Problems executing my jar file

i wanted to ask how do you jar a file and make it executable at the same
i did something like this
jar cfm main.jar Manifest.txt House.class mainInteractiveMap.class
house.jpg car.jpg map1.txt
and in the manifest file i have soemthing like this
Main-Class: MainInteractiveMap
but when i try to run it like this
java -jar main.jar
it gives me an error like this
exception in thread main java,lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
but the main is in MainInteractiveMap

1. Does your application run when do not jar it? If it does run, what command do you use? If it doesn't run, get it to run before you try to jar it.
2. Does your application run using
java -cp main.jar MainInteractiveMapIf it doesn't run, you have not jared the MainInteractiveMap correctly. If it does run, then you have a problem in the manifest. For example, there should be a blank line at the end of the Manifest.txt line.

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    Create a 'manifest' file pointing to the 'main' class, jar it into the .jar file, place it onto your desktop - or whereever you can click on it, and click on it.

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    Assuming you're running your program using "java -jar", your jar file needs a Class-Path entry
    in the manifest file that references mail.jar.

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    You can make an executable jar file such that when you double click on that it starts running. Just follow the steps.
    1. Open a notepad and write the following
    Main-Class: XXXXXXXX
    XXXXXXX means Your Main Class name. Don't forget to press Enter after you write your class name.
    2. Save the file as
    3. In the commant prompt ( your directory ) type following lines.
    jar cmf Demo.jar *.*
    4. This will make a jar file which is executable jar file
    Hope this will help you.

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    Hi Mohan.tkm,
    If you want it to be done in pure Java and independently of the OS of both computers, you may build a RMI server that will launch your JAR by request of a remote RMI client.
    There's an example of RMI here .

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    kind regards

    howto execute java jar file via html ?You can't.
    could someone pls post a html code ?No. you can search for yourself and find the code you need.
    Now, it sounds to me like you're trying to build an Applet or do Web Start or something. In any event, you need...wait for it....Google! :-)

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         WIDTH = "100%" HEIGHT = "50" border="0"
         <PARAM NAME = "CODE" VALUE = "com.s.SApplet"/>
         <PARAM NAME = "CODEBASE" VALUE = "/_phone"/>
         <PARAM NAME = "type" VALUE="application/x-java-applet;version=1.3"/>

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    In MyApp.bat your line should read (NT/2K/XP/2003/Vista):java -jar "%~dp0MyApp.jar"Regards

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    Well seems you are going through the horror of creating application jar file from command prompt. I went through the same and finally decided to make it through jBuilder. But the trouble persisted and I was getting same error as you were getting till I explicitly specified all the third party jar files I was using in the classpath and the problem was solved.
    I recommend you to explicitly set all the jars in classpath that are being used by your application. Also set the path of any resources if you have any.
    All the best.

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    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
    at$ Source)
    at Method)
    at Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
    at OracleConnectivity.main(
    here goes the code
    import java.sql.*;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;
    public class OracleConnectivity
    public static void main(String[] args)
    Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@","settlement","settlement");
    Statement stm = con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);
    ResultSet rs = stm.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM rm_number_location_t");
    }catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
    my class path is
    F:\jdk1.4\jre\lib\rt.jar;F:\jdk1.4\lib\tools.jar;F:\jdk1.4\jre\lib\ext\comm.jar;C:\Documents and Settings\gohar\Desktop\stuff\wma-1_1-src-windows-i686RI\wma1.1fcs\lib;F:\jdk1.4\jre\lib\ext\;F:\jdk1.4\bin;
    the code works even if i dont import
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;
    any slutions , thanks in advance.

    for class file
    java OracleConnectivity
    for jar file
    java -jar OracleConnectivity.jar
    I have worked around the problem.I made a .bat file syntax
    java OracleConnectivity
    and it works fine
    But still i cant get that why jar file was throwing Exception

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    This is one of many other messages that I receive. I'm trying to install the UML plugin for eclipse (omondo -
    Edited by: Dixavado on 06/05/2008 16:36

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    3. iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Wrong passcode results in red disabled screen
    4. iOS- Understanding passcodes
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    Forgotten Restrictions Passcode Help
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  • Problem Signing midlet .jar file.

    Step - 1 :
    - I have created a keystore first like.
    - c:> keytool -genkey -alias <alias> -keystore c:/abcd.sks -keyalg RSA*
    o/p : So it created a keystore.
    Step - 2:
    - I imported my certificate from Verisign into the keystore..
    - keytool -import -alias <alias> -keystore c:/abcd.sks -file <CompanyCert.cer>
    o/p : The certificate imported successfully.
    Problem :
    Problem occurs at the time of signing the jar file with jarsigner
    jarsigner Myjar.jar <alias>
    o/p :Jar is signed and It says, "your certificate will expire in six months". But our certificate has an expiry in 2011.
    Also when the jar file installed in the mobile, it occurs as an invalid application.

    The following may help you..
    JavaJar(written by java) can compress and decompress jar,war, ear
    it can deal with manifest file and executable .jar file .specially.
    may download from
    the tool is very verygood tool.
    but the homepage( of JavaJar cannot be accessed.
    it is funny.
    good lucky.

  • Program not executing in jar file. Help please.

    I went through the tutorial about jars on the sun website and i created a jar file with a hello world program like this:
    "cd E:\Batch
    jar cfm test.jar m.txt test.class
    My m.txt contains this text:
    "Main-Class: test.class"
    The jar file is created. No errors.
    Then i try and run the jar with this:
    "cd E:\Batch
    java -jar test.jar
    I get "NoClassDefFoundError: test/class"
    All the dos command are run form batch files and everything is in the same directory.
    I've searched around google and this website for answers but i have failed to find anything.
    Does anyone have any suggestions i can try to fix this? I've ran out of ideas.

    Ah thats what the problem was. That was driving me
    mad thanks. So whatever you put in a jar file must be
    in a package or you can't run it.
    Message was edited by:
    JahvahNo. You can also not put it in a package, but when you specify the main-class attribute in the manifest file, be sure that you don't tell it that it is in a package.

  • I believe I have a problem with my Jar file build.

    Hi, there. New to Java/JavaFX. Testing language features. Operating System: Windows 7; java version 1.7.0_03; javafx version 2.0.3.
    This is a simple test with 2 classes: Test1.class resides in base directory "MyJavaFX"; TextFileLoader.class resides in sub-directory "inout" of "MyJavaFX"(i.e. MyJavaFX\inout).
    Test1.class has an import statement "import inout.TextFileLoader;" TextFileLoader.class has a package statement "package inout;"
    Both classes compile without problems and jar file is created using Ant tasks.
    Within "MyJavaFX" as my current directory, When running Application Test1 (java -jar Test1.jar)
    getting error "ClassNotFoundException: inout.TextFileLoader".
    I believe it has to do with how Test1.jar file is built. I believe line 4 should say "inout/TextFileLoader.class"
    instead of just the simple class name but I can't get my Ant task to set it up that way.
    This is "Test1.jar":
    This is my "build.xml" file:
    <project name="JavaFxTest" default="default" basedir="."
    <target name="default">
         <taskdef resource="com/sun/javafx/tools/ant/antlib.xml"
         classpath="C:/Program Files/Oracle/JavaFX 2.0 SDK/tools/ant-javafx.jar"/>
         <fx:application id="Test1"
         name="Java Test Program"
         <fx:resources id="appRes">
         <fx:fileset dir="C:/Program Files/Oracle/JavaFX 2.0 Runtime/lib"/>
         <fx:jar destfile="C:/MyjavaFX/Test1.jar">
         <fx:application refid="Test1"/>
         <fx:resources refid="appRes"/>
         <fileset dir="." includes="Test1.class"/>
         <fileset dir="inout" includes="TextFileLoader.class"/>

    if javaw fails to launch the VM then a dialog should be displayed with an error. The first time I launch an application with javaw (after installing the JVM on a new machine it takes a long time for it to happen. have you tried from the command line >javaw -jar D.jar? I'm wondering if the installation of java went well on your machine. It's supposed to set up things correctly. did you install a new version of java over an existing one? maybe there was a java plugin previously installed on the machine before you installed j2sdk.

  • Problems uncompressing compressed jar files

    Hi all,
    I am seeing an unusual issue where some entries don't have full header info. By this I mean, according to the ZIP spec, it is possible that the header info is stored before the file data, so you CAN get the right info. But sometimes, it can be stored as an EXT header, where it is some place AFTER the compressed file data.
    So most of the time we are getting good size/comrpessed size info and can properly get the entry out of the zip file. But sometimes, we get -1 values and are not able to get the entry at all.
    We are working on allowing a classloader to get classes out of an "embeded" zip/jar file. In other words, a jar file can contain embeded zip/jar files (only 1 level deep), and our classloader not only finds the classes of the main jar file (using the URLClassLoader capabilities, but if a class being looked for is not found in the main jar file, we then try to find it in any embeded jar/zip files. Finding the classes is fine, trying to create .class files out of the compressed data from an embeded jar/zip is the problem.
    We are getting NegativeArraySizeExceptions thrown.
    URLConnection connection = resURL.openConnection();
    byte[] classData = new byte[connection.getContentLength()];
    InputStream input = connection.getInputStream();
    The resURL points to an embeded jar/zip within the outer jar file. The exception is thrown in the 2nd line above, when we try to create the byte[] array to hold the class data. The getContentLength() returns -1.
    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

    ZipInputStream only reads the local file header (LFH) of an entry if getNextEntry() is called, when the size and compressed size are not in the LFH becourse the sizes were unknow when the LFH was written the sizes are set to -1 and a flag is set to indicate that the entry has an EXT header after the data which contains the sizes.
    So I think the only thing you could do at the moment it to write an extension of ZipInputStream that checks if the flag is set and then looks for the EXT header to get the sizes but the difficult part is to get the data, ZipInputStream uses a PushbackInputStream to read the data but that InputStream doesn't support the mark method.
    Good luck.

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