Process and dialogs

I am refering to the below article.
But there is no useDialog option on the commandButtons and commandLinks. Is this an outdated document. Or am I missing anything here...
- Gana

The way to get a command button/link to use a dialog is to use a navigation case that starts with "dialog:" If you'd like the dialog to appear in a pop-up window, also set useWindow=true.
Hope this helps,

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    ABAP programming
    Basically reports are used to read database and represent the results in lists.
    Reports are collections of processing blocks that the system calls depending on events.
    We can use reports to evaluate data from database tables.
    Reports are stand alone programs and controlled by events.
    A report itself never creates events
    steps in report:
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    1st u write simple logics, after that u can enhance the code as step by step.
    Dialog Programming
    Structure of a Dialog Program
    A dialog program consists of the following basic components:
    Screens (dynpros)
    Each dialog in an SAP system is controlled by dynpros. A dynpro (DYnamic PROgram) consists of a screen and its flow logic and controls exactly one dialog step. The flow logic determines which processing takes place before displaying the screen (PBO-Process Before Output) and after receiving the entries the user made on the screen (PAI-Process After Input).
    The screen layout fixed in the Screen Painter determines the positions of input/output fields, text fields, and graphical elements such as radio buttons and checkboxes. In addition, the Menu Painter allows to store menus, icons, pushbuttons, and function keys in one or more GUI statuses. Dynpros and GUI statuses refer to the ABAP/4 program that control the sequence of the dynpros and GUI statuses at runtime.
    ABAP/4 module pool
    Each dynpro refers to exactly one ABAP/4 dialog program. Such a dialog program is also called a module pool, since it consists of interactive modules. The flow logic of a dynpro contains calls of modules from the corresponding module pool. Interactive modules called at the PBO event are used to prepare the screen template in accordance to the context, for example by setting field contents or by suppressing fields from the display that are not needed. Interactive modules called at the PAI event are used to check the user input and to trigger appropriate dialog steps, such as the update task.
    All dynpros to be called from within one transaction refer to a common module pool. The dynpros of a module pool are numbered. By default, the system stores for each dynpro the dynpro to be displayed next. This dynpro sequence or chain can be linear as well as cyclic. From within a dynpro chain, you can even call another dynpro chain and, after processing it, return to the original chain.
    Check this link for basics.
    Check this link for Dialog Programming/Table Control
    Check this SAP Help for Dialog Program doc.
    Check this SAP Help link for Subscreens.
    Check this link for subscreen demo program.
    Also check this link too.

  • Slow processing and getting opening errors/warnings

    I've modified the PDF Binder sample to get a plugin that would open PDF's and Tif files, and save them as PDF/A-1b (code below).
    It's working. The problem: it's processing too slow (compared with the Actions batch processing)... and I've been getting warnings/and errors about "The imput file is corrupt or of an unknown/unsupported type" type. This is stopping my batch process until I click OK, and the it continues.
    I am trying to process a few thousand of tif files now. I tried first to use the Batch processing capability built in the Acrobat X... an it works, but only with the first 255 documents in the folder... then gives an "insufficient disk space" message for the rest of the files in the directory.
    So, 2 questions: Does anyone knows why it is so slow processing the tiff files and... how I can make my code "silent" so it does not wait for the OK after the message??
    Thanks in advance.
    The code:
    Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Adobe Systems Incorporated
    All rights reserved.
    NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file
    in accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement
    accompanying it. If you have received this file from a source other
    than Adobe, then your use, modification, or distribution of it
    requires the prior written permission of Adobe.
      \file PDFBinder.cpp
    - Implements a method to convert multiple files into PDFs and bind the PDFs
    into one PDF file. The code shows how to use AVConversionToPDFHandler to
    convert files to PDF and how to use PDDocInsertPages() to combind PDF files.
    // Headers.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    #ifndef MAC_PLATFORM
    #include <direct.h>
    #include "PIHeaders.h"
    // Defines ----------
    // Define this flag to show AVConversionToPDFEnumHandler info. in log file.
    // define this flag to use file type filter 
    #define USE_FILE_FILTER   
    // Message display control.  Ture: display
    ASBool bEcho = true;
    // File location. User can change the following filenames.
        const char* STRING_PDFBinderFolder = "C:\\Fairfax\\Adobe\\in";
        const char* STRING_PDFOutputFolder = "C:\\Fairfax\\Adobe\\PDFA";
        const char* FOLDERSYMBOL="\\";
        const char* STRING_PDFBinderFolder = "/PDFBinder";
        const char* FOLDERSYMBOL="/";
    char* OutputPdfFileName = "PDFBinderOutput.pdf";
    char* LogFileName = "PDFProcessLog.txt";
    static ASInt32 gNumToPDFExt;
    static ASInt32 gNumFromPDFExt;
    static AVConversionFromPDFHandler RightHandler;
    const int MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH = 256;
    char sLogFileName[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
    // Filter -----------
    // Filter is a list of file types which can be converted to PDF in this program.
    // Use a filter may fit user's specific needs and ensure a smooth automation process.
    // Of course, the user can turn off the filter in two ways:
    //   (1) gPDFBinderFileFilter = "";
    //   (2) comment out //USE_FILE_FILTER 
    // The filter should be consistent with the Acrobat viewer's menu capability:
    //   Create PDF from multiple files ...
    // Here we put the types which have been tested, but user can expand it.
    const char* gPDFBinderFileFilter = "pdf,tif,tiff,PDF,TIF,TIFF";
    const int MAX_STRING_LENGTH = 2048;
    AVConversionToPDFHandler gHandler;
    // functions in this file.
    int    ConvertAndInsertFileToPDF(ASPathName aspItem, char* aFileName, PDDoc  PDFfile);
    void BindingFileToPDF(ASPathName aPathName, char* aFilename, ASFileSysItemPropsRec nFileAttrb, PDDoc targetPDdDoc, ASPathName outputPathName, int *ipTotal, int *ipConverted);
    ASBool PassPDFBinderFileFilter(char* filename);
    int    ConvertAndSavePDFInTargetFolder(ASPathName aPathName, char* aFileName, PDDoc PDFfile, ASPathName outputPathName);
    char* NewFileName(char *& aFileName);
    // callbacks
    ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 MyAVConversionToPDFEnumProc(AVConversionToPDFHandler handler, AVConversionEnumProcData data);
    ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 AVConversionToPDFEnumFindHandler(AVConversionToPDFHandler handler, AVConversionEnumProcData data);
    static ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 myAVConversionFromPDFEnumProc(AVConversionFromPDFHandler handler, AVConversionEnumProcData data);
    /**    This sample implements a method to convert multiple files into PDF
      and bind the PDFs into one PDF file .
        This sample shows developers how to grammatically implement To-PDF file
      converson functionality.  Basically, the code uses AVConversionToPDFHandler
      to convert files to PDF and PDDocInsertPages()to combine PDF files.
      This plug-in is designed to run from a menu item, and by setting bEcho = false
      it may be run without any graphics user interface on the screen. Therefore, it 
      can be executed from other programs such as C IAC, VB IAC, and JavaScript
      to meet enterprise workflow needs.
        How to run it :
        - This sample adds a menu item "PDF Binder" under the Acrobat SDK submenu. Two ways to
        execute it: 1) click the menu item to run the program using a fixed file location
        hard coded; 2) press the shift key and click the menu item to choose a folder where
        files to be converted are located.
        - Without folder selection, this original code is to convert and bind files in a
        directory    C\test\PDFBinder for Win, or a folder   MacHD:test:PDFBinder for Mac.
        You can copy the test files in the project's testfiles folder to the appropriate location 
        for testing. You may locate files to be converted in another directory/folder, and
        specify the location in the string variable PDFBinderFolder in the code.
        - When you have the files to be converted ready in the specified location,
        run Acrobat 6 menu Advanced->AcrobatSDK->PDF Binder to start the operation.  There are
        echo messages informing you of the operation start and end, but you can change and
        rebuild the code to turn off the display on screen.
        - An output file PDFBinderOutput.pdf in the same location is created
        when the program succeeds. A text log file  PDFBinderLog.txt in the same
        location records the process and results.
        -  You can set bEch = false in the code to turn off any display on the screen.
        This is necessary when you  call the menu function from within other programs
        of C IAC, VB IAC, JavaScript. 
        -  An optional file filter is used to pre-process the files. The filter only allows
        the files with predefined types to be processed. You can change the file type list
        as you wish. Using a filter may ensure a smooth automation process, since you can put
        only well-tested file types in the filter. To turn off the filter, you can set
        gPDFBinderFileFilter = "" or not to define USE_FILE_FILTER 
        - Note this is a sample only, developers need to make further improvement for
        their actual use. For example, you can set up a list of files to use the method for
        the conversion and binding. And you can add code to handle special file types.
          @see AVConversionConvertToPDFWithHandler
        @see AVConversionEnumToPDFConverters
        @see ASFileSysDestroyFolderIterator
        @see PDDocOpen
        @see PDDocClose
        @see PDDocInsertPages
        @see PDDocCreatePage
        @see PDDocDeletePages
        @see PDPageRelease
        @see ASFileSysCreatePathName
        @see ASFileSysFirstFolderItem
        @see ASFileSysNextFolderItem
        @see ASFileSysGetNameFromPath
        @see ASFileSysReleasePath
    ACCB1 void ACCB2 PDFBinderCommand(void*)
        // if the menu item clicked with Shift key pressed down, go to interactive mode.
        // let the user to choose a folder and process all the file in the folder.
        ASText dispText = ASTextNew();
        char PDFBinderFolder[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
        ASBool shiftKeyIsDown = ((AVSysGetModifiers() & AV_SHIFT) != 0);
        if(shiftKeyIsDown) {
            AVOpenSaveDialogParamsRec dialogParams;
            // Configure the dialog box parameters.
            memset (&dialogParams, 0, sizeof (AVOpenSaveDialogParamsRec));
            dialogParams.size = sizeof(AVOpenSaveDialogParamsRec);
            dialogParams.windowTitle = ASTextFromScriptText("Choose folder with files to bind",kASRomanScript);
            dialogParams.flags |= kAVOpenSaveAllowForeignFileSystems;
            dialogParams.initialFileSys = ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys();
            ASPathName thePath;
            ASFileSys fileSys;
            if(ASBoolToBool(AVAppChooseFolderDialog(&dialogParams, &fileSys, &thePath)) != true){
                //AVAlertNote("Failed to select the folder");
    #ifdef WIN_PLATFORM       
            ASFileSysDisplayASTextFromPath(ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(), thePath, dispText);
            ASHostEncoding bestEnc = ASTextGetBestEncoding(dispText, (ASHostEncoding)PDGetHostEncoding());
            strncpy(PDFBinderFolder, ASTextGetEncoded(dispText, bestEnc), MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 1);
            ASPlatformPath aspPath;
            ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPath(fileSys, thePath, ASAtomFromString("POSIXPath"), &aspPath);
            strncpy(PDFBinderFolder, (char *)ASPlatformPathGetPOSIXPathPtr(aspPath), MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 1);
            ASFileSysReleasePlatformPath(fileSys, aspPath);
            // remove extra path separator
            char e = PDFBinderFolder[strlen(PDFBinderFolder)-1];
            if(e == ':' || e == '/')
            dispText = ASTextFromScriptText(PDFBinderFolder, kASEUnicodeScript);
            ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, thePath);
        // Otherwise, the hard coded file path will be used.
        else {
            strcpy(PDFBinderFolder, STRING_PDFBinderFolder);
            dispText = ASTextFromScriptText(PDFBinderFolder, kASRomanScript);
        // instruction message
        char strMsg[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = "";
        sprintf(strMsg, "This function will convert and process Tiff and PDF files in the selected directory. ");
        strcat(strMsg, " You need to copy your files in C:\\Fairfax\\Adobe\\in directory." );
        strcat(strMsg, " Files will be processed into C:\\Fairfax\\Adobe\\PDFA directory." );
        strcat(strMsg, " If you are ready, click OK to continue, or click Cancel to quit. " );
        strcat(strMsg, " \nNote you can press down Shift key and click the menu item to have a folder selection. " );
        strcat(strMsg, " \nNote you can turn off the echo message by setting bEcho = false and rebuild the code. " );
            ASInt32 choice = AVAlert(ALERT_CAUTION, strMsg, "OK", "Cancel", NULL, true);
            if(choice==2) {
        // create a new target pdf file with one empty page
        PDDoc TargetPDF = PDDocCreate();
        ASFixedRect mediaBox = { fixedZero, ASInt32ToFixed(792), ASInt32ToFixed(612), fixedZero };
        PDPage emptyPage = PDDocCreatePage (TargetPDF, PDBeforeFirstPage, mediaBox);
        PDPageRelease (emptyPage);
        //     get available headlers and set our file filter
        char ValidExt[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
        memset(ValidExt, 0, MAX_STRING_LENGTH);
        // enumerate AVConversioToPDF handlers to get all available file
        // types which can be converted to PDF.
        AVConversionEnumToPDFConverters(MyAVConversionToPDFEnumProc, (AVConversionEnumProcData) ValidExt);
        //AVAlertNote("Converters Defined");
    #ifdef USE_FILE_FILTER    
        // set File filter
        strcpy(ValidExt, gPDFBinderFileFilter);
        // process all files in the directory
        int iNumFiles = 0;
        int iNumFilesConverted = 0;
        char* Done = "Converted";
        char* NotDone = " - ";
        char fileName[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH+1];
        ASFileSysItemPropsRec props;
        ASFolderIterator iter;
        ASPathName aspItem = NULL;
        memset(&props, 0, sizeof(props));
        props.size = sizeof(props);
        //AVAlertNote("Props Defined");
        ASPathName theFolder = NULL;
        ASFileSys fileSys = NULL;
    #ifdef WIN_PLATFORM   
        fileSys = ASGetDefaultFileSysForPath(ASAtomFromString("ASTextPath"), dispText);
        theFolder = ASFileSysCreatePathName (fileSys, ASAtomFromString("ASTextPath"), dispText, 0);
        //AVAlertNote("FileSys and Folder Defined");
        fileSys = ASGetDefaultFileSysForPath(ASAtomFromString("POSIXPath"), PDFBinderFolder);
        theFolder = ASFileSysCreatePathName (fileSys,
                                ASAtomFromString("POSIXPath"), PDFBinderFolder, 0);
        if (theFolder==NULL) {
            //AVAlertNote("Fail to create ASPathName for the selected folder.");
        // Find first file in current directory
        if((iter = ASFileSysFirstFolderItem(fileSys, theFolder, &props, &aspItem))==FALSE) {
            //AVAlertNote("This is either an invalid folder or the folder contains no files.");
        ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, theFolder);
        //AVAlertNote("Folder Released");
        // get filename only
        if(ASFileSysGetNameFromPath(fileSys, aspItem, fileName, sizeof(fileName))) {
            // exception handling
            char errorMsg[256];
            ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
            if(aspItem!=NULL) ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, aspItem);
            if(theFolder!=NULL) ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, theFolder);
            // display an error message.
            if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho)==true) {
                AVAlertNote (errorMsg);
        // go to binding if it's a valid type of file
        if(props.type == kASFileSysFile && PassPDFBinderFileFilter(fileName)) {
            char outFileName[] = "";
            //strcat(outFileName, STRING_PDFOutputFolder);
            //strcat(outFileName, FOLDERSYMBOL);
            //strcat(outFileName, fileName);
            strcat(outFileName, STRING_PDFOutputFolder);
            strcat(outFileName, FOLDERSYMBOL);
            strcat(outFileName, fileName);
            ASPathName outputFileName = ASFileSysCreatePathName (ASGetDefaultFileSys(), ASAtomFromString("Cstring"), outFileName, 0);
            BindingFileToPDF(aspItem, fileName, props, TargetPDF, outputFileName ,&iNumFiles, &iNumFilesConverted);
            //AVAlertNote("File Processed");
        ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, aspItem);
        // process all other files 
        while(ASFileSysNextFolderItem(fileSys, iter, &props, &aspItem)) {
            // get filename only
            if(ASFileSysGetNameFromPath(fileSys, aspItem, fileName, sizeof(fileName))) {
            // go to binding if it's a valid type of file
            if(props.type == kASFileSysFile && PassPDFBinderFileFilter(fileName))  {
                char outFileName[] = "";
                //strcat(outFileName, STRING_PDFOutputFolder);
                //strcat(outFileName, FOLDERSYMBOL);
                //strcat(outFileName, fileName);
                strcat(outFileName, STRING_PDFOutputFolder);
                strcat(outFileName, FOLDERSYMBOL);
                strcat(outFileName, fileName);
                ASPathName outputFileName = ASFileSysCreatePathName (ASGetDefaultFileSys(), ASAtomFromString("Cstring"), outFileName, 0);
                BindingFileToPDF(aspItem, fileName, props, TargetPDF, outputFileName, &iNumFiles, &iNumFilesConverted);
                //AVAlertNote("File Processed");
            ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, aspItem);
        ASPathName pdfPathName = NULL;
        // close the findfile
        ASFileSysDestroyFolderIterator(fileSys, iter);
        // save and close the output pdf file
        // create path
        ASText pathText = ASTextNew();
            ASTextFromScriptText(FOLDERSYMBOL, kASRomanScript),
            ASTextFromScriptText(OutputPdfFileName, kASRomanScript),
    #ifdef WIN_PLATFORM
        ASFileSys fileSys = ASGetDefaultFileSysForPath(ASAtomFromString("ASTextPath"), pathText);
        pdfPathName = ASFileSysCreatePathName (fileSys,
                                ASAtomFromString("ASTextPath"), pathText, 0);
        char path[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
        strncpy(path, ASTextGetEncoded(pathText,
            ASTextGetBestEncoding(pathText, (ASHostEncoding)PDGetHostEncoding())), MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 1);
        ASFileSys fileSys = ASGetDefaultFileSysForPath(ASAtomFromString("POSIXPath"), path);
        pdfPathName = ASFileSysCreatePathName (fileSys,
                                ASAtomFromString("POSIXPath"), path, 0);   
        if(pdfPathName==NULL) {
        // delete the empty page
        if(PDDocGetNumPages(TargetPDF)>1) {
            PDDocDeletePages (TargetPDF, 0,0,NULL, NULL);
        // save
        //PDDocSave (TargetPDF, PDSaveFull | PDSaveCollectGarbage | PDSaveLinearized,
        //            pdfPathName, ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(),    NULL, NULL);
        PDDocClose (TargetPDF);
        //ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, pdfPathName);
            // exception handling
            char errorMsg[256];
            ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
            if(pdfPathName!=NULL) ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, pdfPathName);
            // display an error message.
            if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho)==true) {
                AVAlertNote (errorMsg);
        // use this line to show the massage on screen if you need
        //if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho)==true) {
        AVAlertNote ("Folder Completed. PDF/A Output files generated.");
    /* ConvertAndInsertFileToPDF
    /** Internal function \n
    ** Convert a file to PDF, then insert it to target PDF file.
    ** @param aFileName IN  char string, filename.
    ** @param PDFfile IN/OUT PDDoc of the target PDF file.
    ** @return 0 if OK, 1 if failed.
    int    ConvertAndInsertFileToPDF(ASPathName aPathName, char* aFileName, PDDoc PDFfile)
        PDDoc tempPDF;
        char* Ext;
            // get file extention
            Ext = strrchr(aFileName,'.');
            if(Ext) {
            else {
                E_RETURN (1);
            // if the file is PDF, open PDDoc
            if(strcmp(Ext,"PDF")==0 || strcmp(Ext,"pdf")==0) {
                tempPDF = PDDocOpen (aPathName, ASGetDefaultFileSys(), NULL, true);
                if(tempPDF==NULL) {
                    E_RETURN (1);
            // else convert it to PDF
                // let it automatically find right handler for the file and do the job.
                AVConversionStatus stat = AVConversionConvertToPDF
                    (kAVConversionAsyncOkay, //kAVConversionNoFlags
                      aPathName, ASGetDefaultFileSys(), &tempPDF, NULL);
                // check if successful
                if(stat != kAVConversionSuccess) {
                    //AVAlertNote("Cannot convert the file.");
                    E_RETURN (1);
            // exception handling
            char errorMsg[256];
            ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
            // display an error message.
            if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho) == true) {
                AVAlertNote (errorMsg);
            return 1;
        // insert new PDF into target PDF
            // insert all pages of new pdfc to TargetPDFfile.
            PDDocInsertPages(PDFfile, PDLastPage, tempPDF, 0,
                            PDAllPages, PDInsertAll, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
             char errorMsg[256];
            ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
            if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho)==true) {
            if(strcmp(Ext,"doc")==0) {
                char fname[40];
            return 0;
    /* MyAVConversionToPDFEnumProc
    /** Internal callback function \n
    ** called for every AVConversionToPDFHandler.
    ** get the valid type (file extention) for the conversion. 
    ** @return true.
    ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 MyAVConversionToPDFEnumProc(AVConversionToPDFHandler handler,
                                                 AVConversionEnumProcData data)
        ASUns16 numFileExt = handler->convFilter.numFileDescs;
        for (int i = 0; i < numFileExt; i++) {
            char* ext = handler->convFilter.fileDescs[i].extension;
            if(strlen(ext)>0) {
                strcat((char*) data, ext);
                strcat((char*) data, ",");
        return true;
    /* this is alternative code to get right conversion handler for a specific file
       to be converted. It works with function AVConversionConvertToPDFWithHandler.
       It's not used now, but kept for user's reference.
    ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 AVConversionToPDFEnumFindHandler(AVConversionToPDFHandler handler,
                                                 AVConversionEnumProcData data)
        ASUns16 numFileExt = handler->convFilter.numFileDescs;
        for ( int i = 0; i < numFileExt; i++)
            char* ext = handler->convFilter.fileDescs[i].extension;
            if(strlen(ext)) {
                if(!strcmp((char*) data, ext)) {
                    gHandler = handler;
                    return false;
        return true;
    /* BindingFileToPDF
    /** Internal callback function for binding process \n
    ** IN: char* aFilename, ASFileSysItemPropsRec nFileAttrb \n
    **     PDDoc targetPDdDoc, int *ipTotal, \n
    **     int *ipConverted, FILE *logfile \n
    ** OUT: int *ipTotal, int *ipConverted. \n
    void BindingFileToPDF(ASPathName aPathName, char* aFilename, ASFileSysItemPropsRec nFileAttrb, PDDoc targetPDdDoc, ASPathName outputPathName, int *ipTotal, int *ipConverted)
        // ignore system, hidden files, and our target PDF and log file.
        if( nFileAttrb.isHidden 
            || (strcmp(aFilename,".")==0) || (strcmp(aFilename,".." )==0)
            || (strcmp(aFilename,OutputPdfFileName)==0) || (strcmp(aFilename,LogFileName)==0)) {
        char msg[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = "";
        char* Done = "Converted";
        char* NotDone = " - ";
        // try to convert and insert it to target PDF file.
        // rc would be 0 for success, otherwise 1.
        int rc = ConvertAndSavePDFInTargetFolder(aPathName, aFilename, targetPDdDoc, outputPathName);
        // if converted
        if(rc==0) {
    /* PassPDFBinderFileFilter
    /** Internal callback function for binding process
    ** @return true if the IN aFilename is a valid file for PDF conversion,
    ** otherwise false.
    ASBool PassPDFBinderFileFilter(char* aFilename)
    #ifdef USE_FILE_FILTER
        // if the filter is empty, any file will pass.
            return true;
        char* Ext = strrchr(aFilename,'.');
        if(Ext!=NULL) {
            if(strstr(gPDFBinderFileFilter, Ext)) {
                return true;
        return false;
            // not use filter, any file will pass.
            return true;
    /* ConvertAndInsertFileToPDF
    /** Internal function \n
    ** Convert a file to PDF, then insert it to target PDF file.
    ** @param aFileName IN  char string, filename.
    ** @param PDFfile IN/OUT PDDoc of the target PDF file.
    ** @return 0 if OK, 1 if failed.
    int    ConvertAndSavePDFInTargetFolder(ASPathName aPathName, char* aFileName, PDDoc PDFfile, ASPathName outputPathName)
        PDDoc tempPDF;
        char* Ext;
            // get file extention
            Ext = strrchr(aFileName,'.');
            if(Ext) {
            else {
                E_RETURN (1);
            // if the file is PDF, open PDDoc
            if(strcmp(Ext,"PDF")==0 || strcmp(Ext,"pdf")==0) {
                tempPDF = PDDocOpen (aPathName, ASGetDefaultFileSys(), NULL, true);
                if(tempPDF==NULL) {
                    E_RETURN (1);
            // else convert it to PDF
                // let it automatically find right handler for the file and do the job.
                AVConversionStatus stat = AVConversionConvertToPDF
                    (kAVConversionAsyncOkay, //kAVConversionNoFlags
                      aPathName, ASGetDefaultFileSys(), &tempPDF, NULL);
                // check if successful
                if(stat != kAVConversionSuccess) {
                    //AVAlertNote("Cannot convert the file.");
                    E_RETURN (1);
                else {
                    //change Extension
                    ASText asTmp = ASTextNew();
                    ASFileSysDisplayASTextFromPath(ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(), outputPathName, asTmp);
                    //AVAlertNote(ASTextGetScriptText(asTmp, kASRomanScript));
                    if(strcmp(Ext,"TIF")==0 || strcmp(Ext,"tif")==0){
                        ASTextReplace(asTmp, ASTextFromScriptText(".tif", kASRomanScript), ASTextFromScriptText(".pdf", kASRomanScript));
                    } else {
                        ASTextReplace(asTmp, ASTextFromScriptText(".tiff", kASRomanScript), ASTextFromScriptText(".pdf", kASRomanScript));
                    //AVAlertNote(ASTextGetScriptText(asTmp, kASRomanScript));
                    outputPathName = ASFileSysCreatePathName (ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(), ASAtomFromString("ASTextPath"), asTmp, 0);
            // exception handling
            char errorMsg[256];
            ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
            // display an error message.
            if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho) == true) {
                AVAlertNote (errorMsg);
            return 1;
        // Run OCR and Save new PDF into target PDF
            //    OCR
            ASAtom cmdName;
            AVCommand cmd;
            ASCab config = ASCabNew();
            ASCabPutInt (config, "UIPolicy", kAVCommandUISilent);       //hide the interface
            if (kAVCommandReady ==     AVCommandSetConfig (cmd, config)) {
                //AVAlertNote("Config Ready");
            ASCab inputs = ASCabNew();
            ASCabPutPointer (inputs, kAVCommandKeyPDDoc, PDDoc, tempPDF, NULL);
            if (kAVCommandReady == AVCommandSetInputs (cmd, inputs)) {
                //AVAlertNote("Input Ready");
            ASCabDestroy (inputs);
            AVCommandStatus status = AVCommandExecute(cmd);
                        //switch (status) {
                        //    case kAVCommandReady :
                        //        AVAlertNote("Not working, but ready to work.");
                        //        break;
                        //    case kAVCommandWorking :
                        //        AVAlertNote("Still working");
                        //        break;   
                        //    case kAVCommandDone :
                        //        AVAlertNote("Done working");
                        //        break;   
                        //    case kAVCommandInError :
                        //        AVAlertNote("In Error");
                        //        break;       
                        //    case kAVCommandNotExecuted :
                        //        AVAlertNote("Command not executed due to lack of objects on which the command to be executed");
                        //        break;
            //PDDocSave (tempPDF, PDSaveFull | PDSaveCollectGarbage | PDSaveLinearized, outputPathName, ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(),    NULL, NULL);
            //Convert to PDF/A Compliance
            //Select the right handler
            AVConversionEnumFromPDFConverters(myAVConversionFromPDFEnumProc, NULL);
            // do conversion
            AVConversionStatus stat = AVConversionConvertFromPDFWithHandler(RightHandler, NULL, kAVConversionAsyncOkay, tempPDF, outputPathName,  ASGetDefaultFileSys(), NULL);
            // check the returned status and show message
            //if (stat == kAVConversionSuccess)
            //                AVAlertNote( "The PDF/A file was saved in output folder." );
            //else if (stat == kAVConversionFailed)
            //                AVAlertNote( "The PDF/A conversion failed." );
            //else if (stat == kAVConversionSuccessAsync)
            //                AVAlertNote( "The conversion will continue asynchronously." );
            //else if (stat == kAVConversionCancelled)
            //                AVAlertNote( "The conversion was cancelled." );
            //PDDocSave (tempPDF, PDSaveFull | PDSaveCollectGarbage | PDSaveLinearized, outputPathName, ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(), NULL, NULL);
            ASFileSysReleasePath(ASGetDefaultFileSys(), outputPathName);
             char errorMsg[256];
            ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
            if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho)==true) {
            if(strcmp(Ext,"doc")==0) {
                char fname[40];
            return 0;
    //Select the appropiate handler for the PDF/A conversion
    static ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 myAVConversionFromPDFEnumProc(AVConversionFromPDFHandler handler, AVConversionEnumProcData data)
        AVFileFilterRec filter = handler->convFilter;
        ASUns16 numFileExt = filter.numFileDescs;
        char *kUniqueID = handler->uniqueID;
        // go through the conversion handlers to find a handler for PDF extension files and the unique key matches the PDF/A one.
        for  (ASInt32  i = 0; i < numFileExt; i++)
            if  (strlen(handler->convFilter.fileDescs[i].extension)>0)
                // found it, fill in the handler and return false to stop going on.
                if (!strcmp(handler->convFilter.fileDescs[i].extension, "pdf") && !strcmp(kUniqueID,"com.callas.preflight.pdfa")) {
                    RightHandler = handler;
                    return  false ;
        return true;

    There are some options for various APIs to run "kinda silent" - but again, Acrobat is designed for INTERACTIVE use…so "completely silent" isn't really an option.
    As for speed – you'd need to be MUCH MORE specific about where your slow downs are.  Have you profiled?
    From: Adobe Forums <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Reply-To: "[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 07:39:08 -0800
    To: Leonard Rosenthol <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Subject: Slow processing and getting opening errors/warnings
    Re: Slow processing and getting opening errors/warnings
    created by FFX-ER<> in Acrobat SDK - View the full discussion<

  • Back ground processes, dialogue processes and Process chains

    Hai all,
               I am going through making process chains and I am struck with one thing:
    "How many background process chains and dialogue processes you have during run time"
    This is the problem. I understood everything else except this.The concept says that I have to know what is the capacity of the system, how many background and dialogue processes it could accomodate, how many are left and how many you can use for your process chain.How do we find out this? and could somebody please explain me or refer to documentation about the Back ground processes, dialogue processes and Process chains.

    Hi Visu,
      You can see the number of dialog and background processes by using transaction SM51 and then double clicking on the server (we only have one but it may be different for each). Our BASIS folks take care of the number of processes as well. And, for us we have a schedule that changes the number at a certain time of day because you tend to need more dialog during the day but more batch at night.
      The transaction to look at and change the settings is RZ03. Then use the menu path Edit->Operation Modes you can select either Configuration or Timetable here. Both give information in different ways. I tend to double click around to see what it might tell me.
      I hope this helps a bit,

  • Unable to kill work process and user sessions.

    Hi Gurus,
    Iam facing a different problem in my prd system.Dialog process of a particular user has been running continuosly for long time, when i killed it with cancel with core or with out core option in sm50 still it is starting automatically on different PID and going in to loop.Even though user is not logged in and no back ground jobs are running still the process is running on its own.Even i tried killing the PID from OS level using DPMON but was of no help.
      I tried to kill the user session and log him out from sm04 from it was not happening, locked the user also but was of no help.
    Has anybody faced this situation?Is there any option excluding restarting the system to solve this issue.

    Hi Prashant,
    In case of multiple instances you have to log off the user from system wide select this option from SM04 while deleting user session again look for the action in SM50 for the process and if possible get details by activating trace from ST05 and filter with user, wp.

  • Problem with leave to list-processing and return to screen

    Hi all,
    I am designing a screen in which I have provided a pushbutton which will allow the user to upload (via BDC) the price list to VK11 transaction. And consequently, after upload the BDC message will be captured and displayed as an ALV list. for this, I am using leave to list-processing and return to screen 100 statement.
    My problem is, when I return from the alv list screen by pressing back/any button the called screen 100 is displayed as a dialog window. but actually the screen 100 is a normal screen.
    How can I rectify this problem?

    i think the below link will clear your problem.

  • Difference between business process, sales process and order process

    what is the difference between business process, sales process and order process?

    Dear Gopala,
    business process is a general definition of the process which you have:
    for example, you get an order, you have no goods, but you can produce them, you start an assambly processing, the production order will be created, then the goods will be prepatred, then the delivery will be created, the goods issue booked then your customer gets thwe goods and send the delivery confirmation, you create an invoice etc.etc.
    sales process is a part of  a business process.
    Sales process shows how you sell the goods, there are different sales document  categories to do this: sales orders, contracts, scheduling agreements etc.
    order process is only one of possibilities of the sales process.
    Order process is used if you get really a one-time (or at lease not on a regular basis many times) the simple orders where your customer says what goods he would like to receive and when. Then you create a sales order (in dialog transaction VA01) and can create a delivery. There are different types of sales orders in the standard. The customizing of sales order types is available under the transaction VOV8.
    I hope, this info help you a little bit further to understand SD design.
    Kind regards,
    Akmal Vakhidov
    Development Support SD, SAP

  • Differences in Background jobs and Dialog jobs

    Hi everyone,
    I am new to SAP and would like a little clarification regarding what is meant by Background jobs and Dialog jobs/processes. We had a situation at our client location where the system got completely bogged down to the point that it almost froze and many of the process chains were failing in BI. As per the basis team, the jobs were triggered as "dialog jobs" instead of "background" jobs which caused a heavy load on the system.
    What is the difference? What happens when the jobs are run in the background or as dialog? Can both be checked in SM37?
    Points will be awarded

    **Dialog Work process:** The Dialog work process fulfill all requests for the execution of dialog steps triggered by an active user. The dialog work process are not used for request which take long time and which use more cpu. Every dispatcher requires at least two dialog work processes. The dialog work process default time is 300 secs. If the dialog work process does not respond in this time, it will be terminated. Also dialog work process are multiplexed to handle large no of user request.
    **Background Work process:** The background work processes execute programs that run without user interaction. At least two background work processes are required per SAP system. More than one background work processes can be configured per dispatcher. Usually the background work process are used for carrying jobs that take long time to finish, like client copy, client transport etc.., . There are two types of background work process. They are A type and B type. A type background work process are used for mission critical jobs. Background jobs of priority a have high priority than B type back ground jobs.
    you can check your job using tcode SM50.

  • Process and save a picture

    I tryed to make a code with Labview to process and save a picture.
    I have 2 cameras, connected to a CVS, and I want to save only the red, so I created a Labview code to extract only the red with Vision Assistant, and I add this to the exemple call "snap an save to".
    But when I tried to run the program I have the folowwing message: loaded with errors on the target and was closed.
    LabVIEW: Failed to load shared library imaq.dll:imgSetAttributeFromVoidPtr:C. Ensure that the library is present on the RT target. Use either MAX to install NI software or FTP to transfer custom libraries to the RT target.
    LabVIEW: Failed to load shared library imaq.dll:imgGetAttribute:C. Ensure that the library is present on the RT target. Use either MAX to install NI software or FTP to transfer custom libraries to the RT target.
     What can I do for that?
    I join the image of the program and the file
    Thank you for your hepl
    Snap and Save ‏74 KB

    Hello mcatieau,
    Can you run any example Vision-related code?
    Can you try one of the simple "Grab" examples of the NI Example Finder (eg. "Grab.VI") to see if it works?
    Did you always get this error with all Vision-code/applications?
    I haven't personally seen/experienced this error before, so it might be that the error is (like mentioned in the message) due to some incorrectly installed software on the RT Target (CVS).
    There are also a few things that I wouldn't expect one to try to run on a RT system.
    The one that "bothered" me the most are the Dialog Boxes.
    These should not be used on a RT system like CVS, but these will not cause the error you're seeing.
    Do you have much experience with writing RT Applications (for the CVS)?
    Kind Regards,
    Thierry C - Applications Engineering Specialist Northern European Region - National Instruments
    CLD, CTA
    If someone helped you, let them know. Mark as solved and/or give a kudo.

  • Update Process Version Dialog Box (2010 Process)

    How do I get this box back (it seems to have disappeared) only allowing me to update one photo at a time? I also tried copying the development setting by applying only the process setting check box (for an updated photo) but that doesn't seem to work either.

    Go to Preferences, in the General tab, and click on "reset all warnings".  That should make the Update Process Version dialog appear again.
    You can also select all your images in Library grid and go to the Photo menu, choose "Develop Settings" then "Update to Current Process (2010)" to update multiple images at once.

  • Renewal process and solicitations

    OK, since there seems to be no real people engaged in customer facing dialog these days I'll take the long shot at resolution by posting in here.
    Two isssues:
    I am primarily concerned with my skype-in number but the problems appear to be system wide.
    1)  I do not want automated renewals to charge any of my credit or debit cards.  Never ever.  Not only with Skype but everywhere.  If I am happy with the service anf still have need of it at renewal time I will happily renew with the payment mechanism of my choice.  It is I who must manage my account balances, not some unknown automated money grabbing machine.
    2)  My account here and most all of my financial accounts are registered to my legal USA address.  My Skype-in number uses the area code for that address.  Therefore most all of my communication is done using American English.  However I spend most of my time living in Latin America and connecting through Latin American services (Mexico and present, Central America at other times).
    Why do you keep sending renewal announcements and solicitations in Spanish?  Just because I'm connecting through an international ISP does not imply that I want or will respond to messages in my non-native language.

    As far as I understand, process and initiate are just naming conventions. What really makes the difference is that, for sync processes you have a single portType with an input/output operation, and for async processes you have two portType definitions, each one containing an input only operation.
    For sync processes, the requestor makes the call and waits for the response, using the same channel (same port).
    For async processes, the requestor makes the call in one port and forget about it. Later on, a callback can be generated through the other port type as a means of notifying the requestor back in an async way.

  • Differences between ABAP Programming and Dialog Programming

    Can any one explain me the Differences between ABAP Programming and Dialog Programming

    An ABAP program consists of individual ABAP statements. Each statement begins with a keyword and ends with a period.
    WRITE 'My First Program'.
    This example contains two statements, one on each line. The keywords are PROGRAM and WRITE. The program displays a list on the screen. In this case, the list consists of the line "My First Program".
    The keyword determines the category of the statement. For an overview of the different categories, refer to ABAP Statements.
    You can execute different parts of programs conditionally or in loops using the standard keywords IF, CASE, DO, and WHILE.
    When controlling the flow of an ABAP program, remember that the structure of the program is made up of processing blocks that cannot be nested. This section describes how to control the flow of a program within a processing block. The keywords covered here do not allow you to branch outside the processing block in which you use them. You can regard this as internal control of an ABAP program, as opposed to the external control provided by events in the ABAP runtime environment.
    To control the internal flow of a processing block, you can use control structures to divide it up into smaller statement blocks according to the principles of structured programming.
    This is a classical programming method that is based on dynpros and dialog transactions.
    Classic Application Programming
    Separating the application layer from the presentation layer means that when you run an ABAP application program requiring user interaction, control of the program is continually passed backwards and forwards between these layers. While a screen is ready for input, the corresponding SAP GUI of the presentation layer is active. During this time, the application layer is not active for the application program. Therefore, the ABAP application servers are free for other tasks. Once the user has entered data on the screen, program control passes back to the application layer. Now, the presentation layer is inactive. The SAP GUI is still visible to the user during this time, and it is still displaying the screen, but it cannot accept user input. The SAP GUI does not become active again until the application program has called a new screen and sent it to the presentation server.
    Consequently, if you use this method, you need to divide dialog programs into single dialog steps, with each of these steps comprising the programming logic between two successive screens.

  • When I plug in my iPhone to sync, it starts but does not complete the process and several pieces of data are not being transferred to my iPhone from my MacBook Air.

    When I plug in my iPhone to sync, it starts but does not complete the process and several pieces of data are not being transferred to my iPhone from my MacBook Air.
    Any help that you can provide in helping my iPhone accurately sync with iPhoto and iTunes will be greatly appreciated.
    1)   Sync:  It’s not completing the sync.  Below, I’ve provided all of my settings from the iTunes Summary tab so that you might tell me if I’ve selected any incorrect options.  I prefer to sync the “old school” way – by connecting to the computer – as opposed to syncing over the cloud. Perhaps this is what’s causing the problem? Here is a list of the steps displayed in the iTunes window as the sync progresses:
    waiting for sync to start (step 1 of 7)
    backing up (step 2 of 7)
    preparing to sync (step 3 of 7)
    determining apps to sync (step 4 of 7)
    preparing apps to sync (step 5 of 7)
    importing photos (step 6 of 7)
    waiting for changes to be applied (step 7 of 7)
    syncing apps / copying 1 of 4 (App name) (step 7 of 7)
    canceling sync
    apple icon
    2)   Photos: I've selected only certain of my iPhoto albums to sync to my iPhone.  All of the albums are correct/complete in iPhoto.  All of the albums are listed on my iPhone, both before and after the sync, but the albums are empty (no actual photos) before and after the sync. Perhaps this is tied to the fact that the sync isn’t completing, but because “importing photos” is one of the steps that the incomplete sync displays, I don’t know.
    3)   Apps: When I launch iTunes and click on the Apps folder under the Library listing, then click on the Updates tab, iTunes searches for any Apps needing to be updated and provides a list.  If I click on Update All, the Apps are successfully updated in iTunes.  But, when I plug in my iPhone so that the updates will transfer to the apps on my iPhone, the updates don’t transfer to the apps on my iPhone and those apps still reflect that they need updating on the iPhone.
    Other Potential Pertinent Info:
    The flash memory hard drive on my MacBook Air recently died (perhaps a month or two ago).  Apple had emailed me about a known issue and literally the next day, my MacBook Air crashed.  I installed a new flash memory drive and re-installed everything from a backup off of an external hard drive.  Everything seems to be working fine; it recreated accurately all of my software and data, including iPhoto and iTunes, the pictures and songs (respectively) for which are stored on that hard drive, as opposed to being on the flash memory in the MacBook Air itself.  However, I don’t recall if the start of the sync problem described herein started happening at the same time that I replaced the flash memory drive.  All I know is that the computer is working perfectly in all respects and that even as the sync is failing, it at least says that it’s doing the right things and looking in the right places (e.g., the list of albums on my iPhone matches the list of albums in iTunes, etc.).
    MacBook Air
    OSX v. 10.9
    iPhoto ’11 v. 9.5 (902.7)
    iPhone iOS 7.0.4
    iTunes v. 11.1.3 (8)
    Summary Tab
    Backups (This Computer)
    Automatically sync when this iPhone is connected
    Sync only checked songs and videos
    Photos Tab
    Sync Photos from iPhoto (429 Photos)
    Selected albums, Events, and Faces, and automatically include (no Events)
    Albums – 9 are selected

    You need to download iTunes on your computer. iOS 6 requires the latest version of iTunes which is 10.7.

  • Third Party Process and Inventory

    We are using the SAP function "Third-Party Processing". We are using the function in it's standard (SAP R/3 4.7).
    The auditor now has the following issue: Shipping the goods starts after paying the goods. Out of this, while shipping the goods, we are the owner of them. In this circumstance the ship is our warehouse.
    SAP does not allow an Inventory Management within Third-Party Processing:
    "Since a third-party order involves a movement from the vendor direct to the customer, Inventory Management is not in any way affected. If you wish to document the movement in the system, however, you can create a goods receipt for the third-party order."
    With the SAP functions in this scenario it is correct that the warehouse stock is not being impacted. This is a conflict with the opinion of the auditor.
    Let me explain in detail what is wrong out of the view of our auditor:
    For example we initiated the order of a customer in June and we have paid the goods in June. The shipment starts in June and the goods will arive in July. Due to the fact, that we are the owner of the goods on the ship, we have to increase the stock. This is the opinion of our auditor.
    Does any body know, how to solve the issue? How do you manage Third Party Processing & Inventory?

    Some auditors just dont understand the SAP process. Instead of talking to weak users, they should talk to SAP directly.
    What about shipments from standard sales orders that are shipped end of June and do arrive at the customer in July?
    When do you bill your customer? when the goods arrives there, or earlier? Depending on the Incoterms you may still be the owner until the truck is unloaded.
    If you change your process and post goods receipt to your warehouse, then you show inventory where no physical inventory is, you posted a goods receipt without a physical receipt. I am sure the next auditor will not allow such therotical process.
    Get together, IT consultants of FI and MM and SD, strong business people for the same modules and the auditor, and discuss and find an optimal solution.And let the auidor sign the decision paper!!! Very important, I recently had to convice German auditors because they had different opinion than the Australian and US auditors of the same auditing company (and the issue had nothing to do with local legal requirements).

  • What is the optimum core configuration for a new Mac Pro to process and manipulate very large (80 megapixel) images using PhotoShop and Camera Raw?

    I will be using creative techniques to process and manipulate a large number (hundreds) of very large (80 megapixel) images captured using a medium format digital back (Phase One IQ180).
    Final output will be digital fine art imagery printed using an Epson 11880 at large sizes (up to 60 inches x ?), retaining the highest possible quality and resolution. I will be using Adobe CC PhotoShop and Camera RAW as well as Capture One software. PhotoShop filters will be used extensively.
    The Mac Pro needs to be optimized for the above purpose and be useful for at least five years. I plan to max out all the other options (RAM, graphics cards, storage). Performance is more important than cost.
    The few discussions I have found that mention optimum core configurations seem to lean toward 6 or 8 (but likely are not taking into consideration my need for manipulating a large number of very large files), so I am looking to this foum for opinions.
    Thank you,

    See if this helps

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    Hi All, Here is the situation where the wrongly posted document is to be reversed. The posting are made to an expence acct-and this is defined as cost element. But when the original transaction is posted there was no cost center input in the document

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