Problems reading earlier database

The server I have been running a Perl script on has recently upgraded the version of Perl they are using from 5.8 to 5.10. My script uses the perl DB_File module to write some Berkeley DB databases and I now find that I can't read these databases. I see that the version of Berkeley DB that the Perl module is now linking to is 4.7.25 while previously it was much earlier, probably version 1 or 2.
Can someone please confirm that the way that the data is stored has changed sometime between these earlier versions and this new one so that this will account for my problem?

The, "Berkeley DB Upgrade Guide" at:
should contain the information you are looking for.
I went through and checked the section on:
Database or Log File On-Disk Format Changes
for releases from 4.1 to 4.7.25.
I am not sure what problem you are experiencing, but the log file
format changed from 4.1 to 4.7.25. Regarding database format changes:
Upgrading from 4.5 to 4.6 there
was a fully compatible database change:
The format of Hash database pages was changed in the Berkeley DB 4.6 release, and items are now stored in sorted order. The format changes are entirely backward-compatible, and no database upgrades are needed. However, upgrading existing databases can offer significant performance improvements. Note that databases created using the 4.6 release may not be usable with earlier Berkeley DB releases.
And going from 4.1 to 4.2 there was an incompatible database format change:
Queue databases that use encryption or data checksum features with extent files will need to be dumped and reloaded prior to using with release 4.2. For more details, see Queue access method. [#8671]

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    I have a problem reading an XML I trying to save the data in a database. In a log cuardo the message as text and is correct, but I do not type in the database
    Glassfish give me this error in the log:
    HTTPBC-E01052: The value set on the org.glassfish.openesb.address.url normalized message property is invalid. This property is expected to be of String type only.
    Accepted the message in DBBC Binding. 99574032187979-45019-134439471876390116
    Accepted message with exchange ID 99574032187979-45019-134439471876390116 in DBBC outbound message processor.
    Accepted message with exchange ID 99574032187979-45019-134439471876390116 in DBBC outbound message processor.
    Pattern for exchange Id 99574032187979-45019-134439471876390116 is
    Gettin bean for {}serviceport
    Adding reply listener for messsage exchange:99574032187979-45019-134439471876390116
    Received in-out message 99574032187979-45019-134439471876390116.
    Using Jndi Name:: jdbc/logger
    Executing SQL....insert into dbo.appender (timestamp,mensaje) values (?,?)
    BPCOR-6151:The process instance has been terminated because a fault was not handled; Fault Name is {}selectionFailure; Fault Data is null
    com.sun.jbi.engine.bpel.core.bpel.exception.StandardException: BPCOR-6174:Selection Failure occurred in BPEL({}MapeoPE) at line 39
    BPCOR-6129:Line Number is 37
    BPCOR-6130:Activity Name is Assign1
    at com.sun.jbi.engine.bpel.core.bpel.engine.impl.BPELInterpreter.createVirtualFaultUnit(
    at com.sun.jbi.engine.bpel.core.bpel.engine.impl.BPELInterpreter.execute(
    at com.sun.jbi.engine.bpel.core.bpel.engine.BusinessProcessInstanceThread.execute(
    at com.sun.jbi.engine.bpel.core.bpel.engine.impl.BPELProcessManagerImpl.process(
    at com.sun.jbi.engine.bpel.core.bpel.engine.impl.EngineImpl.process(
    at com.sun.jbi.engine.bpel.core.bpel.engine.impl.EngineImpl.process(
    at com.sun.jbi.engine.bpel.BPELSEInOutThread.processStatus(
    at com.sun.jbi.engine.bpel.BPELSEInOutThread.processMsgEx(
    normalized message
    Finished processing outbound messages.
    Accepted the message in DBBC Binding. 99574032187979-45019-134439471876390116
    Accepted message with exchange ID 99574032187979-45019-134439471876390116 in DBBC outbound message processor.
    Accepted message with exchange ID 99574032187979-45019-134439471876390116 in DBBC outbound message processor.
    Pattern for exchange Id 99574032187979-45019-134439471876390116 is
    Gettin bean for {}serviceport
    Adding reply listener for messsage exchange:99574032187979-45019-134439471876390116
    Received in-out message 99574032187979-45019-134439471876390116.
    Finished processing outbound messages.
    I take data from a XML and I put in two tables in a database. I do not understand what it is the problem.
    The main BPEL is this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    xmlns:tns="" xmlns:sxxf="" xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:ns2="">
    <import namespace="" location="PollInPE.wsdl" importType=""/>
    <import namespace="" location="recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_cab.wsdl" importType=""/>
    <import namespace="" location="recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_lin.wsdl" importType=""/>
    <import namespace="" location="localhost_9080/bitacoraService/bitacoraPort.wsdl" importType=""/>
    <partnerLink name="siglo_ped_ext_cab" xmlns:tns="" partnerLinkType="tns:jdbcpartner" partnerRole="jdbcPortTypeRole"/>
    <partnerLink name="siglo_ped_ext_lin" xmlns:tns="" partnerLinkType="tns:jdbcpartner" partnerRole="jdbcPortTypeRole"/>
    <partnerLink name="log" xmlns:tns="" partnerLinkType="tns:bitacora" partnerRole="bitacoraPortTypeRole"/>
    <partnerLink name="Entrada" xmlns:tns="" partnerLinkType="tns:PollInPE" myRole="FileInboundPortTypeRole"/>
    <variable name="BitacoraOperationIn" xmlns:tns="" messageType="tns:bitacoraOperationRequest"/>
    <variable name="InsertOutSIGLO_PED_EXT_LIN" xmlns:tns="" messageType="tns:insertRetMsg"/>
    <variable name="InsertInSIGLO_PED_EXT_LIN" xmlns:tns="" messageType="tns:inputMsg"/>
    <variable name="InsertOutSIGLO_PED_EXT_CAB" xmlns:tns="" messageType="tns:insertRetMsg"/>
    <variable name="InsertInSIGLO_PED_EXT_CAB" xmlns:tns="" messageType="tns:inputMsg"/>
    <variable name="PollIn" xmlns:tns="" messageType="tns:PollInputMessage"/>
    <receive name="Receive1" createInstance="yes" partnerLink="Entrada" operation="poll" xmlns:tns="" portType="tns:FileInboundPortType" variable="PollIn"/>
    <assign name="Assign2log">
    <to variable="BitacoraOperationIn" part="part1"/>
    <invoke name="log" partnerLink="log" operation="bitacoraOperation" xmlns:tns="" portType="tns:bitacoraPortType" inputVariable="BitacoraOperationIn"/>
    <assign name="Assign1">
    <invoke name="Invoke_SIGLO_PED_EXT_CAB" partnerLink="siglo_ped_ext_cab" operation="insert" portType="ns2:jdbcPortType" inputVariable="InsertInSIGLO_PED_EXT_CAB" outputVariable="InsertOutSIGLO_PED_EXT_CAB"/>
    <invoke name="Invoke_SIGLO_PED_EXT_LIN" partnerLink="siglo_ped_ext_lin" operation="insert" xmlns:tns="" portType="tns:jdbcPortType" inputVariable="InsertInSIGLO_PED_EXT_LIN" outputVariable="InsertOutSIGLO_PED_EXT_LIN"/>
    </process> Thanks in advance!!!

    I change the bpel to this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    xmlns:tns="" xmlns:sxxf="" xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:ns2="">
    <import namespace="" location="PollInPE.wsdl" importType=""/>
    <import namespace="" location="recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_cab.wsdl" importType=""/>
    <import namespace="" location="recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_lin.wsdl" importType=""/>
    <import namespace="" location="localhost_9080/bitacoraService/bitacoraPort.wsdl" importType=""/>
    <partnerLink name="siglo_ped_ext_cab" xmlns:tns="" partnerLinkType="tns:jdbcpartner" partnerRole="jdbcPortTypeRole"/>
    <partnerLink name="siglo_ped_ext_lin" xmlns:tns="" partnerLinkType="tns:jdbcpartner" partnerRole="jdbcPortTypeRole"/>
    <partnerLink name="log" xmlns:tns="" partnerLinkType="tns:bitacora" partnerRole="bitacoraPortTypeRole"/>
    <partnerLink name="Entrada" xmlns:tns="" partnerLinkType="tns:PollInPE" myRole="FileInboundPortTypeRole"/>
    <variable name="BitacoraOperationIn" xmlns:tns="" messageType="tns:bitacoraOperationRequest"/>
    <variable name="InsertOutSIGLO_PED_EXT_LIN" xmlns:tns="" messageType="tns:insertRetMsg"/>
    <variable name="InsertInSIGLO_PED_EXT_LIN" xmlns:tns="" messageType="tns:inputMsg"/>
    <variable name="InsertOutSIGLO_PED_EXT_CAB" xmlns:tns="" messageType="tns:insertRetMsg"/>
    <variable name="InsertInSIGLO_PED_EXT_CAB" xmlns:tns="" messageType="tns:inputMsg"/>
    <variable name="PollIn" xmlns:tns="" messageType="tns:PollInputMessage"/>
    <sequence name="Sequence1" xmlns:tns="">
    <assign name="Assign2log">
    <to variable="BitacoraOperationIn" part="part1"/>
    <invoke name="log" partnerLink="log" operation="bitacoraOperation" xmlns:tns="" portType="tns:bitacoraPortType" inputVariable="BitacoraOperationIn"/>
    <receive name="Receive1" createInstance="yes" partnerLink="Entrada" operation="poll" xmlns:tns="" portType="tns:FileInboundPortType" variable="PollIn"/>
    <sequence name="Sequence1bis" xmlns:tns="">
    <assign name="bisAssign2log">
    <to variable="BitacoraOperationIn" part="part1"/>
    <invoke name="bislog" partnerLink="log" operation="bitacoraOperation" xmlns:tns="" portType="tns:bitacoraPortType" inputVariable="BitacoraOperationIn"/>
    <empty name="HastaAquiVa"/>
    <assign name="Assign1">
    <invoke name="Invoke_SIGLO_PED_EXT_CAB" partnerLink="siglo_ped_ext_cab" operation="insert" portType="ns2:jdbcPortType" inputVariable="InsertInSIGLO_PED_EXT_CAB" outputVariable="InsertOutSIGLO_PED_EXT_CAB"/>
    <invoke name="Invoke_SIGLO_PED_EXT_LIN" partnerLink="siglo_ped_ext_lin" operation="insert" xmlns:tns="" portType="tns:jdbcPortType" inputVariable="InsertInSIGLO_PED_EXT_LIN" outputVariable="InsertOutSIGLO_PED_EXT_LIN"/>
    And change the XML input to that:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <ORDERS id="125" numero="34" FechaPedido="05/10/2006" FechaEntrega="05/11/2006" Observaciones="Pedido en monitorización." ejercicio="2006" Funcion="0" tipoPedido="220" condFacturar="81E">
    <Usuario id="45">
    <Contacto id="13" tipo="TE" descripcion="Teléfono de Juanjo Carmona" valor="620987845"/>
    <Procedimiento id="1" codigo="0" descripcion="Concurso Público"/>
    <Contrato id="1457467" Expediente="07CSU001" CCA="123+WER345"/>
    <Empresa id="13" codigo="237619" nombreComercial="nombreComercial1" nombreFiscal="nombreFiscal1" CIF="cif1" EANvendedor="CODIGOEAN111" EANDestino="CODIGOEAN112"/>
    <OrganoGestor id="1" descripcion="Hospital Virgen de Tal" EANQpide="CODIGOEAN113" EANAqsf="CODIGOEAN114" EANEmisor="CODIGOEAN115"/>
    <PedidoLinea id="234" numeroLinea="1" numeroSerie="1" numeroLote="1" numeroAlbaran="1" fechaAlbaran="05/11/2006" valorarAlbaranes="true" CantidadCompra="3" Observaciones="observaciones lÃÂnea1" cantidadPendiente="3" cantidadAnulada="0" precio="11.243">
    <Producto id="1228" CIP="" refFabricante="CS-16402" modelo="modelo1" marca="marca1"/>
    <Articulo id="89" codigo="001097" codigoSAS="" codigoLocal="014554" unidadContratacion="CMK" unidadMedida="CMK"/>
    <InfLogistica id="45" codigoEAN="codigoEAN1" refDistribuidor="refDistribuidor1">
    <Oferta id="67" factorContratacion="2.5" cantidadContratacion="7.5" cantidadEnUnidades="7"/>
    <Entregar id="61" cantidad="3" fecha="05/11/2006"/>
    <PuntoEntrega id="546" EANReceptor="CODIGOEAN120" descripcion="Almacen principal"/>
    <Origen id="464">
    <TipoOrigen id="1" descripcion="tipo1"/>
    <SolicitudLinea id = "453">
    <Solicitud id="67" codigo="3456"/>
    An the result is:
    I18N: BPJBI-3002: Pattern for exchange Id 123033969803782-31456-134439750656880061 is
    I18N: BPJBI-3004: Received in-only message for M Ex 123033969803782-31456-134439750656880061 content is <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><jbi:message xmlns:msgns="" type="msgns:PollInputMessage" version="1.0" xmlns:jbi=""><jbi:part><root>
    <ORDERS FechaEntrega="05/11/2006" FechaPedido="05/10/2006" Funcion="0" Observaciones="Pedido en monitorizaci�³n." condFacturar="81E" ejercicio="2006" id="125" numero="34" tipoPedido="220">
    <Usuario id="45">
    <Contacto descripcion="Tel�©fono de Juanjo Carmona" id="13" tipo="TE" valor="620987845"/>
    <Procedimiento codigo="0" descripcion="Concurso P�ºblico" id="1"/>
    <Contrato CCA="123+WER345" Expediente="07CSU001" id="1457467"/>
    <Empresa CIF="cif1" EANDestino="CODIGOEAN112" EANvendedor="CODIGOEAN111" codigo="237619" id="13" nombreComercial="nombreComercial1" nombreFiscal="nombreFiscal1"/>
    <OrganoGestor EANAqsf="CODIGOEAN114" EANEmisor="CODIGOEAN115" EANQpide="CODIGOEAN113" descripcion="Hospital Virgen de Tal" id="1"/>
    <PedidoLinea CantidadCompra="3" Observaciones="observaciones lÃ?Ânea1" cantidadAnulada="0" cantidadPendiente="3" fechaAlbaran="05/11/2006" id="234" numeroAlbaran="1" numeroLinea="1" numeroLote="1" numeroSerie="1" precio="11.243" valorarAlbaranes="true">
    <Producto CIP="" id="1228" marca="marca1" modelo="modelo1" refFabricante="CS-16402"/>
    <Articulo codigo="001097" codigoLocal="014554" codigoSAS="" id="89" unidadContratacion="CMK" unidadMedida="CMK"/>
    <InfLogistica codigoEAN="codigoEAN1" id="45" refDistribuidor="refDistribuidor1">
    <Oferta cantidadContratacion="7.5" cantidadEnUnidades="7" factorContratacion="2.5" id="67"/>
    <Entregar cantidad="3" fecha="05/11/2006" id="61"/>
    <PuntoEntrega EANReceptor="CODIGOEAN120" descripcion="Almacen principal" id="546"/>
    <Origen id="464">
    <TipoOrigen descripcion="tipo1" id="1"/>
    <SolicitudLinea id="453">
    <Solicitud codigo="3456" id="67"/>
    I18N: BPJBI-3015: Sending status for 123033969803782-31456-134439750656880061. Status: Done.
    I18N: BPJBI-3019: Sending a one way outbound message to the NMR. MessageExchangeId is 123033969803782-31456-134439750657350062, service name is {}log, endpoint name is bitacoraPortTypeRole_partnerRole.
    I18N: BPJBI-3018: The contents of the message are : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><jbi:message xmlns:msgns="" type="msgns:bitacoraOperationRequest" version="1.0" xmlns:jbi=""><jbi:part>
    HTTPBC-E01052: The value set on the org.glassfish.openesb.address.url normalized message property is invalid. This property is expected to be of String type only.
    I18N: BPJBI-3002: Pattern for exchange Id 123033969803782-31456-134439750657350063 is
    I18N: BPJBI-3004: Received in-only message for M Ex 123033969803782-31456-134439750657350063 content is <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><jbi:message xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:msgns="" name="input1" type="msgns:bitacoraOperationRequest" version="1.0" xmlns:jbi=""><jbi:part xmlns:m="">
    I18N: BPJBI-3015: Sending status for 123033969803782-31456-134439750657350063. Status: Done.
    I18N: BPJBI-3002: Pattern for exchange Id 123033969803782-31456-134439750657350062 is
    I18N: BPCOR-3003:
    document before transformation:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><jbi:message xm

  • Problem reading data from oracle database 11g using OleDbDataReader

    Hi everyone I work with Visual Studio 2010 and C# programming language. I have a problem reading data from the oracle database. I created a WPF application with my main Window Xaml and class files and 1 more class called DataFiles. The thing I want is to read some data from the database on my grid in my WPF window. Problem is even though it connects to the database the grid is always empty. It isn't the connection string as I tested it and it connects to the database the problem seems to be in showing the LASTNAME (PREZIME in my native tongue) on the grid which is what it's supposed to do.
    Here is the code:
    Data Files Code
    using System;
    using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Data.OleDb;
    namespace SQLKonekcija
        public class clsEmployee
            public string Prezime { get; set; }
        public class DataAccess
            OleDbConnection oleCon;
            OleDbCommand oleComd;
            public DataAccess()
                string connectionString = "provider=ORAOLEDB.ORACLE; data source=ORCL; password=****; user id=****;";
                oleCon = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);
            public ObservableCollection<clsEmployee> GetAllEmployee()
                ObservableCollection<clsEmployee> EmpCol = new ObservableCollection<clsEmployee>();
                oleComd = new OleDbCommand();
                oleComd.Connection = oleCon;
                oleComd.CommandText = "Select PREZIME from UPOSLENICI";
                OleDbDataReader Reader = oleComd.ExecuteReader();
                while (Reader.Read())
                    EmpCol.Add(new clsEmployee()
                        Prezime = Reader["PREZIME"].ToString()
                return EmpCol;
            }And here is my main window.cs code
    public partial class MainWindow : Window
            clsEmployee objEmpToAdd;
            DataAccess objDs;
            public MainWindow()
            private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                objDs = new DataAccess();
                dgEmp.ItemsSource = objDs.GetAllEmployee();And the XAML
    <Window x:Class="SQLKonekcija.MainWindow"
            Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525" Loaded="Window_Loaded">
            <DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False" Height="237"
                      HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="18,66,0,0" Name="dgEmp"
                      VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="466" ColumnWidth="*"
                    <DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding PREZIME}" Header="Prezime"></DataGridTextColumn>
            <TextBlock Height="42" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="18,15,0,0" Name="textBlock1" Text="TEST CONNECTION" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="462" TextAlignment="Center" FontSize="28" FontWeight="ExtraBold" />
    The guys on the MSDN forums told me I should ask the question here so sorry if it's not your field.
    Hope u guys can help, thanks.

    I tried it, commented out the and have the following connection string
    string connectionString = "provider=ORAOLEDB.ORACLE; data source=ORCL; password=****; user id=****; OLEDB.NET=True"
    Unfortunately the result is the same.
    Edited by: Dino2dy on Nov 24, 2011 12:53 AM

  • There was a problem reading this document (117)

    Dear Designers
    I am facing a strange problem while doing test presentment in Adobe output designer. When i do a test presentment with my dat file which is meant for fax (^job newFax   -fform01F.MDF) , i see the pdf (consist of 2 pages ) but as soon as i scroll down to next page (Pg 2)  of my pdf ; it giving me a Adobe reader error pop up "There was a problem reading this document (117)" and when i click OK and comes to page 2 (i'm seeing the content of Pg2 curerntly) and scroll back to page 1 the data on page 2 goes blank. What could be the possible reason for  this ? I assume the flaw is on Adobe reader side , but please brighten me with the knowledge if there is some issue on dat file side.
    Any possible guidance or help would be highly appreciated

    Sorry, I do not quite understand what your problem is:
    you have a problem with signing in to the ExportPDF service ?
    you have a problem opening PDF files ?  If so, are these local or online documents?
    P.S. Reader XI and earlier will no longer support Document Cloud PDF services as of May 20; see

  • There was a problem reading this document (118) after sleep

    Adobe reader X, windows 7 64 bit
    I have a lot of pdf documents located on a remote windows share and everytime I put my computer to sleep and wake it up I get problems reading pdf documents that result in this error:
         There was a problem reading this document (118)
    Then I have to close ALL pdf documents and re-open them to be able to read them again.
    This has happened for a long time now, with multiple reader versions and it really starts to bother me. Other applications just pick up the remote files where I left them before putting the pc to sleep. The reader should be able to retry getting the data from the remote share.
    Where do I report this bug?

    Sorry, I do not quite understand what your problem is:
    you have a problem with signing in to the ExportPDF service ?
    you have a problem opening PDF files ?  If so, are these local or online documents?
    P.S. Reader XI and earlier will no longer support Document Cloud PDF services as of May 20; see

  • Buffer Busy Waits in a Read-Mostly Database?

    11gR2 Standard Edition on Linux x86_64.
    The database consists of two large tables (12GB+), one column of each of which has an Oracle Text index on it. Once a month, the two tables are refreshed from elsewhere, the Text indexes are updated, and then they sit there for the rest of the month, effectively read-only as users perform full text searches. The instance runs in 20GB of RAM, of which 16GB is given over to the (8K, default) buffer cache, 1GB SGA, 2GB PGA.
    The principle recurring wait event on this database is buffer busy waits, for data blocks (i.e., not undo segment headers) -and the data blocks are those of the two tables (which have default freelists, freelist groups and initrans and maxtrans).
    I get that during the monthly refresh, when there's loads of inserts happening, there could be lots of buffer busy waits. Since that refresh happens at weekends out-of-hours, waits during that time are not of any great concern.
    My question is why there would be any such waits during the database's 'read-only' period, in between refreshes. I can positively guarantee that no DML is taking place then, yet the buffer busy waits still occur, from time to time.
    On a possibly related note, why would I see lots of "consistent reads" during the 'read-only' period? The data isn't changing at all, so why would the database be busy doing consistent reads when current reads (I would have thought) would be good enough to get the data in the state it's actually at?

    Catfive Lander wrote:
    11gR2 Standard Edition on Linux x86_64.
    The database consists of two large tables (12GB+), one column of each of which has an Oracle Text index on it. Once a month, the two tables are refreshed from elsewhere, the Text indexes are updated, and then they sit there for the rest of the month, effectively read-only as users perform full text searches. The instance runs in 20GB of RAM, of which 16GB is given over to the (8K, default) buffer cache, 1GB SGA, 2GB PGA.
    The principle recurring wait event on this database is buffer busy waits, for data blocks (i.e., not undo segment headers) -and the data blocks are those of the two tables (which have default freelists, freelist groups and initrans and maxtrans).
    I get that during the monthly refresh, when there's loads of inserts happening, there could be lots of buffer busy waits. Since that refresh happens at weekends out-of-hours, waits during that time are not of any great concern.
    My question is why there would be any such waits during the database's 'read-only' period, in between refreshes. I can positively guarantee that no DML is taking place then, yet the buffer busy waits still occur, from time to time.
    On a possibly related note, why would I see lots of "consistent reads" during the 'read-only' period? The data isn't changing at all, so why would the database be busy doing consistent reads when current reads (I would have thought) would be good enough to get the data in the state it's actually at?Catfive,
    Are you running or If you are running there are at least two bugs fixed by to correct problems that lead to buffer busy waits. You mentioned that this is a "mostly" read only database where you are experiencing these waits - does that mean that there might be some inserts, updates, and deletes (possibly auditing related?)? One of the bug reports found on Metalink (MOS) is this one:
    Doc ID 9341448.8, Bug 9341448 - "Buffer block contention on full block which keeps being tried for space"
    How did you determine that the buffer busy waits were related to these two tables? Did you check V$SEGMENT_STATISTICS, monitor the session level wait events, create a 10046 trace at level 8 or 12, or use some other method? Are these tables typically read using parallel execution? Is there any chance that the application is performing SELECT ... FOR UPDATE?
    Have you checked V$SESSION_EVENT to see which sessions waited on buffer busy waits? How severe are the buffer busy waits - 10 seconds in a 24 hour period, 1 minute in a 20 minute time period? Are you backing up this database using RMAN and comparing the change in the buffer busy waits before and after RMAN completes its backup?
    I wonder if using SGA_TARGET could lead to buffer busy waits during an automatic buffer cache resize operation?
    Regarding seeing "consistent reads" during the read only period, that should be expected when blocks are read from the buffer cache. Jonathan Lewis explained it well in at least one of the threads that he contributed to on OTN, but I cannot find that thread at the moment. Essentially (in as few words as possible), you will see current mode block accesses when the data blocks are being changed and consistent reads (consistent gets) when the blocks are being read. This thread includes comments that suggest what to check to determine if undo had to be applied to perform the consistent gets:
    Index consists 1.5mln blocks, but full scan gets 11mln blocks
    I found the thread with Jonathan's comment:
    high consistent read during parse call | tkprof output
    "If you're not doing a current read then the only alternative is to do a consistent read.
    Typically you do current reads because you want to change a block"
    Charles Hooper
    Co-author of "Expert Oracle Practices: Oracle Database Administration from the Oak Table"
    IT Manager/Oracle DBA
    K&M Machine-Fabricating, Inc.
    Edited by: Charles Hooper on Jan 5, 2011 8:45 AM
    Added link to second OTN thread

  • Problem in connect database using applet

    i want open database in page html with use Applet
    i use this code but database not work in the my page
    if this code have problem
    please correct this code to open database in page html
    con = DriverManager.getConnection(
    "jdbc:odbc:DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);DBQ=C:\\hwzyfa.mdb ");
    sta = con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,
    res = sta.executeQuery("select * from aha");
    this is my code
    package orcle;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    <applet code="test.class" width=200 height=200>
    public class Applora extends Applet implements ActionListener
    Connection con = null;
    Statement stmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    String str=null;
    TextArea ta;
    public void init()
    ta= new TextArea(10,30);
    Button b1 = new Button(">>");
    public void start() {java.applet.AudioClip a=  Applet.newAudioClip(Applora.class.getResource("a.mid"));;
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
    ta.appendText("Inside actionPerformed\n");
    ta.appendText("Inside try block\n");
    ta.appendText("Class loaded\n");
    /********** upto this point it works fine **************/
    con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);DBQ=C:\\hwzyfa.mdb ");
    ta.appendText("Connection created\n");
    ta.appendText("Statement created\n");
    rs=stmt.executeQuery("select * from aha");
    ta.appendText("Resultset created\n");
    str=str+rs.getString(2)+" "+"\n";
    //str=str+rs.getString(2)+" "+"\n";
    }catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe){System.out.println("Class Not found "+cnfe.getMessage());}
    catch(SQLException sqle){System.out.println("SQL Exception "+sqle.getMessage());ta.setText(sqle.getMessage());}
    catch(Exception e){ta.setText(e.getMessage());e.getMessage();}

    i want access to database in page html with use AppletFirst of all, that doesn't make any sence, if it's a single user application make it a java
    If it's a multu user application make it a client server where the web server connects to
    the database when the client requests a connection.
    When the applet connects to the database any client running the applet needs a
    connection to your database server, the client needs the jdbc drivers and the client's
    jre needs to find them (set classpath with runtime parameters or set the classes in
    javadir lib). After that the client needs to change thiere java.policy or you need to sign
    the applet.
    Needless to say that's a lot of trouble. And if you go through all that trouble the client
    can de-compile your applet and see the connection to the database server and the
    server name. Now the client can destroy your database or worse see date it is not
    supposed to see.
    Since you are a brainless ... who needed to post this question 6 times did not respond to any of my post in your other threads I can just say good luck with your problem.

  • "Lightroom has encountered problems reading this photo."

    ***** UPDATE July 17, 2013 @ 9:16 am Central Time (UTC -06:00)*****
    After Creating a fresh catalog I have been able to clarify the issue a bit. This error appears to only show up in Folders exported as Catalogs. Particularly when I try and open that exported catalog.
    I suspect there is a problem with the way Lightroom 5 is exporting these catalogs. I didn't have this issue with LR4.4, but it shows up any time I export a folder as a catalog within LR5, regardless of whether or not it is exported from an upgraded catalog or a fressly created catalog.
    It looks like fixing the problem is going to be time consuming, but not impossible. So far I have confirmed that these files - reported as throwing this error by Lightroom 5 ("Lightroom has encountered problems reading this photo .... You will not be able to make adjustment to this photo.") - can be imported into a new/existing catalog by multiple methods without carrying over the errors displayed in the exported catalog.
    This is frustrating and adds additional steps to my workflow, but isn't undoable. Of course it would be nice if LR5 worked as correctly and exported folders as catalogs without throwing errors when those new catalogs were opened...
    Is anyone else seeing this problem when they open catalogs created by "exporting a folder as a catalog"?
    ***** Original Post *****
    I'm really confused. I am consistently getting this message on certain exports, but not others...
    When it happens:
    1) "Export this Folder as a Catalog" from a specific folder within my Working Catalog
         Select the location
         Select "Export negative files"
    When I open the NEW Catalog - ALL the photos reflect this error message: "Lightroom has encountered problems reading this photo .... You will not be able to make adjustment to this photo."
    When I go to the Develop tab it displays "There was an error working with the photo" over the photo, but I can edit it... When I close the catalog and re-open it, the changes don't reflect UNTIL I go back to the Develop tab, then the thumbnail will reflect the change. But the system still insists that it has a problem with the file...
    2) The same thing happens when I export the file from my Working Catalog as an image of the same format - be it tif, dng, or psd, or RAW files. Not sure what I was refering to here (can't duplicate today - July 17).
    When it doesn't happen:
    When I export the file to the auto import folder for my Portfolio catalog (original format). This seems to work...
    Why am I so confused? Because all of these catalogs are located on the same drive (which is different than the drive my Working Catalog is on). When they are auto imported to my Portfolio catalog they seem to work, but everything else throws an error sinse I upgraded to LR5!
    My System:
    Windows 7 Pro SP1 (fully up to date) 64-bit
    Intel Core i7 CPU 950 @ 3.07GHz
    Installed RAM: 12.0 GB
    My Lightroom 5 Working Catalog doesn't seem to be having any problems...
    This problem is frustrating enough that I may go back to LR4. I can't have my archived files compromised...

    Suggestion to all who encounter problems like this: if you've installed 3rd party memory cards (ram), go back to your original ram, or at least the brand of ram that your computuer came with.
    Long story, short:
    I had the same error message in LR5.  It only happened with several images in a given import.  If I deleted all of the images from the import and reimported the images, a different set of images would have the error message.  The images that originally had the message would no longer have the problem.  I deleted and reimported several times while observing the same behavior. 
    Not only did lightroom give me issues, but Bridge had problems reading the files, and the previews of the problem images would not show up in Finder (Mac speak).  This ruled out, to me at least, that it was a software issue.  I went out and purchased a new card reader and had the same problems.  I tried a different card with different images and got the same problems. 
    After I contacted Adobe, they had me upload two files with the error, and they said the files were corrupted due to faulty hardware.  I took my mac book pro (13in early 2011 w/ 10.7.5) to the apple store and they ran a diagnostic test amoung other test and we came up with nothing.  Everything seemed to be good on the hardware side.  After some research the Rep. asked me about my ram (memory cards).  I had in the past installed two 3rd party cards to boost my ram from 4GB to 8GB. The rep. suggested that I go home and test the issue with the original ram my computer came with before we go any farther.  So far, I haven't had any issues. 
    I hope this helps,

  • Problem when creating Database with Database, OS and hardware Configuraiton

    Problem when creating Database:
    There are two problems, which I faced during creation of database. When creating database with Oracle Database Assistant. One when creating pre tuned database from CD. And second when creating customized database giving options your self.
    Problem # 1:
    When creating pre tuned database from CD. The process of creating Database is 90 % complete and is at step # 3 Initializing Database. It gives error ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel.
    I searched following oracle help for this problem.
    ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
    Cause: An unexpected end-of-file was processed on the communication channel. The problem could not be handled by the Net8, two-task software. This message could occur if the shadow two-task process associated with a Net8 connect has terminated abnormally, or if there is a physical failure of the interprocess communication vehicle, that is, the network or server machine went down.
    Action: If this message occurs during a connection attempt, check the setup files for the appropriate Net8 driver and confirm Net8 software is correctly installed on the server. If the message occurs after a connection is well established, and the error is not due to a physical failure, check if a trace file was generated on the server at failure time. Existence of a trace file may suggest an Oracle internal error that requires the assistance of customer support.
    What I conceive from this problem and the help available is that, I have to install NET8 again. But I am not sure about the solution, please tell me whether I am rite or not.
    Problem # 2:
    When creating database with custom option. The process of creating Database is 2 % complete and is at step # 2 Creating Database Files. It gives error ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure.
    I searched following oracle help for this problem.
    ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure
    Cause: An error occurred during a data send.
    Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and re-execute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.
    What I conceive from this problem and the help available is that, I have to install NET8 again. But I am not sure about the solution, please tell me whether I am rite or not.
    Software & Hardware Configuration are as follow:
    Oracle (Oracle8i)
    Operating System
    Microsoft Windows 2000
    Service Pack 2
    x86 Family 6 Model 8 stepping
    260,400 KB RAM

    user563502 wrote:
    I am working on Solaris 8. What is Alert_SID.log? where can I find it?
    ThanksFor the responsible of the upgrade of Oracle database, not even know what Alert log is?
    to be honest with you, this is not your work.

  • Problem when creating Database (Database, OS and hardware Configuraiton)

    Problem when creating Database:
    There are two problems, which I faced during creation of database. When creating database with Oracle Database Assistant. One when creating pre tuned database from CD. And second when creating customized database giving options your self.
    Problem # 1:
    When creating pre tuned database from CD. The process of creating Database is 90 % complete and is at step # 3 Initializing Database. It gives error ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel.
    I searched following oracle help for this problem.
    ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
    Cause: An unexpected end-of-file was processed on the communication channel. The problem could not be handled by the Net8, two-task software. This message could occur if the shadow two-task process associated with a Net8 connect has terminated abnormally, or if there is a physical failure of the interprocess communication vehicle, that is, the network or server machine went down.
    Action: If this message occurs during a connection attempt, check the setup files for the appropriate Net8 driver and confirm Net8 software is correctly installed on the server. If the message occurs after a connection is well established, and the error is not due to a physical failure, check if a trace file was generated on the server at failure time. Existence of a trace file may suggest an Oracle internal error that requires the assistance of customer support.
    What I conceive from this problem and the help available is that, I have to install NET8 again. But I am not sure about the solution, please tell me whether I am rite or not.
    Problem # 2:
    When creating database with custom option. The process of creating Database is 2 % complete and is at step # 2 Creating Database Files. It gives error ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure.
    I searched following oracle help for this problem.
    ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure
    Cause: An error occurred during a data send.
    Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and re-execute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.
    What I conceive from this problem and the help available is that, I have to install NET8 again. But I am not sure about the solution, please tell me whether I am rite or not.
    Software & Hardware Configuration are as follow:
    Oracle (Oracle8i)
    Operating System
    Microsoft Windows 2000
    Service Pack 2
    x86 Family 6 Model 8 stepping
    260,400 KB RAM

    user563502 wrote:
    I am working on Solaris 8. What is Alert_SID.log? where can I find it?
    ThanksFor the responsible of the upgrade of Oracle database, not even know what Alert log is?
    to be honest with you, this is not your work.

  • LR5 encountered problems reading this photo.

    I am working on a Macbook Pro, 8gb with 1 tb
    Recently did external back up.
    Mac was having issues so we ( IT guys ) did a clean install and only brought back in basics.
    ( I was on LR3 and PSE9 ) but we didn't bring it over as mirror copy because there were so many other items on Mac I didn't need.
    I bought Mac with LR3 and PSE9 so I could not do upgrade,
    I instead started the trial today, so we could merge from the external the images to Pictures. ( so it was on external in pictures and now on os-x pictures )
    So LR5 brought all my catalogs in, I even got smug mug to find its catalogs. , but now I am getting ! on every image.
    I have selective chosen the image from external and moved it to OS X  pictures folder.
    Why am I getting the ! on the images. When I right click the ! I get error, LR has encountered problems reading this file.
    when I click find in file folder I get a tiff picture with a loop on top and if I click that I get this... Item “untitled-8547-Edit.tif” is used by OS X and can’t be opened.
    one thing I did just notice is the date on the tiff says, Jan 24th 1984 3am 0 bytes tiff image.   ( what the heck? )
    now the image right beside it to the left is the image ( I can actually see ) and it looks good.
    why is finder bringing up a bogus tiff ?
    Thank you for your help. Need to be up and running. Need these ! gone , please help.

    Suggestion to all who encounter problems like this: if you've installed 3rd party memory cards (ram), go back to your original ram, or at least the brand of ram that your computuer came with.
    Long story, short:
    I had the same error message in LR5.  It only happened with several images in a given import.  If I deleted all of the images from the import and reimported the images, a different set of images would have the error message.  The images that originally had the message would no longer have the problem.  I deleted and reimported several times while observing the same behavior. 
    Not only did lightroom give me issues, but Bridge had problems reading the files, and the previews of the problem images would not show up in Finder (Mac speak).  This ruled out, to me at least, that it was a software issue.  I went out and purchased a new card reader and had the same problems.  I tried a different card with different images and got the same problems. 
    After I contacted Adobe, they had me upload two files with the error, and they said the files were corrupted due to faulty hardware.  I took my mac book pro (13in early 2011 w/ 10.7.5) to the apple store and they ran a diagnostic test amoung other test and we came up with nothing.  Everything seemed to be good on the hardware side.  After some research the Rep. asked me about my ram (memory cards).  I had in the past installed two 3rd party cards to boost my ram from 4GB to 8GB. The rep. suggested that I go home and test the issue with the original ram my computer came with before we go any farther.  So far, I haven't had any issues. 
    I hope this helps,

  • Repairing Disk Permissions is stuck on "Reading Permissions Database"

    Ever since I installed Leopard awhile ago I have not been able to repair my disk permissions. The Disk Utility progress bar stays on the spinning stripes indicating it is "Reading Permissions Database". I've been canceling out of it and just forgoing the process, but now my iCal is totally blank and I want to see if this will fix my problem. Do I just need to do a clean install?
    I've searched through other posts and haven't found any other problem like this.

    repair permissions in leopard takes much longer than in tiger (up to 40 minutes on older machines). You should let it finish.

  • Problem with Logical Database DDF

    Hey All,
    I have a problem with Logical Database DDF.
    In my program I am typing this
    GET KNA1 based on selection screen. It is bringing back everything I want except BRAN1 whereby the field is ''. However in SE16 for KNA1 and for the same KUNNR, the field is populated with 'T180'
    I am not understanding this?! I thought LDB where menat to make things easy!!

    I think it's not used by DDF.
    so you must check it with:
    check kna1-bran1 in s_bran1.

  • Problem with Importing database

    Hi everybody!
    I have a problem importing the database to my machine. I have Oracle 8i, and forms and reports on Windows XP home. When I import the dmp file to my database it asked me the dmp file name and buffer size. As soon as I enter the buffer size, some message came at the black screen and all my import process terminate. Also the dos screen goes out. I cannot read what error it gives because it is so fast. Actually, when I create the dmp file for SCOTT and import it to other user, it works. Does anybody guide me how to import the dmp file? Where can I look at those errors?
    Thanks for any quick advice.

    I can't answer your main question ("What is the problem?"), but maybe you can capture some information by creating a log file.
    First, create an imp parm file, e.g., imp.par, with contents:
    (plus any other parameters you need to specify, e.g., full=y)
    Then run imp using the command:
    imp parfile=imp.par
    Hope this helps, Tim

  • Error 9 reading message database during Expire Maintenance

    I have scheduled maintenance to perform an expire on my post office
    Processing information for this run:
    Path to PO = servername/mail:\groupwse\wcicc_po
    Post Office= WCICC_POST
    User = All
    Action = Expire
    Age Limit = Thursday, July 1, 2010 - 8:00 pm (60 days)
    Trash Limit = 15 days
    - Exp items = mail, calendar, doc refs, Inbox, Outbox
    Verbose = Yes
    Upd DiskSpace= No
    Output log = servername/mail:\groupwse\wcicc_po\wpcsout\chk\gwexpire.log
    I keep receiving the following error
    ================================================== ==============================
    ===== TASK LOG - 1305 (4c7c134e.ckl) ===========================================
    ================================================== ==============================
    Checking for items matching purge criteria
    Error 9- MESSAGE database read error BAD_IX (0xC00E)
    Suggestion- Check physical consistency of database, rebuild if errors found
    PROCESSING COMPLETED- total processing time: 0:00:00
    ================================================== ==============================
    ===== JOB LOG SUMMARY (4c7c0dcd.ckl) ===========================================
    ================================================== ==============================
    *** User databases found: 1049
    *** Total bytes reclaimed: 37799936
    *** Average per database: 36034
    Processing completed
    Uncorrectable conditions encountered:
    9 Errors reading message databases................... 1
    Correctable conditions encountered:
    39 Unrecognized or invalid files in mail directories.. 2
    66 GWCheck log files in log directory................. 1
    What message databse is this?
    The previous lines show that msg254.db processing completed without errors. When I look in ofmsg directory, 254 is the last message database.
    Thanks for any help.

    It appears that in the past few days you have not received a response to your
    posting. That concerns us, and has triggered this automated reply.
    Has your problem been resolved? If not, you might try one of the following options:
    - Visit and search the knowledgebase and/or check all
    the other self support options and support programs available.
    - You could also try posting your message again. Make sure it is posted in the
    correct newsgroup. (
    Be sure to read the forum FAQ about what to expect in the way of responses:
    If this is a reply to a duplicate posting, please ignore and accept our apologies
    and rest assured we will issue a stern reprimand to our posting bot.
    Good luck!
    Your Novell Product Support Forums Team

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