Problems formatting new 20g ipod

I just got a new 20 gig ipod today and installed the software on my pc. it said that my ipod needed to be formatted, so i clicked ok. its been formatting for almost an hour now, and the screen still says 'do not disconnect'. does anyone know how long this process usually takes, or does this sound like it is malfunctioning? thanks.

Although I'm sure you have completed the installation by now, I want to post this for others with the same question b/c I, myself, needed the answer earlier It took approximately 2 1/2 hours to format my 20g iPod for Windows. I do not have a 2.0 USB, though, so it will be faster for those of you who do. I noticed whenever this question is asked, there seems to be confusion about what is being formatted and for what reason. To be clear, I was formatting a brand new 20g iPod during installation for use with Win XP.

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    iPod won't turn on.
    iPod doesn't appear in iTunes or on the Mac desktop.
    iPod does not appear in iPod Updater or iTunes in Mac OS X.
    iPod appears on the Mac OS X desktop but not in iTunes.
    Try to restore it in disk mode.
    Putting iPod into disk mode.

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    Try erasing the drive and reformatting it as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) using disk Utility from your install disk. First mount the drive on your desktop then
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc that came with your computer, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
    Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.
    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Click the disclosure triangle to the left of the hard drive icon to display the names of your hard disk volumes and partitions.
    5. select the drive you want to format, and see if that works.

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    Contact Apple...sounds like a warranty issue.

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    Originally posted by cfeedback
    In years past I was able to install XP w/o a SP on a large drive without any problems. The process I believe I had to take was use the manufacturer's utility to format (in this case MaxBlast from Maxtor) the drive, install Windows, immediately install SP1, and then enable 48-bit LBA via the utility (you can find a .reg file that will enable it as well). While I wouldn't recommend it I never had any problems.
    Ah, you just got lucky that Windows didn't try to write something past the 137 GB point.    I've always known about this, but coincidentally, this just happened to me the other day where Windows told me I had a 200 GB (186 GB really) installed and ready to go, but then a few days later I kept getting a ton of "Write Delayed" errors.  I was so distracted at the time (with other issues), that it didn't occur to me what the problem was, and I ended up losing a lot of data.  
    Anyway, for anyone really interested in the full scoop, you can read about here in Microsoft's knowlege base.

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    Bummer Folks.
    I took it with me on the airplane yesterday and it did it again 3-4 times over the two 40 minute shows I watched.
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    I can be of minimal help. Some Video Podcasts are downloaded ready for the iPod (example: NBC Nightly News) and some are meant to be watched on the computer (Example: MacBreak).
    I personally use Quicktime Pro for converting movie files to the iPod. Quicktime Pro has an "Export for iPod" option that has, of course, worked flawlessly. The reason I say minimal help is that you'd have to purchase Quicktime Pro for $30 or whatever the cost is these days. Another advantage is that it'll play your videos fullscreen. Which isn't necessarily a good thing though depending on the video quality.
    I personally haven't converted any non-iPod Video Podcasts but this is how would probably do it. Drag it out to your Desktop; open it in Quicktime; Export for iPod and save to your Desktop; Drag the new iPod friendly Video back into iTunes. Could be a better way but that'd work and be my first attempt.

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    Hi albri51!
    I have an article for you that can help you with that question. The article is about troubleshooting car stereo connections, and can be found right here:
    iOS: Troubleshooting car stereo connections
    Hope this helps. Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities!

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    Please Help

    Ok. Here's the results. I tried all the music videos I wanted to put onto the IPod and the results were:
    I was able to get good results with 2 full length music videos and 2 video singles(only 2 videos on each disk). For a total of 4 videos.
    I was able to encode 5 full length music videos, but the results were distorted (video and audio).
    I was unable to copy 2 full length videos due to error failures. 1 was a "No Title Found" error, the other was a "NAVDAT" error.
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    Thanks again for all your help.

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    Power Mac G5 SP 1.8 (Rev B.), iMac G3, iPod Video 30GB Black   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

    The sad face icon usually means the hard drive is dead. If you're seeing it, it sounds like your hard drive is about to die. I'd exchange it or get it repaired. One thing I would do now too is to do the diagnostic on the iPod just to see if the hard drive is bad. Reset the iPod by pressing Menu and Center. Right when the Apple logo appears, quickly hold down Center and RW. Press Menu to do manual test, go to IO, go to HardDrive, and then to HDSmartData. If the hard drive is good, it gives values for retracts, reallocs, and some other numbers.
    Third party USB power adapters should work fine, and yes I agree it is cheesy and cheap for Apple not to include one, which they used to when they were nicer.

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    I am having problems installing new software for my ipod
    I keep getting a message that the network has timed out. 
    I have tried two different computers and networks what else can I do?

    Try temporarily disabling your firewall and anti virus software and try again...
    See here for Connection Issues
    From Here

  • Problem with new IPod Touch - connecting to computer

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    Could anyone help me with this problem as am desperate to use my new Touch?

    All was well with my 2nd Generation Itouch until I downloaded Itunes 8.2. then ol boy what problems I have had! As follows:
    1) Itunes cannot detect my device, therefore, no syncing is possible
    2) Cannot connect to the Itunes Store....error indicates I have problems with my network connection (error code 3221), although I am connected and I have not previously had a problem.
    I have searched for possible resolutions and have:
    (a) Uninstalled Itunes and reinstalled .... NO GOOD
    (b) Reset the network settings on the Itouch .... NO GOOD
    (c) Reset all settings ... NO GOOD
    (d) Ensured that the Apple mobile device option are okay
    etc etc. In fact, I have done everything possible that has been indicated on the various websites. I should confirm that my computer recognises my Itouch BEFORE I access Itunes.
    Please help.

  • Problem formatting ipod touch.

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    I really want to format it so I really apriciate your help. thanks!

    - After being connected to a charging source  for a while, try resetting the iPod and connect to computer. If iTunes sees the iPod, restore the iPod.
    Reset iPod touch:  Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    Next see if recovery mode will allow the restore. For recovery mode see:
    iPhone and iPod touch: Unable to update or restore
    - Let the battery fully drain. Charge and try again.

  • Two main problems with new iPod Touch

    I received my new iPod Touch 32Gb last week and I've been trying and testing for some days. It's really a nice device, but I've found two big problems with it...
    1.- WiFi connections are extremely unreliable. On my home router it connects and gets the right IP from DHCP but then it gets stuck and can't transfer data. Safari seems to work sometimes, YouTube and maps are almost impossible to use, and other apps works only sometimes.
    I've tryed also on my office WiFi network and it's a little better. But when connection is not used for a minute it gets stucked againg. Then I need to go to settings, switch WiFi off and on again, then works again for some time.
    I've spend days searching on the Internet for a solution and I've found that lots of people has the same problem. It seems iPods have serious problems connecting to some routers and blame the router about this.
    My opinion is that the problem is with the iPod. My router works flawlessly with my two laptop computers, my desktop computer, my PSP, and my HTC PDA. No problems at all. So, where's the problem?
    2.- There's a big problem on iTunes with sync settings. I've noticed that users can select to to transfer the data manually or synch. Then on each tab for media you have individual options. For example I can choose to sync music and photos, but not sync videos and Podcasts.
    The problem is that this don't work at all. I've selected to sync music but not videos but when sync all my videos had been deleted from my iPod.
    I don't see the point on placing independent sync option on iTunes if they don't work at all.

    Sounds like a faulty battery to me. Might need to contact Apple about that.
    As far as the volume, I'm pretty sure, as I just responded to another post, the problem is the software. Any ios version 4.0 and higher, the volume is lower than iPod Touch/iPhones with 3.1.3 and lower. My volume has been lower ever since I upgraded to 4.0 and 4.2, and I've found a lot of other people online complaining about the same thing. I've seen a couple posts where some have said Apple lowered the volume on purpose. I think we just need to complain to them and hope they release an updated ios with the volume raised back to where it was.

  • New computer, 20G iPod.  How do I update iTunes library?

    Got a new computer (old computer crashed, lost data) and I already have a 20G iPod full of music. I downloaded iTunes and plugged in my iPod. A message comes up that says "The iPod is linked to another iTunes music library, do you want to change the link to this iTunes library and replace all existing songs and playlists on this iPod with those from this library?". I assume this means if I click "no" and the music stays on my iPod but doesn't import into the library. If I click "yes", will it erase my iPod music????? I don't know what to do because I'm afraid it will erase the music on my iPod... help!

    Use your backup copy of your computer to put everything back.
    If your backup drive/disks were stolen as well, then:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

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