The follwing databse trigger works fine but the procedure lv_calc_pkg.p_orders_executed(:new.stock_code,:new.selling,:new.buying,:new.qty,:new.price); is not executed
please help
vstock gn_stocks.stock_code%TYPE;
CURSOR stock_cur
SELECT stock_code
FROM lv_trade_summary
WHERE stock_code = :NEW.stock_code;
OPEN stock_cur;
FETCH stock_cur
INTO vstock;
IF stock_cur%NOTFOUND
INSERT INTO lv_trade_summary(
     last_offer_qty )
     lv_calc_pkg.f_buying_count (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_close_price (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_coupon_value (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_currency (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_dividend_yield_perc (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_eps (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_free_stocks (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_hi_offer (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_hi_request (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_hi_request_qty (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.F_HIGH_DATE (:new.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.F_HIGH_price (:new.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_last_offer (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_last_request (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg. F_LAST_TRADE_DATE(:new.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_less_offer (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_less_offer_qty (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_less_request (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_liquid (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_off_count (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_prev_close (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_prop_avg_best_10_ofrs (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_prop_avg_best_10_rqst (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_prop_avg_best_5_ofrs (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_prop_avg_best_5_rqst (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_prop_avg_offers (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_prop_avg_rqst (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_req_count (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_rqst_to_offers (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_selling_count (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_simple_avg_best_10_ofrs (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_simple_avg_best_10_rqst (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_simple_avg_best_5_ofrs (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_simple_avg_best_5_rqst (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_simple_avg_offers (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_simple_avg_rqst (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_stock_count (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_sum_offerst (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_sum_volume_traded (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_trx_count (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_sum_request (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_last_request_qty (:NEW.stock_code),
     lv_calc_pkg.f_last_offer_qty (:NEW.stock_code) );
     UPDATE lv_trade_summary
     SET the_time = :NEW.the_time,
     deals =,
     price = :NEW.price,
     qty = :NEW.qty,
     trade_value = :NEW.trade_value,
     le_value = :NEW.le_value,
     buying = :NEW.buying,
     selling = :NEW.selling,
     rec_count = :NEW.rec_count,
     rec_serial = :NEW.rec_serial,
     buying_count = lv_calc_pkg.f_buying_count (:NEW.stock_code),
     close_price = lv_calc_pkg.f_close_price (:NEW.stock_code),
     coupon_value = lv_calc_pkg.f_coupon_value (:NEW.stock_code),
     currency = lv_calc_pkg.f_currency (:NEW.stock_code),
     dividend_yield_perc =
     lv_calc_pkg.f_dividend_yield_perc (:NEW.stock_code),
     hi_offer = lv_calc_pkg.f_hi_offer (:NEW.stock_code),
     hi_req = lv_calc_pkg.f_hi_request (:NEW.stock_code),
     hi_req_qty = lv_calc_pkg.f_hi_request_qty (:NEW.stock_code),
     last_offer = lv_calc_pkg.f_last_offer (:NEW.stock_code),
     last_request = lv_calc_pkg.f_last_request (:NEW.stock_code),
     last_trade_date = lv_calc_pkg.f_last_trade_date (:NEW.stock_code),
     less_offer = lv_calc_pkg.f_less_offer (:NEW.stock_code),
     less_offer_qty = lv_calc_pkg.f_less_offer_qty (:NEW.stock_code),
     less_request = lv_calc_pkg.f_less_request (:NEW.stock_code),
     liquid = lv_calc_pkg.f_liquid (:NEW.stock_code),
     off_count = lv_calc_pkg.f_off_count (:NEW.stock_code),
     prev_close = lv_calc_pkg.f_prev_close (:NEW.stock_code),
     prop_avg_ofr_10 =
     lv_calc_pkg.f_prop_avg_best_10_ofrs (:NEW.stock_code),
     prop_avg_rqst_10 =
     lv_calc_pkg.f_prop_avg_best_10_rqst (:NEW.stock_code),
     prop_avg_ofr_5 =
     lv_calc_pkg.f_prop_avg_best_5_ofrs (:NEW.stock_code),
     prop_avg_rqst_5 =
     lv_calc_pkg.f_prop_avg_best_5_rqst (:NEW.stock_code),
     prop_avg_offers = lv_calc_pkg.f_prop_avg_offers (:NEW.stock_code),
     prop_avg_rqst = lv_calc_pkg.f_prop_avg_rqst (:NEW.stock_code),
     req_count = lv_calc_pkg.f_req_count (:NEW.stock_code),
     rqst_to_offers = lv_calc_pkg.f_rqst_to_offers (:NEW.stock_code),
     sector_desc_a = lv_calc_pkg.f_sector_desc_a (:NEW.stock_code),
     sector_desc_e = lv_calc_pkg.f_sector_desc_e (:NEW.stock_code),
     selling_count = lv_calc_pkg.f_selling_count (:NEW.stock_code),
     simple_avg_ofrs_10 =
     lv_calc_pkg.f_simple_avg_best_10_ofrs (:NEW.stock_code),
     simple_avg_rqst_10 =
     lv_calc_pkg.f_simple_avg_best_10_rqst (:NEW.stock_code),
     simple_avg_ofr_5 =
     lv_calc_pkg.f_simple_avg_best_5_ofrs (:NEW.stock_code),
     simple_avg_rqst_5 =
     lv_calc_pkg.f_simple_avg_best_5_rqst (:NEW.stock_code),
     simple_avg_offers =
     lv_calc_pkg.f_simple_avg_offers (:NEW.stock_code),
     simple_avg_rqst = lv_calc_pkg.f_simple_avg_rqst (:NEW.stock_code),
     stock_count = lv_calc_pkg.f_stock_count (:NEW.stock_code),
     stock_desc_a = lv_calc_pkg.f_stock_desc_a (:NEW.stock_code),
     stock_desc_e = lv_calc_pkg.f_stock_desc_e (:NEW.stock_code),
     sum_less_ofr_10 = lv_calc_pkg.f_sum_less_10_offers,
     sum_less_rqst_10 = lv_calc_pkg.f_sum_less_10_rqst,
     sum_less_5_rqst = lv_calc_pkg.f_sum_less_5_rqst,
     sum_offer = lv_calc_pkg.f_sum_offerst (:NEW.stock_code),
     sum_volume_traded =
     lv_calc_pkg.f_sum_volume_traded (:NEW.stock_code),
     trx_count = lv_calc_pkg.f_trx_count (:NEW.stock_code),
     sum_request = lv_calc_pkg.f_sum_request (:NEW.stock_code),
     last_request_qty = lv_calc_pkg.f_last_request_qty (:NEW.stock_code),
     last_offer_qty = lv_calc_pkg.f_last_offer_qty (:NEW.stock_code)
     WHERE stock_code = :NEW.stock_code;
CLOSE stock_cur;

Well, you can use merge statement or exception :
          UPDATE lv_trade_summary
          SET the_time = :NEW.the_time,
          deals =,
          price = :NEW.price,
          qty = :NEW.qty,
          trade_value = :NEW.trade_value,
          le_value = :NEW.le_value,
          buying = :NEW.buying,
          selling = :NEW.selling,
          rec_count = :NEW.rec_count,
          rec_serial = :NEW.rec_serial,
          buying_count = lv_calc_pkg.f_buying_count (:NEW.stock_code),
          close_price = lv_calc_pkg.f_close_price (:NEW.stock_code),
          coupon_value = lv_calc_pkg.f_coupon_value (:NEW.stock_code),
          currency = lv_calc_pkg.f_currency (:NEW.stock_code),
          dividend_yield_perc =
          lv_calc_pkg.f_dividend_yield_perc (:NEW.stock_code),
          hi_offer = lv_calc_pkg.f_hi_offer (:NEW.stock_code),
          hi_req = lv_calc_pkg.f_hi_request (:NEW.stock_code),
          hi_req_qty = lv_calc_pkg.f_hi_request_qty (:NEW.stock_code),
          last_offer = lv_calc_pkg.f_last_offer (:NEW.stock_code),
          last_request = lv_calc_pkg.f_last_request (:NEW.stock_code),
          last_trade_date = lv_calc_pkg.f_last_trade_date (:NEW.stock_code),
          less_offer = lv_calc_pkg.f_less_offer (:NEW.stock_code),
          less_offer_qty = lv_calc_pkg.f_less_offer_qty (:NEW.stock_code),
          less_request = lv_calc_pkg.f_less_request (:NEW.stock_code),
          liquid = lv_calc_pkg.f_liquid (:NEW.stock_code),
          off_count = lv_calc_pkg.f_off_count (:NEW.stock_code),
          prev_close = lv_calc_pkg.f_prev_close (:NEW.stock_code),
          prop_avg_ofr_10 =
          lv_calc_pkg.f_prop_avg_best_10_ofrs (:NEW.stock_code),
          prop_avg_rqst_10 =
          lv_calc_pkg.f_prop_avg_best_10_rqst (:NEW.stock_code),
          prop_avg_ofr_5 =
          lv_calc_pkg.f_prop_avg_best_5_ofrs (:NEW.stock_code),
          prop_avg_rqst_5 =
          lv_calc_pkg.f_prop_avg_best_5_rqst (:NEW.stock_code),
          prop_avg_offers = lv_calc_pkg.f_prop_avg_offers (:NEW.stock_code),
          prop_avg_rqst = lv_calc_pkg.f_prop_avg_rqst (:NEW.stock_code),
          req_count = lv_calc_pkg.f_req_count (:NEW.stock_code),
          rqst_to_offers = lv_calc_pkg.f_rqst_to_offers (:NEW.stock_code),
          sector_desc_a = lv_calc_pkg.f_sector_desc_a (:NEW.stock_code),
          sector_desc_e = lv_calc_pkg.f_sector_desc_e (:NEW.stock_code),
          selling_count = lv_calc_pkg.f_selling_count (:NEW.stock_code),
          simple_avg_ofrs_10 =
          lv_calc_pkg.f_simple_avg_best_10_ofrs (:NEW.stock_code),
          simple_avg_rqst_10 =
          lv_calc_pkg.f_simple_avg_best_10_rqst (:NEW.stock_code),
          simple_avg_ofr_5 =
          lv_calc_pkg.f_simple_avg_best_5_ofrs (:NEW.stock_code),
          simple_avg_rqst_5 =
          lv_calc_pkg.f_simple_avg_best_5_rqst (:NEW.stock_code),
          simple_avg_offers =
          lv_calc_pkg.f_simple_avg_offers (:NEW.stock_code),
          simple_avg_rqst = lv_calc_pkg.f_simple_avg_rqst (:NEW.stock_code),
          stock_count = lv_calc_pkg.f_stock_count (:NEW.stock_code),
          stock_desc_a = lv_calc_pkg.f_stock_desc_a (:NEW.stock_code),
          stock_desc_e = lv_calc_pkg.f_stock_desc_e (:NEW.stock_code),
          sum_less_ofr_10 = lv_calc_pkg.f_sum_less_10_offers,
          sum_less_rqst_10 = lv_calc_pkg.f_sum_less_10_rqst,
          sum_less_5_rqst = lv_calc_pkg.f_sum_less_5_rqst,
          sum_offer = lv_calc_pkg.f_sum_offerst (:NEW.stock_code),
          sum_volume_traded =
          lv_calc_pkg.f_sum_volume_traded (:NEW.stock_code),
          trx_count = lv_calc_pkg.f_trx_count (:NEW.stock_code),
          sum_request = lv_calc_pkg.f_sum_request (:NEW.stock_code),
          last_request_qty = lv_calc_pkg.f_last_request_qty (:NEW.stock_code),
          last_offer_qty = lv_calc_pkg.f_last_offer_qty (:NEW.stock_code)
          WHERE stock_code = :NEW.stock_code;
          INSERT INTO lv_trade_summary(
          last_offer_qty )
          VALUES (
          lv_calc_pkg.f_buying_count (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_close_price (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_coupon_value (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_currency (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_dividend_yield_perc (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_eps (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_free_stocks (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_hi_offer (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_hi_request (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_hi_request_qty (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.F_HIGH_DATE (:new.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.F_HIGH_price (:new.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_last_offer (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_last_request (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg. F_LAST_TRADE_DATE(:new.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_less_offer (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_less_offer_qty (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_less_request (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_liquid (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_off_count (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_prev_close (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_prop_avg_best_10_ofrs (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_prop_avg_best_10_rqst (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_prop_avg_best_5_ofrs (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_prop_avg_best_5_rqst (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_prop_avg_offers (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_prop_avg_rqst (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_req_count (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_rqst_to_offers (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_selling_count (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_simple_avg_best_10_ofrs (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_simple_avg_best_10_rqst (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_simple_avg_best_5_ofrs (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_simple_avg_best_5_rqst (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_simple_avg_offers (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_simple_avg_rqst (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_stock_count (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_sum_offerst (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_sum_volume_traded (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_trx_count (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_sum_request (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_last_request_qty (:NEW.stock_code),
          lv_calc_pkg.f_last_offer_qty (:NEW.stock_code) );

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    The flow looks ok...when the validation passes the output attributes from the splitter outgroup are not properly taken in by the procedure. Since u have executed the procedure seperately you will manually give the IN attributes for the procedure...check whether ur manual IN for the procedure matches with the outgroup from the splitter. Generate an internediate script and will give you the solution,

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    Thanks for reply....Another Example
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    atable varchar2(64) := 'USER_MAS';
    acolumn varchar2(64) := 'MAIL_ID';
    avalue varchar2(64) := 'NEWYORK' ;
    dyn_sql clob;
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    commit ;
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    ORA-06550: line 9, column 23:
    PLS-00382: expression is of wrong type
    ORA-06550: line 9, column 5:
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    When i Changed the Data type to varchar2(64)
    update USER_MAS set MAIL_ID = 'NEWYORK'
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Commit complete.
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    Please check you can telnet port 443 and port 444 on Lync Front End Serve from client.
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    Check the option “Enable all purposes for this certificate” is checked for the trusted root CA certificate.
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            0509-150   Dependent module libjox9.a(shr.o) could not be loaded.      
            0509-022 Cannot load module libjox9.a(shr.o).                          
            0509-026 System error: A file or directory in the path name does not exist
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    Thank you Nick for your care.
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    -rwxr-xr-x   1 <SID>adm   sapsys    startdb
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    Job started
    Step 001 started (program RSDBAJOB, variant &0000000000272, user name ****)
    No application server found on database host
    Execute logical command BRCONNECT On host *******
    Parameters: -u / -c -f check
    BR801I BRCONNECT 6.20 (113)
    exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program oracle<SID>because of the following errors:
    #0509-150   Dependent module libjox9.a(shr.o) could not be loaded.
    #0509-022 Cannot load module libjox9.a(shr.o).
    #0509-026 System error: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
    BR805I Start of BRCONNECT processing: cdnybrme.chk 2004-08-11 08.27.04
    exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program oracle<SID> because of the following errors:
    #0509-150   Dependent module libjox9.a(shr.o) could not be loaded.
    #0509-022 Cannot load module libjox9.a(shr.o).
    #0509-026 System error: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
    BR280I Time stamp 2004-08-11 08.27.07
    BR301E SQL error -12547 at location db_connect-2
    ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact
    BR310E Connect to database instance <SID> failed
    exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program oracle<SID> because of the following errors:
    #0509-150   Dependent module libjox9.a(shr.o) could not be loaded.
    #0509-022 Cannot load module libjox9.a(shr.o).
    #0509-026 System error: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
    BR280I Time stamp 2004-08-11 08.27.07
    BR301E SQL error -12547 at location thr_db_connect-4
    ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact
    BR310E Connect to database instance <SID> failed
    BR806I End of BRCONNECT processing: cdnybrme.chk 2004-08-11 08.27.07
    BR280I Time stamp 2004-08-11 08.27.07
    BR804I BRCONNECT terminated with errors
    External program terminated with exit code 3
    BRCONNECT returned error status E
    Job finished
    Do you think that we need to rebuild the Oracle Software ?
    Thank in advance for your cooperation.
    Message was edited by: Maher M.

  • Error - Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use

    I am actually trying to make a script (in Sql Server 2008) to restore one database from one backup file. I made the following code and I am getting an error -
    Msg 3101, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
    Exclusive access could not be obtained because
    the database is in use.
    Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
    RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
    How do I fix this problem ?
    IF DB_ID('AdventureWorksDW') IS NOT NULL
    RESTORE DATABASE [AdventureWorksDW]
    FILE = N'AdventureWorksDW_Data'
    DISK = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\
    WITH FILE = 1,
    MOVE N'AdventureWorksDW_Data'
    TO N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\
    MOVE N'AdventureWorksDW_Log'
    TO N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\

    Check, if there are existing connections to the database you are restoring by following command
    select spid from sys.sysprocesses where dbid = db_id('AdventureWorksDW')
    if you see any existing connections then kill them by issuing KILL command Syntax for kill is
    once you see there are no more connections then 
    Use mastergoIF DB_ID('AdventureWorksDW') IS NOT NULL
    RESTORE DATABASE [AdventureWorksDW]
    FILE = N'AdventureWorksDW_Data'
    DISK = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\
    WITH FILE = 1,
    MOVE N'AdventureWorksDW_Data'
    TO N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\
    MOVE N'AdventureWorksDW_Log'
    TO N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\
    Mark as answer, if it works.

  • Not able to access the Database & Clusterware from OEM Console.

    I had installed Oracle RAC 11g R2 in RHEL 5.3 Operating environment. I had installed my Oracle RAC with Enterprise Manager Console.
    Its with the defailt port 1158. After the installation when i try to access my EM Console, i was not able to access the Database and Clusterware from EM Console.
    When i access the EM console with url, I found with Startup and Perform Recovery option. But whereas my database is already startup and running.
    So when i click startup its saying database is already started. Since it is a prodution environment i dont want to go with Perform recovery option.
    Please tell me hw to attach files in this thread so that i can send the snap shot of the console for your reference.
    with regards
    Edited by: 795847 on Sep 21, 2010 10:40 PM

    As mentioned due to not having the default listener port 1521, we are facing this problem.
    As meniotned i had changed the file and changed the port and my emctl page is opening.
    But am not able to access the other parameters like ASM, Servers, Clusters etc bcoz since in some file it is looking for 1521 default port.
    So is it better to go for emctl deconfig and config again or to change the port the files which required.
    If i do in what are the file the default port will be located related to emctl.
    with regards

  • The server principal "XYuser" is not able to access the database "Ydb" under the current security context

    SQL2005 on winserver 2003. I have a view in Xdb that accesses tables in 2 different databases (Xdb and Ydb) on the same server. I have mixed mode security. I have a SQL user (XYuser) that has read access to all tables and views on both databases, yet when I try to access the view using a C# windows application I get the following error:
    The server principal "XYuser" is not able to access the database "Ydb" under the current security context
    This same scenario works under SQL 2000. I looked through the postings and tried to set TRUSTWORTHY ON on both databases but that didn't help. I can access any other views or tables on the SQL 2005 server, just not the one that joins the tables cross databases. Any help is much appreciated... john

    This appears to be a Login/Database Mapping issue.  I was having this problem, but was able to resolve it as follows:
    Using the SQL Server management Studio:
    In the Object explorer, under the SERVER security folder (not the database security folder), expand Logins. 
    That is: ServerName -> Security -> Logins
    NOT: ServerName -> Databases -> DatabaseName -> Security -> Users
    Select the Login that is having the troubles.  Right click on the Login and select ‘Properties.’
    The ‘User Mapping’ page should list all databases on the server with a check mark on the databases that the Login has been mapped to.  When I was getting the error, the database in question was not checked (even though the Login was assigned as a User on the database itself).  Map the Login by checking the box next to the database name.  Set the default schema.  Then select the roles for the Login in the Database role membership list box.  I selected db_datareader and public.  After clicking OK to save the changes, the problem was resolved.
    In order to ‘Map’ the Login, the Login must not already be as User on the database, so you may have to go to the database security (ServerName -> Databases -> DatabaseName -> Security -> Users) and delete the Login from the list of database Users before mapping the Login to the database.

  • How to create  a procedure to send a mail if the Database is down?

    I have created the below procedure to send a mail if the count is less than 1300. It scheduled daily @ 15 30 hrs. Its fine.
    CREATE OR REPLACE procedure SCOTT.hrsmail
    v_count number;
    Select count(*) into v_count from emp;
    if v_count < 1300
    UTL_MAIL.send(sender => '[email protected]',
    recipients => '[email protected]',
    cc => '[email protected]',
    bcc => '[email protected]',
    subject => 'Testing the UTL_MAIL Package',
    message => 'If you get this, UTL_MAIL package
    null; --what you want to do here
    end if ;
    Sometime the Database is down, so the job is not running.
    How to create a procedure to send a mail if the database is down?
    Pls help me. Its highly appreciated.

    nihar wrote:
    How to create a procedure to send a mail if the database is down?And what if the database is up, but the network down? Or the database up and mail server down? Or mail server undergoing maintenance?
    There are loads of "+What if's+" - and in that respect, playing "+What if database is down..+" in this case does not make any sense. You do not use the database to monitor its own up/down status. You do not rely just on SMTP as notification protocol that the database is down.
    The correct approach would be using something like SNMP as the monitoring protocol. A monitoring system that can process SNMP and perform some basic root cause analysis (e.g. network to the database server down, database server status unknown). And this system supporting notification methods like SMTP, SMS and so on.

  • Problem with Opening the Database

    Dear All,
    I am learning myself Backup And Recovery.
    I messed up with Redo Log files and now the database is not opening.
    What actually I did is
    1) I got 2 redo log groups with I member file in each group.
    Group 1 (redo1) & Group 2(redo 2)
    2) Then I shutdown the database "Shutdown Normal"
    3) Then I removed the one redo log files. (redo 1) "rm redo1"
    4) Now I tried to open the database. It didnot opened as redo 1 is not available
    5) Now I Added one group 3 when the database is in mount mode (alter database add logfile group 3 ...)
    6) Now when I tried to drop the redo log file, I am getting the below error
    ORA-01623 log 1 is current log for instance orcl (thread 1) - cannot drop.
    7) So Now I am not able to open the database
    Can Anyone please help me out.
    Appreciate any help
    Thanks & Regards
    Madhu K

    Can you try recreating the controlfile ? All it does is resets the redologs (reinitializes them). There wont be any dataloss. You can open the database using "alter database open resetlogs" after you recreate the controlfile.
    Have you looked into the backup and recovery case scenarios. They covered loss of redologs also.
    Since you are learning by yourself, i hope you are following Official Oracle guides. They are your bible when you practice things for the first time. => Backup and Recovery Section => Backup and Recovery Basics and Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide

  • Forms 6i is not connecting with Oracle 11g database?

    Forms 6i is not connecting with Oracle 11g database?
    How to resolve this issue?

    Once you installed the Forms and Reports, you need to configure the paramters like tnsnames.ora in you path.
    There will be one folder in the Installation path of Forms and Reports search for tnsnames.ora file..and you need to Updated the file as per the which ORACLE Server you are connecting and then try.. it..
    Default path for forms will be "ORACLE_HOME/net80/admin".. search for tnsnames.ora and modify it..
    - Pavan Kumar N

  • I have ipod classic 5gen it will not sync with windows the error message says ipod can not sync as required file missing   wht to do???

    i have ipod classic 5gen it will not sync with windows the error message says ipod can not sync as required file missing   wht to do???

    Although you used the new USB 3.0 port, the actual connection speed is still USB2.0, as the iPod Dock connector, does not have the 10 times faster USB3.0 signal pins, the connection speed is still 480Mbits/s
    I assumed that you have tried the other USB 2.0 port to no success..
    Can you do the iPod Disk diagnostic as posted earlier by tt2, it wont fix your problem, but helps in troubleshooting.
    Have a nice day!

  • Itunes store does not display with in the itunes player, why?

    I have latest iTunes download. I have PC with Windows Vista. My system requirements are what they should be for the iTunes player. I have gone through all of the troubleshooting that i am willing to go through to make this work - Can someone !! Tell me why does the iTunes store NOT DISPLAY with in the iTunes Player?
    I click on the iTunes Store from the iTunes screen with in the player shows that its "Accessing iTunes Store" when its finishes - the screen remains blank! and stays like that...
    Again why does the iTunes store not display with in iTunes?
    Also , my Safari acts the same why...i open the browser and the Screen just sits there never finding, opening, or access anything from the web...YES I am connected to the internet? SO why does Safari sit there...
    This worked for me.
    Reset HOSTS File back to defaults

  • SQL Server 2005 Database Mail - Mail configuration information could not be read from the database.

    I'm trying to setup Database Mail and send a test message, but it's not working.
    I've done several step-by-steps and all and I can't get it to work. Also checked several posts in this forum but none helped. I think it used to work before (2 months ago) but we had to turn it off.
    I've enabled it in Surface Configuration, have tried recreating all profiles, restarted SQL Agent, checked version mismatch...
    I check the Database Mail and I get the following message:
    Log Database Mail (Database Mail Log)
    Log ID 152
    Process ID 7684
    Last Modified 3/14/2013 6:49:58 PM
    Last Modified By SPEEDLING\sqlservice
    1) Exception Information
    Exception Type: Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlIMail.Server.Common.BaseException
    Message: Mail configuration information could not be read from the database.
    Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
    TargetSite: Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlIMail.Server.Objects.Account GetAccount(Int32)
    HelpLink: NULL
    Source: DatabaseMailEngine
    StackTrace Information
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlIMail.Server.DataAccess.DataAccessAdapter.GetAccount(Int32 accountID)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlIMail.Server.Controller.CommandFactory.CreateSendMailCommand(DBSession dbSession)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlIMail.Server.Controller.CommandRunner.Run(DBSession db)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlIMail.IMailProcess.ThreadCallBack.MailOperation(Object o)
    2) Exception Information
    Exception Type: System.IndexOutOfRangeException
    Message: timeout
    Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
    TargetSite: Int32 GetOrdinal(System.String)
    HelpLink: NULL
    Source: System.Data
    StackTrace Information
       at System.Data.ProviderBase.FieldNameLookup.GetOrdinal(String fieldName)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetOrdinal(String name)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_Item(String name)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlIMail.Server.DataAccess.DataAccessAdapter.GetAccount(Int32 accountID)

    I'm trying to setup Database Mail and send a test message, but it's not working.
    I've done several step-by-steps and all and I can't get it to work. Also checked several posts in this forum but none helped. I think it used to work before (2 months ago) but we had to turn it off.
    I've enabled it in Surface Configuration, have tried recreating all profiles, restarted SQL Agent, checked version mismatch...
    I check the Database Mail and I get the following message:
    Database Mail (Database Mail Log)
    Log ID
    Process ID
    Last Modified
    3/14/2013 6:49:58 PM
    Last Modified By
    1) Exception Information
    Exception Type: Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlIMail.Server.Common.BaseException
    Message: Mail configuration information could not be read from the database.
    Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
    TargetSite: Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlIMail.Server.Objects.Account GetAccount(Int32)
    HelpLink: NULL
    Source: DatabaseMailEngine
    StackTrace Information
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlIMail.Server.DataAccess.DataAccessAdapter.GetAccount(Int32 accountID)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlIMail.Server.Controller.CommandFactory.CreateSendMailCommand(DBSession
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlIMail.Server.Controller.CommandRunner.Run(DBSession db)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlIMail.IMailProcess.ThreadCallBack.MailOperation(Object o)
    2) Exception Information
    Exception Type: System.IndexOutOfRangeException
    Message: timeout
    Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
    TargetSite: Int32 GetOrdinal(System.String)
    HelpLink: NULL
    Source: System.Data
    StackTrace Information
       at System.Data.ProviderBase.FieldNameLookup.GetOrdinal(String fieldName)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetOrdinal(String name)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_Item(String name)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlIMail.Server.DataAccess.DataAccessAdapter.GetAccount(Int32 accountID)

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