Procedure using lot of temp space

Hi all,
DB version is A procedure named xxxx while executing using 10gb of temp tablespace...What are the basic checklist of tuning that procedure...

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    Excessive archivelog generation on an EM12c repository database may mean you are hitting bug 14726136. Please see MOS note 1502370.1. I would suggest filing an SR with support to confirm whether or not you are experiencing this bug; they can help you with some additional analysis.

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    /Volumes contains entries for every mounted volume on your computer, so if you have any external hard disks, CDs, DVDs, or additional partitions they are show up in /Volumes and will therefore be included in that figure. What's more the actual boot drive itself also shows up in /Volumes. However normally this should not be an issue because the du (diskspace usage) command is clever enough to know the difference between files on one drive/volume/partition or another.
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    Potentially several Gigabytes of data could end up in their incorrect entry.
    You need to see what stuff in /Volumes is actually making up your disk space use. You can do this by the following command
    sudo du -achx /Volumes
    This should list all files/folders on the boot drive that are in /Volumes but exclude files stored on mounted drives.

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    Many thanks
    Edited by: user10745648 on Mar 5, 2013 2:00 PM
    Edited by: user10745648 on Mar 5, 2013 2:22 PM

    Excessive archivelog generation on an EM12c repository database may mean you are hitting bug 14726136. Please see MOS note 1502370.1. I would suggest filing an SR with support to confirm whether or not you are experiencing this bug; they can help you with some additional analysis.

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    Fixed the spelling error in subject title

    > How big per trasnaction sort size and pga size?
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    iTunes 10.5.2 on my macbook pro is writing a lot of temp(number).tmp files to my iTunes folder and not erasing them later!
    Usually, that indicates that something is interfering with read/writes to the iTunes library files. Do you have security software (or realtime backup utilities) installed that might be scanning the locations on the computer where the iTunes library files are stored?

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    If the crash started right after you added RAM, it could be a bad Ram dimm. You can try this - change the amount of RAM in Photoshop to 4G, this should stop Photoshop from using the higher ram. If it doesn't crash, it's probably the ram. Or run a diagnostic app. You don't say when it crashes, what you're doing when it crashes - it there a pattern? Did it ever work on this computer? Did it work on your previous computer? Without a lot of data, it could be related to the new computer... What OS version? Did you recently update it? Have you updated Photoshop to the most recent update?
    Do you have any plug-ins loaded? Try restarting Photoshop, and immediately press & hold the shfit key to turn off plug-ins.

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    Do not worry about it. On my book disk (100Gb with 60Gb occupied) spotlight uses the following space:
    big:~ mtsouk$ ls -l /.Spotlight-V100/
    total 278972
    -rw------- 1 root admin 219443200 Apr 15 07:23 ContentIndex.db
    -rw------- 1 root admin 238 Feb 28 18:56 _IndexPolicy.plist
    -rw------- 1 root admin 304 Apr 3 23:42 _exclusions.plist
    -rw------- 1 root admin 378 May 28 2005 _rules.plist
    -rw------- 1 root admin 66211840 Apr 15 07:23 store.db
    big:~ mtsouk$
    Dual G5 @ 2GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

  • Query on  V$STREAMS_APPLY_COORDINATOR used large temp space

    My database recently experience ORA-1652 error consistently on temp tablespace. I found out the query to cause this was an OEM query SELECT APPLY_NAME,TOTAL_RECEIVED,TOTAL_ASSIGNED,TOTAL_APPLIED FROM V$STREAMS_APPLY_COORDINATOR, which uses over than 800M temp space frequently. I am not sure why is this, I can query the same select statement in sqlplus, it returns immeidatly. Can anyone help to teach me on this? Thanks.
    The query to find the user for temp tablespace is.
    SELECT S.sid || ',' || S.serial# sid_serial, S.username, Q.hash_value, Q.sql_text,
    T.blocks * TBS.block_size / 1024 / 1024 mb_used, T.tablespace
    FROM v\$sort_usage T, v\$session S, v\$sqlarea Q, dba_tablespaces TBS
    WHERE T.session_addr = S.saddr
    AND T.sqladdr = Q.address
    AND T.tablespace = TBS.tablespace_name
    ORDER BY mb_used)
    where mb_used >=800;
    I got

    My database recently experience ORA-1652 error consistently on temp tablespace. I found out the query to cause this was an OEM query SELECT APPLY_NAME,TOTAL_RECEIVED,TOTAL_ASSIGNED,TOTAL_APPLIED FROM V$STREAMS_APPLY_COORDINATOR, which uses over than 800M temp space frequently. I am not sure why is this, I can query the same select statement in sqlplus, it returns immeidatly. Can anyone help to teach me on this? Thanks.
    The query to find the user for temp tablespace is.
    SELECT S.sid || ',' || S.serial# sid_serial, S.username, Q.hash_value, Q.sql_text,
    T.blocks * TBS.block_size / 1024 / 1024 mb_used, T.tablespace
    FROM v\$sort_usage T, v\$session S, v\$sqlarea Q, dba_tablespaces TBS
    WHERE T.session_addr = S.saddr
    AND T.sqladdr = Q.address
    AND T.tablespace = TBS.tablespace_name
    ORDER BY mb_used)
    where mb_used >=800;
    I got

  • Temp space problem

    HI all,
    I receive an error while executing a procedure.
    ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEMP
    can any one please exlain what is the problem.
    thanks in advance
    baskar k

    First ORA-01652 may occur because there is simply no space available in the temp tablespace of which is being used. The second cause of ORA-01652 may have to do with the local temp segment not being able to extent space even though there is space in other instances.
    To trouble shoot for ORA-01652, and find out which of the above scenarios are causing ORA-01652 use this query offered by MetaLink:
    select sum(free_blocks)
    from gv$sort_segment
    where tablespace_name = '<TEMP TABLESPACE NAME>'
    You will know that the first scenario is causing ORA-01652 to be thrown if the free block reads '0' because it signifies that there is no free space.
    If there is a good amount of space, you know that there is another cause for ORA-01652, and it is probably the second scenario. It is important to note that in a non-RAC environment, local instances are not able to extend the temp segments, so in the RAC environment, ORA-01652 has to be handled differently. If you are experiencing ORA-01652 in a non-RA environment, be aware that every SQL making use of the tablespace can fail.
    In RAC, more sort segment space can be used from other instances, which can help resolve ORA-01652 more easily. Try using the query below:
    select inst_id, tablespace_name, total_blocks, used_blocks, free_blocks
    from gv$sort_segment;
    Basically, you can then find out how much temp segment space can be used for each instance by viewing the total_blocks, and the used_blocks can reveal the space which has been used so far, and and the free_blocks gives the amount of space allocated to this particular instance. This being, to resolve ORA-01652, you can check out that used_blocks = total_blocks and free_blocks = 0 will probably show for the instance, and ORA-01652 will be shown multiple times within the alert log.
    This basically means that free space from other instances is being requested, and typically signifies that there is instance contention. Instance contention within the temporary space can make the instance take more time to process.
    In sever cases, a slowdown may occur, in which you might want try one of the following work-arounds:
    Increase size of the temp tablespace
    Increase sort_area_size and/or pga_aggregate_target
    However, remember to not use the RAC feature of DEFAULT temp space.
    If ORA-01652 is causing the slowdown, SMON will probably not be able to process the sort segment requests, you you should try to diagnose the contention:
    Output from the following query periodically during the problem:
    select inst_id, tablespace_name, total_blocks, used_blocks, free_blocks
    from gv$sort_segment;
    Global hanganalyze and systemstate dumps
    Hope this helps

  • Consuming too much temp space

    Dear All
    A technical colleague of mine is executing a procedure which selects data from two databases and inserts it into the third one. The procedure is not new and he has been executing the same since a year now.However in past two weeks the procedure is either consuming too much amount of time ( 3-4 hours as against 10-12 mins ) or it fails as it utilises more amount of temp space on the database on which insertions are made. In the temporary tablespace i added about 10gb more but it is still not suffice for the procedure to execute successfully.The sga for the database onto which insertion is done is 2560M and pga for the same is 2G.
    Please suggest what is to be done as it is an extremely crucial procedure.
    Thanks in advance.

    If you have Diagnostic Pack licence try to use AWR to compare instance activity for this procedure execution. If not try to install Statspack.
    I recommend also to use SQL trace to have trace data for a "good" execution and for a "bad" execution and to compare TKPROF output for related trace files.
    If you are using Oracle 10 or 11 try to use DMBS_MONITOR as described in

  • Oracle.sql.BLOB.freeTemporary() is not freeing TEMP space in the database

    Hi Folks,
    We are using oracle.sql.BLOB to store some file information into the database.
    Allocation of the temp space is done as below
    BLOB blob=BLOB.createTemporary(conn, false, BLOB.DURATION_SESSION); // this results in the usage of TEMP space from database
    And subsequent release is done as below
    blob.freeTemporary(); // this should have release the space from the database.
    This is on Oracle 10g, Java 1.6, ojdbc6.jar There are no exceptions. Even a simple program results in the same.
    Anybody faced something similar? Any pointers would be really appreciated.
    Edited by: user10728663 on Oct 11, 2011 5:33 AM

    Thanks a lot for the information.
    Memory is fine. And I am able to reproduce this within the scope of a simple example as well.
    Would you have any reference to the thread which had earlier reported this as a bug. I tried a reasonable amount of search in the forum, but no success.
    Thanks very much for any pointers.

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