Procedure to move table - running procedure as woner not caller

I seem to remember there is a way of getting a procedure to run as the user owning it rather than the one calling this. This is my main question. Below is some background. The other thing I am trying work out is what is the best way of doing a grant from a procedure, I guess execute immediate is the way to go.
OK, this may seem a strange requirement but as there is no safe way of allowing a user to create/drop tables in a different (team shared) schema we are planing on getting the user to create the table in there own schema and then call a procedure to move it to team schema.
I think this can be done with 2 procedures (possibly in a single package).
a) move_table_to_team - owned by team with user1 having execute permissions.
b) move_table_to_team_remote - owned by team with user1 having execute permissions BUT run as team schema (i.e. the scema owning proc) not user calling it (so it can create tables).
So the steps are:
1) user1 creates table table1
2) user1 calls move_table_to_team('table1');
3) move_table_to_team grants select on table1 to team schema
4) move_table_to_team calls move_table_to_team_remote(username,team1).
5) move_table_to_team_remote does a 'create table team.table1 as select * from user1.table1 where 1=2'
6) retrun to move_table_to_team
7) drop table1.

Hi, Ben,
orangetwig wrote:
I seem to remember there is a way of getting a procedure to run as the user owning it rather than the one calling this. This is my main question. That's right:
AS ...Actually, DEFINER is the default invoker-rights. You only have to specify AUTHID when you want the package to run with the caller's privilegers:
AS ...
Below is some background. The other thing I am trying work out is what is the best way of doing a grant from a procedure, I guess execute immediate is the way to go.Yes, use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE in PL/SQL for everything except queries and DML.
OK, this may seem a strange requirement but as there is no safe way of allowing a user to create/drop tables in a different (team shared) schema we are planing on getting the user to create the table in there own schema and then call a procedure to move it to team schema.Yes, that's a problem. To create (or drop) a table in sombody else's schema, you need the privileges to create (or drop) tables in anybody else's schema, and you don't want to grant that to lots of people.
Can't you allow the individual developers to log in as the team user when they need to create (or drop) tables there? If the team owns other objects, and you want to prevent users from tanpering with them, you could create a team_transfer schema, that contains only the tables copied from the individual users, and have them log in to that.
I think this can be done with 2 procedures (possibly in a single package).
a) move_table_to_team - owned by team with user1 having execute permissions.
b) move_table_to_team_remote - owned by team with user1 having execute permissions BUT run as team schema (i.e. the scema owning proc) not user calling it (so it can create tables).
So the steps are:
1) user1 creates table table1
2) user1 calls move_table_to_team('table1');
3) move_table_to_team grants select on table1 to team schema
4) move_table_to_team calls move_table_to_team_remote(username,team1).
5) move_table_to_team_remote does a 'create table team.table1 as select * from user1.table1 where 1=2'
6) retrun to move_table_to_team
7) drop table1.
BenStep 5 has to be done with the team privileges, but steps 1, 3 and 7 have to be doen with the individual's privileges. I think you'll need two packages, one with AUTHID DEFINER to create or drop objects in the team schema, and the other with AUTHID CURRENT_USER to create or drop objects in the individual schemas. A package can call procedures in another package, so the user can do the whole job with just one call.

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    I've just started writing in SQL 3 days ago so I would like to apologize in advance for the shabby code and the stupid question. I'm hoping that somebody can help me with my problem.
    Anyway, this has been bugging me for 2 days now and I can't seem to find the problem. The code below is just a simple create table that I coded in Toad for Oracle by Quest Software and runs fine in it but when I try to copy it over to our linux server and run it using '@/home/user/atm_dc.sql', the table is not created.
    Can someone help me?
    drop table atm_dc;
    CREATE TABLE atm_dc
    AS (
    'I' as action_code,
    rpad(' ',22,' ') as card_num,
    rpad(' ',24,' ') as client_cd,
    '000119' as inst_cd,
    rpad(sa01mast.brncd,6,' ') as branch_cd,
    ' ' as vip_flag,
    ' ' as owner_cd,
    '0' as basic_card_flag,
    rpad(' ',22,' ') as basic_card_num,
    rpad(' ',4,' ') as title,
    case when length(cf01cif.sname) > 0 then
    rpad(cf01cif.sname,20,' ') else
    rpad(' ',20,' ') end as family_name,
    rpad(' ',20,' ') as first_name,
    rpad(' ',26,' ') as embossed_name,
    rpad(' ',26,' ') as encoded_name,
    case when length(cf01cif.maritsts) > 0 then
    case when cf01cif.maritsts in ('M') then '2' else '1' end else
    ' ' end as marital_status,
    case when length( > 0 then
    case when in ('F') then 'F' else 'M' end else
    ' ' end as gender,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as legal_id,
    '608' as nationality_code,
    '00' as num_of_children,
    rpad('0',12,'0') as credit_limit,
    '0' as issuers_client,
    ' ' as lodging_period,
    ' ' as res_status,
    rpad('0',12,'0') as net_yearly_income,
    '00' as no_of_dependents,
    case when length(cf01cif.birthdt) > 0 then
    to_char(cf01cif.birthdt,'YYYYMMDD') else rpad(' ',8,' ')
    end as birth_date,
    rpad(' ',5,' ') as birth_city,
    case when length(cf01cif.cntry) > 0 then
    rpad(cf01cif.cntry,3,' ') else rpad(' ',3,' ')
    end as birth_cntry,
    case when length(cf01addr.addr1) > 0 then
    rpad(substr(cf01addr.addr1,1,30),30,' ') else rpad(' ',30,' ')
    end as address1,
    case when length(cf01addr.addr2) > 0 then
    rpad(substr(cf01addr.addr2,1,30),30,' ') else rpad(' ',30,' ')
    end as address2,
    case when length(cf01addr.addr3) > 0 then
    rpad(substr(cf01addr.addr3,1,30),30,' ') else rpad(' ',30,' ')
    end as address3,
    case when length(cf01addr.addr4) > 0 then
    rpad(substr(cf01addr.addr4,1,30),30,' ') else rpad(' ',30,' ')
    end as address4,
    case when length( > 0 then
    rpad(substr(,1,5),5,' ') else rpad(' ',5,' ')
    end as city_code,
    case when length(cf01addr.postcd) > 0 then
    rpad(cf01addr.postcd,10,' ') else rpad(' ',10,' ')
    end as zip_code,
    case when length(cf01addr.cntry) > 0 then
    rpad(cf01addr.cntry,3,' ') else
    rpad(' ',3,' ') end as country_code,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_no1,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_no2,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as mobile_phone,
    rpad(' ',50,' ') as email_id,
    rpad(' ',40,' ') as employer,
    rpad(' ',30,' ') as emp_addr1,
    rpad(' ',30,' ') as emp_addr2,
    rpad(' ',30,' ') as emp_addr3,
    rpad(' ',30,' ') as emp_addr4,
    rpad(' ',5,' ') as emp_city_cd,
    rpad(' ',10,' ') as emp_zip_cd,
    rpad(' ',3,' ') as emp_cntry_cd,
    rpad(' ',8,' ') as cont_start_dt,
    ' ' as emp_status,
    to_char(sa01mast2.opendt,'YYYYMMDD') as open_dt,
    rpad(' ',8,' ') as start_val_dt,
    '001' as prod_code,
    '0' as delivery_mode,
    lpad(sa01mast.chkdgt,2,'0'),24,' ') as account1,
    'PHP' as acct1_currency,
    case when sa01mast.crline in ('SA') then '10' else '20'
    end as account1_type,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_cash_dom,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_purch_dom,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_te_dom,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as reserved1,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_cash_int,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_purch_int,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_te_int,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as reserved2,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as autho_limit_dom,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as autho_limit_int,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as reserved3,
    rpad(' ',4,' ') as activity_cd,
    rpad(' ',4,' ') as socio_prof_code,
    '00' status_code,
    rpad(' ',10,' ') as staff_id,
    '0' as delivery_flag,
    rpad(' ',8,' ') as delivery_date,
    rpad(' ',14,' ') as bank_dsa_ref,
    rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field1,
    rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field2,
    rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field3,
    rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field4,
    rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field5,
    rpad(' ',26,' ') as emboss_line3,
    rpad(' ',45,' ') as mailing_addr1,
    rpad(' ',45,' ') as mailing_addr2,
    rpad(' ',45,' ') as mailing_addr3,
    rpad(' ',45,' ') as mailing_addr4,
    rpad(' ',10,' ') as mailing_zip_code,
    rpad(' ',5,' ') as mailing_city_code,
    rpad(' ',3,' ') as mailing_country_code,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_home,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_alt,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_mobile,
    '0' as photo_indicator,
    ' ' as language_indicator,
    rpad(' ',25,' ') as maiden_name,
    rpad('0',8,'0') as check_sum
    FROM cf01cif, sa01mast, cf01addr, sa01mast2
    WHERE cf01cif.cifkey=sa01mast.cifkey and
         cf01cif.cifkey=cf01addr.cifkey and
    sa01mast2.brncd = sa01mast.brncd and
    sa01mast2.modcd = sa01mast.modcd and
    sa01mast2.acno = sa01mast.acno and
    sa01mast2.chkdgt = sa01mast.chkdgt and
              sa01mast2.opendt < sysdate

    You can use the SPOOL command to create a output file. Run the below script. This will create a file "output.log". Check in the file for any error messages
    set echo on
    spool output.log
    drop table atm_dc
    CREATE TABLE atm_dc
    AS (
    'I' as action_code,
    rpad(' ',22,' ') as card_num,
    rpad(' ',24,' ') as client_cd,
    '000119' as inst_cd,
    rpad(sa01mast.brncd,6,' ') as branch_cd,
    ' ' as vip_flag,
    ' ' as owner_cd,
    '0' as basic_card_flag,
    rpad(' ',22,' ') as basic_card_num,
    rpad(' ',4,' ') as title,
    case when length(cf01cif.sname) > 0 then
    rpad(cf01cif.sname,20,' ') else
    rpad(' ',20,' ') end as family_name,
    rpad(' ',20,' ') as first_name,
    rpad(' ',26,' ') as embossed_name,
    rpad(' ',26,' ') as encoded_name,
    case when length(cf01cif.maritsts) > 0 then
    case when cf01cif.maritsts in ('M') then '2' else '1' end else
    ' ' end as marital_status,
    case when length( > 0 then
    case when in ('F') then 'F' else 'M' end else
    ' ' end as gender,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as legal_id,
    '608' as nationality_code,
    '00' as num_of_children,
    rpad('0',12,'0') as credit_limit,
    '0' as issuers_client,
    ' ' as lodging_period,
    ' ' as res_status,
    rpad('0',12,'0') as net_yearly_income,
    '00' as no_of_dependents,
    case when length(cf01cif.birthdt) > 0 then
    to_char(cf01cif.birthdt,'YYYYMMDD') else rpad(' ',8,' ')
    end as birth_date,
    rpad(' ',5,' ') as birth_city,
    case when length(cf01cif.cntry) > 0 then
    rpad(cf01cif.cntry,3,' ') else rpad(' ',3,' ')
    end as birth_cntry,
    case when length(cf01addr.addr1) > 0 then
    rpad(substr(cf01addr.addr1,1,30),30,' ') else rpad(' ',30,' ')
    end as address1,
    case when length(cf01addr.addr2) > 0 then
    rpad(substr(cf01addr.addr2,1,30),30,' ') else rpad(' ',30,' ')
    end as address2,
    case when length(cf01addr.addr3) > 0 then
    rpad(substr(cf01addr.addr3,1,30),30,' ') else rpad(' ',30,' ')
    end as address3,
    case when length(cf01addr.addr4) > 0 then
    rpad(substr(cf01addr.addr4,1,30),30,' ') else rpad(' ',30,' ')
    end as address4,
    case when length( > 0 then
    rpad(substr(,1,5),5,' ') else rpad(' ',5,' ')
    end as city_code,
    case when length(cf01addr.postcd) > 0 then
    rpad(cf01addr.postcd,10,' ') else rpad(' ',10,' ')
    end as zip_code,
    case when length(cf01addr.cntry) > 0 then
    rpad(cf01addr.cntry,3,' ') else
    rpad(' ',3,' ') end as country_code,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_no1,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_no2,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as mobile_phone,
    rpad(' ',50,' ') as email_id,
    rpad(' ',40,' ') as employer,
    rpad(' ',30,' ') as emp_addr1,
    rpad(' ',30,' ') as emp_addr2,
    rpad(' ',30,' ') as emp_addr3,
    rpad(' ',30,' ') as emp_addr4,
    rpad(' ',5,' ') as emp_city_cd,
    rpad(' ',10,' ') as emp_zip_cd,
    rpad(' ',3,' ') as emp_cntry_cd,
    rpad(' ',8,' ') as cont_start_dt,
    ' ' as emp_status,
    to_char(sa01mast2.opendt,'YYYYMMDD') as open_dt,
    rpad(' ',8,' ') as start_val_dt,
    '001' as prod_code,
    '0' as delivery_mode,
    lpad(sa01mast.chkdgt,2,'0'),24,' ') as account1,
    'PHP' as acct1_currency,
    case when sa01mast.crline in ('SA') then '10' else '20'
    end as account1_type,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_cash_dom,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_purch_dom,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_te_dom,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as reserved1,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_cash_int,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_purch_int,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_te_int,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as reserved2,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as autho_limit_dom,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as autho_limit_int,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as reserved3,
    rpad(' ',4,' ') as activity_cd,
    rpad(' ',4,' ') as socio_prof_code,
    '00' status_code,
    rpad(' ',10,' ') as staff_id,
    '0' as delivery_flag,
    rpad(' ',8,' ') as delivery_date,
    rpad(' ',14,' ') as bank_dsa_ref,
    rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field1,
    rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field2,
    rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field3,
    rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field4,
    rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field5,
    rpad(' ',26,' ') as emboss_line3,
    rpad(' ',45,' ') as mailing_addr1,
    rpad(' ',45,' ') as mailing_addr2,
    rpad(' ',45,' ') as mailing_addr3,
    rpad(' ',45,' ') as mailing_addr4,
    rpad(' ',10,' ') as mailing_zip_code,
    rpad(' ',5,' ') as mailing_city_code,
    rpad(' ',3,' ') as mailing_country_code,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_home,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_alt,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_mobile,
    '0' as photo_indicator,
    ' ' as language_indicator,
    rpad(' ',25,' ') as maiden_name,
    rpad('0',8,'0') as check_sum
    FROM cf01cif, sa01mast, cf01addr, sa01mast2
    WHERE cf01cif.cifkey=sa01mast.cifkey and
    cf01cif.cifkey=cf01addr.cifkey and
    sa01mast2.brncd = sa01mast.brncd and
    sa01mast2.modcd = sa01mast.modcd and
    sa01mast2.acno = sa01mast.acno and
    sa01mast2.chkdgt = sa01mast.chkdgt and
    sa01mast2.opendt < sysdate
    spool off

  • Oracle SQL Developer  error - "The file-based source procedure Name is not present in the database."

    I recently started working on the Oracle SQL developer. I have 'select' privileges on the QA schema and when tried to execute proc in QA. It is giving the error as 'The file-based source <procedure Name>  is not present in the database.  Was it compiled?'
    instead 'you do not have sufficient privileges to execute this procedure'. Did research on internet but with no luck.What configuration changes needed to be done to make it work.Guide me.

    Sounds like you do not have the correct privileges.  What should have been granted to you by the QA user, or some other user with appropriate privileges, is...
    Note that a grant of execute on a procedure has nothing to do with grants of select on some or all of QA's tables and views.
    So, as Vadim suggests, from your connection node in SQL Developer's Connections view, if you expand the Other Users node, then expand QA and look in the Procedures node, do you see the procedure of interest?  If not, you cannot expect to be able to execute it from your userid's connection. And even if you do see it, you may have some other privilege that permits viewing but not executing, like...
    The system privilege SELECT ANY DICTIONARY
    And even if you do not see it there, then having certain other privileges granted to you could permit executing it in general, like...
    The system privilege EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE
    Also, note that the 3.0 release is a bit dated nowadays. Upgrading to 4.0.3 production or even the 4.1 EA2 (early adopter) release will, in general, give you a better experience.
    Best wishes,

  • Modify a  procedure while is being called

    can we modify a procedure while is being running. we have a procedure that is being called all the time (near real-time), can we modify this procedure while is being called?
    Best Regards

    +Your database administrator will have to prevent people from running it or...+
    Wouldn't the DDL CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE itself do this?
    In other words the create or replace procedure DDL will "lock out" any later call to procedure and put them in "wait state". Is this not correct?
    A small test show the following...
    -- In SESSION 1
      2  IS
      3  L_EXP NUMBER;
      4  BEGIN
      5  SYS.DBMS_LOCK.SLEEP(10);
      6  RETURN 'AAAA';
      7  END ST;
      8  /
    Function created.
    Grant succeeded.
    -- In SESSION 2
    -- In SESSION 1 while session 2 is running...
      2  IS
      3  L_EXP NUMBER;
      4  BEGIN
      5  SYS.DBMS_LOCK.SLEEP(10);
      6  RETURN 'BBBB';
      7  END ST;
      8  /
    -- It goes into WAIT State...
    -- In SESSION 3 (while the other two sessions are waiting...
    --This goes on wait state...
    -- Once session 2 and session 1 complete
    -- session 2 returns with...
    C1   C2
    AAAA 21:29:37
    -- session 3 returns with...
    C1   C2
    BBBB 21:31:07
    Sudhakar B.

  • How to move table from one tablespace to other tablespace?

    how to move table from one tablespace to other tablespace?

    887274 wrote:
    how to move table from one tablespace to other tablespace?
    alter table <table_name> move  tablespace <new_tablespace_name>;
    Rebuild the indexes; alter index <index_name> rebuild <new_tablespace_name> online;Example;:
    SQL> create table ttt( ID NUMBER PRimary key);
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into ttt values (1);
    1 row created.
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.
    SQL> select index_name, status  from dba_indexes where table_name='TTT';
    INDEX_NAME                 STATUS
    SYS_C0010863                 VALID
    SQL> alter table ttt move tablespace users;
    Table altered.
    SQL> select index_name, status  from dba_indexes where table_name='TTT';
    INDEX_NAME                 STATUS
    SYS_C0010863                 UNUSABLE
    SQL> alter index SYS_C0010863 rebuild tablespace users online;
    Index altered.
    SQL> select index_name, status  from dba_indexes where table_name='TTT';
    INDEX_NAME                 STATUS
    SYS_C0010863                 VALID

  • Tables running long in Internet Explorer

    Hey guys, I'm new here, and still somewhat of a noob when it
    comes to html and web design so be easy on me.
    One of my new projects is, which I
    thought was looking pretty good until someone told me that it was
    completely screwed up when they looked at it in Internet Explorer
    on their windows machine.
    I myself work on a mac and check it with safari, firefox, and
    IE, and everything looks fine, but for some reason in IE on
    windows, the tables run really long to the point where the site
    isn't functional.
    If you go to the site and click on cash cards, you can see
    what I mean. Can anybody look at my code and see if there's
    something I'm doing wrong?
    Thanks a lot, I look forward to staying at the forum and
    probably asking a lot more questions!

    I am not seeing the information on this page:
    in IE6.
    Try using a full doc type - at the moment you are not using
    one - which is
    placing IE6 into quirks mode... that may correct your
    I would also consider adding some left padding to your
    content area (beside
    the left side bar on the right side of it) because the text
    sits right up
    against the sidebar in all browsers I've checked.
    This should work:
    Adobe® Community Expert : Dreamweaver
    CSS Templates |Tutorials |SEO Articles
    ~ Customisation Service Available ~
    Spry Widget Examples
    ~ Forum Posting Guidelines ~
    CSS Tutorials for Dreamweaver:
    "joshmv" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f64at9$gg8$[email protected]..
    > Hey guys, I'm new here, and still somewhat of a noob
    when it comes to html
    > and
    > web design so be easy on me.
    > One of my new projects is,
    which I thought was
    > looking pretty good until someone told me that it was
    completely screwed
    > up
    > when they looked at it in Internet Explorer on their
    windows machine.
    > I myself work on a mac and check it with safari,
    firefox, and IE, and
    > everything looks fine, but for some reason in IE on
    windows, the tables
    > run
    > really long to the point where the site isn't
    > If you go to the site and click on cash cards, you can
    see what I mean.
    > Can
    > anybody look at my code and see if there's something I'm
    doing wrong?
    > Thanks a lot, I look forward to staying at the forum and
    probably asking a
    > lot
    > more questions!
    > Josh

  • My new Dell PC running Windows 8 does not recognize my iPad or iPhone. Worked OK for iPhone for months but would not work for new iPad.  I removed /relaoded iTunes and now it won't recognize either iPad or iPhone.

    My new Dell PC running Windows 8 does not recognize my iPad or iPhone. Worked OK for iPhone for months but would not work for new iPad.  I removed /relaoded iTunes and now it won't recognize either iPad or iPhone. Got any suggestions?

    Hi there Lizabethfromaz,
    You may find the troubleshooting steps in the article below helpful.
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    -Griff W. 

  • My 2006 iMac running Snow Leopard won't boot even after erasing and re-installing Snow Leopard (via my MacBookPro), either from the HD or DVD drive.  Can't get it to run Hardware Test.  Disk Utility says disk OK - files are there. What can I do?

    My 2006 iMac running Snow Leopard won't boot even after erasing and re-installing Snow Leopard.   I erased and re-installed by putting the iMac in Target Disk mode and usin my MacBookPro as the host.  But after numerous attempts I still can't get it to boot either from the HD or DVD drive. I just get the white screen after the wheel stops spinning.  I can't get it to run Hardware Test - just get the white screen.  If I use Disk Utility via my MBP it says the disk appears OK. All the Snow Leopad files appear to have been installed. What can I do?

    Hi-NRG Bwoy wrote:
    I erased and re-installed by putting the iMac in Target Disk mode and using my MacBookPro as the host.
    Reet the SMC and the PRAM
     Cheat sheet to help diagnose and fix your Mac
    Perhaps you installed the wrong version OS X onto the iMac, you can't use the disk from another Mac.
    clean the disk.
    If it's not working then use this method to create a bootable 10.6 USB from the iMac machine specific 10.6 disk or the 10.6.3 retail disk on your other Mac, use it to boot the iMac with.
    How to erase and install Snow Leopard 10.6

  • I am unable to successfully install itunes 10.5. I can download it, but when I go to install the program it says that a program could not be run and it won't give the name of the program. I have the vista 64-bit system.

    I cannot install iTunes 10.5. I can download it, but when I go to install it says that a program cannot be run and it won't give the name of the program. I have the Windows Vista 64-bit system.

    That would be my first guess.  You might be trying to install the 32 bit version of the program.
    Update the thread with more info on your apple software etc if its a 64 bit install you're trying to perform.

  • Export of CDCLS table running for more than 72 hours

    Hello ,
    We are doing a Combined Upgrade and Unicode Conversion of CRM 4.0
    system to CRM 7.0(Running Oracle 10.2) . We have run parallel
    Export/import . The Export and Import of all tables have finished
    except CDCLS , whcih is being runnign for almost 72 hours now . We did
    5 splits for the table and have used the latest R3load available .
    Can you please suggest any ways in which we can speed up the
    export/import of this table .
    We have seen Note 936441 - Oracle settings for R3load based system copy.
    As the Export is already running , i am not sure if i can make any changes now to the database . 
    The Server has 8 CPU and 20 GB of RAM, AIX 5.3

    > There is only 1 table being processed by R3load and i have given 16 parallel processes .
    if that is the last table to be exported - yes.
    > Do i have any options now , may be to speed up Import when Export is finished  ?
    You could stop the export, split it (manually) using R3ta and export it in parallel, then it will also be imported in parallel.

  • This procedure name is not found in the database:

    I created an interactive report, which works fine in the APEX developer, using the Application Express Authentication scheme.
    To add it to our Self-Service web system, I change the authentication scheme to a custom scheme that has been working fine for other applications, although I don't know of any other interactive reports using this scheme in Self-Service.
    Anyway, the interactive report is displayed in our Self-Service system using the custom authentication scheme, but if I display the Action menu and click on one of the options (Filter, Sort, Compute...), a pop-up window is displayed saying:
    This procedure name is not found in the database:
    That error is also displayed when I try to edit the displayed filters.
    Does anyone know why I might be getting that error or have suggestions on things to try to track it down?

    To add it to our Self-Service web systemWhat does that mean? What did it entail?
    I'm thinking maybe you embedded some relative links into a menu system in which the base href was not appropriate, ... or something.

  • Query on a table runs more than 45mins(after stats) and same query runs 19secs(before stats - rebuild)

    Query on a table runs more than 45mins(after stats) and same query runs 19secs(before stats - rebuild) - Not sure what the cause is.
    - Analysed the explain the plan
    - different explain plan used afterr stats gather.
    Any idea what could be the cause with this kind of difference.
    Thank you!

    What is the difference you see in the explain plan ? Where it spends most time. All these needs to be analysed.

  • TS1717 since updating itunes yesterday I now can't open it and get a pop up box about the procedure entry point not being located. anyone able to help?

    since updating itunes yesterday I now can't open it and get a pop up box about the procedure entry point not being located. anyone able to help?
    these are the boxes that open up:
    I am unsure as to wether I need to unistall and start again but then worry about the vast amount of songs already in the folder that I would have to reload.

    anyone able to help me with the above?

  • Data selection procedure 400 could not find any data

    Hi ,
    I am getting the Information message "Data selection procedure 400 could not find any data " while doing the Result recording of a inspection lot
    Inspection lot status :- REL  CALC
    Inspection lot Origin :- 04 GR from production order
    No user status active
    This message i am getting in some inspection lot only
    Kindly help me to understand the possible resaon for this message

    u r using any copy inspection result like of thing, if not than please provide the Mssg number. and possible than check ur plan properly.
    F9 i have checked, this prblm occurs when u using the Copy inspecttion result during RR in QA32, ma suggesstion is to checck ur config "Copy inspection results" in SPRO properly against inspection type "04", and than check ur qaulity plan, than execute it will resolve.
    For more information:
    Edited by: D GURU on Dec 5, 2011 8:35 AM

  • Imac (running 10.8) won't recognize wifi printer

    My imac (running 10.8) won't recognize one (1) of my two (2) epson artisan 810 printers when I try to add it to my wifi in the "print and scan" utility.  The printer that won't connect was previously connected to a PC running Win7.  Could Bonjour have something to do with this?  Any suggestions on how to correct this would be most appreciated. 
    thank you, Michael

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