Problems wit photodownloadeer

Hello All, since the last update of Adobe Photoshop / Camera Raw / Bridge I see no more miniatures and it is no longer possible to convert RAW files to DNG. Something went wrong in the software from Adobe or is no longer supported?
Jan van Oevelen
From the Netherlands

Same for me.  It appears to have nothing to do with camera type.  The standalone Photo Downloader works fine for me but the downloader as accessed trough Bridge has the Convert to DNG grayed out and the thumbnails are not showing.  My sense is that the downloader module got loaded in the wrong location but I have no real evidence that this is the case.

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    This is a user supported frum, so making threats really doesn't help, besides which it's not like any of us can really make a dent in Toshiba's bottom line despite how many people we think we can influence. Unless those people were standing in line to buy a Toshiba product cash in hand, and you pulled them out, it really doesn't add up for them.
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    wp_ss_20130714_0001.png ‏37 KB

    Thanks for mentioning the model name of your router because this enables this thread to be found by Google/Bing if someone else has a similar problem with the same hardware combination. Additionally, this helps answering because I can look up the manual and user-interface of your access-point. It is a D-Link DSL-2370, isn’t it?
    Furthermore, writing down the error message is very good, again to find this thread. To show a screeshot helps us to double-check the context in which you got that error message.
    Unfortunately, I never met that particular message in person. Therefore, please if possible, have a look at the status indicators in your Windows Phone. Then, please, have a look at this thread. If that helped, please come back here and report which step helped in your case.

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    13-Apr-200706:11 AM
    migget wrote:
    You can try to manually register file ole32.dll. In my computer, it seems to be in folder ..\system32 and ..\syswow64.
    I tried but the problem is still there.

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    @Table(name = "teststeps")
    public class TestStep implements {
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 6534546556882292702L;
         private long id;
         private TestCase testCase;
         private String test;
         private String expectedResult;
         private long ordering;
         @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
         @JoinColumn(name = "tc_id")
         public TestCase getTestCase() {
              return this.testCase;
         public void setTestCase(TestCase testCase) {
              this.testCase = testCase;
    }Entity TestCase: Entity CoreTestObject isn't really relevant, TestCase just inherits it's id from it.
    @Table(name = "testcases")
    public class TestCase extends CoreTestObject implements{     
         private Set<TestStep> testSteps = new HashSet<TestStep>(0);
         public TestCase(Set<TestStep> testSteps, ...) {
              this.testSteps = testSteps;
         @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "testCase")
         public Set<TestStep> getTestSteps() {
              return this.testSteps;
         public void setTestSteps(Set<TestStep> testSteps) {
              this.testSteps = testSteps;
    public class TestCaseHome extends EntityHome<TestCase> {     
         private List<TestStep> testSteps;
         /*@param step The Step after which the new Step is to be inserted*/
         public void addStep(TestStep step){
              testSteps = new ArrayList<TestStep>(this.getInstance().getTestSteps());
              long id, ordering;
              [...] // here I find the id and ordering of step
              testSteps.add(new TestStep(id+1, this.getInstance(), "", "", ordering+1));     
              this.getInstance().setTestSteps(new HashSet<TestStep>(testSteps));
         /*@param step The Step to be deleted*/
         public void deleteStep(TestStep step){
              int index = testSteps.indexOf(step);          
              this.getInstance().setTestSteps(new HashSet<TestStep>(testSteps));          
    public class EntityHome<E> extends Home<EntityManager, E>
       public String update()
          return "updated";
       public String persist()
          getEntityManager().persist( getInstance() );
          assignId( PersistenceProvider.instance().getId( getInstance(), getEntityManager() ) );
          return "persisted";
    <rich:dataTable value="#{testCaseHome.testSteps}" var="_testStep"
              id="testStepsTable" rowKeyVar="row" autoresize="true">
         <rich:column sortBy="#{_testStep.ordering}"
              sortOrder="ASCENDING" style=" width : 20px;">
              <f:facet name="header">Order</f:facet>
              <rich:inplaceInput layout="block" value="#{_testStep.ordering}"
                   selectOnEdit="true" editEvent="onclick">
                   <a:support event="onviewactivated" ajaxSingle="true"
                        reRender="testStepsTable" />
         <rich:column sortBy="#{_testStep.expectedResult}" [...] </rich:column>     
         <rich:column sortBy="#{_testStep.test}"> [...] </rich:column>
         <rich:column style=" width : 80px;">
              <f:facet name="header">
              <a:commandLink ajaxSingle="true" id="deletelink"
                   <h:graphicImage value="/img/delete.gif" />
                   <f:param name="testCaseId" value="#{}" />
                   <f:param name="testStepFrom" value="TestCase" />
              <a:commandLink ajaxSingle="true" id="addlink"
                   <h:graphicImage value="/img/plus_icon.gif" style=" width : 16px; height : 16px;"/>
                   <f:param name="testCaseId" value="#{}" />
                   <f:param name="testStepFrom" value="TestCase" />
                   <s:conversationId />     <!-- <<<<I thought that might help but it didn't-->
    <div class="actionButtons">
         <h:commandButton id="save"
              value="Save" action="#{testCaseHome.persist}"
              rendered="#{!testCaseHome.managed}" />
         <h:commandButton id="update"
              value="Save" action="#{testCaseHome.update}"
              rendered="#{testCaseHome.managed}" />
    </div>I cut a lot from the code, I hope I didn't leave anything relevant out. I also hope this is the right place for this question, excuse me if not (noob here).
    I would very much appreciate your help since I'm trying to fix this for weeks. Thank you!

    Hello gimbal2,
    yes, I initialized the collection by myself now and it works better.
    But I think there is a general Problem in the order-Example. The Example isn't implemented as described in the written part of the tutorial and has several other
    bugs with persistence in this example.
    I've installed the turorial with Update Tool. Is it possible that the samples in the update contain a newer/older version than the code that is described in the PDF?

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    Do you have an advice for me ?
    Best regards,

    $ oerr ora 9925
    09925, 00000,  "Unable to create audit trail file"
    // *Cause:  ORACLE was not able to create the file being used to hold
    //          audit trail records.
    // *Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system error.
    //          If there is no error, contact ORACLE customer support.
    $                                   write permission problem or non-existent directory ?

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    Thanx a lot, Mere.

    I am assuming that you have installed 9iAS v2 (from information give by you). To solve this problem, you need to
    run opca ( you can find it in $ORACLE_HOME/portal/plsql/admin directory). Run the opca in SSOPARTNERCONFIG
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    Hope it helps.

  • Problem wit JOptionPane.showMessageDialog

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    JTextField = AlteKarte,jtf3;
    jtf3.addFocusListener(new FocusListener() {
    public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
    public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
    if (!e.isTemporary() && isEnabled() ) {
    String Alte = AlteKarte.getText();
    String FoneNum = jtf3.getText();
    if (Alte.length() != 0 ){
    if(Alte.equals("123") != FoneNum.equals("123")) {
    JOptionPane optionPane = new JOptionPane();
    int answer =((Integer)optionPane.getValue()).intValue();
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(MainEPOS.frame,"Geben Sie bitte gultige Karten-Seriennummer an.","Fehler",JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE,null);
    if(answer == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION || answer == JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION){
    [\code ]
    i'm getting java.lang.ClassCastException at line int answer =((Integer)optionPane.getValue()).intValue();

    i have made it this way :-
             jtf3.addFocusListener(new FocusListener() {
                  public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
                  public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
                    if (!e.isTemporary() && isEnabled() ) {
                      String Alte = AlteKarte.getText();
                      String FoneNum = jtf3.getText();
                      if (Alte.length() != 0 ){
                           if(Alte.equals("123")  != FoneNum.equals("123")) {
                       JOptionPane optionPane = new JOptionPane();
                       Object[] options = {"OK"};
                       int answer =   JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(MainEPOS.frame,"Geben Sie bitte gultige Karten-Seriennummer an.","Fehler",JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE,JOptionPane.OK_OPTION, null, options, options[0]);
                     //  int answer =((Integer) optionPane.getValue()).intValue();
                       if(answer == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION || answer == JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION){
          });but now the problem is, that it does not get closed at once.
    When i click OK then message appears again, and in second attempt it works.

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    When I try to install it manually, I get the following error:
    Main Message:(FAILURE) The Component com.sun.bpelse-1.0-2 could not be installed. Instance Messages: Instance : domain1@stgn0023 Message:(FAILURE) Installation of Engine com.sun.bpelse-1.0-2 failed. The bootstrap init() method threw a java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError exception. The exception message is: com/sun/jbi/configuration/ConfigPersistence (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0) The bootstrap cleanUp() method threw a javax.jbi.JBIException exception. The exception message is: caught exception while creating Installatoin Configuration MBean, failed to init bpelse component
    What's wrong here? What do I have to do?
    2. This concerns the examples for the bpel engine: How do I build the service assembly as suggested in the description for running the sample?
    Thanks for your help

    What version of the JVM are you using? You need JDK 1.5 to run the BPEL engine; it sounds like you are using JDK/JRE 1.4

  • Slide Show problem wit Mac OS Mavericks

    I try to use the Slide Show with LR5.5 on iMac Mavericks 10.9.4 ( and also same on MacBook Air )
    I can stop the slide show with space bar but when I want to go back to the previous slide by Left Arrow or next slide by Right Arrow : Nothing appen !
    The Right and Left Arrows works fine in Manual mode or on the Library module.
    Is it a bug with Mavericks/LR5 ?
    Thank you for any Help.
    Excuse me if I am not in the good community

    Hi thanks for the quick reply.
    Yep may have to end up disabling FileVault, it's a last resort as it will decrypt the whole disk.
    Rebooted to the disk utility with disk verify and repair, no problems there. but at least the disk is fine

  • Problem wit Quicktime - movies seem to need to load to watch

    Been using Quicktime for years and never had a problem.
    All of a sudden when I load a movie, around the progress bar that shows you where you are in the film there is a dotted line, which was never there before. In the past, I could simply advance the player to any point in the film I wanted. Now the film has to load completely before I can navigate the film, which can take a significant amount of time.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. After years of use, I'm completely confounded and can't seem to find any posts about this.
    Thanks in advance,

    It just may be server slowness as they all loaded for me rather quickly today except for the original of the hair massage. It took a little big to finish loading. Great site! I particularly like Freefall.

  • Problem wit auto response on my .mac mail -- keeps sending.

    I set up an auto response for my mac mail address.  I then sent myself an email to see if the auto response was working.  It works, except it works like spam.  It just automatically kept sending me email after email after email, up to 20 of them.  So I closed out my email on my computers, then reopened, and they started auto sending again.
    I've been having an issue with mail doing this.  I had an app on iPhone and then deleted the app.  I kept getting automatic mail sent to me that was like I sent an email to THEM, except I never did.  I would get up to 250 emails as fast as they could be sent BING BING BING BING. 
    Happens anywhere I get .mac and .me mail.
    Anyone know why the auto responder went whacko? LOL

    So, if I'm understanding correctly, you're not currently having this problem, but did before you set up iCloud?  Or is your old MobileMe auto-responder still functioning, but not showing up in iCloud in Mail's rules or vacation message settings?  If the latter, you'll need to contact Apple about that, so they can fix it on their end.
    I don't remember how it worked in MobileMe, but in iCloud, you can set up some very basic rules and there is a separate setting for a vacation message.  An auto-responder provided by the server like that ought to be okay-ish.  It shouldn't create mail loops, since the people who wrote the code for it know their stuff when it comes to e-mail protocols.  However, if you used a rule that you created yourself (which doesn't look possible on iCloud, as there's not a "reply" action), that could cause mail loops.
    Of course, even the best auto-responder is only okay-ish, because there are going to be messages that you get that you wouldn't want it to reply to, but it's going to anyway.  Like spam that didn't get caught by spam filters.
    As to the forums, I'd guess this would be best posted in one of the iCloud forums, probably the iCloud on my Mac forum.  I can ask the hosts to move this topic there, but in the future, what you want to do is go to the home page and scroll down to the list of "communities" (ie, forums) and select one first.
    Thanks for the info on how you posted...  many of us regulars have been wondering why so many misplaced posts have been showing up in this forum lately!  That's valuable information that we can use to alert the hosts to a potential problem with the interface of the site.

  • Updating problems wit Nokia Suite 3.2.100

    Hi people.
    My current firmware on the phone is: 200.21.012, RM-450, Nokia E63-3 (253.05)
    Nokia Suite tells me there is an update for this phone but when i get to the stage of: 'Preparing to download'
    It says:
    Something's gone wrong.
    There was a problem with Nokia suite. Please restart the program and try again. If the problem doesn't go away, uinstall Nokia Suite and download the latest version of the app from Error code: 12017
    Anyway this is the latest version (currently available)
    I have uninstalled it throughly removing EVERYTHING containing to word 'Nokia' from the registry.
    Yet still i am getting this error.
    Have already tried this method too:,products,services&cat=support&fullcontent=true&cnt=...
    No luck!
    Is anyone able to help me?

    I finally have had my e63-3 RM450 product code (0583677 - Three Network Australia) updated from 200.21.012 (253.05) to system 411.21.001 (253.07). This was done at the Nokia Care Centre in Melbourne under warranty .
    I was unable to upgrade using Nokia Suite 3.2 - even though it identified the correct 411.21.001 update as required. Nokia Suite mis-identified the phone as an RM-437 rather than an RM-450. I supplied the logs to Nokia Suite feedback and noted that I had SIM unlocked the phone from the Three Network.  Nokia Suite feedback's  response was to accuse me of flashing the phone with a new product code as part of the unlocking process - thus causing Nokia Suite to confuse the RM450 with a RM 437. In response I advised them that the phone had been unlocked using a code supplied by the Network operator Three/Vodafone Australia. I then attended the Nokia Care Centre in Melbourne to ensure that the phone carried the product code on the sticker - which it did. I provided the Nokia Care Centre with the email correspondence with Nokia Suite Feedback and the Melbourne team agreed to update the software under warranty.
    There are later software updates available for the Nokia e63-3 - but these do not yet have Three/Vodafone Australia authorisation. That is an argument to take up with the Network owner who controls the authorisation of firmware updates for product code 0583677.
    I note that the latest Nokia Suite 3.3.86 still misidentifies the phone as an RM437 instead of an RM 450.
    On a final note - once updated to 411.21.001 - Skype would no longer automatically install from the website - it simply said Skype  was not available for this handset. However, manual installation of  Skype 1.5 was possible using the non-touch version for Symbian and works well.
    Nokia Suite continues to have a problem with this model of phone.
    For the record and anyone else who has this problem.

  • Does anyone NOT have wireless dropout problems wit...

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    I have standard up-to-8Mbps ADSL (running at about 6Mbps) and my HH2 has no problems maintaining multiple wifi connections even if they're using YouTube or iPlayer. I even have BT FON enabled, but I doubt anyone has ever used it!
    Possibly there's a bunch of bad HH2s. Or, more likely I think, the HH2 is just not fit for purpose for >8Mbps connections. And if that's the case then people shouldn't upgrade without getting the HH3.

    This forum is flooded with reports of bad HH2s however it seems to be on both infinity, 20m and 8m lines.
    I never had a problem with either the HH1 or 2 but i never used them
    Have always used my trust netgear and soon to be Vigor for infinity
    But yes the HH2 is either not fit for purpose or a extreamly large batch of faulty devices have been shipped out.
    Some people have had upto 5 replacments of the HH2 with yet another HH2 and suffer the same problems. I tink the problem is to wide spread to be a batch problem. Maybe BT changed part supliers for cheaper parts when building the Home hubs?
    If I've helped, just click the Star - Every little bit helps
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, you've got an electrical problem.

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