in displaying total text in total line

    Hi...I am facing problem in displaying total text in first column of total line. Width of first column is sufficient to display text "TOTAL". But somehow its not getting displayed....Please Help...?
    code is as follows:
    ls_layout TYPE  slis_layout_alv .
    ls_layout-totals_text       = 'TOTAL'.
      ls_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
      ls_layout-no_vline          = 'X'.
      ls_layout-no_hline          = 'X'.
          i_callback_program     = gv_repid            " Report ID
          i_callback_top_of_page = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'
          is_layout              = ls_layout
          it_fieldcat            = gt_fieldcat         " Field Catlog
          t_outtab               = gt_cost_output      " Output Table

    hi me to i have the same problem
       FORM create_layout .
      data: text(20) TYPE c.
      it_layout-window_titlebar   = text.
      it_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
      it_layout-totals_text       = text-013."'Totals'(013).
      it_layout-cell_merge        = 'X'.
      it_layout-zebra             = 'X'.
    but no output total in alv
    also i had another broplem i had unit i wanna show it in total line and calc value in header

  • Display uneditable text problem

    How to display uneditable text within a border without showing a cursor?
    Thank you!

    Have you tried using a StringItem? It's like a TextField, but then its contents is uneditable. Should work I guess. You can configure an lcdui.Item with appearance mode. Item.BUTTON can be used for visualising the lcdui.Item object -- in this case a StringItem -- like a genuine (but non-clickable) button. Try it and decide whether it solves your problem.
    Good luck!

  • Problem causing (new line) in display of text in a report

    Environment: Oracle 11.2; application express 4.1
    I have a table with a unicode clob column into which I insert descriptive text. Within these text entries I have inserted CR/LF (\000D\000A). However when I display the text entries in a report, the text streams instead of appearing with separate lines.
    My report statement:
    select text_entry_dt, entry_authy_nm, entry_text
    from obj_text
    where obj_id = :P41_FIND_ID
      and text_type_cd = 'DES'Any suggestions for what to do to obtain line separation within the entry_text content?

    George wrote:
    Environment: Oracle 11.2; application express 4.1
    I have a table with a unicode clob column into which I insert descriptive text. Within these text entries I have inserted CR/LF (\000D\000A). However when I display the text entries in a reportYou always need to distinguish between standard and interactive reports when you post a question...
    the text streams instead of appearing with separate lines.
    My report statement:
    select text_entry_dt, entry_authy_nm, entry_text
    from obj_text
    where obj_id = :P41_FIND_ID
    and text_type_cd = 'DES'Any suggestions for what to do to obtain line separation within the entry_text content?See:

  • Where is "Display as Text (based on LOV, saves state)"

    I am developing an application using the version of HTMLDB that comes with OracleXE.
    I have a tabular form, in which the default column for a particular item is sourced from a previously entered item on another page. This is a lookup item and needs to be non-changeable by the user. So I want to use the "Display As" option "Display as Text (based on LOV, saves state)". However, this option is not available in the pull-down for "Display As". The option "Display as Text (based on LOV, does not save state)" is available, but using this option means that the item is not saved to the database.
    Does anyone know why the stateful display as option is not available.
    Thanks in advance,

    Scott, thanks for the feedback. The problem is that although the value is displayed correctly, it is NOT saved to the database. Effectively, header information is entered in a previous screen, and one of the entered fields is written to each of the detail lines associated with the header. We are re-platforming an existing application (written in an obscure form of basic), and at this stage changing the schema is not an option. So this header item (which is a foreign key to a "store" table), is meant to be written down to each line, on the screen displayed as the store name, and written to the inserted lines as the lookup id. If I use the dispaly as text save state option teh database is updated correctly, but displays the id rather than name on the screen. The only display as lov option i can see is the one that does not save state. If I use this option the screen displays as I want but the database is not updated. I need to use the display as lov saves state option. but i do not see it.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks for your time.

  • Display As Text (based on LOV, saves state)  "p_t03" was assigned by APEX

    Hi All,
    I have an ITEM
    Name: P36_INT
    Display As: Display As Text (based on LOV, saves state)
    Output in my HTML:
    [input type="hidden" name="p_t03" value="YES" />[span id="P36_INT">Interior[/span>
      'p_t03' was assigned by APEX
      In my Javascript I have to access it as the following to get the "YES" value:
      var lintObj = html_GetElement('p_t03');
      Originally it was 'p_t01' but it changed from 'p_t01' to 'p_t03' somehow.. out of my control.
      How do I assign an ID or assign my own name to the "hidden" item?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

    Scott, thanks for the feedback. The problem is that although the value is displayed correctly, it is NOT saved to the database. Effectively, header information is entered in a previous screen, and one of the entered fields is written to each of the detail lines associated with the header. We are re-platforming an existing application (written in an obscure form of basic), and at this stage changing the schema is not an option. So this header item (which is a foreign key to a "store" table), is meant to be written down to each line, on the screen displayed as the store name, and written to the inserted lines as the lookup id. If I use the dispaly as text save state option teh database is updated correctly, but displays the id rather than name on the screen. The only display as lov option i can see is the one that does not save state. If I use this option the screen displays as I want but the database is not updated. I need to use the display as lov saves state option. but i do not see it.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks for your time.

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