Problems with cyrus-quota

Many Times when I execute the following command:
+sudo -u _cyrus /usr/bin/cyrus/bin/cyrus-quota -f+
I must to execute again because when finished, User's quotas grow more than 100% and many users are in OverQuota.
If I execute again, the problem fix it.
Thanks for all,

If mailboxes AND quotas are <1GB then either your Cyrus DB is broken or you have multiple users by the same name (but different Caps).
Check mailaccess.log for clues
Message was edited by: pterobyte

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    as SELECT s.survey_id,s.shape,s.original_depth
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    This is how you go about debugging execute immediate statements. I am assuming that you fixed the first problem as marias suggested and cam up with something like this. Note, I changed the table in your surso to dual since I do not have your tables, but the effect is the same. I changed the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE to DBMS_OUTPUT.Put_Line so you can actually see what you are trying to execute. I also added some carriage returns to make the formatting a littel easier to see. This is what I got:
      2     statement varchar2(1000);
      3  CURSOR C_DSNM5 IS
      4     SELECT dummy dsnm FROM dual;
      5  BEGIN
      6     FOR CNT IN C_DSNM5 LOOP
      7        STATEMENT := 'CREATE TABLE JUNK'||
      8                     ' AS SELECT s.survey_id,s.shape,s.original_depth'||CHR(10)||
      9                     ' FROM bathyuser.sounding s,m_covr r '||CHR(10)||
    10                     'WHERE SDO_GEOM.RELATE (s.shape, '||
    11                     '''ANYINTERACT'''||
    12                     ', R.geom, 0.5) = '||'''TRUE'''||CHR(10)||
    13                     ' AND R.DSNM = CNT.DSNM '||CHR(10)||
    14                     ' AND s.SURVEY_ID IN '||
    15                     ' (SELECT UNIQUE s.survey_id FROM HEADER s, m_covr r'||CHR(10)||
    16                     ' WHERE SDO_GEOM.RELATE (s.shape, '||
    17                     '''ANYINTERACT'''||
    18                     ', r.geom, 0.5) = '||
    19                     '''TRUE'''||CHR(10)||
    20                     ' AND R.DSNM = '||CNT.DSNM||' )';
    21        DBMS_OUTPUT.Put_Line (statement);
    22     END LOOP;
    23  END;
    24  /
    CREATE TABLE JUNK AS SELECT s.survey_id,s.shape,s.original_depth
    FROM bathyuser.sounding s,m_covr r
    WHERE SDO_GEOM.RELATE (s.shape, 'ANYINTERACT', R.geom, 0.5) = 'TRUE'
    AND s.SURVEY_ID IN  (SELECT UNIQUE s.survey_id FROM HEADER s, m_covr r
    WHERE SDO_GEOM.RELATE (s.shape, 'ANYINTERACT', r.geom, 0.5) = 'TRUE'
    AND R.DSNM = X )
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.You have at least two issues with this CREATE TABLE statement. The last line needs to have the X (which came from dual) quoted since it is a string. You also still have a reference to CNT.DSNM, unless you fixed both occurences.
    Another major problem is that if your cursor will return more than one row, and by the structure of this I assume that it might, the on the second record you are going to get:
    ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object.
    Although I see no reason why you need dynamic sql here, you really need to use bind variables whereever possible (everywhere you use a variable except ofr names of database objects. So, your procedure should look more like:
       statement varchar2(1000);
          SELECT distinct DSNM from M_COVR where dsnm like 'US5%';
                       ' AS SELECT s.survey_id,s.shape,s.original_depth'||
                       ' FROM bathyuser.sounding s,m_covr r '||
                       'WHERE SDO_GEOM.RELATE (s.shape, '||
                       ', R.geom, 0.5) = '||'''TRUE'''||
                       ' AND R.DSNM = :b1 '||
                       ' AND s.SURVEY_ID IN '||
                       ' (SELECT UNIQUE s.survey_id FROM HEADER s, m_covr r'||
                       ' WHERE SDO_GEOM.RELATE (s.shape, '||
                       ', r.geom, 0.5) = '||
                       ' AND R.DSNM = :b2 )';
          EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement USING cnt.dsnm, cnt.dsnm
       END LOOP;
    END;But it is still very wrong.
    Perhaps if you can explain in words what you are trying to accomplish someone can provide a much better response.

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    REM Error starting at line 1 in command:
    REM VALUES (2427407, 'Ed-u-care Children's Center', '73,000');
    REM Error at Command Line:2 Column:37
    REM Error report:
    REM SQL Error: ORA-00917: missing comma
    REM 00917. 00000 - "missing comma"
    REM *Cause:   
    REM *Action:
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    Did you consider both to be bugs (i.e., single quote issue and thousands comma separator issue)?

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    How do you send the post parameters. Do you send them usign a html from or are you sending them programaticaly. In that case make sure the keys and values are URL encoded with UTF-8

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    Please advice,

    HI Satya,
    as you said sick leave quota is taking leaves form casual leave quota.
    then there should be a link between sick leave and casual leave
    check in table V_556R_B for the following:
    1) Is casual leave and sick leave are maintained in this table.
    then automatically after the completion of sick leave then casual leave starts gets deducting.
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    Exception in thread "QuoteServer" java.lang.NullPointerException
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    Line 38 of is: packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, 256);
    And that's where the problem is because in line 31 is written byte[] buf = null;
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    java QuoteServer
    QuoteServer listening on port: 32785
    Exception in thread "QuoteServer" java.lang.NullPointerException: Null buffer
    at[], int, int) (/usr/lib/
    at[], int, int) (/usr/lib/
    at[], int) (/usr/lib/
    at (Unknown Source)
    at .GC_start_routine (/usr/lib/
    at .__clone (/lib/
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    Message was edited by:

  • Problem with Message quota

    Hello people.
    We are running:
    iPlanet Messaging Server 5.2 Patch 2 (built Jul 14 2004) 5.2 Patch 2 (built 19:30:12, Jul 14 2004)
    SunOS unimail 5.8 Generic_117350-24 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-80     
    We have 10 Mb for message size limit for everyone, but the system allow to send message bigger than 10 Mb,
    I just tested with my account (my message quota is 10 Mb) and I could send a 15 Mb message.
    I looked the docs and I think the configuracion is ok, what is wrong?
    The values in configutil are:
    store.cleanupage = 1
    store.dbcachesize = 50000
    store.dbtmpdir = /tmp/msg-unimail
    store.defaultacl = "anyone lrs"
    store.defaultmailboxquota = 5242880
    store.defaultmessagequota = 10480760
    store.defaultpartition = primary
    store.diskflushinterval = 15
    store.partition.primary.path = /u01/correo/msg-unimail/store/partition/primary
    store.quotaenforcement = true
    store.quotaexceededmsg = "Subject: WARNING: User quota exceeded\\$\\$User quota threshold exceeded - reduce space used."
    store.quotaexceededmsginterval = 1
    store.quotagraceperiod = 0
    store.quotanotification = on
    store.quotawarn = 80
    store.serviceadmingroupdn = "cn=Service Administrators, ou=Groups,"
    store.umask = 077
    Thanks for your attention.

    Carlos, I'm a little confused.
    Your settings:
    store.defaultmailboxquota = 5242880
    store.defaultmessagequota = 10480760
    are for your total mailbox, not for sending messages.
    Also, these are "default" settings. They may be superceeded by settings for users in LDAP.
    If you have no quota settings in ldap, but have changed the settings above, you will need to run
    iminitquota -a
    to make the quota take effect. You may also need to restart the Messaging Server.
    If you're talking about the Messaging Server accepting mails over 10 megs, you're looking at the wrong settings entirely . . .

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    Hi Gurus,
    I will try to explain it more clearly.
    An employee records a vacation well in advance. for example, today I have entered vacation in IT2001 from 23.12.2009 - 31.12.2009. But then tomorrow I go on a leave of absence meaning I am on LOA from 18.12.2009 - 31.12.2009.
    What is happening now is since I recroded absence already, the quota has already been deducted. But later on the next day, even though I went on LOA, the system is not considering me as inactive and neglecting the absence which I recorded.
    So how should I prevent this quota from deducting?

  • Problem with single quote when exporting insert statement

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    For example,
    Let says Table '*TABLE_A*' has varchar2 column called '*COL_A*'.
    And there is only one record in the table and the value is:
    his friend's dog name is dog.
    When I export that table data to insert statement, i got this:
    Insert into TABLE_A (COL_A) VALUES ('his friend's dog name is dog.');
    As you can see friend's is wrong, it should be friend''s instead. (note the double single quotes).
    Anyone knows how to fix this please?

    Yes - that's a bug. But probably not what you're expecting.
    Mind you really can't use "normal" SQL on LOBs, because they're just too big to fit in the statements.
    You should export and import them through e.g. the DBMS_LOB package.
    I do remember some request on the SQL Developer Exchange to automate this, so go vote there to add weight for future implementation.
    So the bug is that the column's fields should all yield NULL inside the INSERTs.

  • Cyradm and cyrus-quota problems

    I've been getting a cyrus-quota crash every night for a while. Here's part of the crash report:
    +Process: cyrus-quota [28870]+
    +Path: /usr/bin/cyrus/bin/cyrus-quota+
    +Identifier: cyrus-quota+
    +Version: ??? (???)+
    +Code Type: X86 (Native)+
    +Parent Process: launchd [1]+
    +Date/Time: 2008-07-10 22:42:24.139 -0500+
    +OS Version: Mac OS X Server 10.5.4 (9E17)+
    +Report Version: 6+
    +Exception Type: EXC_ARITHMETIC (SIGFPE)+
    +Exception Codes: EXCI386DIV (divide by zero)+
    +Crashed Thread: 0+
    +Thread 0 Crashed:+
    +0 cyrus-quota 0x000032c8 doquotacheck 319+
    +1 cyrus-quota 0x000037cd main 714+
    +2 cyrus-quota 0x00001ee6 start 54+
    I'm thinking it's a problem with one of the cyrus mailboxes being corrupted. I've tried stopping the Mail services and issuing:
    *sudo -u cyrusimap /usr/bin/cyrus/bin/cyrus-quota -f*
    *sudo -u cyrusimap /usr/bin/cyrus/bin/ctl_cyrusdb -r*
    *sudo /usr/bin/cyrus/bin/reconstruct*
    But the crashes persist. I wanted to go in with cyradm and weed out unnecessary mailboxes to see if that helps, but I'm unable to login with the cyradm tool:
    *cd /usr/bin/cyrus/admin/*
    *./cyradm -user cyrusimap localhost*
    *cyradm: cannot authenticate to server with as cyrusimap*
    I've tried setting the password for the cyrusimap user, using *passwd cyrusimap*, thinking it might be an authentication problem, but I still can't login. I read usually cyrus uses sasl to check passwords, but there's no mention of saslpwcheckmethod in /etc/imapd.conf. Does OS X handle passwords differently?
    Any help on using cyradm or with cyrus-quota crashes?

    Ok, I seemed to have resolved this in my case.
    The crash appears (for me atleast) to have been caused by mailboxes in the mail store that did NOT have a quota set.
    If you execute 'sudo -u _cyrus /usr/bin/cyrus/bin/cyrus-quota it will list quotas on all mailboxes. Look down the list of users which should be something like this: -
    Quota %Used Used Root
    10240 65 6726 user/fred
    10240 0 0 user/bert
    0 15684 user/ernie
    In the example above, ernie has no quota set. This seems to cause the 'cyrus-quota -q' crash (maybe a bug where a 'null' value is causing cyrus-quota to bomb-out?).
    I resolved it by setting a quota for EVERY user, reconstructing the cyrus db and then fixing quotas via the following steps (please note this is for 10.5 Server only and will not work on earlier versions). Make sure you have a backup of everything first.
    1 - Open WGM and ensure ALL users have a quota (I set a high number for those who dont actually need to be quota'd eg. 2gb) Apply changes and quit.
    2 - Stop Mail service in server admin
    open a Terminal and issue the following commands:
    3 - sudo mv /var/imap /var/imap.old
    4 - sudo mkdir /var/imap
    5 - sudo /usr/bin/cyrus/tools/mkimap
    6 - sudo chown -R _cyrus:mail /var/imap
    7 - sudo /usr/bin/cyrus/bin/reconstruct -i
    8 - sudo -u _cyrus /usr/bin/cyrus/bin/cyrus-quota -f
    9 - check all accounts listed have THREE numbers beside them, Quota, Used% and Used.
    10 - test it with sudo -u _cyrus /usr/bin/cyrus/bin/cyrus-quota -q (if all is well it will just return a prompt with no error messages).
    11 - Start the mail service back up in Server Admin and test thoroughly.
    N.B. For me, I HAD to rebuild the database first (Steps 3 - 7), you MAY be able to skip these steps which would preserve the seen-state of your users email.
    Good luck.

  • Problems with the richTextEditor and quotes

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    control. The quotes breaks the HTML text, meaning it's no longer
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    need to force some kind of refresh on the control prior to using
    the htmlText string?

    I have been using RTE in a content management system and
    found a need to replace non-standard quote characters with proper
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    problematic. Use a replace function to substitute non-standard for
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    Can anybody explain how to resolve this problem (please bear in mind that I am noy very computer literate).
    Many thanks

    Hello John
    Sorry I haven't got back to you sooner.
    Thanks very much for your help, your solution solved my problem.
    Thanks again and kind regards

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    Decide if you want your HTML pages in Windows code page 1252 or Unicode UTF-8. Then, make sure the pages are properly tagged as either "text/html;charset=windows-1252" or "text/html;charset=utf-8". Use HTTP header Content-type or the corresponding <META HTTP-EQUIV=...> tag. Then, set NLS_LANG environment variable for your PHP engine to either AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8MSWIN1252 or to AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8, depending on which encoding you selected for your HTML.
    -- Sergiusz

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    Darren Breckles
    ASUS Sabertooth X79 ATX LGA2011 DDR3 3PCI-E16 2PCI-E SATA3 USB3.0 SLI CrossFireX Audio Motherboard [Sabertooth X79]
    Mushkin Enhanced Blackline Frostbyte 32GB 4X8GB PC3-12800 DDR3-1600 CL10 Quad Channel Memory Kit [994055]
    Noctua NH-D14 SE2011 LGA2011 Heatpipe Cooler w/ NF-P14 140mm & NF-P12 120mm PWM Fans [NH-D14 SE2011] [Reg. $89.99]
    Intel 520 Series 240GB 2.5in SSD MLC 25nm SATA3 Solid State Disk Flash Drive OEM [SSDSC2CW240A310] [Reg. $279.99]
    8 port internal via 2X SFF-8087, LSI2208 1GB cache, 6Gb/s, RAID 0/1/10/5/50/6/60 [RS25DB080]
    MSI GeForce GTX 770 OC Twin Frozr IV 1098/1150MHZ 2GB 7GHZ GDDR5 2xDVI HDMI DP PCI-E 3.0 Video Card [N770 TF 2GD5/OC] [Reg. $429.99]
    ASUS BW-12B1ST Blu-Ray Writer 12X BD-R 16X DVD+R SATA Black Retail [BW-12B1ST/BLK/G/AS][Reg. $89.98]
    Environmental Fee $0.75 Per Item
    Microsoft Windows 7 Professional Edition 64Bit DVD SP1 OEM [FQC-04649] [Reg. $153.98]
    Fractal Design Define R4 ATX Tower Case Black Pearl 2X5.25 8X3.5INT No PSU Front 2XUSB3.0 Audio [FD-CA-DEF-R4-BL] [Reg. $119.99]
    Corsair AX860 860W ATX 12V V2.31 80 Plus Platinum Modular Power Supply Active PFC 120mm Fa *IR-$10* [CP-9020044-NA] [Reg. $189.89]
    nMedia ZE-C118 3.5in Multi Function Panel Flash Card Reader W/USB2.0 eSATA SDHC2.0 Win 7 Black [ZE-C118 ] [Reg. $19.99]
    58276 3.5in Hard Drive to 5.25in Front Bay Bracket Adapter [BRACKETFDBK]
    Noctua NF-A14 FLX 140mm Ultra Quiet Cooling Fan 900-1200RPM 115.5M3/H 19.2DBA 3-PIN [NF-A14 FLX] [Reg. $22.99]
    Premium PC Assembly and Testing With 1 Year Limited NCIX Warranty (PRE-CONFIG WIN. OS If Purchased)
    Environmental Fee $3.00 Per Item
    Note: Includes extra attention to cabling, lighting installation and extra burn-in period. Recommended for windowed cases. Assembly requires an additional 4-5* business days to ship once all parts are in stock. *typical lead time (currently 2-5 business days)
    NCIX 3 Year On-Site Care Coverage for PC $3000.00 - $3999.99 (22823)
    Intel Core i7 4930K 6 Core 3.4GHZ (3.9GHZ Turbo) 12MB Hyperthreading LGA2011 Processor No HSF [BX80633i74930K] [Reg. $649.99]
    Western Digital RE 2TB SATA3 7200RPM 64MB Cache 3.5in Internal Hard Drive [WD2000FYYZ] [Reg. $213.57]
    Environmental Fee $0.75 Per Item

    Very nice build list Darren!
    I would have selected the Samsung 840 Pro 256GB SSD over the Intel 520, and Areca's ARC-1882i over the Intel SAS controller you list, but those are preferences not essential changes.

Maybe you are looking for

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